2 minute read
PRESIDENT’S NOTES, by robert mills
I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe this summer amid this global pandemic.
As I sit down and try to gather my thoughts for this article, I have many mixed emotions.
I do not know of one person whom the events of the last several months have not affected in one way or another. Disruption of markets, cancellation of events, restrictions on travel, closing of certain businesses, mandates on masks, social distancing, and consumer supply shortages – just to name a few. No matter where you stand on the political side of this mess, it has affected every one of us.
Our Youth Activities Committee had to make the decision to cancel our All American National Junior Show. It was a decision that was made after lengthy and thoughtful discussion. Every part of that decision was weighed for pros and cons, and for the safety of participants, their families, and spectators. Added to that were the restrictions put on the event by the county-owned facility as well as government mandates. In the end, the decision was unanimous that it was in the best interest of all to cancel the cattle events. However, the rest of the contests were held virtually online with most of our Junior members participating. Congratulations to the winners of those contests and all our Junior members who participated.
Many of the events anticipated for fall are still in the planning stages. The task is cumbersome when the rules and circumstances are changing daily. UBB is experiencing the same obstacles, as plans are beginning for our fall Annual Meeting that was postponed in early 2020. The plans are to try to hold that meeting in October if possible. Updates will be sent in our emailed Newsletter and on social media.
The UBB office and staff have been conducting business as usual with only some limited days and hours in the office in Kingsville. Our UBB Board of Directors have all been moving forward with Board Meetings via conference call or Zoom.
I encourage everyone to remain positive. Remember that Ag-related businesses and people are the foundation of our existence and our great nation. When I was a youngster growing up in rural America, our county agent used to tell a story at every meeting at which he was asked to speak or be the MC. It went like this: “If you eat, wear clothes and live in a house, you are dependent on agriculture.” Just remember that our job of raising replacement breeding stock and beef for consumers is never-ending and will always be an important part of our society. I am asking each of you to be an advocate for the Braford breed and the beef industry. Tell our story to whoever will listen. Beef: It’s What’s for Dinner at our house! It’s the best-tasting and best protein source on our planet. Stand up and be proud of what we do as breeders and share your story with fellow Americans. We still produce the finest eating experience and the safest food in the world right here in the good ol’ USA!
I look forward to a time in the near future for us all to come together in good fellowship. Until then, God bless you and your families.