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Student Forum

As a research student representative, you will be a representative for postgraduate research students in your subject area. You will have a key role to play in encouraging fellow students to contribute their views in all aspects of the student experience.

‘Whilst I was in my second year of my PhD I was given the opportunity to become a research student representative. I chose to become a rep as I wanted to improve both mine and my fellow students learning experience. The committee meets every quarter, giving the forum for both students and the university to raise issues and highlight social events. My role as a rep is simply to pass information between the university and the students to ensure that both are equally informed. I have enjoyed my time as a research rep and would strongly urge all students to get involved.’


Nathan Counsel, former student rep for Doctoral College and member of the Research Degrees Board

‘Being a research student representative has given me many opportunities to develop my skills and enhance my abilities in many ways alongside my research studies. As an international student, this role allows me to practice English language skills with many international as well as native speakers. Also, my communication and management skills have improved while liaising with both tutors and students. Furthermore, attending professional academic meetings and conferences has enriched both my knowledge and my academic experience which will enhance my future opportunities.’

Alaa Al-Sarraf, former student rep for the Doctoral College

If you are interested in becoming a student rep then please contact the Associate Dean (Research) for your school.

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