New Times - April 2006

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April 2006

Issue 25, Number 3 PP 565 001/00190 ISSN 0726-2612

Yes, there’s hope for the church “THERE’S HOPE FOR the future of the church,” U S church consultant, Tom Bandy, said in Adelaide last month. He spoke at meetings of the SA Presbytery and Synod. “It will take a different kind of church and a different kind of leadership,” he said. It calls for a team approach. There will be an extended interview with Tom Bandy in the next issue of “New Times”.

Good news New figures released by the National Church Life Survey show the Uniting Church is succeeding in attracting more people to the faith. The church is also addressing its decline in membership caused mainly by an increasingly ageing membership. See page 3. Tom Bandy at the SA Presbytery and Synod meeting – “The Advertiser” picture

inside… Presbytery and Synod met


NCLS figures and the UC


Faith and the media


UC Invest gives $6.3m


Behind church’s new website


Crisis in Papua


African leader to visit UC


Meet the MRN team


Local fire-fighters and RAAF members competed in a Pancake Tossing Relay Race in Rundle Mall. The air force won the golden frying pan trophy. See page 12.

Please hand out at your church door



New Times

Presbytery, Synod at a glance LEADING US CHURCH consultant, Tom Bandy, led last month’s SA Presbytery and Synod gathering in a number of thought-provoking sessions. Each of these sessions are available on DVD for $30 per copy. Copies are available from Heather Bald, 8236 4243. Tom’s books can also be purchased through the Resource Centre – take a look next time you’re in the Synod office. • There will be an interview with Tom in the next issue of New Times.

Mission and Service In spite of a reduction in the “ask” for Mission and Service Fund (MSF) contributions from 12 per cent to 5 per cent of congregational income, the Synod is facing a considerable

shortfall in MSF contributions. The meeting recognized that the assumptions used when setting the budget mean that the target figure was too high. But there is still an issue about why some congregations are not meeting their mandatory contributions. The Synod decided to: REQUIRE all congregations and faith communities to provide preliminary 2005 financial statements to the Presbytery and Synod Office by April 30, 2006, and audited statements by June 30, 2006. (Congregations that are linked together financially can provide a linked statement). REQUEST the Standing Committee to present strategies and options to deal with the issues related to the shortfall in Mission and Service Fund contributions

Fixed Fixed Term Investments

Andrew Clarke, left, and Dr Robert Deng, chairperson of the SA Sudanese Community Association, launched a new Uniting Church SA appeal to support refugees at the SA Presbytery and Synod meeting. They are pictured with UC Invest manager, Paul Barnett. from congregations to the August 2006 meeting. DETERMINE that all existing grant commitments and the decisions of the Grants Committee in relation to the March 2006 Uniting Foundation grant round be honoured. DETERMINE that, in the light of the financial issues facing the church, the July 2006 Uniting Foundation grant round be cancelled. DETERMINE that the November 2006 Uniting Foundation grant round and the 2007 gift funding process be suspended until the August 2006 Presbytery and Synod meeting has dealt with the Standing Committee report on the Mission and Service Fund shortfall. REQUEST the Standing Committee to communicate with all congregations the positive new possibilities of the new structures, mission planning, and the heightened missional possibilities coming from the experience of incarnation and apostolic mission.

Refugees fund

3 years 2 years 1 year 9 months 6 months

6.00% p.a. 5.85% p.a. 5.75% p.a. 6.00% p.a.* 5.50% p.a.

Money Manager 5.00% p.a. School Saver 5.25% p.a.

* Special promotional rate, available on new money only until 1 May 2006. Minimum investment $500.

UC Invest Uniting Church SA Level 2, 212 Pirie Street, Adelaide Telephone (08) 8236 4220 Facsimile (08) 8236 4280

APRIL 2006

Andrew Clarke launched a new Uniting Church SA appeal to support refugees. The Refugee Support Fund will help those who have been granted refugee status and entry permits to Australia - but have no financial means of getting here. In its first year, the Fund aims to raise money to support Sudanese refugees. Robert Deng, Chair of the Sudanese Community Association in Adelaide, called on the church for support. He said, “You might think you are just buying a ticket – but you don’t just help one person. We live in a society where we help each other.

Those who are here now live on meagre resources so that they might help those of their loved ones who have been left behind.” UC Invest gave the appeal a generous kick-start. It offered to match donations received to the total of $50,000. Every church was challenged to see how they can support the appeal. If you would like to arrange a guest speaker to attend a worship service or other gathering at your church please contact Andrew Clarke on 0429 190 007 or email Copies of the appeal brochure are in the March issue of New Times or you can download a copy via the Synod website.

Covenanting Andrew Clarke and Dean Whittaker spoke about the many ways that our Synod and congregations have embraced a commitment to covenanting. They commended the church to stand in solidarity with the Congress – and particularly the congregations at Port Augusta and Salisbury.

The Presbytery: ENCOURAGED congregations to display an acknowledgement of the traditional custodians of the land on which their buildings stand, together with the covenanting symbols. ENCOURAGED congregations to take initiatives to deepen their relationships with local indigenous people and with the Congress in particular. COMMENDED congregations to asset and property sharing with the Congress. ENCOURAGED congregations to work with the newly appointed covenanting coordinator to discover concrete ways they can support the work of the Congress, its existing congregations (Salisbury and Port Augusta) and its developing work in other major centres around the Presbytery.

Book launched “Tending the seed” – a new six-week study that encourages deeper understanding of God’s love and affirmation – was launched during the meeting. The book’s subtitle is “Nurture your God-given potential”. The study aims to help people to go deeper and wider in their listening and responding to God. It was written by Ann Siddall and Gary Stuckey and is available for $19.95 from Mediacom.

