SAYCO 2017 Leaders Guide

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Group Coordinator’s Handbook

Leader’s Guide 30 Sept -2 Oct 2017 | Woodcroft College

Introduction What to know about SAYCO: the basics SAYCO is an annual overnight camp organised by the Uniting Church SA for young people who are currently in years 7-12. SAYCO features inspiring worship, activities, community time, workshops and night life, as well as time spent within their church group. SAYCO is a ‘mountain top event’ in the life of the Uniting Church SA. Like Moses on the mountain or the disciples at the Transfiguration, SAYCO is intended to provide a transformational experience. It does this by providing congregations with the opportunity to bless their young people with a high energy, fun and faith-transforming event which can open the door to further discipleship within the congregational context. Church groups will allocate campers into small groups of about five campers (usually similar age and same gender where possible). These small groups provide opportunities for building friendships and sharing conversations. Group members are encouraged to share in conversation and activities about topics related to the speaker’s sermons and the SAYCO theme. Church groups are responsible for their own meals and accommodation requirements, such as tents and marquees. Alternative accommodation areas are arranged through the SAYCO office. SAYCO is not an open community event. Only participants/volunteers with site access passes may enter the SAYCO sites (pedestrian access only) and young people must be signed out by an authorised person (parent/ guardian) if they are required to leave.

What SAYCO provides with group registration: • • • • •

A non-powered site allocation Worship services with a keynote speaker Activities, including SQUAD time and Night Life Small group time session notes and a small group leader’s guide Safety wrist bands and site passes for all attendees

What congregations provide: • • • • • •

Appropriate supervision of campers at all times Tents and camping gear as needed Cooking equipmentm, such as BBQs and camp stoves Site equipment, such as marquees, lighting, tables and chairs All meals, including morning tea, afternoon tea and supper Transportation to and from Woodcroft

Who is your main contact? Young people attend SAYCO as part of local church groups from locations across South Australia. Each group has a Group Coordinator who is responsible for organising the group to attend SAYCO. The Group Coordinator at your church (or school, etc) is the person who will be your main contact. They will provide you with a weblink which will take you to your group’s registration webpage.


2017 Theme:

The theme for SAYCO 2017 is ‘Rebels’. As we hear in many biblical passages, particularly within the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus calls us to a radical, difficult life of discipleship that is countercultural to the predominant messages we hear from the world. Defying both the domineering Roman authority and the rigid control of the Jewish leaders, Jesus’ message is one of subversion and rebellion against the status quo. SAYCO 2017 is inspired by the words of Romans 12:2, challenging people to act against a world calling for them to confrom. Campers willb e encouraged to worship with their whole selves, transformed by the Holy Spirit and finding continued renewal in Christ. • • • •

How do we speak truth into a culture of post-truth? How do we share the good news in a media saturated with fake news? How do we stand distinct from our peers in school as followers of Christ, following a narrow path towards him? How do we learn what it looks like to be Christ-like in 2017?

We REBEL. Rebels. Don’t conform. Transform.

Table of Contents

SAYCO venue................................................4 SAYCO program............................................5 Events fees and group costs......................6 Registration .................................................7 Safety.............................................................10 Before SAYCO...............................................12 At SAYCO.......................................................13 Traffic Map....................................................14 3

SAYCO venue SAYCO 2017 is being held at Woodcroft College about 25km south of the centre of Adelaide. Woodcroft College has been the home of SAYCO for many years. The venue will have areas for Admin/Registration, First Aid with St John volunteers, the gym for worship, and the central oval for camping, eating and games. Traffic maps of the site are available on page 33.

