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Health & Wellness News Navigate Breast Cancer - Consider Your Options

by Melesha Bailey monly diagnosed disease. Black

Unite Contributing Writer women are diagnosed with over 34,000 new cases each year, with October is Breast an estimated 6,540 Cancer Awareness deaths expected to Month, an annual camoccur yearly. paign to bring aware If detected early, ness to this disease there’s a 99% 5-year that affects black womsurvival rate, 80% for en in great numbers. black women versus It disproportionately 91% for white womcauses more death in Melesha Bailey en. Black men get black women than whites. breast cancer too, and their Breast Cancer is one of the 5-year survival rate is 96%. most crucial issues facing Black Black women under the age women today. It is a very comof 40 have higher rates of breast

Targeting Communities of Color for COVID-19 Assistance

Springfield, MO—Unite of Southwest Missouri, Inc has partnered with CPO Caring Communities, Springfield NAACP and Prosper Springfield to launch a COVID-19 resources and services outreach campaign. A grant was provided by the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund. The grant is being used to contact targeted community members to obtain names and mailing addresses of residents needing vital COVID-19 health information. African American families or individuals can sign-up for a free six month Unite News subscription now until November 2020, please contact (417) 864-7444 or email your: • Name • Mailing Address to unitepublication@yahoo.com Predomanant African American Churches or Organizations, you can get assistance with: • masks, • gloves, and or • hand sanitizer Please contact: Brooke Ash, CPO at 417-888-2020. cancer when compared to white women. Black women under age 35 get breast cancer at two times the rate of white women and DIE from breast cancer three times as often as white women, according to Sisters Network, a national African American Breast Cancer Survivorship Organization. Breast Cancer is not a death sentence with a focus attention on survival. Being under the care of a physician and following their advice is vital, as well as looking for alternative health care options. I believe they go hand in hand. A person must be willing to think outside of the box and be open, perhaps, to a different approach than the norm to beat this disease. Asking lots of questions is critical for a clear understanding of the prognosis, what’s going on in the body, what the options are, and why your doctor is suggesting specific choices for care. It’s going to take careful consideration for alternative methods of care. Having an open mind could make the difference between life or death. Here a few tips to reduce your risk of getting breast cancer. According to the Mayo Clinic, they suggest: 1 Limit alcohol to less than one drink per day. 2 Don’t smoke 3 Control your weight 4 Be physically active 5 Breast-feeding 6 Menopausal women should limit the dose or duration of hormone therapy 7 Avoid exposure to radiation and environmental pollution Diet plays a crucial role in the prevention and care of breast cancer. Eating a healthy diet can reduce your risk of some cancers as well as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and strokes. Limiting SUGAR and PROCESSED foods are the best thing you can do before, during, and after a breast cancer diagnosis. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables as part of a daily diet can lower the risk of breast cancer, according to the Susan G. Koman Foundation. A diagnosis of cancer can be terrifying. As a health and wellness coach, I can be that shoulder that will listen, encourage, and help to create a space for guidance as a person navigates the best path to their survival and prevention of breast cancer. I would love to see a person before they get sick, but if not, I can assist with dietary choices, emotional support, and provide suggestions on healthy living and lifestyle changes for restored health. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, If you or someone you know has a history with breast cancer, I will be offering Free consultations and a special Coaching package. Contact me at www.love4lifewellness.com or melesha@love4lifewellness to schedule your FREE consultation today.

the famous Mercury-Atlas 6 mission in 1962 and is about Library Column Continued from page 5 a math genius named Katherine Johnson who had Library Station, 616-0683. The Library returns with the an important role in calculating series Death & Dying, Conversaflight trajectories tions on End-of-Life Matters, from for NASA. The Nov. 3-12 in a virtual format. Area other two women professionals will discuss topics including Advance Care Planning, Social Model Hospice Homes, Funerals and the Impact of profiled in the film also had significant roles COVID-19, and Grieving During one being the a Pandemic. Visit thelibrary.org/ first black female programs for details and links to engineer and the access each one. ••• other leading black women in the West Area Universal Pictures 2016 Upcoming Tough Talks Continued from page 9 computers division. The women are played by some easily recognizable women in the person Talks” series will also air through of Taraji P. Henson, Octavia the City cable channels: Medi Spencer and Janelle Monae. acom Channel 15.1 and 80 and Their acting ability can bring AT&T U-verse Channel 99. To learn more about Tough Talks or how to register, please email Jusany story to life and the reality that it really happened simply tin Lockhart, Director of Commu makes it even more powerful. nity Collaboratives at JLockhart@ The film doesn’t hide from cpozarks.org. the racial and gender climate of the day and with the lead characters being black and female in a male dominated space race and engineering field one can imagine the day to day challenges that they face. The film gives us a good idea of a few of the things that they faced and the

