KCO 2018 Leader Information

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Leader Information 2018 Group Coordinator Handbook kco.sa.uca.org.au facebook/KCOUC

October 3-5, 2016 Woodcroft College


KCO 2018 Theme KCO 2018 theme development It all started with the children’s prayers and hopes from KCO 2017. Children are a vital part of the life of the Uniting Church in Australia. As the Church is celebratrating it’s 40th anniversary this year from June 2017 to June 2018, we asked children attending KCO in 2017 to share their hopes and prayers for the Uniting Church. The children’s prayers and hopes included a variety of topics such as: • Prayers for churches to love God and help others know Jesus, that people would praise God. • For churches to welcome and support refugees and the poor • To be multi-cultural and intergenerational • For more camps and programs for children and youth • For playgrounds and play spaces, for more crafts and singing • Prayers for God’s creation, pets and for more care, peace and hope for our world • A few requests for more chocolate in church, too! These prayers reflect a deep heart of care for the world, the church and for God. Our children are disciples today and we need to ensure we listen to them, their prayers, hopes and concerns and we need to be willing to learn from them now. Children can show us adults God’s ways and grow us as disciples too as we live and learn, share and serve together in Christian community. Out of this developed: The KCO 2018 theme is “Welcome - A Place to Belong” At KCO we will explore and participate in: • A place to belong at KCO • A place to belong in God’s kingdom • A place to share God’s welcome and create a place for others to belong This theme will create an experience of a community of all ages, all cultures and where all people are welcome. Welcome - A Place to Belong celebrates living life together and living into God’s

generous and hospitable ways.

The theme before, at KCO and beyond The KCO team would like to ask you, your leaders, and your churches to take some time to think about how the theme is a part of your disicipleship processes, not only for kids but for everyone. You may like to consider: “What makes you feel welcome or how do you try to help others feel welcome?”

All leaders at KCO, including the KCO Team, are encouraged to consider their attitudes and actions across the entire KCO event and preparations.

This will be focussed on: • having a welcoming spirit/attitude to everyone present • practicing welcoming actions at all times • creating a place for each person and an opportunity for all to participate and engage • keeping multicultural and intergenerational principles and practices at the forefront of preparation, leadership, and presentation (using lots of voices/ages/cultures on stage/ in small groups, etc)



10am – 12:30pm Group registration check in • Please check in at KCO Admin


12noon All vehicles must be offsite • We will have a designated space in the Cudmore room at Adare for the day groups to manage their belongings and use as a base station across the weekend. 1:00pm Event begins Celebration Service with Communion* Main Stage • Bring the usual - your notebook, water bottles and backpacks. Leaders may find it handy to have a Bible (digital or printed) and some pens/pencils. *Communion elements to be provided by the Moderator. • Celebration service will include an introduction to the KCO theme, key people, songs, prayers and creative input. We will be sharing Communion and the offering will also be collected at this time. 2:00pm Create OR Play Adare Garden & school oval 3:00pm Afternoon Tea* Adare 3:20pm Create OR Play Adare Garden & school oval • The purpose of Create and Play is to provide activity stations for campers to experience weaving faith through life. • There will only be two rotations on the Saturday afternoon, each will be an hour. Groups will be assigned which activity to attend at each session. If your group needs some down time to just be together then feel free to do that. Sit with them, make use of opportunity for conversation or prayer or reflecting on faith. Ideas for what to do will be in the KCO Diary. • Create will have a variety of activity stations, including crafts, activities and games. Note: The KCO Event Office is inviting churches and groups to consider if they could bring their best craft or activity along to share as part of Create. To find out more, please contact the KCO Event Office. The KCO Event Office offers some financial support. Supplies for 100 campers minimum is requested. • Play will be held at Victor Harbor Primary School oval. Activities will be run by the Beyond Limits team who run programs for school groups through Uniting Venues. Note: Throughout, Create and Play, we encourage you to engage your campers in the theme conversations. Most stations will have a key question for conversation or a way to link the activity with the KCO theme. Please prepare your small group leaders to take notice of these intentional discipleship opportunities as well as to be prepared that some stations may not have a leader. At these times, small group leaders will need to use their initiative, follow the instructions on the table and engage their campers in that activity. *Adare groups will provide their own afternoon tea. 2:00-4:20pm Community Tree Shop open • KCO Shop at the Community Tree • The Community Tree area will have some free choice activities for groups to gather and participate in.

Please note: program subject to change

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SATURDAY - continued Saturday arvo program 4:20pm Welcome Concert Main Stage • Gather at 4:20 for 4:30 start. The concert will feature a special guest performance – you’ll have to wait and see! Own groups 5:00pm Small group session • Small Group session- reflect on / debrief Create, Play and Concert. 5:45pm Dinner (OPTIONAL: games/free time) Own groups

Evening Program 7:32pm Sunset Main Stage 7:30pm Festival of Cultures • There will be party activities and opportunity to dance. Feel free to encourage campers to dress in bright colours to suit this multicultural event – but no need to go over the top. At Create there will be opportunities to make instruments and party accessories. Please note The KCO event office will not be providing glow sticks. 8:45pm Supper and get ready for bed Own groups 9:00pm Story time Own groups 9:30pm Lights Out! Own groups • Each group is encouraged to find a story book that conveys the Welcome: a place to belong theme, such as: any children’s story book, a Lost Sheep story, a Bible story written from a child’s perspective (such as used in Faith Family), a Godly Play story; a child’s Bible story book. For more suggestions see the Story Time Fact Sheet.


