2017 USALSA First Years Guide

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EDITOR’S NOTE It feels just like yesterday that I was at orientation and walking into the first lecture rooms at UniSA. I was expecting it to just be like Legally Blonde, where I could wing my way through with my side kick Bruiser, orange Mac and a pink fluffy pen. Boy, was I wrong. Four years on, and I sometimes think it is home. Be prepared, I'm sure you'll feel like this too. I was a ball of nerves on my first day, but trust me, it gets a lot easier and the emotions calm down. You meet new people and you realise that your lecturers are actually human too. I hope that you find this guide helpful, as it would certainly have come in handy when I was beginning law school. It covers just about every single question that I wanted to know back in the day. From how to write a case study, dealing with the stress, and even the best places to eat on campus - we have done all the best research and taste testing for you. I sincerely hope that you enjoy your next chapter of your lives at Uni. You've come to the best Uni, with the best Law School (I might be a bit biased). Remember that being at Uni isn't just about studying. You'll get out of it, what you put into it. So take my advice and don't rock up just to your tutorials. Join a club, volunteer, or even join the USALSA committee. Shannon Guerin Publications Director P.S - Don't forget to sign up to write for the Obiter. It's the best thing you can do while at Law School.

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MEET YOUR DEAN OF LAW Welcome to your first year of law school and congratulations on making it here in the first place! I hope that your experiences as a student provide you with lifelong friends and memories, as well as the inevitable challenges that come with studying law at university. Reflecting on my own first year experience (way back in 1991), I would encourage you to engage in all the social and extra- curricular activities on offer, just as much as I would implore you to work hard. Whilst graduation day may feel like it is decades away, your years at law school will go extremely fast. So relish this time and embrace university life. There is no denying that law school is hard work. You will read more and study harder than you ever have before. But the rewards are immense and our objective is to support you to become articulate, knowledgeable and highly skilled graduates, ready to enter the legal profession or other professional careers where a law degree is highly regarded. The more effort you put in along the way, the more competitive you will be for positions after graduation. So, here are some tips to assist you to achieve your full potential whilst at law school:

Be engaged in your learning from day one. Don't wait until final year to get serious about your study, as your GPA (Grade Point Average) is determined on the basis of all your grades and the highest performing students will have more professional opportunities both throughout their degree and after graduation. Ask lots of questions, especially the ones you think are 'dumb'. If you are asking yourself a basic question, the odds are that half the class is also struggling with the same point.

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Your teachers are there to support your learning and you should aim to clarify any confusion as early as possible. The trimester system requires you to keep pace with the material - and there will be lots of material! Embrace the opportunities that are offered to you by UniSA; jump into overseas study, become an active member of USALSA, or take part in the Business School Mentor Program. Don't be distressed if your marks, especially at first, are lower than you were used to receiving in high school or in a nother course of study. Law has its own language and discipline specific quirks. It will take time for you to learn and internalise them and it may also take time for you to find your passion in law. For me, that didn't come until 3rd year, when I studied constitutional and administrative law. So, be patient with yourself.

Get to know your lecturers and tutors. One of the great things about UniSA is the small class sizes and the ability for staff to get to know you. And, remember that when you eventually apply for jobs you will invariably need an academic referee, so speak up in class and be engaged. There are many more practical tips in this guide which have been drafted by your peers - students who have already experienced what it's like to be a new law student. I encourage you to read and keep this guide and follow the suggestions it offers. You will each have a unique journey through law school, but many of the challenges that you face will be shared by all of your fellow students! Wishing you all the very best for a successful and enjoyable first year!

Work and study in teams. One of the best ways to learn is to talk through problems with other students and to share some of the burden in covering copious amounts of material.

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10 YEARS OF THE LAW SCHOOL In 2017 the UniSA Law School achieves a very important milestone – our 10th Birthday. Back in 2007, on March 23rd, our law program was formally approved by the Academic Board of the University. Only a few months later, on June 28th, our program was formally accredited with the Legal Practitioners’ Education and Admission Council. In February 2008 we welcomed our first cohort of 80 students and we have grown steadily since then. We now have over 550 students and you are our 10th cohort of 1st year students. This year we will take the opportunity to celebrate our successes and honour our achievements. We have a lot planned – parties, presentations and special guests. We will keep you posted on all of the festivities and look forward to celebrating this milestone year with you! Welcome to the UniSA Law School.

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Torts A aims to convey knowledge and comprehension of the basic principles of negligence and trespass (to the body, person and personal property) and introduce students to the basic aspects of oral communication in law, including: small group presentations, oral legal argument, and client interviewing. Torts B focuses more in depth on negligence, defamation, public nuisance, breach of statutory duty as well as vicarious liability. A tort is an action where somebody has wronged you, and you want to make them pay by shaking them until dollar bills fall out of them (except that would then itself be a tort), so you take them to court instead. Torts concerns civil liabilities. What to expect: A foundational course full of entertaining and memorable cases such as the slapstick 'flying squib', the principles of Tort Law such as negligence are some of the most important areas of law you will be exposed to. Its principles will keep popping up throughout your entire law degree, and career.

The aim of this course is develop an understanding of the fundamental concepts of the law of property in Australia. The course examines the interplay of common law, equity and statute law, introduces students to the philosophy and changing conceptions of property, explains the classification and nature of different proprietary interests, outlines the concepts of possession, ownership and title in relation to personal and real property law and considers how property interests are acquired, transferred and given priority over other interests. What to expect: This course will make you question life. Prepare yourself accordingly. For a subject that many of us are familiar with, this course may make you examine many of the theoretical underpinnings of the property law system. This course was a turning point for me!

PUBLIC LAW & STATUTORY INTERPRETATION The aims of PLSI are: to develop students' knowledge and understanding of the three arms of government and the separation of powers, and the special role of the Crown; To develop students' understanding of the basic skills involved in statutory interpretation, in particular examining text in context and in light of legislative intent; To enhance students' ability to perform problem solving in the area of determining statutory meaning; To ensure that students learn proper legal citation methods and how to reference law reports, and basic legal terminology. This is not a course in advanced statutory interpretation. The first six weeks address fundamentals about English and Australian Constitutional history and the principles that flow from having a Constitution. The last four weeks address basis rules around statutory interpretation.

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The Foundations of Law course is grounded in Public law and the institutional framework of our legal system, with a particular focus upon the courts and other quasi- judicial bodies. It seeks to develop skills in legal method and research, case law analysis and legal writing; and introduces students to concepts such as the rule of law, justice and the nature of judicial power, through the study of cases concerning judicial detention, mandatory detention and refugees.

This course is to provide students with a sound understanding to both the substantive Australian criminal law and criminal procedure to gain an overview of the scope of the criminal law and the way in which certain conduct is criminalised. The course will also look at pre-trial and trial processes to gain an understanding of the way in which substantive criminal law is put into practice by the police, practitioners and judiciary. What to expect: Led by the always entertaining and highly informative Tracey Coleman, this subject is a highlight for many a Law & Order fan or budding fearless defence advocate. Tracey's real life experience adds a lot to this course, and it is a fascinating look at a totally different side of law.

The aim of this course is to provide knowledge and understanding in a foundation area of law which will be sufficient to resolve contract law issues. Concerning fomation, enforcement, contents of, discharging from and rememdies for contracts. Contracts exist everywhere, from employment contracts to the contract you make to when doing your shopping. What to expect: Watch out for estoppel. Please enjoy Leonard v. Pepsico, in which a man trades in thousands of dollars worth of points from Pepsi drinks believing he will win a Fighter Jet, because Pepsi thought it would be fun to include one in their ads for the promotion. Hilarity ensues.

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WELCOME TO THE LAW BUILDING A.K.A. your new home, the Law Building will be where a lot of your tutorials are held, and some of your smaller lectures (usually further on down the track, once we've weedled out the weak). Shortened on your timetable as LB. Contains the offices of your lecturers, tutors and administration of the law school.


Enter by going right from the Hawke Building lecture theatre exit/ North Terrace entrance, or via George Street, the Law Courtyard is usually home to USALSA's welcome back events, as well as your fellow law students trying to catch some of that beautiful Vitamin D in between tutes.


Staffed during office hours (closed from 1pm- 2pm everyday), Law Reception can handle most enquiries and to pick up some marked assignments. To the left (around the corner) there is a water fountain. Down the corridor to the right of the desk are the ladies, gents and access toilets.


Head right from reception desk, down the corridor (past the toilets and a small staircase on your left). Keep going until the room opens up to a foyer with tables and chairs, and the Hindley Street entrance. The main staircase is to the right of the foyer, as is an elevator.

LB1-29 LB1-29 is the first room on the left past the Law Reception desk. It contains the Ivan Shearer Moot Court and subsequently will be the feature setting in your nightmares for the next 4-5 years. Contains one long desk, usually uninhabited except for students with an unnatural fondness for swivel chairs. If you're brining your laptop, try for the desk - there are powerpoints at the top of the desk (hidden under a plastic lid)

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Left from the reception desk, past LB1-29. One of the main lecture rooms (for smaller lectures, generally, first year lectures with higher student numbers are held in the HH Building) and some tutorials. Powerpoints are scarce (a couple on each side wall, near the front/ centre).



