Natural stone collection rivens & cladding

Page 1

Page 62-Itala Sandstone

3D Chunks Dry Packing Hand Chipped Mosaics Itala Waves Smooth Mosaic Star Cladding Strip Walling

Page 63-Interlocking Rivens - Marble Forrest Moonlight Marble Hazelnut Rosso Antico Thassos White Travertino Classico

Page 66-Interlocking Rivens - Quar tzite

Interlocking Rivens - Uniformed Loose Chisel Rivens Loose Flat & Raised Rivens Random Cladding Silhouette Cladding

Page 72-Limestone Rock Face Cladding Charcoal (Limestone)

Page 72-Sandstone Rock Face Cladding Country Cameo (Sandstone) Golden (Sandstone) Terra Sabbia (Sandstone) Whisper Grey (Sandstone)

Page 72-Quartzite Rock Face Cladding Mountain Mist

Glitterstone Ice White Lava Black Mountain Mist

Page 73-Sandstone Futuris Cladding

Page 66-Interlocking Rivens - Limestone

Botticino Rustic Travertino Classico Rustic Travertino Noce Rustic Travertino Ocra Rustic


Page 66-Interlocking Rivens - Sandstone Desert Sand Egyptian Rainbow Ochre Rosa Sabbia

Page 67-Interlocking Rivens - Slate Asian Autumn Jade Green Terra Sabbia

Page 68-Modular Rivens

Corinthian Gold Egyptian Rainbow

Page 73-Marble Rustic Wall Cladding

Page 74-Cladding

Sandstone Modular Cladding Corinthina Gold Golden Gate Chisel Edge Charcoal Ice White Lava Black Namib Gold

Bardiglio (Marble) Crema Marfil (Marble) Forrest Moonlight (Marble) Verde Esmeraldo (Marble) Onyx Miele Onyx Rosina Travertine Fiorito

Page 75-Loose Rivens

Page 69-Ledge Stone

Page 76-Loose Rivens

Limestone Charcoal Marble Thassos White Quartzite Mountain Mist Travertino Classico


Page 70-Stonelo Sandstone

Andesite Black Star Light Copper Quartzite Coral Rivens Coral Tapered Wedge Egyptian Rainbow Mist Grey Lavastone Pelaros

Sandstone Golden Silver River Quartzite Spiced Gold Slate Thassos White

Page 77-Cladding

Honed Cladding Gold Whisper Grey Coral Quaystone Brushed Coral Split Coral Quartzite Random Cladding Monarch Grey Monarch Ivory Monarch Copper

Page 78-Cladding & Strip Walling

Quartzite Random Cladding Autumn Sunrise Blue Valley Lava Black Namib Gold Picture Stone Strip Walling Gloria (Quartzite) Black (Slate) Rich Autumn (Slate) Riven Cladding Wood Cladding Petrified Wood

Page 80-Cladding Riverbed Pebble Stacked Black Golden Green Mixed Earthy Pink White

Page 82-Country Rock

Quartzite Mountain Mist Sandstone Charcoal Slate Sahara Sunset

Page 82-Landscaping Items Sandstone Balls Sandstone Benches

Chunks Random sizes Dry Packing Random sizes

Hand Chipped Mosaics 300x300 mm Pre-assembled sheets Itala Waves 95x95 mm S th Mosaic Smooth M i 300x300 mm Pre-assembled

Star Strip Walling Random sizes

â—? Due to the characteristics of Natural Stone, colour variation, veining and tonality variations, the images depicted herein are an indication guideline only. Please request samples before ordering.

3D 95x95 mm


â—? Due to the characteristics of Natural Stone, colour variation, veining and tonality variations, the images depicted herein are an indication guideline only. Please request samples before ordering.


