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Updates from the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (SISJAC).

During The Difference Campaign, the University of East Anglia’s international identity has shone brightly at SISJAC. The Institute, which we introduced readers to in 2021’s issue of Pioneer, has continued its important work despite the challenges for international travel presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Each spring, nature-lovers across Japan flock to hanami parties. Enjoying drinks and snacks beneath blossoming cherry trees is one of the country’s most iconic traditions. So, in early 2022, SISJAC was delighted to receive a consignment of Japanese cherry trees, donated by organisations including the Embassy of Japan and the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


The trees will be a powerful symbol of international connections. They will be planted in locations on the UEA campus and across Norwich, including outside SISJAC’s home in Cathedral Close and in public parks.

SISJAC also enjoyed a visit from the Japanese Ambassador to the UK, Hayashi Hajime, in early 2022. Ambassador Hayashi attended a workshop for 90 postgraduate students of Japanese studies from across the UK. The event was organised by the British Association for Japanese Studies and the Japan Foundation, as well as the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation.

Thank you to everyone who has supported SISJAC during The Difference Campaign.

Thank You To Our Board

In many ways, UEA is like a machine. It is a complex system of moving parts, all expertly engineered and perfectly suited to their task. But how do the various parts know how to work effectively, without strategic direction from the top?

That has been the role of The Difference Campaign Advisory Board, formed to lead the University’s fundraising with skill and dexterity. Our board set the challenge of raising £100 million, and they have been instrumental in making it a success.

It is our great pleasure to use this opportunity to offer board members past and present our deepest thanks for their time and expertise over the years, which they have given freely and generously. We hope you will join us in offering them all a resounding ‘thank you’.

Dominic Christian and David Tibble Co-Chairs, The Difference Campaign Advisory Board


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