New Times - November 2014

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Issue 33, No 10, 2014

The voice of Uniting Church SA

November 2014




Rev Amelia Koh-Butler

A clothing ministry blossoms

announced as EO,

at Inverbrackie Detention Centre

Mission Resourcing p. 7

pp. 10-11

Contents FEATURES New leadership


Trusting God to provide


Digital disciples


Pen pals in the Pacific


REGULAR PAGES Moderator’s Comment Getting to know...

4 16-18

Diary 21 Letters 21

Editor: Catherine Hoffman Editor-in-Chief: Bindy Taylor Advertising: Loan Leane Design: David Lombardi Print: Graphic Print Group For editorial inquiries: p. (08) 8236 4249 e. m. The Editor, New Times GPO Box 2145 Adelaide SA 5001 For advertising bookings: p. (08) 7007 9020 e.

w: ISSN 0726-2612 New Times is the voice of Uniting Church SA. Published monthly, February through December, New Times represents the breadth, diversity and vision of Uniting Church members in SA. News policies, guides and deadlines appear online at Articles and advertising do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor.

Print circulation: 9,750 Uniting Church SA Level 2, 212 Pirie St, Adelaide p. (08) 8236 4200 f. 8236 4201 country callers. 1300 766 956

Next issue: Joy We all experience Christmas differently - some find cause for celebration, while others take time to reflect. In the Uniting Church, we find deep joy in reflecting on Jesus' birth and God's love for us. But Christmas can be a difficult time for many, as people struggle with feelings of loneliness or remember loved ones who have passed away. In trying times such as these, we are encouraged to seek God, to persevere and grow in faith (James 1:2-4). This December, New Times will explore stories of joy and celebration, perseverance and reflection as we approach the Christmas season.


Wednesday 12 November

Cover details

The editorial team of New Times often feel inspired by the many older couples and close friends we see around the Uniting Church. These are people who rely on one another, love one another and trust each other completely as they walk the path God has set before them. When speaking about this edition’s theme of “Trust,” a cover image reflecting these vital relationships was one of the first things that came to mind. This photo is from


Learning to trust Having experienced a painful relationship, I know how it feels to be hurt by someone I had once trusted. My experience of a lack of trust as the relationship progressed made me slowly shut down my emotions in order to protect myself from ongoing hurt. When the relationship was finally over, my existence of being emotionally closed in the relationship had served me well in terms of protecting myself from harm. However, it was detrimental in terms of opening up to new people in the future, people worthy of my trust. To experience the love God designed us for, we eventually have to take another risk. At the recent Beyond Violence dinner hosted by the Moderator, attendees, including a work colleague of mine, were interviewed on what words would encapsulate a healthy relationship. Many acknowledged trust as a key element. My colleague defined what it meant to trust another person, to openly express your innermost feelings and demonstrate vulnerability to another person. In closing, he smiled as he reflected on how amazing a deep, loving relationship can be when it is centered in trust.

I have learnt that being emotionally open can be a little scary at times, but it is also necessary in order to grow and live the life God wants us to lead. Recently, I have been a little more selective about the people I extend trust to, but God’s leading has equipped me with the strength and courage to open up emotionally and spiritually. As the Moderator reflects in her article on page 4, “God brings comfort in grief, strength in weariness, peace in the face of worry, and courage in the face of fear.� These are all elements of a strong relationship centered in trust, as I am reminded while growing my own trusted relationships.

Bindy Taylor



Left: Denise Champion (left) and Dr Deidre Palmer celebrate the arrival of Denise’s new book, Yarta Wandatha. Right: Rev Jock Dunbar (left) is inducted as minister at Rosefield Uniting Church.

Trust Of all the articles I have written this year, this moditorial on “trust” has been the most difficult to write. It could be because, in the space of one page, it is difficult to include all the nuances that are required to talk about trust. It may also be because, in my work as a counselor with people who were sexually abused as children, I have had many conversations about the betrayal of trust. We rarely come to understand trust through a theoretical explanation of the notion – rather, we come to understand it through lived experience. We encounter it in people who “walk their talk.” We may learn about its value because of its absence – times when we feel betrayed or deeply disappointed by the people and institutions that shape our lives. Trust grows in the presence of people who we experience as authentic and consistent. We are most likely to trust people who we experience as having our best interests as their priority. Trust grows when our institutions and community life have transparent processes to ensure that power is shared and exercised in ways that are just. In the church, trust grows when our lives, personally and communally, are lived in ways consistent with the Gospel of Christ. Trust grows when we exercise the power entrusted to us by God, in service to others and for the sake of the reign of God in the world.


I recently met a number of older women who each shared some of their faith journey with me. These women were children during the Depression and grew up during the Second World War; they have known the grief of losing family members and friends. Over their 90 or more years of living, they have seen many changes in their church communities. At times they have been disappointed, even devastated, by a church which has not “walked its talk.” Despite this, they persist in being part of a Christian community and contributing to our life together. They are aware of the sustained effort that is required to grow trust. They are gracious in their attitudes to others, conscious of their own failures and of times when they have disappointed others. Most of all, they live with the deep and passionate conviction that God is utterly trustworthy – they have known, and continue to experience, the friendship and love of God. God brings comfort in their grieving, strength in their weariness, peace in the face of worry, and courage in the face of fear. I pray that, as the Uniting Church, our trust in God will shape our life, and strengthen us to be a people who embody the integrity and faithfulness of God.

Dr Deidre Palmer

Placements News Placements finalised since the October edition of New Times: Rev Amelia Koh-Butler to Executive Officer, Mission Resourcing from 1 January 2015
 Jo-Anne Lane to Eldercare: Sash Ferguson (0.5) from 13 October 2014
 Tanya Wittwer to Post Graduate Coordinator (0.5) from 1 January 2015 Upcoming inductions: Rev Alison Whish, Newland Memorial on Sunday 23 November at 3.30pm Vacant Placements: The following is the current list of vacant (or soon to be vacant) approved placements as of Wednesday 8 October. Profiles available – Belair (0.5); County Jervois (Arno, Cleve, Coolanie, Cowell, Driver River); Grange; Hallett Cove (from January 2015); Lower Murray Linked Congregations (from January 2015); Port Augusta Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress; Seaton (0.3); Seeds (from January 2015); Waikerie; Whyalla. Profiles not yet available – Clearview (0.5); Klemzig (0.5); South West Fleurieu Linked Congregations (0.6); Tumby Bay & Districts (0.5); Windsor Gardens (0.5). For more information on any of these placements, or to view national placements, please visit

ce o / ge n e ral se cre ta r y

Restoring trust In his book The Speed of Trust, Stephen M.R. Covey writes that: “While corporate scandals, terrorist threats, office politics, and broken relationships have created low trust on almost every front, I contend that the ability to establish, grow, extend, and restore trust is not only vital to our personal and interpersonal well-being; it is the key leadership competency of the new global economy.” The church will always be a collective of people that require trust. We need to trust in Christ, and we need to trust one another. Doubt only serves to slow a relationship down, while trust forges fast, free-flowing relationships in which people can collectively commit and go. This is the type of relationship that we can enjoy with Christ. The scriptures point to the wisdom and value of trust within our relationship with God: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) In considering trust within a relationship with God, C.S. Lewis writes in Mere Christianity: “To trust Him means, of course, trying to do all that He says. There would be no sense in saying you trusted a person if you would not take his advice. Thus if you really handed yourself over to Him, it must follow that you are trying to obey Him. But trying in a new way, a less worried way. Not doing these things in order to be saved, but because He has begun to save you already.” It is my deep-seated prayer for this nation that people would know the richness of trusting Jesus Christ with their entire life. My heart also longs for the church to continue to grow as a place where trust is placed in Christ and in those within the church. However, that which brings the greatest life to the church is normally the first thing targeted for removal. Hence, trust is under attack in our church. How can we stand against the attack and build a stronger culture of trust across the Uniting Church in South Australia? In a relationship, trust is engendered by people putting their words into actions. Conversely, trust is attacked when someone doesn’t follow through on what they said they will do. We will all fall short of others’ expectations at times. So, what do we do when this happens and trust bleeds from a relationship? Forgiveness opens the heart. A gracious and forgiving church will never be closed to the ability and activation of trust. This is in keeping with the character and capacity of the one who leads us forward as the church. Jesus Christ is forever trustworthy and continually trusting in us as his church.

