New Times - November 2006

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Issue 25, Number 10

November 2006

PP 565 001/00190 ISSN 0726-2612

‘Raise up new leaders’ Jill Freear

THE WIDER Uniting Church has been challenged to identify and raise up future leaders – particularly those who may be suitable for ministry. Nationally the Uniting Church is facing a severe shortage of ministers in the next few years. The situation is no less critical in South Australia. About a third of the 150 ministers and deacons in placement in SA will either retire or turn 65 in the next six years. Uniting Church SA pastoral relations and placements executive officer Rev David Buxton said the shortage is compounded by the fact that ministers are tending to train later in life and retire early. “So the ones we are training have a much shorter formal ministry lifespan,” he said. “Presently we have an average of six or seven ministers retiring each year and only two or three graduating from Parkin Wesley Theological College.”

These Parkin-Wesley students are interested in ministry. They are, from left, Titus Ng, Matthew Stuart and Athena Tanti.

David cautions that, while the church faces a significant ministerial shortage, that does not mean we can afford to be less selective. “We need people with character, chemistry and competence,” he said.

inside… Meet the exit students


The drought


Open letter to Australians


‘Doing it like Jesus’


Has ecumenism lost its punch?


Religion promotes peace


Clmate change


Seniors awards


“What I’d be looking for in an applicant is someone with a passion for ministry and a strong sense of call to one of the specified ministries. “Applicants need to have demonstrated gifts in ministry and already be engaging in ministry at a local level, so the church can have confidence that they are able to do the job. “They also need a demonstrated capacity to cope with academic study and high emotional intelligence.” David said he is also concerned about “self selection” where people hear an “inner call” to ministry. CULTURAL HUB: Daniel Goodluck, left, and Thon Arok, of Mitcham Uniting Church, look through one of the old fences that would come down in a plan to form a Cultural and Historical Hub at Mitcham. The present church, the old church and historical buildings in the area would be part of the hub. See story page 3.

“There must also be an outer call, where the church recognises that someone has the gifts and skills, as well as the passion and capacity to be effective in ministry,” he said. Continued page 2.

Please hand out at your church door



New Times

A challenge: ‘Raise up new leaders’

From page 1

“Ministry is a serious and difficult task and we don’t want people who won’t cope when the going gets tough. “The wider church needs to start tapping people on the shoulder, and asking them to consider a vocation in ministry. “This kind of intentional encouragement is the best way. It’s a method where people are identified by others who are older, wiser and more experienced.” The church is also keen to encourage younger people into ministry studies,

rather than the present tendency toward mature age students with life skills. “The criterion of people needing more life skills is possibly an unhelpful filter,” David said. “We need younger people. Our present ministerial exit students range in age from their 30s to their early 50s. “We would prefer to see people exiting college in their late 20s or early 30s – that way they will have a much longer formal ministry life span.” David said there are many reasons

why younger people are not considering ministry as a vocation. “Some are afraid that they will be on call 24/7. They are worried about a perceived lack of flexibility, and they also know that the church is generally aging and has some congregations where individuals exercise significant control which is not always helpful. “However there are many positives. To see lives transformed is a wonderful thing. The gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives and brings hope to many. “We are also invited into people’s homes and share the rites of passage

– births, baptisms, weddings and death. These are amazing privileges. “There’s also the privilege of learning, of constantly exploring new ideas and discovering what God is saying in this world. And in all of that there is a sense that God can make a difference in this world and that God’s hand has been put on us in order that we might be part of that cause. “The church also has connections in many places – so there are opportunities to serve in other cultures overseas and visit communities on short-term mission exposure trips.”

Meet our latest exit students ONE THING our latest ministry exit students have in common was their initial reluctance to “heed the call”. The six students are due to complete their studies either at the end of this year or midway through 2007. All will graduate with Bachelors of Theology, except for Peter Wait, who will complete a Bachelor of Ministry and is continuing to study for a Master of Theological Studies. Barry Littleford, Jane McDonald and Diana Bartlett are seeking to be ordained as Ministers of the Word. Peter Wait and Cate Baker will both become Deacons. (In general terms Ministers of the Word are involved in congregational ministry and Deacons are usually more involved in community work). Rob Morgan will become a Lay Pastor.

• Barry Littleford said he had a sense of call 15 years ago – “but at that time I didn’t think I could do it. God had to really encourage me.” Barry is working as a youth pastor at Spicer Uniting Church. He is looking forward to the blessings and challenges of ministry. “I’m particularly interested in helping churches to become strong and healthy,” he said. He has previously worked in schools ministry and also as a plumber and gas fitter. Barry has two children. • Jane McDonald was involved in lay ministry and felt a restlessness that God wanted her to do more. “It was a call I couldn’t ignore, but I followed it reasonably reluctantly,” she said. “I’m interested in empowering lay people

in ministry and also in community outreach work.” Jane will start working as a ministry intern in five linked congregations in the South West Fleurieu in January. Before starting ministry studies Jane was involved in paramedical work for Community Health in Minlaton on the York Peninsula. She has two children. • Peter Wait describes his call as a sense that he had gifts that would be useful in the Ministry of Deacon. He has been serving as a voluntary chaplain at Yatala Prison for the past three and a half years. “It’s a great place to do ministry,” he said. “The needs are obvious and you feel very needed and wanted.” Peter previously worked in scientific research and as a high school maths teacher. • Diana Bartlett said she felt the call about 10 years ago when she was on a retreat with her minister. “God told me that I was to go into ministry, and I felt a persistent tapping that didn’t go away until I started my ministry studies,” she said. Diana has been serving as a voluntary chaplain with SAPOL for the past six and a half years.