Marble Forrest Moonlight 150x600 mm

Marbble Hazelnut Marble 150x600 mm

Marble Thassos White 150x600 mm

Marble Marblle Traver tino Classico 150x600 150x6600 mm

Marble Rosso Antico 150x600 mm

easy or fast e. f d e l b -assem d tile adhesiv n are pre d Rivens roprietary bra th external an o p b g r in Ideal fo tion us instal a ing required. t No grou applications. lour l t for co S.Q.T. n e interna m t a e : face tr enance ded sur ase of maint n e m m o e nd Rec esser. ement a enhanc nd S.Q.T. Dr a Sealer

Quar Q tzite t it Ice I Whit White 150x600 mm

Quar tzite Lava Black 150x600 mm

Quar tzite Mountain Mist 150x600 mm

Limestone Charcoal 150x600 mm

Sandstone Deser t Sand 150x600 mm

â—? Due to the characteristics of Natural Stone, colour variation, veining and tonality variations, the images depicted herein are an indication guideline only. Please request samples before ordering.

Quar tzite Glitterstone 150x600 mm



Sandstsone Egyptian Rainbow 150x600 mm

Sandstone Ochre 150x600 mm

Sandstone Rosa Sabbia 150x600 mm

Slate Asian Autumn 150x600 mm

Slate Jade Green 150x600 mm

Slate Terra Sabbia 150x600 mm

Marble Crema Marfil 150x600 mm Marble Forrest Moonlight 150x600 mm

Marble Verde Esmeraldo 150x600 mm Onyx Miele 150x600 mm Onyx Rosina 150x600 mm

Traver tine Fiorito 150x600 mm

â—? Due to the characteristics of Natural Stone, colour variation, veining and tonality variations, the images depicted herein are an indication guideline only. Please request samples before ordering.

Marble Bardiglio 150x600 mm


Limestone Charcoal 150x600 mm

Traver tino Classico 150x600 mm


Marble Thassos White 150x600 mm

Quar tzite Mountain Mist 150x600 mm

t easy for fas ive. d e l b m -asse d tile adhes n are pre d Rivens roprietary bra th external an o p b g r in o Ideal f tion us instal a ing required. t u No gro applications. olour l nt for c : S.Q.T. e interna m t a e r e rface t tenanc nded su ease of main e m m o c nd Re esser. ement a enhanc nd S.Q.T. Dr a Sealer

Loose Chisel Rivens 300x40 mm

Random Cladding Random Sizes

Silhouette Cladding 300x60 mm

Loose Flat & Raised Rivens Random Sizes

l externa lit al and essed and sp n r e t in r r o d f t l y r to nd ile Idea lied fac oprietary bra p p u S ith pr tions. . applica r intal ation w recommended o t f o ready . Grouting n t and e ncemen .Q.T. a h n e adhesiv r S or colou e r a nd tment f S.Q.T. Seal a e r t e Surfac maintenance: ease of . r Dresse

â—? Due to the characteristics of Natural Stone, colour variation, veining and tonality variations, the images depicted herein are an indication guideline only. Please request samples before ordering.

Interlocking Rivens - Uniformed 160x300mm

70 70

Charcoal (Limestone) 300x600x30mm

Country CCameo ameo (Sandstone) 200x400x30 mm & 200x200x30mm

G ld n (S nd t n ) Golden (Sandstone) 200x400x30mm

Terra Sabbia (Sandstone) 300x600x30mm

g, Claddin is r u t u F ce and ns. ock Fa nal applicatio for R h t o r y B e t x e e r lit ad nd ernal a essed and sp tile adhesive. t in r o f ideal ry dr tary brand d facto ie Supplie n with propr nt and tio a l anceme S.Q.T. a t h s n e in r u o d l aler an t for co eatmen e: S.Q.T. Se r t e c a Surf maintenanc ease of . r Dresse

Whisper Grey (Sandstone) Rock Face or Sawn Finish 200x400x20-50mm

Mountain MMist ist (Quar tzite) 300x600x30mm & 300x300x30mm

â—? Due to the characteristics of Natural Stone, colour variation, veining and tonality variations, the images depicted herein are an indication guideline only. Please request samples before ordering.


