Microsoft Word Invoice Designs

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Attorney Invoice Template

In reference to: Lorrain Jones v. Third Suburban Builders Co. Claim No. 123456-3456 Billing for The Fourth Quarter 2020 Reference Item Description Date QTY. Price Amount DHW Study new file materials received from Mr. John Smith. 01/01/2020 1 $0.00 $0.00 DHW Prepare appearance (.1); Prepare answer to complaint 01/01/2020 1 $0.00 $0.00 DHW Prepare correspondence to Mr. John Smith regarding initial analysis and review of file 01/01/2020 1 $0.00 $0.00 DHW Prepare interrogatories directed to plaintiff (.7); Prepare production request directed to plaintiff 01/01/2020 1 $0.00 $0.00 DHW Court appearance before Judge Flanagan for initial case management conference. 01/01/2020 1 $0.00 $0.00 DHW Study plaintiff’s answers to our interrogatories (.3); Study plaintiff’s responses to our production request 01/01/2020 1 $0.00 $0.00 Terms : Subtotal $0.00
of days the services are being provided: 2. Total cost incurred: 3. Tax in percentage: ______________________________________ 4. Any due from the last billing invoice: ______________ (mention the amount outstanding from the previous billing invoice)
Invoice No: 123456 Date: 01/01/2020 Account No: 123456 Company Name: Company Address: City, State, Country: Phone No: 123456 Email Address: Fax No: 123456 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

Lorem ipsum dolor:sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo.

Building Name

Location: Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet. 555-555-4321x

Invoice Date: ____________________________ Invoice #: Invoice To: Robert Steven 54 dummy street area, Location: Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet. 555-555-4321x PAYMENT INFORMATION: Account No: Bank Account: ________________________________ Name: SL. DESCRIPTION PRICE QTY TOTAL 1 Write here $ 1 $ 00.00 SUB TOTAL $ 00.00 TAX $ 00.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 00.00 Authorized Signature
you for your business.
INVOICE Commercial Invoice Template
Follow us on @abcofficial! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
Consulting Services Company Name : Street Address (Write Street address here) City, ST, ZIP Code (Write City, St, ZIP code here) Phone No (Write Phone No here) Web Address (Write Web address here) Issue Date (Write issue date here) Invoice # (Write Invoice No here) Description Quantity Unit Price Line Total Consulting service 1 1 $00 $00 Consulting service 2 1 $00 $00 Consulting service 3 1 $00 $00 Consulting service 4 1 $00 $00 Consulting service 5 1 $00 $00 Consulting service 6 1 $00 $00 Consulting service 7 1 $00 $00 Consulting service 8 1 $00 $00 Consulting service 9 1 $00 $00 Consulting service 10 1 $00 $00 Notes : Subtotal $00 (Preferred Payment Mode) PST 8.000% $00 • Cash GST 6.000% $00 • Cheque • NEFT Total $00 • Money Order Paid $00 • Through Master or VISA cards Total Due $00 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
Consultant Invoice

Terms and Conditions:

 All totals are final and non-negotiable.

 payment must be made by the specified due date with no exceptions.

 Electronic payments can be made via PayPal to the email address above.

 Mailed checks will be considered late if the postmark date is after the due date above.

Invoice To Invoice From Invoice Date: Name: Name: Issue Date: Address: Address: Due Date: Tell:234-098-678 Tell:234-098-678 Account No: Email Address: Email Address:
No Description Date Hour/Rate Amount 1 Telephone conference with defense attorney regarding scheduling of Ms. Client's deposition 01/01/2020 $0.00 $0.00 2 Meeting with Ms. Client to review file and prepare for her deposition 01/01/2020 $0.00 $0.00 3 Attend the deposition of Ms. Client 01/01/2020 $0.00 $0.00 4 Review and summarize deposition of Ms. Client 01/01/2020 $0.00 $0.00 5 Prepare Motion for Summary Judgment, Memorandum in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment, and Affidavit of Ms. Client 01/01/2020 $0.00 $0.00 6 Court run to Civil District Court to file Motion for Summary Judgment obtain hearing date from division; walk through service to Sheriff 01/01/2020 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $0.00 Payment Information: Tax 5% Bank account number or PayPal account Totals $0.00 Should be added here Company Address: City, State, Country: Phone No: 987-098-78 Email Address: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD


Terms and Condition’s:

Maid Job PaymentTerms DueDate Service Entryway Description Amount Line Total Sweep floors $00 $00 Mop floors $00 $00 Wipe walls $00 $00 Clean door $00 $00 Organize shoes $00 $00 Service Living Room Dust furniture’s $00 $00 Vacuum sofa and chairs $00 $00 Clean windows $00 $00 Mop or vacuum floors $00 $00 Clean celling fans $00 $00 Service Kitchen Mop floor $00 $00 Clean dishwasher $00 $00 Clean microwave $00 $00 Wipe drawers and shelves $00 $00 Service Laundry Room Clean washing machine $00 $00 Clean dryer $00 $00 Organize laundry supplies $00 $00 BillTo Name HouseNo: StreetAddress: City,ST,ZIPcode: PhoneNo: HouseCleaningInvoice Invoice Date: InvoiceNo:

Painting Invoice

Liquid paint materials are priced as mixed in ready –to-spray amounts. Per ounce measurements for these liquid materials are not in fluid ounces. but in weighted ounces as measured on the paint manufactures computerized scale. Due to the high solids nature of automotive paint. the weighted per ounce measurement may be coincidently large than its fluid ounce measurement.

Invoice Issue Date:
To From Name: Name: Street Address: Street Address: City, ZIP Code, City, Town: City, ZIP Code, City, Town: Phone No: Phone No:
Note :
Product Description Unit Price Unit Description QTY Total Stickers Auto clear $00 Per Ounce $00 $00 Stickers Auto base Plus $00 Per Ounce $00 $00 Stickers Color build Sealer $00 Per Ounce $00 $00 Foam Aperture Tape $00 Per Foot $00 $00 Spray Gun $00 Per Ounce $00 $00 Color build Primer $00 Per Ounce $00 $00 Seam Sealer $00 Per Ounce $00 $00 Glaze Paper $00 Per Ounce $00 $00 Scotch Brite Clean & Strip XT Disc $00 Per Disc $00 $00 Soult & Clean Paste $00 Per Ounce $00 $00 Masking Paper $00 Per Ounce $00 $00 Sanding Disc $00 Per Ounce $00 $00 Automotive Refresh Masking Tape $00 Per Ounce $00 $00 Panel Bonding Adhesive $00 Per Ounce $00 $00 Tack Cloths $00 Per Ounce $00 $00 Rocker Schulz Coating $00 Per Ounce $00 $00 Sub Total $00 Tax Rate $00 Sales Tax $00 Others $00 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

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