Presbytery and Synod annual meeting summary The annual meeting of the Presbytery and Synod of South Australia was held at Adelaide West Uniting Church from Wednesday 29 October to Saturday 1 November. A summary of the meeting will be available in the December edition of New Times. For further information, please visit

Rev Nigel Rogers

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New leadership Catherine Hoffman

“I want to get right to the point. I want to ask, what are people most anxious about? What questions do people have for me as I enter this new role?” Apart from introductory pleasantries, these are Rev Amelia Koh-Butler’s first words to me when we meet to discuss her new position with the Uniting Church in South Australia. Amelia was recently named the new Executive Officer of Mission Resourcing, a role she will take up in January 2015 after completing her doctoral dissertation in Mission and Intercultural Studies. As someone who has worked largely in New South Wales, Amelia is aware that she is somewhat of an unknown quantity here in South Australia. It is her hope to get as many questions and concerns out in the open as soon as possible, taking these into consideration as she begins working with the Mission Resourcing team – something she is eagerly looking forward to. “During my time working for the Uniting Church, I have consistently seen that South Australia’s Mission Resourcing ministry centre does things differently – and I like that!” Amelia explains. “I’ve seen that people aren’t afraid to take risks if they feel that is what God is calling them to do. I don’t like to muck around. I like to take action. The Uniting Church in South Australia seems wellpositioned to move forward.” Amelia’s past work is a testament to her active nature. Over the past 15 years, Amelia has been involved with the ministry of the Uniting Church both nationally and in NSW. She has worked across many varied areas, including children’s and youth ministry, rural ministry and development, missiology and evangelism, cross-cultural and multicultural ministry, justice and Covenanting. With a background in music and creative arts, Amelia has served in congregational, educational and community contexts. “Since being ordained as a Minister of the Word in 2008, I’ve ministered in progressive and evangelical congregations. Some people think that’s strange, but it comes naturally to me,” Amelia reflects. “I think that’s because, despite their different backgrounds and traditions, I was able to love people in both kinds of congregations, and be loved by them.” This is love is something that Amelia has experienced in churches since first becoming a Christian. “I’m a convert, which is one of the reasons why I’m passionate about evangelism,” Amelia explains. “I grew up in a Chinese-ScottishAustralian, Buddhist-atheist household. I was evangelised through the teachings of old ladies volunteering at my school and, later on, scripture teachers at the Christian school I attended.

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Rev Amelia Koh-Butler (right) with her husband, Terry Butler.

“When I became a Christian at age 14, my family disowned me. The people at church became my family. I think this is one of the reasons why I have a high tolerance for Christians with views different to my own – we are all part of one family, loved by Christ. You love your family; you don’t choose who’s in it.” Amelia’s most recent role as a minister has been at The Commons, a fresh expression faith community she helped plant in Newcastle in late 2012. In parallel with a high church liturgical service, The Commons runs a major venue, a Fair Trade cafe and hosts over 20 different community development organisations from Newcastle. The community saw 11 adult baptisms take place in the past year. Prior to this, Amelia worked as the Associate Director of the ELM Centre, an adult education centre run by the Uniting Church Synod of New South Wales to support rural ministry and education. She later became the Director of the ELM Centre, a position she held for approximately five years. “Although I’m a city girl, I’ve spent about a decade working in rural education and ministry. My husband and I got very involved in rural life – my husband worked on a cotton farm for awhile, and I developed a deep affection for the bush. “In my new role, I’m hoping to be out of the office frequently, visiting congregations and communities across the state, both rural and metropolitan,” Amelia says. “I’m looking forward to meeting the Mission Resourcing team and helping to support the wider Uniting Church SA community in growing disciples across the state.” Do you have a question you’d like to ask Rev Amelia Koh-Butler? Do you have a concern you’d like her to address? Would you like to extend an early invitation for her to visit your congregation or faith community? If your answer to any of these questions is “yes,” please send an email to or contact Catherine Hoffman on 8236 4230.



Generations of giving Julianne Rogers

Left to right: Brenda Cross with her granddaughter Charlotte, daughter Judith Barker, and grandson Henry.

Out on the windswept shores of Wallaroo, three generations of volunteers from UnitingCare Copper Triangle are busily preparing for another Christmas of giving. For the last 15 years, Brenda Cross has volunteered as the local coordinator for the UnitingCare and Target Christmas Appeal, joined by her daughter Judith Barker, her 17-year-old granddaughter Charlotte, and her 13-year-old grandson Henry, who first participated in the appeal from his pram. Far from an easy task, coordinating the Christmas Appeal involves organising the receipt of gifts – not only those from Target, but also donations from churches and local community groups, such as Lions, Apex, Rotary, the local Masonic lodge, a quilter’s group and Weight Watchers. Donations are also given by businesses, including the local Cheap as Chips retailer, the local Avon distributor and companies as far away as Bentleys in Adelaide. In addition to group and organisation donations, there are a number of wonderful personal donations. “They are a very generous and compassionate community,” Brenda reflects.


Amongst those who give personal donations are a 92-year-old woman who continues to make lovely bags and towels, a husband and wife team who make painted and upholstered wooden toys, and a man who donates the money he raises from recycling cans. Each year, the presents from Target and the community are thoroughly sorted by Brenda, Judith and Charlotte as they lovingly handpick items for recipients to ensure everyone gets the perfect gift. Three gifts and some chocolates are chosen for each person, and are carefully wrapped in paper and pretty ribbons.

“We always choose the gifts by making sure it is something that the child will love,” Brenda says. “I’m never sure what teens want, so Charlotte, my teenage granddaughter, makes sure that they all get something they will enjoy.” The gift packages are put together by a team of approximately 10 volunteers who work for roughly four days to coordinate over 150 gift sets. These are then distributed throughout the Yorke Peninsula and Kadina region through UnitingCare Copper Triangle’s programs, UnitingCare Wesley Country SA and a school in Balaklava. These presents are received with joy and gratitude by the community. “I didn’t think I would get anything from anyone,” one quiet young man, aged 14, said after receiving his present last year. A parent who received a gift for her child said, “Wow. Oh, wow. This is just great! Please thank whoever did this.” “Christmas is a time for children and young people - we are celebrating a baby’s birth, after all!” Brenda says, explaining the reason behind her family’s involvement. “We oldies don’t really need to get gifts. I’d rather give to the children and see the joy that fills their faces. “God has given me the energy to run with this, so I’m glad I can be a part of it,” she continues. “I’m really quite humbled by the loyalty of the community over all these years. We are truly blessed.”