PSMN report Ian Price highlighted some of the content of the PSMN (Presbytery Synod Mission Network) written report. He congratulated networks on their work so far. Continued page11


New Times


UC improves in mission, evangelism Gavin Melvin NEW FIGURES released by the National Church Life Survey show the Uniting Church is succeeding in attracting more people to the faith and in addressing its decline in membership caused mainly by an increasingly ageing membership. The NCLS Occasional Paper 8 – Inflow and Outflow Between Denominations: 1991 to 2001 compares the percentages of people switching between the major Christian denominations in the 1991-1996 and the 1996-2001 periods. It also shows the numbers of newcomers in each denomination as well as the percentage of people who leave the Christian faith altogether from each denomination. While across the Protestant churches in Australia the total number of attenders grew by 1 per cent from 1996-2001, attendance in the Uniting Church declined by 11 per cent. However, this figure is lower than for the previous survey period (12 per cent) and comes during a time when 12 per cent of Uniting Church attenders died – a record high. Assembly General Secretary, Rev Terence Corkin, said the recent survey showed that despite having almost twice the Protestant average in outflow due to death, the Uniting Church was succeeding in attracting more people to the faith, which meant that the recent decline in attendance was being slowed. From 1991-1996, 5 per cent of Uniting Church attenders were newcomers and that figure grew to 7 per cent from 1996-2001. At the same time the number of people leaving the Uniting Church and then not

attending any other church dropped from 10 per cent to 7 per cent. “This shows the Uniting Church is succeeding in its evangelistic work in attracting more newcomers than ever before to the faith,” Terence said. “While there is a lot more to be done, clearly we are on the road to better sharing our faith and helping others to come to faith. “We should also be very encouraged by the reduction in the number of people leaving the church altogether from our church. “It shows us that the Uniting Church is increasingly becoming a place where people can journey and grow in their faith and feel comfortable doing so.” The survey is also a stark reminder that “church shopping” is now very clearly part of the Protestant Christian tradition in Australia. In the Uniting Church the number of people leaving the Uniting Church for other denominations has not changed between 1991 and 2001 and remained stable at 10 per cent. At the same time the number of people coming to the Uniting Church from other denominations also remained stable at 8 per cent. This compares very favourably with the switch out rates of the Presbyterian, Baptist and Churches of Christ, which run at 18 per cent. “Across all the Protestant denominations the survey shows a significant percentage of people switching in and out of the various churches,” Terence said. “This happens for a whole range of reasons but in the Uniting Church the switch out figure is stable – meaning

A quote from the NCLS report “The proportion of people who switched out, leaving the Uniting Church for other churches did not change (10 per cent),” the National Church Life Survey report said. “These mainstream churches have much lower switching flows, both in and out, when compared with other Protestant denominations. “While there is a small net loss through switching, the fact that the pattern has remained the same will be of interest to those concerned about the effect of debates about sexuality within the Uniting Church across the survey periods. While some people and congregations did leave between 1996 and 2001, from the perspective of this model, there is no identifiable negative effect. However, such issues remain a source of controversy and the updated flows resulting from the 2006 NCLS will shed more light on their overall effect.

“It is the high mortality rate and the low levels of young adults that actually have a greater impact on the net attendance change for the Uniting Church. A critical challenge that remains for the Uniting Church. With the oldest age profile of all Protestant denominations, the estimate of loss through death is the highest of any denominations. The absence of adults with young children also leads to a corresponding lack of young people growing up in the church. “The Uniting Church can be encouraged by the increase in the level of newcomers from 5 per cent to 7 per cent for each survey period. There has also been a decrease in the level of drift outs from 10 per cent to 7 per cent. This means that the Uniting Church has improved from a position of losing more people through the back door than arrive through the front door to a neutral position.” The full report is on the Uniting Church SA website.

there is no evidence there has been an increase in people leaving the church in the period 1996 to 2001 compared to less contentious times. “In terms of the various claims being made about the numbers of people leaving the Uniting Church, what these NCLS figures show is, despite there being a diversity of reasons why people switch out of the denomination, compared to 1991 there are no more or no less people leaving the Uniting Church.” • Gavin Melvin is media and communications manager for the Uniting Church national Assembly

APRIL 2006



The media: the modern day marketplace Michael Chant

ACCORDING TO some observers, the media is the modern day marketplace. The Bible encourages Christians to share our faith in the modern day marketplace, and in recent years, Adelaide Christians have been doing just that. Churches seized the opportunity presented by “The Passion of the Christ” in 2004, with more group cinema bookings than almost any other movie in Australia’s history. The church went out of church buildings and into cinema complexes right around the country. And, over 200,000 copies of a speciallyprepared Gospel of Mark were given away. More recently, nearly half the churches of Adelaide used the “Jesus. All About Life” campaign to

encourage quiet Christians to share their faith. Churches bought 11,000 copies of the response book, which included the Gospel of Luke, to give away, many of them produced their own postcards which advertised the campaign on one side and on the other side an invitation to a JAAL event at their church. 250,000 of these were given out during the campaign, and over 75,000 people attended a JAAL event which was run by a local church. Following on from these events, last Christmas, C S Lewis’ timeless classic, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” was released on the big screen and again, churches and families flocked to the cinema. In fact, according to one city cinema, it was the most popular film of the

holiday season. Later this year, the DVD will be released in Australia, and a sequel, Prince Caspian, should follow in 2007. Don’t let these opportunities pass you by. The Bible Society’s strategy of making the Bible available and accessible in Australia and overseas has enabled it to develop and supply resources for all of these events. “The Wonderful World of C S Lewis’ Narnia” is a five part Bible study guide for adults and teenagers written by Linda and Robert Banks and based on”’The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”. It helps people understand and creatively use The Chronicles of Narnia and is a study series with strong biblical scholarship, in-depth questions and practical application.

“Walking with Giants” is a small leaflet that tells the story of a late night walk in Oxford during which J R R Tolkien encouraged CS Lewis to consider the truth of Christian faith. The Narnia films, on DVD and as they are released into the cinema, will continue to provide great opportunities for Christians to explain the relevance of the Bible story to a new generation of enquirers. If you would like copies of any of these resources, contact the Bible Society on 8223 3833. • Michael Chant is executive director, Bible Society SA.

is seeking to appoint a

Children’s Pastor The position is being offered up to 32 hours per week. Hope Valley Uniting is looking for a Children’s Pastor to lead and develop its dynamic and growing Children’s Ministry. Ministry Description and Person Specification are available from the church office: 1263 Grand Junction Road, Hope Valley 5090. Telephone: (08) 8396 0788 Email:

