Bradford UNISON Newsletter April 2019

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news NISON U


The Newsletter for Bradford UNISON

April 2019

Unions join forces to fight Academies Trust’s plan to cut terms and conditions UNISON and other education unions are uniting to fight cuts to National Terms and Conditions in schools run by the Bradford Diocesan Academies Trust. The Trust says it plans to cap sick pay for their employees facing disciplinary or capability proceedings at 13 weeks. They are also trying to break away from their obligation to pay future national pay awards. Education Convenor Donna Willoughby said UNISON were angry with the proposed 13 week cap on sickness – when people are at their most vulnerable – which implied all members were likely to abuse the existing system. Donna said: “This is a moral battle because it is a slur to imply that our members would abuse this sickness process and we have told the Trust that such a policy will contradict their Christian principles. “This is why there is such a strong solidarity between the

unions on this issue. I have never seen different unions working so closely together.” The dispute has prompted a response from Church leaders as reported in the Yorkshire Post, with the Bishop of Kirkstall urging all parties “to continue seeking a positive way forward.” Regional Organiser Ashley Harper said: “We have contacted the clergy and local MPs and Councillors to raise our grave concerns about what the Trust is proposing. “We have made it clear that we are prepared to come back to the negotiating table and willing to negotiate with the Trust. However this has to be on the basis that they will honour the national agreements that should apply to all schools and academy staff.

allegations that turn out to have been unfounded and it is no surprise that some staff will end up ill as a result of the stress that this causes. “We know of no other employer acting in this arbitrary way. “The promise to repay money after the event if an allegation is dropped or dismissed is no comfort while you are trying to pay your rent or mortgage.” An indicative ballot is being carried out for UNISON members to establish what action they would be prepared to take on this issue. The Branch is also taking advice from head office on potential legal claims against the Trust.

“The limits on sick pay would apply regardless of the nature of the illness. Many staff face

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Bradford UNISON, 21-23 Neal Street, Bradford, BD5 0BX

Tel: 01274 513170 Email:

inside this edition... Three members suspended for social media comments

Contact the branch

Get active in your branch

Campaign to combat stress

Days out to Whitby and the races

Enter our prize word game

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Bradford UNISON

Josh getting to grips with new Convenor role After completing his stewards’ training at the Branch Office in 2018, Josh Moore immediately started doing disciplinary hearings with his newly acquired skills. Then in March this year he became Convenor for the Neighbourhood and Waste department and shadowing fellow convenors. Now he is ready to attend hearings and enter into negotiations on his own. Josh said: “I think there is more responsibility as a Convenor than as a steward but the stewards’ training is excellent and it has been very helpful to shadow more experienced colleagues and learn from watching how they conduct themselves. “The main problems I encounter are the effects of restructures, with people being told they have to move to tackle ‘new opportunities’. “In cleansing we have predominantly low paid workers and it is those members who are paying the price of central government cuts to the Council’s budget. “That is why it is so important we are fully geared up to represent their interests and I am doing all I can to do that well.”

Big thanks to members who attended the AGM Branch secretary Linda Crowther has sent out a massive “thank you” to everyone who attended the AGM. She said: “We were just 12 members short of being quorate, however, that means certain Branch business will have to be deferred until next year. “Issues relating to the industrial action funds and other planned and preventative work. “The day to day running of the Branch such as ratification of officers and stewards and honoraria payments can be dealt with at Branch Committee or at regional level so we can continue to function. “We will look very carefully next year at perhaps having more than one meeting so if members cannot make it to one for whatever reason, they have a choice of others which should boost the numbers. “We will consult members on any changes that are made for next year’s AGM.”

Alison Wilson, guest speaker at the meeting, addressed the members about the effects of stress on people’s general health. She said mental health issues are responsible for 91 million working days in the UK at an annual cost of £30 billion a year. She urged members who feel they may be suffering from the effects of stress to contact their union as soon as possible to get advice and support. The winners of the AGM prize draw were as follows: 1st: £150* – Joanne Kirwan 2nd: £50* – Ann Galloway 3rd: £25* – Christina Lome 4th: £25* – John F. Taylor 5th: £10* – Rosalind Levitt 6th: £10* – Jonathon Milnes 7th: £10* – Diane Cottrell 8th: £10* – Pete Betts 9th: £10* – Jacqueline McManus 10th: meal for two at Napoleons – Teresa Barraclough 11th: chocolates – Adele Robinson *gift card