encourage each other works very well and in many ways is the glue that The Library wants to give kids a good laugh this fall. With a parent or guardian’s permission, kids holds the film together. can call or stop by the children’s Kevin Costner desk at these branches through plays the role of November to hear a great joke. supervisor and A new joke will be provided each as usual plays his day. Call Monday-Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. for age 3 and older. Library Center, 616-0526; Library part in an inspiring manner. Station, 616-0673; or Schweitzer The film is in Brentwood Branch, 616-0703. limited release Kathleen O’Dell is community on Christmas day relations director of the Springand gets to all of field-Greene County Library District. She can be reached at kathleeno@thelibrary.org. the nation right after the new year. I am hoping that seeing these Prosper Springfield is a colsisters work their magic in mathlective impact initiative focused ematics will inspire some young on a shared community vision to improve economic mobility in the Springfield community. The Prosper Springfield mission is to men and women to become engi neers and scientists and wildly succeed in technology as well. build community relationships The real message of the film and align community resources to might be one for our society create pathways that help move people to prosperity. For more information about still and that is when you are trying to get a man in space Prosper Springfield, contact Pros you don’t have time and room per Springfield at 417-888-2020. for prejudice to get in your way. Hopefully we will learn that about everything else in life as well. Please try to support these incredible films and let me know what you think! Fences…..93 out of 100 Hidden Figures 92 out of 100

Restaurant Column

continued from page 8

much too early to find out but I have been told by very reliable sources that the margaritas are nice and well worth a try!

And consistent with the cuisine there is an abundance of tequila as well so if that is your drink or that is what you want to try in the new year you are now informed. Oh and if you just want to sound like you are getciated. Chips and salsa which are excellent by the way are complimentary when you order an entre. I am not a big queso fan but they have several versions of it including a mac and cheese, green chile and plain. The guacamole (which I am becoming a fan of) is fresh and delicious. The taco choices are abundant and they are good….. whether you want chicken, beef or some type of fish. There is a vegetarian option as well. I like the fish taco and it was stuffed full and very tasty. Of course they do have the soft and hard shell options. Fish choices are also good with tilapia and ahi tuna. You may want to try the

gave everything two thumbs up. Great American Taco makes a great spot for lunch or dinner and also offers a convenient See How CU Can Work With You drive-through if you need to grab and go. It can also be a good date night spot and prices Plumbers, caterers, landscapers, exterminators, and more are all needed to can go up close to $10 for some of the menu items but if Santa help City Utilities of Springfield operate came to visit you it should not on a day-to-day basis. If you offer a good or a service, CU has opportunities. Call 417-831-8363 or visit cityutilities.net, break the bank. And that is one of the other reasons that I am key search “Purchasing”, to learn about reviewing this spot because if ways for us to work together. the holidays cleared out your

It is the policy of City Utilities to offer equal opportunity to individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual finances it is an affordable orientation, gender identity, ancestry, national origin, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, or marital status. option. It is located at 2915 E.

Battlefield Road and is open

Sunday through Thursday from 301 East Central, Springfield • 417.863.9000 cityutilities.net 11 to 9 and until 10 on Friday and Saturday. Four forks!!!