Latest ministry exit students (l to r) Barry Littleford, Jane McDonald, Peter Wait, Diana Bartlett, Rob Morgan and Cate Baker. She has been studying theology for the past eight years and also raising four children. • Rob Morgan has a father, father-in-law and uncle who are all Uniting Church ministers. “I was also heavily involved in the church, and people kept telling me that I would be a great pastor,” he said. He originally trained and worked as a nurse. He has also been involved in ministry in New Guinea.

“I was even a dairy farmer at one point,” he said. Rob has two children. • Cate Baker was also a nurse and spent some time working in mission in the Philippines. She was told 10 years ago that she would become a deacon – “and the idea wouldn’t go away”. Cate is volunteering at Prospect Road Uniting Church where she is helping to establish a primary health care facility to create wellbeing.

A hard but rewarding life THIS YEAR for the first time the Uniting Church SA held a “Ministers’ Day” for ministers and deacons in placements and for those serving in other ministry related roles. The church’s Pastoral Relations and Placements executive officer David Buxton said the day was introduced to encourage ministers to look after themselves – physically and emotionally. “Under their Code of Ethics, ministers have a responsibility for self-care, but many aren’t good at it,” he said. NOVEMBER 2006

“We recognise that it’s a joint responsibility and we’re doing what we can to encourage ministers to strike a healthy balance between their private and working lives. “Some of the mission networks have also been good at supporting their ministers through various events. “There are times when some of our ministers have forgotten that the Messiah actually took time out. They go round trying to save the world and end up killing themselves and damaging others along the way.”


New Times


Moderator writes on the drought MODERATOR, Rev Graham Vawser, has appealed to church members to pray for rural communities – and not to waste water. He said the Uniting Church is looking at how it can help drought victims. Graham made his appeal in a pastoral letter sent to all Uniting Churches in SA. The letter said: ALL PEOPLE in South Australia are aware of the serious difficulties being caused by the drought we are experiencing. Weather forecasts, and media reports, make it quite clear that the situation for people on the land is increasingly desperate. In travelling through the state, I (and others from the Church Office) have

seen first-hand how poorly the land is coping with the prolonged dry spell

We have heard from people in many places about the problems they face financially, emotionally and spiritually. We are eager to let people in rural communities feel that their needs are uppermost in our hearts and prayers. People working in the Church Office, particularly in the Mission Resourcing Network and through the Resources Board, are looking at ways in which the Uniting Church can offer assistance during this time. To provide an atmosphere in which this reflection can take place, I call on all people involved with the Uniting Church to join in prayer for the rural communities.

Please pray for: • Farming families and rural communities. • Ministers, church leaders and counsellors in rural congregations. • Community leaders at local, state and federal level as they consider and respond to needs. • God’s continued blessing of rain and sun, to make the earth fruitful. In worship, and in your personal devotions, pray for God’s forgiveness on all abuse of the earth’s resources. Particularly to people in urban areas of SA, I would ask that you think about ways in which you might stand in fellowship with people in need: • Take care not to waste water – remember those who must cart water

for drinking, cooking and washing. • Look for ways to reduce energy use, and avoid activities that will contribute to global warming. • Be aware of the financial difficulties of others (particularly in rural areas) and avoid extravagant spending. • Consider ways in which you can communicate your concern to people in rural communities. As followers of Christ, let us be careful stewards of the resources of this earth, and let us continue to support one another in adversity as in hope. Grace and Peace Rev Graham Vawser, Moderator, Presbytery and Synod of South Australia.

Cultural hub, new outreach PARTS OF the Mitcham Uniting Church complex look set to be incorporated in a proposed Cultural and Historical Hub. The church is set in a cluster of historic buildings. Discussions began in October 2005 about the proposed $650,000 development. It may include the Mitcham Village Arts and Craft Centre, Mitcham Village Institute, the former police station and cells and parts of the adjacent Mitcham Uniting Church property. It’s anticipated that the original church and hall and a portion of the existing netball courts will be integrated in the hub. Fences will be pulled down between the various properties and the area enhanced with paving and landscaping. The Cultural Hub will have a village environment where residents can enjoy art, craft, history, woodwork, drama, dance, theatre, garden and spiritual fulfilment. The Mitcham City Council and the Mitcham Uniting Church Council have approved the development in principle. Its future hinges on community feedback. The City Council has undertaken an extensive community consultation process and a full report is about to be prepared. Church Council deputy chairperson Graham Crawford said the development will be a wonderful opportunity. “We’re offering the use of our space and getting some improved facilities in return,” he said. “But the main advantage will be the opportunities provided for outreach. It will bring the community into the church and the church into the community.”

Church Council deputy chairperson Graham Crawford with youth coordinator, Matt Boundy, outside the old Mitcham church. world school

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New connections

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Mitcham’s Minister Rev Tony Goodluck is delighted by the proposal. The real benefit for the church will be in building connections with the wider community, he said. The congregation has about 100 regular worshippers, many in their senior years. Tony said the congregation is keen to encourage even more “community flow” through the property. “We’re talking with lots of different groups about how we can work cooperatively and share our facilities,” he said. “We’re allowing a theatre company to use our hall to stage productions and run theatre workshops. “The theatre group also has ties with a ‘Work for the Dole’ program – these people are helping build stage props. “We’re hoping our old church may also be used as an art gallery, either by the local city council or the theatre group. “There are six netball courts on the property. They’re used for netball in the summer and basketball during the winter. “We also run a kids club on Wednesday nights during school term time, called MUCK Around. The kids who come along may never attend Sunday school, but we always include a short story and a song, so they will get the message that God loves them. “We want to do everything we can to equip kids with tools so that, at critical times in their lives, they will have something to draw on.”