Woodcroft College

Welcome Centre


Short term parking

143 Bains Road, Morphett Vale

SAYCO program Saturday 10:30am Registrations 11:45pm Small group leaders meeting 12:30pm Session one (start of official program) 1:00pm-12:00am Groups beginning A-K shower in the portable showers 2:00pm Grand Final & Day Life 5:30pm Dinner 6:30pm Session two 8:00pm Small groups 9:00pm Night Life and supper 11:00pm Lights out Note: Daylight Savings overnight – clocks forward an hour

Welcome/Admin Room 43 Gym Portable showers Primary hall Own groups Gym Own groups Gym, classrooms or outside Own groups

Sunday 12:00am-12:00pm 8:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:30am 11:30am 1:00pm 1:00pm-12:00am 2:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 11:00pm

Groups beginning L-Z shower in the portable showers Breakfast SAYCO prayer meeting (optional, all invited) Session three (includes Communion) Small groups and morning tea Workshops Lunch Groups A-K shower in the portable showers SQUAD session Afternoon tea SQUAD Messy Games Free Time Dinner Session four Night Life feat. acoustic worship Supper Lights Out

Portable showers Own groups Oval Gym Gym, classrooms or outside Various rooms (see map) Own groups Portable showers Various Own groups Oval Own groups Own groups Gym Gym, classrooms or outside Own groups Own groups

Groups L-Z shower in the portable showers Breakfast + small groups SAYCO prayer meeting (optional, all invited) Pack up Session five Home time (end of official program – lunch optional for groups)

Portable showers Own groups Oval Own groups Gym Own groups

Monday 12:00am-12:00pm 8:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm

*Program subject to change 5

Safety: Safe Church Safe Church SAYCO is an event of the Uniting Church SA and is committed to the Uniting Church Safe Church practices. Part of this commitment is to protect young people from any neglect or abuse (physical, sexual, spiritual or emotional). The SAYCO team affirms congregations and schools in their commitment to provide leaders who are able to exercise care and effectively minister to young people. Group Coordinators must ensure leaders are fully informed of their duty of care responsibilities. The Presbytery and Synod Office Screening Services facilitates the National Police History Check through the Australian Criminal Intelligence Services. The next step of the Screening and Authority Process after receiving a UC Ref ID is for your Church Council to approve the leaders.

Safe Church practices include our legal and moral responsibility to ensure the safety of everyone whilst in the care of the Uniting Church. We need to anticipate and avoid foreseeable harm and seek to minimise harm should it occur.

Group Coordinators will ensure leaders are fully informed of their Safe Church duty of care responsibilities. They have appointed someone going to SAYCO as their duty of care person.

Using social media at SAYCO:

The Uniting Church SA and SAYCO invites you to share comments and stories on social media. However, please be aware that once something is posted online, it can be read by others and may be available for many years to come. Please encourage your campers to exercise caution when posting on social media. SAYCO has the right to edit or delete any comments deemed inappropriate for its social media channels and its readers. Your Group Coordinator will define best practice for your group. In addtion, please ask your campers to ensure that: • they ask themselves, ‘If this communication were to be made known to the wider Uniting Church, would it be considered appropriate?’ Individuals need to be sensitive to the impact of the words and images used, and avoid the offence of miscommunications. • the Golden Rule is followed: “Write or say only what you would want others to publish about you in public.” • other SAYCO groups - and individuals not in your group - are not included (in photos, etc) except by express permission and knowledge of that group’s leaders. • comments about fellow campers, colleagues, volunteers, children or young adults, if published, would not cause hurt or embarrassment to others, risk claims of libel or harm the reputation of SAYCO, Uniting Church, children and young people. • nothing is printed, posted or published which infringes copyright, privacy or anti-discrimination legislation or regulations.

For any other Safe Church concerns, please talk to your Group Coordinator. 6

Safety: Insurance / Medical Insurance

There is some insurance cover in place regarding personal accident and injury and public liability. Please note that personal items and items on loan (including tents, marquees, BBQ/cooking equipment) are not covered under this policy. Please have everyone check with their personal insurers in regards to these items. Please also note that while there is some cover for transport in church-owned vehicles, privately owned vehicles remain the responsibility of the owner who should check with their insurer for any concerns.

Any specific queries or concerns should be directed to your Group Coordinator.


Onsite there will be a small team of security volunteers will be available at SAYCO to assist with general security and traffic management needs. Security volunteers can be identified by: • a name tag with the words ‘SAYCO Security’ on it • a purple wrist band • a high visibility vest • a purple site pass lanyard In an emergency, security volunteers will give directions. These must be followed to ensure SAYCO is a safe environment.