Branco Enterprises, Inc. is Every First Tuesday of Who Convinced You? continued from page 8 kid, rather she disciplined with eloquent speech…and detention. move and you are out.” Call it mean or harsh, but I am thankful for the tough love she showed me. She convinced me that I had the talent and means to do better. I left high school understanding that I did not have to be the class clown all the time, yet I could turn that energy into something positive. My first professional experience took place in Miami, FL when I was selected to be a part of the National ACDA Multicultural Choir. I can remember sitting in the group of nearly 500 After placing me into the advanced pop ensemble my junior year, I can still hear her words “You are only in this group by the skin of your teeth. One wrong NEEDED field Affordable Housing Center Registration is required and you or register online at http://www. cpozarks.org/financial-literacy/. One Door Are you without a home, at risk of becoming homeless, do not have a safe stable place to stay or need affordable housing, call 417-225-7499 or visit the Springfield Affordable Housing Center at 300 E. Central, Springfield. Full Time and Part Time Positions Available SilverDollarCity.com/Careers 417.338.8122 Equal Opportunity Employer / Disabled / Veterans Unite Springfield Feb issue.indd 1 1/15/19 11:13 AM Rebellion, and the Elite Music Critic. In a dynamic and interactive presentation for adults, Dr. Director of the Law & Society, will use Magna Carta to help us understand how American popular music has developed since relations director of the SpringDistrict. She can be reached at the Month Minorities In Business monthly networking meeting When: 5:15 p.m. 405 N Jefferson Ave, Springfield, MO 65897 Bring a friend or business partner!! RSVP by emailing kayla@oke-thomas.com 405 N. Jefferson Ave. For more information call: (417) 863-6262 seeking bids from MBE and WBE contractors for work on the Missouri State University Glass Hall Additions and Renovations (bids due 9/17 at 2:00 pm). There are many trades needed for this project including earthwork, utilities storm drainage, demolition, concrete, site improvements, fencing, structural steel, doors and frames, finishes, painting, plumbing, HVAC and electrical. For information on the project contact Jeremy Pant at 417.455.8103 or at estimating@branco.com Digital plans are available from Branco Enterprises. Plans are available for viewing at our office in Neosho, MO. Contact us for information about purchasing the bid documents. NEEDED Mechanic/Tool Crib Operator Making Sense of Money February 5, 12, 19 and 26 – (Basic Budgeting Series) Free interactive class to learn how to manage money better. Registration is required and you must attend all four sessions. Contact 417-888-2020, ext. 150 or register online at http://www. cpozarks.org/financial-literacy/. SALES HELP WANTED TeleSales at Christian Radio Station, Monday through Friday 9-3:30 pm Hrly, Plus bonus available, Apply at KADI, singers when Dr. Rollo Dilworth graced the stage. I said to myself “I didn’t know black people could do something like this. Hey, maybe I can do this, too.” From that day on, I was convinced that I could do something bigger than just church music or being a pop star. Even though there are not many blacks in the choral profession, I felt that I could pursue 5431 W. Sunshine EOE 1550 E. Battlefield Rd, Suite A choral music and be great at my Mechanic/Tool Crib Operator. Letter to the Editor EOE craft. When I watched Dr. Jeffrey Continued from Page 7 Redding conduct the Texas All to being truly inclusive. Nevertheless, I dream of an inclusive society with mutual respect: something that Americans can be proud of. Above all, I love Affordable Housing Opportunities There are currently housing vacancies in the City of Springfield’s program for rental or home ownership. These programs include requirements for fair marketing and non-discrimination. State Women’s Choir in 2014, I was moved to tears. This black genius took the music on the page and filled the room with magic. What still stands out the most about Dr. Redding is that because of this revelation. You must be income eligible to qualify. after the performance, he talked “Disagreement does not equal For rental, call Marti Fewell, 417-864-1039 to me for almost a full hour. I hate.” For home ownership, call LeeAnn Camey, 417-888-2020 cannot remember one thing we spoke about, but I remember the feeling of “He is talking to me like he knows me, like I am just

Subscribe To Race in America: A National Juried Exhibition Good News, Great Music as important as other professionals.” He convinced me that being Juried by Charvis Harrell Novemebr 6-25, 2020 Opening Reception: November 6, 5-8 p.m. 233 W. Commercial Street 2101 W. Chestnut Expwy. Springfield, MO 65802 & Warm People “ready to go” was not an option, but rather taking time and lowering yourself to greet and converse others would get you farther than (417) 865-4338

you can ever imagine. During my college years at the University of North Texas, I was able to sit in a lecture with Dr. Andre Thomas. Normally, the assemblies were very boring and most students nodded off or were distracted with other important things like Twitter and Facebook. However, when Dr. Thomas took the stage, everyone in the room engaged, enabled, and encouraged. I was captivated by this black man’s ability to command everyone’s attention just with his smile and insightful musical philosophy. Today, I stand tall and proud as a black music conductor, a composer and arranger, a middle school teacher and an adjunct professor. Beyond the names I mentioned, there have been numerous people to encourage me and also not let me get away with being anything less than great. Have all my influenced been black? No. People of all colors can have influence. As an educator, I now understand that the presence of someone who looked like me changed me beyond what I knew. My black students do not just flock to me because I am black, but they see themselves and what they could be through me. I take pride in being one of three African American teachers at Reed Academy and the only black music teacher in the city of Springfield, MO because I know that my presence has convincing power. Just as the people in my life who looked like me gave me a new outlook on life, I desire to do the same for my students. It is my obligation to convince everyone I come in contact with they can and will be great.