The Giving Box

This month, the UnitingCare and Target Christmas Appeal begins its 23rd year of partnership with a face-lift! Head out to your local Target and spot the two metre tall “Giving Box” and leave a present to help your local UnitingCare organisation make Christmas wonderful for someone doing it tough. For more information, please contact Julianne Rogers, State Coordinator, the Giving Box on or 8236 4233 or visit the Giving Box website at


Honouring Alan Dutton On Monday 13 October, Alan Dutton passed away suddenly. Alan served the Church in a variety of capacities, including roles in the Uniting Church in South Australia. Early in his career, Alan served as an educator. However, most of his training in education found expression in the outdoor and Christian faith formation activities of Scripture Union in New South Wales. After moving to Adelaide with Scripture Union in 1980, Alan worked and volunteered tirelessly and enthusiastically in various leadership and development roles. He later relocated to Tasmania where he served as a resourcing minister based in Launceston in the Vic/Tas Synod of the Uniting Church. Returning to South Australia in 2008, he joined the Uniting Church SA rural ministry team, a part of Mission Resourcing. Alan was a thoughtful consultant in mission planning, education and evangelism. Deeply committed to authentic discipleship and faithful service,

Alan possessed the capacity to push boundaries while affirming the giftedness of those with whom he worked. He was a much-loved and loyal colleague who contributed significantly to the Presbytery and Synod, especially in the rural sector. Alan expressed his Christian faith compassionately and graciously in his daily living and work. Throughout his life, he mentored people from a variety of walks of life, and was comfortable communicating with a wide diversity of people from many different contexts. We give thanks to God for Alan’s life and his faithful service to Christ and the mission of Christ’s church. We offer our sympathy and prayers for God’s comfort and love to Alan’s wife, Beulah, to their children, Rebekah, Peter and Andrew, and to their extended families. A service to celebrate Alan’s life was held on Tuesday 21 October at 2.30pm at Adelaide West Uniting Church.

Uniting Church women seek deeper stories The Uniting Church in Australia has held women’s conferences on three past occasions with the most recent taking place 18 years ago in 1996. In September this year, the conference-free streak was broken by the arrival of UnitingWomen, which took place in Sydney. Gathering over 500 people from across the Uniting Church, this conference provided space for women to share in worship, story-telling and fellowship. In keeping with the theme of the conference, “Seeking the deeper story,” a number of sessions focussed on the personal and professional stories of women from all walks of life. Detailing her move from Sudan to Australia, South Australian minister Rev Amel Manyon was among those who shared her faith journey. Dr Deidre Palmer also gave a message in which she focussed on narratives of hope. Across two thought-provoking sessions, keynote speaker Rev Nadia Bolz-Weber was honest, transparent and unapologetic – and she challenged audience members to be the same way in their own lives. Speaking compellingly on themes of sincerity and trust, Nadia provided insight into her innovative ministry within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as pastor and founder of House for All Sinners and Saints, a church in Denver, Colorado. Further speakers included Rev Myung Hwa Park, the thenincoming Moderator of the NSW/ACT Synod, and UnitingJustice National Director Rev Elenie Poulos. The conference also included a variety of elective workshops on topics to suit wide-ranging interests – from fitness to leadership, feminism to eco-spirituality, Godly Play to equality issues facing

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Rev Nadia Bolz-Weber speaks at the UnitingWomen conference.

Pacific women. Dr Liz Boase, a lecturer at Uniting College for Leadership & Theology, offered a challenging workshop on the topic of violence and women in 2 Samuel 13. These electives were a highlight for many who attended the conference. Through the diversity of speakers and sessions, the UnitingWomen conference offered an opportunity for attendees to look beyond their own stories, sharing with women from across the Uniting Church in Australia. For more information about UnitingWomen, or to listen to audio recordings of some of the sessions, please visit



Trust is one of the most important elements in building strong relationships and communities – both earning the trust of others, and learning to trust them. This edition of New Times explores stories of trust, detailing times when individuals and communities have had to trust God, themselves and one another.

Trusting God to provide This year Tenille Chambers, a member of Seeds Uniting Church, has been involved in coordinating and distributing clothing for families held at Inverbrackie Detention Centre in the Adelaide Hills. In this article, Tenille reflects on her visits and how she has watched God’s hand at work in the lives of those seeking asylum. Over the last twelve months, my two-year-old son, Quade, and I have made weekly visits to families at Inverbrackie Detention Centre, coordinated through the Inverbrackie Good Neighbour Council. Each time we visit, the families cook curry and cake to eat with us and they give Quade bananas, boiled eggs and ice-cream – things they had quickly discovered were some of his favourite foods. Although language can be a barrier, which has made for some awkward moments, we have become great friends. On one of my visits in May this year, a two year old girl I’d never met before came up to me and trustingly sat on my lap. It was a freezing morning and she was in boys’ clothes that were far too small for her. She was very cold. My heart went out to her – I didn’t think that it was fair that she was in this situation. As she was sitting there, I made the decision that I would buy the girl some new clothes. When I returned home, I wrote a post on Facebook explaining what I felt upon seeing this girl in her too-small clothing. I also shared my realisation that many parents, including myself, can take for granted the ability to purchase warm clothes for our children. While I had not requested donations of clothing in the Facebook post, I started receiving bagfuls of clothes from places far and wide – from Victor Harbor to Golden Grove, even from interstate! Although it had initially been my goal to simply provide warm clothes for the one little girl, the stories I heard and the donations I received meant a change to that plan. I said to God: “Let’s not only clothe this little girl – let’s clothe all of Inverbrackie!” I had seen God’s hand at work in the amount of clothing arriving at my house. I knew that, if this was something God wanted, He would make it happen. Through this ministry, I have learnt to trust God in everything as I have experienced that nothing is impossible for Him. I feel a real sense that God started this process, equipping and providing for us each step of the way – God is the real driver of this ministry, God has orchestrated each and every step. Doors have continued to open, allowing conversations with Inverbrackie families and staff, lawyers for children born in detention, people wishing to supply items to families in need, and many others. I have been incredibly moved by the amount of people willing to assist with providing clothing for people in Inverbrackie – those


who have donated not only goods, but their time, energy and talents. This ministry would not be possible without the incredible support I have received from family, friends and church members who have spent hours and hours (many days over 12 hours) collecting and sorting through donated goods. Through the amazing generosity of clothing and financial donations from individuals, families and churches across South Australia, this ministry has provided more than 220 people with coats, jumpers, warm clothes, maternity clothes, baby packs, new underwear and new pairs of sneakers. The volume of donated goods became so great that they could no longer be stored and sorted in my own home or the homes of the other volunteers. Thankfully, God created an opportunity for us to utilise a storage area at Woodside Uniting Church, less than five minutes from Inverbrackie. This space has become our warehouse of love, generosity and welcome.

I am not the only one grateful for these generous contributions. I recently received a phone call from a father at Inverbrackie – he was so thankful for the support and assistance. He told me that his two year old little girl, who has become withdrawn and depressed by her experience as an asylum seeker, had gone to bed with her new pink sneakers on, and had danced and smiled for the first time since being in Australia. We both broke down in tears. No matter what your opinion might be on the best way for Australia to handle the asylum seeker issue, there’s no denying the horrific things that many of these people have had to live through. The stories they have shared with me are heartbreaking – stories of families being kidnapped, killed in bomb blasts and driven from their homes. These people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect; they also deserve


adequate clothing, underwear and shoes. When I visit Inverbrackie now, I see many families walking around in clothes that we have provided. There is often a line of people wanting to share what these donations have meant to them – how they have felt loved and supported by these simple gifts. It is always a very humbling experience. I never imagined myself starting a ministry like this – I’m not a huge player in the refugee space, I’m a mum who visits families at Inverbrackie. But I have seen what God can do when we trust Him and allow him to use us to help the vulnerable in our community. It is my prayer that God will continue to work through me in this way. But it’s not only me that he has used in this ministry. I have loved seeing how this Inverbrackie clothing project has enabled so many people and churches to respond in really practical ways. Together, the difference that we have made has been bigger than anyone could ever imagine, and more than we will ever know. I encourage all of you, New Times readers, to ask God where He wants to use you, in small or big ways, and to trust Him to open doors and equip you. Doing this will change your life and the lives of those around you – it has certainly changed mine. For further information on the clothing ministry at Inverbrackie Detention Centre, including how you can assist in providing financial and clothing donations to families in Inverbrackie, please email Tenille Chambers at or contact Seeds Uniting Church on 8370 6472. This page: Tenille and Quade Chambers with clothes collected for families and individuals in Inverbrackie Detention Centre. Inset left: The storage facility at Woodside Uniting Church.