Applications close 28 April 2006

Aslan from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

WILLS AND BEQUESTS – A WILL TO CARE Everyone should have a Will. A Will ensures that those you love are taken care of in the way you would like. A Will protects your family and friends from unnecessary conflict and expensive legal complications when you die. If you do not have a Will your belongings will be distributed according to State Laws and this may not be what you wish. You might like to include a gift to a charitable organisation in your Will. If you leave a bequest for UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide Inc. you give the gift of a lifetime and a lasting, caring memorial gift. 100% of your bequest will go to those less fortunate and would be used to care for: • People with a mental health disability. • Frail aged people. • Homeless youth. • Families in crisis. • Unemployed people. • People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds … and so many more. When making your Will, you may wish to specify the area of care to be supported by your bequest. For example, you might choose to support those with a mental health disability or people in aged care. UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide relies on community support in donations and bequests to help continue the care provided to more than 18,000 people each year. A bequest can be made in a number of different ways: • A specific bequest, where either a specific amount of money or property is gifted. • A percentage bequest, where a percentage of your

APRIL 2006

estate is gifted to a number of beneficiaries. • A residual bequest, where you give to charity what is left after all other gifts have been made. • A life interest bequest where you leave property to a person for use during their lifetime and the property is donated to another entity such as UnitingCare Wesley on their death. If you have already made a Will and would like to leave a bequest to UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide, you may wish to add a codicil to your existing Will. When making a Will or adding a codicil, it is wise to have a professional do this to ensure that the wording is correct. UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide has a list of solicitors who have agreed to write a Will, or make changes, free of charge or at a reduced fee for those including UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide Inc. as a beneficiary. For detailed information about making a Will and the wording needed to include UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide Inc, phone Annette Atwell on 8440 2254 or log onto and go to the Donations and Bequests page.


New Times

UC Invest’s customers give $6.3m UC INVEST has recorded another solid financial year, allowing it to give $6.3 million to support the Uniting Church’s work. A further $3.3 million has been added to UC Invest’s reserves, boosting them to $18.8 million. UC Invest manager, Paul Barnett, said the $9.6 million surplus recorded in 2005 was exceptionally pleasing. “At the end of last year we had a total of $234 million under management, which invested in shares, property and other sectors, enabled us to generate a great return for the church,” Paul said. “One of the most exciting initiatives we will be supporting is the Uniting Church SA’s newly launched Refugee Support Fund (see page 2). “UC Invest will match dollar for dollar donations made by local churches into the Fund, up to $50,000.” The Fund will provide financial assistance to help with travel expenses for refugees wishing to re-establish their lives in South Australia. “The largest portion of our surplus ($2.4m) will go into the Church Loan Fund to assist congregations financing substantial building projects during the next couple of years,” Paul said. A further $2m will be distributed to the Uniting Foundation and $1.1 million to the Mission and Service Fund. In addition $700,000 has been set aside for congregational Gift Funding in 2007. “UC Invest’s 2,000 plus investors are making an incredible difference to our church’s mission and ministry, as well as also earning a great return for themselves,” Paul said. “We are extremely grateful for the strong commitment of our investors and their firm belief in our mission.”

Almost $10,000 for new fund

Just over a week after the launch of the new Refugee Support Fund, $9330 has been donated – enough to bring six relatives of refugees to Australia.

Crisis in Papua A THEOLOGICAL student was among students shot during the recent crisis at Cendrawasih University in Abepura, Papua. The “I.S.Kinje” Theological Seminary is next to the university campus. Rev John Barr, executive secretary of the Uniting Church national Assembly’s Uniting International Mission, said the situation in Papua is critical. He emailed a report to “New Times” just before we went to the printer. John, who recently returned from visiting Papua, has been in close contact with Papuan church leaders since he got back. John described one phone call from a Papuan friend in the theological college. “My colleague called me because he was very concerned about the demonstration that had taken place that involved the killing of police officers together with gunfire coming from the BRIMOB (Indonesian Mobile Police Brigade),” he said. “I was informed this gunfire was aimed towards the crowd and people were in great danger as the gunfire intensified.

“Approximately half an hour later my colleague called again. I could hear the gunfire clearly over the phone. It was intense and people were screaming. We could only speak for a short time before my colleague had to run for protection. “Given the current circumstances in Papua, the likelihood for further violent reactions in the local community is a distinct possibility. “Papuans believe they have their backs to wall. Many want to hold on to and defend what they believe is all they have left. “Security forces are reacting with undue and unnecessary force. Random violence against local people is common and there is now considerable concern over the plight of those detained. “Church and community leaders do not want a further increase in the numbers of security forces operating in Papua.”


Net assetts

Chimo designers, Andy Chronis, left, and Sparky Jones, right, with Uniting Church SA webmaster, Steve Davis.

Design masterminds at work BEHIND THE scenes of the new Uniting Church SA website, is a dynamic, proprietary Content Management System Unity™ created by Adelaide company, Chimo. Unity™ is a web-based content management console and workflow system that allows people of all abilities to update online content from anywhere. This makes it easier for a wider circle of Uniting Church members and staff to update and take responsibility for web pages. Uniting Church SA webmaster, Steve Davis,

has worked on websites for a decade. “The support received from Chimo staff and directors was phenomenal,” he said. “Their attention to detail, ability to tailor solutions to our unique needs – and the patience of Job, which they displayed throughout the process – explains why Chimo has succeeded in winning the trust of local government, big business, and community organisations like us.” Chimo can be contacted on 08 8407 7100 or

• The full text of John Barr’s email is on the Uniting Church SA website. APRIL 2006



New Times

African church leader at Assembly ONE OF AFRICA’S best know church leaders, Rev Dr Mvume Dandala, will visit Australia for the Uniting Church’s national Assembly in Brisbane in July. Visitors and members of the 11th Assembly can look forward to an exciting Bible Study programme headed by one of Africa’s most gifted evangelistic preachers, Rev Dr Mvume Dandala. Assembly will be in Brisbane from July 5 to 12. Mvume Dandala is a South African Methodist, who served as the presiding bishop of the Methodist Church in Southern Africa during and after the apartheid era. He promises to bring a fresh take on the Assembly Theme, “God’s Word, God’s World”. Uniting Church President Elect, Rev Gregor Henderson, said that, although exact details of the Assembly Bible Studies were still a well-guarded secret, Rev Dandala’s studies would draw heavily on his passion for mission, evangelism and social justice and human need. “Mvume is the general secretary of the All African Council of Churches – an ecumenical fellowship formed in 1963 to represent more than 120 million Christians from 133 churches in 39 African countries,” Gregor said. “His leadership experience in dealing with issues of injustice and human need in Africa and his passion for evangelism will ensure some very inspiring studies and reflections on our Assembly theme, ‘God’s Word, God’s

