2009 LEADERS IN GIVING & 2 0 0 8 annual re p o rt
50 Sout h aShevi French Br oa ll tel: 82 e, nc 28801 d ave. 8/ FaX: 82 255-0696 8/25580 www.u nitedw 04 ayaBc. org
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Stren gthen ing o u P le a s r commu nit e re m e m b e y by helpin r U n it g e d W people im a y in p y o u r rove their w il l li a n d te ves and c ar ll u s w h e n e for one anoth you d er o.
LIVE UNITED on the cover...
I’ve done a lot of things for United Way over the years - given my dollars and volunteered - but I must admit this is my first stint as a cover model! I had a great time that day with the sculptures outside the Asheville Civic Center. Right now, I’m cochairperson of the Education Focus Area group, working to refine our efforts around Education, Income and Health to really make a measurable difference here in Asheville and Buncombe County. I think it’s important to get your hands dirty and make a change in the conditions we see around us everyday. My name is Maggie Smith, and I don’t just wear the shirt, I live it!
!” it e v li e w , LIVE UNITED t ir h s e h t r a e w t d o n ’t ju s
In 2008, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County unveiled LIVE UNITED. More than a marketing campaign, it reflects a fundamental shift in the way we think about our work and its potential to change community conditions. LIVE UNITED has provided a framework for everything we do - from strategic planning to focus area refinement to future community impact. We’ve shared LIVE UNITED in our print and electronic communications, promotions and advertising, campaign and events. We even received a MarCom Gold Award for our Quick Reference Guide branded with LIVE UNITED. As a result, people are choosing to LIVE UNITED right here in Asheville and Buncombe County. Our givers, advocates and volunteers lead by example, enriching the lives of others and thereby being enriched themselves. You will read a few stories that exemplify the power of LIVING UNITED in the following pages and throughout the year. It’s not enough to believe it or represent it on your person. We don’t just wear the shirt, we live it!
advancing the c o mm o n g o o d No matter how well you do something, there are always opportunities to make it better, and United Way wanted to take LIVE UNITED to the next level in 2009. Our funding council model served the community well, but our volunteers felt we could be even more effective. More than 100 community leaders and experts in their field are in the process right now of refining the way United Way focuses its giving, advocating and volunteering efforts around education, income and health – the three building blocks that must be in place for a person to be successful. The groups are identifying community issues and the solutions needed to solve them.
his strategic planning process is excellent. It is making clear the key areas where the United Way and partners can do the most good....I think if those aspects of care for our children’s education are established as priorities for the community, we will see an impact. When I was teaching high school English, I saw a troublesome student transform into the class expert in poetry after I shared his work with his classmates. Through that experience, I was sure if he and other struggling students had a fostered love of what they were learning, their lives would be very different.” catherine peck YWCA
Kathy Coco
Rick Elingburg
Wendy Marsh
Tim Owen
Kitty Schaller
Ellen Steele
Kathleen Balogh
Celeste Collins
Amy Haynes
Brenda Mills
Christina Papesh
Tara Scholtz
Charles VanHarkness
Mary Lynn Powell
Glenda Scofield
Greg Walker-Wilson
Tim Rhodes
Marian Sigmon
Amy Sawyer
Fred Simms
Mills Manufacturing NC Council on Women
David Bennert
Innova Homes, LLC
Regi Blackburn
Community Volunteer
Charlotte Caplan Community Volunteer
Buncombe County DSS OnTrack Financial Education and Counseling
Scott Dedman
Mountain Housing Opportunities
Amanda Edwards Literacy Council
Employment Security Commission Our VOICE
Liz Huesemann
Irene Wortham Center
Jason Ingle
The Buyers Agent
Laura Jeffords
The Mediation Center
Council on Aging
Minority Business - City of Asheville
Allan Morse Eaton
David Nash
Housing Authority of Asheville
Sarah Osmer Just Economics
National Climatic Data Center Buncombe County DSS Eaton
Buncombe County DSS Homeless Initiative
Manna FoodBank
Community Foundation of WNC WNC AIDS Consortium Community Volunteer Community Volunteer
Dave Steel
Buncombe County Schools Mountain Bizworks
Ben Watts
Community Action Opportunities
Bill Whalen
Pisgah Legal Services
“Being in good health, both physically and mentally, builds a strong sense of well-being and gives us energy and confidence to work toward our life goals.
We’ve had a great group of dedicated volunteers bringing a broad range of experiences and insights to...crafting community objectives that will make good health a realistic possibility for everyone living in Buncombe County.” Julie Montanea
buncombe county health center
Barb Anderson Our Voice
Marcia Applegate Community Volunteer
Mark Bailey Givens Estate
Mary Barnett
American Red Cross
Kay Barrow
Community Volunteer
When the refinement is completed later this summer, United Way will be in a better position to advance the common good by investing your gifts in community efforts with outcomes that move us closer to the identified solutions. In addition, this process wil provide you opportunities to raise your voices through advocacy efforts and lend your muscles as volunteers to create long-lasting changes that prevent problems from happening in the first place.
facilitator judy futch
Becca Ireland
Cameron Kempson
Martin Mann
Catherine Peck
Robert Quayle
David Thompson
Sandy Barwick
Lisa Gibson
Ed Jenest
John Lauterbach
Martha Morgan
Jacque Penick
Maggie Smith
Bob Turner
Ken Brown
Peter Gretz
Latessa Johnson
Michael Lodico
Robin Myer
Kate Pett
Sally Smith
Paul Vest
Betty Budd
Robert Griffin
Anthony Jones
Trish Mahoney
Bettie O’Brien
Angie Pittman
Robin Stickney
Anne Clodfelter
Greg Hammer
Allison Jordan
Kay Manley
Carol Owens
Janet Price-Ferrell
Jim Taylor
Amy Barry Smart Start Pepsi Cola
I Have a Dream Asheville Retired, Juvenile Justice Buncombe County Schools
Buncombe County Health Center Asheville City Schools Community Volunteer Asheville Building Safety Dept. National Climatic Data Center
Asheville City Schools Community Volunteer Asheville City Schools
Buncombe County Juvenile Court Children First/CIS
Caring for Children
Retired, Asheville City Schools Sisters of Mercy
A-B Technical College
Retired, Buncombe County Schools Buncombe County Schools Big Brothers/Big Sisters Buncombe Co. Child Care Services Insurance Services of Asheville
Community Volunteer
Mountain Area Child & Family Ctr Asheville City Schools Foundation Buncombe County DSS FIRST
Retired, UNC-Asheville MAHEC
Buncombe County Schools Mission Hospitals YMCA
Community Volunteer The Health Adventure
e have to be committed to keeping human services strong if we at the same time are going to expect public assistance recipients to stand any chance of being self-sufficient and independent. My time working with the income group has been one of the best efforts toward that end that I have experienced. It is additionally important to know that in this troubling economy, United Way has stepped up to the plate to address issues of Income. I applaud United Way for taking on that challenge.” tim rhodes
buncombe county social services
Joe Connolly
Belinda Grant
Linda Kendall-Fields
Bill Mance
Jean Moore
Keith Ray
Susan Sutherland
Brenda Carleton
Ron Curran
Erin Henderlight
Becky Kessel
Barbara Marlowe
Linda Nelms
Elaine Robinson
Shirley Tenney
J. Nelson-Weaver
Lynn Scarbrough
Dan Zorn
Lawrence Pittman Blair Simmons
Western Highlands Network Western Carolinians for Criminal Justice
Kristy Carter
NC Division of Community Assistance
Valerie Collins Helpmate
Land-of-Sky Regional Council WNC AIDS Project
Mt. Zion Community Development Corp Land-of-Sky Regional Council Buncombe County DSS
Buncombe County DSS
Retired, Mission Hospitals Mission Hospitals
Van Duncan
Wendy Hines
Stephanie Kiser
Karen McDonald
Jennie Eblen
Bill Hogan
Jackie Latek
Bill McGuire
Dan Gerber
Eliza Johnson
Stephen Mace
Julie Montanea
Buncombe County Sheriff’s Dept. Community Volunteer
Haywood Community College Asheville Police Department
Retired, Western Highlands Network Access II Care of WNC
Mission Hospitals Families Together
Southestern Container
NC Dept. of Juvenile Justice Child Abuse Prevention Services Buncombe County Health Center
Guardian ad Litem UNC-Asheville
UNC-Asheville A-B Institute for Parity Achievement Emma Clinic - Mission Hospitals
PSNC Energy
Mission Hospitals
Linda Poss
Barbara St. Hilaire
Mission Hospitals
Charles George VA Medical Center
Mission Hospitals
Community Volunteer Families Together
nCare Endowment HumanCare Endowment HumanCa HumanCare Endowment e Endowment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare En The Investment of a Lifetime owment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare Endow ment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare Endowment Hum HumanCare Endowment Members nCare Endowment HumanCare Endowment HumanCa e Endowment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare En owment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare Endow ment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare Endowment umanCare Endowment HumanCare Endowment Huma Care Endowment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare ndowment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare Endow ment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare Endowment Hum nCare Endowment HumanCare Endowment HumanCa e Endowment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare En 6 owment HumanCare Endowment HumanCare Endow Strengthening Asheville and Buncombe County by helping people improve their lives and care for one another
“Through United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County, we give of our resources, raise our voices and lend our muscles to change our community. I ask you to consider another kind of giving: a future gift of a small part of your estate through a bequest in your will. Such an endowment would help assure our future and mark your continued legacy of giving. Together, we can continue improving lives and inspiring hope, both now and in the years to come.”
James Stickney HumanCare Endowment Chairman
Tocqueville Society Legacy $200,000+ Joe and Janice Brumit Mr. * and Mrs. Anthony Kushigian Drs. Wayne and Phyllis Lang Bill and Heather Lee Charlie and Eleanor Owen Robert C. Pew and Susan Taylor Charlie and Don Reed One Anonymous Giver
Roan Mountain Legacy $80,000 - $99,999 Preston Price *
Mount Mitchell Legacy $150,000 - $199,999 Ruth Paddison * Helen M. Russell *
Clingman’s Dome Legacy $100,000 - $149,999 George and Barbara Groome Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Wilcox, Sr. One Anonymous Giver
Richland Balsam Legacy $60,000 - $79,999 Robert and Shirley* Burns Paul and Ellie Toebke *
Mount Pisgah Legacy $30,000 - $39,999+ Drs. Lee and Mario DiCesare Mr. and Mrs. John D. Teeter
Cold Mountain Legacy $40,000 - $59,999 Mrs. Joseph Bailey * Marty and Ray Dean Jim and Robin Stickney Glenn Wilson Clyde and Mildred Wright * Joe Young, Jr. One Anonymous Giver
Shining Rock Legacy
Mr. * and Mrs. Perry Bartsch, Sr. Bart and Elaine Boyer J. W. Byers Rose Cooper * Jerry Hornowski
$20,000 - $29,999 Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hornowski Bill and Marilyn Hubbard Carroll and Gwen Hughes Jerry and Carrie Keller Charles O’Connor
George and Brenda Pfeiffer George Saenger Jack and Yvonne Smith Tom and Bonnie Spradling David and Nancy Swann Dr. and Mrs. Moultrie Truluck
Additional Endowment Members
Mrs. R. W. Anthony, Jr. Jonathan and Kelly Brandon Robert Burns* Mr. and Mrs. James Christian James Dalton Mrs. C. H. Elmslie Iris and Durward Everett
Tom and Pat Fitzpatrick Kerry and Anna Friedman John Gatling * Suzanne Hust Clyde Kelly * Mr. Peter Mallett Alice McLennan Trust *
Charles and Linda Nelms Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson, Jr. * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norvell Ken Partin * Helen Powers Karl and Shirley Quisenberry
Miss Monte Richardson / Jones-Richardson Fund Mr. * and Mrs. Brainard B. Rorison Dolly Swift Pam and Jim Turner Mr. Richard Wood, Jr. Two Anonymous Givers
2008 loaned executive dan gozan takes a break from working on pledge cards
The Tocqueville Society “Life inextricably links us to our environment, and we cannot help but be a part of our community. When we act with compassion and caring for all of those around us, we lift up not only our neighbors but ourselves as well. Making Asheville and Buncombe County a better place also makes us better people, which is why we Live United.” Dianne and David Worley
2008 and 2009 Tocqueville Leadership Council Co-Chairs
Tocqueville Society Leadership Council Dianne and David Worley, Co-Chairs Janice and Joe Brumit Tracy Buchanan Julie Davis Pat Grimes
Wayne and Phyllis Lang Heather and Bill Lee Barbra Love John Teeter
A History of The Tocqueville Society Alexis de Tocqueville was a French aristocrat who applauded the voluntary spirit of American society. His observations formed the 1835 work “Democracy in America,” a detailed study of American society, culture and politics. Perhaps his most important observation was Americans helped one another in times of need. He recognized, applauded and immortalized the volunteer spirit that lives in an American’s heart. United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County’s Tocqueville Society was created in 1990 to recognize those individuals and couples who contribute $10,000 or more annually to the organization. The gifts of its 57 very generous members represented 17 percent of the entire 2008 campaign. This group has become like a family and enjoys spending time together through a variety of fun activities throughout the year … everything from completing a volunteer project to a golf outing to picnicking and listening to beautiful music at a concert at Biltmore Estate.
john and diane teeter at their home in Hickory
2008 Tocqueville Society Community Service Award Recipients
think they are just committed to helping the world. They are just good people. They are the kind of people who see a problem out there and they decide they are going to figure out a way to fix it.” – Pamela Turner Their passion for life, community and all of God’s creatures is why we love John and Diane Teeter. They give of themselves selflessly to not only strengthen our community, but to change lives. Joe Brumit says, “John and Diane epitomize what it means to LIVE UNITED. They give of their time through volunteerism, they raise their voices to advocate on behalf of those who cannot do so themselves and they give of their dollars.” Their loyalty to United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County and the community at large has stayed strong even though they now live in Hickory, NC. John and Diane still travel back to Asheville several times a month. They not only continue to support United Way, they also share their knowledge, insight and generosity with many other worthy organizations: MANNA Food Bank, Buncombe County Schools Foundation, The Health Adventure, Asheville Humane Society and Big Brothers Big Sisters, just to name a few. United Way of America began presenting the Alexis de Tocqueville award in 1973. This award is presented annually to an individual or family who has demonstrated extraordinary commitment, creativity, leadership, inspiration, sustained service, and a broad scope of impact on their community and country. Past winners of this prestigious award include Presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter, Les Wexner, Bob Hope and Ambassadors Walter Annenberg and Bonnie McElveen-Hunter. Locally, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County joined this effort in 2002, honoring individuals and families who demonstrate outstanding commitment to volunteerism and philanthropy in our community. Previous recipients of this award include: Buddy and Marilyn Patton and Barbara Blomberg, Joe and Janice Brumit, Jerry Sternberg, Pam and Jim Turner, Bill and Heather Lee and Charlie and Eleanor Owen. It is with deep admiration and sincere gratitude that we honor you, John and Diane, with the 2008 Tocqueville Society Community Service Award. Thank you for inspiring us to embrace life and love the world and all its creatures with reckless abandon.