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Providing support and care for women – inside and outside of prison Rev Frances Bartholomeusz

“Caring for Women in Prison” was the theme of a recent inter-church women’s fellowship afternoon organised by the Murray Bridge Uniting Church Evening Fellowship group. Gathering approximately 60 women from across the local community, Faye Menadue welcomed attendees to the event and led devotions based on Matthew 25:37-40. She reminded those present that we are called to care for one another – those who are sick, who are in need of food or shelter, or who have been imprisoned. “This is the way Jesus demonstrated to us how to show and experience true love for our brothers and sisters,” Faye said. Jill Meakins and Jill Matschoss followed Faye’s message and lightened the tone, presenting a competition and humorous readings that quickly had the audience in stitches of laughter. Rev Frances Bartholomeusz, the guest speaker at the event, then spoke of her experience visiting the Adelaide Women’s Prison (AWP) as a volunteer chaplain once a week. In this role, Frances mainly listens to women’s stories and struggles, encouraging them to engage in spiritual practices, such as prayer and Bible study, as well as educational opportunities. She also offers worship services and hands on donations of wool for a knitting programme. The women particularly appreciate being able to speak about their concerns and frustrations to someone they can trust. The majority of women in prison come from a background where trust has been broken, primarily through abuse, trauma and violence. Most have not attended school past Year 9 and many have a history of drug abuse. Frances explained that her only agenda when visiting the prison is to show a sense of God’s love, care, faithfulness, hope and friendship for the women. Some women in prison have little family support and relationships are fractured.

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Seeds of Affinity members gather together to share stories of support.

Frances shared the words of one of the prisoners she regularly visits: “Thank you for coming. Even if you do nothing else, the fact that you care enough to visit is enough.” She also shared some sobering facts. As reported recently on the ABC, women’s prisons in Australia are overcrowded. Sadly, up to 30% of the women imprisoned are Aboriginal, and the recidivism (overall return to prison) rate is approximately 60%. There are limited educational opportunities in prison, and women face enormous challenges when they are released. After Frances’ story, Anna Kemp spoke about her experience as coordinator of Seeds of Affinity, a community group that offers support and resources for women when they

Supporting Seeds of Affinity

As they do not receive any Government funding, members of Seeds of Affinity make delicious biscuits and beautiful soaps, lotions and hand creams to raise funds for the programmes and resources they offer to women leaving prison. Earlier this year, Seeds of Affinity also produced and launched a book, Captive Minds – Truth Behind Bars. This book is

are released from prison. Currently based at Semaphore Uniting Church, Seeds of Affinity members also attended the event and shared stories with other community members. This fellowship event opened the eyes of attendees to the conditions faced by women in prison – the lack of trust they have for others, their need for love and friendship, and the stories that have led to many being imprisoned. For further information on future Murray Bridge Uniting Church women’s fellowship events (including a High Tea on Saturday 13 December) or experiences with prison chaplaincy, please contact Rev Frances Bartholomeusz on 0407 687 311. a powerful testimony to the conditions experienced by women in prison, all written in their own words. The text also provides information to help readers understand more about the circumstances that often lead to the imprisonment of women. For more information on Seeds of Affinity, including where to purchase the above items, please visit or call Rev Frances Bartholomeusz on 0407 687 311.



Left: Having worked in the area of faith formation for 45 years, John Roberto shares his knowledge with conference attendees in Adelaide. Right: Pastor Rob Morgan attended the conference hoping to learn more about establishing a new faith formation network along the Southern Yorke Peninsula. Photos by Rosie Schefe.

Digital disciples How can the church build lasting relationships with people who are experiencing increasing demands on their time and resources? How can we trust and use communications technology? An eight-year-old child has not known life before the iPhone; an 18-year-old has not known life before the internet. People communicate in ways not even imagined a few decades ago. Some congregations find all this new technology a hindrance to ministry, but could it be a blessing? Rosie Schefe reflects on insights provided by John Roberto on these topics during his recent visit to Adelaide.

In a series of workshops held across Australia this year, Roman Catholic educator John Roberto spoke about the importance of Christian faith formation (the building up of disciples) in our current environment, as people live longer and their needs change. Churches have traditionally focussed most of their faith formation efforts towards children, teenagers and young adults but, according to John, this is no longer enough. A substantial body of longitudinal research now shows that focussing faith formation programmes solely towards the first two decades of people’s lives does not provide the best possible model for the nurturing of lifelong faith. Within a typical congregation, following the traditional model ignores the ongoing faith formation needs of the majority of its members. In discussing this topic, John explores the work of University of California researcher Vern L. Bengston, who has studied the passing on of religious faith between generations for 40 years. Bengston found that, despite strong societal changes, parental influence is the most important factor in the spiritual lives of young people. Young people are socialised into faith through specific religious activities that are firmly intertwined with the daily habits of family life. Beyond this, researcher Christian Smith found that a combination of teenagers’ parental religion, the importance of faith within the family, prayer, reading of Scripture, lack of religious doubt, the occurrence of personal religious experiences, and having supportive, non-parental adults within the church community were all highly influential factors


which helped to nurture and retain young people as disciples of Christ. Making a difference in the lives of families helped them to make a difference in the lives of individual family members, John argues. In turn, this means nurturing the faith lives of parents and grandparents – teaching and resourcing them to model Christian faith and practice, engaging the whole family in worship and community life, equipping families to actively engage in faith practices, and encouraging parents to develop warm, supporting, affirming and authoritative parenting styles. So, what does this have to do with the digital world? John argues that churches have been slow to adapt to the digital environment, viewing it as a place filled with threats rather than as a landscape of opportunity. While mobile devices might seem like a distraction, they can also open up new pathways of learning and of faith formation. Mobile devices have fundamentally changed the relationship between information, time and space, John Roberto says. This is paralleled by the rise of social networks, fuelled by social media phenomena, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram. Rather than looking to authoritative sources, technology-savvy people now filter and evaluate news and other information through social networks. “People have become content curators; when they discover content they will share it with their broad network,” John says.


“Reciprocal sharing is the way in which people build their own social capital and reputations.” Similar shifts are occurring in education, where digital media is allowing learning to happen anywhere and anytime, where learners become active participants rather than just consumers of information, and where people access material from a range of places rather than from one single institution. John believes that, by reimagining faith formation programmes to suit this landscape, churches could better deliver lifelong learning and help to maintain connections with families and individuals. He uses the idea of “faith formation networks” to explain how this might be achieved. A faith formation network brings people of different generations together, and supplies them with programs, activities, faith formation experiences and other resources that are tailored to match their needs and lifestyles. By offering multiple ways to learn and grow, including via the internet, churches can reach into people’s lives and experiences to help them to grow in their faith. Worship retains its central position as the time of coming together as the body of Christ, and the congregation remains the vital place of connection and relationship with the community. But, John says, that is not where the work of the congregation ends. By using the internet and mobile technology, it is possible to build networks where people can learn, share and experience and grow together—in their own time and space and at a pace that suits them. Tools such as live or archived webinars (web seminars, in which a group meets for Bible study, streaming the content and discussion through a video link), links to ready-made resources, e-books, blogs and online prayers can all be used to equip members of the network where and when it suits them. According to John, many resources are already in place and available. The person in charge of planning faith formation activities (whether a minister or lay person) thus becomes a curator, seeking out relevant material and creating links for the network, so that people can access them for themselves. “Then you can have a soccer mum, for example, accessing Bible

Grandma’s Corner

Pastor Rob Morgan is a Uniting Church lay pastor caring for ten congregations across the Southern Yorke Peninsula. He came to John Roberto’s workshop with a goal already in mind: to create a faith formation network for children, but with its own dedicated, digital space called “Grandma’s Corner.” He hoped to form a network model that would work for grandparents across his different congregations. “I was approached by a couple of ladies in one congregation who were looking for something they could use to connect with their grandchildren,” Rob said.