Go to the foyer, and head up the main staircase. Head right (towards USALSA offices), and take a right down a long corridor. LB2-10 is the room at the end of this corridor. LB210 is a main tute room, and can also be used as a moot court.

Go right from reception desk, past toilets until you come to a small staircase on your left (opposite the office of Carol Brewitt & Kelly Ladyman). From this staircase, head right. LB2-17 is a larger room, usually used for lectures for smaller classes.


This year, the USALSA office has moved to LB2-14/ Law Students are encouraged to come to the USALSA office with any problems they may need help with.


From the foyer, head to the end and take a corridor to the right. The boardroom is at the end of the corridor (the building is a U-shape. You can walk from one end to the other).


UniSA's Legal Advice Clinic (LB2-02A), which offers free legal advice to members of the community as well as clinical legal education to law students. You'll learn more about this as your degree progresses.

Professor Ivan Shearer, for whom LB1-29 is named after, works as an Adjunct Professor for the School of Law, as well as serving on the United Nations Human Rights Committee. He has appeared in cases before the higher Australian courts including the High Court of Australia. He served as a Senior Member of the Australian Administrative Appeals Tribunal from 2004 to 2008. He is a member of the Panel of Arbitrators of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague. He has served in two recent international arbitrations and in two cases before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Hamburg. In 1995 he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia. Pretty impressive, huh!

9 _______________________________Welcome to Law School

JEFFREY SMART BUILDING A recent addition to the City West Campus, the Jeffrey Smart Building is a hub of innovative technologies, plus houses the library, plenty of study, computer and printing space, as well as containing Campus Central (where you go to get your ID's, solve any inquiries), and on-campus security. Stylized on your timetable as JS. Level 6 of the JS Building contains the Law Library.


Lifts straight in front of the entrance, stairs to the left. Beyond the stairs, on the ground level, is a giant screen where the UniSA Student Experience team often hold movie and popcorn nights.


From the entrance, climb the big staircase to your left (or take the lift up a level). Campus Central provides student services, information, enrolment help, and where you make payments.


On the other side of the desks directly adjacent the elevators is the printing pool for Level 6. Printers also act as photocopiers and scanners (image sent to your student email). Can do colour. Printing is accessed by scanning your ID card on the side of the printer.


Located on most floors, on Level 6 the kitchen facilities can be found in JS6-12. There's a fridge, microwave and sink all for student use. Keep it tidy, be considerate.


To the right of the main entrance, but with an entrance on Hindley Street as well. Make a ginger sausage roll which tastes about as good as Morgan Freemans voice if that too were edible.


Level 6 contains various computer pools (as does every other level), study rooms, a silent study zone, law text books as well as legislation and law reports, and a practice moot court. Toilets to the right of the elevators, around a corner on the right. It is also a designated Quiet Zone, meaning if somebody next to you is jabbering obnoxiously loud on their mobular telephone, scream 'loud noises' at them Brick Tamland style until they either shut up, or just start quoting Anchorman with you.


JS6-12C is designated a silent study area. Go through JS6-12, and through the doors on the right hand wall.

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Located to the left of the elevators, the moot practice room can be booked just as any study room. It's a great place for you to practice your advocacy either on your own or with a group of mates. While not technically solely for law students, it is obviously more centric to your needs than somebody who just wants a room to watch YouTube (that's what approaching deadlines are for). If you find that certain people are misusing the room with your Admin moot fastly approaching, contact the School of Law or USALSA and let us sort it out. Course co-ordinators for advocacy subjects such as Evidence tend to override bookings for law student use before- hand.


Take phone calls either outside or in stair ways. Don't be ridiculously loud. Gathering around a screen with your mates and yelling over cat videos can be saved for another time. If you’re using a laptop, you don’t need to sit in front of a computer.



One large computer pool located adjacent elevators, with a smaller one to your right. There are several computer rooms, although most are classrooms, situated along the back wall (housing the elevators), to the right of the elevators. Head right past the small computer pool and orange boothes, you'll find a room with glass doors (JS6-12). This area houses the kitchen area, lounge chairs, and a row of computers with ridiculously large stools, which you'll spend most of your time trying to actually get on to than actually studying (reminiscent of those seedy Saturday nights trying to ride the bull at the Woolshed).


If you’re a “bring your own computer kinda person, there are plenty of free desks, usually located on the walls around each floor, as well as some hipster looking boothes, all with power points and a table to bury your face in.

Can be done using one of the self checkout machines. Pretty straight forward. Follow the prompts.


Study rooms can be booked for a maximum of two hours at a time, via the Library website - to the left of the homepage is a quick link to 'study room/ laptop bookings'. You need to be quick though, as they as they go pretty fast (one advantage to trimester study is that at the start of SP2 and end of SP6, the disadvantage of course is that everybody else is on holidays and you aren't). It is library ettiquette that you vacate a study room which you've walked in to but haven't booked, for the person who booked it, or leave as soon as your time is up. If nobody claims a booked room within 15 minutes go to town on that study room. Claim your spoils.

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urrent University of South Australia Law udents' Association President, Seamus and, introduces you to the Association. Now in his second term on USALSA, Seamus became President in August 2016 after serving a year as the Activities Director. Currently in a degree in Law and International Relations in 2014, and is in his honours year of law currently - but that doesn't make him any less committed to the student body. He's a big believer in increased student involvement at UniSA, both in and out of the classroom, a belief he brings wholeheartedly to USALSA. His vision is a more accessible USALSA, where any student can put forward an idea or seek assistance from the student representatives easily. He's working hard to achieve this, helping to keep USALSA a-political and non-biased meaning you can get as involved as you like no matter who you are or where you come from. He's also a bit of a nerd, and is always happy to lend a hand to students who are struggling (just don't ask about Equity or Animal Law unless you're ready for an impromptu lecture). Despite all the hard work, he also loves to relax and enjoy his uni experience as much as possible. You can normally find him enjoying a coffee at the espresso room before 12, and a beer at the World's End after 12

if you ever wanted to chat about anything (Star Wars is probably the easiest way to start a conversation, or ask him about how he failed his first ever assignment that's a good one). Above all, he just wants to ensure you have an Uni experience as amazing as his own has been, and he'll do everything in his power as President to do it.

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MEET YOUR 2017 COMMIT TEE Established in 2008, the University of South Australia Law Students’ Association (USALSA) is the sole representative body for law students at UniSA. Our Association strives to offer a balance of academic and social activities for law students at UniSA, as well as acting as a means for communication between the University and the student body. President - Seamus Brand Vice President/Treasurer - Jessica Punch Secretary - Hannah Thomas Careers Director - Ella Cameron Sponsorship Director - Salsabil Hafiz Activities Director - Georgie Grosset Competitions Director - Cath Mwikya Publications Director - Shannon Guerin Social Justice Director- Kelsey Tonkin Marketing Officer - Alexander Jackson Careers Officer - Maria Pappas Events Officer - Eden Panozzo Publications & IT Officer - Nicholas Karalis Competitions Officer - Nava Avazpour

13 _______________________________Welcome to Law School

IMPORTANT USALSA DATES Trimester 1: Welcome Back Event Open Competitions (training, preliminary round and grand final)

Obiter release Pub-crawl Law Ball Careers Fair

Trimester 2: Welcome Back event ALSA Conference (winners of open competitions)

Quiz Night Careers Guide Obiter release Elections of new committee Health and Well-being week Trimester 3: Welcome Back Event Pub-crawl Careers Speed Dating Careers Seminar First Year Moot PLT Fair Obiter release

Follow our Facebook page for more updates throughout the year!

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ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2017 Academic Calendar - LAW 02-Jan-17

week 1


week 2


week 3


week 4


week 5



week 6

Study Period 2


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week 8

Week 1


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Week 2


week 10

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week 15

Week 7

Rest of Uni

Business School

Study Period 2




Week 5 Break

census date





week 16

Week 8


week 17

Week 9


week 18


week 19

Swot Vac


week 20



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week 23

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Week 2



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Week 10


week 34

Swot vac


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week 37

Week 10


census date



W date

Break Break

W date



WF date

WF date



swot-vac exams exams

Study Period 4



Study Period 5 census date 14-Jul




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w date

28-Jul orientation

28-Jul WF date

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Study Period 6


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week 49

Swot Vac


week 50



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week 52


Break Break

census date 6-Oct

WF date

W date


WF date 13-Oct


20-Oct WF date 3-Nov


swot-vac exams exams

15 _______________________________Welcome to Law School

USALSA has a strong focus on social events throughout the year to give students the opportunity to network with each other and also members of the local legal community in order to unwind, de-stress and make the most of their time at university. USALSA hosts a range of events for students including welcome back events, barbeques, wine tours, pub crawls, quiz nights and the law ball.

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Last year we held our first law ball at the end of our trimester one. The event was held downstairs in the cellars at The Lion Hotel and food and drink was included for the night. Tickets were only $90 for the night and this encouraged great attendance from students. The event included a night of black tie dress. This event is for 18+ only.



Welcome back events for students and staff are held at the beginning of each trimester of law school. These events are usually held as a themed lunch and provide students with a relaxed afternoon to drop by between lectures to socialise, network and ask questions of their student association. This trimester a barbeque was held at lunchtime and had great turnout of students in between classes.