The Tocqueville Society “When Americans ask for the cooperation of their fellow citizens, it is seldom refused; and I have often seen it afforded spontaneously and with great good will.” Alexis de Tocqueville
Ordre de Fraternité $75,000-$99,999
Mr.* and Mrs. S.M. Patton and Ms. Barbara Blomberg
Harry’s Cadillac-Pontiac-GMC-Buick-Saab Company
]10% increase or New Member
Diamond Donor
HumanCare Endowment
Highlands Circle
Ordre d’ Egalité $50,000-$74,999
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Ingle Ingles Markets, Inc.
Robert C. Pew and Susan Taylor
Jerry Sternberg
Steelcase, Incorporated
Ordre de Noblesse $40,000-$49,999
Bill and Heather Lee ] blue ridge x-ray company
Charles D. Owen, Jr. and Cary C. Owen ]
The Tocqueville Society Ordre de Liberté $25,000-$39,999
Joe and Janice Brumit]
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Silver
Pam and Jim Turner
Mills Manufacturing Corporation
Ordre d’ Affirmer $15,000-$24,999
Bart and Elaine Boyer Parsec Financial
Nancy L. Keaton, MD ]
ashbrook radiology/mountain ultrasound imaging
Tom and Lyn Leslie
Leslie and Associates
Keith and Barbra Love] Printpack, Inc.
Joan and Bob Mair
One Anonymous Giver
Charlie and Eleanor Owen ]v
Kent and Dotti Smith
Development Resources, llc
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Teeter Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company
Membres de la Société $10,000-$14,999
Robert and Susan Ableidinger ]
Joel B. and Marla T. Adams, Jr.
Lynell and Robert Bell
Steve McMahan and Julie Davis ]
Joe and Bobbie Eblen
Swayne and Sandra Franklin ]
diesel construction corp./ plan b real estate
Raymond james financial services/ the van winkle law firm
Biltmore Oil company
united parcel service (retired)
Glenda and Bob Burgin mission hospitals
Drs. John and Janet Garrett
Asheville gastroenterology associates/ asheville radiology associates, p.a.
Tracy and Scott Buchanan ]
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Davis
carepartners health services
Carolina First
Junius and Pat Grimes ]
George and Barbara Groome
J.R. Stone sales/ harry’s cadillac-pontiacgmc-buick-saab, company
colton groome & company/ asheville middle school
The Tocqueville Society
Mr. and Mrs. W. Neal Hanks, Jr. Beverly-hanks & associates
Carl and Jan Ricker
Richard B. Hurley
square d company (retired)
Azalea management & leasing, inc.
Drs. Wayne and Phyllis Lang ]
Steve and Cindy Roos ]
Asheville Anesthesia Associates, P.A.
Ron and Sandy Olin
Jim and Robin Stickney ]
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Teague, III
Insurance Service of Asheville
Not Pictured Phillip C. Broughton and David L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. George Cecil Biltmore Farms, LLC
Kevin Geagan Ken and Nancy Glass Stony Point Group, Inc.
Dot Hamill Ken and Donna Hughes Dixon Hughes P.L.L.C.
*The Kushigian Legacy v Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lozyniak Rose MacDowell Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Maitland, III Tony and Holly Saponaro Brad and Shelli Stanback Dr. Win and Meg Word-Sims Three Anonymous Givers
Rusty Pulliam
Charlie and Don Reed
Pulliam Properties, inc.
Northwestern Mutual Finance
David and Dianne Worley ] David G. Worley, CPA, PA
2008 tocqueville society Golf outing at balsam mountain preserve
“The past year has been a challenging and rewarding one for
us as co-chairs of The Peaks Society. We realize we are all in a very different place from where we have been in recent years; this is unchartered territory for everyone.
But one thing remains the same: the strength of our community due to the generosity of our friends and neighbors.
The Peaks Development Committee Becky and David Brown, Co-Chairs
Tammy McIntosh
Mary Alice and Doug Bailey
Anita and Roger Metcalf
Wayne Butler
Jo Ann Painter
Priestley and Brent Ford
Kim Plemmons
Donna and Dan Grammatico
Robin and Nathan Ramsey
Robert Griffin
Bill Sauber
Walter Quincy Hill
Tara Theodossis
Pat Fugate-Hock Richard B. Hurley Steve Jennings
david and becky brown at the north carolina arboretum
As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of The Peaks Society, we want to say thank you for giving and LIVING UNITED, and we hope you will continue to serve as Leadership Givers in the years Janet Whitworth and Mark Whitney to come.” Becky and David Brown 2008 and 2009 Peaks Development Committee Co-Chairs Adrian Vassallo
A History of The Peaks Society
Now celebrating its 25th year, The Peaks Society recognizes individuals and couples who give back to their community through leadership-level gifts to United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County. Established in 1984, membership in the Peaks Society began with 67 charter members. Today, membership totals more than 1,300. The Peaks Society encompasses all areas: from workplace donors and retirees to professionals and other philanthropic individuals.
Through the following pages, we hope you will appreciate the magnificent mountains in our region that symbolize Asheville and Buncombe County’s most generous people.
I give back to my native Asheville through The Tocqueville Society. I have volunteered as a board member for United Way for 23 years and I have advocated for many United Way-funded programs. Oftentimes, “boardsmanship” can have an insulating effect from the day-to-day front line activities of the programs that impact people in need everyday. My participation with Big Brothers/Big Sisters of WNC as a “Big” allowed me to interact directly with a program beneficiary. Caleb (my “Little”) was 8 years old when we met. We were matched until he was 18 and “graduated.” In the time we spent together and staying in touch afterwards, Caleb learned social and coping skills as well as punctuality, conversation, preparation, creative time management, caring for others, etc. He will need these important skills to secure a steady income for his family, as income is one of the building blocks that must be in place for a person to be successful. I don’t know if Caleb’s life is changed as a result of our match, but he certainly knows he has a friend for life and someone who understands.
I’ve been giving money to United Way ever since I was asked at my first “real job” out of college about 20 years ago. The next year I began a decade-plus career with United Way that I loved.
inc o me
I’m Jim Stickney, and I give because I have been given to. I advocate because I believe in the cause. I volunteer because somebody has to and I get satisfaction from the process and results. That’s why I LIVE UNITED!
I learned so much about nonprofits, our local community issues, human nature, the value of community and individual involvement and the importance of taking personal action. United Way was an essential part of my growth into an adult and professional. Now I’m a volunteer with the Education Focus Group. I also coordinated a Hands On Asheville-Buncombe project at the Emma Family Resource Center garden last summer and served on the Mental Health Funding Council. In addition to my work and volunteerism with United Way, I’ve seen firsthand what the support of a community nonprofit can mean to a family working through difficult times as I helped my sister flee an abusive spouse. She received help through Helpmate and other programs, and it made all the difference in her life. She was able to safely leave and stay away from her abuser, ultimately became a homeowner and raised her children in peace. My name is Robin Stickney. With United Way, everyone can make a difference, no matter how much money or time they have. So many lives are touched with one gift, and that is why I LIVE UNITED!
jim and robin stickney at grove park inn
2008 Highlands Circle Circle of Fire Award Recipient
have developed a profound respect for Jason’s genuine commitment to improve our community through his devotion to Highlands Circle. His commitment is evidenced by the generosity he displays with his time as well as his possessions while continually advocating for those with health and human service needs. He serves as a living example of leadership to all of the future leaders of our community.” – Bradley S. Hines
Jason Ingle believes a true community is one in which its people take care of one another. An Asheville native, he dedicates himself to achieving that vision through wholehearted service. As Highlands Circle’s Chair, Jason connects members with opportunities to give, advocate and volunteer in his community. He himself volunteers by coordinating Hands On AshevilleBuncombe service projects, such as YWCA’s Meals for Hope project. “Jason’s dedication and caring manner with the volunteers, ladies in our support group and the children, is incredible,” said Jenny Sliker, YWCA New Choices director. “He is an exceptional volunteer.” Jason is a trailblazer and unafraid to challenge conventional thinking, particularly when it comes to philanthropy. At Highlands Circle’s 2008 Autumn Networking Social, he challenged members to raise $30,000 in one night at the expense of losing his hair to Tracy Buchanan, 2008 Campaign Chair. As with everything he does, he was successful! Jason also serves United Way in the capacities of Board of Directors member and Strategic Planning Committee member. His commitment to the community doesn’t stop with United Way. He gives his time and energy to other organizations like Children First, MANNA Food Bank and the YWCA. United Way is proud to introduce its inaugural Highlands Circle’s Circle of Fire Award, honoring an emerging leader in our community who advances the work of United Way and the community by demonstrating inspirational leadership in philanthropy and volunteerism. It is an honor to present the first ever Circle of Fire Award to Jason Ingle.
ivy, katy, jason and max ingle at a downtown asheville sidewalk cafe
nited Way affords me and my family the opportunity to use our time, talents, and treasures in a way that positively and immediately impacts our community. “Through financial and hands-on philanthropy, United Way continues to support our community in a long-lasting, positive way.” highlands circle committee members at the grove arcade
Jason Ingle 2008 and 2009 Highlands Circle Committee Chair
UNITED WAY’S A History of Highlands Circle Highlands Circle is a United Way special initiative with the core purpose of furthering the organization’s mission by increasing leadership giving from community leaders 40 years of age and younger. It is designed to further philanthropy and volunteerism in the emerging leaders of our community and offers social, educational and community service opportunities for its members. Throughout the year, Highlands Circle members enjoy a number of exclusive members-only events, networking opportunities and community engagements. Members are invited to participate in volunteer community service projects through Hands On Asheville-Buncombe. This year, we introduce “Mystery in the Mountains,” a Highlands Circle theatre and dinner event Thursday, Aug. 27 at the Grand Bohemian Hotel with Bittersweet Productions. Be sure to save the date so you can solve the mystery! All Highlands Circle events are designed to recruit and engage membership while improving members’ leadership skills, business networks, community awareness and philanthropic activities. Check out Highlands Circle at
Highlands Circle Committee Jason Ingle, Chair Bradley Hines, Incoming 2010 and 2011 Chair Community Involvement Jason Ingle, Team Leader Dave Vandegrift Jeff Switzer Greg Sullins Leadership Development Chad Lloyd, Team Leader Chris Caldwell Allison Jordan Simon Chivers Michael Blackmon Membership Engagement Janine Entwistle, Team Leader Mary and Eric Michael Kelly Wade Arnel Social Interaction Leah Gillespie, Team Leader Julie Davis, Team Leader
M OUNT MITCHELL $7,500-$9,999
Bruce and Laurie Chandley ]
George and Jane Pfaff ]u
Southeastern Container
Karl and Shirley Quisenberry uv
Reed and Bobbie McNutt ]
Ricky and Traci Silver ]u
McNutt Service Group
Silver-Line Plastics Corporation
C LINGMAN’S D OME $5,000-$7,499
Rob and Lee Merrill ]u
Donna and Ed Broadwell ]u HomeTrust Bank
Ms. Sharon Edwards
Michael and Regina Crawford ]
Charles George VA Medical Center
Dixon Hughes, PLLC
Terry Powell and Zenda Addis ]
Daniel Clyde Deitz
Village Antiques at Biltmore
Day International
John and Karen Rhodin
Charles Gaither u
Boys, Arnold & Company, Inc.
Milkco, Inc.
Mrs. Brainard B. Rorison v
Mickey and Kay Goodman
Valorie Speegle-Snell and John Snell
Buncombe Construction Co.
