KCO 2018 Parent/caregiver Information

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2018 Parent/caregiver Information Group Coordinator Handbook kco.sa.uca.org.au facebook/KCOUC

October 3-5, 2016 Woodcroft College

Introduction What to know about KCO: the basics KCO is an annual overnight camp organised by the Uniting Church SA for children aged 7-12 who are currently in primary school. KCO offers a wide range of activities, performances, games and worship. KCO is often referred to as a “mountain top event”- like Moses on the mountain or the disciples at the Transfiguration, KCO is intended to provide churches with the opportunity to bless their campers with a high energy, fun and faith transforming event which can open the door to further discipleship within the congregational context. This mountain top event is a partnership between the Uniting Church SA and congregations/faith communities. The event includes times spent in invididual church groups and times spent in community with groups from other churches. These “all together” times include worship, the KCO concert, activities, and crafts. Church groups will allocate campers into small groups of about 5 campers (usually similar age and same gender where possible). These small groups assist with camper safety in ‘all together times’ and also provide opportunity for building friendships and sharing conversations during small group sessions when groups are encouraged to share in conversation and activities about topics related to the main program. These sessions are led by small group leaders who are recruited from within the church group (see the Leader’s Guide for key learnings and session guides). Church groups are responsible for their own meals and accommodation requirements such as tents and marquees. Accomodation areas (caravan park, cabins, dorms) are arranged through the KCO office. KCO is not an open community event. Only participants/volunteers with site access passes may enter the KCO sites (pedestrian access only) and campers must be signed out by an appropriate person (parent/guardian) if they are required to leave.

What KCO provides with church group registration: • • • • • • • •

a powered campsite with option for a group to book cabins, dorms transport between Beachfront Holiday Park & Adare Camp and Caravan Park celebration services and concert activities including Create, Play and Festival of Cultures afternoon tea Saturday for Beachfront groups only small group time session notes including small group leader’s guide and training safety wrist bands and site passes for all attendees badges, and iron-on transfers (t-shirt provided by parents)

What churches provide: • • • • • •

appropriate supervision of children at all times (see page 12) including small group leaders tents and camping gear as needed cooking equipment such as BBQ or camp stoves all meals including morning tea and supper transportation to and from Victor Harbor if possible, a craft, activity or leaders to share with the whole group during “all together times” – please contact the KCO Office for more information. 2

Who is your main contact? Campers attend KCO as part of local church groups from locations across South Australia. Each group has a Group Coordinator who is responsible for organising the group to attend KCO. The Group Coordinator at your church (or school, etc) is the person who will be your main contact. You will register your camper(s) - and yourself, if you are coming- online with the Uniting Church SA new registration system.


KCO 2018 Theme KCO 2018 theme development It all started with the children’s prayers and hopes from KCO 2017. Children are a vital part of the life of the Uniting Church in Australia. As the Church is celebratrating it’s 40th anniversary this year from June 2017 to June 2018, we asked children attending KCO in 2017 to share their hopes and prayers for the Uniting Church. The children’s prayers and hopes included a variety of topics such as: • Prayers for churches to love God and help others know Jesus, that people would praise God. • For churches to welcome and support refugees and the poor • To be multi-cultural and intergenerational • For more camps and programs for children and youth • For playgrounds and play spaces, for more crafts and singing • Prayers for God’s creation, pets and for more care, peace and hope for our world • A few requests for more chocolate in church, too! These prayers reflect a deep heart of care for the world, the church and for God. Our children are disciples today and we need to ensure we listen to them, their prayers, hopes and concerns and we need to be willing to learn from them now. Children can show us adults God’s ways and grow us as disciples too as we live and learn, share and serve together in Christian community. Out of this developed: The KCO 2018 theme is“Welcome - A Place to Belong” At KCO we will explore and participate in: • A place to belong at KCO • A place to belong in God’s kingdom • A place to share God’s welcome and create a place for others to belong This theme will create an experience of a community of all ages, all cultures and where all people are welcome. Welcome - A Place to Belong celebrates living life together and living into God’s

generous and hospitable ways.

