SAYCO 2018 Leader Information

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Leader Information 29 September -1 October 2018

Introduction SAYCO is an annual overnight camp organised by the Uniting Church SA for young people who are currently in years 7-12. For over 20 years, SAYCO has been a significant discipleship event for hundreds of youth across the Uniting Church in SA, inspiring them to a deeper, transforming experience of faith. Every year SAYCO has been committed to making this an even better experience for youth and the groups who bring them. That is our vision as we work intentionally to make this year’s SAYCO an awesome event. Additionally, SAYCO is committed to looking even deeper this year to see how SAYCO can realise that vision for the future with creativity, passion and energy - a fresh shape for coming generations.

What’s new?

This year, your group may have chosen to sleep indoors in classrooms rather than on the oval. Some groups have decided to opt for in-house catering (supplied by Uniting Venues).

2018 Theme:

If we let them, small worries can build into something bigger– the multitude of commitments, sport, work and study, responding to an avalanche of social media notifications, navigating friendships, family, partners and potential partners. And then there are the big things that often feel out of our control – natural disasters, war, poverty and violence. It can be difficult to look beyond the many things that cause us stress, and to listen those who tell us not to worry. To take time to breathe. “Do not worry,” Jesus says in his Sermon on the Mount (see Matthew 6:25-34). This sermon reminds us to look beyond our everyday troubles, what we eat and wear, and trust in God to provide all we need. Paul urges the same in Philippians 4:6-7 (MSG): Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the centre of your life. The message is clear: do not worry, but seek peace in God. We can take time to breathe. Breathe again.


SAYCO 2018 is being held at Woodcroft College about 25km south of the centre of Adelaide. Woodcroft College has been the home of SAYCO for many years. The venue will have areas for Admin/Registration, First Aid with St John volunteers, the gym for worship, and the central oval for camping, eating and games. Traffic maps of the site are available on page 23&24.

Woodcroft College

Welcome Centre


Short term parking

143 Bains Road, Morphett Vale

Sample SAYCO program Saturday 10:30am Registrations 12:15pm Small group leaders meeting 12:45pm Youth pastors prayer meeting 1:00pm-12:00am Groups beginning A-K shower in the portable showers 1:00pm Session one (start of official program) 3:00pm-4:00pm Small groups (including afternoon tea) 4:15pm Workshops – active 6:00pm Dinner 7:00pm Session two 8:30pm Supper 9:00pm Night Life feat. AFL Grand Final replay 11:00pm Lights out Note: Daylight Savings overnight – clocks forward an hour


12:00am-12:00pm 8:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:30am 11:30am 1:00pm 1:00pm-12:00am 2:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 11:00pm

Groups beginning L-Z shower in the portable showers Breakfast SAYCO prayer meeting (optional, all invited) Session three (includes Communion) Small groups and morning tea Workshops Lunch Groups A-K shower in the portable showers SQUAD session Afternoon tea SQUAD Messy Games Free Time Dinner Session four Night Life feat. acoustic worship Supper Lights Out

Monday 12:00am-12:00pm 8:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm

*Program subject to change

Groups L-Z shower in the portable showers Breakfast + small groups SAYCO prayer meeting (optional, all invited) Pack up Session five Home time (end of official program – lunch optional for groups) 4

Event fees and group costs Event fees SAYCO event fees are paid through the online registration sytem. They cover participation in the program for the weekend. Payment will take place at the end of this process.

Schedule of event fees payable during the online registration

Churches have already selected which options will be added on and this will be reflected in the online registration. Registration type - 3 days


Youth & Leaders (self-cater, tent on oval) add SAYCO catering add indoor accommodation Siblings (between 2-12 years old staying with a parent leader) self-cater add SAYCO catering add indoor accommodation Setup Crew, Leaders (less than four hours) & Visitors - staying under 4 hours

$85.00 +$62.00 (inc GST) $0.00 (no charge) $70.00 +$62.00 (inc GST) $0.00 (no charge) $0.00 (no charge)

Group costs - will be in addition if your group self-caters or has other costs Group costs cover the items your Group Coordinator needs to provide for the group for the weekend. This may include tents, food or other costs. These are not included in the online registration and will be collected separately by your Group Coordinator.