7:00am Breakfast, prayers & pack up sites Own groups School oval 8:30am Games for early risers (optional) Pilgrimage stations 9:15am Main Stage Begin at Main Stage for instructions. There will be a variety of stations where campers can contribute to parts of the Closing Celebration service. Stations will include activities such as creating a banner, learning a song, and writing a prayer. More information in the Small Group Leaders Guide p 13-14. Morning Tea Own groups 11:00am Closing Celebration Service Main Stage 12noon Lunch Own groups 12-1pm Shop open Community Tree 1:00pm Home Time (cars can move on site) Own groups Please note: program subject to change


Safety: Safe Church Safe Church KCO is an event of the Uniting Church SA and is committed to the Uniting Church Safe Church practices. Part of this commitment is to protect young people from any neglect or abuse (physical, sexual, spiritual or emotional). The KCO team affirms congregations and schools in their commitment to provide leaders who are able to exercise care and effectively minister to young people. Group Coordinators must ensure leaders are fully informed of their duty of care responsibilities. The Presbytery and Synod Office Screening Services facilitates the National Police History Check through the Australian Criminal Intelligence Services. The next step of the Screening and Authority Process after receiving a UC Ref ID is for your Church Council Safe Church practices to approve the leaders. include our legal and moral responsibility Group Coordinators will ensure leaders are fully informed of their Safe to ensure the safety Church duty of care responsibilities. They have appointed someone going to of everyone whilst in KCO as their duty of care person. the care of the Uniting Church. We need to For more information about Safe Church: anticipate and avoid http://sa.uca.org.au/safe-church/ foreseeable harm and seek to minimise harm Using social media at KCO: should it occur. The Uniting Church SA and KCO invites you to share comments and stories on social media. However, please be aware that once something is posted online, it can be read by others and may be available for many years to come.

Please encourage your campers to exercise caution when posting on social media. KCO has the right to edit or delete any comments deemed inappropriate for its own social media channels and its readers. Your Group Coordinator will define best practice for your group. In addition, please ask your campers to ensure that: • they ask themselves, ‘If this communication were to be made known to the wider Uniting Church, would it be considered appropriate?’ Individuals need to be sensitive to the impact of the words and images used, and avoid the offence of miscommunications. • the Golden Rule is followed: “Write or say only what you would want others to publish about you in public.” • other KCO groups - and individuals not in your group - are not included (in photos, etc) except by express permission and knowledge of the group’s leaders. • comments about fellow campers, colleagues, volunteers, children or young adults, if published, would not cause hurt or embarrassment to others, risk claims of libel or harm the reputation of KCO, Uniting Church, children and young people. • nothing is printed, posted or published which infringes copyright, privacy or anti-discrimination legislation or regulations.

For any other Safe Church concerns, please talk to your Group Coordinator or contact KCO Duty of Care Officer, Linda Vinall (08) 8236 4248 calledtocare@sa.uca.org.au sa.uca.org.au/safe-church/ 6

Safety: Insurance / Medical Insurance

There is some insurance cover in place regarding personal accident and injury and public liability for the event. Please note that personal items and items on loan (including tents, marquees, BBQ/cooking equipment) are not covered under this policy. Please have everyone check with their personal insurers in regards to these items. Please also note that while there is some cover for transport in church-owned vehicles, privately owned vehicles remain the responsibility of the owner who should check with their insurer for any concerns. Any specific queries or concerns should be directed to your Group Coordinator.

Work, Health and Safety (WHS)

Your Group Coordinator has been asked to ensure that your KCO group has completed risk assessments. However, safety at KCO is everyone’s responsibility! Please ensure that you and your group are practicing safe driving, safe food preparation and that camp sites are free of hazards for anyone. For more about risk assessments, driver’s declarations, food safety, food cooking safety or other safety concerns, please speak with your Group Coordinator.


Parents will need to inform leaders of the medication plan for their child(ren). This may require medication of campers to be held by leaders and/or for leaders to empower the campers with their medication management. Leaders need to be aware of the responsibility to: • maintain this medication in a secure manner (so that it cannot be stolen or overdosed) • be available to distribute the medication to campers when needed Group Coordinators need to have a medication plan that all leaders follow.


KCO Event Volunteers are available at KCO to assist with general security, traffic management, and other logistical needs. Event volunteers can be identified by: • a name tag with the words ‘KCO Logistics’ on it • a purple wrist band • a high visibility vest • a purple site pass lanyard In an emergency, Event volunteers will give directions based on the emergency plans being put into action. These must be followed to ensure KCO is a safe environment.