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An open letter to all Australians AN ANANGU woman from the Pukatja community in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands of northwest South Australia has written an open letter to Australians to explain what is happening in her community. Makinti Minutjukur is an active member of the Ernabella Uniting Church. Her father was one of the early key leaders and elders in the Ernabella congregation. Makinti said her community feels it is being pushed around by federal and state governments and believes it is being systematically disempowered. This is an edited version of her story. The full text is available on the Uniting Church SA website. FOR MANY years, we have been suffering the effects of government strategies of extreme delay in service delivery. We are badly affected by the imposition of inappropriate and

ineffective systems of administration and governance. We are held back by a lack of thoughtful, respectful and culturally aware consultation and planning between us Anangu, and governments and their agents — on whom, unavoidably, we depend. All of these things put an almost intolerable burden on our wellbeing and our capacities. Today, there are lots of bad stories in the newspapers and on television about the problems in our communities. We are worried about a lot of these problems. But we also know that a lot of strong things are happening because we have set up our own programs. Nowadays, our community of over 600 Anangu has a school that goes from Pre-school to Year 12 and employs 12 Anangu education workers who teach in all classes and speak our Pitjantjatjara language, which is still strong. We have an Anangu Tertiary

Education Program (AnTEP), which runs in partnership with the University of South Australia, to train Anangu for work in schools, clinics and other community jobs. Anangu Education Services (AES) administer educational affairs all across the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands and houses our own Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Education Council (PYEC). We have a TAFE campus that provides education for men and women in business skills, building and carpentry skills and a clinic, which employs Anangu assistant staff. We also have an Aged Care Respite Centre where 16 frail tjilpis and pumpas from across the APY Lands live and are cared for close to their country. The centre also provides hot meals twice a day for some older people living in our community. Our independently incorporated art centre, Ernabella Arts, is the

About your letters

Some letters have been held over till the next issue. THE ACC I WAS privileged to be a part of the inaugural meeting of the Assembly of Confessing Congregations (ACC) on October 13 and 14. The thing that struck me was the attitude shown towards the Uniting Church by all who spoke at the ACC meeting. All showed a love of and deep commitment to the Uniting Church. There was no talk of working against the Uniting Church, but there was a sense of grief, and the understanding that decisions made by the last two national


Please keep your letters short — about 150 words is ideal. Longer letters will be cut or rejected. You’re welcome to email letters to or they can be posted to us at GPO Box 2145, Adelaide 5001

Assemblies had worked to take the Uniting Church away from its life source and foundation – the Scriptures and a true understanding of the person of Jesus Christ, who loves the Church enough that he gave his life to start it. For close to 10 years I have felt a deep grief for the Uniting Church and have questioned whether I could remain in it. The ACC has given me hope for the Uniting Church, and at last I feel I belong. Robyn McKay Peterborough

THE ACC I CONFESS my allegiance to the One God who is Love, creator of all things. I confess my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, as the one who perfectly reveals the love and intention of God for human life. I confess Jesus Christ as my saviour, because he saves me from the bitterness, judgement, rejection and death called sin, which is the fruit of my own and other’s deficient and defective love. I confess my dependence upon the Holy Spirit of God for

oldest in Australia and has operated continuously for 58 years. It is known all around Australia and around the world. The Pukatja Community Council owns and operates its own community store and garage. The Community Council is an elected Anangu council which governs the Pukatja community, working cooperatively with other community organisations. At Pukatja we have achieved many things because Anangu have been involved in the organisations we have set up. All these achievements make us proud, but we don’t get to read about them in the newspapers because people want to tell bad stories about our communities. Maybe so they can come and take over. We don’t understand why the Federal Government doesn’t listen to us if they really want to solve some of the problems in our community.

the ability to see, understand and strive to live the life I see in Jesus Christ. I confess my consternation at an attitude that elevates a theological conviction above Saving Grace and proclaims a “true church” within a church to trust in ecclesiastical legislation that has not been considered necessary in our previous history. I confess my sorrow that so much energy has been devoted to defining what might divide me from my Christian brothers and sisters and the wideness of God’s family, and so little in identifying how the Spirit of God would have me embrace his family as he embraced me. I hear the prayer of Jesus for the unity of humankind in the Godhead (John 17:21-23) and I confess it breaks my heart. Rev Dean Pearce Kingswood

WORLD AIDS DAY WORLD Aids Day (December 1) gives us the opportunity to reflect with care and compassion on those afflicted with AIDS. After two decades of research there is still no known cure. The annual Surveillance Report “HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia” has constantly stated that men with a homosexual lifestyle continue to make up 80 per cent of the people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in Australia. Have the churches, medical and educational professions become so duty bound by political correctness that they cannot or will not state the truth? Bill Chandler Ringwood Letters continued page 8.


New Times


Doing it like Jesus OUR CHURCH has been encouraged to undertake holistic mission by “doing it like Jesus”. That was one of the many messages delivered by Ann Morisy, an urban mission consultant and researcher with the Church of England. Ann conducted a series of seminars in Adelaide as a guest of the Urban Mission Network. The seminars focussed on ministry challenges in city based-congregations, suburban congregations, disadvantaged communities and transitional communities. In her final seminar, Contemporary Christianity: Confronting the issues of our day, Ann challenged congregations to take on the task of public theology as well as community ministry. Ann said that, as our world has become more global, society and governments have accepted profit, power and status as dominant values. “Christians need to demonstrate and perform different values in order to work for the common good,” she said. “The nature of our offering is gloriously straightforward. We need to push other values at a local level – by acting as Jesus would have. “Jesus lived his life in a very distinctive and consistent way. “He actively took steps to strip himself of power. He continually subverted the status quo. He encouraged wide ‘fraternal relations’, avoided tit-for-tat behaviour and invested in the most unlikely people, whom others had written off. “The values and practices of Jesus are so extraordinarily appropriate for our world.