This year we held our first wine tour in our holiday break of trimester 3. The day was a great success and included wine tastings at Pike & Joyce, The Golding, Nepenthe, Shaw + Smith and Sidewood Estate. Tickets were kept to $75 and included all transport, wine tastings and food on the day. Next year we will be looking to hold a similar event including more students. This event is for 18+ only.


Always one of the most anticpated events on the USALSA calender is of course the pub crawl. These events are run in the final week of trimester one and three and offer students the chance to unwind prior to exams. The crawls have in recent years seen students touring some of Adelaide’s best known bars, pubs and clubs, zig-zagging our way through the night. This event is for 18+ only.


The USALSA quiz night is proving to be an increasingly popular event among staff, students and members of the legal profession. The last event was the Lipman Karas Quiz Night, held upstairs at Phonatic Restaurant and had a great turn out from staff and students with attendance over 100.

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USALSA delivers a range of different advocacy information nights, in conjunction with training sessions to develop and enhance written and oral skills. Participants use their skills from the training to compete in USALSA competitions. USALSA provides a variety of competitions, which include client interview, negotiation, witness examination and mooting. The successful participants of each category are sponsored to represent the University of South Australia in the Australian Law Students Association Conference, in July each year. The conference comprises of approximately 450 domestic and international law students. Please refer to the USALSA Competitions Guide for more information.

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A moot is a simulated court proceeding involving a Senior and Junior Counsel making an appeal before the court. It involves drafting briefs (or memorials) and participating in an oral arguemnt. This opportunity allows first year students to begin developing their skills in the art of mooting. This competition is well appreciated by first year students and encourages a sense of confidence amoung young lawyers. During the course of the competitions, students have the opportunity to represent both parties involved. By switching the students from appellant to respondent, students are able to identity strengthens and weakness of their arguments. Students are provided with multiple training sessions and coached by senior students though the lead up of the competitions.


The Witness-Examination competition is held within a simulated civil or criminal trail and is comprised of one barrister and one non-competitve witness for each side. The trial includes opening statements, the examination of winesses and closing addresses. Thi competition fosters the skills required in a trial and familiarise students wth court etiquette and trial processes. This competition recreates the court room environment and trial process to develop the oral skills of competitors. The competitions requires that students deliver an opening and closing statement, as well as examine a witness.

“There are two variants of comps held at UniSA for law students each year. These are the open competitions at the start of the year and the first year moot competition - for first years only. Winners of the open comps win their way to the Australia Law Students' Association (ALSA) Conference to represent UniSA. Comps are a great way to boost confidence in public speaking, and gain exposure to the standard of advocacy skills of champion competitors. Give it a go!� - Franciska Sita

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In this competition, two teams (two solicitors) meet to discuss a dispute between their clients. Each team is provided with a set of facts. They are then given instructions from their client detailing exactly what outcome they are seeking - and what should be avoided at all costs. The aim of this competition is to strengthen the participant's ability to follow the instructions of the client and work with the opposition to negotiate the best possible outcome.


The Client Interview competition is comprised of teams of two solicitors. Teams have a set amount of time to ascertain the information necessary in a factual situation, to allow them to represent their client. Competitors must cover all the formalities of an interview, take note of the personal details of the client, the intricacies of the problem and suggest possible courses of action. The competition allows students to develop interpersonal skills necessary in building a rapport with clients and providing preliminary advice in a professional capacity. The interview process assesses the student's ability to identity the legal issues, provide preliminary advice and assess the possible avenues of action. Furthermore, it evaluates the student’s teamwork.

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Throughout the year, USALSA offers a variety of careers events and services free for all UniSA Law students, to ensure that students get the best possible start in securing their futures. USALSA offers a variety of events and services through- out the year to ensure all UniSA graduates have the best possible start in securing their dream jobs. Come down to any of our career events, regardless of whether you're in your first year - it's never too early to start.

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Our flagship careers event, the USALSA Law Careers Fair is aimed at students of all year levels and is designed to bring law firms, organisations and students together under the one roof where they will be able to discuss graduate career opportunities, intern positions, clerkships, volunteer work, alternative legal career paths, practical legal training, life in the legal profession and much more. In addition, volunteer opportunities and alternative career paths are presented to students aiming to provide guidance and insight into the range of opportunities available. This year, this event will be incorporated with an all university careers fair which is aimed to increase the interest among student attendees.


A one-stop-shop for students to talk with GDLP (Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice) providers about their PLT options, receive course information and ask questions about their individual circumstances to identify which program is most likely to suit their needs. USALSA's great relationship with all PLT providers means they are all available to answer your questions. A one-stop-shop for students to talk with GDLP (Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice) providers about their PLT options, receive course information and ask questions about their individual circumstances to identify which program is most likely to suit their needs.

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The Careers Speed Dating Night is a parody of the formalised matchmaking process of speed-dating (sitting in a row, with a time limit on your conversation) which provides a unique networking opportunity for students and practitioners within a fun and relaxed environment, without that dirty feeling you get using Tinder. The Careers Speed Dating Night is aimed at providing law students with the opportunity to network with a range of practising solicitors from various fields. This event provides students with the opportunity to receive careers advice from members of the legal profession in a relaxed environment. In the past, this event has been very successful and students have appreciated the invaluable information provided through interactions with members of the legal profession.


With legal jobs increasingly harder to come by, the Alternative Careers Seminar is designed to showcase the wide range of alternative career paths available to our students upon graduating with a law degree. Alternative career paths include politics, the not-for-profit sector, government departments, legal counsel and academia. Representatives from various organisations attend this with the intent of divulging the many alternative career paths available to students who graduate with a law degree.

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ADMISSION TO PRACTICE........ Just in case you thought there wasn't enough study in the Bachelor of Laws, those wishing to actually practice as a barrister or a solicitor will need to complete the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice in order to be eligible for admission to the Supreme Court. Although it is some time away, it is a good idea to start thinking about it early! Upon completion of your undergraduate Law degree at the University of South Australia (UniSA) School of Law, if you wish to practice as a lawyer, you must complete a Practical Legal Training (PLT) It is possible to complete a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practise (GDLP) offered by an interstate PLT provider, however students must be mindful that the South Australian Supreme Court may not admit applicants who complete a GDLP interstate. If you complete your GDLP interstate and then decide to seek admission interstate, you will have to satisfy the relevant admitting authority (in whichever jurisdiction you choose to be admitted) that you have completed the academic requirements of that particular jurisdiction.

You are also required to disclose if you have done or suffered anything likely to affect adversely your ‘good fame and character’, and any circumstances which might affect your fitness to be admitted as a practitioner. These include whether or not you are or have been bankrupt, and if so the circumstances of bankruptcy. You are also required to disclose whether or not you have ever been found to have engaged in academic dishonesty. More information can be found at the following links:

http://www.collaw.edu.au/ https://legalworkshop.law.anu.edu.au/gdlp https://law.adelaide.edu.au/study/practicallegal-training/ http://www.leocussen.edu.au/practical-legaltraining/

The important thing to remember is that once you have been admitted in one jurisdiction, you can then apply for admission in any other jurisdiction under the Uniform Admission procedures. The important choice is where you will seek your first admission. It is also important to be aware that when you apply for admission as a legal practitioner (in any state or territory) you will be required to swear (or affirm) that you are a fit and proper person to hold that position.

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"Over the course of your law degree, you will frequently hear the term 'Social Justice'. For those who don't know, it refers to ensuring that the structures of society is fair for the vulnerable and disadvantage. It is an issue that I feel quite strongly about. I encourage you all to get involved with volunteer work, it's how we can achieve social justice. It also looks pretty good on your resume. As well as being dedicated to social justice, I am also here to support you all in your education. Our law degree is challenging but achievable, as long as you take time out to focus on yourself (preferably at one of our many USALSA events). So take advantage of the events and services USALSA provides you, we do it to further your degree and help you get the best start in your future." - Chelsea Marks

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USALSA will be hosting their second annual Health and Wellbeing week after its great success in 2016. USALSA believed this event was necessary due to the increasing prevalence of mental health issues amongst law students and legal practitioners. It will provide students with a range of fun activities, allowing them to relax away from the stress of assignments and exams. In addition, USALSA will also be running two or three separate health and wellbeing events during 2017 to promote student and staff involvement in extra curricular activities throughout the entire year. Some activities that will be organised for students and staff with a health and wellbeing focus include: Walk to Mount Lofty, yoga, A petting zoo, water balloon fight and a healthy smoothie day.


Movember - In November 2016, USALSA ran a Movember Fundraiser to support the Movember Australia Foundation. The Foundation raises funds to tackle men's health on a global scale, year round. As part of this fundraiser, USALSA conducted a "shave-off day" for all students and staff who got involved and grew a moustache. Foodbank - USALSA will be asking for food donations from students and staff in Trimester 1 of 2017 to support and send to Foodbank (SA). Ice Factor - A large contribution of funds raised through USALSA-run events in 2016/2017 will go towards supporting Ice Factor. The Ice Factor program was established in 2005 to assist schools in their efforts to keep "at risk" students at school, as most show a high probability of leaving prematurely.