First Aid

Event First Aid staff will be present for the entirety of the weekend. In addition, each group’s campsite should have a first aid kit and an appointed, trained first aid person. 7

Before KCO Offering The KCO Team sees giving as an important part of being a Christian - giving regularly and generously is an act of worship, as well as a response to God’s love, generosity and sacrifice for us all. Half of the offering will go toward future KCO events and financial support for groups to attend KCO. The other half will be donated to a cause or organisation chosen by the children at KCO. The children will vote on which cause or organisation they would to like to receive half of the offering. For more information and to vote, visit the KCO Shop.

What campers need to bring

• Clothing (including clothes that can get wet or stained; warm clothes for nights) • Hat, sunscreen • Waterproof jacket - it might rain! • Toiletries, towel • Sleeping bag, mattress, pillow • Bowl, plate, spoon, knife, fork, tea towel • Water bottle • Reusable cup for hot drinks (if needed) • Bible (if you have one) • Money for offering and KCO Shop • Pen, notebook • Medication (if required) • Ball, frisbee, etc (optional) • Snacks (optional) NO NUTS or NUT PRODUCTS TIP: make sure everything is clearly labelled so it can all go home with you and your campers! Valuables such as tablets and phones are brought at the individual’s own risk. Large amounts of cash and highly valuable items should be left at home.

Expectations of KCO Leaders

In order for everyone to be safe and have fun at KCO, campers and leaders are expected to follow certain guidelines. Group Coordinators have been asked to communicate the following points to all youth and leaders: • To create a safe community at KCO, young people need parental permission and a parent or leader to be with them before they can leave the site. They will also need to sign out at the Welcome Centre. • KCO is a smoke, alcohol and drug free event. • The KCO Team wants everyone to enjoy themselves at the event – this means participating and ensuring that the feelings, values and property of others are respected at all times. • The KCO Team aims to make KCO a fun, safe place for all involved; please follow the directions of all KCO Team members (identifiable by purple lanyards). All KCO attendees are asked to remember to be ambassadors for Jesus through their words and actions.


At KCO Getting To Camp

Your group may have arranged for transport to and from camp. Please double check with your Group Coordinator. Please observe signs and follow directions given by the traffic personnel and helpers.


KCO is recorded through visual images for historical and promotional purposes. These may be used through various forms of electronic media or print material. During registration you will be able to notify event organisers if you do not want your child or yourself to be featured in any promotional/historical material.

Lost property

Any ‘found’ property should be handed in at Welcome Tent. If property has been lost, campers should go to the Welcome Tent and fill out the appropriate form (stating what was lost, when, where and who to contact if found). On collection, valuable items will need to be signed out. Every year a large collection of lost property finds its way back to the KCO Event Office. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity or discarded after 30 April 2018.

KCO Shop

KCO Shop will be at the Community Tree and will offer a few items to purchase including some hats.

Lights out

All campers must respect the ‘lights out’ times on the program. Leaders are asked to keep campers quiet so as to not to disturb others.


Visiting campers Visiting your camper

If a parent is required to visit camp at any point over the weekend, please ensure you discuss this need with your Group Coordinator. Questions or concerns Your Group Coordinator should always be the first point of contact for all questions and concerns. If required they will refer you to the KCO Office or another individual. The visitors process below is focused on making KCO a safe place for everyone by ensuring all in attendance are authorised to be on-site. KCO is not an open community event. Arrival Before being allowed on-site during the KCO program, all visitors must sign in at the Welcome Tent. Visitors will need to identify themselves (with photo ID, such as a driver’s licence) and state the group with which they are associated. A visitor pass will be allocated to each visitor and must be worn at all times while at the event. All visitors must be escorted by an adult leader of their group AT ALL TIMES. The maximum time a visitor may spend on-site is 4 hours. The site pass must be given back to the Welcome Tent when signing out at the Welcome Tent and departing the KCO site. Departure All visitors will need to leave via the Welcome Tent to sign out and return their visitor’s site pass. Visiting hours at KCO Saturday: Program commences at 1:00pm with Session 1. All visitors must leave the site by supper at 9pm Sunday: Program commences at 7:00am with breakfast. Parents During the program, parents who wish to enter the site will need to register as a visitor, following the process above. Note: Parents dropping off their young people before KCO starts, or collecting them after KCO, finishes do not require a visitor site pass.


Small Group Leader’s Guide 2018 kco.sa.uca.org.au facebook/KCOUC

Introduction to Small Groups Thank you so much for coming to KCO as a Small Group Leader. This is one of the most rewarding roles at KCO. You get to spend 24 or so hours investing into the lives of a group of kids. This will demand the best of you, as you give your energy and smiles in care for your campers. You are also doing this as an act of worship to God (Romans 12:1). May God’s Spirit give you wisdom, strength and love as you lead your small group. If you need help, ask for help. Be sure to ask another leader or your Group Coordinator. KCO Crew and Chaplains are on site to help too! We’re here as a team to work together to ensure everyone stays safe and enjoys KCO.

