3 minute read

They feel everyone has abandoned them

Frontier Services National Director Rob Floyd recently spoke to a group of Bush Chaplains, and they all told him stories that had one thing in common: farmers and families feel abandoned. They feel their country has forgotten them.

All across our country, Australians are stumbling under the on-going weight of floods, severe storms, the bushfires, and the drought which went on for years. In between, they faced mice plagues and a global pandemic.

In the meantime, they are also dealing with all the ups and downs and hardships of life: the death of loved ones, personal tragedies, mental health issues, family violence.

Disaster Recovery Bush Chaplain in Western Australia, Rev David Jackson, shared the story of a war veteran who was impacted by Cyclone Seroja in 2021. David said:

His property was right in the epicentre; the winds literally blew his roof off.

It’s been two years, yet he’s still living under tarpaulins. Every time it rains, he has to run around with buckets to catch the water.

He is strong, but he’s wearing out after two years of this. His mental health must be under immense pressure.

Our war vet needs a new roof, certainly, but he also desperately needs to know that he is not alone in this.

Many people in the bush are reluctant to ask for help themselves. They are proud and resilient and don’t like to ‘cause a fuss ’

Often, Frontier Services Bush Chaplains are the first to see their distress and say, It’s okay, we’ve got you. You deserve a helping hand, and we’re here for you.

Another Disaster Recovery Bush Chaplain in WA, Rev Erica Payne, shared:

As a Chaplain, I respond to needs, and the need is simplepeople need others to stand with them as they move to recovery.

My ministry is as a listener, someone who cares and takes the time to be with another in their pain, trauma, suffering, or in their joy and celebration.

I can help them manage whatever they are confronting or refer them to professional services. I meet folk as I attend community groups, events, and social functions where possible, and enjoy many cuppas with these incredibly beautiful people.

Donate today

People in rural and remote Australia are facing terrible hardship. Don't let them feel abandoned. Please show them they are not alone.

Please donate by 30th June to help fund Frontier Services Bush Chaplains who provide support, comfort, and hope to people living on the land.

The 2023 Synod meeting commences on the 21st June with the Installation Service of Moderator Elect Peter Morel. The Synod meeting will then be conducted from the 22nd June – 24th June.

Reports and related information for this year’s meeting have now been uploaded onto the Synod website. The website will be continually updated with further reports and meeting information and can be accessed at this link: sa.uca.org.au/about-us/synod-meetings/

Presbytery elected members that have not yet registered for the Synod meeting can do so by emailing synod2023@sa.uca.org.au and they will be sent the registration link.

Placements News

Placements finalised as at 16th May 2023

Sonia Armani (MOP) to Grange UC (0.5) from 1th May 2023

Rev Liellie McLaughlin to Prospect Road UC as Community Connections and Development Coordinator (0.2) from 1th May 2023.

Rev Oliver Ponsonby to Clayton Wesley UC from 1th May 2023.

Rev Leanne Jenski to Chaplain, St Andrews Hospital from 1th July 2023

Rev Sarah Agnew to Christ Church, Wayville UC (0.7) from 1th August 2023

Rev Linda Driver to Brougham Place UC from 1th August 2023

Dr Toar Hutagalung to UCLT as Director of Theology & Church History from 1th July 2023

Vacant placements

The following is the list of vacant (or soon to be vacant) approved placements:


Generate Presbytery

Ceduna UC (0.6)

Clare UC

Naracoorte UC

Presbytery of Southern SA

Glengowrie UC (0.5)

The Corner UC

Wimala Presbytery

Lefevre UC (0.4)

Kimba UC (0.5)


Generate Presbytery

Port Augusta UC (0.5)

Presbytery of Southern SA

Church of the Trinity UC

St Andrew's by the Sea UC (Glenelg)

Vermont UC Fijian Congregation

Wimala Presbytery

Athelstone UC (0.8)

Berri UC / Barmera UC

West Lakes United

For more information about placements, please visit sa.uca.org.au

Morialta Charitable Trust Fund

Morialta Charitable Trust Fund has been supporting disadvantaged children, young people and their families in South Australia through its annual program of distributions for 40 years. To enable the Fund to continue this support through community organisations in South Australia, Morialta Charitable Trust Fund seeks donations from the public. Donations of $2 and above are tax deductible and can be forwarded to the Morialta Charitable Trust Fund at PO Box 92, Crafers SA 5152

Deadline for the August/September 2023 edition: Friday, 14th July 2023

ISSN 0726-2612

New Times is the voice of Uniting Church in SA. Published bi-monthly, February through November, New Times represents the breadth, diversity and vision of Uniting Church members in South Australia. Articles and advertising do not necessarily reflect the views of the New Times Editorial team.

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