CarePartners Health Services and Mission Hospitals
Tim and Susan Griffin
Tish and Paul Szurek
Randy and Mary Johnson
Biltmore Farms, LLC
Regional Surgical Specialists
Shirley Tenney and Paul Merriken u
Jack and Debra C. Kasey ] Coldwell Banker Kasey & Associates
Rev. and Mrs. Mason Wilson ]
Chip and Kim Ladigo ]z
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Yanik u Southeastern Container, Inc.
V. Fred and Sheila Meadows
Five Anonymous Givers
Mission Hospitals
]10% increase or New Member
Diamond Donor
HumanCare Endowment
Highlands Circle
ROAN M OUNTAIN $4,000-$4,999
Ernest and Shirley Ferguson ]u
David D. Bailey and Sherie Ryan-Bailey u United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County / Buncombe County Schools
David and Charise Gantt Gantt Law Offices / Buncombe County Health Center
David and Becky Brown ] Merrill Lynch / Mission Hospitals
William and Jo Anne Hill EATON Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Carr Tops For Shoes
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Hornowski v
Joseph F. and Julie R. Damore ]u
Virginia and Drew Litzenberger
Mission Hospitals
Asheville Neonatology, P.A.
Al and Jamye Davis z Capital Bank / Big Brothers/Big Sisters of WNC
Mrs. Mary Louise Nelson
Bob and Carol Deutsch ]
John and Margie Parham
Robert J. Deutsch, PA, Attorney / Communications Seminars
Charles George VA Medical Center
David and Margaret Duval ]u
Robert and Alison Sipes ]
Progress Energy
Dr. W. Leon Elliston ]
Bill Walker ]
Regional Allergy
Moose CafĂŠ
Mrs. C. H. Elmslie uv
One Anonymous Giver
being responsible and going green This year, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County asked Leadership Givers if they would prefer to receive the 2009 Leaders in Giving Book/2008 Annual Report electronically or in hard copy for two reasons. One, we are always looking for ways to be more fiscally responsible, and two, we hope to continually reduce our impact on the environment. Many Leadership Givers responded they would prefer to receive e-mails or access our Web site for information about United Way. So, this year, we are going to investigate creative ways to reach out to Leadership Givers in budget and environmentally friendly ways, in addition to traditional methods such as mailings. Check us out at for the latest United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County news and information. We also have facebook pages for United Way and Highlands Circle, and we invite you to join us as we expand our reach through social media this year.
R I CHLAND BALSAM $3,000-$3,999
Richard C. Allen u BASF Fibers
Melissa M. Hicks, M.D. and Ann D. Brown, C.N.M. Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Bayer u Dr. Walter J. Brown, III Asheville Radiology Associates, P.A.
Robert E. Burns *uv Steven and Janet Covert ] Dr. and Mrs. David M. Cypcar Regional Allergy
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Dalton ] Asheville Neonatology, P.A.
Otto W. Debruhl ]u Buncombe County Register of Deeds
Rick and Bridget Eckerd Bruce and Judy Elliston Asheville Family Health Center
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Erichson ]u Mrs. Doris Exner Larry Farr and Michelle Rippon u EATON Corporation / the Van Winkle Law Firm
Dorothy Z. Fligel Michael and Elizabeth Freeman z Mr. Brian K. Gibson ] Wilsonart International
Mr. and Mrs. G. Gordon Greenwood u Bank of Asheville
Robert Griffin ] City of Asheville – Building Safety Department
Peggy and Dick Guthrie u Vicki S. Heidinger ]u Dr. Ozmer L. Henry, Jr., M.D. u
Marisue Hilliard National Forests of N.C.
Dr. John R. Hoskins, IV and Ms. Laura A. Webb Webb Insurance
Ted and Jennifer Hull z Genova Diagnostics
Ms. Helen A. Powers uv Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rennard u Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Roberts First Citizens Bank & Trust Company
Steve and Vicki Sheppard ]u Blue Ridge Metals / Deerfield Episcopal Retirement Community
Albert and Barrie Sneed
Henri L.G. Kieffer and Ann C. Batchelder Asheville Radiology Associates, P.A.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kieffer ] Charles George VA Medical Center
John Kuhns Boys, Arnold & Company, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Landau u PML Pathology, Mountain Area Pathology
John and Barbara Lucke Charles George VA Medical Center
John and Shelley McGrail EATON Corporation
the Van Winkle Law Firm
Bernie and Sue Stanek ] Stony Point Group, Inc.
David and Billie Stewart ] Marta W. Stoneman ]u Mission Hospitals
Bruce and Julie Strum ]z Merrill Lynch
Dr. Michael J. Teaford ] PML Pathology, Mountain Area Pathology
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford S. Thorne u Cane Creek Cycling Components
David and Marjorie McGuirk National Climatic Data Center
James and Elizabeth Michalets Charles George VA Medical Center / Mission Hospitals
Butch and Kathy Patrick ]
Brian and Katina Turner ]z Mills Manufacturing Corporation
Warren and Lauren Wall Wall & Company
Festiva Resorts, LLC
Charles and Barbara Wasson and Jill Stowe ]
James and Melissa Pellerin z
Mr. J. Glenn Wilson ]uv
Monarch Property Group
Dr. Susan Pendergrass
One Anonymous Giver
Charles George VA Medical Center
Dr. and Mrs. Teck Penland ] Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC)
Henry and Lisa Pinto u Southeastern Container, Inc.
Robert and Rebecca Pitts ] Pitts, Hay & Hugenschmidt
]10% increase or New Member
Diamond Donor
HumanCare Endowment
Highlands Circle
C O LD MO UNTA IN $2,000-$2,999
David and Debbie Aiton ]u Dodie Allman ]u Ms. Judith A. Andersen ] Ms. Margaret E. Anderson ] R.W. Anthony, Jr. ]uv Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Arnold u Monte R. Ashley ] Joe and Cheryl Aull u Doug and Mary Alice Bailey Ryan and Brooke Baldwin ]z Mr. Jim Barrett and Judge Sharon Tracey Barrett u
Mr. John J. Bates George and Sandra Beverly ]u Eva J. Blinder Bob and Barbara Boettcher u Roy and Pat Borden u Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bradshaw ]u Mr. James E. Brazell ] Jeffrey and Leigh Ann Bridgman ] Brian Broom ] Maxine H. Brown u Margaret Bumgarner ]
William and Rhonda Callison ] Eugene M. ‘Bob’ Carr, Jr. u Steele and Ronda Chapman Charles F. Cole u Dr. and Mrs. Denniston Crews Norris and Cricket Crigler Dr. E. Brown Crosby Ms. Angie Cullen ] Charlie and Jeanne Cummings u Mr. Roy F. Cutshall ] In Memory of Janet Russell Damtoft and John Reynolds
W. leon elliston, m.d. at regional allergy I love my work, and I love living in these mountains with such good-hearted people.
h E A L T H
Through the years I’ve participated in different roles with United Way, and I’m now pleased to serve as the 2009 Campaign Chairperson. More than ever in my lifetime, economic conditions implore us to help each other. More of our neighbors are finding themselves betweeen a rock and a hard place. They just need a little help to get back on their feet.
I’m thankful United Way is here to assist and encourage through its focus on the building blocks for a good life for all: Education, Income and Health. Good health is critical to a person’s overall success. After all, without our health, what do we have? Yet, health is much more than healthcare. The social context of life profoundly influences our health. Each of the three building blocks impacts the others. Healthy behaviors, such as playing outdoors with your children a half hour each day, refilling your prescription or scheduling your mammogram may be moved to the back burner when income is endangered due to job, home or savings loss. Likewise, we know hungry or sick children struggle to learn. The work of United Way is building bridges and connecting the dots. By bringing together: 1. your generous giving, 2. measurable outcomes of programs addressing community needs, 3. avenues for advocacy, 4. information for those searching for answers and 5. meaningful volunteer opportunities, United Way can really change some things around here. My name is Leon Elliston. I’m blessed with the opportunity to help and be a part of healthy change, and that’s why I LIVE UNITED.
Mr. Joseph Davis ] Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Davis u Tim and Jeannie Deering ] David and Suzanne Deferie ]u Gerald and Cornelia Deland Ray and Jan Denny ]u Drs. Lee and Mario Dicesare v John and Joan Dickson u Bob and Nancy Leigh Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Duffy ] David and Lisa Edwards ] Hugh and Dorothy Eggan u Amy Eisenstadt ] Miles and Millicent Elmore Janine Entwistle ]z Nathan W. Epling ] Laresa M. Fair ]z Randy and Beth Fluharty Tony and Isabelle Fraga Kerry and Anna Friedman ]v Hank and Sarah Garbee z Jes Garner ]z Barbara and Jeff Gould u Frederick and Margaret Gourdin Clementine Gregory u Stephen and Kathy Gresham ] Fred and Cindy Groce u Beth and Bruce Gunn ] Charles and Donna Haltiwanger u Mr. and Mrs. David Hammett ] Alice and John Hancy u Ruby B. Haynes u Jim and Marie Hefley Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hickman u Sara P. Hill u Dave and Haywood Hillier u William T. Hodges ] Elizabeth W. Holden ] Woody and Autumn Hoyle ] Mr. Chris Hyland and Mrs. Betty Shotton ] Jason and Katy Ingle ]z Edward Isbey, III and Jane E. Lysko ] Derrick and Pat Jackson Mr. Ross Jerabek Danie and Sharon Johnson Tim and Sharon Johnston ] Elizabeth Jones and John B. Ellery ]u Dr. Dean Kahl ]u Mr. Barry Kampe and Dr. Floy Wright Kampe ]z
]10% increase or New Member
Ron and Sharon Katz Patsy R. Keever u Gerald and Caroline Keller ]v Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kelley ] Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Killian u Dr. Mary-Frances King ] Dr. Mark A. and Lisa K. Knollman Keith Y. Kohatsu and Cynthia Reese Tom and Paula Kotz u Marie and John Langlois Sharon and Richard LeDuc u Danny C. Lee ] Wendy Lee ] Ann and Bob Lewis Ms. Virginia L. Liles ] Joe Luna and Paula O’Hara ] Rick and Janna Lutovsky ]u Dr. and Mrs. William T. Maddox Mr. Peter Mallett v Mr. and Mrs. William W. Mance, Jr. Rick and Rebecca Manske z Nancy and Donald Mayer u Raymond and Sue McClinton Nancy and Walter McConnell Joe and Jean McGuire u Kim McGuire and Jim Samsel William McKenna and Suzanne Landis Mr. and Mrs. M. Kerney McNeil Dick and Linda Milholland Cameron Miller Hezzy and Sharon Miller Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Miller Tom Milton and Ellen Williams David and Julie Modaff ] John Modaff u Michael and Robyn Mondin ]z Allan Morse ]z Charles and Linda Nelms ]v Mr. and Mrs. James E. Neves ] Bill and Connie Newman u John and Robin Oswald z Ladd Painter ] Molly and Kevin Parkhill z Mr. and Mrs. Bill Perdue ] Faye and Sherwood Pinkston ] Tom and Marian Plaut Clarke Poole ] Bitsy and Jim Powell ] Mary Lynn Powell
Diamond Donor
HumanCare Endowment
Nathan and Robin Ramsey ]z Sally Rhoades u Miss Monte Richardson ]uv David and Sharon Robbins ] Maria Roloff ] Susie and John Ruhl u Paul and Cherry Lentz Saenger Bruce and Jo Sampson Kent and Linda Satterfield u Bill and Maxine Sauber u Mary Helen and Ralph H. Schwarzkopf u Dale and Janet Sharp ] Skip and Ann Skoglund u Mr. and Mrs. Canie B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Smith, III Susan Sorrells ] Sandy Norbo and Barbara St. Hilaire John and Andrea Sterritt ] Samuel M. Stickney Dana L. and Jana L. Stonestreet John and Jeri Swaim ] Ed and Cindy Towson u Mr. Jeffrey C. Trantham ] Robert and Elizabeth Trost ] Dr. and Mrs. Moultrie H. Truluck v Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Tuck ]u Betty S. Turbyfill Jamie and Brittany Turner z Dr. and Mrs. Eric D. Van Tassel Drs. John E. Van Wye and M. Hope Mustoe Patrice and Jerry Vincent u Richard E. Wartzok u John and Cristina Webb ] Don and Jennifer Weidemann ]u Dr. and Mrs. James E. Weilbaecher, Jr. David and Dina Wiggins ]z Jerry and Debbie Williams John D. and Raquel Wilson z Mr. and Mrs. John G. Winkenwerder ] Mr. and Mrs. William M. Winkler u Chris and Nina Young ] Jeanne and Richard Young ] Joe E. Young, Jr. uv Dr. Michael and Ann Young ] Five Anonymous Givers
Highlands Circle
M OUNT PISGAH $1,500-$1,999