Your responsibility

What to do

Get to know your group and Use their names help them get to know each other Play get-acquainted games Talk with them and encourage conversation about their favourite things, their school, family and future hopes Keep your group safe Follow instructions Wear name tags Stay within boundaries Know where your campers are at alltimes. Engage your group in each Keep on time aspect of the KCO program Attend all components of the camp program and join in where you can with your campers Make sure your campers are prepared for each activity e.g. have their hats or Bibles or warm clothes with them. Have fun. Encourage discipleship Model and encourage Christian faith through your words, attitudes and actions As opportunity presents, pray aloud; open and use your Bible, share storiesabout what God has done in your life. Remember that each camper will be at a different point in their journey with God, some may just be starting. Remind campers to respect each other. Offer campers an option: “You could say this aloud or inside yourheart.’ OR ‘You may not want to pray, but we’re doing this as a group so please remain quiet for those that do. Thanks.’ There are some five-minute discipleship activity ideas in the diary. Adapt them to your group and any time you have. Keep listening to your Group Coordinator and helping out in other ways whenever you can.


for leading devotions with a small group of children for leading devotions leading devotions with afor small group with a small group Tip 1: Pray and prepare of children - God’s time and God’s kids of children - prepare yourself – spiritually & practically Tip 1: Pray and prepare

Tip 1: Pray andyourself prepare Prepare practically and prayerfully - God’s time and God’s kids Tip 1: Prayforand when planning yourprepare group sessions - prepare yourself – spiritually & practically - God’s time and God’s kids - prepare yourself – spiritually & practically

votions group en

Tip 2: Know age, ability, interests & energy of your group It’s important to know theability, age, energy and Tip 2: Know age, interests interests of your group – ask questions and & energy of your group engage them in conversation.

Tip 4: Dynami -

everyone at sam ask question th

Tip 4: Dynami - everyoneTip at sa -

ask question th -

- ‘getting to know you’ questions - general and individual conversations Tip 3: Be

flexible Small groups are about Tip 2: Know age, -ability, interests make program workhelping for your and for kidsgroup to connect Tip 3: Be flexible Tip 5: Ask for you. age, ability, interests Tip 2: Know & energy of your group with God and each If kids in your group are younger - rule ofthey thumb is the age of the kids usually - ‘getting to know you’ questions & energy of your group other.focus on each may not be able to pay attention for aslong guides how they’ll - general and individual conversations

- ‘getting todiscussions know you’ questions long – be prepared to take activity eg 7or year olds for 7 minutes - general and individual conversations Check out Tip 5: activities in a new direction if needed. Matthew 22:36-39.

Tip 3: Be flexible

- make program work for your group and for Tipyou. 4: Dynamics Everyone - rule of should thumb isfeel thewelcome age of theand kidsvalued usually guides how long they’ll focus on eachare in your group – ensure conversations activity with eg 7 year olds for 7 minutes respectful no interruptions or talking

over one another.

Tip 4: Dynamics -

everyone at same height

askfor question Tip 5:- Ask help then be silent If you are unsure what to do, how to answer a question or engage your group in the session, please ask your Group coordinator or chaplain for help. Dynamics

Tip 4: - everyone at same height ility, interests - ask question then be silent oup


Ask for Small groups are about Tip h

Check out: Matthew 22:

Small groups are about Check out: Matthew 22 Small g Check

Small Group Session Notes There are three small group sessions across the KCO weekend: 1. before KCO or when you first arrive (eg, while eating lunch) 2. during Opening Celebration 3. before dinner on Saturday Please note that on Sunday morning at the Pilgrimage the stations will be like a series of small group activities/conversations that should be completed as a small group together. You do not need to prepare for these. Each session is planned for 10-15minutes. Depending on your group this may be shorter or longer. Please ensure each time you meet together as a group that you discuss a question related to the aim and pray together. Your group’s discussion may sound/feel/look different to another group’s. Some groups may sit and chat, others may doodle, others may use playdough or Lego to keep hands busy while thinking and talking. Each session has a key aim – As a small group leader you need to plan what will work best for your group to engage in the aim of each session and keep the aim in mind to keep conversations focused. Each session has three parts: Get ready – draw group together and begin to explore aim of session Get set – deeper exploration of the aim through a Bible focus and prayer Go – wrap up session and an optional Extend section for groups that enjoy in depth conversation and Bible study or for campers who are regular church attendees/Bible readers and can be stretched further. The Extend sections can be done during the allocated small group time or during free time.

Preparation for small group leaders • • • • •

Remember to pray, prepare and plan. Ask for help when needed. Adapt these notes to suit your group – age, gender, energy levels, faith experience… Read the Bible passages before KCO. Read through the session notes and mark what activities you will do and which questions you will ask and/or adapt activities and questions for your group.