Financial Advice Surgery The surgery comprises a 30 minute one-to-one meeting with one of our fully-trained financial advisers. They have the knowledge and expertise – including a detailed understanding of the Local Government Pensions Scheme – required to help you whatever your financial worries or stage in life. WHERE: Interview Room 2, Bradford UNISON, 21-23 Neal Street, Bradford BD5 0BX WHEN:

Thursday 6th June & 19th Sept 2019. 9:45am – 3:30pm

BOOK YOUR PLACE: Email or call the person below, stating the surgery date and venue – Lesley at lesley.godley@lighthousegroup. or on 01273 523706

Second part of 2-year NJC pay award will be paid from April 1 As UNISON News went to press, Bradford Council were making arrangements to implement the second year of the 2018-2019 NJC pay award. The pay award applies to the vast majority of local authority

and academy school staff. The minimum pay increase of 2 per cent will be paid from April 1. Regional Organiser Ashley Harper said UNISON had been in negotiations with the Council for the past few months

and considers that they have correctly applied the national award. If you want more details about what the NJC award means for you, please go to the Branch website to find more details.

UNISON Newsletter


A word from the Branch Secretary

Linda Crowther

UNISON members know only too well that the Prime Minister’s announcement (to her party conference) that austerity was over was a meaningless slogan.

It might have got her a few positive headlines at the time, but the bitter truth is that austerity continues to wreck our services and impoverish our communities. As you will see in this edition of UNISON News, despite the relentless attacks on local government and the loss of thousands of jobs, we are holding our own in recruiting members to fight for fairness and justice. And as I say, we really need more members to get involved and help us deal with the workload. We need to recruit new stewards, but if you feel that’s a step too far, please consider becoming a workplace contact so that we can be strong and organised right across the authority.

I am also again urging members to be constantly aware of the dangers posed by social media. It actually makes me feel like I am nagging you about this issue, but if I am it is for the best of reasons: I don’t want any more members to face disciplinary action and possibly lose their jobs because of what they post – or what is posted about them. So please bear this in mind before you publish anything on social media. Someone, somewhere, who you probably don’t even know, is watching. You will also read about the attack on members’ terms and conditions by the Bradford Diocese Academies Trust. The privatisation racket

goes on, boosting profits at the expense of the staff who actually keep the service running. But we are geared up to fight them over this as it clearly demonstrates the way these members, and other outsourced staff elsewhere, can be attacked and exploited on the alleged grounds that employers need to make budget “savings”. So thanks to everyone for the efforts they continue to make on behalf of UNISON members. Without your hard work and dedication we could not help and support our members as effectively as we continue to do in Bradford. Best wishes, Linda Crowther Branch Secretary

Free training courses at Regional Office From improving their English and Maths to confidence building and assertiveness, UNISON is providing members with the chance to improve their skills. The courses are run at Commerce House in Leeds but some can be accessed on-line as well. They provide everyone with a chance to improve their skills and ability to deal with

issues not only at work but also in their private lives. Branch Secretary Linda Crowther said: “There are a number of courses available and I am delighted that we are sending people from the Branch. “There has been a lot of interest and the people who have been on them are extremely enthusiastic about how beneficial they are. “We will support all

applications for our members to take part. “One member, who has dyslexia, said the courses she attended have given a big boost to her confidence and made her happier at work and outside of it.” If you would like to know more about this training please look on the Branch website or just give the Branch a call on 01274 513170.


Bradford UNISON


Adele Robinson Convenor for Corporate Services

David Wright Convenor for Health & Wellbeing, and Chief Exec

Julie Horbury Convenor for Children’s, and WYPF


We need members to get active Despite the government’s austerity attacks on local authorities’ budgets, the Branch is holding its own in terms of recruitment. Many members have been lost since 2010 through redundancy, but thanks to the efforts of our stewards, convenors and workplace contacts. “But it is an uphill struggle,” says Branch Secretary Linda Crowther. “Many members are now joining on line and we are holding our own but we do need more stewards to make sure we are able to cope with the demands on us.” Linda said many members who have done the stewards’ training had been very happy with it and felt renewed confidence in their working lives. They regularly recommend the training to colleagues. But she urged members who may not feel being a steward is for them to help out by becoming workplace contacts. That involves receiving and displaying information from the Branch and directing members to the Branch if they need help and

support. Linda said: “Any contribution to UNISON’s work will be really helpful so I hope people will seriously think about getting involved. “I know many low-paid workers are suffering financial hardship and may be reluctant to have membership as an expense. “But the benefits of membership will far outweigh the cost, and our subscriptions are low compared with some other unions. “Apart from all the advice and protection in the workplace that UNISON provides, we can also help with things like the cost of school uniforms through the Here For You charity. “We also run regular subsidised sports and social events which give our low paid members a chance to have fun with their families because many cannot afford holidays as money is so tight. “So I hope all our members encourage others to join because the more members we have, the more effectively we can help and support them.”