St John Ambulance will be onsite for the entire program. Please be sure that your camper’s registration covers all medical needs, concerns that your camper has.


It is expected that young people at SAYCO will store and administer their own medication, unless other arrangements have been made. Group Coordinators have been asked to support them in finding an appropriate place to store their medication safely.


Before SAYCO Offering Team SAYCO sees giving as an important part of being a Christian - giving regularly and generously is an act of worship, as well as a response to God’s love, generosity and sacrifice for us all. Half of the offering will go toward future SAYCO events and financial support for groups to attend SAYCO. The other half will be donated to a cause or organisation chosen by the young people at SAYCO. The young people will vote on which of cause or organisation they would to like to receive half of the offering.

What campers and leaders need to bring

• Clothing (including clothes that can get wet or stained; warm clothes for nights) • Hat, sunscreen • Waterproof jacket - it might rain! • Toiletries, towel • Sleeping bag, mattress, pillow • Bowl, plate, spoon, knife, fork, tea towel • Water bottle • Reusable cup for hot drinks (if needed) • Bible (if you have one) • Money for offering and Snack Central • Pen, notebook • Medication (if required) • Ball, frisbee, etc (optional) • Snacks. NO NUTS or NUT PRODUCTS (optional) TIP: make sure everything is clearly labelled so it can all go home with you! Valuables such as tablets and phones are brought at the individual’s own risk (see page 26). Large amounts of cash and highly valuable items should be left at home.

Expectations of SAYCO campers

In order for everyone to be safe and have fun at SAYCO, youth and leaders are expected to follow certain guidelines. Group Coordinators have been asked to communicate the following points to all youth and leaders: • To create a safe community at SAYCO, young people need parental permission and a parent or leader to be with them before they can leave the site. They will also need to sign out at the Welcome Centre. • SAYCO is a no smoking, no alcohol and no drug event. • SAYCO team wants everyone to enjoy themselves at the event – this means participating and ensuring that the feelings, values and property of others are respected at all times. • SAYCO team aims to make SAYCO a fun, safe place for all involved; please follow the directions of all SAYCO team members (identifiable by purple lanyards). All SAYCO attendees are asked to remember to be ambassadors for Jesus through their words and actions.


At SAYCO Getting To Camp

Your group may have arranged for transport to and from camp. Please double check with your Group Coordinator. Pre & Post Event Entry to Woodcroft College is from the end of Farnsworth Drive (or via the Shopping Centre Access laneway). Please observe signs and follow directions given by the traffic personnel and helpers.


During Worship, SAYCO provides the opportunity to give in the form of an offering. Campers are encouraged to help decide where the money will go. Please encourage your child to come to camp with ideas about who will benefit from the offering collected.


SAYCO is recorded through visual images for historical and promotional purposes. These may be used through various forms of electronic media or print material. During registration you will be able to notify event organisers if you do not want your child to be featured in any promotional/historical material.

Lost property

Any ‘found’ property should be handed in at the Welcome Centre. If property has been lost, youth should go to the Welcome Centre and fill out the appropriate form (stating what was lost, when, where and who to contact if found). On collection, valuable items will need to be signed out. Every year a large collection of lost property finds its way back to the SAYCO Event Office. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity or discarded after 27 November 2017.

Showers and toilets

Three male and three female showers can be found in the change rooms in the school gym; these showers can be accessed at any hour. The toilets in this area can also be accessed at any hour. There will also be access to toilets near JS9 (see map on page 15 for details). Portable showers will be available on a rotating schedule (see program for details, page 6.)

Snack Central

Snack Central, a snack and merchandise shop, will be open for certain hours during SAYCO and will be located in Classroom 19 (refer to the SAYCO site map page 15). Please take careful notice of the opening times listed on the Snack Central window.

Lights out

All youth must respect the ‘lights out’ times on the program. Leaders are asked to keep youth quiet so as to not to disturb others.


