UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc Weekly Newsletter 09 vol 22 tt 23 oct

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UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter

Volume 22, Edition 9, Friday 23 October





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MSHS Spirit Week 26 -30 Oct University Info Session, 13:20-14:00, Common Room

TUESDAY , 27 OCTOBER • • • •

University Info Session, 13:20-14:00, Common Room MS Boys’ Basketball @ SPAS, 15.30-17.30 MS Girls’ Basketball vs CISH @ UNIS, 16.00-17.30 MUN Security Council, 16.00-20.00, Centre for the Arts


Withdrawal Refund Deadline UMA Session 2 Registration, 28-29 Oct

PSAT Testing (Grades 10 & 11)


ES Learning Journeys (Specialist Classes only), 8.20-15.20 Grade 2 Field trip, 12.30-14.00 University Info Session, 13.20-14.00, Common Room MS Boys’ Basketball vs VAS @ UNIS, 16.00-17.30

FRIDAY, 30 OCTOBER • • • •

UNIS Hanoi Invitational Swim Meet, 30 Oct - 2 Nov ASA Session 2 Registration, 30 Oct - 1 Nov JV International Volleyball Invitational @ ISHCMC, 30 Oct - 1 Nov ES Student Led Learning Journey (Homeroom and Specialist Classes), 8.20-15.20

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UNIS Hanoi Invitational Swim Meet Grade 5 Slice of ICE Exhibition, 2-4 Nov HS Season 2 Begins SCO Executive Meeting, 9.00-12.00, Conference Room


Board of Directors Community Meeting, 18.30-20.30, Black Box


Quarter 1 Ends Finance Committee Meeting, 7.00-8.30

Grade 5 Slice of ICE Parent Performance, 8.3010.00, Theatre Foyer Head of School Meeting with the Korean Community, 10.00-12.00, Community Room ES Walk-a-thon, 12.30-14.00, Back Field

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MRISA Sr. Volleyball @ SSIS, 5-8 Nov Faculty/ Staff Professional Development - No Classes for Students, 5-6 Nov Quarter 2 Begins MS Boys’ and Girls’Basketball vs SPAS @ UNIS, 16.00-17.30


Local Staff Professional Development, 6-7 Nov


SAT Testing

School News


From the Head of School Also we have heard reports of police ticketing drivers in two places: 1. Coming out of the Ciputra/UNIS Hanoi gate to the expressway; 2. Making a left U-turn at the main intersection to return toward the bridge/AuCo.

Thank you to the approximately 25 people who attended our Evening Community Meeting with the Head of School. After a presentation by Emma Silva on our scholarship programme, we had a good conversation about a variety of topics which will be reported in a future Tin Tuc. We now have the latest news regarding the construction of the new archways at the Ciputra gate nearest the UNIS Hanoi entrance. Ciputra construction has now determined that they can keep the gate open during the construction period. There may be some regulations to that will slow the traffic down somewhat going through the gate during construction, there will not be any gate closure. So disregard the previous email message sent earlier this week.


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

Welcome to UNIS Hanoi Lenard (Lenny) ElHage, G08b

With the support of Ciputra, we are making inquiries with the police and strongly urging them to reconsider this practice. We will send out any further information as we learn more.

Pilar (Isabella) Cardona Barber, G10c


Lea Zoe (Zoe) El-Hage, G10e

Dr. Chip Barder headsoffice@unishanoi.org

Sofia (Sofi) Mendez Barillas, G10 f

Natalia (Nati) Mendez Barillas, G11b

From the Board of Directors Treasurer will provide a financial update and introduce the draft Budget for 2016-2017, the results of the five year Strategic Management Plan 20102015 as well as the strategy for the next five years will be presented and Advancement will be providing details on Scholarship Fundraising goals for this school year. The meeting will conclude with a question and answer session. To prepare for and effectively respond to your questions, please send me in advance any specific questions you would like us to address at boardofdirectors@unishanoi.org.

