1 minute read
An Investigation Into Microfinance in Developing Countries (O)
Presenter: Danielle Popson
Faculty Project Advisor: Colene Trent
Opportunity-based entrepreneurism has shown to be a significant contributor to economic development. In developing countries without access or qualification for more traditional capital sourcing, accessible credit options like microfinance or saving group programs have seen success. Which cultural measures influence entrepreneurial activity and outcomes of these microfinance networks? This paper will look at relationships between cultural factors and corresponding impacts on economic indicators of entrepreneurial outcomes. Cultural measures like individual attitudes, social cohesiveness, religious beliefs, collectivism, political environments, and economic factors such as natural resource endowment, education levels, economic openness, and freedom indexes will be considered in the analysis. Results can be used to determine factors that serve as facilitating or constraining forces on entrepreneurship and suggest policy responses to different economic environments. n
Developing Green High School Laboratory Experiments for Gas Laws and Intermolecular Forces to Fulfill Science Standards (P)
Presenter: Laralin Dixon
Faculty Project Advisor: Sally Henrie Science standards set high school curriculum requirements to promote the comprehension and organization of core scientific concepts. Green chemistry is an effective way of educating students on these concepts with a minimal effect on the environment as well as a lower risk to the students. After connecting the Tennessee Science Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards with the laboratory experiments already included in The Green Chemistry Laboratory Manual for High School, it was found that experiments for intermolecular forces and gas laws also needed to be included in the manual to satisfy the standards. This research focused on developing these two experiments while using green methods and materials.
Development of a Synthetic Method of the Oxidation of [Cr(TMP)C6O6H2Cr(TMP)]2 (P)
Presenter: Hattie Hume
Faculty Project Advisor: Randy Johnston
The oxidation of alcohols is a procedure that has been used in many different fields of chemistry for many uses, including both manufacturing processes and laboratory-