Small Group Leader’s Guide

Thank you for being willing to be a small group leader at SAYCO 2017! It’s is an amazing privilege and responsibility that you have chosen to take on this weekend. The small group times are an essential part of SAYCO for you as small group leader and for your youth. This time gives you a chance to get to know a small group of youth and build your own little community together. It is the hope and prayer of Team SAYCO that the camp will be a time for your small group to talk, ask questions, discover, grow and pray together. There are some changes to small groups this year which will help with the flow of the program: • There will be 2 set small group times: the first after session 1 on Saturday and the second after session 3 on Sunday • There is a chance to have some informal small group time over breakfast on Monday morning. • There will be a video that can be viewed online before camp, rather than a small group leaders’ meeting during camp. Team SAYCO hopes this change will free up leaders’ time at the busy beginning of camp, and will also give the opportunity for more leaders to receive the information that would talked about in the meeting. A link to this video will sent through to Group Coordinators to distribute when available.

Each small group time is split into three different sections: 1. Icebreaker Games (first session only) Your small group may know each other well, or not at all. The icebreaker games are an opportunity for your group to get to know each other and build a bit of community. There are several games suggested in this booklet. You can choose one or two that fit the needs of your group. 2. Questions This is an opportunity for the youth to reflect on the session and to dig deeper into the theme. 3. Prayer This is a way to finish off your small group time together. All people learn and connect with God differently. There are a range of suggestions for creative forms of prayer you can try. Team SAYCO hopes that by engaging in different styles of prayer, the youth in your small group can find a type of prayer that connects with them and maybe continue with it when they leave SAYCO. There are creative prayer kits available to borrow for your small group sessions. They will be available at the beginning and end of each worship session.


Tips for running a small group This is just a beginning SAYCO is just a beginning- for you and for your youth! While this time together is important, it’s also good to remember that we are preparing the youth for life after camp. So take the time to build relationships that can continue after camp, and assist your youth to think about what they can take home.

Not just for small group time This year there are lots of spaces and opportunities for building relationship with your youth, and places for them to explore and discover faith. So take the opportunities to engage with them across the weekend and ask them about the things they are discovering and exploring.

Be Prepared While SAYCO is a really busy time try and make sure you have looked through the sessions, the Bible verses, and organised any materials you might need before the small group time. This will help your group run much more smoothly, and help you be much more relaxed when running your small group.

Be Yourself We are all created unique. We all have a different leadership style. Be authentic to who you are. Don’t try to be another sort of leader, be the leader you are.

Silence is Ok

Be Flexible

It’s alright if there is sometimes silence in your group. Don’t feel the need to fill the silence. The silence allows the youth time to think, and encourages them to speak up. Especially those who are more hesitant are unlikely to speak as soon as you ask a question. At the same time, it’s ok to ask the question in different way, give possible answers, or move on to the next questions if your youth aren’t engaging.

Each small group is unique. What has worked in previous years or with previous groups might not work this year. Be flexible with how you run your group. Get to know your youth, and find what works for them. The same goes for the questions, be flexible. If you find the discussion heading in a different direction, that’s ok. It might be a direction that your small group wants to explore. It is also ok to redirect the discussion back if it goes too far off topic. If your group gets through the questions quickly, use the rest of the time to build community with each other. Maybe play another one of the icebreaker games, or take the time to go back and explore those other questions that were a bit off topic.

You Don’t Need All the Answers You don’t need to know everything. If you don’t know an answer, admit it, but aim to help find an answer. And if you do know the answer, it’s good not to answer all the questions. Some questions are a great opportunity to ask back to the youth. They can surprise you with their insight, and may even give a different perspective.

Icebreaker Games Trust walk Blindfolds and basic obstacles needed. Put your youth into teams of two. Blindfold one person in the team, and have the other person give them instructions to get around a simple obstacles or perform a specific task. Eg. Walk around a chair, pick up a pen. They can only guide them through verbal instructions.

Two truths and a lie No equipment needed. Sit in a circle. Each person needs to tell the group three things about themselves. Two that are true, and one that is a lie. Then the rest of the group needs to decide which fact is a lie. Go around the circle and make sure everyone has a turn.

