LOCATION Student Central, Ground Floor, Building 17, University of Wollongong OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm POSTAL ADDRESS: International Student Exchange Program University of Wollongong, Student Central, Ground Floor, Building 17, Wollongong, NSW 2522 PHONE: FAX: EMAIL: WEBSITE:
02 4221 5404; 02 4221 5400 02 4221 3499 studyabroad@uow.edu.au www.uow.edu.au/student/exchange
The University of Wollongong attempts to ensure that the information contained in this publication is correct at the time of production (December 2008), however sections may be amended without notice by the University in response to changing circumstances or for any other reason. CRICOS: 00102E
s you the t Exchange Program give The International Studen s of your sion ses two or rseas for one opportunity to study ove in the life and culture d erse imm ome bec UOW degree. You will riate program of le completing an approp of another country whi universities. 100+ overseas partner study at one of UOW’s uld not add ‘going on exchange’ sho With careful planning, recieve credit can you as your studies, any additional time to rseas. This subjects completed ove towards your degree for travel without and y stud e bin able to com means that you will be r dreamed eve e from UOW. If you hav delaying your graduation the you r offe can ge han ent exc of seeing the world, stud e! tim life a of educational adventure IA APPLICATION CRITER st: mu You versity of ree program at the Uni > Be enrolled in a deg Wollongong W (65%) or higher at UO > Have a “credit” average of study r yea e -tim full one ent of > Completed the equival on exchange art dep W by the time you (48 credit points) at UO
lps you s. It also he experience w of ne e ac e concerns time to embr dressing th is a perfect d through ad an s e ie ur ud at “Exchange st m your more s e to become analytical in weaknesse It forced m to be more ngths and your own. re st an y th m r t he abou t lo a n cultures ot ar me le t and made independen .” al du vi as an indi
d learn w culture an sed in a ne er m ies im or y el em m complet My fondest wanted to be in English. came ey ng th yi s “I decided I ud ie st tr still e coun uage, while ng about th a new lang the friends nds, learni much from ee with frie ff so co d ne ng ar yi le I s. ere is ge are enjo Th ua . le lang and its peop culture and with Europe rnational from, their te ve in lo d in an n , world have falle ence in this I made, and and experi see and do to h uc m so to me.” vealed this exchange re
0 1 reasons to consider student exchange
ation’ by living 1. Gain a truly ‘international educ hs mont 6–12 for eas overs ing and study igious universities 2. Study at some of the most prest the world for teaching and research around e by taking 3. Broaden the scope of your degre available at UOW be lly usua not may that cts subje l’ not just as 4. Experience life overseas as a ‘loca a tourist! ut extending or 5. Combine study and travel witho e! degre your ing delay yle of an overseas 6. Enjoy the unique student lifest university of both your own 7. Develop a greater understanding res cultu and other ng friendships 8. Meet new people and form lifelo around the world endence 9. Gain self-confidence and indep ects by prosp nt oyme empl your nce 10. Enha ational edge graduating from UOW with an intern
UOW EXCHANGE DESTINATIONS ASIA: Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand EUROPE: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom CENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICA: Mexico NORTH AMERICA: Canada and the United States of America A list of UOW’s partner universities in each country is available from the Study Abroad & Exchange Office or online via the exchange website at www.uow.edu.au/student/exchange
overseas Can I afford it? tuition to UOW, not the y you continue to pay any and Yes! While you are awa s accommodation r airfare, visas, oversea 000 $1, m uni! You will pay for you imu min a ive rece . All eligible students applicable host uni fees ong with some the University of Wollong from nt Gra el Trav ge 000. Student Exchan $5, of e valu the el Grants offered up to additional Targeted Trav loans allowing eligible ment offers OS-HELP study > The Australian Govern per session of overseas 000 $5, to s to borrow up other and tion undergraduate student oda omm acc s) to use towards airfare, ed (maximum of two session aid with your accumulat HELP loans are then rep OSes. ens exp y travel/stud W. UO from ion HECS) after your graduat to HELP debt (including ce, you may continue Austudy or Youth Allowan ive rece tly ren for ink > If you cur trel Cen tact Con ge. while you are on exchan receive these benefits
in funding further details. on exchange to assist to work part-time while . > You may also be able ons visa regulati ing on the host country of your exchange depend ge website. please see the exchan d travel grants on offer For a listing of targette
not might be too long, why hange for 6–12 months If you think going on exc rt term program? consider going on a sho another universities, or if you find sen from UOW partner cho be now getting can ut s abo Program your academic advisor resting you can talk to won’t it so aks bre program that looks inte sion ses UOW grams usually run in the approval. Short term pro ester studies. interrupt your UOW sem . t us in Student Central see our website or visi For more information,
ent/e www.uow.edu.au/stud
“I can’t study overseas—I don’t speak another language.”