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study or online prayer from her mobile device while she’s waiting for practice to be over,” John says. “She doesn’t have to be in the same time or place as her Bible-study friends; she can do this whenever she has some time.” Another way of networking is the “flipped classroom.” In this model, network participants perform learning tasks (reading documents, watching clips, writing responses) with material provided online. They then meet together to share not only their learning, but also new experiences, which might flow out of joint service projects or retreat activities. This has the dual benefit of strengthening real-time bonds, while ensuring that learning tasks are completed. John’s challenge to congregations is to build their first faith formation network, targeting a group of people and finding content to suit their needs. John Roberto visited Australia in August and September, conducting workshops in Perth, Melbourne and Adelaide. The Adelaide workshop was facilitated by Grow Ministries (Lutheran Church Australia’s Board for Child, Youth and Family Ministry). For further information about John Roberto, LifelongFaith Associates and the 21st Century Faith Formation Project, please visit A version of this story first appeared in The Lutheran. “The idea is to provide short videos, craft projects, colouring sheets and prayer patterns. Each week these grandmas can find resources and send a link to their grandchildren, encouraging them to check them out. “We are already using internet-based videos, music and craft ideas in Sunday school lessons. If a family hasn’t been able to get to Sunday school, we can send them an email to log in and stay connected to the group. “They can see what they missed out on, see what was done and engage with it. But they can’t do everything; for that they need to be physically present.”


Oodnadatta faith community meets to worship and pray in the open night air. Photo by Timothy Molineux.

g e t t i n g t o k n o w. . .

Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress communities in South Australia This month’s “Getting to know...” uses a question and answer format to learn more about the congregations and faith communities of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress across South Australia – in Adelaide (Salisbury North), Port Augusta, Oodnadatta and Kalparrin.

What are the mission and vision of Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) communities in South Australia? The Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (the UAICC, commonly called “Congress” in South Australia) was formed in the early 1980s through meetings of Aboriginal and Islander Christian leaders at Crystal Creek in Queensland and Galiwin’ku, Elcho Island in Arnhem Land. The UAICC was created to empower Aboriginal and Islander people to minister to their own people. As such, the Uniting Church model of the body of Christ, and every person having a ministry, is important to Congress. Holistic ministry, ministering to the whole person, is also vital to Congress communities. On our website, we talk about Congress’ vision in the following way: We have a Dream of: Aboriginal people serving the Lord and filled with his Spirit. God’s love brought to bear on our problems at every level. Indigenous people ministering to other Indigenous people Indigenous and non Indigenous people standing together in Christ’s church To fulfil our Dream, we need : The support of the whole church Your support, spiritually and financially Can you go into more detail about the recent history of UAICC in South Australia? By 2000, two old Uniting Church buildings in South Australia had been restored to Congress, one in Salisbury North and the other in Willsden (Port Augusta). We had also ordained our first Aboriginal Uniting Church minister, Rev Ken Sumner. Congress has had a partnership with Frontier Services for a number of years now. Through the Mobile Aboriginal Patrol, Return to Contents

they have offered ministry to Aboriginal people from the Flinders Ranges and along the Oodnadatta track. The early 2000s saw a rapid growth in the life of Congress in South Australia with the Synod committing more resources to Congress ministry. In 2002, a worshipping community was formed in Port Augusta through the call of Rev Hohaia Matthews. Two years later, Rev Dean Whittaker was called to Salisbury North to form the Adelaide Congress ministry. Following this, new faith communities at Kalparrin and Oodnadatta were established through the work of Rev Ken Sumner in the Riverland and David Wright in patrol ministry, and were recognised by the South Australian Synod. All four communities provide safe places for Aboriginal and Islander Christians to meet together for worship. They are places where people feel at home, free to be themselves and to worship in culturally appropriate ways, including using their own languages and stories. Who makes up your leadership teams? The ministers and leaders of the South Australian Congress congregations and communities form the Regional Council in South Australia, which meets three or four times per year. The chairperson of the Regional Council is Denise Champion, who also works part-time as the Uniting Church SA Covenanting Coordinator. Denise is supported by Ian Dempster who works as the Congress Resource Officer. The Adelaide Congress ministry team is led by Rev Dean Whittaker with vital support provided by Nelson Varcoe and Baba Sugurutaga. The team attend monthly church council meetings, in addition to regular activities for young people and weekly Bible studies.


g e t t i n g t o k n o w. . .

For nearly 18 months, the Port Augusta ministry has been led on a supply basis by Pastor Max Wright, an Aboriginal Churches of Christ pastor with a wealth of ministry experience. Through the time he has led the congregation they have undergone management changes, including the establishment of a church council. Port Augusta has also formed an exciting new ministry for children, youth and young adults in their congregation. This project goes by the name “Ninnal Seeds,” and has been involved with both the recent Surrender Adelaide gathering and the Uniting Church’s National Young Adult Leaders Conference. The faith community at Oodnadatta is led by a number of people, including Julia Lennon. A popular speaker across the APY (Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara) Lands, Julia is currently studying and training in Congress ministry. Towards the end of 2013, Congress was able to employ Julia as a ministry agent for a few months, but this was financially unsustainable in 2014. Young adults interested in leadership in the Oodnadatta community recently took part in Surrender Adelaide. Kalparrin community is led by the State Elder of Congress, Bruce Carter, along with his wife, Kathy, and Victor and Glenys Wilson. What is God doing in UAICC communities at present? Regular Sunday worship services are held at both Port Augusta and Salisbury, while the faith communities at Oodnadatta and Kalparrin meet on a more irregular basis. Irrespective of the meeting times, God is doing some amazing things across each of the UAICC churches and communities. At Adelaide Congress in Salisbury there is a big focus on the ministry of prayer and working with other churches. At present, this congregation is probably the largest and many Anangu from the APY lands have made the church their home. Port Augusta has been blessed by their supply ministry and the growth of their young people ministry through Ninnal Seeds.


During the Moderator’s visit in Easter this year, the Oodnadatta faith community saw nine more people become baptised; this follows on from the 29 baptisms that took place in 2012. Members of the Kalparrin community are beginning to dream and plan their future with new resources – Uniting Foundation has provided some funding for their ministry and Tailem Bend Uniting Church has been suggested as a possible home for this ministry. What are your hopes for the future? The Uniting Church SA Standing Committee recently endorsed the Regional Council’s proposal to redevelop the Adelaide Congress building in Salisbury. This redevelopment will include a new entrance, bathroom facilities and kitchen. These changes will allow disability access to the church, more space for worship and additional areas for children’s and youth ministry, allowing the ministry of the congregation to continue to grow. The faith community at Oodnadatta currently worships in an open space known as “The Church Ground.” It is hoped that they will be able to establish a church building for sheltered worship in the near future. The 2014 Pilgrimage of Healing aimed to raise funds for property development at both Salisbury and Oodnadatta. In addition to these developments, Congress is hoping to employ a paid ministry agent to work out of Oodnadatta. This would provide ministry opportunities that have not been available for the past three years, which is how long the Mobile Aboriginal Patrol position has been vacant. Looking forward, the Kalparrin community is excited by the possibilities raised through the Uniting Foundation grant, which will enable a part-time ministry placement to occur in the near future. There is also hope that the community will soon find a church building to better enable ministry to Aboriginal people in the Murraylands. The Port Augusta congregation is eagerly anticipating the appointment of a new minister in the near future, and hope to see ongoing development of their ministry teams,