What small group leaders need to bring: Please bring the supplies needed for your small group. If you forget or need more, there will be a small amount of items available to borrow from Team KCO (Adare) but not enough for everyone. Each session: a Bible and textas/pencils Session 1: • Paper – either A5 or A4 for each camper or one sheet A3 for a group poster • Pegs or some way to hang up posters • Picnic blanket (optional) • “Jesus and the Children” by Andrew McDonough (Lost Sheep) (optional) Session 2: n/a Session 3: Paper for drawing and appropriate materials for card making (optional)


Session 1 - Before KCO (either before KCO or on arrival / over lunch, before 1pm on Saturday) Aim: Get to know your group and introduce “Welcome – a place to belong” theme

Get ready!

Prepare: If you are doing this small group session before you get to KCO please adapt the wording to suit your situation. Activity A: Name Game Go around the circle and say a food that starts with the same letter as your name eg Mango Megan or Spaghetti Sam. and/or Activity B: I’m hosting a party and I’d include… Adapt the game “I’m going on a holiday and I’d pack in my suitcase…” to “I’m hosting a party and I’d include…” As you go around the circle, each person has to remember what each person before them has said and then add their next item to the list. For example: Person 1: I’m hosting a party and I’d include balloons. Person 2: I’m hosting a party and I’d include balloons and music. Person 3: I’m hosting a party and I’d include balloons, music and watermelon. Continue until everyone in the circle has added an item or see if you can go around the group another time!

Get set!

Prepare: Provide textas/pencils. Find the page in the diary and encourage campers to draw or write their thoughts as you chat. Work through each of the steps as listed in order. Step 1. Welcome to KCO posters Have either A5 or A4 paper for each camper or one A3 sheet for a group poster and invite campers to create Welcome posters as they chat. Say: This year’s KCO theme is Welcome: A place to belong. We’re going to make

“Welcome to KCO” poster/s for our campsite/tent. What makes you feel welcome or how do you try to help others feel welcome (eg at home or school)?

What makes you feel welcome at KCO?

How could we help each other to feel welcome and cared for at KCO?

(Now is also a good opportunity to check-in with your group about how they are feeling about KCO, especially if most of your group are at KCO for the first time or are anxious.)

What is something you’re really looking forward to about KCO?

What is something you’re worried about at KCO?

(Respond with care and where possible, courses of action eg, what to do if a child gets lost or is not feeling well.) 4

Session 1 - continued Step 2: Bible verse Say: When you hear the word ‘bless’ or ‘blessed’ put your hand

on someone’s shoulder. When you hear the word ‘stop’ put your hand out in front of you like a stop signal.

Look up in Bible: Mark 10: 13-16 (preferably CEV) Read the story emphasising the words bless/ed and stop. Ask: I wonder what this story means for us? Say: At KCO we celebrate how Jesus welcomes children. We’re also going to explore

other stories of Jesus welcoming people and find out more about God’s welcome to all of us.

Step 4. Pray Invite campers to pray for KCO eg for good weather, safety, fun… Prayers can be spoken or written by campers. Leader should share a spoken prayer, for example:

Wonderful God, thanks for KCO and that we are welcome here. Thank you for each person in our group (list by name). Please help us learn more about you and have a great time. Amen.


Prepare: Choose one or two activities to close your small group time. Don’t forget to peg up their “Welcome to KCO” poster/s in their tent or in the dining area to remind the group about being welcoming this weekend.) Activity A: People Letters Find a clear space of ground or use a picnic blanket. Explain that the campers need to work together by lying on the mat to create one letter at a time with their bodies to form the word WELCOME. For example, 2 children could form the letter W by each folding in half or 4 children could form the letter W by lying head to toe on angles. and/or Activity B: Small Group handshake Create your own small group handshake. Have each person add their own ‘part’ to a handshake. For example, person 1 pump fists, person 2 exploding like a firework, person 3 splat on own face, person 4 slides off own face and into formal handshake. Repeat all 4 parts in order. You now have your own small group handshake. When you meet someone, introduce your name and church group then teach them your handshake and ask if they have one to teach you.

Extend: Memorise this part of Mark 10:14: Jesus said “Let the children come to me! Don’t try to stop them.” Next time you see Moderator Sue or one of the MCs – share your new memory verse with them! Read “Jesus and the Children” by Andrew McDonough (Lost Sheep)


Session 2 Opening Celebration (during Opening Celebration) Aim: Explore what it means to welcome and belong

Get Ready!

Prepare: Choose one of the following activities that best suits your group to talk about how they feel at different places or circumstances. Activity A: What belongs on the dining table? (Refer camper diary) Please note: There are no right or wrong answers as different families will have different expectations. If needed, talk about what makes each person feel welcome to eat at a table or talk about where campers eat meals at home and what is welcoming to them. You’re about to have dinner with friends around the dining table. In the diary, look at the list of items next to the table. If you think it belongs on the dining table draw an arrow from the word to the table or draw the item on the table. • Plates and cups • Bath towels • Pet food • Spoons • Platter or bowl of food • Shoes and socks • Placemats • Library books • What else belongs on your dining table when having a meal? (salt and pepper shakers, flowers, napkins…) If you were having a picnic what goes on the picnic table/blanket? What would be the same or different? or Activity B: How do you feel when….? (Optional use thumbometer - kids hold up thumb in horizontal position, then move it up or down to show if they feel positive – all the way up; or negative – all the way down, about each thing.) How do you feel when: you are invited to join in a game; someone is upset; someone smiles at you; someone moves seats so there’s room for you; everyone except you gets a piece of cake; you get invited to a birthday party; you invite others to your party; someone says they don’t want to be your friend; someone cooks your favourite food.

