1 minute read

Henley Fulham Neighbourhood Garden

By Faye Spence

A small group of church and community members have been working away each month on establishing a neighbourhood garden of vegetables and herbs at the Fulham Worship Centre.

We were delighted to be approached by a nearby early childhood centre to see if their children could walk around and spend the morning participating in some gardening – how lovely!

On Wednesday 8th March, fifteen children and their helpers walked from their Centre to our garden and, after sharing cupcakes and a drink, we spent special time with them talking about our garden, worm farms, recycling and the different plants. They helped pull out some plants that were past their ‘use by’ date and enjoyed putting them in our compost bins and learning about this process. They were entranced by the creepy crawlies in the bin.

The children helped to plant some radish seeds then each child potted a succulent to take back to their Centre. It was a delight to see them learning with interest over our wicking beds before running around our grassed areas (so much energy!). Time well spent (Luke 13:19). As part of this garden area we recently installed a Community Library and we hope this will encourage more people to visit and borrow or swap books, (sharing the love) and appreciating our neighbourhood and the environment.

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