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Your Health & Wellness News Savvy Smart Grocery Shopping

Healthy and affordable food is a basic need for survival. Unfortunately, unhealthy food costs less, and when making buying decisions, many are perplexed about eating for health or survival. For many, grocery shopping is incredibly overwhelming. Around every corner, the lure of thousands of products is wellplanned. You must know the tricks of food manufacturers to get you to purchase. Learning to read food labels is vital because many can be misleading. Then there’s the debate about organic or non-organic, cage-free, pasture-raised, grassfed, no-antibiotics, no hormones, fresh, or frozen. It can be very confusing. (You can learn more in my next blog post).

We must understand what’s in our food and how it can affect our health when we head to the grocery store. Armed with this knowledge is essential because all food is not created equal; the more information you have, the better it will be for your wallet and health.

Before heading to the store, check your refrigerator and cabinets. With outrageous food costs, you don’t want to buy something you don’t need. Don’t be tricked into buying the 10 for $10 offers that many stores use to sell low-cost food with little to no nutritional value. These dangerous foods are usually highly processed with salt, sugar, trans fats, and corn and have been on the shelves for a long time. Some stores receive a discount to buy in bulk and push those items on the consumer.

Grocery shopping can be a fun experience if you come locked and loaded and know what you need and don’t need (junk food)

Continued on page 11

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