Where Will It Lead? The world’s elites seek to create a new world order—a better world, as they envision it. Yet what is actually developing is a world heading into darkness beyond their imagining. God says to understand and not be part of that world.
eremiah thought he was too young to become a prophet. God had told him before his birth he was destined to carry the words of God to the nations. How could he, a son of a priest from an obscure village, pronounce God’s word to his own nation of Judah—much less the greater nations beyond? God told Jeremiah not to look at his age, but rather to focus on God’s power to support and fulfill a mission through him. Then God said: “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant” (Jeremiah 1:9-10). God indeed fulfilled this during the decades-long ministry of Jeremiah. The powerful Assyrian Empire collapsed. Egypt receded further into a secondary-power status. Judah would fall to Babylon, an empire whose lifeblood would be carried westward to reemerge in the Roman Empire. The age of Jeremiah was an age of reform and reset. An
4 Beyond Today
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
era was ending in this ancient world. Men feared for the future. What was familiar was changing. Old ways were being swept away. Kings and leaders sought to recapture past cultures and glories. Assyrian King Ashurbanipal ordered ancient texts to be copied and preserved in his library at Nineveh. There was a nostalgic longing for a return to the past, to a more “normal” time when men were secure in their faith and their identity. The events of this period of the late seventh century and early sixth century B.C. offer a lens through which we can understand what is happening now in the early decades of the 21st century. Ours is a time of upheaval and change accelerated by the recent global pandemic and growing global unrest. At few times in history have so many currents of civilizational transformation come together in one moment! Origins of the “great reset” The world is being shaken by massive changes in technology, politics, economics, environmental issues
mon5ter/123RF/ymgerman/123RF/Shaun Venish
by Darris McNeely