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Alumni reunion 2020

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The Alumni Relations and Development Team are extremely excited to announce the Alumni Reunion 2020. Our first reunion for many years, this exclusive event will provide you with the perfect opportunity to reconnect with University of Suffolk and reminisce about the old days.

Our Alumni Community includes all graduates from University of Suffolk, University Campus Suffolk and those who received higher education awards from Suffolk College. We also include our Honorary Graduates whom many of you may remember receiving their awards during your graduation ceremonies.

A reunion is a unique event and whether you attend for a networking opportunity or simply a chance to catch up with old classmates, there will be something there for everyone. We will provide a photographer who will be happy to take photos with old friends and lecturers and tours of old and new facilities will also be available. If you would like to catch up with one of your lecturers contact us and we will do our best to reconnect you. Come and help us celebrate our graduate community.

The evening will include: „ Drinks and canapés „ Entertainment „ Opportunities to see the new facilities „ Photographs and memorabilia „ And much more

Information will be available on: „ Post graduate study „ Careers and employability „ Business engagement „ Mentoring „ Library access „ Opportunities to share your skills and expertise

This event is informal therefore please feel free to wear what you wish. Remember to keep an eye out on our social media platforms for updates on who’s attending and what’s on offer.

Book your place here

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Alumni Reunion


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