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COURTING THE BLUES.. There is a lot to love about law school, but it can also be really, really difficult at times. From a high workload to grade setbacks, it's not all pub crawls and welcome back events (there are a lot of those, though). All jokes aside, mental health and wellbeing is really important for your health and success. FIND BALANCE In my experience, law students are not always great at this, preferring to GET THAT HD AT ALL COSTS. While other students are able to neatly compartmentalise their lives study/ part-time job/netflix/social interaction, law students have a bad habit of becoming law school/ clerkships/Westlaw/mooting. Although your LLB can be academically fulfilling and truly interesting, everyone needs balance in their lives. Spending time iwth friends and family, relaxing and developing hobbies or interests (netflix counts!) outside of law is a great way to prevent burnout.

BUILD RESILIENCE This is a hard one for many law students. If you're here, you've probably done pretty well at school or in your career. You may have been one of those people who could churn out an essay in a couple of hours and get a stellar mark. Positive feedback was probably somewhat of an expectation. The truth is, your marks in law school may be lower than you expected, at least at first. Sadly, tutors seem to have a knack for seeing through beautifully eloquent but frankly meaningless sentences. You may

misunderstand a case (if the Full Federal Court can do it, so can you.) But, if you can stick at it, you will improve. Not only wil this be beneficial for your legal skills, but resilience in general is a really important life lesson. Repeat after me: you are not your grades. It gets better.

SLEEP WELL You may think that a human can run on 5 hours sleep a night, but take it from me, who has tried, you will eventually find yourself speaking in nonsensical half-phrases and wandering aimlessly toward the coffee machine. This does not bode well for the coherence of your legal essays. Make sure you get enough sleep. I recommend the 'Sleep Cycle' app if you (like me) tend to lose track of time and find yourself on some odd Wikipedia tangent at three o'clock in the morning.

27 _______________________________Welcome to Law School

EAT HEALTHY For students it can be easy to get distracted by law school. When the assignments roll in, you may find yourself buried beneath text-books, coffee cups and takeaway wrappers, cursing the day you decided to preference an LLB in SATAC. However, it is important that you look after yourself and eat regular, healthy meals. Even just adding a few veggies to your regular meals will really help with your energy and wellbeing. Just listen to the wise words of Marie Jepson of the Tristan Jepson Memorial Foundation: "Law students are like elite racecars. They need the best fuel to perform the best." Marie has learnt that flattery is the secret to getting law students to listen - please feel free to advise parents / significant others / friends in the arts faculty accordingly.

GET REGULAR EXERCISE Okay, so I'm not talking about becoming the law school's own Kayla Itsines or a marathon runner (although both of those things would be pretty awesome), but even the exercise adv erse like me have to admit it is good for your mental and physical health. Whether it's going for a walk with your friends or your dog (I vote dog. They don't judge when you’re out of breath from crossing the footbridge at the River Torrens), or taking up a team sport you enjoy, you will feel better for it.

KNOW WHEN TO ASK FOR HELP I'm going to get real serious for a second. Studies have shown that law students experience rates of mental distress three times higher than the general population. This trend often continues into practice, with the Law Society of SA putting a huge effort into encouraging mental health in the profession. For all the tips in this guide, a wise friend of mine once told me 'there are some problems that no amount of kale chips are going to fix'. If your mental health is negatively affecting your life, please don't be afraid to ask for help. I know it can feel like admitting defeat or like you are the only one feeling this way. It isn't and you aren't. The unversity has counsellors, or you can get heavily reduced (or even free) visits to a psychologist on a mental health plan from your GP. Don't be ashamed: barristers, senior partners and even judges have been open with their fights against mental illness. The services are there to help you. Lifeline: 13 11 14 or e-chat BeyondBlue: 1300 22 4636 Headspace: 1800 650 890, e-chat or in person Triston Jepson Memorial Foundation: tjmf.org.au

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LEGAL ADVICE CLINIC.. Gain real world experience with clients The Legal Advice Clinic provides confidential, free legal advice to members of the community. The Clinic is staffed entirely by University of South Australia Law students, who offer legal advice to clients under the supervision of a managing solicitor who is employed as a full time staff member of the UniSA School of Law. Students can apply to be part of the Clinic for their placement in Legal Professinal and Community Service Experience (LAWS 4007). Students will spend one day per week in the Clinic for a term.

Students will also be introduced to the concept of pro bono work and actively participate in providing access to justice for members of the community who might otherwise be denied such access. Students involved in the Clinic will be highly prepared for legal practice; they will develop a sense of commitment to community service and professionalism. The course enables students to acquire professional skills and an appreciation of ethical standards and professional responsibility which will greatly benefit them in legal practice.

"A unique oppportunity to serve the community and gain valuable experience managing files and working with clients." The core subject Lawyers, Ethics & Society is a pre-requisite course. Students will interview real clients and manage a number of files during their Clinic placement. Reflection on practice (including written reflection) is also an important component of the clinical placement. Students will be responsible for providing legal advice and assistant to clients, all of which will be managed and reviewed by the supervising solicitor. Students will also obtain experience in letter writing, drafting court documents, assisting clients to negotiate with other litigants, and the general day-today happenings of a busy legal practice.

If you are interested in participating in the Legal Advice Clinic, please contact Rachel Spencer, Director of Professional Programs, at rachel.spencer@unisa.edu.au or on 8302 7946.

29 _______________________________Welcome to Law School

PUBLICATIONS Publications is responsible for several great magazines and guides aimed specifically at University of South Australia law students. Not just limited to this masterpiece you hold in your hands, UniSA also has SA's (probably the world's, actually) best law student magazine (no bias), as well as the informative and helpful Careers Guide which is great for first years and later students alike.

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The USALSA Careers Guide is a highly informative and professional publication designed to inform students about clerkships, volunteer positions and other opportunities both while studying and after graduation. In the past, this has been a highly successful publication. It is a highly informative publication for all students at the law school. The Careers Guide is released annually, in conjunction with the Uniform Clerkship Scheme, around late June/early July. If you're interested in editing or contributing to the 2017 Careers Guide, contact publications@usalsa.org and find out how to get involved.


Publications The Obiter magazine is UniSA's student-run law magazine published each trimester. It has an excellent reputation and many loyal readers, both internally and externally from the law school. There are 100 physical copies printed as well as a significant growing online readership. The authors of the Obiter range from students, staff members and other legal community members. Advertising with The Obiter is valuable as it targets a particular niche, which fosters student engagement and communication. Students of all stages value the articles published as the Obiter highlights student achievements, legal discussions and advice from practitioners, light-hearted content about the law student culture, and important news from the law school.


In 2017, the USALSA Publications team have put together their first competitions guide. This guide is to be used by students as a quick reference to the competitions held at the Law School.


Then, of course, there is this guide right here. I won't say much since you obviously know what it's about, but I will say that I will directly measure my success by the (hopefully low) numbers of AGLCs I see torn to shreds in the law courtyard.

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MY UNISA STUDENT PORTAL Go to www.unisa.edu.au/myunisa and login using your student details (following the format: username = first 3 letters of last name, first letter of first name, first letter of middle name, 3 digit number). For example, David Morris-Dancing Plater would have the username pladm001. The myUniSA student portal is your online hub for accessing all your course homepages (moodle pages), your timetable, enrolment, submitting assignments, emails, recharging your printing and internet allow-


At the top of the page you'll find links to the Library homepage, askIT (where you can contact somebody for IT assistance), your student emails, as well as your academic record (course grades and GPA).


Go to 'my Academic Record', click the 'my record of study' link on the right. A record of all your completed subjects and grades will be sent to your email after a couple of hours.


A box in the centre of the page with links to all your upcoming assessments through gradebook (where you upload assignments). Will tell you when the assignment is due and provide a link to submission.

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At the bottom of myUniSA, you will find a section with all of your enrolled courses. Dead links (black) are courses not active yet (your courses won't be available online until the start of the appropriate study period). Blue means you're good to go. Your moodle page contains all your course information, your course outline and study guide, as well as the topics you'll be covering in that course, usually split in to appropriate sections. Depending on the lecturer, this is where your weekly lecture slides and lecture recordings will be uploaded.


Link on the left of the course moodle page. You can download various formats of the recording. Not all lectures are recorded - your lecturer will usually indicate at the beginning of the course whether they record or not.


Link on the left of the course moodle page, or else on the myUniSA home page, this is where you submit all of your assignments. Gradebook records the time you submit your assignment, and will send you a confirmation email when an assignment is successfully uploaded. You will usually be notified by email of any returned assignments (and grades), unless your lecturer hands a physical copy back through the Law Reception. Gradebook contains a feature called Turnitin, which scans your assignment and checks for plagiarism. Your assignment will be given a % rating depending on how much of your assignment Turnitin can find replicated elsewhere. High percentages can usually be a result of students using similiar references, or submitting an assignment with a cover sheet. Sometime after you've uploaded, you can usually click on the percentage rating from Turnitin, to receive a link to your assignment showing all the highlighted bits which Turnitin believes may be plagiarised - usually providing the source

33 _______________________________Welcome to Law School


Go to myResources on myUniSA homepage, and click Printer Allowance Information on the right hand side for general information about the allowance system. You can recharge your printing by clicking 'top up my printer allowance'.


