2 minute read
from 2023 February Unite
by Unite News
Enjoy Life
Continued from page 10 continued from page 10
The better you own your time, the better you will be able to manage the flow of your life while maintaining your health and well-being. So let’s be “Healthy, Happy, and Free in 2023.
Here are some easy things you can do NOW to help prevent lifestyle diseases:
1. Choosing a diet consisting of whole, unrefined plants and minimally processed foods. Eating more plant-based helps prevent heart disease and cancer risk.
continued from page 10 workers, the spouse, family caregivers, etc. Caregiver burnout is very real and not discussed enough with families. Sometimes the caregivers that are close to the patients do not realize at times that their non-verbals have such an impact on the person that has the disease. The person may interpret the caregiver’s non-verbals as anger, impatience, frustration, and even neglectful towards them. The person with the disease may voice concern of that caregiver though may embellish the facts because in their mind their reasoning is not present. Now, if a healthcare professional overlooked their complaint and thought their concern was nothing to be discussed or investigated, then the professional has missed the opportunity to teach the caregiver about signs of burnout and being cognizant of non-verbals.
2. Physical activity and movement help all your body’s internal organs and mind. Most experts recommend that a consistent 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five days a week will make a significant difference.
3. Good sleep is essential. Aim to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night. No matter how busy your life is, having a consist- ent bedtime and wake time, even on the weekends, helps. is something that us healthcare professionals should never be nonchalant about. Even if the disease is progressed, an inves health now before it’s too late. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. tigation and discussion must still be completed. There are always learning opportunities in every situation.
4. Control stress. Chronic stress wrecks your immune system. Instead, try mindfulness, meditation, and gratitude to relieve stress to improve your physical and mental health.
3. If you’re taking more than 4 prescribed medications, it would be best to schedule an appointment with your physician to review your med list and make sure they will not affect your cognition
5. Social connections, and loving people, keeps you emotionally and physically healthy. Although physical distancing is becoming a usual way of life, virtual relationships can be transformative.
To believe or not to believe someone with dementia
You don’t want to get sick if you can prevent it. Sickness affects your finances, time with your family, and the ability to do the things you love. Taking care of yourself NOW reduces the risk of diseases, disabilities, and death. Don’t be like millions of people, including myself, and turn a blind eye. Take care of your
Individuals receiving their primary series or first booster dose are automatically eligible for a $50 gift card at the time of vaccination
Second booster doses are not eligible for the gift card program Individuals may not receive more than $150 in gift cards. Vaccines, booster doses and gift cards are available while supplies last
Enroll in the Neighboring 101
Enroll in the Neighboring 101
Online series with access to all past class videos. Find Neighboring 101 at http://extension.missouri.edu or email David Burton at burtond@missouri.edu on a hot stove burner, electrical fire, while smoking dropping the cigarette on self and/or in home, smoke detectors not working properly, unsupervised lit candles, fireplace not having a
Online series with access to all past class videos. Find Neighboring 101 at http://extension.missouri.edu or email David Burton at burtond@missouri.edu
4. Specific potential causes: loose rugs, shower floor or any bare floor getting wet, not wearing rubber sole or non-slip footwear, having to bend over or reach high for items, not using your assistive device correctly (walker or cane), bed level is too high or too low, not having your nightstand closer to your bed, stairs, the toilet is too low. Sometimes things are inevitable and out of our control where we must move into a senior living community; however, there are practical ways, like the list above to prolong that decision.