especially the Ninnal Seeds project. How do you connect with the wider community? Congress connects with the wider Aboriginal community simply because it is an Aboriginal Christian community. We connect with the wider Uniting Church through state and national events, including KCO (KUCA [Kids of the Uniting Church in Australia] Camp Out), SAYCO (South Australian Youth Camp Out), the National Young Adult Leaders Conference, Surrender and workshops run by TACL (Training Aboriginal Christian Leaders). In March this year, Congress connected with the national Uniting Church in Australia for a recognition and reconciliation event titled “A Destiny Together.” The Adelaide Congress congregation produced banners for this event, which were used across Australia for a week of prayer and fasting. Several members of Adelaide Congress also participated in a prayer retreat in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales. A subsequent prayer retreat was held in the Adelaide Hills in July. In order to demonstrate support with the wider community on a regular basis, Adelaide Congress also conducts monthly worship services at the Aboriginal Elders Village in Davoren Park. Do you have any closing comments? We’d like to thank you, the wider members of the Uniting Church, for supporting Congress in South Australia as we seek to empower Aboriginal Christians in continuing to walk with Jesus in this land, and as we seek to grow our Aboriginal churches and ministries. For further information on the work and mission of Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress communities across South Australia, please visit covenanting or call 8236 4235.


Music copyright for churches – part 2 In this article, Trevor Hayley shares some thoughts on the complex area of music copyright in churches, continuing on from an article in the October edition of New Times. Trevor has worked in the finance industry for many years. He is a musician, songwriter and copyright officer at The Corner Uniting Church, and has advised on intellectual property and copyright for over 10 years. How do you store words for projection? The first time the words are used, they are typed (or copied off the web) onto a Word document. Our procedure at The Corner Uniting Church, involves adding the document into an individual music folder. The typed songs are also kept in a folder on the computer. As part of this procedure, we determine a “usually sung format” indicating how the song will be sung each time (the order of the verses, chorus, etc.) in order to save confusion on Sunday mornings. At The Corner, we use Zionworx 2014 for our projection and we store each song’s words here once only for future use. For those churches using PowerPoint, ensure your song library/collection is kept in one place. What other records do you keep? We keep each order of service, which details the copyright actions taken. We also maintain a database, which provides details for each song, including information such as the title of the song, where the song is from, licence and copyright information, when the song was first used in a service, the key, the number of times picked, and the name of the person who introduced the song. A spreadsheet with this information is emailed to worship leaders monthly so they know what songs are currently in the database. What should we be aware of with Together in Song? As a musician, I have not played from the Australian Hymn Book for a very long time, although we do feature a fair share of hymns. I now feel almost comfortable stating that the Australian Hymn Book is no longer required; Together in Song has become a wonderful replacement. Both these books,

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together with Sing Alleluia, are published by HarperCollins Australia – at the time of writing this article, they have not given permission to photocopy from these books. Please do not photocopy sections of any of these books under any circumstances. However, words can be projected if licensed or if they have become Public Domain (a definition of “Public Domain” was provided in the October edition). What procedure do you follow at The Corner Uniting Church? Copyright recording is a weekly process, and it tends to the follow this procedure: 1. Obtain the order of service a week prior to it being held (at The Corner, our musicians practice on Monday nights). 2. Identify the new songs to see if they can be used. 3. Log the new songs and any chosen existing songs. 4. If any chosen songs are not listed, obtain direct permission – this may take longer than a week so the song may need to be removed from the service. 5. Enter the song’s lyrics on a Word document so they can be stored, as described earlier in this article. 6. If new, photocopy the music (where licensing permits) and place it in the same folder as the lyrics document. 7. Update the copyright spreadsheet. 8. Put the lyrics in Zionworx. 9. The service is compiled. I will sometimes have to exclude a song, but I will try and get direct permission. What about Public Performance? This is covered by the Australasian Performing Right Association (APRA). There is a general copyright exemption for public performance in worship, but a licence would be required for concerts, carols evenings and similar events. If you are unsure, please consider contacting APRA on (02) 9935 7900. What about YouTube? This website is a copyright nightmare! Many of the images, words and music used are not even owned by the person who has uploaded the video

– copyright breaches are everywhere. If you must use YouTube, particularly songs, it is a good idea to use a video that features the song’s lyrics – that way the lyrics can be logged into your system. However, it is best not to use this site unless you are certain about copyright permissions and licensing. Do you have any other tips? Here is a limited list of some other copyright-related tips: • Copyright Agency Ltd (CAL) does not cover the entire Australian Hymn Book. Songs must be assessed on a song-by-song basis. • The CD that came with Together in Song a few years ago is not a licence to project; songs must be assessed case-by-case. • Under no circumstances should musicians bring personal photocopies to church. • If recording your service, it may be best to record only the message; any recorded music must also be logged. • Again, do not photocopy Together in Song. Musicians must use books. The Melody Line edition is great for guitarists as it has chords. • Do not type full song lyrics in orders of service if songs are being projected. • Nobody seems sure about who wrote “Mary’s Boy Child.” This song could probably be projected as “Copyright Unknown.” Who can I talk to for more information? Please feel free to email me with any questions on This article contains views based on practical experience, and does not constitute legal advice by Trevor Hayley, The Corner Uniting Church, New Times, or any person associated with the Uniting Church in Australia. If you are unsure of copyright requirements under law, please consult a legal professional.


positions vacant

Director of Finance and Property Services

Uniting Church in Australia, Queensland Synod

The Queensland Synod is seeking an active member of the Uniting Church in Australia to fulfill the position of Director of Finance and Property Services. As a member of the church you will have the ability to work within the mission, ethos and policies of the Uniting Church to support the Church in Queensland’s Call and Vision. To be successful in the role of Director of Finance and Property Services, you will have had significant experience in the management of a commercial entity with missional imperatives. Applicants must submit a current resume along with a covering letter (of no more than three pages) addressing their suitability against the selection criteria detailed in the position description, available on the Queensland Synod’s Personnel Services webpage:

Full Time Youth & Young Adults Pastor Westbourne Park Uniting is a vibrant Christian community for all ages with a strong emphasis on Youth & Young Adults ministry. We are seeking a person with passion and vitality to oversee and grow this area as an integral member of our ministry team. Ideally you will have a heart for and interest in young people and their faith issues and journey. A strategic approach to raising and nurturing leaders is highly desirable. This is a full time position. For information about the position please contact the WPUC office by email or phone (08) 8271 7066 Website: Applications should be addressed to Rev. Tony Eldridge. Applications close Friday 21 November 2014

For further information, contact Rev John Cox on 07 3377 9822. Please email your application to Applications close 9 am on 17 November. .au

classifieds Malvern & Unley Uniting Church are looking for a full-time Associate Pastor to join their Ministry Team. Persons who are highly motivated with a strong faith are encouraged to apply. Contact Michelle Ellis at or by mail to Michelle Ellis, 44 Marlborough St Malvern, SA 5061 for Position Description and to submit a CV. Applications close 5pm Monday 24th November, 2014.

NETBALL CHAPLAIN Westbourne Park Uniting Church is seeking an enthusiastic Chaplain to our Netball Club. Currently we have 50 teams operating and we take seriously our church - club relationship. The successful applicant will have proven pastoral and interpersonal skill, ability to coordinate a pastoral team, a love of netball, a lively Christian faith and committed to the ethos of the Uniting Church. This position is for 10 hours per week. For more information about the position please contact the WPUC church office by email or phone (08) 8271 7066 website Applications should be addressed to Rev. Tony Eldridge. Applications close Friday 21 November 2014.