Get Set!

Step 1: Arm actions: Feeding Five Thousand Read aloud the adapted version of the Bible story (John 6: 1- 14), see the 6 points below, and encourage campers to use their arms to ‘act out’ or make gestures that tell the story. Actions are suggested in brackets. 6

Session 2 - continued Say: As I read the Bible story, use your arms to act out the story. Ready?

Jesus crossed Lake Galilee…a large crowd followed him. (row boat, walk fingers) Jesus asked, “Where will we get enough food to feed all these people?” (shrug shoulders) Andrew spoke up and said, “There is a boy here who has five small loaves of bread and two fish. But what good is that with all these people?” (5 fingers, 2 fingers, shrug shoulders) Jesus told his disciples to have everyone sit down. (point to ground) Jesus took the bread and gave thanks to God. Then he passed the bread to the people, and he did the same with the fish, until everyone had plenty to eat. (lift hands to God, pass the food out, hand to mouth/eating) Jesus told his disciples to gather up the leftovers. They filled twelve large baskets. (pick up food, hold arms out like around a large basket, hold up 12 fingers). Say: What’s your favourite part of that story? Step 2: Popcorn Prayers

Say: Let’s say thank you prayers to God. I’ll say a topic and you say the names of people that you want to thank God for. Let’s pray: Thank you God for people who are a different age to us … (campers say names perhaps of siblings, grandparents, church leaders, school teachers…). Thank you God for people who are from a different culture to us … (campers say names of anyone they know from a different culture, perhaps school friends or name different countries). Thank you God for people who are from a different church or place in South Australia to us … (campers say names of other churches, (maybe look at the banners) or say names of different towns or suburbs of South Australia). Thank you God that you welcome all people and that we are all welcome here at KCO. Amen. MCs call everyone together.

Go! Continue with Opening Celebration.


Session 2 - continued Extend: Jesus feeds the crowd - John 6: 1-14

Say: What can you remember from the story of Jesus feeding the crowd. Look it up and read it.

What does this story tell us about God?

What does this story tell us about God’s welcome? And about us?

The Last Supper - Matthew 26: 17-30


During the Opening Celebration we shared Holy Communion. Jesus told his followers to share this meal to remember him. Let’s read the story of when Jesus first shared this meal with his disciples – in the Bible it’s called “The Last Supper.”

What does this story tell us about Jesus?

This story is connected to Easter. What do you know about Easter? What connections can you see between Easter and the Last Supper?

How might Easter, the Last Supper and Holy Communion connect to the KCO theme of “Welcome – a place to belong”?

What do you want to say to God in reply? For example: ‘God of grace, thank you for the amazing ways you love me, welcome me and have made a place for me to belong.’ or: ‘God, it is really hard to trust you when there doesn’t seem to be enough for everyone. Please help me to trust you. Thank you God for people who care for me who remind me to trust you.’


Session 3 - Saturday evening (Saturday evening before dinner) • For Adare groups we recommend beginning this small group as soon as you get back to your campsites after the concert finishes and before dinner. Please note that some of the language used in this may need unpacking or defining for younger campers or campers unfamiliar with church/faith language. This session’s content has been adapted from Messy Hospitality by Lucy Moore, BRF, 2016: pages 185-186. (Used with permission.) Aim: There is a place for each of us to belong in God’s kingdom.

Get Ready! Talk with your campers about what they’ve done this afternoon. What did they make at Create? What was their favourite game at Play? Have they made any new friends? How have they welcomed someone at KCO? Do they have any questions about anything that has happened?

Get Set!

Work through each of the steps as listed in order. Step 1: Setting the scene of God’s heavenly city Say: One of Jesus’ disciples, called John, had an amazing vision from God of what

God’s heavenly city, God’s forever home, looks like. It wasn’t a picture like a photo, more like a dream of something that John couldn’t quite describe because it was so amazing. What is your favourite city? Do you feel more at home or more relaxed in the country or in the city? Where would you most like to live? In the diary, write or draw your answers. In John’s vision, he sees amazing trees and a river through the city. God’s heavenly city seems to have a lot of countryside too. In John’s vision he describes the main street of the city of God being golden. Imagine being invited to a place where the very streets are made of gold! Have you ever been invited anywhere that is simply amazing? Would you have liked to live there always? God’s heavenly city is big enough for everyone. God longs to have as many people as possible at home in heaven, happy with together with God, not just a few people.


Session 3 - continued Step 2: John’s vision of God’s heavenly city (based on Revelation 21:9 – 22:5) (This adapted version of the Bible story is from Messy Hospitality by Lucy Moore, BRF, 2016: pages 185-186. Used with permission.)