The theme before, at KCO and beyond The KCO team would like to ask you, your leaders, and your churches to take some time to think about how the theme is a part of your disicipleship processes, not only for kids but for everyone. You may like to consider: “What makes you feel welcome or how do you try to help others feel welcome?”

All leaders at KCO, including the KCO Team, are encouraged to consider their attitudes and actions across the entire KCO event and preparations.

This will be focussed on: • having a welcoming spirit/attitude to everyone present • practicing welcoming actions at all times • creating a place for each person and an opportunity for all to participate and engage • keeping multicultural and intergenerational principles and practices at the forefront of preparation, leadership, and presentation (using lots of voices/ages/cultures on stage/ in small groups, etc)



10am – 12:30pm Registrations Both campsite venues 12noon Beachfront groups travel to Adare Caravan Park All vehicles must be offsite 1:00pm Event begins Celebration Service with Communion Adare Main Stage 2:00pm Create OR Play Adare Garden & school oval 3:00pm Afternoon Tea Adare 3:20pm Create OR Play Adare Garden & school oval • The purpose of Create and Play is to provide activity stations for campers to experience weaving faith through life. • Play will be held at Victor Harbor Primary School oval. Activities will be run by the Beyond Limits team who run programs for school groups through Uniting Venues. 2:00-4:20pm KCO Shop open Adare Adare groups Saturday arvo program OR 4:20pm Welcome Concert for Adare Groups Adare Main Stage 5:00pm Small group session - Own groups 5:45pm Dinner (OPTIONAL: games/free time) - Own groups

Beachfront groups Saturday arvo program 4:20pm On buses travel to Beachfront Hol. Park 5:00pm Small group session - Own groups 5:45pm Dinner (OPTIONAL: games/free time)- Own groups 7:00pm Welcome Concert for Beachfront Beachfront marquee

Evening Program same activities at Adare and at Beachfront 7:32pm Sunset 7:45pm Festival of Cultures Both campsite venues 8:45pm Supper and get ready for bed Own groups 9:00pm Story time Own groups 9:30pm Lights Out! Own groups


7:00am Breakfast, prayers & pack up sites Own groups 8:30am Games for early risers (optional) Both campsite venues 9:00am Pilgrimage stations Both campsite venues 10:00am Morning Tea Own groups 10:20am Beachfront groups travel to Adare Caravan Park 11:00am Closing Celebration Service Adare Main Stage 12noon Lunch Own groups 12-1pm Shop open Adare 1:00pm Home Time (cars can move on site) Own groups Please note: program subject to change


KCO venues KCO 2018 is being held at Victor Harbor about 80km south of the centre of Adelaide. Our primary venue is the Adare Camp and Caravan Park which is a Uniting Venues site. This venue will accommodate people on campsites, in cabins and in dormitory style accommodation. Those who are in dormitory style accommodation can also be catered for. There are extra costs for cabins, for dormitory style accommodation and for catering. Please contact the KCO Office for further information. The Adare Caravan Park will be fully enclosed and booked to KCO for the duration of our program. Adare Caravan Park will host all the main program elements, including the Main Stage for opening and closing worship, Saturday afternoon activities and concert. Our second venue is the Victor Harbor Beachfront Holiday Park, which is 3km from Adare Caravan Park on the other side of the main street of Victor Harbor. This venue will accommodate about a third of the KCO attendees on campsites. We will be fencing in a section of this park for the KCO community’s exclusive use. The KCO Office will provide buses to transport groups between the two venues. The KCO program allows time for travel between the two locations. Both venues will have areas for Admin/Registration, First Aid with First Aid volunteers and a community tree area for games and activities. Detailed maps highlighting KCO venues and traffic routes are available in the “Resources” section of the website. For more information about these venues please visit their websites. Please do NOT contact either venue regarding KCO bookings. These are to be handled through the KCO registration process. Adare Camp and Caravan Park (see also page 8) 20 Wattle Drive, Victor Harbor http://unitingvenuessa.org.au/adare Victor Harbor Beachfront Holiday Park 114 Victoria St, Victor Harbor https://www.victorbhp.com.au The KCO Team greatly appreciates the support and partnership of both of these venues.