RESTORE your phonographic records or tapes to near original quality & preserve them on CD Restore your faded 35mm slides to bright colour and preserve them on DVD. Ask us about VHS or MiniDV video tape & 8mm film to DVD conversion, SA MEDIAWORKS, Kent Town SA Ph: 8362 2251 SCRAPBOOKING. Calling all card makers and scrapbookers! Regular workshops held in Blackwood and Ascot Park, and new venues required for 2015. 
Contact Fiona Meier, 0424-269-039 or WESTBOURNE PARK UNITING CHURCH CRAFT DISPLAY DAY The Westbourne Park Uniting Church Thursday Craft Group is holding its Annual Display Day on Thursday 30 October from 9.30-2.30 pm, at the Westbourne Park Uniting Church, CNR Sussex Terrace and Monmouth Road, Hawthorn. Devonshire tea will be served at 10 am and a light lunch from 12 noon. Buy your gifts at a variety of stalls and see the beautiful work of those who attend the craft group here throughout the year. Everyone is invited to bring a friend and come and enjoy the day. Entry is a gold coin donation. Enquiries: Jo Lane, Craft Group Co-ordinator: 0427 658 720


diary SA COUNCIL OF CHURCHES GENERAL MEETING – Saturday 15 November, 9am-1pm at St Mary & Anba Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church (18-20 Goldfinch Ave, Cowandilla). All welcome. Please visit for the meeting agenda; RSVPs to be directed to Helen on CENTENARY CELEBRATION. The Dulwich-Rose Park United Parish will celebrate Gartrell Church’s 100 years of worship at a service on Sunday 16 November. All are welcome to come along for all or part of this special day. The celebration will start with worship led by Rev Algis Greb at 10am, followed by refreshments in the church hall. At 1pm an organ performance of classical and contemporary music will be held, along with hymn singing. For catering purposes, please RSVP to or contact Heather on 8331 0274 or 0419 470 500. Minister Rev Adrian Clark can be contacted on 8331 2075. SPRING CONCERT. The Adelaide West Men’s Choir will present a Spring Concert in the Adelaide West Uniting Church Auditorium (312 Sir Donald Bradman Dr, Brooklyn Park) on Sunday 16 November at 2pm. Come and have your spirits lifted with beautiful music by this inspiring choir. This will be their final concert for the year. Assisting the choir will be Raechel Damarell (soprano), Suzi Cousins (alto) and Julie Bray on flute. Tickets are available from the church or at the door – adults $15, concession $12, and children free. Afternoon tea included. RETIREMENT CELEBRATION. West Croydon United Church is holding an open afternoon tea to celebrate many years of faithful service in ministry by Rev Jwee and Tina Teo on the occasion of Jwee’s retirement from full-time ministry. The relaxed function will run from 2-4pm on Sunday 16 November at West Croydon United Church (Rosetta St, West Croydon). All are welcome to attend. For more information, please call 8346 1161 or 0411 248 966, or email GARAGE SALE. The Corner Uniting Church (93 Oaklands Rd, Warradale) will hold a garage sale on Saturday 22 November, 9am1pm. Numerous stalls including cakes, plants, books, clothing, Christmas crafts and gifts, and sausage sizzle. The cafe will be open for coffee and cake. Come along and find some bargains! ADVENT WREATH WORKSHOP will be held again this year at Willunga Uniting Church’s Bethany Hall (corner of St Jude St and St Andrew’s Tce, Willunga) on Saturday 22 November at 1pm. The workshop will also feature refreshments and a door prize, and will cost $25. Places are limited. To book, please contact Jenny on 8556 2758. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. Sandy Creek Uniting Church (162 Williamson Rd, Cockatoo Valley) will hold its 110th anniversary celebration on Sunday 23 November at 10.30am. The guest speaker will be Rev Rob Brown, the Executive Officer of UnitingCare in South Australia. The service will be followed by a luncheon. All welcome. For further information, please contact Leslee on 8524 4086 or 0417 863 325. FAVOURITE HYMN SING will be held at Mt Barker Uniting Church (3 Mann St, Mt Barker) on Sunday 23 November at 2pm. All are invited to a wonderful programme of old hymns with guest artists and music, including pipe organ, piano and brass quintet. Free admission with donations to Christian charities. The event will be followed by afternoon tea. STATE MISSION FELLOWSHIP. Tuesday 25 November, 10.30 am at Scots Church, North Tce, Adelaide. Thanksgiving Day (offerings to National and World Mission Support and Frontier Services), plus speakers from St Andrews by the Sea, Clayton and Woodville Gardens who will talk about their respective op shops. Come early for morning tea and stay for lunch ($5). All welcome. TWILIGHT ADVENT RETREAT. The Australian Christian Meditation Community is holding a Twilight Advent Retreat themed around “Active Waiting.” The retreat will be held from 6-8pm on Tuesday 25 November at St Columba’s Hall (3 Rosevear St, Hawthorn). Free entry, all welcome.

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STRAWBERRY FAIR. It is almost time for the annual Vines Uniting Church Strawberry Fair, (corner of Reynell Rd and Rolton Ave, Woodcroft), which will be held from 5.30pm until dark on Friday 28 November. This has been a traditional community event in the Happy Valley (and now Woodcroft) district for well over 100 years. Along with the usual food, amusement, craft, white elephant, book and produce stalls you’d expect to find at a Christmas fair, Santa will be making his customary appearance for the children. A great evening for all the family! Please note: all stalls have been allocated CENTERNARY SERVICE. Did you attend the old Murray Bridge Methodist Church on Fifth Street? Perhaps you were married or baptised there? Murray Bridge Uniting Church is inviting members of the wider community to celebrate 100 years since the first service was held at the Methodist church in 1915. People who share a history with the church are particularly welcome to attend a special service at Murray Bridge Uniting Church (Narooma Blvd, Murray Bridge) at 9.30am on Sunday 1 February 2015. A pooled lunch will follow. For more information, please contact Ken Wells on 8532 2669 or Graham Edwards on 0428 813 070. CELEBRATING 150 YEARS. Semaphore Uniting (Wesley-Methodist) Church will celebrate 150 years of community in 2015. The congregation would like to contact anyone who has a history with the church or has had family links with the community across any of its three forms. Photos of past events at the church are also being sought. The main anniversary gathering will take place on Sunday 13 September 2015, and will include a service and a picnic on the Semaphore beach lawns. Each month of 2015 has a theme, and the church will hold special services and events to celebrate their long history. The congregation is also seeking information on the exact site of the first gathering held before the Semaphore church building was constructed. For further information about the anniversary celebration and 2015 themes, or to provide information and photos, please contact Helen Staggard via email on To have your upcoming event or message published here, email with ‘Diary’ in the subject line.

letters to the editor

Our unity

Paul Turley laments a disconnect between worship as it is practised in many Uniting Church congregations and current events in the surrounding society and world (New Times, September 2014). A likely reason for this is the fear that the mere reference to such events, and especially those that have political overtones, has the potential to polarise and even split congregations. This is sad, not just because it reduces the local church’s ability to engage with the issues of the day but, more importantly, because of what it says about the fragility of our unity in Christ. It begs the question: which stream runs deeper – our union with and through Christ or our political tribalism? P. Shackleford, Payneham South Send your letters to: or PO Box 2145, Adelaide 5001. Be topical, be brief, be timely. Letters over 150 words will be edited; responses to previous letters /articles will be considered within two months of the original item’s publication only. All letters are published at the editorial team’s discretion.