Link on the left hand side of page (under portal links) will take you to the myEnrolment page. This is where you enrol in courses. Go to 'manage my enrolment', select the appropriate study period, select add course. This will take you to a course search page. Ironic because you can't use it to search for specific courses (classic). The easiest way to go about your business, is to go to each individual course information page (did I say easy) - by Googling your specific degree, clicking 'structure', and then clicking each subject. On the course pages, click the study period on the right hand side, highlight the five digit class number for the lecture, copy paste this back in your myEnrolment course search page in the class number box, click search.


If a class you really need to be in is full, you can apply for a full class override. Go to enrolment help and select the big green overrides button. This will prompt you to enter details about which class you want to enrol in, the tute that is full, and will ask for a reason as to why you need to be in that class. So you'll need to actually have a reason other than, "I don't want to attend the Friday 5-7pm tute because that's scotch time", a ridiculous sentiment because scotch time is all the time. (Originally from the country, I found crying about hour long trips on public transport, which took me a half hour to drive to, usually did the trick.)

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USEFUL INFORMATION WHAT IS A TRIMESTER? The School of Law works in a trimester study model. This means that the academic year is divided into three trimesters rather than the normal two semesters. This may help shorten the length of your degree (and also allows us Law kids to have some time on campus without everyone else being around. It comes in handy when you want to book study spots in the library!) WHAT IS A GPA? The grade point average (GPA is the sum of (grade points x course unit values), divided by the sum of court unit values. In shorter terms, it's your average grade in a numerical value, similar to your ATAR or STAT score. WHAT IS HONOURS? The honours degree is a one-year program which takes up the last year of your law degree. It is for advanced studies in research and professional practice. Students with a GPA of 5.3 or more may be able to complete it. It gives a competitive edge when applying for jobs in the workforce. DOES UNISA OFFER AN EXCHANGE PROGRAM? Yes, while studying at UniSA, you have the chance to enrich your studies and your life experiences and incorporate travel into your degree. There is a vast range of exciting international study opportunities available which include full semester exchanges or short-term options to over 80 partner institutions. WHAT IS BAD FINANCIAL STATUS? If you are in a BFS, it means that you have overdue fees or charges that need to be paid. If you have a BFS indicator on your

record, you won't be able to access your results, add any courses to your enrolment, receive an academic transcript or graduate. Once the fees are paid, the BFS will be removed. WHAT IS A PREREQUISTIE? A prerequistite is a course that you must successfully complete before undertaking the next course. It normally means the prerequisite course has background knowledge which is important to the current course. WHAT IS THE CENSUS DATE? The census date is when the University finalises your enrolment. If you withdraw after the census date you will have to pay the fees for the course, which can add to your HECS debt. It is also the last day you can make up front payments to your HECS. WHERE DO I GET MY ID CARD? After you have fully enrolled into your first year of study, you can go to Campus Central in the Jeffery Smart building and have your card issued. It takes about a minutes for the card to be printed. Just remember that there can be lengthy queues over busier periods. WHAT GRADING SYSTEM DOES UNISA FOLLOW? UniSA don't mark A-E like high school normally would. Instead a High Distinction (what you aim for) is 85-100%, Distinction 75-84%, Credit 65-74%, Pass 1 55-64%, Pass 2 50-54%, Fail 1 40-49% and Fail 2 0-40%. You also can get a withdraw not fail (W), supplementary pass (SP), and withdraw fail (WF).

35 _______________________________Welcome to Law School

DOUBLE DEGREES University of South Australia allows students to combine their law degree with another degree. This means you get two parchments at the end because you have completed the full educational requirements of each discipline studied. Popular double degrees with law include: commerce, international relations, arts, psychological science and journalism. I hail from the double degree in law and international relations squad. Before law, I studied IR for two years. Then two years ago, I started law. Still here! Some days I feel like I should have started law first, then IR. Other days I feel that my decision was right. To those who did their other degree last year, welcome to the trimester system! Prepare yourself. To those starting university with law, I salute you. I was a nervous wreck during my first days at university. Now I'm known for comfortably falling asleep in the law room at the Jeffrey Smart building. You'll get so used to it. I enjoyed the first two years being exposed to so much knowledge about this world, way beyond what was taught in high school. I learnt a great deal about military conflicts, social is-

sues and religion. When I began law, it was like a whole different world. The semester change, the pace and the intensity was kind of exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. Double degrees are like a double edged sword, you learn an incredible amount but you do get exhausted at the years you have to spend at university. I learnt to patiently weave my love for law and IR. The best thing about a double degree is the flexibility, you can do law and your said degree alternatively or you can mix it up (give this a lot of thought before you do) or you can finish law, and do the other. Whatever you do, you do well.

By Salsabil Hafiz

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TRANSFERING DEGREES For whatever reason you have transferred it is a big step and can feel quite overwhelming and scary at first. Here are some tips to ease you into your Law degree:

Leaving school I knew I wanted to be a medical research scientist. I looked at the available degrees that would lead me to my goal and applied for UniSA's Laboratory Medicine program. Fast forward to my penultimate year, I had come to realise I had a passionate dislike for lab work which was obviously a key factor in my career choice. Having come so far in my degree to discover I had no idea as to what my future held, the one thing I knew was that I needed to get out and find something that made me happy. During my previous degree I found that I enjoyed research based assignments, problem solving and analytical thinking all of which are heavily emphasised in a law degree. It is now one year on and I haven't regretted my decision for a second. It is quite common for students to change degrees for a variety of different reasons. The most common reasons for changing are: 1. You did not achieve the required entry mark and have undertaken an alternative pathway to gain entry into Law 2. You have discovered that you do not or no longer enjoy your chosen degree and cannot see yourself pursuing a career in the field. 3. You undertook a degree that exposed you to law and found you enjoyed it

1. If you are undertaking UniSA's Bachelor of Laws single degree you may wish to apply for a credit transfer. A credit transfer recognises subjects completed from your previous degree and counts them as subjects completed in your law degree. Gaining credit for your previous studies is a fantastic way to speed up your law degree. Pop into Campus Central and ask them about a credit transfer! 2. It may seem that the course content of your previous degree is completely unrelated to law, chances are you obtained some valuable skills from that program. University teaches you a wide range of skills such as managing time efficiently, organisational skills, research skills and problem solving – all of which are essential to your law degree and will be extremely beneficial! Use these skills to your advantage by applying them to law. 3. Law can be very different from other degrees. You may be accustomed to other referencing systems such as Harvard referencing. Law uses its own system known as the Australian Guide to Legal Citation. Take the time to learn how to use the AGLC as you may already be well established with your previous degrees referencing style. 4. Ensure you balance your studies with life outside of law school to mitigate the inevitable stresses of law! Law school is an exciting adventure which can be extremely rewarding if you apply yourself. Never be afraid to ask for help as the transition isn’t always easy. You should be proud of the fact you have taken a huge step. Good luck and all the best for your studies!

By Jessica Punch 37 _______________________________Welcome to Law School


There may be occasions when you are unhappy with some aspect of the University of South Australia (UniSA) School of Law's activities or the behaviour of someone at the School. At the School of Law we are open to feedback and encourage open and professional communication between staff and students. If you have a complaint we want to hear about it and we want you to feel comfortable that your complaint will be dealt with fairly. Please note that any complaint about illegal behaviour such as racial or sexual discrimination will be dealt with very seriously. Information about the procedure for making complaints and about assistance available to students making complaints can be found at unisa.edu.au/ltu


UniSA has a duty of care to staff and students and is responsible for providing a safe teaching and learning environment for the University community. As members of the UniSA community, students enter into a partnership with the University to enhance their experience as a student and that of all members of the University. It is therefore every student's responsibility to understand and adopt the contained in the Code of Conduct for Students. Students must behave responsibly to reflect well on themselves and the University. The University's Code of Conduct for Students can be found at unisa. edu.au/policies/codes/ students. The Policy: Summarises the existing obligations and responsibilities of students under the University's statutes, by-laws, policies and procedures - outlines the consequences of inappropriate behaviour and refers students and staff to the relevant University statutes, by-laws, policies and procedures to address situations described in the Code - assists students to understand the community of which they have chosen to be a member - aims to facilitate a cooperative and productive relationship between staff and students, as well as among students.


Time management is a crucial skill for a lawyer - some might even say the most important management tool. Students will need to develop effective time management skills, including an effective and realistic study timetable. You are encouraged to do this from week one of your studies. The School of Law places a high premium on effective time management. You are encouraged to think ahead and plan your life around the various assessment tasks required for the particular combination of courses you are studying.

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Most courses will be delivered using a standard lecture and tutorial format. Lectures will generally be 3 hours in length and tutorials 1 hour in length. You will attend one lecture and tutorial each week, where you will be exposed to a variety of activities. Some courses will adopt a seminar format, using two x 2 hour classes per week. During seminars students are expected to present material and engage in discussion of that material. Students are expected to be active participants in class, and whilst listening will be a key requirement, there will be lots of opportunity for participation. The School of Law is strongly committed to the development of a variety of skills, especially confidence in public speaking, and you will have the opportunity to develop this skill in both lectures and tutorials. Students are strongly encouraged to prepare well before a class. In nearly all cases, the reading material will be made available in advance, and as always, those students who have read ahead will have a considerable advantage. Please feel free to bring laptops or recorders to lectures. Some lectures will be streamed and available for later download; however students are advised not to rely solely on the availability of streaming.