Leaders Good leaders are key to a successful discipleship-building event. It is vital that at all times appropriate leaders are selected. Leaders are legally responsible for the young people and junior leaders in their care for the entire weekend and must be: 1. Over 18 years old 2. Have a valid UC Ref ID (see Screening and Authority process, page 11) 3. Be approved by the Church Council as leaders (pages 5, 12-15) Drivers, All leaders transporting young people will require a ‘UC Ref ID’ (see Assessing leaders below) and the additional form: Professional bus drivers employed to transport leaders and young people to and/or from SAYCO do not need to complete a Driver’s Declaration form, but you will need to confirm with the company that they have a proper screening process in place. If the bus driver intends to be on-site at any time during the official program they are considered a leader.

Junior leaders

Team SAYCO always encourages young people under 18 to attend SAYCO as a camper to get the most benefit from the experience. Only in some very specific cases will a 17 year-old be considered a junior leader: • No campers in the same group are within two years age (e.g. all other campers are 13, 14, 15). • They are being mentored for leadership in their local congregation. • The Group Coordinator believes that the 17 year-old is mature enough for a leadership position and their parents also believe that they will be capable of handling this role. • The individual is be able to handle responsibilities and understand their group’s boundaries, recognising that they are no longer being identified as a SAYCO camper (for example, joining in games only as appropriate for leaders). • The junior leader must participate in the Uniting Church Screening and Authority process. • Adult leaders must only mentor one junior leader at a time. • The Group Coordinator or an adult leader must be able to provide adequate mentoring and supervision of the junior leader.

What does the role of junior leader involve?

The purpose of the junior leader role is to assist with the care of the youth within their group or to help the group in some other way (assisting with cooking, etc). As they are under 18, junior leaders cannot be given full responsibility and therefore must be supervised by an adult. In South Australia, a child is legally defined as a person under the age of 18 - a person under the age of 18 cannot be held legally responsible.


Sign up process 1. Screening and Authority: to be completed before the sign up process (see page 11, GC Handbook). 2. Set up SAYCO account. This involves creating a log-in in order to do pre-registration and registration. 3. Pre-registration: This is the final part of the Screening and Authority process. All leaders and junior leaders must have an active UC Ref ID. Church Councils must approve all leaders: without this approval leaders will not be able to register to attend. Group Coordinators decide whether their group will have catering or classroom accommodation. Must be completed by 26 August. 4. Registration of leaders and campers: Leaders and legal guardians of campers will use their group’s link to enter all of their information into the online system and pay at the check-out. Camper registrations are only for children. 5. Confirmation of registrations: Group Coordinators will collect signatures from parents of campers and junior leaders. This form will be handed over during check in at SAYCO.

PreRego for all leaders Screening & Authority By signing this form you confi rm that you are are the person the legal guard who registered ian of the camp onlin and Conditions er registered and which were inclu e. You also agree that you have that you ded in your onlin read and unde rstood all of the e registration and Terms Camper:______ were emailed ____________ to your address. _______ Parent:_______ ____ ____________ Camper:______ ______ Date ____________ :_________ _______ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____ ____ Camper:______ ____________ ____________ __ Date:____ _______ ____ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date :_________ _______ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ Camper:______ __________ ____________ Date:________ _______ _ Parent:_______ ____________ __________ Date:________ _

Promote rego for campers and leaders

Confirm Regos


Sign up process: 1 Screening & Authority 1. Screening and Authority

The safety of young people at SAYCO is our highest priority. All leaders present at SAYCO are required by the Uniting Church Safe Church policy in compliance with government legislation and the Uniting Church insurance coverage to have a UC Ref ID. This process involves each leader filling out a National Police History Check - Informed Consent form, returning it to the Synod Screening Services unit and receiving a confirmation letter with their UC Ref ID via return post. Leaders will need to tell you their UC Ref ID. Please note: This form has changed significantly. Please read and fill it out carefully. A UC Ref ID is the first half of the Screening and Authority process. Leaders must then be approved by the Church Council of the congregation sending the group to SAYCO. The UC Ref ID will allow your leaders to register online. These UC Ref IDs are active for a period of three years (for SAYCO 2018 this means that they must have been issued no earlier than 2 October 2015). To find a lost UC Ref ID, you must use the online form listed below: This process must be completed before camp commences. In some cases, it may take up to six weeks to complete the Screening and Authority process. It is strongly advised that you have standby leaders available and with active site passes. Having these people in place will relieve you from any last minute panic if a leader has to pull out or has not received their Uniting Church screening clearance in time.