Fees and costs Event Fees Parents register campers and leaders register themselves with KCO’s new online event registration system (see next page). KCO event fees are what is paid during registration. They cover participation in the program for the weekend. Payment will take place as part of online registration. Registration - KCO Event Fee Early Bird Registration (closes 9am Monday 12 Februrary) Full Time All campers and siblings (5-7, 12-15), Leaders, Junior Leaders (15-17) Part-time Registration (no overnight stay) Siblings - 4 years and under (attending with a parent leader) Visitors (under 4 hours)

Fee less $5 $55.00 $30 Free Free

Group Costs Each church is responsible for the accomodation and catering for their group. These costs will be charged to parents/leaders by the church or organisation separately to the Event fees above. Please see your Group Coordinator for further details on these costs and payment methods.


Sign up process: Registrations Registration of leaders and campers - closes 26 February 2018

Registration opens 30 January 2018 and is all online! Leaders and parents of campers will register online by clicking on the ‘Register to attend’ button. This will let you choose your role (e.g. leader, camper, visitor, set-up crew, etc). The registration link will be available on the KCO website, KCO Facebook page and in an email update sent to Group Coordinators. Leaders and parents of campers will need to register themselves and their campers individually through the online registration system. A question in the new online registration will connect yourself and/or your camper to the correct church group. Upon accessing the online registration, please read all the information carefully. Then choose Register to attend. Requirements: • Any computer, smart phone or tablet device will operate the new system. • All junior leader registrations must be completed by a parent or legal guardian. This will then be confirmed in step 4. • Leaders will need their UC Ref ID, passport number or driver’s licence to register. • All medical, dietary and other requirements will be entered here. • Every registration will require two emergency contacts of which one must not be attending the event. • Leaders and parents will need to pay the KCO Event Fee at this time. (Group costs will be arranged separately as detailed on page 7.) Other notes: • Half-finished forms, unfortunately, cannot be saved. • A confirmation email will be sent to the address provided in registration. • The closing date for registrations is 26 February 2018. Please note that beginning in 2019, after the closing date, any late registrations will accrue a $10

Registrants will be able to register as many kinds of campers and leaders as are attending by entering the number of each in the registration box. 8

Sign up process: Registrations

Parents of campers and junior leaders will need to fill in their details, including their UC Ref ID or another ID (the link to find a missing Ref ID is here as well). On the next page, choose the church group you are coming to KCO with or ‘Event Team’ if you are not joining a church group. Under the box for church or team, choose which kind of leader you are registering as. Please ensure you choose correctly the questions for each category are different. For junior leaders: parents/caregivers will must register the junior leader. There will be a place to enter both set of details in the registration. On the next page, please enter all medical/dietary information and accomodation choices (if applicable). You will also be asked to agree to the terms and conditions of the registration.


Sign up process: Registrations Please read and answer the photo permissions and privacy policy acceptance, as well as the terms and conditions.

(Edit your answers) (Show your answers)

On the next page are the registration summary (at top of the page) and billing details (below). To see the full summary of your registration(s) click on ‘Show xx responses’. To edit, click on ‘edit my details’ and use the ‘previous page’ and ‘next page’ buttons to navigate through the questions. After you have made the necessary changes, you will need to choose ‘next page’ repeatedly to get back to the billing page. When you are ready to complete your registration and pay click on ‘Check out with Paypal’.


Sign up process: Confirm registrations Confirmation of registrations - hand in at KCO

Group Coordinators will be required to bring signed copies of the Confirmation of Registration forms for both campers and leaders to check-in at KCO. This provides evidence that the person who signed up online is, in fact, the legal guardian of the camper or the leader registered. Please be sure that you sign this form with your Group Coordinator before your camper/junior leader attends KCO.