Hieu Nguyen Please join us at the next Board of Directors Community Meeting Every year UNIS Board of Directors present the budget for the coming year to the school community in November. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday November, 3rd at 7pm. The meeting will be held in the Black Box, Centre for the Arts. The complete agenda will be posted in next week’s Tin Tuc.

Board Chair bodchair@unishanoi.org

A reception will begin at 7:00pm at which you can meet with the Board members while enjoying some light refreshments. The formal meeting will start at 7:30pm with an introduction to the 20152016 Board by the Board Chair. The

• Photos by Tim Barnsley

School News


From the Middle and High School this trait drove my parents mad but when it is all said and done I am simply curious about many things. I also consider myself to be a fairly tech savvy individual who is up to date regarding social media but it is interesting to see how the need for connectedness has captured our society. For example, when the airplane lands immediately the passengers switch on devices even as the plane is taxiing to the gate. Healthy or unhealthy, I do not claim to know?

Dear MSHS Families, Greetings from the MSHS. I hope everyone had the chance to relax and enjoy a wonderful October Break and is now ready for the exciting academic challenges set for the coming weeks! It was interesting; now that another successful Trip Week has become part of UNIS Hanoi history I had the opportunity to reflect as I am always looking to improve to our programme. I had the great pleasure of attending the grade 12 trip. It was a wonderful adventure filled with good humor, challenging hikes, personal growth, community building and a host of activities that combine to make a memorable experience. But when I really dug down and reviewed the trip the most startling personal revelation was how our students have a visceral need to be connected to the world via their mobile devices 24/7. For those of you who do not know me very well one thing I do is ask a lot of questions. As a child I believe


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

Curiosity got the best on me on the grade 12 trip. Surrounded by a generation almost 40 years my junior I was amazed over their need to remain connected at all times. While I was thrilled to be hiking in the mountains free from the restrictions of the connected world our students did not seem to enjoy their new found freedom as much as I. This peaked my curiosity. To find out more I asked many questions. When I saw students engaging their phones (speaking or messaging) I decided to ask, “With whom are you communicating?” I assumed their answer would be friends, virtual or humanoid, but I was wrong. The most common response was somewhat surprising; more often then not it was parents. Please understand, I strongly support child-parent communication, but nonetheless I was intrigued by their answers. Upon my return to UNIS Hanoi when I saw students of any age engaging their phones I continued to ask, “With whom are you communicating?” Again, more often than not the answer was parents. As a child I believe I had a very healthy relationship with my parents. We communicated openly but in comparison not all that often. I

would leave home in the morning, go to school, attend an athletic event and arrive home for dinner without having spoken to my parents all day. Once reunited we enjoyed lively conversations regarding a host of topics. I lived in a world where my parents were an extremely important part of my life but due to limited technology our communication was solely face-to-face. For the most part when not at home I was independent. I now see students and parents communicating multiple times each day. How wonderful! I think? Parents now know where their children are located at all times. They can advise their children and generally provide a level of safety not possible only a few decades ago. But then I think, is that good? Safety…yes. Advice…yes. General communication…yes. Pick up some milk before you come home… yes. All good, but is there a possible downside? Is there a time when too much communication impedes decision-making, builds dependency rather than independence or shields our younger generation from valuable life lessons? Is it possible to have too much of a good thing?