John, a follower of Jesus, “had a dream, or perhaps a vision. In the vision he saw the home that God had got ready for him... a home that would be the best place ever, where he could welcome in more and more and more people to enjoy it.” As I share John’s vision, I invite you to close your eyes and imagine… (or if your campers prefer they could try drawing the vision as you share it). Imagine “…a beautiful, brightly coloured city, as crazily shiny and multicoloured and beautiful as the wildest street party or festival. John saw streets that shone like gold, and a sparkling river with amazing trees growing beside it, laden with fruit. The gates stood wide open for all the different people running in, waving at the angels on the gates. And through the streets of the city danced the king, spinning and waltzing and breakdancing with the people, shouting, “Welcome! You are all welcome! My son has paid the price and now you can all come in!” John knew this was the perfect home for him, with no goodbyes, just endless hellos, as people streamed in to join the party with no end. When John woke up, the dream stayed with him, and he lived the rest of his life knowing that one day he would be running through the gates of that city into the best home, with lots of people and the best person ever waiting for him.” When you’re ready you may open your eyes. What did you imagine? What do you think is the best part? What do you wonder about God’s heavenly city?


Session 3 - continued Step 3: God’s invitation


God’s heavenly city is open to everybody who loves Jesus. Anyone is welcome all are forgiven of all their disobedience to God, through Jesus’ death on the cross: it doesn’t matter who they are or what they’ve done. This is really GREAT news for all of us. God gives all of us the choice to say yes or no or maybe or not yet to God’s invitation of love and forgiveness through Jesus. We’re all going to close our eyes and if you would like to say yes to God’s invitation, perhaps use your finger to draw a cross on the back of your hand or inside your palm as a sign of your yes to God. Let’s pray: Thank you God that you invite each of us to live in your love. We are sorry for the times when we disobey you, when we hurt others or don’t help others when we could. Please forgive us. Thank you for your forgiveness and your amazing love. Thank you for welcoming us into your love. Amen. If you would like to chat with me or another KCO leader over dinner about your response to God’s invitation we’d love to talk with you.


Prepare: Choose one or two of the following activities that best suit your group to think about how we can share God’s welcome with others and create a place for others to belong. Activity A: God’s welcome in action Think about something you will do when you get home that shares God’s welcome and love with others. (Refer camper diary to write answers.) You might also like to: • Make a card for someone • Make an invitation to come to church/kid’s club/Messy Church • Create a poster to remind you of how you’ll share God’s welcome when you get home. and/or Activity B: Join in our game What is your group’s favourite game to play? Who can you invite to join in with your game? How many people can you include in your game? Make sure anyone you invite has finished their small group session! This could be a sports game like soccer, a card game like uno, a chasing game like “Duck, duck, goose”… and/or 11

Session 3 - continued Activity C: Body prayers for homes Get your group to stand up and make a house shape by having them all standing in a square, with their arms up to make a roof. Invite people to add their own details to the spaces in the following prayer. As you face inwards, pray, “Lord Jesus, thank you for our homes here on earth that give us….” Now face outwards: “Lord Jesus, help us to welcome everybody who needs a home, and thank you for organisations that work with the hungry, the homeless and refugees. We pray especially for…” Now turn inwards again and reform the house, “And Lord, thank you for your welcome to the best home ever. Help us to make our homes on earth more like your home in heaven. Amen.”

Extend: Read and then discuss Revelation 21:9 – 22:5.

What stands out? Surprises you? Confuses you? What’s your favourite part? What do you think it means? What might it tell us about God? About us? Philoxenia This funny word means ‘hospitality’ in ancient Greek. It’s made up of two words put together: philos (‘friend’) and xenos (‘stranger’). Can you find a word or phrase that starts with each letter of philoxenia, that has something to do with hospitality and welcome? Any other activities Look back at previous small group sessions – are there other activities that you could work through?