Charles and Donna Abbitt ] R. Jane Anderson u Michael and Catty Andry Michael and Mary Argent Bruce S. and Cheryl H. Atkins ] Dr. and Mrs. J. Spencer Atwater William B. Austin Fred D. Ayers and Marcia M. Ayers u Frederick and Deborah Bailey u Rod and Bess Baird u Mr. and Mrs. Lars Balck Jeff and Toni Barrett u Orren and Norma Beaty Gene and Sharon Bell u Regi and Katherine Blackburn ] Alan and Diann Bolick ]u Gary and Nancy Bowers ] John and Lori Bowles ] David P. Bowman Ellen Boyd Stanley C. Boyd and Donnella Boyd ] Mark A. Brewer and Amy L. Peace-Brewer]z Daniel and Linda Brown u Topping A. Bryan Dr. Ted Bussey u Jones and Sandra Byrd Judy Carter and Susan Sluyter ] Thomas and Karin Caster Brian and Karen Cavagnini ] Dr. and Mrs. William L. Chambers Kathryn Coco and Deborah Ramsey ] Tom and Janice Codington ] Ed and Andrea Cody ] Brian O. Connor ] Randy and Phyllis Cook u Terry Cordell Marshall and Delia Courtney ] Mr. Victor T. Covington Thomas D. Cowan Jim and Ellie Daniels ]u Randy and Kelly Davis u Marty and Ray Dean uv Karen and Scott Dedman ]u Richard A. Dirks Robert and Carol Dixon ]u Ms. Janise Donovan ] Brett and Erin Ellis ]z Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Finger, Sr. u
]10% increase or New Member
George Fink John and Kathy Fitzgerald u Greg and Robin Fox u Philip A. Francis Charles and Sandy Frederick ]u Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Freeman Dr. Hettie Lou Garland Dr. David L. and Janice Garver ] Jan and Bob Gelder u Drs. Dan and Barbara Gerber u Ned and Ellen Gibson Dr. Timothy E. and Betsy J. Gillespie ] Robert and Pat Gillis Dr. Joel and Melba Goldsby u Todd and Leeann Gothberg ] Craig and Laura Gourlay ]z Thomas and Kathleen Greenlee Mrs. Ann C. Gregg u David M. Greiner Thomas and Elaine Grella Pam Griffin z Mr. Robert S. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. William R. Griffin, III u Jim and Sheri Groce u Mr. Robert C. Hall, Sr. T. Hartley Hall, IV u Mrs. Charles F. Hamrick Dr. William W. Hargrove Darryl and Karen Hart ] Jamie and Bobby Hauger John and Peggy Hazlehurst Mrs. John A. Henderson u Dr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Hill Bradley and Wendy Hines z Michael and Pam Holcombe Audrey C. Howell ] Lt. Col. (Ret) Mike and Patsy Hunsucker u Dr. and Mrs. Oscar R. Jenkins, Jr. Jack A. Jones and Katherine Armitage L. Ralph Jones Richard and Angela Jones Stephen and Eleanor Jones Wendy Kady Mr. and Mrs. Barry B. Kempson Melanie and Kevin Kerr ]z John and Liz Kimberly Jimmy and Marcy Lamm C. Darlene Laughter u
Diamond Donor
HumanCare Endowment
Jeff and Cherie Ledford z Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Lindsay Chad A. Lloyd ]z Dan and Jennifer Loizzo ]z Dr. Shantae L. Lucas Kay Manley Gary and Lisa Mathes ] Lee and Latrella McElrath ] Douglas and Sandra McKinney Michael E. McLean Dr. Michael and Chris Messino ] Anita and Roger Metcalf u Eric and Mary Michael z Eddy and Sabrina Miller ]u Mark Miller ] Susan and Dawson Mims Janet and Parker Moore ] Sue and Charlie Mueller ] Christine and Jonathan Nelson David and Lara Nolletti z Dr. Keith and Patty Olbrantz Jerry Oliver ] Timothy W. Owen ]z Diana Owensby ] Gary and Yolanda Parker ] Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parker ] Ernest and Jeri Peterson u Dr. Neil P. Peterson and Ms. Sarah V. Corley Dini and Chuck Pickering Theresa Emmanuel and Gerald Pielack Lawrence J. and Karol D. Pittman u Ginny Lentz and Jack Poisson u Kathey Ponder ]u Samuel Powers ] Rob and Jean Quayle ] Tom and Amira Ranney ] Ms. Renee Reeves ] Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Reiley u Brian Repass and Sandy Feutz ]z Randy and Jeanette Roberson ]u Bill and Joan Rocamora Joel and Dot Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Rosenthal ] Thomas F. Ross ] Robby and Michelle Russell u Jan and Lary Schulhof u David and Laurie Serfas Bill and Susan Sewell
Highlands Circle
combined federal campaign James and Barbara Sexton u Dr. Linda B. Shamblin Robert and Brenda Shepherd u Mike and Mary Silver ] Phil and Pat Smith Jackie Stenseth Jeffrey and Meredith Switzer ]z David and Nancy Swann uv Doug and Martha Tallent Dianne A. Taylor John and Kathy Tempelaar-Lietz u Tara and Dennis Theodossis ]z Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Thompson, III ]u Jan and Bruce Thorsen Robert A. and Kelley R. Tyler u Ted and Terry Van Duyn Jon and Patti Vannice u Paul and Vicki Vest Eric and Regie Walburgh Benny B. Watts ]u Douglas and Kelley Wehrkamp u David and Jane Whilden ]u Don and Barbara Whitaker Dennis White and Donna Billings Janet Whitworth and Mark Whitney ] Bob and Sandy Whyte Charlie and Jeri Williams ]u Larry and Janie Wilson u T. Douglas Wilson, Jr. and Betsey Bent ] Charles and Nancy Worley ] Eleven Anonymous Givers
United Way gratefully acknowledges those Leadership Givers employeed in Buncombe County through the federal sector. In 2008, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County managed the Combined Federal Campaign for the WNC region. Margaret E. Anderson Monte R. Ashley Joseph W. Aull John J. Bates Ira Bernstein Martha C. Bogle David P. Bowman Lynn Coppedge Theressa Coren Sherry F. Corn Frankie J. Dennis Nathan W. Epling Philip A. Francis Patricia J. Fuller David L. Garver Stewart T. Gibeau Joyce M. Gorgas Marilyn R. Greene Kathy Gresham LTC Scott A. Hausman Marisue Hilliard Mike Hunsucker Wendy Kady Robert W. Kieffer Keith Y. Kohatsu Thomas Kotz C. Darlene Laughter Sharon K. LeDuc Danny C. Lee
John Lucke Thomas Mattox Marjorie P. McGuirk James P. Michalets Sharon Edwards Eva Morgenstern Jung J.K. Noh Timothy W. Owen Diana Owensby Rosemary Pascol Susan Pendergrass Angela Pentecost Jeffrey Privette James A. Randall Jimmy L. Reaves Thomas F. Ross Sue Roussopoulos Eileen L. Shea Verdine Spicer Perdita Spriggs Richard Spriggs Barbara St. Hilaire Denise E. Stephens Peter M. Steurer Steven E. Stinnett Jeri G. Swaim Leslie J. Utterback Robert E. Vaughan Six Anonymous Givers
Be a Star in Someone’s Life
SHINING R OCK $1,000-$1,499
Mrs. Dorel A. Abbott Mr. Jeremy K. Abee ] Bob and Peg Adams ]u Michael and Patti Adams ] Patricia and Robert Adams] Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ager Mr. and Mrs. Creed F. Alderson, Jr. u Clint Allen ] Mark W. Allen Walter and Mary Frances Allen Dr. and Mrs. William Allen ] Curtis and Heather Alley ]z L. Brent Allison and Christen Allison z Jo Ellen and Jud Ammons ] Jill Brian Arldt ] Tim and Kelly Arnel ]z Mary Alice Arthur] Gwen and Gary Ashburn u John and Elyse Ashley u Brian and Trish Aston Sandy and Jim Austin Ms. Althea Jane P. Aycock ]z Charles Ayscue ] Mr. Dan and Angela Baechtold z K. Ray and Glenda Bailey u Kerry and Ellen Baker ]u Cathy D. Ball Kent and Kari Ballard ] Cathy and Franky Batten u Fred and Susan Barbour Laurie Barone u Gerald Bartle ] Mr. and Mrs. Perry W. Bartsch, Jr. Barbara M. Baskerville u Michael and Lorrie Bates ] Timothy D. Batts Dr. and Mrs. Tom Beardsley Scott Bechtel ]z Mrs. Cynthia E. Bell u Nancy Benedict Bob Bennett ] Dr. Ira Bernstein and Patricia Garrett Bernstein ] Joan and Nathan Best z Dr. and Mrs. George M. Bilbrey, Jr. Sara and Louis Bissette u Karl and MG Bitter Brad and Shelly Blackburn Michael Blackmon ]z T. David Blackmon, Jr. Patrick Blalock ]z
]10% increase or New Member
William Osborne and Christine Blanc-Osborne z Ms. Theresa Blankenship ] Frederick Blumer Martha C. Bogle ] Mike and Judy Bohan ]u Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Bolton Jerry and Judy Bond ] Angie and Darrell Boone Heidi L. Boone z Larry and Yolanda Bopp ]u Anne Bowers Connie and Maria Bowes ] Donna and Lee Bowman Kyle and Martha Boyd Mr. Christopher Bozarth ] Jonna G. Bradham z Eddie and Tanya Bradley ]z Jonathan and Kelly Brandon zv Steven J. Bratsch Peggy and James Brazell ] Ms. Marlene Breger-Joyce Linda and Mark Brinkley ]z Annika M. Brock z Drs. Cindy and David Brown ] David G. and Lin Brown u Don and Diane Brown u Evan K. Brumm ] Jeff and Lynne Bryant Victor W. and Joyce B. Buchanan Dr. Connie Buckner and Mr. Jack Davis ] Smith and Margaret Burke Nathan and Anne Burkhardt Ms. Kim M. Burleson ] Bruce and Susan Burns u Dr. and Mrs. Terry Burt Darrell K. Burton ] Eve H. Burton Ken Burton Wayne R. Butler ] Tom and Cathy Byers u Mr. Billy G. Cagle ] Barry and Sheila Campbell Chris and Katie Campbell ] Dave Campbell and Cindy Connor Brett and Angie Cannady Tom and Scottie Cannon Curtis and Valerie Canty u Charlotte E. Caplan and Michael Brubaker Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Capps Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Carson
Diamond Donor
HumanCare Endowment
David and Suzy Carter u Ms. Susan Cauble ] Chris and Pamela Cavanaugh Sarah and Jack Cecil Bruce and Laurie Chandley ] Chung and Earl Cheatham ] Mr. Jason Cheung ] Jana Allen Childress Matt and Sandy Childs Travis and Holly Childs u Simon Chivers ]z Mr. and Mrs. James A. Christian v Peter Steurer and Mary Alice Church-Steurer Drs. Stephanie Citron and Dan Mermin Allison N. Clark z Cecil Clark ] Penny and Bill Clark Ron and Earlene Clark Scott Clark and Jen Waite z Ellen Clarke and John Byrd ] Charles and Patricia Clogston Stanley and Annette Cocke u Joan L. Colburn Carleton and Celeste Collins u Donald and Vicki Collins u Kelley and Dale Collins u Drs. Margot and Bernard Coleman u Stewart and Gay Coleman Tom and Pam Coleman ] Marie and Henry E. Colton u Ms. Pamela Combs ] Mr. Gregory Congdon ] Mr. Chase Conner ] Mr. Lyndon Cook ] Randy and Phyllis Cook u Laura Copeland u Lynn and Bill Coppedge ] Jon and Jennifer Corbin z Floyd and Theressa Coren Sherry F. Corn ] Jeff and Susan Corpening Jeff and Susan Covington ] Chris and Angela Crawford ]z James W. Creel ]u Mitchell and DiAnne Crisp ] Drs. Diana and Gary Curran]u William and Ann Dalton u Ms. Judy Daniel ] Bob and Bunny Daniels u Mr. Jim Darby ]
Highlands Circle
Ric Davenport ] Deborah C. Davis ] Jan and Ann Davis Mr. and Mrs. John N. Davis, Jr. Kevin and Jennifer Davis Madeline and Roy Davis Dr. Philip C. Davis Mr. Jose A. DeLeon ] Frankie J. Dennis Joel and Tracy Dew ]z Lynne C. Diehl John and Karleen Dietrich ]z Dr. and Mrs. Edgardo Diez ]
Cassie Dillon u David Dills ]z Mrs. Don (Edna Mae) Dix Chris and Betsy Dixon ]z Tad and Ellen Dixon z Mr. Katsuaki Dobashi ] Gilbert Domingo ] Mr. Benjamin Douglas ] Danny and Grovene Dowell u Christine and James Dozier uz Mr. Jeffrey Drane ] O. Randall and Corinne Driver ] Diane Duermit ]u
Richard and Barbara Duff Ted and Betsy Durham u Sally P. Duyck Jennie Eblen and Rick Perkins ] Mr. Greg Edney ] Julie T. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Edwards Mr. John Elia Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ellington ] Joe and Pat Elliott ] John Ellis ] Vicki and Kevin Epley Mr. Charles Erde ]
k. ray bailey at asheville-buncombe technical community college
One of my early volunteer experiences with United Way was participating in the funding process. That was a great opportunity to see United Way’s work in action. I know how important education is to our national, state and local growth and development. Today, it’s more important than ever that our young people have access to appropriate education at all levels - pre-k through higher education - to become part of a trained workforce that attracts good-paying technical jobs to our area. What’s happened in the past is we’ve had a huge percentage of students not ready to do college-level work by the time they graduate from high school. That’s the reason the community college is working with public schools to engage students at a younger age so they are well-prepared for their futures. What opportunites, what options, would people in our community have without the chance to improve their lives through education?
I’ve been involved with United Way for more than 25 years, serving as campaign chair in 2002 and holding several other campaign posts through the years, as well as serving on the board of directors, the executive committee and strategic planning committee. I believe my first campaign call was on Piedmont Airlines, and it was a successful one, so that was a good start to my long relationship with United Way!