Pete Kennedy MSHS Principal mshsprincipal@unishanoi.org

Students Spell Out Their Wishes for The World on Blackboard Walls UNIS Hanoi students of all ages were given a unique chance to leave their mark on the world in more ways than one last week, when they were invited to write out their desires for the planet. As part of the school’s UN Day celebrations, new blackboard walls were created as a visual reminder to all members of the school community about the world the students want to see and what needs to be done to make it happen. The brainchild of two elementary school teachers, Krista Ramsay and Andrea Heinz, the two large walls offered students a creative space to express themselves regarding global issues. Among the many comments left, there were calls for a world with no judgement, no animal extinction, no bullies and more gender equality. One

student also wanted to see more toys shared, as well as more food and drink for everybody. Commenting on the initiative, Ms Ramsay said, “I’m so happy the school has come on board with this idea. It has been a great way to bring the whole school together. It’s been really nice to see the older children coming during their breaks to write something, as well as seeing the younger children excited about adding their thoughts and ideas too.” In just five days, more than 1,000 students aged between 3 and 18 contributed to the thousands of statements featured on the Walls, which will remain in the school’s Art Centre for the foreseeable future.

• Photos by Tim Barnsley

School News


UN Day Activities Inspire Action from All With more than 16 thought-provoking activities specially designed to get students envisioning the world they want, UN Day 2015 proved to be the best yet! The activities, organized by teachers of UNIS Hanoi, simultaneously took place in the two hours before the annual UN Day ceremony, which fell on Friday 9 October this year. Every student, in every grade was engaged in learning that would help them understand the work of the United Nations, as well as the global challenges faced such as poverty, access to education and climate change. Through a series of homeroom sessions, students were further encouraged to think of ways everybody could do their part to ensure a better world for all. Touching upon the initiative during his annual delivery to the school community on UN Day, Head of Schools Dr Chip Barder said, “We are a community with no bystanders. We should all be agents of change and that change we desire must start with ourselves.” And these words were put into action in more ways than one right across the school. In Grade 2, as many as 80 students linked up with their UNIS counterparts in New York to fold a total of 1000 paper cranes to signify their desire for world peace. Unravel the cranes and you will find written wishes that include a wish for a world full of happiness, a wish for fewer trees to be cut down, and a wish for clean water in Hanoi. The cranes will be sent and presented to the UN delegation in New York from the two schools.


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

To help Grade 7 students think about what they wanted to see in their world, innovative ‘world in a jar’ pieces were created. While the Grade 8 classes heard first-hand about the UN’s newly launched Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how they aim to make the world a better place by 2030. In a short talk given by Mr Richard Colin Marshall, Vietnam’s UNDP expert on poverty reduction and social protection, student’s discovered the 17 SDGs are all based on five broad themes – people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. This year’s graduating class spent their morning getting inspirational career advice from the World Bank Country Director for Vietnam, Ms Victoria Kwakwa. In her presentation, she revealed the rewards in choosing a career that aims to make a difference to the lives of many, especially in the developing world. And still up for all to see at the Arts Centre, are the brand new Blackboard Walls. The brainchild of two elementary school teachers, Krista Ramsay and Andrea Heinz, the two large walls offered every UNIS Hanoi student a creative space to express their wants for the world and how they were planning to make it happen. Among the many comments left, there were calls for a world with no judgement, no animal extinction, no bullies and more gender equality. One student also wanted to see more toys shared, as well as more food and drink for everybody. To find out more about the activities, please ask your child what they got up to.

• Photos by Tim Barnsley

School News


UN Day Messages Counselling News UN Day photos download All photos of the UN Day Celebration in the Sports Centre are accessible through our school Flickr account. Please CLICK HERE to enjoy and download the beautiful photos of our students, parents, teachers and guests. The photos were taken by our offcial photographer Tim Barnsley and Mr. Thinh.

Take me home! We certainly hope you ENJOYED the UN Day Community Lunch and we would like to THANK YOU AGAIN for all your DELICIOUS food contributions! Now we have some lonely left-over plates, dishes and containers that are wanting to return home. Please stop by the Advancement Office (Building 7 Room 102 upstairs) to be reunited with your long lost dishes! We will keep your dishes in the Advancement Office until Friday, October 30, before they will be donated to a new home for charity.

