1 minute read

From the Editor

When we start to prepare an issue of New Times, we usually try to focus on a particular theme. Sometimes the theme is quite obvious, for example, the October/ November 2022 issue focused on Christmas, but also featured articles about intergenerational activities across the church; and this particular April/May issue leads into Easter, but what other theme could we explore at this time?

The Moderator suggested that we seek to carry through his ‘unexpected joy’ theme from Christmas with a focus on ‘unexpected good news’ for this issue.

At a time when there is much upheaval across the world, with wars, natural disasters and displaced peoples, tuning into a daily news broadcast, can certainly bring things down very quickly, so the opportunity (or challenge!) was to set out to find articles that dealt with ‘unexpected good news!’

I didn’t quite know where to start, so for the first time in many years, we put a call out in the weekly UC-enews. And this became our ‘unexpected good news’ as we received a tremendous response, as you will see in this issue.

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