I’m Ray Bailey, and throughout my career in education, I’ve seen that it takes providing educational opportunities, preparing students for learning and helping parents understand of the importance of education in a technical world for our citizens to have opportunities for a better life. That’s why I LIVE UNITED.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Etter ] Mary and Curt Euler ]z John and Mary Evans Peter Falcigno and Joan Holmes Ken and Beth Farmer] Helen L. Farrell ] Dejay Favreau ]z Tom and Linda Ferguson u Mr. Geoffrey Ferland ]z Bruce and Myra Fields Mr. Samuel Fisher ] Phillip and Carol Fisk Shawn Fitzpatrick and Ronda Warren z Patrick Fitzsimmons u Kirk and Sheri Fleeman z Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Ford ] Priestley C. and Brent A. Ford ] Dr. Robert Ford M. Dakota Forgione and Deborah Tatko ] Amy Smialowicz Fowler z Teresa Fox ] Margaret Z. Foxx ]u A. Hampton Frady, Jr. Deidra and Chris Frady] Timothy T. Frank z Mr. Mark Frazier ] Richard and Deborah Frye Patricia J. Fuller Charles M. Gaddis z Paula Gaddis Anna and Dan Garrett ] Dennis and Franci Gasperson ] Greg and Amy Gaston Stu and Debbie Gibeau ] Dennis and Lynda Giles ] Margaret Gill ] Brian and Leah Gillespie ]z Mr. Robert L. Gilliand ] Walt and Augusta Gladding u Charlie and Patricia Glazener u Lynn Edward Gleason ] Richard and Suzanne Gloor u Mr. and Mrs. E. Robert Goad Ron and Pat Godbold Mr. David B. Goforth ] Brian and Leanne Gompers ] Harold A. Goodman Ms. Sandra D. Goodwin ] Ms. Joyce M. Gorgas ] Janet and H. Richard Graham u
]10% increase or New Member
Dan and Donna Grammatico ] Jacqueline Grant z Bruce and Rebecca Greene Jim and Joyce Greene Marilyn R. Greene ] Vicki H. Greene ]z Rick and Karen Grogan ] Mr. Terry A. Guthrie ] Kathleen Guyette ] Ken and Barbara Hadeen u Ryan and Amy Haldeman ]z Mr. Randall C. Hall ] Don and Diane Hallingse Ms. Lori A. Halula ] Larry Hamlin Mrs. Jennifer S. Hampton ]z Dr. Patrick Hanaway Henry and Peggy Hancock Robin Hanes Dr. and Mrs. Todd Hansen Jeffrey Hardin ]z Michael and Debra Hare ] Mr. Travis K. Harkins ] Stephanie and Chris Harkleroad]z Dr. and Mrs. Stewart J. Harley Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Harris Janice W. Harris Larry and Luann Harris Larry and Susan Harris Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hart, Jr. u Tom and Marle Hartye ] Mary Harwood Dr. Douglas Hauschild LTC Scott A. Hausman ] Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hayes Bill and Barbie Haynes Kathy and Rick Hefner Howard J. Helms and Nancy Downen u Christopher and Sarah Hemmings Mr. James A. Hemphill ] Chris Henderson ] Rex and Peggy Henderson Mr. Robert Henderson ] Ward and Harriet Hendon Perry and Amy Hendrix u Carol C. Hensley and E. David Hensley Laura Herring Eric and Katrina Hichman z Louise and Scott Hickman Leslie and Jim Hill
Diamond Donor
HumanCare Endowment
Walter Quincy Hill ]z Lori and McRae Hilliard z Dr. and Mrs. John L. Hillsman Catherine and Jim Hitesman William and Barbara Hobson Matt C. Hockman z Jeanne T. Hoffman William A. Hogan Suzanne R. Holbert John and Lorena Holderfield ]u Robert and Juliann Hollingsworth ] Nancy and Peter Holloway u Earl and Idella Holmes Rusty and Mitzi Holmes Jim and Fran Honeycutt u John M. and Beverly N. Hough, Jr. ] Jerri and Bob Hoy Mr. Daniel E. Hrncir ] Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Hughes Glen and Lynn Hughes Mrs. Susan S. and Robert Reed Hunt ]z Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hunter u Mrs. Vanessa S. Huntsinger ] Steve and Christa Hurd Drs. Eric and Linda Iovacchini u Anne M. Irvine Lewis Isaac ]u Dr. and Mrs. Edward K. Isbey, Jr. Ashley and Will Israel ]z Gary and Kathy Jackson u Curry and John Jamison ] Anna Jarvis u Robert and Monica Jenkerson ]z Dr. and Mrs. Arlo Jennings Steven and Jackie Jennings u Allen and Donna Johnson ]u Lyle and Tammy Johnson z Paige Johnson Angela M. Jones Dr. and Mrs. F.B. Jones Freelin J. Jones z Jill Jones ] Ms. Mellany K. Jones ] Robin E. Jones ] Stephen and Suzanne Jones u Will R. Jones Allison L. Jordan z Drs. Richard D. Jordan and Sandra Madison ] Jonathan Jorstad ]z Gary and Bernice Jung u
Highlands Circle
Robert E. and Mercedes Kaufman Michael and Carol Keenan u Sky and Julie Kelly David and Angela Kemper Michele Kemper ] Ms. Melissa C. Kennedy ] Ron and Bonnie Kerns ]u Becky Kessel Mr. and Mrs. Wiley B. Kessler, III Phyllis and Jess Key u Peter R. Kiers ]z Frances A. Killian ] Christine E. Kimball ] Mr. Joe Kimmel ] Ms. Joan O. King ] Lisa King M. Heath and Heather L. Kinsland ]z Eloine Kirkland Kevin and Stephanie Kiser z Selena R. Kittrell ] Tom and Diane Knoebber Michele and Kevin Kopp ]z Michael and Virginia Korstange Dr. Susan A. Kostenko Mr. David Allan Kozak ] Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kubitschek Dr. Vidya Kudva Mr. Michael Kuykendall ] Mr. Jeffrey F. Kwiatkowski ] Ms. Cathy Kyd ] Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Lafferty ]u Gary and Theresa Landwirth ] Mr. Alan J. Larson ] Dr. Ellen T. Lawson ] Wesley Lee u John Legerton and Kathy Meacham George and Dayna Leloudis Mark and Chris Lenderman Kelly Leonard ] Mary and Brian Lewis ] Honorable and Mrs. Robert D. Lewis u Mr. Kevin M. Lindley ] William Lindsey Fernando and Tiffany Little ]z Ms. Cassandra Logan ] James Long ]z Lourdes Lorenz ] Sherry Love u C.R. and Martha Lowe u Shirley Lowe ]
]10% increase or New Member
Lee and Amy Loy u Dr. Sally Ludlum Bryan and Cary Luhn z Dr. Dan and Beverly Lunsford ] Ms. Katherine Lyons ] John and Denise Maher ] Michael Mandzak David and Margie Mann u Rendi and Joe Mann-Stadt Chuck Martin ]z Fred and Vicki Martin z Sarah and Brad Martin z John and Dee Mason u Jansen Matthews Thomas and Michelle Mattox ] David May ] Robert C. and Lou Ann McAfoos u Mr. Clarence C. and Margaret C. McCorsley u Ellis and Jacquelyn McCracken ] Len and Marilyn McDonald Victoria L. McDowell ]z Bill and Linda McElrath Michael McGlone ]z Frank McGowan and Chelsea Blume McGowan z Bill and Roi McGuire u Tammy McIntosh Mr and Mrs James H. McLean Reed and Bobbie McNutt ] Drs. Frank and Barbara Melvin ] David and Traci Meyer ]z Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Mickey ] Bill and Alice Miller u Jim and Sherry Miller ]u Kelly and Kate Miller Ms. Rhonda Miller ] Mr. Tony Miller ] Dr. Barton Milligan Michael and Marcia Mills ] Richard and Jill Mire z Geerte and David Mitchell ]u Jerri Mitchell Faisal and Sarah Mohammed ]z Rosario S. Molica Kevin and Shionette Montgomery ]z Eric and Sheila Moody ]z David Moore Tony and Barbara Moore Chris and Connie Morgan u Craig and Karen Morgan
Diamond Donor
HumanCare Endowment
Dr. Eva Morgenstern ] Katherine C. Morosani z George and Judy Morosani u William Sproul and Marie Morris ] Kirk Morrow and Lisa Foster-Morrow Dr. and Mrs. Artus Moser Allison Moses ] Bill and Carol Mott ]u David and Karen Mouw u Dr. Nathan and Ms. Stacy Mullins z John and Joan Myers u Mr. and Mrs. Bill Myers Shelby Nace David L. Nash and Virginia L. Duquet ] William J. and Allyson Neeriemer ]z Martin Nesbitt z Steve and Kay Nesbitt Jerry and Patricia Newbold ]u Lt. Col. John Nichols u Dr. Jung J.K. Noh ] Shon Norris ]z Ashley and Heather Norton ]z Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Norvell uv Barbara Marlowe Angela Rutledge and Dan O’Connell ]z Ms. Belinda Odom ] Jennifer and Kyle Olinger]z Mr. Kenny J. Oliver ] Anna and Grant Osborne ] Rusty and Sharon Owen ]u Ms. Jo Ann Painter ] John and Sallie Parker Lyndia and Bobby Parker Mr. and Mrs. William A. Parker Ms. Carol A. Parson ] Kenneth and Peggy Partin Rosemary Pascol ] Harry Patton ] Sally and Lowell Pearlman Mrs. Robert S. Peckham Mr. Larry Peek ] Jim Peesker ] Angela Pentecost ] Robert L. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Peterson u Stacee and Dean Peterson Susan and Terry Peterson u Ms. Ashley Petty ] George and Brenda Pfeiffer uv George and Jeannie Pfeiffer ]z
Highlands Circle
Carlyn and David Pheil u Mr. and Mrs. William A. Phipps Laura Pierz and Jeffrey Tyler Rix ]z Mr. David P. Plaisance ] Jerry and Sonja Plemmons Ms. Lana Plemmons ] Bob and Lorraine Poe Nina T. Pollard Bill and Cindy Pomeroy Dr. Anne Ponder and Mr. Christopher Brookhouse] Jean C. Ponder Penny and Ray Ponder Lelan Poppy ] Ms. Page Porter ] Linda Fisher Poss Francella Poston ] Ben and Jeanne Powell Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell P. Price Jeffrey Privette Susan Puryear ] Pauline Putiri Max and Janie Queen ] Ellen and Scott Querin Karl and Shirley Quisenberry uv Mrs. Katie K. Ramsey Scott Ramsey ]z James A. Randall Duff and Angie Rardin ] Michael P. Rauchwarg and Olga Snellings ] M. Virginia Raviotta Ms. Jennifer Raye ] Jimmy L. Reaves ] Mike and Kathy Redmond u Dallas and Katherine Reeves z David D. Reid Kimberly R. Reik-Johnson Tim and Sharon Rhodes ] Scott and Sandra Rice Paul D. Richards and Lisa Szymanski-Richards ] Jeff and Andrea Richardson Nancy and Richard Righi ] Ms. Rhonda E. Robinson Richard and Tammy Robinson ]z Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Robinson Thomas and Elizabeth Robrecht Bruce and Laura Rogers u Michael and Debbie Romine John and Jill Rose Dr. Polly E. Ross Peter and Sue Roussopoulos
Dr. and Mrs. Charles T. Rowe Marc Rudow and Deborah Miles Rudow Leigh and John Ruhl u John Rukavina and Mary Parker Bea and Jeff Russell u Drs. John and Constance Russell ]u Joseph and Peggy Sabolik u George Saenger uv Adrian and Shirley Sandler Mary Margaret and Wade Saunders Laura Sawyer Bryan and Eva Saxon ]z Kitty Schaller ] Corndia D. Subetta ] Ann and Ken Scott u Howard and Cynthia Sellinger u Teri Sferlazza Natalie A. Shaft u Ms. Linda Sharpe ]u Rick and Karen Sharpe Dr. and Mrs. Glyndon B. Shaver, Jr. u Alan and Pat Shaw Eileen L. Shea ] Victor and Patricia Shealy Ms. Suzanne Sheaman ] Ed Sheary Christina Shelton Kendra and Nick Sherrod ]z Al and Candy Shivers Ms. Robin Shope u John F. Shuford Ricky and Traci Silver ]u Anita Silver-Barnwell and G.W. Barnwell, Jr. ]z Tighe Simons ] Frank and Kristi Sink ] Michael and Leslie Sipes John and Lisa Sizemore Ross and Martha Sloan ] Rick and Roxie Smart Ben and Linda Smith Benjamin Smith and Sarah Davis ]z Bill and Angie Smith Bill and Ann Smith z David G. Smith ] Edward H. and Janet R. Smith Lisa A. Smith ] Jack and Yvonne Smith v Nancy Smith ] Richard and Glendine Smith Terry A. Smith ]
Clinton Smoke u Bill and Nina Snoddy ] Pam and Birch Snyder Tom Sobol Tony and Karen Spake z Raymond Spells, Jr. Verdine Spicer ] Lavoy and Carole Spooner u Richard and Perdita Spriggs Tina Letterman Spring ]z Bill and Jane Stanley u Elizabeth Stanton O.E. and Lida Starnes Mr. Scott D. Steele ] Denise E. Stephens ] Dr. Jane A. Stephens Larry and Teresa Stern Mr. and Mrs. John S. Stevens Wyatt and Kimberly Stevens z Susan and Mike Stevenson Steven E. Stinnett ] Kevin J. Stock Mandy Stone u Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Storto Karl and Sylvia Straus u Arthur Stuenkel u Karen E. Vernon and Robin J. Suddreth Greg and Anna Sullins z Ms. Elizabeth Surface z Mr. James and Dr. Susan Sutherland Dr. Steve Swearingen ] Mr. Eugene T. Szymanski ] Erich and Delise Talley z Thomas and Donna Talley z Allan and Donna Tarleton Jack and Bebe Tarleton Douglas and Sarah Tate Mike and Bev Tavener Paul Tax ] Ms. Amanda Taylor ]z Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Taylor Fran and Doug Thigpen Robyn and Lee Thomason z Patrick and Colleen Thompson Martha Thompson ] Ms. Pam Tidwell Rick Tisdale Mr. Edward Toshach ] Michael G. Toth Randy and Debbie Trantham ]