World’. Mvume is leading the AACC in implementing its mission, “Called to work together for life, justice, truth and peace”. Through the AACC he’s leading the battle against HIV/AIDS on behalf of the millions who suffer and the thousands of children who have been orphaned. “‘Living positively’ is a training programme facilitated by the All Africa Conference of Churches which enables congregations to set up local support programs for AIDS sufferers. “He is also deeply committed to the world ecumenical and mission movements and is really excited about helping members of the Uniting Church to unpack and explore the missional nature of our Assembly theme.” Mvume Dandala has long been involved in the World Methodist Council (WMC). At one stage he was the African on the WMC´s big World Evangelism programs. “In the WCC, he’s regarded as being in the vanguard of the new African world leadership of the ecumenical movement and of the church worldwide,” Gregor said. Full details of the Bible Study programme for the 11th Assembly – and the visitors’ program – will be available on the Assembly website soon Enquiries about the visitors’ program should be directed to Noel Adsett, phone (07) 3353 1161, via email

Artwork ©Copyright Edi Leane

Rev Dr Mvume Dandala


To advertise in New Times: Contact Russell Baker phone 8361 6822, fax 8361 6833, email

APRIL 2006

New Times



Walking the extra mile THE UNITING CHURCH SA is getting serious about fulfilling the promises made in the Covenant signed 12 years ago between the Uniting Church and the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC). The Uniting Church SA has just appointed a half-time covenanting coordinator to raise awareness about covenanting issues. Peter Russell is a retired educator and former school principal with close ties to Congress. After serving six years as principal of Pipalyatjara Anangu School in the APY Lands and also living for a spell in Port Augusta he is a well accepted and respected associate member of the UAICC. “My wife and I arrived in Port Augusta at the same time as Hohaia and Dawn Matthews,” Peter said. “In the next two years the Congress ministry exploded. It was the most amazing experience of seeing the church grow exponentially.” Peter describes his new covenanting coordinator role as a blank sheet of paper and says he will be feeling his way. “The agenda is still under construction,” he said. “I need to talk to the UAICC and find out what their current issues, aims and objectives are.” However, he believes his role will involve developing links between local congregations and Congress and asking people to rise to the challenge of covenanting and make good on past promises. “We need to make reconciliation a practical expression of our covenant and encourage real support for the Congress ministry,” Peter said. “While the Uniting Church SA has done much in terms of transferring assets and ensuring on-going financial support for Congress, covenanting involves more than money and assets. It’s about developing relationships and friendships and forging links. Aboriginal people are despondent and alone and feel they have no support. They aren’t crying out for sympathy or compassion, but for practical, tangible, realistic things. It’s about paying the rent.” Peter is a member of Pilgrim Uniting Church, where he serves on church council and also on the mission, property and public relations committees. He’s also a keen website developer. He has recently built sites for Pilgrim Uniting Church, the Urban Mission Network and several school sites. As well as being passionate about Indigenous issues, Peter enjoys historical novels, as well as science fiction books and television programs.

Peter Russell – he has close ties with the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress.

His home is a caravan DON’T BE surprised if you discover Rev Eric Kirkham touring around the South East in his caravan. But don’t be misled. While he may appear to be on holiday, Eric is actually busy developing a whole new model of rural ministry. Eric is one of three new rural mission planners to be employed by the Presbytery and Synod of South Australia. Along with Revs Dean Meatheringham and Malcolm Wilson, Eric is helping to encourage and resource rural congregations which are without ordained ministers. Eric is responsible for the South East, Dean for the Mid North and the Eyre Peninsula and Malcolm for the Yorke Peninsula and part of the Riverland. However Eric is the only one of the three who will be providing lay ministry and mission support from a caravan. “It’s a totally mobile ministry,” Eric said. “I’m equipped with a laptop, printer, copier, scanner and mobile phone and will go wherever I’m needed. I’ll be living and working within the communities that call me and may stay in one place for up to a month at a time.” Eric has already made contact with most of the churches in the South East and has initial requests to assist congregations in Meningie, Millicent and Padthaway. “I won’t be telling them how to conduct their ministries, but will help them tune in to where God wants them to be,” he said. “My role is supportive, rather than directive. We’re really challenging lay ministry teams to be tent-maker ministers. We aren’t asking them to maintain the institution, but we are asking them to maintain the faith.” Eric knows the job won’t be easy and likens it to pinning jelly to a wall. “However,” he freely admits, “the days when we had an ordained minister in every community have been consigned to history.” Since starting ministry studies at Parkin Wesley College and Flinders University as one of the first groups of Uniting Church trained ministers in 1978, Eric has worked in Spalding, Kimba, and rural England and has just finished a ten year placement at Woodville UC. He’s well versed in rural issues. He grew up in Yeelanna and Cummins and also working for a time as a share farmer.

Rev Eric Kirkham – he’s developing a whole new model of rural ministry.

Meet the MRN team THE MISSION Resourcing Network exists to resource congregations and the Presbytery and Synod of South Australia. Through a broad based network of congregations offering specialty ministries and a team of consultants, the MRN helps with congregational life, mission planning and new initiatives, resourcing the Uniting Church in South Australia. Rev Dr Ian Price, team leader: Ian as been in ministry for 29 years and has a passion for education and resourcing, as well as teaching and preaching. Heather Bald, administrative officer: Heather has extensive knowledge of the Uniting Church and administrative skills. Managing the resource centre and networking are key roles. Rev Rob Stoner, mission planner: Rob heads up the rural mission planner team. He has a particular insight into rural issues and is concerned to identify new ways of being effective churches. Louise Johnson, mission planner, web site, and Uniting Foundation grants officer: Louise shares her time within these areas. She has a heart for encouraging people realise their hopes and dreams, and a background in education and counselling. Lyn Leane and Rev John Minchin: They share the International Mission Office desk. Both are responsible for the Uniting Church SA relationship with our four partner churches and resourcing congregations for mission in SA. Sandy Boyce, People in Mission coordinator: Sandy and her staff organise short term mission exposure trips, as well as training to ensure those participating are briefed before going away, and debriefed on returning. Ernest Sorensen, fulltime mission planner with youth: Ernest been involved with youth ministry for more than 15 years in congregations, the community and schools, as chaplain. He is available to support all congregations, both urban and rural. Heidi Harding, half-time mission planner with children: Heidi is presently part-time with KCO. She is a teacher and brings expertise in curriculum. Heidi assumes this position on April 10. Continued page 11