Members urged to contact Branch if they are in a sickness procedure UNISON has intervened on several occasions on behalf of members returning to work after sickness absence. Problems have arisen because some HR managers have not set the targets for them from the first day they return to work. Any delay in the process can mean members face targets for longer periods than they should. Convenor Adele Robinson said:

“We have intervened on a number of occasions on behalf of individual members and HR have agreed to set the targets from the day they return to work with no delay. “The sickness process should not be seen as a form of punishment. “Members should always contact us to get clarification of their position in the process so they are not doing a longer period of targets than they should.”

UNISON Newsletter

Council looks set to accept UNISON’s Residential Care Charter UNISON has written a Residential Care Charter to improve conditions for our members working in the service. And the Branch is confident that the Council is prepared to adopt the charter after holding discussions with officers and elected members. The Charter seeks to ensure residential homes are properly staffed, that the staff are properly trained for their jobs, have properly contracted hours and are paid fairly for the work they do.

Convenor David Wright said: “We are very pleased that the Council is considering adopting the charter. “UNISON is leading the way in the care sector to get better pay and conditions for our members. “By ensuring staff are well trained and properly paid, the service will be able to attract and retain high quality staff who are essential to making sure the service to residents in these homes is of the highest possible standard.”

New company helping vulnerable people is “good example” to other employers National company Voiceability – which helps vulnerable people to cope with communication and life skills – have won a contract to provide the service in Bradford. Known as the Advocacy Service, around 30 staff were previously employed by Airedale Advocacy and a company called Choice. Convenor David Wright said since Voiceability had won the contract, UNISON had been in discussions with them about staff transfers and had agreed

a smooth transition for our members. David said: “We have worked very closely with the company and hope to work very closely with them in future. “We feel this new company is acting in the best interests of our members and the vulnerable people they serve. “These are principles which we hope all good employers will follow. They are a very good example for other employers to follow.”



Donna Willoughby Convenor for Education

Josh Moore Convenor for Neighbourhoods & Waste

Dawn Myers Convenor for Sport & Culture and Economy & Development Services

Hypertension Outreach Project (HOP) A FREE health and wellbeing check! Free blood pressure tests and health and wellbeing advice for UNISON Members If you would like an appointment then please contact the office on 01274 513170 and these are being held at Bradford UNISON, 21 – 23 Neal Street, Bradford, BD5 0BX on 7th May 2019 10am to 2pm Please note we cannot test if you are already on blood pressure medication.



Bradford UNISON

Branch launches campaign to combat stress The Bradford Branch is gathering information about the levels of anxiety and depression in Bradford Council as stressed staff try to cope with an everincreasing workload. Branch Secretary Linda Crowther said central government cuts have seen many posts deleted in the Council. But although the posts disappear it is clear that the work those staff were doing does not disappear with them. She said: “All that is happening is that members are having to do more and more work in the same amount of time. “That coupled with people either being on holiday or off work through illness piles the pressure on staff and an increasing number of staff are going off sick with stress related illness.”

The branch committee decided we needed to find out the reasons for absences from work. The information can then be collated and the Branch can put things in place to help members cope. Members will be informed through newsletters and branch updates and there will be information sessions throughout the year. These could be face to face or via social media so that members are informed of how to tackle stress at work. Branch Health and Safety officer Alan Whyte said that under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, employers have a duty “to ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, the health safety and welfare at work of all employees.” This includes minimising the risk of stress-related illness or injury to employees. The law says directors must

consider how they monitor factors which suggest there is a problems with stress related illness including, if appropriate, a stress management strategy. Alan said: “There are many legal requirements which relate to stress and we make sure we and the members understand what we can do to tackle the problem.” And the Branch is also bringing in a group of people who can do free heart and blood pressure tests for members. That information can then be presented to an employer or a GP if a stress-related problems affects them. Linda said: “We are going to do all we can to reduce the effects of austerity on our members. We want them to come to us sooner rather than later if they are having any problems.”