Highs and lows No equipment needed. Go around everyone in the group and each person shares a high (good thing that has happened this week or at SAYCO) and one low (one not so good thing that has happened this week or at SAYCO).

Human knot No Equipment needed. Stand your group in a circle. Have everyone put their right hand into the centre and grab someone’s hand from across the circle. Then get everyone to place their left hand into the centre of the circle, and grab the hand of someone across the circle (not the same person as their right hand). Now the group needs to try and untangle themselves without letting go of hands

Ultimate ninja No equipment needed. Have everyone stand in a circle, and put one hand in the centre. Count to three, then everyone jumps backwards, yells ‘Ultimate…Ninja’ and strikes their best ninja pose. Choose a person to start. In one motion they need to attempt to hit someone else’s hand, or make a movement in any direction they like. They must then hold this new pose until their next turn. If they hit a person’s hand, that person is out. But if you believe someone is attempting to hit your hand you can move your hand away in one motion. This person must then keep this new pose until their next turn. It is then the turn of the person to the right who started. Once someone has taken a turn, it immediately moves on till person to their right. You keep going around the circle until only one person remains.


Prayer Ideas There are creative prayer kits available to borrow for small group sessions. Prayer ideas below are noted if the equipment is available in the creative prayer kits. The kits will be available at the beginning and end of each worship session.

Praying in Colour Paper, pen, pencil and textas needed. Based on the book Praying in Color by Sybil MacBeth. (There will be copies of this book on the weekend if you would like to look through it.) The purpose of this prayer-style is to use colour and shapes to help you focus on talking to God, not necessarily to create a beautiful artwork. 1. Distribute paper to each person. 2. Make sure they all have access to pen, pencil or textas during the prayer. 3. Start by writing a word for God, anywhere on the page. It may be ‘God’, ‘Jesus’, ‘Creator’, ‘Love’, or maybe even a question mark for those who are not sure what they believe. 4. Then draw a shape around it. 5. Then decorate this shape with patterns or colours. As you do this focus on the word you have written. You may choose colours that represent your word, or any that you choose. 6. Then choose another word. It might be a person, or a situation you wish to pray for. 7. Then draw a shape around it, and decorate it. It can be helpful at this point to make suggestions to the youth about what else they can pray for. Eg. A friend, someone they know is struggling, something they need help with etc. 8. Keep going for as long as you have. In the last minute, you can go back and look over what you have written and then write ‘Amen’ at the bottom of the page.


Lego Prayer Lego set (can be borrowed before and after the worship session) Sit together and spread the Lego out. Explain to your group that you are going to build a prayer together, it may be in the shape of a house, or a tower, or anything you can imagine. Then get them to choose a brick and think about someone or something they would like to prayer for, when they are ready they can use their brick to begin building your house or tower. They can simply add one brick to the building or they may choose to add many. When the group has finished, or you run out of Lego bricks simply say ‘Amen’, as not all prayer needs to use many words.

Sculpture Prayer Playdoh set (can be borrowed before and after the worship session) Sit around a table or in a circle on the floor, and talk to your group about the idea that we do not have to pray with words, but that our actions can act as prayer. Invite each person to choose some playdoh and mould something or someone they would like to pray for, and when they have finished shaping it, place it in the centre where they may choose to say a word or two about what they are praying for or stay silent. (You may choose to give them the opportunity to mould more than one shape.) Once everyone has placed their playdoh in the centre simply say ‘Amen’. You may choose to then discuss further what people have moulded, but this will depend on your group.

Song Contemplation A song and device to play it on is needed. Choose a worship song, or a song that relates to the theme of the session. Have everyone sit or lay down comfortably and quietly. Play the song. As it plays encourage them to listen and reflect on the lyrics or reflect on the session and allow God to speak to them through this.

Contemplative Prayer No equipment needed. This is a form of silent prayer. Get everyone to sit down comfortably (but not so comfortable that they might fall asleep). Ask them to close their eyes and sit in silence. The intention is to open themselves up to hear God speak to them. The hope is not to let your mind wander, but to keep it clear. This can be difficult, so you can use a focus word, such as ‘Jesus’, ‘Love’, ‘Peace’ etc. When you find your mind wander, just repeat the word to yourself several times to clear your mind. I find it helpful to set a timer on my phone. I would suggest at least 5 minutes.