Some of the MRN team pictured at Nunyara are, from left, back row, Ernest Sorenson, Louise Johnson, Lyn Leane, Heather Bald, Sandy Boyce and John Minchin; front row, Eric Kirkham, Rob Stoner, Deane Meatheringham, Kate Tretheway, Ian Price, Heidi-Jane Harding, Peter Russell and Malcolm Wilson. APRIL 2006



MARRIAGE Growing Together in Marriage is a weekend retreat programme, endorsed by the Uniting Church, for the enrichment of marriages. Down-to-earth sharing of experiences by the leader couples creates an atmosphere which encourages participants to express more freely their love to their partner and to address the ‘frictional’ issues with more confidence, honesty and mutual understanding. Taking “time out” in peaceful

New Times surroundings, free from distractions and covered by prayer, couples can communicate on a deeper level than normally in the privacy of their own room. This gives opportunity for the Holy Spirit to take them a step further on their journey of “becoming one”, by enabling forgiveness, healing, and change. This year’s programme began with a weekend at Lyndoch.. Other weekends are scheduled for Camelot Castle, Basket Range; Largs Pier Hotel; Nunyara, Belair; Lacepede Bay Motel, Kingston, SE. For details contact us (8331 7061) and/or visit the website Rob and Lee Allen Magill

NUNYARA We at Nunyara are excited about the revitalised resourcing of mission in the Uniting Church in South Australia. With all the ensuing planning events and programs, we would like to remind the church that we are part of the UCA, and support their mission and ministry. We have much to offer – great food, fabulous gardens, lots of room, up-to-date technology and a glass-walled chapel among the trees. Nunyara is an Indigenous Australian word meaning place of healing: it reflects the nature of the centre and surrounds. We have 3-4 share bedrooms with individual showers,

About your letters Please keep your letters short — about 150 words is ideal. Longer letters will be cut or rejected. You’re welcome to email letters to or they can be posted to us at GPO Box 2145, Adelaide 5001

sleeping up to 69 in the main building (113 using the whole site), and self-contained units sleeping 1-6 people. We offer a 10 per cent discount for UCA bookings. We invite your readers to come home to Nunyara.

Ann Stewart Nunyara Conference Centre.

A JUSTICE ISSUE Psalm 139 v13, “For you created my innermost being; you knit me together in my Mother’s womb,” v15, “My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place”. NIV Bible. Why are we as Christians so complacent? Abortion is one thing but a pill (RU486) that causes a miscarriage! Isn’t this a social justice issue to the church for the unborn? Pam Webster Ascot Park CROSS-CULTURAL The National Consultation on Cross-cultural Ministry takes place from 19-21 May in Geelong. It will give considerable attention to building relationships with Indigenous and Migrant communities. A key focus of the consultation is listening and learning from Indigenous spirituality. We affirm the unique place of Indigenous people in God’s creative plan for Australia and the importance of building

APRIL 2006

respectful relationships across the life of our church and nation. Registrations for the consultation will be done online. Visit the Multicultural and Cross-cultural ministry website ( and follow the links. We pray that this consultation will be an enriching and significant time as we develop our vision for the future of our church. May we hear God’s word and discern God’s will for our living in this land and in God’s world. (Rev) Helen Richmond National Director Assembly Multicultural and Cross-cultural ministry


New Times

Standing in solidarity UNITING CHURCH SA International Mission officers Lyn Leane and John Minchin have attended the Assembly meeting of the Evangelical Christian Church in Papua, one of our Presbytery and Synod’s significant partner churches. Lyn carried a letter of greeting from SA Moderator Rev Graham Vawser as well as a wooden bowl and a platter crafted by a notable local woodturner. Lyn said the big issues discussed at the 15th national Assembly of the GKI concerned future leadership, the stance of the church towards the rest of Indonesia and advocacy in the international community. She said it was important that the Uniting Church was present to show our solidarity and friendship.

Peter’s new position

Lyn Leane and Graham Vawser with gifts for the Evangelical Christian Church in Papua – a bowl made from 700 year old Western Myall, and a River Red Gum platter, crafted by local wood turner Ron Allen.

Glencoe Uniting Church to celebrate centenary GLENCOE UCA will celebrate its centenary this year. The foundation stone for the church was laid on March 2, 1906 and the first worship service was held on May 27, 1906. What an outstanding achievement – to build a complete church in two and a half months. The celebrations will include an information and social gathering on Saturday, May 27, in the church hall, at 7pm. On Sunday, May 28, at 10am there will be a celebration service including Holy Communion which will be led by Rev Ashley Davis. Ashley, so far as we know, is the only local resident to


candidate for ministry from Glencoe. There will be a luncheon following this service. If you plan to attend these functions please let us know for catering purposes. Limited billeting is also available on request. We encourage you to bring photographs and other memorabilia and would be interested in reproducing any old photos or memorabilia sent to us prior to the celebrations. Please write to us at Glencoe Uniting Church, PO Box 135, Glencoe SA 5291, or phone Chairperson, Wendy Agnew on 8739 4287 or Secretary Lorraine Frost on 8724 8476. – Lorraine Frost

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Retreats in the Alice A RECENTLY established lay Christian community near Alice Springs will host several spiritual retreats in the coming months. One will include Australian singer, songwriter and educator Trish Watts. “Campfire in the Heart”, a five acre property, seven kilometres from the centre of Alice Springs, offers accommodation and retreats for individuals and small groups. “Campfire in the Heart” will host a “Spirit and Story Retreat” with Trish Watts from July 7 to 9. For more information email .au or phone 08 8952 6607. – David Woods