Ms. Martha S. Tripp u Bill and Debby Trometer u Leslie J. Utterback Mr. Sal Vaccaro ] Allen H. Van Dyke u Dave and Holly Vandegrift ]z Dr. and Mrs. Randall Vanderbeek u William and Eleanor VanLandingham ] Charles and Paula Vasey Adrian Vassallo and Jill Sparks ]z Robert Vaughan Karen Vernon Pat and Angie Vest u John and Linda Viselli u Dr. Mercedes Volk ] Ann Von Brock and Sherman Fearing u Richard A. Wagner Greg and Carol Walker Pete and Pat Wallenborn u Dr. and Mrs. Todd Wallenius] Ms. Dianne S. Ward ] Michael and Mary Ward Frank Warren Donald Watrous Hugh T. Watson ] Dr. and Mrs. Zebulon Weaver, III Jana and Peter Weed John and Judi Wehrli Ms. Glenda Weinert ] Arlene and Scott Weinstein ] Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Weisenberger Jed and Bree Welmaker ]z Missy and Kevin West David and Laura Whitley Jennifer and James Whitney ]z Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Wilcox, Sr. ]v William and Michelle Wilcox Mr. William Wilkie, II ] Bill and Sandra Wilkins ] Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilkinson ] Michael and Kathy Willett Curtis Williams and Robyn Bacon ]z Jim and Sheryl Williams Julie Williams Mr. Tommy Williams Tom Williamson ] Marc Wilson u John and Molly Wirtz Gene and Paula Withrow Chuck and Mary Wood u
]10% increase or New Member
Richard A. Wood, Jr. uv Don and Cyndi Woodruff Mary Bruce and Stephen W. Woody ]u Scott and Nona Workman z Wes and Stephanie Wright u Peter J. Wutschel and Family ] Danny and Kim Yelton Mr. Jerry M. Yelton ] Eric and Sandra Yeomans ] Betty Young and George Gandor Brian Young ] Suzanne Young and Patricia Chitwood ] Chris Youngblood ]z Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Youngblood Mr. and Mrs. Boris Younger Larry and Melanie Zapf u Mr. Lachicotte Zemp, Jr. ] Forty-five Anonymous Givers
Diamond Donor
HumanCare Endowment
Jo Ellen and Jud Ammons Maxine H. Brown Dr. Connie Buckner and Mr. Jack Davis Susan Cauble Robert and Carol Dixon Helen L. Farrell Dr. Robert Ford Swayne and Sandra Franklin Walt and Augusta Gladding Henry and Peggy Hancock Jeanne T. Hoffman John M. and Beverly N. Hough, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. F.B. Jones Jimmy and Marcy Lamm John Legerton and Kathy Meacham Dr. Dan and Beverly Lunsford Ashley and Heather Norton Larry and DebbiePeek Tom and Marian Plaut Jerry and Sonja Plemmons Ginny Lentz and Jack Poisson Nina T. Pollard Brian Repass and Sandy Feutz Ms. Rhonda E. Robinson Bill and Susan Sewell Rick and Karen Sharpe Larry and Teresa Stern Drs. Win and Meg Word-Sims
Highlands Circle
Looking for a youth summer program for your grandchild? A place that can provide prescription assistance for your elderly neighbor? A support group to help you finally quit smoking? United Way’s 2-1-1 of WNC is a free, confidential community service information line linking people to health and human services in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania counties. Trained referral specialists are available 24/7 to answer your call and identify the right resources for speakers of all languages. Search more than 2,000 programs in 2-1-1’s online community resource database at or call 2-1-1 from both landlines and cell phones to get connected. •
In 2008, 2-1-1 of WNC served 59,739 customers over the phone and through the online database.
As of July 31, 2-1-1 of WNC is available from cell phones. This is an important addition to our service. Eighty-six percent of American households now have at least one cell phone, and those with cell phones as their exclusive telephone service continues to grow. Whether it is an individual calling on their own behalf, a service provider on a home visit, or even a good Samaritan searching for help for a stranger in need, 2-1-1 connections can be made when and where they are needed.
Hurricane Ike struck the U.S. in September and caused a gas shortage resulting in serious disruptions, rationing and fear throughout WNC. Many businesses were forced to close for several days while drivers waited hours for fuel. Lines caused frustration, accidents and even fights. 2-1-1 of WNC reacted nimbly, utilizing Web sites, local media and tips from callers and partners, responding to more than 192 gas calls in two weeks.
LEND Y OUR MUSCLE . Hands On Asheville-Buncombe, a program of United Way, makes it easy for individuals, families and groups to lend a hand in meaningful service to our community by volunteering with local nonprofit organizations. Volunteers can call or use the online database to find an opportunity that works for them: their passions, their skills, their schedules. Many projects last just two to three hours, occur on evenings and weekends and don’t require long-term commitments. In 2008, Hands On coordinated and promoted more than 590 volunteer opportunities that supported more than 140 Asheville and Buncombe County nonprofits, schools and public entities; mobilized more than 2,471 people to give more than 11,583 hours of volunteer time; and saved community organizations more than $234,000! Hands On provides a number of long and short term opportunities to get involved with your community, including Cooking for Comfort and In the Garden. Cooking for Comfort: Cook and serve a meal for hospice patients and their families at the John Keever Solace Center. This is a wonderful way to nurture these families and give them an opportunity to support one another while dining on a home-cooked meal. In the Garden: prepare the Emma Community Garden for fertilization, planting, and harvest. Volunteers help ensure fresh, healthy foods will stock the food pantry serving the Emma community all season long. Find out how you can invest your time with these and other projects through Hands On Asheville-Buncombe. Visit or call 2550696.
LEADERSHI P GIVING BY C OMPANY (For companies with five or more Leadership Givers)
ArvinMeritor, Inc. Mark Allen Darrell K. Burton Brian Cavagnini Julie T. Edwards Michael Mandzak Kirk Morrow Kevin Parkhill
Janet Garrett Henri Kieffer Tom Milton Keith Olbrantz Neil Peterson Charles Rowe James Shivers Robert Youngblood
Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce R. Jane Anderson Laura Copeland Edgar Denny Carol Hensley Richard Lutovsky Kelly Miller
Asheville Savings Bank Donna Bowman Jonna Bradham Chris Crawford William Dalton Suzanne DeFerie John Dickson John Dietrich Richard Duff Brian Gillespie Bradley Hines David Kozak Fred Martin Michael Mills Laura Sawyer C. Scott Workman
Asheville Cardiology Associates Leslie Hansen Todd Hansen Richard Hefner Oscar Jenkins William Maddox John Russell Wade Saunders David Serfas Thomas Talley Eric Van Tassel Charles Vasey Asheville City Schools Phyllis Cook Virginia Duquet Charlie Glazener Barbara Groome Allen Johnson Linda McElrath Jeanne Penland Debra Preneta Edward Preneta Cynthia Sellinger
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Margaret Bradshaw Connie Buckner Katie Campbell Mary Church-Steurer Rusty Holmes Sharon Killian Kay Manley Marilyn McDonald Anita Metcalf C. Max Queen Clinton Smoke Jill Sparks Lisa Szymanski-Richards
Asheville Eye Associates Thomas Beardsley William Haynes Edward K. Isbey, Jr. Edward Isbey, III Laura Rogers
Bank of America Michael Andry Danny Dowell David Greiner Sabrina Miller Stacee Peterson Scott Steele
Asheville Radiology Associates, P.A. Walter J. Brown, III Norris Crigler, Jr.
Beverly-Hanks & Associates Sandy Austin Barbara Baskerville
George Beverly Barbara Boettcher Robert Boettcher Angela Boone Pat Borden Roy Borden Kim Burleson Eve Burton Tad Dixon Diane Duermit Carol Fisk Alice Griffin Amy Hanks W. Neal Hanks McRae Hilliard Sharon Johnson Michael Korstange Ginny Lentz Jansen Matthews Alice Miller William Miller Jill Mire Marie Morris Susan Peterson Terry Peterson John Ruhl Leigh Ruhl Ann Skoglund Skip Skoglund Pamela Snyder Rick Tisdale Jamie Turner Greg Walker Frank Warren Debbie Williams Lawrence Zapf Biltmore Farms, LLC. George Cecil John Cecil Sarah Davis Robert Duffy Lyle Johnson Chad Lloyd Tammy McIntosh Natalie Shaft Ronald Storto Paul Szurek Lee Thomason Thomas Williamson
LEADERSHI P GIVING BY C OMPANY (For companies with five or more Leadership Givers)
Blue Ridge Parkway Monte Ashley Joseph Aull Martha Bogle Nathan Epling Philip Francis Steven Stinnett Jeri Swaim Boys, Arnold & Company, Inc. Thomas Arnold Stanley Cocke Fred Groce John Kuhns John Rhodin Jon Vannice David Whilden Branch Bank and Trust (BB&T) Michael Bohan David Hayes Michael Kinsland Bryan Saxon Michael Toth Michael Willett Nona Workman Buncombe County Judge Sharon Tracey Barrett Kathy Coco Richard Davis Otto Debruhl Anna Friedman Charise Gantt Richard Gloor Karen Hart Glen Hughes Becky Kessel Leslie Morgan Tim Rhodes William Stanley Amanda Stone G.S. Swearingen Frances Thigpen Edward Sheary Buncombe County Schools Cheryl Aull Beth Farmer Linda Ferguson Richard Frye Patricia Glazener
Elaine Grella LuAnn Harris Julianne Hollingsworth Sharon Katz Michael Kuykendall Amy Loy Craig Morgan Karen Morgan Mary Parker Michelle Russell Sherie Ryan-Bailey Robin Shope Roxie Smart Bebe Tarleton Angela Tuck Vicki Vest CarePartners Health Services Deborah Aiton Brian Arldt Kari Ballard Kent Ballard Nancy Benedict Diann Bolick Gary Bowers Nancy Bowers Scott Buchanan Tracy Buchanan Jana Childress Janise Donovan Amy Fowler Robin Fox Teresa Fox Deborah Frye Paulette Gaddis Dennis Giles Pamela Griffin Mitzi Holmes Ross Jerabek John Langlois Marie Langlois Sherry Love Sandy Norbo Charles Norvell Kathy Patrick Pauline Putiri Cornelia Scibetta Jack Smith Terry Smith Yvonne Smith John Snell Nina Snoddy
William Snoddy Pam Tidwell Karen Vernon Carol Walker Jennifer Weidemann Maria Weisenberger Charles George VA Medical Center Margaret Anderson Ira Bernstein Lynn Coppedge Sherry Corn Frankie Dennis Patricia Fuller David Garver Wendy Kady Robert Kieffer Keith Kohatsu C. Darlene Laughter John Lucke Michelle Mattox Thomas Mattox James Michalets Sharon Morgan Eva Morgenstern Jung Noh Diana Owensby John Parham Rosemary Pascol Susan Pendergrass Angela Pentecost Sharon Rhodes Barbara St. Hilaire Leslie Utterback Robert Vaughan City of Asheville Dan Baechtold Cathy Ball Larry Bopp Billy Cagle Angie Cullen Judy Daniel Gilbert Domingo Curtis Euler Robert Griffin William Hogan Lewis Isaac Gary Jackson Ronald Kerns Frank McGowan Samuel Powers
LEADERSHI P GIVING BY C OMPANY (For companies with five or more Leadership Givers)
Jeff Richardson Debbie Trantham Kevin West Colbond, Inc. William Austin Deborah Bailey Frederick Bailey Don Brown Earl Cheatham Charles Cook James Hollingsworth Joseph Luna Clarence McCorsley Kenny Oliver Thomas Robrecht John Swaim Robert Tyler Richard Wagner Crowfields Residents Walter and Mary Frances Allen Richard A. Dirks Drs. John and Janet Garrett Carol C. Hensley and E. David Hensley William and Barbara Hobson Dr. Barton Milligan Ms. Helen A. Powers Bruce and Laura Rogers Edward H. and Janet R. Smith Day International Daniel Deitz John Elia Debra Hare Katrina Hichman Robert Hunt Michael McLean Deerfield Residents Mrs. Dorel A. Abbott Dodie Allman R.W. Anthony, Jr. Topping A. Bryan Eugene M. ‘Bob’ Carr, Jr. Marshall and Delia Courtney Margaret Gill Lynn Edward Gleason T. Hartley Hall, IV Christine E. Kimball Dr. Mary-Frances King Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Lafferty
Mrs. Robert S. Peckham Penny and Ray Ponder Mrs. Katie K. Ramsey Miss Monte Richardson Mrs. Brainard B. Rorison Nancy Smith Robert and Elizabeth Trost Dr. and Mrs. Moultrie H. Truluck Mr. J. Glenn Wilson Dixon Hughes PLLC Heather Alley Althea Jane Aycock Robert Bennett John Bowles Brian Broom Neal Cody Mike Crawford Mitchell Crisp David Dills Sarah Hemmings Suzanne Holbert Frank Hoyle Gary Hughes Ken Hughes Lisa Hughes Ashley Israel Tim Kelley Deborah Kuykendall Gary Mathes Eric Moody Allyson Neeriemer William Neeriemer Heather Norton Michael Rauchwarg Kent Satterfield Anita Silver-Barnwell William Smith Tina Spring Dennis Theodossis Tara Theodossis Adrian Vassallo Jed Welmaker Jennifer Whitney David Wiggins EATON Corporation Jeremy Abee Patricia Adams Brooke Baldwin Laurie Barone Theresa Blankenship