Freedom from Chemical Dependency visit Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD) Education Programming will be coming to UNIS Hanoi’s MSHS throughout November 9-13 to speak with our students about Drug and Alcohol Prevention. MSHS advisory lessons are beginning to have conversations regarding the effects of drugs and alcohol, including caffeine and sugar. Please have conversations with your children about your expectations and how drugs/alcohol can impact the lives of everyone around. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The FCD, along with the UNIS Hanoi counseling department will be hosting a PARENT WORKSHOP on Thursday, November 12th from 7-8pm. Please come and learn more about addiction in youth and ways we can work together to educate our students to ensure they make positive choices in their lives.

PSAT testing (Grade 10 & 11) When: Wednesday, October 28 @ 8:30 - 12:45 Where: • Movement room - Grade 10 • B4 101 & 102 - Grade 11 The Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test (PSAT) is an assessment for grade 10 students at UNIS Hanoi. The PSAT assesses reading, mathematics and writing skills and provides excellent practice for the SAT. Taking the PSAT in Grade 10 gives our students an advantage of getting early feedback on their strengths and areas of concern and personalized study plan for the SAT. Grade 11 students who wish to retake the exam have to register with the HS Counselors prior to the test.

University visits this week Date & Time • Monday • October 26, 2015 • @ 13:20 – 14:00 • Tuesday • October 27, 2015 • @ 13:20 – 14:00


Monday 21 September University of Brighton

Common Room

University of College London

B5 G29

University of Nottingham State University of New York

Common Room B5 G29

Yale-NUS College Benedictine College

• Thursday • October 29, 2015 • @ 13:20 – 14:00

Common Room B5 G29

Ripon College Saint Joseph’s University Saint Leo University Western New England University


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

School Health Centre News term medical conditions such as asthma, heart disease and diabetes, as well as those who have a weakened immune system, are at serious risk of complications from the flu.

VACCINATION: THE FACTS • The flu vaccine is approved for use in people older than 6 months, including healthy people and people with chronic medical conditions.

This year’s flu vaccination is currently available at: SOS Clinic (0439340666) Family Medical Practice (0438430748)

Susan McComic Health Centre Coordinator nurse@unishanoi.org

• Yearly vaccination is important because the flu virus is constantly changing.

Flu season is approaching, protect yourself and others! THE IMPORTANCE OF GETTING A FLU VACCINATION • By getting the flu vaccine you can protect yourself from influenza and may also avoid spreading influenza to others. • The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can be mild to severe and can even lead to hospitalization and death.

• Flu vaccine protects against the 3 main viruses which research indicates will cause the most illnesses that season. • Flu vaccines CANNOT cause the flu. The viruses in flu shots are not live. The flu vaccine works by priming your body’s defenses in case you are exposed to an actual flu virus. • Flu vaccines are safe. Serious problems from the flu vaccine are very rare. The most common side effect that a person is likely to experience is soreness where the injection was given. This is generally mild and usually goes away after a day or two. • You should NOT get the flu shot if you have a severe allergy to egg or have ever had an allergic reaction to a previous flu shot.

• The main way that the disease spreads is by respiratory droplets in coughs, sneezes and nasal secretions. • Some people such as the elderly, pregnant women, young children and individuals with certain long

School News


Volunteers Elementary Youth Sport Needed!

If you like supporting your kids and enhance school spirit we need you! We are still looking for volunteers to help with the Booster Committee. We need help selling food at various events, brainstorming fundraising ideas, making posters for school events, planning the end of year sports banquets and other fun opportunities that our students will benefit from! If you are interested in helping and would like to learn more about how you can volunteer please email Cortney Aliesa or Renea Freeman at phoenixboosters@unishanoi.org

Cortney Al-Iesa & Renea Freeman Booster Committee phoenixboosters@unishanoi.org

T-Ball Festival: Thursday 8 October Nearly 100 grade 4 and 5 students from five international schools basked in the glorious sunshine in what was the Hanoi Activities Conference (HAC) first Elementary Youth Sport T-Ball Festival hosted by UNIS Hanoi. To widen the scope of sports available for grade 4 and 5 students, HAC has decided to include T-Ball, Volleyball and Tennis to its repertoire, increasing the offerings from three to six Seasons per academic year. The inclusion of these three new sports also broadens the nature of sports available - striking and fielding, net and racquet.