Written Prayers Paper and pens needed. This works for any youth regardless of where they are in their faith journey as it is done individually. Give each person a piece of paper and a pen. Give them time to journal their thoughts and prayers.

Scrabble Prayer A printed set of scrabble letters needed. There will be sets to borrow for a session during SAYCO. Spread out the letters and encourage the youth to use the word to spell out things they would like to prayer for. They could say them out loud, or someone could speak all the words aloud at the end.


Session 1 - Saturday Icebreaker game You may wish to start this session with an icebreaker game as a way of your small group getting to know each other. Icebreaker ideas are on page 12 of this guide.

Session reflection What did you think of session 1? What did we talk about?

Read Psalm 139:7-16 •

What does this verse say?

It talks about a God, ruler over all things, who lovingly created you.

How does knowing this change the way you might view yourself?

If he knit you together and knows you the best why do you think rejecting him is dangerous?

How do you think we might reject him everyday in our life?

Jesus came to bring about the greatest rebellion ever; how was it different to other rebellions that you might have seen or heard of?

He came to love, sacrifice and bring the truth

In what simple way could you join this rebellion?

Prayer Choose one from those provided on pages 13-14 or choose your own.


Session 2 - Saturday

Session reflection What did you think of session 2? What impacted you the most? What was the session all about? Do you feel like you are known by God? What might help you to grow more into the feeling of being known by God?

Read Romans 10: 9-10 •

What do these verses say?

Talk about how feelings are different to faith.

Feelings are an important part of you, but not the only part.

Sometimes our feelings are not helpful. Our feelings may tell us that God is not with us. But our faith tells us something different.

That’s why nurturing your faith is really important. Reading the Bible and different types of prayer are great ways to build your relationship with God.

What do you currently do to draw close to God- both by yourself and with others? What can you add to your current relationship to grow it further into the future?

How do you plan to build your life on your faith in God so that it is unshakeable?

Prayer Choose one from those provided on pages 13-14 or choose your own.


Session 3 - Sunday Session reflection •

What did you think of session 3?

What did you find most interesting?

Luke spoke about Noah and how he listened to God despite what people would say about him.

Do you think you could obey him at any cost?

What would it take for you to obey him to that level?

Why do you think that is?

With this in mind, why do think it is so important to start with knowing God?

What do you think are some ways that you can start building your relationship with God?

Prayer Choose one from those provided in this book or choose your own.


Monday morning (over breakfast)

Take the opportunity to sit down together and talk over breakfast (This can be a busy time, but it will be one of the last chances to reflect and connect over the weekend).

Suggested reflection questions Highs and lows Go around everyone in the group and get each person to share one low (one not so good thing at SAYCO) and a high (a good thing that has happened at SAYCO). If you have the chance you can explore why these things were a high or low. It’s important that we acknowledge the good things in life, but it’s also important to know we have spaces where we can share things that aren’t so good.

What’s your take home? Ask each person what is one thing they are going to think on, or act on after camp. This can be something that has come from sessions, or something that has come from other parts of camp, this could be spiritual or non spiritual in nature.

Staying connected Talk to your group about if they would like to stay connected after camp, and discuss how this might happen. It might just be hanging out at church or youth group, or connecting through social media.

Extra Resources Extra resources will be delivered to your campsite Monday morning for you to hand out to your youth. The aim of them is to help the youth continue to reflect on SAYCO when they leave camp. You may choose to discuss these as a group.


Our Vision A radical generation of lifelong Christians fired up to join God’s work in the world. Our Mission Statement To provide a camp of excellence, uniting local youth ministries to radically transform their communities. Our Core Values • Encouragement • Healthy Relationships • Servant Leadership • Prayer and the Scriptures Our Aims • To provide a temporary community of faith • To celebrate and grow disciples and leaders • To provide an age appropriate activity-based program • Provide opportunity to ask questions and explore faith

SAYCO is a smoke, drug and alcohol free event.

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