REV PETER MCDONALD has been Minister of UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide since January. Peter’s main objectives include: ACTING as an advocate and spokesperson. SEEKING out new partnerships. ENSURING that the organisation’s direction remains consistent with its values and the values of the Uniting Church “We are delighted to have Peter join our organisation,” said UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide CEO, Sue Park. “His enthusiasm and passion for justice will be a considerable addition to our team’s strengths.” Peter joins UnitingCare at a time of continuing social change where new responses to emerging issues are needed. He is concerned about mental health issues and how they, and relationship breakdown, contribute to poverty for individuals, families and communities. Peter also believes social isolation is a huge issue in contemporary western societies. “I am amazed that 37 per cent of South Australians report experiencing ‘moderate’ to ‘very

high’ levels of psychological distress, an indicator of poor mental health and, I suspect, isolation,” Peter said. “It has hit me how important church communities are in providing an inclusive place. “Agencies like the UnitingCare Wesley partners are also able to organise programs and volunteers for some disadvantaged individuals, as a further expression of our Christian values. “I believe the church and its agencies need to understand social isolation and build responses that bring people together.” Peter is also concerned about the well-being of Indigenous people and mental health issues. “I’ve been given some disturbing statistics since joining UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide,” he said. “For example nearly half of all prison terms for Indigenous people in SA are for five years or more, compared to a rate of 30 per cent for the rest of Australia. “Surely there are better ways of working with Aboriginal people than locking them up for extended periods of time.” – Mark Henley

Trip to Cairns planned FUNDRAISING trips to Cairns for Third World projects were set up by Catholic Mission in 2003 and 2004. Organiser, Brother Trevor Dean, coordinates the Christmas Bowl Badge Day. Given the success of the Cairns trips he arranged one last year for supporters of Christmas Bowl. It brought in over $2000. This year a joint Christmas Bowl/Catholic Mission

sponsored trip is planned. Those booking with SA Council of Churches (SACC) will have their share of profits allocated to Christmas Bowl. Information sessions will be on April 6, at 10.30am, Torrens Building , SACC 220 Victoria Square (corner of. Wakefield Street and Victoria Square); and March 30, Catholic Diocesan Centre, 39 Wakefield Street. Phone Julie 8221 6633 or Trevor on 8210 8108.


Organ Scholarship


Adelaide West Uniting Church

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This vibrant church is delighted to launch a scholarship for one year of professional pipe organ tuition valued at approximately $2,500.

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Applicants will be accomplished pianists and committed to music in the Christian Church.

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Young people are particularly encouraged to apply.

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The successful scholar will be required to play for services on the pipe organ at Adelaide West Uniting Church on a monthly basis for one year after being trained to do so. kd^XZ ba&$k&

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This scholarship has been made possible through the generosity of the Friends of the Perry Memorial Pipe Organ. An application form containing the privileges and obligations of this scholarship can be obtained from the Church office by email or post. Applications close 28/04/2006. 312 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Brooklyn Park SA 5032 Ph 8234 1199 (am only) or Fax 8234 7799 email:

APRIL 2006



New Times (Uniting Church Adult Fellowship) national committee will also be commissioned.

About this column: Notices for this column should be brief. To submit your Uniting Church event and to view the synod online calendar, visit Indoor Labyrinth: Church of the Trinity, 318 Goodwood Road, Clarence Park offers an Indoor Labyrinth which is open on the first Wednesday of each month throughout the year, from 2pm to 3.30pm and 7pm to 8.30pm. During Lent (to April 12) the labyrinth is open every Wednesday. Enquiries to Rev Anne Hewitt, phone 8277 9833 or Jenny Slape, phone 0439 663 308. Celebrate with Frontier Services 2006: Have you planned your Frontier Services celebration? The 2006 Order of Service will be available soon. Senior staff from the national office are available for worship or other gatherings on Sunday, May 7, or the evening of May 6. For further information contact the Frontier Services office, phone 8236 4231 or email frontier@ Australian Church Women: Coming events include: • A unit meeting on May 12, 10am at the Pilgrim Church Centre Hall, with speaker Geoff Lockyer, CEO, Overseas Pharmaceutical Aid for Life.

• Fellowship Day service, Winifred Kiek Scholarship, on July 14, at 10am at Pilgrim Centre. • The World Community Day service on October 25, at 10am, at St Francis Xavier Cathedral Hall. • The annual general meeting and dedication service on November 10, at 10am, at Pilgrim Centre. For more information contact Margaret Greenslade, phone 8336 1821. UCAF dinner: You are invited to join national UCAF (Uniting Church Adult Fellowship) leaders at a dinner at Adelaide West UC on Thursday May 25, at 6pm for 6.30 pm start, cost, $20. Guest speaker will be Assembly General Secretary, Rev Terence Corkin. Tickets available from Joan Kelley, email jkelley@ or Betty Omond, email UCAF commissioning: You are also invited to Wesley Church, Kent Town at 10am on Sunday May 28. Preacher will be Assembly President, Rev. Dr. Dean Drayton. The new UCAF

Convention: The 25th World’s Christian Endeavour Convention will be held in Budapest, Hungary, from July 13 to 16. Hungary and Romania are combining to organise this convention at the Szent Istvan University in Godollo. Registration cost is 53 Euro, due by May 1. Registration forms and further details from Joyce Spicer, 76a Carlisle Street, Shoalwater Bay, WA 6169 or email Centenary celebrations: Lameroo Uniting Church will celebrate its 100th anniversary on Sunday August 27, with a special worship service. For details phone 08 8576 3045. SAYCO 2006: SAYCO (SA Youth Camp Out) will be held from September 8 to 10, 2006, at Oakbank Area School with the fantastically funny Julian (“Jools”) Hamilton (from Ireland), returning for another year! Theme is “Unique”. For more information contact the Uniting Church SA Events Office, phone 8227 0822 or email Pleasant Sunday Afternoon: Kalangadoo Uniting Church, (formerly Methodist), celebrates its centenary this year. A “Pleasant Sunday Afternoon” will be held on October 1. Contact the church for an invitation and further information.

Bethany Home: An opportunity to join a short term exposure trip to Bethany Home in Thailand is being offered in October. Peter and Wendy Flahive will lead the trip and participants will be involved in daily life at the home. Contact Sandy Boyce, People in Mission coordinator, phone 8236 4240 or email sandy@ for a brochure. Bus Driver wanted: The UAICC (Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress) at Salisbury needs bus drivers to transport people to and from church on Sundays. Driver must have either a standard car licence or a bus licence. For more information contact Dean Whittaker phone, 8281 1614 or 0409 090 824 or email Almost Organic: Part of the proceeds from the sale of produce from fruit growers from Waikerie Uniting Church goes to medical projects on Numfor Island, Papua, Indonesia. The following can be ordered this month: fresh oranges, dried apricots, dried peaches, fresh pumpkin, honey, chocolate coated apricots, peaches, prunes, liquorice, ginger, pistachios (dried and unsalted), persimmons, medium hot chillis and chocolate oranges. Order forms available online at www. Full details on the Uniting Church online calendar, click on “What’s On”.