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Safety: Safe Church Safe Church KCO is an event of the Uniting Church SA and is committed to the Uniting Church Safe Church practices. Part of this commitment is to protect young people from any neglect or abuse (physical, sexual, spiritual or emotional). The KCO team affirms congregations and schools in their commitment to provide leaders who are able to exercise care and effectively minister to young people. Group Coordinators must ensure leaders are fully informed of their duty of care responsibilities. The Presbytery and Synod Office Screening Services facilitates the National Police History Check through the Australian Criminal Intelligence Services. The next step of the Screening and Authority Process after receiving a UC Ref ID is for your Church Council Safe Church practices to approve the leaders. include our legal and moral responsibility Group Coordinators will ensure leaders are fully informed of their Safe to ensure the safety Church duty of care responsibilities. They have appointed someone going to of everyone whilst in KCO as their duty of care person. the care of the Uniting Church. We need to For more information about Safe Church: anticipate and avoid http://sa.uca.org.au/safe-church/ foreseeable harm and seek to minimise harm Using social media at KCO: should it occur. The Uniting Church SA and KCO invites you to share comments and stories on social media. However, please be aware that once something is posted online, it can be read by others and may be available for many years to come.

Please encourage your campers to exercise caution when posting on social media. KCO has the right to edit or delete any comments deemed inappropriate for its own social media channels and its readers. Your Group Coordinator will define best practice for your group. In addition, please ask your campers to ensure that: • they ask themselves, ‘If this communication were to be made known to the wider Uniting Church, would it be considered appropriate?’ Individuals need to be sensitive to the impact of the words and images used, and avoid the offence of miscommunications. • the Golden Rule is followed: “Write or say only what you would want others to publish about you in public.” • other KCO groups - and individuals not in your group - are not included (in photos, etc) except by express permission and knowledge of the group’s leaders. • comments about fellow campers, colleagues, volunteers, children or young adults, if published, would not cause hurt or embarrassment to others, risk claims of libel or harm the reputation of KCO, Uniting Church, children and young people. • nothing is printed, posted or published which infringes copyright, privacy or anti-discrimination legislation or regulations.

For any other Safe Church concerns, please talk to your Group Coordinator or contact KCO Duty of Care Officer, Linda Vinall (08) 8236 4248 calledtocare@sa.uca.org.au sa.uca.org.au/safe-church/ 12

Safety: Insurance / Medical Insurance

There is some insurance cover in place regarding personal accident and injury and public liability for the event. Please note that personal items and items on loan (including tents, marquees, BBQ/cooking equipment) are not covered under this policy. Please have everyone check with their personal insurers in regards to these items. Please also note that while there is some cover for transport in church-owned vehicles, privately owned vehicles remain the responsibility of the owner who should check with their insurer for any concerns.

Any specific queries or concerns should be directed to your Group Coordinator.


Parents will need to inform leaders of the medication plan for their child(ren). This may require medication of campers to be held by leaders and/or for leaders to empower the campers with their medication management. Leaders need to be aware of the responsibility to: • maintain this medication in a secure manner (so that it cannot be stolen or overdosed) • be available to distribute the medication to campers when needed Group Coordinators need to have a medication plan that all leaders follow.


Onsite there will be a small team of security volunteers will be available at KCO to assist with general security and traffic management needs. Security volunteers can be identified by: • a name tag with the words ‘KCO Security’ on it • a purple wrist band • a high visibility vest • a purple site pass lanyard In an emergency, security volunteers will give directions based on the emergency plans being put into action. These must be followed to ensure KCO is a safe environment.

First Aid

Event First Aid staff will be present for the entirety of the weekend. In addition, each group’s campsite should have a first aid kit and an appointed, trained first aid person.


Before KCO Offering The KCO Team sees giving as an important part of being a Christian - giving regularly and generously is an act of worship, as well as a response to God’s love, generosity and sacrifice for us all. Half of the offering will go toward future KCO events and financial support for groups to attend KCO. The other half will be donated to a cause or organisation chosen by the children at KCO. The children will vote on which cause or organisation they would to like to receive half of the offering. For more information and to vote, visit the KCO Shop.

What campers need to bring •

Clothing (including clothes that can get wet or stained; warm clothes for nights) • Hat, sunscreen • Waterproof jacket - it might rain! • Toiletries, towel • Sleeping bag, mattress, pillow • Bowl, plate, spoon, knife, fork, tea towel • Water bottle • Reusable cup for hot drinks (if needed) • Bible (if you have one) • Money for offering and KCO Shop • Pen, notebook • Medication (if required) (see page 12) • Ball, frisbee, etc (optional) • Snacks (optional) NO NUTS or NUT PRODUCTS TIP: make sure everything is clearly labelled so it can all go home with your camper! Valuables such as tablets and phones are brought at the individual’s own risk (see page 12). Large amounts of cash and highly valuable items should be left at home.