“We need to practice and perform these alternative values. “We aren’t called to do everything as Jesus would have done – God’s grace will flow whenever we offer an alternative performance, regardless of how modest. “We don’t need to leave community ministry behind, but must recognise that we have earned the right to speak on a public platform. “There are more values in this world that are effective, other than profit, power and status.”

Where the people are

Ann Morisy encourages city congregations to think in terms of “people flows”, rather than communities. And she: URGES city congregations to capture the attention of people passing by, and to offer those people a memorable encounter, so they are more inclined to linger. CHALLENGES congregations to develop a few specialty areas of ministry which they will be recognised for – for example, a church that is open for 24 hours where homeless people can sleep. BELIEVES the church underestimates the huge resource it has in older experienced members who possess high calibre education skills, alertness and creativity. ENCOURAGES congregations to be more “playfully risk-taking”. Ann is the author of two books, Beyond the Good Samaritan (1997) and Journeying Out (2004).

UK urban mission consultant, author and researcher Ann Morisy with Rev Dean Eland, coordinator of the Urban Mission Network.

Myponga helps meet the shortfall MYPONGA Uniting Church members have responded generously after learning about the shortfall in the Uniting Church SA’s MSF, (Mission and Service Fund). The 15 member congregation has donated the entire proceeds from their annual Labour Day

garage sale, $1,500.50, to the MSF. Myponga congregational chairperson Ian Fowler said that, after receiving a letter earlier this year about the church’s considerable budget shortfall, the congregation decided unanimously to support the MSF.

“In the past we’ve always used garage sale proceeds to maintain our church property, but this year we didn’t need the money ourselves,” he said. “We realise our contribution is only a drop in the bucket, but hopefully every little bit helps. “We’ve been told our donation will boost the church’s Grant in Aid Fund. “Members are delighted that we will be helping small rural churches affected by drought that are struggling to maintain their ministry. “The average age of our members is 66, and every year we ask ourselves if our garage sale will be the last. “We’ll just have to wait and see if we can do it all again next year.”

.30% p.a.




New Times

Has ecumenism lost its punch? Lindsay Faulkner MENTION the word ecumenical, and a glazed look comes over the face of the hearer. It has not always been so. When I was a young student this was the new buzz word because the World Council of Churches (WCC) had just begun to have an impact on our Christian witness. People like John R Mott and D T Niles were everywhere quoted and read. In this atmosphere the Australian Council of Churches was born along with State based councils like the South Australian Council of Churches (SACC). Now they seem to have lost their punch. We have moved into our union, and though we call ourselves the Uniting Church, union has proved to be less of a paradise than we had envisioned. Some denominations like the Baptists and those Presbyterians who did not join us have pulled out of the SACC and have not rejoined. This new generation of young Christians have less interest in institutional structures and more interest in action like the Micah Challenge and Make Poverty History. Faced with this reality and its own need, the SACC has called for a year of prayer and reflection to discover where the Spirit of God is leading us in our relationship with others who profess Jesus Christ as Lord. We have called it “Working Together Towards a Spirituality of Ecumenism”. It is our hope that you will join in this venture and follow with us to where the Spirit of God leads us in our shared future of both reflection and action. The prevailing image of the past 50 years has been that of physical union, denominations joining together as one church. In Canada, the United Church of Canada was born in 1926, in India, the Church of South India in 1948 and our own Uniting Church in Australia in 1977. Other examples around the world could be cited. In this new century such movements towards a physical union may not be the way forward. Perhaps we need to change our image from Uluru, one big Rock to Kata Juta, many Rocks in mutual relationship, honouring each others’ journey with The Christ and respecting each other’s ministry and mission without seeking to become One Big Church. This is but one suggestion, one image, over this coming year. We invite you to reflect with us, to pray with us, to seek with us and maybe, just maybe, the Holy Spirit will lift the glazed look from our eyes and fire us anew with the vision of the City of God as seen by the seer in Revelation 7:9 – “After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb” (NIV). Top left: Rev Lindsay Faulkner, pictured, is the Uniting Church representative on the SA Council of Churches executive. Left: Pictured at last month’s launch of “Working Together Towards a Spirituality of Ecumenism” are the council’s interim manager, Geraldine Hawkes, and Uniting Church Moderator, Rev Graham Vawser.

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New Times


Religion promotes peace Nicholas Kerr RELIGION doesn’t promote terrorism, prominent British Imam, Dr Abduljalil Sajid, said in Adelaide last month. It promotes peace. “The public perception is that religion divides, religion kills,” he said. “This idea has been used for propaganda – but it isn’t true. Religion is a source for motivating people to do good – for charitable work, for voluntary work, for helping others. Religion is a force for good. Society should appreciate this.” Imam Sajid is originally from Pakistan. He has worked for more than 35 years towards the cause of peace, harmony and justice in the UK, Europe and elsewhere. He is known as a scholar and activist for community bridge building and interfaith relations in Britain. Australia has a special role in working for peace, he said. “Australian people can show the world our common humanity and our common human values, so that we all live in peace and harmony, respecting each other in all our diversity, which is God’s creation. “Christians have a pivotal role in this. They’re godly people. They not only fear God but they try to understand God’s attributes in our practical life, through the life of Jesus Christ. They try to implement Jesus’ message of love and care to the wider world. “Jesus said to love your neighbour – and your enemy. We all need to embrace that message. We need to realise that we’re all human beings. We need to look to our inner selves and realise that every human being is special, created in God’s image. “Our lives need to reflect that – that everyone is the image of God, whether we’re black or white, Aboriginal or Asians or Arabs. We need to appreciate this God given diversity. This is a missing dimension in today’s world.”