Churches celebrate Easter on air

Level 2, 212 Pirie Street, Adelaide. GPO Box 2145 Adelaide SA 5001 Phone (08) 8236 4260 Fax (08) 8236 4295 Email:

Telling stories about an innovative, growing church which is proclaiming Jesus Christ and is empowered by the Spirit to transform God’s world. Who we are: New Times is a monthly tabloid news magazine serving the Uniting Church SA. It is published 11 times a year with a combined January-February issue. New Times is a member of the Australasian Religious Press Association. It has won the Gutenberg award for excellence in religious publication. Its editor has won the same award for excellence in religious communications. Advertising: To advertise contact Russell Baker, phone 8361 6822, fax 8361 6865, email New Times accepts advertising in good faith. Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement. Deadlines and distribution dates: May issue: Closing date for contributions, Wednesday, April 5, distributed, Sunday, May 7. • June issue: Closing date for contributions, Tuesday, May 9, distributed, Sunday, June 4. • July issue: Closing date for contributions, Tuesday, June 6, distributed, Sunday, July 2. • August issue: Closing date for contributions, Wednesday, July 12, distributed, Sunday, August 6. • September issue: Closing date for contributions, Wednesday, August 9, distributed, Sunday, September 3. • October issue: Closing date for contributions, Wednesday, September 6, distributed, Sunday, October 1. • November issue: Closing date for contributions, Wednesday, October 11, distributed, Sunday, November 5. • December issue: Closing date for contributions, Wednesday, November 8, distributed, Sunday, December 3. Subscriptions: New Times is distributed free to Uniting Churches in SA. You can also subscribe and have New Times posted to you. Subscriptions cost $30 if you are within SA, $35 if you are interstate, $40 if you are overseas. Submitted material: New Times does not take responsibility for returning submitted photographs or other material. Our partners: Many of our readers support New Times by making a gift to help us keep up with our costs. Gifts can be sent to us at GPO Box 2145, Adelaide, 5001. Distribution: We are distributed on the first Sunday of each month. Opinions: Opinions expressed in New Times do not necessarily reflect those of the editor or the policies of the Uniting Church. Editor: Nicholas Kerr. Assistant: Jo Watts. New Times is designed by Edi Leane and Les Colston of Joie Creative, PO Box 29, Kent Town, SA 5071 and printed by Cadilac, 64 Kinkaid Avenue, North Plymton, SA 5037


MAY 2006 issue: Deadline for contributions, Wednesday, April 5. The issue will be distributed on Sunday, May 7.

APRIL 2006

THE CHRISTIAN Television Association of South Australia has been a major force in the production of a one-hour special for Easter, Celebrate Easter. The Easter special looks at secular traditions like hens, lambs, rabbits and chocolate eggs, but also takes us deeper to look at the nature of sacrifice and the rebirth of life and hope. We look at the survival of courage and faith in the face of insuperable odds, and with Anzac Day approaching, the reflections of former soldiers are both timely and inspiring. Adelaide singer Liz Chehade, with a three piece band, sings some soulful blues songs. Celebrate Easter will be broadcast at 6am on Good Friday (14 April) on Channel 10. – Robyn Douglass Uniting Church in Australia Presbytery and Synod of SA Camps and Conference Centres

New Members The Camps and Conference Centres Board (CCCB) of the Presbytery and Synod of South Australia, has responsibility for Adare at Victor Harbor and Nunyara at Belair camps and conference centres. New board members are currently being sought for these voluntary positions and candidates will be selected based on proven experience in one or more of the following fields: • • • •

Legal Finance Property Management / Development Marketing

together with a commitment to the ethos of the Uniting Church and the importance of camps and conference centres within the Uniting Church in South Australia. Expressions of interest should be forwarded to:

The Executive Officer Camps and Conference Centres Board 5 Burnell Drive, Belair SA 5052 Or by email to

New Times


Meet the MRN team


From page 7 Kate Tretheway, half-time solidarity and justice officer: Kate has a legal background and has set up the structure for Presbytery and Synod Mission Networks. She will combine this position with her new role in social justice. Peter Russell, halftime covenanting officer: Peter is a retired educator and former school principal with close ties to the Congress Aboriginal community. He will work to make reconciliation a practical expression of our Covenant and encourage real support for the Congress ministry.

Rev Deane Meatheringham, rural mission planner: Deane’s long-standing experience in congregational ministry will equip him in this rural appointment. He lives in Clare. Rev Eric Kirkham, rural mission planner: Eric will spend most of his time in the Coorong area, visiting and supporting rural congregations. Eric is keen to listen and resource these congregations. Malcolm Wilson, halftime rural mission planner: Malcolm, a farmer, has a heart for and understanding of rural communities and wants to be available to encourage and resource them.

Presbytery, Synod at a glance From page 2 The Presbytery noted the standing committee decision to include a standard preamble in all Mission Network Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) documents. It gave its approval for the standing committee to approve the MoUs on its behalf.

Pastoral relations In speaking to his written report, David Buxton highlighted some of the work and challenges of the pastoral relations committee. He spoke about the challenge of matching congregations and ministers and noted the shortage of ministers with the right gift-mix to fill all vacancies. The committee will soon update the profile documentation for ministers and congregations taking into consideration some wisdoms from the NSW synod’s material. A ministers’ day has been set for June 16. More information will be available soon.

Moderator Donald Sarre, on behalf of the Moderator’s

nominating committee, called for names for consideration as the next Moderator. The term of the present Moderator, Rev Graham Vawser, ends in 2007. Congregations and networks have until April 30 to make their nominations.

Ordinations The Synod joined together at Kent Town Uniting Church to celebrate the ordinations of Derek Schiller, Alison Whish, Andrew Hogarth and Malcolm Rawlings.

Property, Finance In speaking to the property and finance reports, Barry Atwell raised concern that the Synod’s $8 million budget was passed at last year’s Synod meeting without comment. He encouraged the gathering to question and discuss the documents provided. And they did!

Reports Many of the reports from the meeting can be downloaded from the church’s website.