You are expected to attend all lectures and tutorials. Should you be unable to attend a particular tutorial, whether by reason of illness or for other good cause, please advise the Course Coordinator or tutor. The most important aspect of law school is to come to class prepared, having done the required reading, and where called for, to make a contribution to the classroom discussion.


The Code of Good Practice: Relationships between staff and students can be found at unisa.edu.au/policies/codes/goodprac/rltnshp.asp The Policy states: The University, in its Codes of Good Practice: University Teaching and Research Degree Supervision, recognises a special responsibility to foster and preserve the scholarly values of curiosity, experimentation, critical appraisal and integrity and to foster these values in its students. A central component of this responsibility involves creating and managing quality teaching and learning environments for all students. Vital to the achievement of these goals is the work of University teaching staff. The Code of Good Practice: University Teaching maintains that: "As professionals, university teachers should exhibit, and help students to develop a commitment to, scholarly values, life-long learning, professional and personal growth through critical reflection and self-evaluation, and responsible and ethical practices in their profession".

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Students generally have 4 hours of teaching contact time per 4.5 unit course. In addition to teaching contact time, students are expected to spend time reading, engaging in research, preparing for classes, undertaking assignments, engaging in online activities and engaging in reflection. Under UniSA guidelines it is expected that you will spend 157.5 hours studying in each course. If you are studying a full load of four courses over 10 weeks that means that you will spend about 63 hours per week studying. Clearly that means that students studying a full load should keep non-study work to a minimum. Others with significant work or family responsibilities should consider enrolling in less than four courses per trimester. If you drop to three courses you should allow for a 47 hour week of studying.


Undertaking assessment is an integral part of your learning at the School of Law. Assessment provides you with feedback about your level of understanding of course material and the development of your academic and professional skills. Assessment also determines whether you have achieved the learning outcomes of the courses you have studied. Some assessment is conducted in class (e.g. in class tests, moots and presentations) and some is conducted outside of class (e.g. essay writing and examinations). Alternatively, you may be asked to submit assessments that relate specifically to class room activities (e.g. reflections on your experience during an in-class negotiation or moot). Generally, all students enrolled in a course are expected to make themselves available to undertake all prescribed assessments from the date of course commencement to the final date of the It is your responsibility to plan your outside activities so that they fit into the assessment timetable for each course that you are enrolled in. These timetables are contained in your Course Information Booklets. If you miss any scheduled assessment during term, you may lose marks for that assessment item unless you have established that unexpected or exceptional circumstances prevented your submission. Deferred assessment is only available on the grounds specified in Section 7.6 of the Assessment Policies and Procedures Manual 2017. These grounds include: unexpected and exceptional circumstances outside of the control of the student; medical circumstances; compassionate circumstances; and the special circumstances set out in Section 7.11 of the Assessment Policies and Procedures Manual 2017. Changed employment circumstances within a student's control or holiday arrangements are not regarded as grounds for deferred assessment. Where the final assessment is not an examination, applications for deferred assessment must be made in writing to the relevant Course Coordinator and, should wherever possible, be scheduled in the examination period.

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By Kelsey Tonkin


By Georgie McRae "For someone like me, with limited legal exposure prior to law school, as a first year my first instincts were that law was a black and white doctrine to be memorised and then recited near verbatim to the fee paying public. It wasn't really until my third trimester that it dawned on me/was revealed that law is sometimes more of an art than a science. Looking for the magic bullet 'right answer' doesn't usually work. Although there are some established principles, you need to be willing to follow through statutes and judicial reasoning, understand the concepts, and analyse the facts before you. Sometimes your conclusion may be totally different than the person you study with."

By Peta Spyrou "As all subjects have heavily weighted final assessment pieces, I recommend studying for the final exam or commencing research on the final assignment in week one. For example, I attend each lecture with a Microsoft Word document, which outlines the topics and concepts that will be discussed. This document is usually derived from a combination of the textbook study guide. and study guide. I later amalgamate the notes I’ve taken in the lecture with my document, and use this to create a summary for the week. Doing this process on a weekly basis means I can concentrate on answering practice questions when SWOT Vac comes around."

41 _______________________________Welcome to Law School

1. Read Everything; this may be a no-brainer. But you'll quickly find that the temptation of Wikipedia is strong, as reading two paragraphs is much easier than 200 pages of Mabo. Don't fall for it, no matter how much your fellow collegiate brags about how they "understand" a case from reading summaries. They don't. But you will, if you read everything. It's critical to truly understanding how a court reaches a certain conclusion, how principles are developed and applied, and why that precedent is the precedent it is. Remember; hard work always wins out over talent, when talent doesn't work hard. 2. Develop an 'intellectual interest'; it's my opinion to actually be successful at your law degree you need to have a passion for the law and its theory. Don't be afraid to read additional material to actually interests you. It'll keep you enthusiastic about your course and give you that extra layer of knowledge over what you know, which leads to better grades and a better understanding of the profession you're studying for. It's all about developing your thinking!

hard for it. Leave the self-entitlement, laziness or apathy at the door. Somewhere out there is a person who missed out so you could take that position; appreciate the opportunity you were given. 4. Be courteous, be kind, and help out; don't be that guy who hides a textbook in the library so someone else can't find it. Do be that guy who'll take two minutes to explain something that a friend or stranger is finding difficult to Don't be that guy who books an entire study room solely to himself, when a group may need to use it for an upcoming moot. Do be that guy who wants everyone to succeed at the goals they set. 5.Own it; own your fate. Keep yourself motivated and determined, and the pieces will fall into place. Take it for granted, be lazy, or self-entitled, and watch as your grades and respect falls away. You're in charge of your own education and fate, so do what you can to be the best professional you can be.

3. Appreciate where you are; you're at law school and it's not easy to get there. Whether you entered by ATAR or are mature-aged, it's not a simple process to just walk in the door. You're also studying for a prestigious profession. Appreciate it and work

By Travis Shueard


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ADVICE FOR FIRST YEARS By Hannah Thomas GET INVOLVED The main piece of advice for law school, is to get involved. There are so many amazing opportunities to take advantage of. For example, there are many competitions from mooting to negotiation to client interview to witness examination which are extremely valuable to do. These experiences enrich the law school journey so much and give valuable skills which help for your assessments. You can easily take on similar competitions. Also, get involved with the events such as pubcrawls, law balls, quiz nights, careers seminars, health and well-being week and more that we have. It's a great way to socialise and learn from the experiences of older students.

way to get through is with these people. These people will be with you through the best times when you get the grades after putting in the effort and the hardest times when you feel like you're not getting anywhere.

SPEAK UP The next piece of advice is come to class prepared and you will do well. Speak up in class, ask questions and if you don't understand something find it out. Some people won’t feel comfortable to speak up at the start of law school but this will change as you become more comfortable and confident. And finally, and most importantly, have fun! Enjoy it, take every opportunity and if you ever need help just ask!

BALANCE One piece of advice is to keep things balanced (well attempt to). Keep good relationships with the world outside law school. Play sport, have a casual or part time job, have hobbies. See your non-law friends when you can, make time for them but balance it with your study. You will need a break from time to time and these things will help you to take time out.

FRIENDSHIP/SUPPORT GROUP Develop a friendship group in law, it may change along the way but be there for each other, support each other and build each other up. Sometimes it's the only

43 _______________________________Welcome to Law School


USALSA runs both a public Facebook page (anybody canlike) and a private group (only UniSA Law students can join - membership requests are moderated). While the USALSA pageacts as a public front, the group itself is a hub of information and opportunity for members. USALSA uses the group to share events, job opportunities and general information, as well as announcements. The group can also be used as an open forum for students to express any questions or concerns they may have.


If you want an easy way of buying or selling law text books without the hassle of leaving that great Facebook fight between a couple of twelvies you were unashamedly reading, look no further than the Law Book Exchange. A private group providing an open space for people to freely advertise their unwanted textbooks, or to look for cheaper second hand alternatives. Chuck us a request and earn back some $$$.

SURVIVE LAW - www.survivelaw.com

Survive Law is a website staffed by more than 25 Australian law students and graduates. Self described as a site where you'll find plenty of tips and tricks to survive those never-ending readings, obfuscating essay questions, killer exams and assessments, plus discussions of mental health and well-being, unorthodox and straight-shooting careers in law, and those all important ongoing odes to highlighters, coloured tabs, textbook burning and coffee to flow through your veins.Survive Law is not affliated with USALSA or the UniSA School of Law - but they do post a lot of interesting law related articles and things relevant to every day law students.


The UniSA Library contains a collection of databases of cases and law journals, and is where you'll spend 75% of your time doing research for your assignments (or whatever time you're not on Facey anyway). A quick link on the right of the Library homepage labelled "databases and journals" will take you to a page where you can search according to the title of the database itself, or by your subject of study. Select L under subject, scroll down until you find Law. Using these sites via the UniSA Library also means that you get access to features which you generally need a paid subscription for. This means more money for the coffee which, if you're doing research, is probably the only thing keeping you sane.