Wayne Butler Ronda Chapman Jason Cheung Pamela Combs Gregory Congdon Lawrence Farr Douglas Fleeman Charles Haltiwanger Michael Hare Mary Harwood Jamie Hauger Walter Quincy Hill William Hill Matthew Hockman Earl Holmes Daniel Hrncir Steven Hurd Michael Keenan Wiley Kessler Jeffrey Kwiatkowski Alan Larson Mary Lewis Kevin Lindley Daniel Loizzo Katherine Lyons Chuck Martin David May Shelley McGrail Mark Miller David Mitchell Allan Morse Shelby Nace William Osborne Jo Ann Painter Carol Parson Ashley Petty Lana Plemmons Mary Lynn Powell Michael Romine Amanda Taylor Randy Trantham William VanLandingham John Viselli John Wehrli Scott Weinstein David Whitley William Wilkie John Wirtz Peter Wutschel Jerry Yelton Jeanne Young
LEADERSHI P GIVING BY C OMPANY (For companies with five or more Leadership Givers)
First Citizens Bank & Trust Company Patrick Blalock William Childs John Evans John Fitzgerald Barry Kampe Robert Roberts William Smith Doug Tallent Genova Diagnostics Mary Argent Michael Argent Earlene Clark Patrick Hanaway Ted Hull Freelin Jones Jeffrey Ledford Sarah Martin Amy Peace-Brewer Hugh Watson Melissa West Givens Estates Residents Peggy and James Brazell Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hall, Sr. Alice and John Hancy Karl and Shirley Quisenberry Arthur Stuenkel Betty S. Turbyfill Donald Watrous Gould, Killian CPA Group, P.A. Leah Gillespie Jeffrey Gould Charles Killian Cary Luhn Eric Michael Shon Norris Edward Towson Danny Yelton Harry’s Cadillac-Pontiac-GMC-Buick-Saab Jeff Barrett Gerald Bartle Patricia Grimes Marilyn Patton Clarke Poole HomeTrust Bank Brent Allison Mark Brinkley
Ed Broadwell Jim Darby Randy Davis Christine Dozier Deidra Frady Franci Gasperson Stephanie Harkleroad Steven Jennings John Myers Kathy Redmond Howard Sellinger Lisa Sizemore Karen Spake Dana Stonestreet Stuart Sullins Robert Tuck Insurance Service of Asheville Mary Alice Arthur Patricia Elliott Jonathan Nelson Sharon Robbins James Stickney Samuel Stickney Mars Hill College Dan Lunsford Kathy Meacham Thomas Plaut Nina Pollard Larry Stern Teresa Stern McGuire, Wood & Bissette P.A. Louis Bissette Annika Brock Mary Euler Thomas Grella George Leloudis Rendi Mann-Stadt Joseph McGuire Grant Osborne Douglas Thigpen Thomas Wilson Richard Wood Merrill Lynch Doug Bailey David Brown Brent Ford Gerald Keller Linda Sharpe
Susan Sorrells John Sterritt C. Bruce Strum Eugene Szymanski Mills Manufacturing Corporation Cheryl Atkins John Oswald Randy Roberson Brian Turner James Turner Pamela Turner Mission Hospitals Barbara Allen William Allen Judith Andersen Brian Aston Charles Ayscue Michael Bates Jean Bauer McGuire Orren Beaty Betsey Bent T. David Blackmon Anne Bowers Ellen Boyd Jonathan Brandon Becky Brown Elizabeth Brown Joyce Buchanan Margaret Bumgarner Robert Burgin Cecil Clark Thomas Cowan Joseph Damore Deborah Davis Jennifer Davis Kevin Davis Jeannie Deering Theresa Emmanuel Myra Fields Frank Ford Anna Garrett John Garrett Lynda Giles Sandra Goodwin Donna Grammatico Karen Grogan Kathleen Guyette Lori Halula Jeffrey Hardin Kathy Hefner
LEADERSHI P GIVING BY C OMPANY (For companies with five or more Leadership Givers)
Arlo Jennings Randall Johnson Angela Jones Jill Jones L. Ralph Jones Robin Jones Eloine Kirkland Stephanie Kiser Selena Kittrell Diane Knoebber Thomas Knoebber Cherie Ledford Fernando Little James Long Lourdes Lorenz Shirley Lowe John Maher Barbara Marlowe Barbara McLean Sheila Meadows Christine Messino Michael Messino Elizabeth Michalets James Miller Rhonda Miller Susan Mims Jerri Mitchell Faisal Mohammed Sarah Mohammed Barbara Moore Janet Moore Patricia Moore Carol Mott William Myers Carolyn Parker Tom Parker Rebecca Pitts Jean Ponder Kathey Ponder Linda Poss Jane Queen Duff Rardin M. Virginia Raviotta Kimberly Reik-Johnson Nancy Righi Richard Righi Rhonda Robinson Roger Rogers Maria Roloff Jeffrey Russell Adrian Sandler Christina Shelton
Mary Silver Tighe Simons Kristi Sink Michael Sipes Angelique Smith Benjamin Smith Linda Smith Valorie Speegle-Snell Marta Stoneman Elizabeth Surface Susan Sutherland Jack Tarleton Dianne Taylor Bruce Thorsen Kelley Tyler Eric Walburgh Anthony Weisenberger Ellen Williams Jerylyn Williams Thomas Williams Ann Young Elizabeth Young Michael Young Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) Norma Beaty Heidi Boone Ann Brown James Christian Joan Colburn Terry Cordell Diana Curran Hettie Garland Robert Henderson Melissa Hicks Michael Holcombe Pamela Holcombe Suzanne Landis Nathan Mullins Yolanda Parker Furman Penland David Reid Karen Sharpe Jan Thorsen Allen Van Dyke Gene Withrow Paula Withrow National Climatic Data Center John Bates David Bowman Theressa Coren
Sharon LeDuc Marjorie McGuirk Timothy Owen Karol Pittman Jeffrey Privette Thomas Ross Eileen Shea Peter Steurer RBC Bank Eddie Bradley O. Randall Driver David Hammett Vanessa Huntsinger Michael Mondin Susan Puryear Lisa Smith Chris Youngblood Roberts & Stevens, P.A. Christopher Campbell Vincent Childress Jacqueline Grant Kevin Kopp Marjorie Mann John Mason Marc Rudow John Stevens Wyatt Stevens James Williams Sheryl Williams Lachicotte Zemp Sisters of Mercy Services, Corp. Joseph Elliott Patricia Jackson Timothy Johnston Ellen Lawson Belinda Odom Sharon Owen Ernest Peterson Paul Tax Smith Barney, Inc. Sam Decker Thomas Ferguson Catherine Hitesman William Kimbrough Dan Scannell Don Weidemann Lee Wilkinson Virginia Wilkinson
LEADERSHI P GIVING BY C OMPANY (For companies with five or more Leadership Givers)
Southeastern Container, Inc. Charles Capps Laurie Chandley Matt Childs Brett Ellis Peter Falcigno Joan Holmes William Jones Henry Pinto Bruce Sampson Douglas Wehrkamp Michelle Yanik Andrea Younger SunTrust Bank Timothy Batts Ken Farmer Laura Gourlay Laura Herring Oscar Honeycutt Stephen Miller Wes Wright The Van Winkle Law Firm Marla Adams Jones Byrd Roy Davis Larry Harris Barry Kempson Michelle Rippon Philip Smith Albert Sneed O.E. Starnes Allan Tarleton UNC Asheville Gwen Ashburn Judith Bohan Sandra Byrd Angela Crawford Kathy Jackson Linda Nelms Anne Ponder United Parcel Service Christopher Bozarth Chase Conner Lyndon Cook Jose DeLeon Dejay Favreau Samuel Fisher
Swayne Franklin Larry Hamlin Lisa King Tony Miller Jennifer Raye Renee Reeves Suzanne Sheaman Jeffrey Switzer Charles Williams United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County David Bailey Maxine Brown Laresa Fair Jes Garner Vicki Greene Ron Katz Victoria McDowell Kevin Montgomery Karen Vernon Ann Von Brock Jennifer Waite 2008 United Way Partner Agencies James Barrett Robert Bell Yolanda Bopp Connie Bowes Stephanie Citron Ellen Clarke Celeste Collins Jamye Davis Karen Dedman Scott Dedman Patrick Fitzsimmons Jennifer Hampton Vicki Heidinger Allison Jordan Bill McGuire Roi McGuire Mary Michael Shionette Montgomery Stacy Mullins David Nash Lyndia Parker Brian Repass Scott Rice Polly Ross Kitty Schaller Teri Sferlazza Elizabeth Stanton
Paul Vest Mercedes Volk Steven Wallenius Ben Watts USDA Forest Service-Southern Research Station Joyce Gorgas Patsy Hunsucker Danny Lee Jimmy Reaves Perdita Spriggs Richard Spriggs Denise Stephens Volvo Construction Equipment, North America Jeanne Allison Martha Boyd Steve Bratsch Evan Brumm Jeff Bryant Thomas Caster Allison Clark Mark Debrosse George Fink Timothy Frank Harold Goodman Todd Gothberg Janice Harris Gary Jung Peter Kiers Wesley Lee Chelsea Blume McGowan Rosario Molica Katherine Morosani Allison Moses James Peesker Dallas Reeves Paul Richards Richard Robinson Joseph Sabolik William Sauber Anthony Spake Kevin Stock Charles Wood Eric Yeomans Wachovia and Wachovia Securities Frederick Blumer Kelly Davis Vicki Epley Robert Gillis
todd gothberg lives united at volvo construction equipment, north america
Skip Helms Jonathan Jorstad Latrella McElrath David Meyer William Pomeroy Robby Russell Raymond Spells Delise Talley Erich Talley Warren Wilson College Donald Collins Vicki Collins Dean Kahl David Moore Ellen Querin Webb Insurance David Mann Jeanette Roberson Ralph Schwarzkopf John Webb Laura Webb Marcus Wilson Wilsonart International Brian Connor Jeffrey Drane Charles Gaddis Brian Gibson Robert Gilliand David Goforth Travis Harkins William Hodges Audrey Howell Mellany Jones Melissa Kennedy William Lindsey Cassandra Logan Robert Perry Rich Sharpe Jeffrey Trantham William Wilkins Julie Williams WNC Community Health Services Polly Ross Teri Sferlazza Elizabeth Stanton Mercedes Volk Steven Wallenius
2008/2009 sponsors Community Investment EATON Corporation
Insurance Service of Asheville
Campaign MAHEC Mills Manufacturing National Climatic Data Center
American Red Cross Asheville Savings Bank Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Mission Hospitals Pepsi Bottling Company Southeastern Container
Bank of America
UNC Asheville
Charles George Veterans Administration Medical Center
US Cellular
EATON Corporation First Citizens Bank & Trust HomeTrust Bank
USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station Volvo Construction Equipment, North America Wachovia
Leadership Giving
Media Asheville Citizen Times Asheville Radio Group Clear Channel
Capital Bank Dove Air Inc. Highland Brewing Company
Tf o rHa d vAa n cNi n g Kt h e c oYm mOo n U goo! d
executive committee
Ann Y. Young, Chair Joe C. Brumit, Chair-Elect Suzanne S. DeFerie, Vice-Chair William E. Lee, Treasurer Michelle W. Yanik, Secretary Kerry Friedman, Past Chair Darryl J. Hart, Director Jennie Eblen, Director Brian M. Turner, Director David D. Bailey, President and CEO
standing committees
uNITE D WAY board o f direct ors
annual campaign Dr. W. Leon Elliston community fund Brian M. Turner finance William E. Lee
humancare endowment society James W. Stickney marketing/communications Rachel A. Perry strategic planning Tracy T. Buchanan 2-1-1 call center Joseph T. Connolly building J. Robert Griffin member emeritus Glenn W. Wilcox at-large members Robert P. Ingle K. Ray Bailey ex officio members Kitty Shaller Dr. Robert Ford directors Joseph F. Damore Cliff Dodson Jennie Eblen Patricia Fugate-Hock Patricia P. Grimes W. Neal Hanks Darryl J. Hart Jason Ingle Allen H. Johnson John D. Kimberly Don C. Locke Anita R. Metcalf Eleanor M. Owen Furman (Teck) Penland Dr. Anne Ponder Robert C. Roberts Maria Roloff Michael W. Romine Leigh W. Ruhl LaVoy Spooner Amanda L. Stone Dana L. Stonestreet Martha W. Thompson John M. Wirtz Chris R. Young
public policy efforts and local initiatives United Way supports the legislative meetings of its agency executives each year that give lawmakers information they need to represent the interests of the people of Western North Carolina at the state level. In 2008, the 8th annual meeting with the state delegation from Buncombe County highlighted its first Progress Report, showing public policy accomplishments on critical issues United Way and partner agencies had supported in the past and noting areas for continued advocacy. Information on community conditions is provided by 2-1-1 of WNC. Additionally, a December gathering provided information that educated the community about the state budget and its impact on health and human services. 2-1-1 of WNC staff work daily to improve the lives of area residents, often following up with callers to make sure they are informed to get the assistance they need. They also partner with other non-profit agencies to advance the common good, such as OnTrack Financial Education & Counseling to promote the earned income tax credit and volunteer income tax assistance. United Way staff advocate for the non-profit community and important health and human service issues through their leadership and involvement with 20 interagency coalitions, such as WNC Nonprofit Pathways and the Homeless Initiative Advisory Committee.