More resources listed online at: unitenewsonline.org • RENT OR MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE • CHILD CARE & TUTORING • EDUCATION PRE-K to 12th GRADE & BEYOND HIGH SCHOOL



Help Ozarks

Help Ozarks is the City of Springfield’s main website to share official directions to slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). This website provides direct links to information on the latest Springfield-Greene County health updates, resources for job seekers and employers, and a pledge citizens, businesses and institutions can voluntarily take to show commitment to slowing the spread of the Coronavirus during Recovery orders. For more information visit: https://www.springfieldmo.gov/5107/Help-Ozarks

Springfield-Greene County Health Department | COVID-19 Resources

The Springfield-Greene County Health Department’s website has guidelines for good hand and respiratory hygiene habits, tips for at-risk groups that may be more affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and guidance for travel and isolation/quarantine timelines. The health department’s website also shows testing sites—Cox Virtual Health Visits and MyMercy—available in Springfield. For more information visit: https://www.springfieldmo.gov/5068/ Coronavirus or call 417-874-1211.

Cox Health Visits

Cox Healthcare System is providing free virtual visits to screen patients for COVID-19 and provide more guidance about the appropriate actions to take if they are sick with the Coronavirus. Virtual visits are online appointments that are available for people ages two years and older and include a COVID-19 Risk Assessment and if needed, a prescription referral to a pharmacy. For more information visit: https://www.coxhealth.com/services/virtualvisits/ or call 417-269-3000.

Mercy Health

Mercy Health provides virtual care options to seek medical treatment without exposing others to illness. MyMercy is a free, easy-to-use application to manage your whole family’s health online. This app allows users to access information about their health and care team 24 hours a day. For more information visit: https://www.mercy.net/patients/mymercy/ or call 417-820-2000.

Missouri Food Stamp

Pandemic Food Stamp/Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (P-SNAP) provided all households currently eligible for SNAP to receive the maximum amount for their house size for March through June 2020 to prevent Food Stamp benefits from ending during the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting July 1, 2020, Missourians are required to complete a periodic recertification process to verify the household still qualifies for Food Stamp/SNAP benefits. For more information visit https://mydss.mo.gov/covid-food-stamp-info.

Food Resources in Springfield and Greene County

Food resources in Springfield that are available to the general public, children and older adults who are 60 years and above during COVID-19 Stay-atHome and Recovery orders can be found at the following Google Spreadsheet. The list is updated with new resources when they become available and contains the location, hours, type of food service, ways to access food services and who can access services: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v3UBVz5i68INI3agcZLM7ULys-O3jHOKm6zwJXWqJB0/edit#gid=0


Effective March 18, 2020, all satellite WIC locations were closed until further notice. All appointments are handled over the phone. The WIC program is housed at Jordan Valley Community Health Center and provides free services for qualifying participants such as health screenings, nutrition education and additional food packages, breastfeeding support, referrals to health care providers or social services agencies. For more information visit: https:// www.jordanvalley.org/services or call 417-864-1540.

Missouri Department of Social Services (DSS)

Most DSS offices are still closed to the public at this time, but some offices are taking in person visits by appointment only. Please visit the DSS website to see how the Family Support Division, Child Care Subsidy, MO HealthNet (Medicaid), Children’s Division and Division of Youth Services will conduct business during this time period if assistance is needed at https://dss.mo.gov/covid-19/

MO HealthNet (Medicaid)

Telehealth is available to MO HealthNet participants. There will be no copays for COVID-19 testing for MO HealthNet participants. Coverage will be extended to Missourians ages 19 to 64 who test positive for COVID-19. Requirements for prescriptions refills will make sure participants have access to essential medications. For more information visit: https://dss.mo.gov/mhd/ or call 573-751-3425.


Missouri Job Center

The Missouri Job Center has reopened to the public and offers a variety of job options and job training programs during Recovery Orders to make sure individuals can get back to work stronger than ever before with events and opportunities such as: Aspire (youth program), MO Works Together, Green for Greene, Career Services, America’s Promise, SkillUP and Franklin Apprenticeship & Dislocated Worker programs. The north location job center has relocated from the Cox building to the N. W. Project, located in the on Fairbanks. For more information visit https://www.springfieldmo.gov/1007/Workforce-Development or call 417-887-4343.

Prime, Inc.

