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Timetable For Welcome Week

The following is a typical Welcome Week schedule:

Day 1 am

Introduction to: Student support services, student union and library services. Tour of campus and facilities. pm

Meet the course team. Ice breaker and social integration. Class Publishing (Books) and introduction to the course.

Day 2 am A day in the life – what to expect, getting the most from Breo and Q&A with existing students. College of Paramedics presentation. pm

First personal academic tutor (PAT) meeting, uniform ordering & meet some of the practice education team.

Day 3 & 4

Occupational health and ID and document check appointments. Student Union events.

Essential Links

For more information on joining your course, visit Begin BSc Paramedic Science @Beds where you will find updated info, tips and dates of your course induction week etc.

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