WORK WANTED CARPETS LAID, Expert repairs 0417 872 105 or 8344 4725. EXPERIENCED HANDYMAN, Friendly versatile service. “your spare pair of handyman hands”. Phone 8346 0933

ACCOMMODATION MARION BAY HOLIDAY HOUSE, Sea views Large Deck Sleeps 5/6 New home Off Peak and Pensioner rates. Phone 040 2088 279. FOR HIRE, Beach House close to Middleton Beach Reasonable rent 0429 695 275 CHRISTIAN-RUN HOSTEL. Country Burra. 2 hours from Adelaide. Private rooms. Individual support. Home cooking. Pensioner rates. Limited transport provided. Enquiries “Olive Grove Retreat” 8892 2679 BELAIR, overlooking the Adelaide lights. Nunyara Holiday Units. 3 star rated family accommodation. Sleep 4-6. Reasonable rates. A UCA site. Bookings phone 8278 1673. NUNYARA Conference Centre Belair. 15 mins from the city centre. Excellent facilities for residential or day conference for church. School or business. UCA rates available. Information and bookings ph 8278 1673.


ADARE CONFERENCE CENTRE Victor Harbor. For your next church camp. Catered or self catered. Comfortable accommodation. Spacious grounds, close to the beach. Special rates for UC groups. For information or bookings phone 8552 1657. LOOKING TO RENT. I’m a 21 yr old pastrycook looking for a place to rent prefrably with others in the Payneham area. If you are looking for another housemate or even if you want to move to that area, feel free to give me a call after 3pm on 0408 154 064

FOR SALE PULPIT AND COMMUNION TABLE from the Wiltunga Uniting Church. Both honey coloured with matching symbolic embossments. Attractive appearance. Good condition. All offers considered. Contact Ph. 8826 2038 or 8826 2073.

WANTED TO BUY PIPE ORGAN, two manual and pedal for medium-sized parish church. Prefer mechanical action with 10 to 20 stops but will consider others. Cash buyer who will assume full responsibility for removal of the instrument. Please phone (08) 8380 5628, evenings. Advertising: To advertise contact Russell Baker, phone 8361 6822, fax 8361 6865, email

Chair appointed for NCYC ’07 “TO LEAD IS to undertake a journey,” says Hon Justice (John) McKechnie, chairperson of the National Christian Youth Convention management team for 2007. John’s vision for NCYC 2007 is to lead delegates on a journey of transformation. “The noun ‘leadership’ has no content unless the destination is known,” he said. “For NCYC 2007, the destination is to transform delegates – youth and adults into ‘agents of change’.” John is a Supreme Court judge in WA. He has previously served as a general counsel regularly representing the State in the High Court and all WA courts and was appointed a Queen’s Counsel in 1989 after 15 years in practice.

APRIL 2006



New Times

Pancake Day the best yet THIS YEAR’S Pancake Day was a great success. Last year there were about 200 events around SA. This year there were more than 700. This was UnitingCare’s fourth annual Pancake Day to help alleviate poverty and disadvantage. Pancake Day coordinator, Aimée Burtenshaw, said that across SA more than 700 groups cooked and sold over 60,000 pancakes to support the most vulnerable members of our community. Different groups, including 106 Uniting Church congregations, 183 businesses and 166 schools, supported Pancake Day. “Pancake Day reminds people to ‘share it round’ with others in need,” Aimée said. “This year there has been overwhelming support. “The generosity of so many people who gave up their time to organise an event, and of so many others who bought a pancake, will help support the work that UnitingCare agencies do with the most disadvantaged members of our community every day. “Not all funds have been received yet – but 2006 is shaping up to be the biggest UnitingCare Pancake Day Fundraiser to date both within South Australia and nationally.”

She said UnitingCare’s Pancake Day was possible only because of the generous support of Greens, who donated 47,000 bottles of pancake mix nationally, and Toll IPEC, who delivered the mix to groups in every corner of the country. Right: Crows players Trent Hentschel and Bernie Vince took part in the Pancake Day event in Rundle Mall . Below: Moderator, Rev Graham Vawser, cooked pancakes in the Mall. Below right: Revs Adam Tretheway and Peter Morel enjoyed pancakes in the Mall.

Youth Worker

FREE financial freedom handbook – FACTS you need to know to safeguard your income in retirement

Rosefield Uniting Church is seeking a Youth Worker to encourage, support and coordinate its high school-aged youth.

This booklet should be read by everyone who wants to maintain their lifestyle in retirement. It is only 32 pages but there is a tremendous amount in it. You will discover: . How to reduce investment risk and increase the life of your savings . Two basic strategies for reducing tax liabilities and three ways to boost tax-free income from an allocated pension . How to arrange your finances to maximise your Centrelink entitlement . The "ambush" that lays waiting for people who save too much for retirement . Why you should pay yourself a "retirement salary" week-in, week-out To get your copy, without cost or obligation, mail your name and address to Jacob Financial Planners, PO Box 2025, Glynde Plaza 5070 OR fax to 8337-7866 OR email to OR call Beryl Lester on 8337-7966.

Applicants must demonstrate Christian values and beliefs and adhere to Uniting Church standards.

Be part of an enthusiastic team in a diverse and mission-focused Church community. Hours negotiable (up to 20 per week) Send Expressions of Interest and CV’s to 2 Carlton St, Highgate by April 21st. Contact Meredith 8271 9528 for more information.

The Uniting Church Western Australia

Associate General Secretary (Pastoral) The Uniting Church in Western Australia is seeking a motivated and skilled person, lay or ordained, to provide key leadership in the new Presbytery of Western Australia. The person will provide pastoral care of all ministry workers, and leadership in the areas of pastoral relations and placements. This is a full-time position based in the Church Office. The appointee will also be a member of the Senior Co-ordination Team, working with the General Secretary in guiding the work of the Church Office. For an information package, please contact Revd Dr John Evans, General Secretary. Expressions of interest to be sent by Friday 21 April, 2006 to

GPO Box M952, Perth WA, 6843 Ph (08) 94861577 or email

APRIL 2006

5a Glynburn Road, Glynde SA 5070

Beryl Lester is an Authorised Representative of Winchcombe Carson Financial Planning Pty Ltd. Representative no. 227299. Australian Financial Services Licensee no. 230323. ABN 65 006 373 995.

Beryl Lester, CFP

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