Prime, Inc. is a logistics company with a Driver Training Program that allows individuals to earn their Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) while getting paid. CDL training classes start each week and gives driver’s real-world experience to prepare for any situation they may encounter on the road. Prime also offers in-house job opportunities to ensure the safety, success and reliability of operations. For more information visit https://www.primeinc.com/ or call 1-877-774-6356.

SRC Holdings

SRC Holdings is a manufacturing company that remanufactures products for major industries that allows individuals to gain real-world experience, pursue an education and avoid student debt through apprenticeship, internship and tuition reimbursement programs. Participants receive one-on-one mentorship, earn wage increases at work milestones and learn cutting edge technology practices from Ozarks Technical Community College (OTC). For more information on how to apply, students may contact their high school counselor or OTC’s Career Center. All others can visit https://www.srcholdings.com/ career-development or contact them at 417-862-4510.

File for Unemployment | Missouri Department of Labor

The Missouri Department of Labor’s website provides information on how to file or manage an unemployment claim or claim benefit eligibility. The website also features information on worker’s compensation and discrimination complaints for businesses and workers. Businesses can file unemployment for groups of employees they may have to lay off due to COVID-19. For more information visit: https://labor.mo.gov/coronavirus.

US Small Business Administration (SBA)

The US Small Business Administration website describes areas eligible for SBA disaster loans and the steps to apply for a loan. SBA can provide small businesses who have experienced substantial suffering due to COVID-19 with low-interest federal disaster loans to overcome temporary loss of revenue. For more information visit: https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/ or call 1-800-877-8339.


Springfield Public Schools (SPS)

Springfield Public Schools (SPS) has an online resource center to help adjust to schooling from home to create an environment for your student to learn well at home. Resources include tips to schedule a routine for homeschooling children at each grade level, special education and English Language Learner (ELL) resources. For more information visit https://www.sps.org/Domain/57 or contact your child’s school.

Kahn Academy

Kahn Academy is offering free resources to parents, teachers, schools and districts to keep everyone learning. Their website offers resources such as daily schedules, weekly learning plans for students in remote learning environments. For more information visit https://keeplearning.khanacademy.org/.

Fast Track Program

Fast Track is a financial aid program from the Missouri Department of Higher Education that helps adults obtain an industry-recognized credential in high need job areas. Students who receive the Fast Track grant have any remaining college tuition and fees covered after using other state and federal aid programs. Individuals 25 years or older or who have not been enrolled in school within the last two years and are seeking to earn a bachelor’s degree are eligible to apple. Participants must earn under $40,000 per year or $80,000 filing jointly. For more information visit https://dhewd.mo.gov/initiatives/fast_track.php.

Ozarks Technical Community College

OTC is a community college in Springfield, Missouri. Students can earn a one-year certificate, two-year Associate of Applied Science degree or Associate of Arts degree. They also have a variety of apprenticeship programs. For more information visit https://www.otc.edu/ or call 417-447-7500.

Missouri State University

MSU is a public, comprehensive university system with a mission in public affairs. Their purpose is to develop fully educated persons with a focus on ethical leadership, cultural competence and community engagement. For more information visit https://www.missouristate.edu/ or call 417-836-5000.


Community Health Advocates | Springfield-Greene County Health Department

Community Health Advocates help individuals navigate Springfield resources and work with individuals to determine their needs and provide personalized referrals to employee assistance, affordable housing, healthcare, pregnancy and parenting services, education, disability services and childcare assistance. To make a referral visit: https://www.springfieldmo.gov/CHAreferral or call 417-874-2477.

U.S. Census 2020

The U.S. 2020 Census invitations began arriving at households March 12. For the first time, nearly everyone will be invited to respond online, by phone, or by mail. Along with the invitation, households will receive a census overview, description of language assistance in English and 12 additional languages, and a census ID number. More information about when most people will receive their invitations can be found at 2020census.gov. https://2020census.gov/en.html?utm_campaign=20200312msprts1ccpupnl&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

Tax Filing New Due Date

TThe 2019 tax filing deadline was extended to July 15, 2020 due to COVID-19. For individuals with simple returns to file, Community Partnership of the Ozarks is hosting Tax Clinics through September 30, 2020. If individuals have access to a computer, they can also use the following website suggested by Community Partnership of the Ozarks: www.myfreetaxes.com. For more information visit https://www.cpozarks.org/financial-literacy/ or call 417-720-2000.

Prosper Springfield Website: “Get Help & Get Informed”

This website has information on current resources and services available in the Springfield/Greene County area. Click “Get Help” to find information related to almost any area of need related to education, health, housing, job/financial assistance and transportation. Please visit: www.prosperspringfield.org.

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