Adrian Hubbard Co-Curricular Activities Manager ccamanager@unishanoi.org


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

• Photos by Tim Barnsley

School News


After School Activities (ASAs) Session 2 Registration Updates • CHQ Log-in details (User Name and Password) • Registration instructions and link to a screencast • Additional support information

Registration Dates

will be included in the email. We are hoping this will ease the notorious ASA registration process.

Adrian Hubbard Co-Curricular Activities Manager ccamanager@unishanoi.org

Registrations dates for Session 2 have been adjusted to support the implementation of the new CHQ system. Therefore the registration dates will NOT take place as shown on the school’s printed calendar (30 October to 1 November). Session 2 ASA registrations will now take place at the following times and dates: The Co-Curricular Office is pleased to announce significant changes to our ASA registration process beginning with Session 2.

Opens: 09:00 on Monday, 2 November Closes: 13:00 on Monday, 9 November

Registration Process

Registration Assistance

Registration will no longer take place on INSIS (formally known as ISIS). We have recently purchased and implemented a new ‘Virtual Activities Environment (VAE)’ software system called CHQ. This new system is specifically designed for Co-Curricular programmes and will provide many new benefits to UNIS Hanoi starting a new ASA registration process. Pertinent information will be emailed to your primary school email address (Guardian one and two) before or on Thursday 29 October. Please ensure you read the email fully and follow the instructions given. The email will include:

The following two sessions will be organized at UNIS Hanoi for parents requiring additional support: Tuesday, 3 November • Session 1: 08:15 – 08:45 in room B10 104 (CfA, Black Box 2) • Session 2: 18:00 – 18:30 in room B10 106 (CfA, Black Box 3) The above sessions do occur after registration opens. ASA registrations will no longer be first come first serve. Therefore, it will not matter when you register for your child/ren’s ASAs as long as it is between the times and dates given above. More details on this

• Photos by Tim Barnsley


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

KOTO Dream Ride KOTO Dream Ride is an annual fundraising event to support at-risk and disadvantaqed youth through the KOTO non-profit vocational training program.


How to Join 2,000,000VND

Help KOTO raise $50,000 to transform the lives of at-risked and disadvantaged youth in Vietnam.

per person

200,000VND per bike rental

Dream Ride Program: On Sunday, November 15th, 2015 Starting at United Nations International School ride through 65km of beautiful countryside, pagodas and rice fields around Hanoi.

All proceeds support operation of KOTO Training Centres Special offers available for groups and families. 10% off all registration before Oct 27, 2015. For more information: Luong Kim Ngoc kimngoc.luong@koto.com.au +84 (0)912 779 078

Sponsored by

Register for the Dream Ride today: koto.com.au/dreamride2015

School News


Hanoi International Women’s Club (HIWC) 24th Annual Charity Bazaar ST.PAUL AMERICAN SCHOOL - SPLENDORA HOAI DUC DISTRICT, HANOI, 10:00 - 16:00 - SATURDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2015 Tickets: Adults VND 150,000 (VND 180,000 on the gate). Children aged 3-12 VND 50,000 The Bazaar is coming! A great family fun day out awaits you with food, drink and live entertainment, so get ready to buy your tickets (on sale around Hanoi and at UNIS soon) and be part of one of the largest charity fund raisers in Hanoi. This year we are going to show that HIWC has “Got Talent”. Children under 16 performing solo or in a group are invited to take part on our main stage from 10am-12 noon. If you are interested, please contact bazaarkids@ hanoi-iwc.com. For all other information including sponsorship and volunteering please contact: bazaarcoordinator@hanoi-iwc. com.

Gill Lever President HIWC president@hanoi-iwc.com


UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

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