Sunday Morning Pilgrimage Focus • •

Share God’s welcome Create a place for others to belong

Pilgrimage means “journey with a purpose.” Across this hour, stay with your small group and work together to engage with as many of the activity stations as you can. You can do them in any order. Some of the things created will be included in the Closing Celebration as part of the prayers, songs and Bible story. *Please note, if possible, to bring the paper plate activity to the Closing Celebration. One of the stations invites your small group to write a Welcome recipe. We will collect all of the recipes together and create a KCO 2018 Welcome Recipe Book to share with Uniting Churches across South Australia. Here is a general overview of each of the stations. Please note these may be subject to change. 1. Welcome at the table - Banner Activity: Everyone is invited to ‘stamp’ their finger print on the paper tablecloth, then use pen to add arms/legs/face details. Talk about how we can welcome others to our tables (at home, at school, at church). 2. Paper plate – Prayer of thanks Activity: Collect a plate or use the plate from the “pass the peace” activity. On one side write or stick “Thank you God for our food.” Then draw your favourite food in the centre of the plate. Talk about favourite foods we can share and being thankful. 3. Paper plate – Pass the peace Activity: Collect a plate or use the plate from the “prayer of thanks” activity. On one side of the paper plate trace around your hand, then write or stick “Peace be with you”. Talk about how we can share peace with others, how might we use our hands for peace-making. 4. Musical spots - Prayer of confession Activity: Play three rounds of musical chairs using laminated spots instead of chairs. Talk about the times we don’t include or welcome others, or times when we don’t share. Pray together, for example, “Loving God, we are sorry when we do not invite people to join in with us or to be our friends. We are sorry when we do not share with others. Please forgive us. Amen.” 5. Newspaper group game - Prayers for others Activity: Lay single sheets of a newspaper around the space. Call out how many people are able to fit on a page. Kids scramble together to fit on paper without touching ground nearby. Repeat a few times. Talk about times when we invite people to join in with us and times when we share. Pray together, for example, “Caring God, please help us to include others when we play/eat/…. We pray now for people who feel left out or lonely, for people who do not have enough food. Help us to care for others. Amen.” 13

6. Closing worship song Activity: Learn a song with specific movements that we will sing in the Closing Celebration. Talk about what the word Amen means. 7. Bible Story (Matt 9:9-12 Jesus calls Matthew, the tax collector) Activity: As you explore the pilgrimage stations some actors will be dressed as Matthew (a tax collector) and a Priest. Matthew will be sharing Jesus’ invitation to follow Jesus and come to the main stage at the Closing Celebration to find out more. The Priest will be pointing out why we shouldn’t be invited (eg too tall, young, wearing green etc). Talk about or wonder together about what Matthew might be inviting us to find out about and discuss why the Priest might not want us there. We’ll have to wait to find out more. 8. Story books Activity: There will be a quiet zone with a variety of books, including Lost Sheep books by local author Andrew McDonough. The books will explore stories about Jesus’ invitation to people, for example Zaccheaus, the Good Samaritan, Jesus and the children etc… Talk about what you like best in these stories or any questions you have. 9. Games – working together Activity: There will be a variety of games, such as giant jenga and sliding skis, for small groups to use together. See how quickly you can work together to build a table with the jenga or get from one place to another on the skis. Talk about what makes it easier to work together and what makes it harder. 10. Welcome Hearts Activity: On the heart posters, write someone’s first name that you want to invite to KCO or church/ kids’ club etc… Talk about how you might welcome them when they come to KCO or church/kids’ club… Pray together for those people and for an opportunity to invite them along. 11. Welcome Recipe Book – listening to the voice of our children Activity: Take one piece of paper per small group. Read the method for the recipe then discuss together what you think are 4 “ingredients” that welcome and care for others. Write your 4 ingredients on the page, with each of your first names and church/KCO group name. Then post your recipe into the “Recipe Book Box”. We will collect all of the recipes together and create a KCO 2018 Welcome Recipe Book to share with Uniting Churches across South Australia. For example: Our method 1. Gather all the ingredients 2. Mix together 3. Pray that God would use our welcome 4. Share with others


Our ingredients 2 cups of hugs 4 tablespoons of smiles 20 grams of handwritten notes 1 extra large hello

KCO Leader’s Feedback The KCO Team wants to hear about your experience at KCO this year. Please rate the following elements of KCO with a tick and add any suggestions or ideas for improvements. Excellent Good Could be Comments improved Opening and closing celebrations Create Play Music selection and quality Saturday concert performer - Dusty Feet Mob Pilgrimage Festival of Cultures Adare Camp & Caravan Park as a venue Theme: Welcome A Place to Belong KCO Diary Small group sessions Small group leader’s guide and resources KCO registration process and forms KCO Handbooks, fact sheets, website and e-updates Dress Rehearsal Other comments or suggestions:

Optional - Name: ____________________________Group:__________________________ Thanks for letting us know your thoughts! You can pull this page out and take it to KCO Admin while at KCO or post to KCO, GPO Box 2145, Adelaide SA 5001 or email us kco@sa.uca.org.au 15

Phone numbers during KCO: Event Staff Mark Schultz, KCO Team Manager Melissa Neumann, Program Coordinator

0412 031 191

Linda Vinall, Duty of Care Officer

0429 922 338

0419 850 544

In an emergency, please ring 000 FIRST then Mark or Linda Advise that the entrance to KCO at Adare Camp and Caravan Park is on 20 Wattle Drive.

The vision for KCO is consistent with the Intergenerational Team Vision: That campers become life-long disciples of Christ within missional families and faith communities. The key purposes for KCO are to provide a safe environment, both physically and spiritually, in order to: • work together across the UCSA community, including UAICC community. • provide an overnight camp of excellence for 7yr olds to year 7s. • provide an opportunity to engage with the wider Uniting Church. • inspire radical tranformation in their communities. • provide intergenerational leadership development in both local groups and for the wider event team. • provide a mountain top faith experience for children to grow in their identity as a beloved child of God/identity in Christ by providing a variety of deeply spiritual experiences.

KCO is a drug and alchohol free event.


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