01 NEW YORK FROM FAR Initial Investigations
A New Yorker's Blog
Lost Connections People have lost their real connection with nature, everything can be virtually experienced.
New York Times set up a live free 24/7 webcam to keep an eye on Hawk family.
CLOSE ENCOUNTER "Wild life in a city like New York is limited" Brian Dube
Manufactured Landscapes Photographer Edward Burtynsky travels the world observing changes in the landscape due to manufacturing and industrial work.
Manufactured Landscapes "What we do is connected" Edward Burtynsky
x 10 Million
x 200,000 Cubic Feet
x 60,000 Tons
x 62,000 Cubic Yards
Building New York Natural resources were used and primary landscapes were altered in the making of New York City.
Building New York Mannahatta Project turned back to the time before sky scrapers when Manhattan was covered with green forests, streams and wildlife.
Natural Resources
Working Elements
Man-Made Products
System The world we live in is like a system, it has a power source, working elements producing a product which are reliant on each other. As our urban landscapes rise up the natural resources are being used and decline in amounts this is a reflection of our action.
+1M global sea level rise
+60M global sea level rise
The Future?
Future Predictions Sea Levels are set to rise by 1 meter by the end of this century and continue to rise.
Areas that were predicted to be flooded by Sandy
Sandy Using renewable energy has been one of the most effective ways of reducing the carbon foot print on our planet.
Map showing how water entered the city when Sandy hit New York
Flood Sea Levels are set to rise by 1 meter by the end of this century.
There is potential in harvesting electrons released among plant roots in damp, conductive soil, and this could eventually generate a significant portion of our domestic electricity needs.
SAving The world Using renewable energy has been one of the most effective ways of reducing the carbon foot print on our planet.
02 Site
Site Investigations
Manhattan, New York
Battery Park
Site The site for this project was at the tip of Manhattan, a well known park called The Battery Park.
1. Sphere 1 2. Castle Clinton
3. East Coast Memorial 3
4. View to Statue of Liberty
Site Context
-44 -30
-39 -40
Site Plan
Castle Clinton
Site History The site which is at the tip of Manhattan was extended by landfill over time eventually connecting parts where was once in the middle of water. It was an area once with artillery guns protecting the settlements behind.
Site History This drawing maps the change in shape of Manhattan's harbour over time.
Dry Land
Flooded Land
1M sea level rise
Site + Flood Batter Park was flooded when hurricane Sandy hit New York.
03 Design
Design Development
Different Platforms in various heights according to the sea level predictions
Initial Idea The initial idea was to create a landscape which helps people scape or deal with future storms and rising water.
Storm surge defence barrier Rotterdam, Holland
Barrier The idea behind this model was to create a barrier which would protect the park from future storms.
Man made islands to filter storm waves which rise with water
Rising Platforms The idea behind this model was to build platforms on the edge of the site which rise with water.
Sea wall, Vancouver
City (e) scape idea of not preventing but scaping to a secondary city
Second Layer The idea behind this model was to build a barrier from the rising waters while adding another layer to the site above ground level.
Low Line, Underground Park
The High Line, Elevated Park
Second Layer This model combined the idea of a protective wall, rising platforms and scape routes together.
Carlo Scarpa
Material experiment This model was inspired by Carlo Scarpa's work and was done as an experiment to test possible materials for the final model.