1 minute read


What are you studying in your PhD?

I am part of the team behind UEA’s prostate cancer research. We’re developing exciting new tests for the disease, led by pioneering discoveries and cutting-edge mathematics.


We’ve now moved on to the next phase of development for our PUR urine test, which could revolutionise prostate cancer diagnosis. Our work could affect thousands and won’t cost the earth.

It has been an amazing experience. It’s so rewarding to see that our research has a real-world impact for patients.

What has the scholarship meant to you?

Everything in research is so much harder when you’re short of funding, and it’s often very tough to get. It has been such a relief to just focus on my work without constantly worrying about money.

What have been your highlights?

Starting my PhD, I never would have expected to end up on the evening news or see my photo in the paper.


I’ve presented my work abroad, winning a few prizes in the process. I have published some exciting research and been lucky enough to be invited to several events as a speaker to talk to the wider public about our work.

Who funded your scholarship?

More than 500 people! I’ve had the chance to meet and chat with some of my donors, which is really nice. UEA looks after its donors, and I have lots of opportunities to say thank you. It’s humbling to know that all of these people wanted to give money and make a difference.

Do you have a message for potential supporters?

I think scholarships provide great bang for your buck. We can make quite a lot of impact from a single donation. Most of my PhD research doesn’t cost a huge amount, I’m just writing code on a computer. But what the funding has also made possible is for me to attend conferences to present my work. It’s helping to make the research stronger and allows me to develop research skills beyond the lab.

What’s next for you?

Hopefully I’ll move to industry. I want to make a real difference with the experience I’ve gained here. I’m hoping to work for a company running lots of trials, and with access to thousands of patients.

I’d like to use data to do good in the world, improve people’s medical care or even make a major discovery!

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