Imam Dr Abduljalil Sajid, pictured, spoke at a public meeting in Adelaide last month. It was sponsored by Initiatives of Change and St Paul’s City Ministry.

A warning against racism THERE ARE two kinds of racism, Imam Sajid said. “There’s a crude racism based on colour. And there is a cultural racism. “Jews didn’t suffer in Europe because their colour was different. They were religiously and culturally different. Their eating habits, their language, their prayer life, their dress code were all different. They were a distinct community. That’s why they were persecuted. That’s why some tried to eliminate them forever. Thank God humanity came together and condemned this. We don’t want it to happen ever again. “But unfortunately certain communities are still facing cultural racism. Muslims are facing a difficult time because of their

distinct nature. Muslims pray differently, wear different clothes, have some distinct languages and eating habits. “The same patterns we saw in the 1930s are repeating themselves in various parts of the world. “We need to educate ourselves. When we look at another person we need to ask ourselves: Do we really want them to look like the majority of us? Do we really want our God given diversity to prevail in the world? “Do we say the flowers in the garden should all be the same colour to make the garden more beautiful? To me it’s the difference that makes the garden beautiful.”

Peace vigil

Maya and Lisa lit candles during a 24 hour peace vigil in the Sanctuary@Scots Church last month.

SEVERAL inner city churches joined together to host a 24 hour peace vigil at Scots Church on the International Day of Peace – Thursday 21 September. Scots Minister Rev Judith Gilliland said the vigil was part of a global spiritual observation for peace to demonstrate the power of prayer and other spiritual practices in promoting peace and preventing violent conflict. People were invited to the Sanctuary@ Scots to offer prayers, light a candle, meditate, make a peace flag and talk about peace. The vigil was supported by Pilgrim, Maughan and Brougham Place Uniting Churches and St Paul’s City Ministry. NOVEMBER 2006



Letters continued from page 4. LOCAL ELECTIONS AS CHRISTIANS, we have a political and social responsibility that proceeds from our faith in Christ to engage in the community. The local government election gives us an opportunity to exercise this responsibility. I want to encourage members of the UCA across the state to vote in their local government election. The ballot pack will be sent to voters from Monday, October 23, to Friday, October 27, and needs to be returned by Friday, November 10. Your vote expresses your view about who should give leadership in your community. (Rev Dr) Phil Marshall Tea Tree Gully APPRECIATION TWO recent events organised by members of the Uniting Church in the South East call for both recognition and appreciation. Christine Hurst in 2005 and Winsome Hunt in 2006 were members of the 10 day Christmas Bowl fundraising trip to Cairns and Mossman. They both found it a rewarding and enjoyable time and were keen to make it possible for others in 2007 to share in a similar experience. Chris set up a meeting at Reedy Creek near Robe for the Combined Ladies Guild, attracting people from far and wide from numerous denominations. Winsome arranged a similar function through the Probus Club at Keith. As chair of Christian World Service, which is responsible for Christmas Bowl, I was invited to speak at both gatherings and wish to express my thanks to Chris and Win.

New Times

These functions were wonderful examples of ACT – Action of Churches Together – with Christians of different traditions cooperating in support of a project designed to bring assistance and relief to people in Developing Countries. (Brother) Trevor Dean Adelaide CHRISTIAN INPUT THERE has been heated debate regarding the place of Christianity in public schools. Some schools have banned Christian input of any kind for fear of being seen to favour one religious group over another. Under the guise of tolerance, we are increasingly eliminating God in many of our schools. Casey Pritchard, the chaplain at Westbourne Park Primary School, in collaboration with the Westbourne Park Uniting Church, is bucking this trend. Over the past three terms the entire school (421 students), has been invited to participate in a programme that has linked the school values with what Jesus had to say about life. About 50 children have joined on each occasion for fun, food, games and craft with a deliberate and child friendly gospel message. Our church has been involved in an Easter presentation and we are very excited about supporting Casey in her work in the school community. We are excited about strengthening our links between the children of this community, their families and the church. This is mission in our own backyard. I encourage all church communities to look at how they could network with chaplains in their local schools and work alongside them to spread the good news about Jesus. Beryl Hunter Westbourne Park

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Children and families benefit CHILDREN and families in Adelaide’s north western suburbs are benefiting from a unique program designed to strengthen and support young families. “Communities for Children” is a national initiative of the Commonwealth Government. UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide was the initial facilitating partner of the project in South Australia. The mission was allocated $3.4 million over four years to support young families in the northwestern metro area. The mission’s Communities for Children manager Jan Chorley said a major initiative has been the establishment of an integrated Early Years Team based at Seaton Park Primary School. “We decided to focus on the Seaton area as it is an area of high need, with many disadvantaged young families. “We have a team of skilled practitioners providing home visits, playgroups focusing on childhood development, services to support mothers suffering post natal distress and an early development program for children with disabilities. “We’re making great inroads and achieving great results for hundreds of young families.” The program involves several partners including the Queen Elizabeth and the Women’s and Children’s Hospitals. Neighbouring Seaton Uniting Church is also

involved, with church members assisting play and craft groups. The church will also help with a series of ‘Family Nights’, two of which will be held in the church hall. Minister Angie Griffin said part of the church’s ministry involves making connections in the community. “It’s all about building relationships,” she said. “We would be very happy if young children and their families begin to see that the church has a place in their lives.”

UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide Communities for Children manager Jan Chorley (far right) and Seaton Uniting Church minister Angie Griffin (second on left) mixing with some of the families on the Communities for Children program

Climate change is a hot topic Jenni Price Hughes CLIMATE change is on the lips of all of the media. People in the Uniting Church are talking, too. Recently people of all ages and from more than 15 different churches came together to see the film, “An Inconvenient Truth”. A combination of startling stories, an abundance of research, and the visual impact

of climate change on regions of the globe, shocked the audience out of complacency. It is not only about the beautiful regions of our globe and wildlife that are quickly disappearing, but also about the imminent humanitarian crises that accompany climate change. There are simple everyday responses to climate change – things like turning off lights, only heating and cooling the

areas of your house you are in, driving less, walking more and using less hot water. Or why not switch to green power, energy efficient light bulbs or water-saving devices? With summer heat rising, remember not to turn your thermostat to freezing temperatures. The Australian Conservation Foundation says just one degree on your thermostat can reduce your energy consumption and greenhouse pollution by 10 per cent. Did you know that 10 per cent of Australian household electricity goes on standby power? Just by turning your appliances off at the wall you can cut your greenhouse pollution. Start asking your politicians and local councillors what they are doing in response to climate change. Every little bit makes a difference! Many Uniting Churches have groups forming to think seriously about these issues and what actions to take. The Uniting Church recently made a submission in response to the SA government’s Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction Bill (available on the MRN website). We need to get involved with the current debate and remind people that “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it” (Psalm 24:1). You can join the Solidarity and Justice e-network by emailing Jenni Price Hughes,


New Times


Hampers, toys appeal launched

Minister for Families and Communities Jay Weatherill packing the first Christmas hamper, watched by Rev Peter McDonald, Minister of UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide.

“SEEING a young child open a present is one of the great joys of life,” Jay Weatherill, Minister for Families and Communities, said last month. He was launching UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide’s Christmas hamper and toys appeal. The Minister packed the first hamper – and thanked all who will help to provide hampers and toys for people in need in South Australia. The launch was attended by sponsors and supporters, together with volunteers and staff of UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide. The appeal is to raise funds that will provide Festive Food Hampers for 1300 disadvantaged families and about 1500 gifts for children who would otherwise go without a Christmas present. UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide needs $50,000 before Christmas. People receiving a hamper include those who are experiencing hardship

through poverty, family breakdown, social isolation, disability, domestic violence and other issues. For some families this food may be all they have in their pantry over Christmas. “Now not only will I have the first good Christmas in a long time but so will my family,” one woman said. “I now have enough food to have a family Christmas.” A father of two said, “My girls now need not know that I am struggling because they will receive toys from ‘Santa’ and we will all have a better Christmas than expected. This will be the start of a better future for us.” A UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide spokesperson said that in South Australia many people struggle to pay for essentials. “Throughout the year, these families demonstrate courage, care and commitment, despite limited resources

and often in the face of great adversity. “These hampers will bring joy to each family and daily struggles and financial worries will be forgotten for a while. Food will be on the table and families will join in festivities. “Christmas cake, mince pies, pudding, tinned ham, bonbons and special treats will be welcome gifts. Imagine the delight on a child’s face as they open their special Christmas present. “Please help South Australians rediscover the joy, love, peace and hope of Christmas. There is still a long way to go and every dollar counts.” At the launch, Kym Just announced a donation of $10,000 from AMP Foundation, matching dollar for dollar the combined gifts from Portfolio Partners and ING Investment Management.

Ian will be new minister at Adare


REV IAN Kitto will be the new minister at Adare Uniting Church from January next year. Ian has been ministering to the Loxton Uniting Church in the Riverland for the past six years. Rev Trevor O’Brien will complete his term of interim ministry at Adare at the end of December

For a list of Uniting Church events, visit Uniting Church online and click on “What’s On”. There is also an online form which you can fill out to contribute notices to Notebook.

and will then retire from active ministry. Rev Dr Rodger Bassham has also assisted Adare with ministry during its time of waiting for a more permanent appointment. - Lynn Miell

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New Times UCAF officers. Speaker will be the Moderator, Rev Graham Vawser.

For more Uniting Church events, visit Uniting Church online and click on “What’s On”. There is also an online form which you can fill out to contribute notices to Notebook.

ABOUT 500,000 young people are expected to take part in World Youth Day, sponsored by the Catholic Church, in Sydney in July, 2008. Organisers have launched a competition for an inspirational song. Details are at

THE UNITING Church SA’s “Year of Call” task group and Parkin Wesley College are keen to hear what young people (16 to 30) think about ministry as a career. Encourage your young people to complete an online survey at http://www. For more information contact Craig Mitchell on 8416 8428 or email

JERUSALEM Uniting Church (Kadina-Wallaroo Parish) will celebrate 50 years in its present building on November 12. Past members are invited to the 11am service and to view a memorabilia display. At 2.30pm the Adelaide Plains Male Voice Choir will perform in the Kadina Uniting Church.

COPIES of the A4 booklet, “Getting Away with Murder: Impunity for those targeting church workers in the Philippines,” are available upon request to the International Mission desk. The booklet details human rights abuses suffered by The United Church of Christ in the Philippines. Contact lyn@ THE 2006 Christmas Bowl Badge Day in the city and most suburbs will be held on December 15. You are encouraged to put together a team from your church or to volunteer individually to sell badges on that day either in the city or in your own locality. Please contact Julie Wright, SA Council of Churches office, phone 8221 6633, email sacc@picknowl., if you can help. THE VINES Uniting Church, Woodcroft, invites you to attend the commissioning service of Mrs Kathleen Stringer as UCAF (Uniting Church Adult Fellowships) SA president on January 21, 2007 at 9.30am, and the dedication of incoming