Expectations of KCO campers

In order for everyone to be safe and have fun at KCO, campers and leaders are expected to follow certain guidelines. Group Coordinators have been asked to communicate the following points to all youth and leaders: • To create a safe community at KCO, young people need parental permission and a parent or leader to be with them before they can leave the site. They will also need to sign out at the Welcome Centre. • KCO is a smoke, alcohol and drug free event. • The KCO Team wants everyone to enjoy themselves at the event – this means participating and ensuring that the feelings, values and property of others are respected at all times. • The KCO Team aims to make KCO a fun, safe place for all involved; please follow the directions of all KCO Team members (identifiable by purple lanyards). All KCO attendees are asked to remember to be ambassadors for Jesus through their words and actions.


At KCO Getting To Camp

Your group may have arranged for transport to and from camp. Please double check with your Group Coordinator. Please observe signs and follow directions given by the traffic personnel and helpers.


KCO is recorded through visual images for historical and promotional purposes. These may be used through various forms of electronic media or print material. During registration you will be able to notify event organisers if you do not want your child to be featured in any promotional/historical material.

Lost property

Any ‘found’ property should be handed in at Welcome. If property has been lost, campers should go to ‘Welcome’ and fill out the appropriate form (stating what was lost, when, where and who to contact if found). On collection, valuable items will need to be signed out. Every year a large collection of lost property finds its way back to the KCO Event Office. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity or discarded after 30 April 2018.

KCO Shop

The KCO Shop at Adare will offer a few novelty items to purchase including some KCO hats for sale at limited times.

Lights out

All campers must respect the ‘lights out’ times on the program. Leaders are asked to keep campers quiet so as to not to disturb others.


Visiting your camper Visiting your camper

If you are required to visit camp at any point over the weekend, please ensure you discuss this need with your Group Coordinator. Questions or concerns Your Group Coordinator should always be the first point of contact for all questions and concerns. If required they will refer you to the KCO Office or another individual. The visitors process below is focused on making KCO a safe place for everyone by ensuring all in attendance are authorised to be on-site. KCO is not an open community event. Arrival Before being allowed on-site during the KCO program, all visitors must sign in. The Admin Team, situated at the Welcome Centre, will assist with the sign in process. Visitors will need to identify themselves (with photo ID, such as a driver’s licence) and state the group with which they are associated. A visitor pass will be allocated to each visitor and must be worn at all times while at the event. All visitors must be escorted by an adult leader of their group AT ALL TIMES. The maximum time a visitor may spend on-site is 4 hours. The site pass must be given back to the Welcome team when signing out and departing the KCO site. Departure All visitors will need to leave via ‘Welcome’ to sign out and return their visitor’s site pass. Visiting hours at KCO Saturday: Program commences at 1:00pm with Opening Celebration Service. All visitors must leave the site by the end of the evening activities at 8:45pm. Sunday: Program commences at 9:00am with breakfast. Parents During the program, parents who wish to enter the site will need to register as a visitor, following the process above. Note: Parents dropping off their young people before KCO starts, or collecting them after KCO, finishes do not require a visitor site pass.


The vision for KCO is consistent with the Intergenerational Team Vision: That campers become life-long disciples of Christ within missional families and faith communities. The key purposes for KCO are to provide a safe environment, both physically and spiritually, in order to: • work together across the UCSA community, including UAICC community. • provide an overnight camp of excellence for 7yr olds to year 7s. • provide an opportunity to engage with the wider Uniting Church. • inspire radical tranformation in their communities. • provide intergenerational leadership development in both local groups and for the wider event team. • provide a mountaintop faith experience for children to grow in their identity as a beloved child of God/identity in Christ by providing a variety of deeply spiritual experiences.

KCO is a smoke, drug and alchohol free event.


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