2008 C OMPANY CAMPAIGN AWARDS gold award winners
ABC Pediatrics of Asheville ABCCM Adams, Hendon, Carson, Crow & Saenger Airway Facilities All Souls Counseling Center American Red Cross-Asheville ArvinMeritor, Inc. Asheville Anesthesia Associates, P.A. Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce Asheville City General Administration & Legal Dept Asheville Engineering Parking & Transit Asheville Human Resources Department Asheville Information Technology Asheville Planning & Development Department Asheville Radiology Associates, P.A. Asheville Regional Airport Authority Asheville Savings Bank Asheville-Buncombe Technical community college Bank of Asheville Basofil Fibers, LLC Beverly-Hanks & Associates Big Brothers/Big Sisters of WNC Biltmore Farms, LLC. Blue Ridge Metals Blue Ridge Parkway Blue Ridge X-Ray Company Boys, Arnold & Company, Inc. Branch Bank and Trust (BB&T) Capital Bank CarePartners Health Services Carolina First Child Abuse Prevention Service Children First/Communities in Schools Colbond, Inc. Community Action Opportunities David G. Worley, CPA, PA Dixon Hughes PLLC EATON Corporation Enterprise Rent-A-Car First Citizens Bank & Trust Company Fisk Tool Co., Inc. FLENUMMETOC Detachment Forest Commercial Bank Friday Staffing Services Genova Diagnostics Goodwill Industries Workforce Dev. Gould, Killian CPA Group, P.A. Harry’s Cadillac-Pontiac-GMC-Buick-Saab Hart Funeral Service, Inc. Helpmate
Henderson County Social Security Administration HomeTrust Bank Housing Authority of Asheville HuttonVincent Williamson McLean IBM Corporation Insurance Service of Asheville Internal Revenue Service Jacob-Holm Industries Jarden Applied Materials JC Penney Company, Inc. Madison County 9-1-1 Madison County Cooperative Extension Madison County Administration Madison County Animal Shelter Madison County Partnership for Children Madison County Tax Office Mail Management Services, LLC MANNA Food Bank Mast General Store McGuire, Wood & Bissette P.A. McNutt Service Group Med Stream Inc Merrill Lynch Milkco, Inc. Mills Manufacturing Corporation Mountain Housing Opportunities National Climatic Data Center National Forests of N.C. Office Environments of Asheville OnTrack Financial Education and Counseling Padgett & Freeman Architects Painter, Russell and Associates, PLLC Parsec Financial Pisgah Community Bank Pisgah Legal Services PML Pathology, Mountain Area Pathology Progress Energy Raymond James Financial Services RBC Bank Regent Park Early Childhood Development Regional Allergy Roberts & Stevens, P.A. Silver-Line Plastics Corporation Sisters of Mercy Services, Corp. Skidmore, Harris & Burlingham, PA Smart Start of Buncombe County Social Security Administration Southeast Mortgage Group Southeastern Container, Inc. Southern Community Bank and Trust
SunTrust Bank The ARC The Buyer’s Agent of Asheville The Community Foundation of WNC The Van Winkle Law Firm Tops For Shoes Trident Micro Systems U.S. Cellular Telephone U.S. Probation Office United Health Group United Parcel Service United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County Wachovia Securities Wachovia Securities Downtown Office Wachovia Securities South Office Waddell, Sluder, Adams & Co. WCQS-FM Webb Insurance Wilsonart International WNC AIDS Project WNC Community Health Services
silver award winners
14th Weather Squadron Alcan Packaging Asheville Building Safety Department Asheville Civic Center Asheville Police Department Baldor-Dodge-Reliance Bank of America BASF Fibers Buncombe County Early College Buncombe County Government Buncombe County Schools Main Office Caring For Children Charles George VA Medical Center Colton Groome & Company Dave Steel Company Day International Duke Energy Eaton Avery Creek Girl Scouts of WNC - Pisgah Council Irene Wortham Center
bronze award winners
A.C. Reynolds High School A.C. Reynolds Middle School ABC Board Alan H. Shaw Company, Inc. Allergy Partners of WNC Anderson Nissan Appalachian Ranger District of Pisgah National Forest Asheville Cardiology Associates Asheville Citizen-Times Asheville City Schools Main Office Asheville Eye Associates Asheville Finance Department Asheville Fire and Rescue Department Asheville High School Asheville Lion’s Eye Clinic Asheville Middle School Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department Asheville Public Works Department Asheville Specialty Hospital
Madison County DSS Madison County Emergency Management Madison County Health Dept. Madison County Register of Deeds Madison County Soil and Water Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) Mountain Neurological Center Preferred Properties, Inc. Salvation Army The Mediation Center Tyco Valves & Controls LP U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service USDA Forest Service-Southern Research Station Volvo Construction Equipment, North America Volvo Sales Wachovia Western Carolinians for Criminal Justice WNC Dermatological Associates WOXL and WISE (Radio)
Asheville-Buncombe County Library System AT&T Avery’s Creek Elementary School Barnardsville Elementary Belk (Asheville Mall) Better Business Bureau-Asheville Biltmore Iron & Metal Company Blood Services- American Red Cross Blue Ridge Bone & Joint Clinic Buncombe County Schools Maintenance Buncombe County Schools Transportation Cane Creek Middle School Career Education Center Carolina Internal Medicine Associates Charles C. Bell Elementary Charles D. Owen High School Charles D. Owen Middle School Claxton Elementary Clyde A. Erwin High School Clyde A. Erwin Middle School Continental Teves Henderson Facility Council on Aging of Buncombe County Daniel Boone Council, Boy Scouts of America Daniels Business Services Electronic Office Emma Elementary Enka High School Enka Middle School Glen Arden Elementary Hall Fletcher Elementary Harris Teeter Havertys Furniture Haw Creek Elementary Highland Farms, Inc. Hominy Valley Elementary Hot Springs Health Program Ira B. Jones Elementary School Johnston Elementary Keen Impressions Land of Sky Regional Council Laurel Elementary School Madison County Finance Madison County Library Madison County Parks & Recreation Medical Action Industries, Inc. MemoryCare Metropolitan Sewerage District Mission Hospitals Nationwide Claims North Buncombe Elementary
North Buncombe Middle School North Windy Ridge Northwestern Mutual Financial Nova Enteprises, Inc. Our VOICE, Inc. Patla, Straus, Robinson & Moore, P.A. Pisgah Elementary Progressive Education Program PSNC Energy Randolph Learning Center T.C. Roberson High School Terminix Service - Southeast The Cliffs at Walnut Cove The Health Adventure Town of Weaverville UPS Freight Valley Springs Middle School W.D. Williams Elementary W.P. Hickman Company Warren Wilson College WCI, Inc. Weaverville Elementary Weaverville Primary West Buncombe Elementary Wilcox World Travel and Tours William W. Estes Elementary WNC Veterinary Clinic Y.M.C.A. Blue Ridge Assembly YWCA
special recognition
above and beyond:
EATON Corporation Hometrust Bank JC Penney Company, inc.
spirit of the mountains: Carepartners health services tops for shoes southeastern container, inc. largest employee campaign: mission hospitals largest employee/corporate combined giving campaign:
wilsonart international I’ll do anything for united way: jason ingle asheville savings bank
live unit vo ca gi ve . ad
oad ave. French Br 50 South nc 28801 aSheville, 96 -06 55 tel: 828/2 55-8004 FaX: 828/2 .org edwayaBc www.unit
nt te . vo lu
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, 2009
May 10
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ann y. you t, chair-elect mi ir Joe c. Bru deFerie, vice-cha S. rer Suzanne lee, treasu william e. yanik, Secretary w. air ch michelle st an, Pa Kerry Friedmrt, director darryl J. ha , director len Jennie eb ner, director tur d ceo Brian m. iley, President an Ba david d.
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top 25 employee campaigns
Mission Hospitals EATON Corporation Wilsonart International Volvo Construction Equipment CarePartners Health Services ArvinMeritor, Inc. Charles George VA Medical Center Buncombe County Schools Harry’s Cadillac-Pontiac-GMC-Buick-Saab City of Asheville Southeastern Container, Inc. United Parcel Service Buncombe County
Dixon Hughes PLLC Silver-Line Plastics Corporation Mills Manufacturing Corporation Beverly-Hanks & Associates Biltmore Farms, LLC. Asheville Savings Bank Blue Ridge X-Ray Company Milkco, Inc. Colbond, Inc. SunTrust Bank National Climatic Data Center HomeTrust Bank
2008 F inancial statement TOTAL EXPENSES - $7,399,677 HumanCare Services (1) - $5,429,310 Investments for the Future - $775,728 United Way Overhead (2) - $705,519 Reserved for Uncollectible Pledges - $489,120
(2) Overhead as a percentage of total revenue and services=9.53 percent; Overhead as a percentage of campaign pledges=11.54 percent
I MPA C T O F L E A D E R S H IP G I V I NG IN (1) Includes allocations, designations, United Way Community Services: 2-1-1 of WNC and Hands On Asheville-Buncombe.
TOTAL REVENUE & SERVICES - $7,399,677 Annual Campaign Revenue - $6,114,000 Legacies and Bequests - $775,728 Grants - $390,870 Investment Income - $65,000 Net Building Revenue - $54,079
Leadership Giving accounts for nearly half of total campaign revenue: $5,863,000
$1,001,101 $1,653,769
UNITED WAY FINANCE COMMITTEE Joe Brumit, Chair Bill Lee, Co-Chair Rayburn Dean Suzanne DeFerie Gerald DeLand Thomas Fitzpatrick Randall Hall Len Jones Linda Nelms Marge Vollmerhausen
u NITED WAY STAFF President/CEO VP, Planning & Community Investment Director of Finance Director of Community Fund Director of Marketing and Communications Director of Resource Development Focus Area Manager Senior Resource Development Manager Leadership Giving Manager Resource Development Manager Marketing and Communications Associate Director of Hands On Asheville-Buncombe Hands On Asheville - Buncombe Manager 2-1-1 of WNC Director
David Bailey Ann Von Brock Maxine Brown Lance Edwards Vicki Greene Jes Garner Ron Katz Kevin Montgomery Laresa Fair Victoria McDowell Elisabeth Bocklet Sarah Catoe Charlie Lee Rachael Nygaard
2-1-1 Community Relations & Development Manager 2-1-1 Call Center Manager 2-1-1 Data Manager 2-1-1 Remote Referral Specialist 2-1-1 Remote Referral Specialist 2-1-1 Remote Referral Specialist 2-1-1 Referral Specialist 2-1-1 Referral Specialist 2-1-1 Referral Specialist 2-1-1 Referral Specialist Building Superintendent Administrative Manager Finance Associate Computer Services Associate
Jen Waite Elizabeth Kelly Patty McGovern James Deese Becky Hannah Jennifer Hampton Carroll Means Tina Walker Chanel Young Keith Young Ray Griffiths Emily Andrews Karen Vernon Sandra Higgins
2008 Day of Caring volunteers at projects around Asheville and Buncombe County
Ser ving Our Commu nity is Part of Wh o We Are Dixon Hughes, the largest CPA firm based in the Southeast, combines deep industry experience, diverse accounting and advisory services, and a strong commitment to responsive service to build a service team to meet the unique requirements of each of our clients. We rank among the top 20 firms in the U.S. and have focused industry practices that include healthcare, automotive dealerships, manufacturing/distribution, construction/real estate, financial institutions, insurance, not-for-profit and government. With over 1100 associates in offices throughout seven states, we have the resources and. expertise to deliver customized professional services with a hands-on, roll-up-the-sleeves attitude. This attitude, considered a defining characteristic of the firm, is not limited to how we serve our clients. It's also reflected in our commitment to making our communities better places to live and work. That's why you'll find Dixon Hughes associates and members contributing not only their financial resources but also thousands of volunteer hours in their communities every year. At Dixon Hughes, we know that we are more than an economic factor in the cities in which we practice; we are a social influence as well. For more information about Dixon Hughes, please visit our website at or call our office at 828.254.2254 and ask to speak with Mike Crawford, WNC Managing Member. Dixon Hughes PLLC is proud to support United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County.
Š2008 Dixon Hughes PLLC
Thank you to our Generous Sponsor.
the live united dancers perform thriller at the 2008 celebration
50 South French Broad Ave. Asheville, NC 28801 828-255-0696