2 minute read

The Importance of Women’s History Month

by Gwen Marshall, SPS

Springfield, MO— As we prepare to celebrate Women’s History Month I would like to share some thoughts from Ms. M. Griffith an educator. “Women’s history does not rewrite history, but it does add very different perspectives about what is historically significant. Traditionally, history has focused on political, military, and economic leaders and events. That approach has virtually excluded women, both leaders, and ordinary citizens, from history books.” - Scholastic

We should celebrate these powerful women all year and not just during the month of March. We need to remember those fearless and noble women in our history and share their contributions with our children.

It is wonderful to see that our country has worked and is continuing to work to make sure women are celebrated and awarded the recognition they deserve.

In 1978 the Education Task Force of the Sonoma County Commission on the Status of Women initiated Women’s History Week the week of March 8 (International Women’s Day). This led to President Jimmy Carter declaring this week as a National Women’s

History Week in 1980. By 1986 fourteen states had declared March as Women’s History Month. The National Women’s History Alliance in Santa Rosa CA lead a coalition to lobby Congress to make March Women’s History Month. In 1987 Congress passed a resolution to designate March as National Women’s History Month.

It is important to educate our students about the powerful women in our history. We need to give those who came before us the recognition and light that they earned and deserve; they made us who we are today. It is imperative that we show girls and young women their future selves in these women from our history. Let them use these historic role models as their mirrors. We need to educate all of our students about the diversity that has contributed to the world they live in today and that our history needs to be told in full.

Please take the time during Women’s History Month to focus on our female leaders, those gone and still present today. Let our young future women leaders see who they can and will become.

Coming Events:

Spring Break: March 13- 17, 2023

Show Your Colors Artist Showcase

Springfield,MO—You are invited to Empower SGF: A Networking Hour on Friday, March 3rd, 4-5 pm, hosted by the Artists Empowerment Collective along with the Springfield Regional Arts Council at The Creamery Arts Center. Join community leaders and Arts patrons for an early access look at the “3rd Annual Show Your Colors: Artists Showcase,” an exhibition amplifying visual and performing artists of color from Springfield and surrounding areas as well as hors d’oeuvres and drinks.

The exhibition opening reception “3rd Annual Show Your Colors: Artists Showcase” will directly follow the meet and greet from 5:00-7:00 p.m.

Please RSVP to the Artists Empowerment Collective at (417) 8622787 or Keisha@Springfieldarts.org

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