USALSA WEBSITE - www.usalsa.org.au

The official USALSA website has recently been refurbished for an easier, more enjoyable experience for our law students. The website can be used for staying up to date on all official USALSA events (subscribe to our monthly newsletter, visit our blog or view our handy timeline to keep in the know) find helpful tips and links, career opportunities, provide feedback or have your queries answered.

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w c e e y

HELPFUL APPS UniSA Students - Program information, maps, find computers on campus, QR scanner, apps, USASA Diary, much more

Law Society of SA - Directory of SA law firms, court proceedings, contact details for Law Society of SA

Lost on Campus - Contains maps to all UniSA campuses, info about par- ticular buildings, eateries, ammenities, etc

AustLII - You can do your legal research anywhere

iWrite Legal - If you're struggling to write that essay or problem solving assignment, this app has plenty of tips to improve your legal writing and help you to beat writer's block

ALSA - Keep up to date with news and information about the Australian Law Students' Association with this app.

45 _______________________________Welcome to Law School

LEGAL LINGO! Learn the important Legal Lingo before you walk into the classromm! Accused: A person formally accused administration of justice. Advocacy: The art of conducting against any other person by any Appellant: The party who appeals to a higher court from the judgment against himself in a lower court authority for a case on similar facts. Beyond a reasonable doubt: The proof required of the prosecutor in criminal proceedings. Bona Fide: In good faith. Burden of proof: The duty to establish in the trial the truth of a proposition or issue by the amount of evidence required.

Material Facts: A relevant fact. Mens Rae: A guilty mind. Obiter Dictum: Judicial observations that do not form part of the reasoning of a case. Not binding on lower courts, but can be persuasive. Plaintiff: A person who seeks relief Precedent: A judgment that is proceedings before a court. Punitive damages: Damages awarded over and above compensatory damages for punishment. Ratio Decidendi: A reason for reasoning of a case. Stare decisis: Latin for "to stand by things decided", to adhere to precedents of earlier cases as sources of law.

Case: A controversy to be decided in a court of justice.

Title: The legal basis ownership of real or personal property or a document that serves as serves as evidence of this ownership.

case law: The law set forth in the decisions of appellate courts, that is, in cases that have been decided

Tort: From the French word for "wrong," a tort is a wrongful or illegal act, whether intentional or accidental, in which an injury occurs to another.

Common law: Legal rules, principles, and usage that rest upon court decisions rather than upon statutes or other written declarations.

Tortfeasor: One who commits a tort; a wrongdoer.

Compensatory damages: Damages that are recovered for injury or economic loss. Dissent: Opposition to an idea. Doctrine: A belief or set of beliefs. Due care: The care that a person of ordinary prudence would take in similar circumstances. Equity: A principle which provides justice when ordinary law may be inadequate. Judicial: of, by, or appropriate to a law court or judge; relating to the leading to a judicial decision.

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STUDY PLANS The Law degree programs at the University of South Australia offer you the chance to tailor your study to suit your personal needs. To take advantage of these flexible study options, you need to take some time to assess: your goals and needs, your personal risk factors, and any constraints on your time. Here is a checklist of factors that may affect your study plans:

1. Study Skills How long is it since you studied full- time? How disciplined are you in your study?

2. Relationships How much time do you need to / want to spend on your relationships? How supportive of your study program are these people: Partners / expartners? Parents? Children? Friends?

3. Employment, study and recreation How many hours per week do you work / play sport / pursue other interests? Will you be studying any other courses this year?

4. Health

6. Language skills How good are your writing, reading and oral communication skills?

7. Computer skills Are you fully computer literate?

8. Time constraints How much time per week can you devote to study? Once you have asked yourself these questions, you can begin to think about the balance between your commitments, in order to foster successful study habits and achieve your individualised goals. You can then personalise your own approach to Law School - have a look at our tips from past students to help you maximise your success. UniSA has a number of services available to help you navigate through your time at university and offer support for your specific needs.

Are you fully healthy and fit?

5. Self-generated pressure Are you a high achiever / perfectionist? How well do you want to do in your study? How good is good enough? What are your goals for the future? How soon do you want to reach them? Have you given up anything important to study law?

47 _______________________________Welcome to Law School

REFERENCING The Law School requires that when writing law assignments, you properly acknowledge the source of any non-original material (that is, any source you use that is not YOUR original thought or expression). This incudes referencing the textbook you use, any academic articles, etc, and more particularly for Law - the act or case that is the authority for each principle of law to which you refer. Legal citation is different from standard forms of referencing (such as Harvard referencing). Your references need to comply with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation, 3rd ed. This is a style guide that directs you how to set out a whole range of matters to do with writing, including when to footnote (you do this a lot in Law School!), heading styles, quotation styles, and of course how to cite an Act and a case. The AGLC is standard across most reputable legal publications.

Legislation Acts and Regulations citation should contain the Short Title, Year and (Abbreviation of the Jurisdiction) e.g. Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth) Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) Do not footnote if you have referenced the entire Act in the body of your work. If you are frequently referring to the same Act in your writing you may give it a shortened title or abbreviation in parenthesis and single quotation marks after the full citation. Subsequent citations may use the shortened form of the name. e.g.: The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) ('FLA') is the principal Commonwealth statute concerned with property law matters between married and de facto partners. The FLA also regulates the ...

Editors Note: Strict compliance to the AGLC will make a noticeable different to your marks and quality of your work. Don't understimate it!

Welcome to Law School _______________________________ 48

Case Law


The standard format for the citation of a reported (published) case comprises:

Pinpoint references are to a paragraph/s of the judgment (pinpoint citation).

Party names; (Year of decision); Volume of report series; Abbreviation of report series where decision is published; Page on which decision begins e.g.: K-Generation Pty Ltd v Liquor Licensing Court (2009) 237 CLR 501. Pinpoint references are always to the page number and it is optional to include the paragraph number of the relevant text. Paragraph numbers are indicated by [square brackets]. e.g. K-Generation Pty Ltd v Liquor Licensing Court (2009) 237 CLR 501, 530 [90]. The standard format for unreported case comprises:


Party names (Italicised); [Year of decision in square brackets]; Abbreviation of name of Court Number of the decision;(Full date of decision) e.g. Hird v Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Sports Anti- Doping Authority [2015] FCAFC 7 (30 January 2015)

e.g. Hird v Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority [2015] FCAFC 7 (30 January 2015) [150].

Footnoting The case name should be omitted from the footnote if the case name appears in full in the body of your text. In this case you merely provide the citation to the case in the footnote. In South Australia v Totani the High Court held that s 14(1) of the Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008 (SA) was invalid on constitutional grounds1. Footnote a case in full, where you briefly refer to a case, or to a particular passage of the decision, in which instance you may want to also provide details of the judge. The appellants in K-Generation were seeking access to the criminal intelligence that had been presented by the Police to the Liquor Licensing Court, and withheld from them.

49 _______________________________Welcome to Law School

PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is a serious issue for law students, with academic misconduct potentially affecting your ability to be admitted to practice. Plagiarism can happen inadvertently, so be sure to read this policy Plagiarism is a specific form of Academic Misconduct. Deliberate Plagiarism is regarded as a serious act of Academic Misconduct. A finding of Academic Misconduct in the form of Plagiarism will have significant consequences for Law students specifically, as it may impact on the ability of the School of Law to certify that the student is 'of good fame and character' in regard to an application to be admitted to practise law. Plagiarism can refer to a number of different actions. In paragraph 9.2.2 of the Assessment Policies and Procedures Manual 2017, Plagiarism is defined to include: a. direct copying of the work of other persons, from one or more sources, without clearly indicating the origin. This includes both paper- based and electronic sources (including, but not limited to, the following examples: material from websites, books, articles, theses, working papers, seminar and conference papers, internal reports, lecture notes or tapes), and also visual materials (including, but not limited to, the following examples: photographs, drawings and designs b. using very close paraphrasing of sentences or whole passages without referencing the original work c. submitting another student's work in whole or in part, where such assistance is not expressly permitted in the course outline d. use of another person's ideas, work or research data without acknowledgment e. submitting work that has been written by one else on the student's behalf

f. copying computer files, algorithms or computer code without clearly indicating their origin g. submitting work that has been derived, in whole or in part, from another student's work by a process of mechanical transformation (eg changing variable names in computer programs) h. in any way appropriating or imitating another's ideas and manner of expressing them where such assistance is not expressly permitted in the course outline. It is important to note that Plagiarism is treated very seriously at the University of South Australia (UniSA). Paragraph 9.3.1 of the Assessment Policies and Procedures Manual 2017 makes reference to the fact that the University employs various procedures for identifying instances of Academic Misconduct. Any work that is submitted by a student may, for example, be subject to testing using text comparison software. It is a condition of enrolment that students give their consent to this process. When assignments are submitted you will be required to agree to the Plagiarism statement prior to submission. A student's username and password is equivalent to their signature when used to submit assessment tasks electronically. Helpful information on avoiding Plagiarism is provided by the student engagement unit and UniSA now has an office for academic integrity. For more details regarding procedures and penalties, refer to the Assessment Policies and Procedures Manual 2017 available at unisa.edu. au/

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WRITING A CASE SUMMARY The ability to read, undersand and summarise cases is one of the most important skills at law school, and for your future career. Looking at the length of a case can be daunting enough, but sometimes a case can be enough to make you question what you're doing with your life, and sometimes they're about as interesting as any Snapchat story that exceeds 50 seconds (example: Carter v Egg and Egg Pulp Marketing Board, 45 pages of your life you'll never get back). And then of course, if you're like me, you'll get a good paragraph in before you start rewarding your efforts.