THE ANNUAL Mission Thanksgiving Service will be held at Scots Church, North Terrace, at 10.30am on Tuesday, November 28. Eldrene March will speak about “Young Ambassadors for Peace”. This service is an opportunity for Fellowships and individuals to make their thanksgiving offering for missions and the work of the wider church. WILLUNGA Uniting Church will host its fourth annual Christmas tree festival this month. The festival is made possible by the generosity of local individuals, community groups and businesses who exhibit decorated trees. The trees can be viewed on Saturday, November 25, Sunday, November 26, Saturday, December 2, and on weekdays by appointment. Devonshire teas or light lunches provided for groups. For bookings contact Jan Strout, 8556 2088. START the Christmas season in style at Nunyara, 5 Burnell Drive, Belair, on November 12, with jazz from Liz Chehade and theatre from Carnival Night

Shakespeare from 5.30pm. BYO picnic from 5pm. Buy coffee, gelati and sausages. Tickets, $10 adult, $8 concession, $25 family, under 12, $5, under 5 free. Phone Blackwood Uniting Church, 8278 7699. A FESTIVAL of Hymns and Sacred Music will be held at St. Andrew’s by the Sea, Glenelg, on November 12 at 2.30 pm. Gold coin donation. Led by Mount Barker District Concert Band, Mount Lofty Singers, Philip Griffin (tenor), Brass Souls (quintet), Barry Wilkins OAM (musical director) and compere Dominique Schwartz. Enquiries, 8295 1771. LE FEVRE Peninsula Christmas Fair will be held daily from 10am to 6pm from Friday, November 17 to Monday, November 20, at St Luke’s Hall, 84 Hargrave Street, Peterhead. Inspirational gifts, music, and books from Word Bookstore as well as many secondhand Christian and other books, “as new” gifts and crafted cards. Enquiries 8268 4427 A MONTH long Make Poverty History campaign will close with Australia’s top musicians performing at the Make Poverty History concert on November 17, immediately before the G20 in Melbourne on November 18 and 19. SA details are listed at www. A CD by Rob Wight, “From the heart,” will be launched on Sunday, November 19, at 2.30pm at Flinders St Baptist Church, 65 Flinders Street. Cost $15, $10 concession. Includes performances from Rob Wight and Tamra Renton, piano, Bernard Hull, tenor; Inspire Singers and Matty Owen, trumpet. Tickets available at the launch or from Kath Jones, phone 0413 944 706. GLENUNGA Uniting Church, at the corner of Bevington Road and

Level 2, 212 Pirie Street, Adelaide. GPO Box 2145 Adelaide SA 5001 Phone (08) 8236 4260 Fax (08) 8236 4265 Email:

Telling stories about an innovative, growing church which is proclaiming Jesus Christ and is empowered by the Spirit to transform God’s world. Who we are: New Times is a monthly tabloid news magazine serving the Uniting Church SA. It is published 11 times a year with a combined January-February issue. New Times is a member of the Australasian Religious Press Association. It has won the Gutenberg award for excellence in religious publication. Its editor has won the same award for excellence in religious communications. Advertising: To advertise contact Russell Baker, phone 8361 6822, fax 8361 6865, email New Times accepts advertising in good faith. Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement. Deadlines and distribution dates: December issue: Closing date for contributions, Wednesday, November 8, distributed, Sunday, December 3. Subscriptions: New Times is distributed free to Uniting Churches in SA. You can also subscribe and have New Times posted to you. Subscriptions cost $30 if you are within SA, $35 if you are interstate, $40 if you are overseas. Submitted material: New Times does not take responsibility for returning submitted photographs or other material. Our partners: Many of our readers support New Times by making a gift to help us keep up with our costs. Gifts can be sent to us at GPO Box 2145, Adelaide, 5001. Distribution: We are distributed on the first Sunday of each month. Opinions: Opinions expressed in New Times do not necessarily reflect those of the editor or the policies of the Uniting Church. Editor: Nicholas Kerr. Assistant: Jo Watts. New Times is designed by Edi Leane and Les Colston of Joie Creative, PO Box 29, Kent Town, SA 5071 and printed by Cadilac, 64 Kinkaid Avenue, North Plymton, SA 5037

Deadline NOVEMBER 2006

DECEMBER 2006 issue: Deadline for contributions, Wednesday, November 8. The issue will be distributed on Sunday, December 3.

L’Estrange Street, Glenunga, will celebrate its 80th anniversary on Sunday November 26, There is an open invitation to a special 10 am service, followed by lunch and an afternoon of fellowship with past and present members. Enquiries, Rev Don Purdey, phone 8338 6081. ROCKLEIGH Carols in the Bush will be held at the Rockleigh Uniting Church on Sunday November 26, at 6.30pm. It is a popular event in the Eastern Hills and people linger over the country supper afterwards. BYO chairs. “Mud maps” are available from the Murray Bridge Uniting Church, Barbara on 08 85 387060 or TEA TREE Gully Inter Church Christmas Tree Festival, “Colours of Christmas,” will be held at St Johns Lutheran Church, 182 Hancock Road, on Thursday, November 30 to Sunday December 3. Hours are Thursday

to Saturday, 9.30am to 5pm, and 6.30 to 9pm, Sunday 11.30am to 5pm. Entrance cost, $2, children under 12, free. Supporting Christian pastoral support workers (school chaplains). AN EXHIBITION presented by Bruce Emsley, “Soundscapes: Capturing the beauty of the Australian landscape,” is now showing in the foyer of the Presbytery and Synod Office, Level 2, 212 Pirie Street. The exhibition will run until the end of November. Orders taken. Enquiries to Heather Bald, 8236 4243. A DVD of highlights from the Uniting Church’s 11th Assembly in Brisbane is now available, $10 each (including GST and postage) for single copies and $6 each (including GST and postage and handling) for orders of three or more copies. Contact Daniel Taranto in the Assembly office on (02) 8267 4206.