“I won’t be able to graduate on time if I go on exchange.”
Although the Exchange Program does provide opportunities for students to learn a new language or improve their existing language skills, you can study in English at many of UOW’s partner universities around the world. There are programs taught in English in both English-speaking and non-English speaking countries, including: Canada, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the UK and USA.
With careful planning, studying overseas should not delay your graduation from UOW. Part of the exchange application process involves meeting with academic advisers to ensure that you will receive credit towards your UOW degree for subjects completed overseas. Almost all fields can be studied while on exchange and students can complete courses to fulfill both major requirements and electives.
“I can’t afford to go on exchange.”
“Studying overseas sounds like a luxury that isn’t going to help me find a job after graduation.”
Going on exchange is affordable! You will continue to pay tuition to UOW (upfront or deferred via HECS) rather than to your host university. Eligible undergraduate students may also borrow up to $5,000 per session of overseas study (max two sessions) through the Australian Government’s OS-HELP loan scheme. All students receive a $1,000 travel grant from The University of Wollongong and we also offer targeted travel grants of up to $5,000 to eligible students.
International study and experience is highly valued by employers, as it demonstrates your ability to take initiative, work independently and function in a cross-cultural environment. While you are on exchange, you will also have the opportunity to establish professional and career opportunities by networking with people from around the world. A successful exchange gives your resumé an added dimension and will give you a competitive edge in the employment market.
“The opportunit y to study in Ja pan has been on my university car e of the highligh eer. A scholarsh ts of ip and an OS He (otherwise impo lp loan gave me ssible) chance to the com bine two of my gr learning and tra eatest passions: velling! I am gla d I chose to travel destination like to a challenging Japan. I gained a vastly differen and met some of t cultural experie the kindest, most nce generous people the year I travel I have known. Ov led to Japan’s 5 er ma in islands with som saw some fantas e new friends an tic sights! I would d STRONGLY urge ON EXCHANGE every student to , rarely will you GO fin d the chance to ex country in such perience a foreig a profound and n unique way.”
“If there is anyo ne wondering wh ether or not to go my advice is go on exchange, the for it! The uni wi n ll help you out fin a targeted travel ancially, even wi grant, and the ex tho ut pe riences you will absolutely price have overseas are less. It has also allowed me to sh I am motivated an ow future emplo d adaptable. This yers that photo is of me in Rocky Mountain’ front of my ‘favo in Alberta, Cana urite da. I will never for one of the best ch get my exchange oices I’ve ever ma , it is de!’
Aarhus exchange to d to come on de I am sure ci de ho I sw ely glad derful friend am extrem amazing et some won to m “Overall, I en ve be ha , I k. ings in Denmar amazing th y an arnt so le m ve so University I ha ve seen e of my life. for life. I ha anyone d ving the tim en I will have ha m m en co be I re ve basically ay through! and do lfw d ha ea en cities and ha ah go not ev exchange to y, and I am g to go on in much alread kl in t es s the slight rience.” who even ha etime expe once in a lif a is y ul tr it – it
the giving me perience by my UOW ex people and w to d ne t de ea ad eet gr exchange were ronment, m “Going on y exchange fferent envi lights of m udy in a di gh st hi to e ce th ov an of ith er ch aces. One ium filled w awesome pl into the stad ng person ki visit some in al ” W ed . R es the “Sea of football gam ge the college e, and seeing My exchan g. tim in st az fir e am as le for th mosphere w at e 80,000 peop th ” d e. an , y lif onths of m lievable site the best 6 m was an unbe itely one of fin de as w r semeste
esday and held every Tu ion Session at rm me and fo Co In l. ntra Attend an Student Ce 12.30pm in ge. Visit us at an ay ch sd ex ur ur Th ng for yo u.au start planni oad@uow.ed learn how to ail studyabr em or l ra nt Ce t en ud St in rmation. for more info ES N DEADLIN APPLICATIO e exchange posted on th adlines are de n e Study io th at ic Appl layed inside are also disp ent Central. ud St in d website and te loca ange Office ch Ex & ad Abro bruary in January/Fe commencing ge e end of an os cl ch ex ns r io > Fo icat ssion): Appl Se n m tu (UOW’s Au gust r July/mid Au st/Septembe cing in Augu ge commen between e an os ch cl ex r ns io Fo > Applicat g Session): (UOW’s Sprin ch ar M d December an