1. Skim read the case without writing or highlighting. Now read it again, highlighting key points.

So here’s a guide to help set you on track, courtesy of Sydney Law School (source: sydney.edu.au/ lec/subjects/contracts/200405/ Casenote.doc);

4. The prior history of the case in lower courts, such as appeals (if mentioned in the judgment);

2. Write down formal particulars, including: The name and citation of the case (ie Mabo v Queensland (No.2) (1992) 175 CLR 1), Name of the court and judge(s), Name and status of each party, and Date of the judgment. 3. The material facts of the case;

5. The cause of action or claim involved in the case (for example, the issue on appeal); 6. A summary of the judgments, including any dissenting judgments, which should include: The facts that were considered material or relevant, 7. The ratio decidendi (rule), 8. The arguments considered by the court in support of, or against, the principle, and any obiter dicta or significant observations by the court; 9. Comment on the decision on the law.




51 _______________________________Welcome to Law School

THE ART OF NOTE TAKING "There's no right method when it comes to taking notes. Everyone has their own preference; the art is finding the way that works for you." Taking notes is an important part of law school. Not only can the practice help you learn the material, but they will usually form the basis for your exam notes. Everybody has a preference, the art is in finding which way works for you. Some possible methods include: Taking a computer (if you're using a Macbook, don't forget your free trade latte and boat shoes without socks). Grants you the speed to keep up with the lecturer and is easy to keep your notes formated - but also gives you an excuse to surf Facebook for three hours straight (more of an excuse, anyway). The ol' pen and paper. Much slower than a computer, you'll probably spend a lot of time trying to keep up and may miss some important parts. Try jotting down anything you think is important, such as case names, citations and dates (highlighted), or anything your lecturer emphasises. You could try to devise your own shorthand system (if you actually know shorthand, please allow me to bask in your excellence). Print the lecture slides. By selecting the 'notes' printing feature (three slides per page with lines down only the extra bits your lecturer may bring up that aren't already on the slides, as well as highlighting important parts as you go.

You could also try making notes with friends, and spending a set time each week (or during swot vac) swapping notes and building your own super- notes. Pick a time, either post lecture, at the end of the week, where you take the time to read over your notes and understand what you've written. If you've hand written your notes, take this time to type them up - you can reformat and retain more information as you go. Break things down in to individual topics (i.e. for torts: negligence, battery, assault, etc). Highlight the important bits, cases and principles, and consider making a seperate document for case summaries. A lot of tutors supply questions for discussion for each tutorial. Use these questions in conjunction with your notes to further your understanding. When it comes to exam time, have each topic start on a new page (if using typed notes), and tab each section so they're easy to get to. Also consider numbering your pages and creating a table of contents - it'll save you a lot of time while you're busy panicking over everything else.

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UTILITIES AROUND UNI ATM & Metrocard Recharge Located in the BH Building (same building as the Caf, but on the op- posite side of the lounge), or next to The Co-Op.

The Co-Op Located in the BH Building (same building as the Caf, but on the opposite side of the lounge). Sells text books, stationery, note books, as well as some UniSA apparelL.

Campus Central JS level 2, campuscentral.citywest@unisa.edu. au Student ID cards; Student administration forms; Enrolment assistance, overrides and timetables Graduation

IT Helpdesk myUniSA and MyEnrolment - access issues LearnOnline Gradebook and Assessment Wireless setup

Campus Security (FM Assist) JS level 1 (left of main entrance), 8302 0555

53 _______________________________Welcome to Law School


Located in the Barbara Hanrahan Building (left of the Hawke building from the North Terrace enterance), The Caf is your mini cafe, with a variety of wraps, sandwiches, coffee, cakes, chips and redbull for those Monday mornings. They also have a range of hot foods including curries and schnitzels. Price range is about standard to high, can get a decent feed for under $10.


Smack in the centre of City West, Aroma houses the outdoor tables on your way to Jeffrey Smart (towards Hindley). They do hot drinks and cafe foods, fancy sandwiches, croissants, foccacias, other French sounding breads. On the pricey side of things, but coffee is on point.


At the front of the Uni, on North Terrace (opposite the Hawke building). Cosy place, with outdoor and indoor dining, boutique coffee and gourmet foods. A hipsters paradise. Coffee is cheap and is exactly what you need to get you through back-to-back-lectures.


One of my favourite childhood stories has been bought to life in this cute setting. Located on the western end of Hindley Street, this new addition has been well received by law students. It is a great hub for organic dishes (such as tarts and salads) and coffee. They also have a liquor licence if you feel you need a heavier drink after a three hour lecture. The owners even harvest their own organic garden on the roof of the cafe.


Located on Hindley Street, go past Aroma (on the end at your left), or left from the Law Building. Outside and inside dining the beer garden out back has a pretty chill vibe. Hipsters often frequent (that’s usually how I judge if a place is good or not). Drinks are standard town prices. $20 for a jug of cider and bowl of wedges. The wedges are actually amazing. I often dream about them.


I just want to reiterate the sausage rolls. Also a lot of other good food and coffee. Nothing over $10.

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FINAL FAST FACTS UniSA was established in 1991, however the law school was not founded until 2008. The UniSA Law Building, is heritage listed and landmark. The building was completed in 1941 and used as the administrative head quarters of the South Australian Brewing Company, now known as West End. The historical design was created by Kenneth Milne, a prominent Adelaide architect. A lot of the original features including the builiding's wood panelling and wrought iron still exists today. One room in particular, the boardroom, highlights these original features. Judges in court should be addressed as "Your Honour", unless they are a Chief Justice, in which they should be addressed as "Chief Justice" - surprise! It is traditional for Judges and lawyers to wear gowns in the Supreme and District Courts, however, it isn't in the Magistrates Court. When identifying judges in academic writing, you can abbreviate by using their surname followed by either J or CJ as appropriate. For example, Chief Justice Keifel can be refered to as CJ Keifel. In 2017 our new chief justice was appointed - Susan Keifel. This was a momentous date in Australian legal history as CJ Keifel is the first woman to hold the position since the high court was founded. When you enter and exit the courtroom, expected that you pause briefly at the door and bow your head towards the Coat of Arms. This is to acknowledge your respect for the laws. When a Judicial officer (for example, a Judge, Justice or Magistrate) enters or exits the courtoom, it is respectful to stand and bow and remain standing until they have left.

55 _______________________________Welcome to Law School

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57 _______________________________Welcome to Law School



You can contact your lecturers or tutors by email, phone or in person.

Carol Brewitt and Kelly Ladyman

However, before sending an email make sure that you have thoroughly searched the internet for the answer to your question. There is heaps of information online and via the UniSA portal.

- Advice on program structure - Best ways to progress through the program - Answer queries and provide information to prospective and current students with regards to enrolling in Law courses - Advice on course requirements - Advise on University policy and procedure Appointments can be made at the School of Law reception or by phoning 08 8302 7244



The preferred form of contact is by email. Make sure that you are polite, professional and proof read every email.

(currently Associate Professor Julia Davis) - Approval to take special pathways through the program - Applications for credit Appointments can be made by emailing the Program Director, julia.davis@unisa.edu.au or via the Law Reception.

COURSE COORDINATOR Details are available by searching for the course homepage at unisa.edu. au, or via myUniSA (click the i icon next to the name of the subject under mycourses) - Information about a particular course - Unable to attend a tutorial - Extensions for assignments - Feedback on assignments and results.

TUTOR Please make note of your tutor's details in your first tutorial and their preferred method of contact. - Questions about assignments or course work

Ms Leanne Steele - School Manager Mrs Carol Brewitt - Team Leader: Academic Services Mrs Maggie Ball - Project Support and Administration Officer Ms Eleni Ftanos - Academic Services Officer Ms Kelly Ladyman - Academic Services Officer Erin Bowler - Clerical Officer


Professor Wendy Lacey - Dean of Law Associate Prof. Julia Davis - Program Director Professor Rick Sarre - Professor of Law Professor Roman Tomasic - Professor of Law Professor Vicki Waye - Professor of Law Professor Irene Watson - Research Professor in Law Professor Jennifer McKay - Professor of Business Law Associate Professor Karen Bubna-Litic - Associate Professor of Law Associate Professor Peter MacFarlane - Associate Professor of Law Ms Rachel Spencer - Director: Professional Programs Dr Ping Xiong - Senior Lecturer Dr Michelle Fernando - Senior Lecturer Ms Jane Knowler - Senior Lecturer Dr Joe McIntyre - Senior Lecturer Dr Mia Rahim - Senior Lecturer Ms Tracey Coleman - Lecturer Ms Victoria Danambasis - Lecturer Ms Juliette McIntyre - Lecturer Ms Anja Kantic - Lecturer Mr Patrick Lim - Lecturer Ms Sue Milne - Lecturer Ms Krystyna Sawon - Lecturer Mr Jake Stone - Lecturer

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59 _______________________________Welcome to Law School

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