Corinthian Gold Sandstone 200x200x18 mm

Egyptian Rainbow Sandstone 200x100x18 mm

Botticino Rustic 300x100 mm

Traver tino Ocra Rustic 320x100 mm


Trave Traverer tino Classico Rustic 20x100 mm

Traver tino Noce Rustic 320x100 mm

Sandstone Modular Cladding

Chisel Edge

Corinthiann Gold

Golden Gate


Ice White

Black Lava Blac ck

Namib Gold

â—? Due to the characteristics of Natural Stone, colour variation, veining and tonality variations, the images depicted herein are an indication guideline only. Please request samples before ordering.



Andesite 400x40x12-40 mm

Black Star Light 400x30x30-40 mm

Copper Quar tzite 400x40x12-18 mm

Coral Rivens 400x40x12-15 mm

Coral Tapered Wedge 300x50x15-40 mm

Egyptian Rainbow 500x500x50 mm

Mist Greyy 300x50x20-60 mm

Pelaros 300x50x20-60 mm mm

Sandstone Golden 400x40x12-40 mm

Silver Riverr Quar tzite 400x40x12-18 mm

Spiced Gold Slate 400x40x12-18 mm

Thassos White 600x60x20 mm

â—? Due to the characteristics of Natural Stone, colour variation, veining and tonality variations, the images depicted herein are an indication guideline only. Please request samples before ordering.

Lava Stone 400x40x15 mm


Honed Cladding Golden Honed Sandstone 200x400x15 mm

Whisper Grey Honed Sandstone 200x400x15 mm

Coral Quaystone Brushed Coral Quaystone 600x300x13 mm

Split Coral Quaystone 300x100 / 200x100 x 25 mm

Quar tzite Random Cladding Quar tzite Monarch Grey

Quar tzite Monarch Copper


Quar tzite Monarch Ivory

Quar tzite Autumn Sunrise

Quar tzite Blue Valley

Quar tzite Namib Gold

SSandstone andstone Picture Stone

Quar tzite Gloria Strip Walling

Slate Black Stripp Wallingg

Slate Rich Autumn Stripp Wallingg

RiRiven iven Cladding Wood

Cladding Petrified Wood

Quar tzite Lava Black

Wood Riven & Cladding

â—? Due to the characteristics of Natural Stone, colour variation, veining and tonality variations, the images depicted herein are an indication guideline only. Please request samples before ordering.


Riverbed Stacked Golden Riverbed Stacked Green

Riverbed Stacked Mixed Ear thy Riverbed Stacked Pink Riverbed Stacked White

â—? Due to the characteristics of Natural Stone, colour variation, veining and tonality variations, the images depicted herein are an indication guideline only. Please request samples before ordering.

Riv b d St k d Bl Riverbed Stacked Blackk

80 80

Mountain Mist (Quar tzite) 500x500 mm

Charcoal (Sandstone) Ch 500x500 mm 50

Sahara Sunset (Slate) 500x500 mm

locking on inter n. d e l b m e io s Pre-as se of instal at ernal and a e in int or d heets, f rs and wa ls, ered wal s an s g in k c o t a s o l b a f l s e p h on dh ive to mes for use ns. Applied y brand tile a e l b a t i ar Su atio l applic propriet externa floors using colour d screede ured grouts. treatment for e: S.Q.T. c o and col ended surface of maintenan e m s m a o e c e d n R esser ement a enhanc nd S.Q.T. Dr a Sealer

Sandstone Balls Available in sizes: 200 / 300 / 400 and 600 mm diameter

Bench Sandstone BBe Available in ssisizes: 1200 x 500 x 400 mm

Sandstone Bench Available in sizes: 1200 x 500 x 400 mm Sandstone Ben nch Bench Available in size es: sizes: 1200 x 500 x 440 400 mm

â—? Due to the characteristics of Natural Stone, colour variation, veining and tonality variations, the images depicted herein are an indication guideline only. Please request samples before ordering.


Union Tiles (Pty) Ltd 19 North Reef Road, Bedfordview East, Germiston, 2008 Private Bag X3038, Bedfordview, 2008 SOUTH AFRICA

TEL: ++27 11 663 2000 FAX: ++27 11 455 5395 E-mail: Web: or

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