Three suspensions in one week because of social media Three members were suspended from work in just one week in March because of social media. The Branch has for a number of years warned of the dangers of using social media – but many members are still risking their livelihoods. The three suspensions in March are just three of many UNISON has to deal with throughout the year. Branch Secretary Linda Crowther said: “Once again, people have got involved in what they think are closed chat forums – without knowing anyone who is on that forum as well. “As has been written

frequently in this newsletter, social media complaints are the easiest way employers can get rid of staff. “Any mention of their work, their bosses or colleagues or personal opinions that can be deemed offensive can lead to members being charged with breaking the terms of their contracts. “It is extremely difficult to defend these cases and we want to warn members again to be extremely careful about what they post because the comments are so often communicated to their employer.” Linda also warned of another danger of social

media – workers being filmed on mobile phones while doing their jobs out in the community. In a recent disciplinary case a care worker was filmed as she spent a considerable time on her mobile when taking a client out to lunch. A member of the public sent the film to the woman’s employer and complained about the incident. The care worker was dismissed. Linda said: “Members should always be mindful when out in their communities that they could be vulnerable to similar complaints from the public which could lead to disciplinary action at work.”


UNISON Newsletter



SUNDAY 30TH JUNE 2019 UNISON members: £5.00 Partners and children: £10 per seat Max 4 seats Pick up time 9.30am. Leaving Whitby at 6.00pm

Members Name (s) Membership No (s) Names of Non Members E-mail Address for Communications No Adults

No Children

Total Amount Enclosed

Closing date: Friday 10th May 2019. All cheques or Postal Orders to be made payable to Bradford UNISON. Please post form and payment to Bradford UNISON, 21-23 Neal Street, Bradford, BD5 0BX. Communication regarding trip will be by email only, however, should you not have an email address please include a SAE with your payment in order that confirmation and final arrangements can be sent to you.




£20 per person (this includes travel and entry to races) Max 4 tickets per member (must include at least 1 member per booking) The coach will leave the UNISON branch office at 10am and leave Doncaster at 8pm. The gates open at 12 noon and the races finish at 5.45pm. Entertainment commences at 6pm and this is an Oasis and Stone Roses Tribute act. Members Name (s) Membership No (s) Names of Non Members

E-mail Address for Communications No Adults

No Children

Total Amount Enclosed

Closing date: Friday 10th May 2019. All cheques or Postal Orders to be made payable to Bradford UNISON. Please post form and payment to Bradford UNISON, 21-23 Neal Street, Bradford, BD5 0BX. Communication regarding trip will be by email only, however, should you not have an email address please include a SAE with your payment in order that confirmation and final arrangements can be sent to you.


Bradford UNISON

Restructures in libraries, museums and leisure centres put jobs at risk Central Government cuts to local authority budgets are putting 12 jobs at risk in the Council’s libraries and museums. In addition to cutting jobs, the Council is also proposing to close libraries and museums for much longer periods during the year in a bid to save £760,000 from the budget. They also plan to cut reception cover at sports and leisure centres and two members of staff in the service have

already requested voluntary redundancy. Convenor Dawn Myers said: “Obviously our members are worried about the proposed job losses and they are also concerned that the closing some facilities for a month or two months at a time will badly hit income. “The public will be confused about opening times and simply stop visiting these places which will obviously affect the income they generate.”

UNISON is calling on the Council to re-deploy staff wherever possible and provide re-training for affected members. Talks with the Council are at an early stage and the Branch will keep members informed of any developments.

Prize game: Famous Pairs


£20 gift card for the winner!

In this light-hearted crossword puzzle, you’ll need to think about common combos of food, TV characters and everyday items. Just supply the second item in each pair. Across


1. Macaroni & ___ 3. Chips & _____ 6. Table & _____ 8. Anthony & ____ 10. Adam & ____ 11. Rocky & _____ 12. Bacon & _____ 14. Ken & _____ 17. Ozzie & _____ 20. Batman & _____ 22. Bert & _____ 23. Peas & _____ 24. Peanut butter & _____ 25. Laverne & _____ 27. Snoopy & _____ 29. Beans & _____ 31. Chicken & ____ 32. Paper & _____ 33. Hugs & _____

1. Cheese & _____ 2. Gilbert & _____ 4. Laurel & ____ 5. Milk & _____ 7. Cup & _____ 9. Romeo & ____ 13. Simon & _____ 15. Bread & _____ 16. Hansel & _____ 18. Currier & _____ 19. Shoes & _____ 21. Lone Ranger & ____ 23. Bonnie & _____ 26. David & ____ 28. Salt & _____ 30. Fish & _____

Send your entry with name, membership number and contact details to the branch office. The winner will be selected at random from correct entries. The last edition’s winner was Julie Horbury. Well done Julie!

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