New Times From page 12. Margaret Weaver, Dorothy Hunter and Betty Hooper, Semaphore Uniting Church; Irene (Rene) Lines, Gladstone Uniting Church; Graeme Bond, Patricia Farran, Josephine Giles, Bruce and Janet Sincock, Henley-Fulham Uniting Church; Shirley Webster, Henley-Fulham Uniting Church; Lorna Campbell, Chapel Street, Port Augusta Uniting Church; Milton Rowe, Port Elliot Uniting Church. John Schinckel, Naracoorte Uniting Church; Joan Jones, Watervale Uniting Church; Betty Randell, Hope Valley Uniting

Church; Kevin Wicks and Constance (Consie) Schinckel, Naracoorte Uniting; Esther Mills and Ann Duell, Nairne Uniting Church; Audrey McLennan, William Douglas Inglis and Andrew Bray, St Luke’s Uniting Church; Joyce Howland, Oaklands and Wesley Warradale Uniting Church. John Swann, Coralie Spry and Edna Bromley, Glengowrie Uniting; Alan Davidson, Yacka-Gulnare Uniting; Marj Roberts, Anne Jones and John (“Jock”) McEachern, Resthaven; Ronald Williams and Audrey House, Argent Uniting Church; Harold Benn, Enfield Uniting Church; Jessie Hall, Windsor Gardens Uniting Church; Betty MacLean,United Church Royal Park; Joyce Wilson, Trinity Uniting Church. Ian Blake, Gambier East Uniting Church; Keith Whittenbury, Winnie Barnes, Enid Walkington and Phyl Frost, Woodville Uniting Church; Robert Carter, Vines Uniting Church; Brian Densley and Gladys Heinrich, Kingston Uniting Church; Ralph Carter, Morialta Uniting Church; Gladys

Young, Lighthouse Church, Port Pirie Uniting; Valerie Bond and Joyce Blesing, Range Road Uniting Church. Desmond “John” Boundy, Meningie Uniting Church; Dean Koch, Tanunda Uniting Church; Dorothy McDonald, Christ Church Uniting Church; Melba Hague and John Hague, Spicer Uniting Church; Andree Prime and Dorreen Webb, Rosefield Uniting Church; Frank Allen, Doreen Hewitt, Barbara Jordison, Giovanni Pozzan, Rhonda Twells, Doris Henderson, John Robins,Marjorie Dunn, Gwyn Omsby, Bob Forbes, Pat Mudge and Pam Curnow, Helping Hand Congregation. Jenny Denton and Pauline Ling, Clare Uniting Church; Dean and Joy Brook, Athelstone Uniting Church; Henry (Harry) Wheaton, Madge Wilson and Elaine Clifford, Clements Gap Soldiers’ Memorial Uniting Church, Lawrence Rowntree, Beryl Rowntree, Baden Whittaker and Patricia Whittaker, Dowlingville Uniting Church. Vermont Uniting Church

Fellowship and Vermont Uniting Church Friendship Group; Dorothy Blacket, Karoonda Uniting Church; Glen Crisp, Vera Gardiner, Douglas Gardiner and Alfred Brittain, Aldinga Uniting Church. Irma Springbett, Donald Hutchesson and Mavis Reich, Newland Memorial Uniting Church; Ivy Wickens and Joan Tucker,Yilki Uniting Church; Netta Dale, Aldinga Uniting Church; Gloria Crunkhorn, Marg White, Morva Fawcett, Dawn Poole, Jean Beggs, Doris Millington and Gwyn Bourne, Eldercare, Allambi; Jack Williams, James Lloyd, Beth James, Pansy Hollands, Cicily Skipworth, Robert (Bob) Trezise, Rene Trezise and Thelma Woodward, Moonta Uniting Church. Dorothy Longmire, Wesley Uniting Church; Valerie Kirk, Gateway Uniting Church; Margaret Ratcliff, Kingston Uniting Church; Douglas Warren and Roma Osborn, Cross Roads Uniting Church; Raymond Beck, Mostyn Hinge, and Barry Diment, Bordertown Uniting Church.


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FOR SALE Electronic two keyboard organ with instrument adaptation $250. Organ stool with lift up padded seat both good condition $150 O.N.O. Tel: 8294 3153.

Come! Hear! Enjoy! Be Informed !




New Times

Senior church members recognised MORE THAN 130 individuals and groups have recently received Seniors Awards from the Uniting Church SA, recognising their outstanding service in their local church and the community. The awards are granted annually to recognise the tireless work of congregational members who serve in so many different capacities. Seniors Awards recipients are Colin Williams, Seaton Uniting Church; Brian Copping, Millicent Uniting Church; Jean Foord, Plympton Uniting Church; “Dad’s Army”, Grange Uniting Church; Gene Clarkson, Mitcham Uniting Church; Margaret Thomas, Anne Bickley, Kevin Thomas and “Duckie” Melva Chambers, Wallaroo Uniting Church. Norma Varcoe, Milang Uniting Church; Clive Henry and Kathleen Perrey, Langhorne Creek Uniting Church; Bev Buick, Cornerstone Uniting Church; John Napier, Campbelltown Uniting Church; Thomas Arney, St Andrew’s Strathalbyn Uniting; Maurine Hicks, Price Uniting Church; Helen Whitford, Campbelltown Uniting Church; Frank Moore, Joan Avery and Graham Avery, St Andrew’s by the Sea, Glenelg. Continued page 11.

Harold Benn, of Enfield Uniting Church, is one of those who have received Seniors Awards. He is pictured with his wife Audrey.

© Copyright 2006 Edi Leane. Artwork not to be reproduced in any way without the written permission by Edi Leane of Joie Creative. All Rights Reserved.

To advertise in New Times: Contact Russell Baker phone 8361 6822 fax 8361 6833 email


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