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Academic takes part in an international culture research project


Academic takes part in an international culture research project


Video artwork created by an Associate Professor at the University of Suffolk has become part of an international culture research project.

Hydor, a video art installation by Dr Liana Psarologaki, is part of the Listen From The Well exhibition in Izmir, Turkey, which is focusing on the heritage of water.

The exhibition is part of the Barbaros Water Culture Heritage Project supported by Space of Culture. You can watch Hydor on Vimeo:

Liana’s portfolio is available at Aylos Topos

Dr Psarologaki was selected to exhibit through an international open call for artists working with water and said, “I am very happy that my most travelled video installation is now part of an interdisciplinary culture research project that focuses on the heritage of water. “The original video was made in Margate in 2013 and has since travelled to become site‑specific in exhibitions in the UK, Greece and Belgium.

“In 2018 it was presented in Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi during the Venice Biennale, and now Izmir – an epicentre of culture and the arts.”

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