Celebrating together The date 10 October is significant for the people of Fiji, marking the day the country gained independence from Britain. There is a growing community of Fijian worshippers at Vermont Uniting Church, and this year the congregation decided to celebrate the special occasion with a day dedicated to the people of Fiji. On Sunday 12 October, the congregation invited the local community to share in worship, communion and a traditional Fijian meal. An extended 10am worship service was led by Siti, a Fijian lay preacher. Siti was supported by other Fijian members of the congregation and Rev Angie Griffin, who presided over communion. The service recognised the courage of those who were instrumental in creating change for Fiji as an independent state. Those leading the service also gave thanks to God for their current community, and offered prayer for friends and family members who are still residing in Fiji. The gathering attracted Fijian people from the Christian Mission Fellowship, Assemblies of God and other denominations. A traditional hangi meal was served, along with seafood, Islander curries and local desserts. Later the guests were treated to traditional dance and music.

Worshipping, working and celebrating together in growing relationship at Vermont Uniting Church.

Vermont Uniting Church holds occasional, special Fijian worship services on Sunday afternoons. For more information regarding these special services or regarding Vermont’s regular 10am family service, please contact the Vermont Uniting Church office on 8293 2646.


Honouring, recognising, celebrating Book: Witness the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ Author: Christopher C. Walker Recommended for: people wishing to explore the ministry of Rev Prof Dean Drayton, a recent leader of the Uniting Church in Australia In short: A series of chapters written by church leaders about Dean’s life and ministry, and how his work connects to the theology and ministry of the wider Christian Church. RRP: $29.95 Available from: MediaCom This book is a festschrift. This unusual word with German origins refers to a “celebratory publication” that friends and colleagues from the academic community have collated to honour Rev Prof Dean Drayton, who, among other things, was President of the Uniting Church in Australia from 2003 to 2006. The theme and title of the book, Witness the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, echoes Dean’s presidential theme, which was based on 2 Corinthians 4:6. You may be tempted to simply dip into this book, reading authors or topics that catch your interest. However, Editor Christopher Walker has crafted this book to reward the reader who journeys from cover to cover. We start with understanding the context, are reminded of God’s glory at the centre, and are then invited to participate in God’s mission for reconciliation and renewal. At the outset, Dean’s curriculum vitae provides clues about what has shaped him in his life so far. Each of his presidential addresses highlights key themes of his ministry – the interconnectedness of all of creation, the need to have a public voice, being reconcilers across cultures, the need to share the gospel, and the wonder and joy of transformation through Jesus. “A meddlesome priest” announced the Weekend Australian when reporting on Dean’s retiring address as President of the Uniting Church. In this, I am reminded that we are in a season where the Church has to humbly, and yet fearlessly, renegotiate its place in the public square. We are further introduced to Dean by Kennon Callahan, who speaks of Dean as friend, shepherd, theologian and leader. Christopher Walker picks up Dean's passion for God and God’s mission, framing it in a Christological way. Following on, Bruce Mansfield provides an intriguing map of the historical context for Dean’s ministry. James Haire underlines how social and cultural context impacts on the work of theologians. Clive Pearson describes the discipline of public theology, which is concerned with working for the common good and fostering a civil society. Robin Lovin’s chapter on Niebuhr and Christian realism presents the challenge of what it means today to confront “children of the darkness” without becoming stupid or naïve “children of the light.” Throughout these chapters, Dean is honoured for his courageous

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engagement with political, social and market contexts. The book pauses in the centre, pivoting on John Squire’s reflections on 2 Corinthians 4:6 and 5:17, which recall the glory of God in the whole of created order, and in human beings. After this chapter, the focus of the book turns outward. Jione Havea frames Elijah’s cave encounter with God as a border-crossing experience, between wanting to die and needing to live. Also addressing the idea of crossing boundaries, Myong Duk Yang describes John Brown, who has been involved in both Korean and Australian communities. In these chapters, Dean is honoured for modelling respect when entering the space of others. While focussing mostly on the work of Dean Drayton in relation to their chosen topics, the contributors in the latter half of the book also point to tools to equip readers. William Abraham, a theologian from the United States of America, writes of Athanasius, a fourth century bishop who drew on the renewal movements of his day to strengthen the Church. Anita Munro highlights the importance of lament as a purposeful tool for commissioning ministry. Using language suitable for the wider community, Peter Kaldor reminds readers that, while leadership is important, it is something that we may all give. In these sections, Dean is honoured for taking on the difficult labour of renewal work. Finally, Andrew Dutney’s chapter on the glory of God and the unity of the Church reminds us that we are a “pilgrim people,” called to be passionate about sharing the gospel, and confident that it has the power to heal and transform broken lives and societies. This compelling book honours the ministry of one of the Uniting Church’s most influential recent leaders. Ruth Powell

Rev Dean Drayton has had a long history in the Uniting Church in Australia.



Left: Rev Ian Dow (centre) with the four bishops of the Kiribati Protestant Church. Right: People gathered for worship in Kiribati.

Pen pals in the Pacific Rev Ian Dow, the minister of Naracoorte Uniting Church, recently visited Kiribati, an island nation in the Pacific Ocean. During his time abroad, he spent two weeks on Arorae Island and attended the biannual Assembly of the Kiribati Protestant Church. Speaking to Bindy Taylor upon his return, Ian shares his experience of the culture and people of Kiribati, and outlines several projects Naracoorte Uniting Church is currently undertaking in support of the Kiribati community.

The nation of Kiribati consists of 33 coral islands of which only 21 are inhabited. The smallest island, Arorae, is a mere seven kilometres long and 500 metres wide, and currently has a population of 1,250 people. It is a strong society with equally strong and cohesive leadership. While other Christian denominations have established congregations across Kiribati’s other islands, on Arorae the only church represented is the Kiribati Protestant Church (KPC). Arorae was also the location of the KPC’s most recent biannual assembly. Having established a relationship between Naracoorte Uniting Church and the people of Kiribati in 2011, Rev Ian Dow was invited to attend the KPC Assembly in September this year, representing UnitingWorld and the Uniting Church. Ian was also resourced to undertake important missional activities whilst visiting people in Kiribati. The first of Ian’s activities was to supply the local communities with Bibles, which are difficult to find in I-Kiribati, the language spoken in Kiribati. Typically, Sunday lay preachers are given an I-Kiribatilanguage Bible for just one night in order to prepare each sermon. During his time in the community, Ian was able to distribute 76 Bibles in I-Kiribati, but felt he could easily have given away a further hundred. Secondly, Ian aimed to provide support for the local library on the island of Aurora. Naracoorte Uniting Church has been active in fundraising for this library. Using over 100 metres of contact adhesive covering, Ian provided practical assistance to the library by repairing and covering a large number of vital books and resources. Fundraising and supporting the Aurora library is just one of the ways Naracoorte Uniting Church has connected with Kiribati. The congregation has also contributed financially to a guesthouse


on the island of Tamaroa. This guesthouse is frequented by government employees and is one of the most upmarket accommodation properties on the island due to its Western-style shower and toilet. Maintaining the upkeep of this property has provided significant income to the community. In addition to providing financial assistance, Naracoorte Uniting Church has established a pen pal relationship with people in Kiribati. This helps the locals improve and learn English. Some children have been writing from an early age and have now successfully continued on to high school with dramatic improvements made to their Englishspeaking abilities. On his recent visit, Ian was able to play courier for letters shared between Naracoorte and Kiribati. During the three years Naracoorte has been in partnership with the KPC, many Western influences have crept into the community. The impact of DVD players to the region has been a mixed blessing, bringing Western influences to the nation and also a perception that all Western people are very wealthy. Naracoorte Uniting Church will continue building their relationship with the Kiribati Protestant Church, and some congregational members are keen to visit in 2015. The visiting group plans to assist in the school library and return with more Bibles. The congregation also hopes to work on additional projects and continue its support to the community. These projects will be developed and progressed through prayer, God’s leadership, and partnership with people in Kiribati. For more information about Naracoorte Uniting Church’s Kiribati projects, please contact Rev Ian Dow on 8262 2370 or

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