ACTION Leaders need to have a current UC Ref ID and be approved by Church Council.


Sign up process: 2 SAYCO Online Account 2. Set up a SAYCO Online Account

An individual group link will take you to a log-in screen. Choose the last option: to create an account. This account will use your email address and will securely store your confidential information for access only by authorised SAYCO Event Office staff. All leaders and parents of campers and junior leaders will need to set up a SAYCO online account. This is a log-in to be able to be screened and registered. (mobile view)

Confirmation screen

If you want to add it to your calendar, click the link.

Confirmation email


Sign up process: 3 Pre-Registration 3. Pre-Register

All leaders and junior leaders must have an Active UC Ref ID. This is verified by the SAYCO Event Office through the process of Pre-registration. • Registration of non-campers is not possible after 26 August without first pre-registering. • Pre-registration is free and non-binding so it is highly recommended that as many leaders as may be needed be pre-registered before 26 August. There is no requirement to pay at this time. • Group Coordinators will be asked to decide on catering and accommodation for their entire group at this time. • After the UC Ref ID is verified and the Church Council has approved the leaders, they will be able to complete the purchase of a leader ticket. (mobile view)


Sign up process: 4 Leader Registrations 4. Registration of leaders

After the pre-registration closes, a leader should return to their account in order to register. Please note thatthe leader link is a DIFFERENT link to the camper registration. • The closing date for registrations is Friday 21 September. After this date, any new registrations will accrue a $10 admin fee to have Team SAYCO add the registration manually. • If, after logging in, you cannot see the leader selection box, then your police check has not yet been cleared, please email to verify that your police check was received.

Follow along the prompts similarly to the camper instructions on the next pages.

Requirements: • Any device with internet access will operate with the new system. • All campers and junior leader registrations must be completed by a parent or legal guardian. This will then be confirmed in step 4. • All medical, dietary and other requirements will be entered in the registration. • Every registration will require two emergency contacts of which one must not be attending the event. Other notes: • Half-finished forms, unfortunately, cannot be saved. • A confirmation email will be sent to the address provided in registration. A form version of this email is what Group Coordinators will use to confirm the registration in the next step. • The closing date for registrations is Friday 21 September. After this date, any new registrations will accrue a $10 admin fee to have Team SAYCO add them manually.


Sign up process: 4 Leader Registrations *Choose the number of people that are being registered and click the Register to attend button.

Fill in all of the medical and health information. Please ensure that any health or wellness issue which may impact on a camper or leader’s experience is mentioned e.g. low mobility, dietary needs. If these items are not listed, Team SAYCO may not be aware of the need to assist them at camp. If you are a part of Broadview or Lameroo Uniting Church, please tick that you accept the catering charge. This is not optional and takes the place of the payment you would make to your Church for catering. If you accidentally tick Broadview or Lameroo, but are not part of that church, please stop registering and email sayco@ so that we can remove the church from your record. Use previous page and next buttons at the bottom of each page to navigate between sets of questions.


Sign up process: 4 Leader Registrations The last page is the Registration Summary which includes your total cost and all of the answers that you gave. If you need to change those answers, please use the field Edit my details and use the previous page and next page buttons to navigate through the questions. After you have made the necessary changes, you will need to choose next page repeatedly to get back to the billing page.

PLEASE NOTE: You will need to amend the name and email in the bill payment section to your own name (or the name of the person paying the registration). Enter your details in the credit card area. On the next page is the registration summary and billing details. When you are ready to ‘check out’ press Confirm my place. You will receive a tax invoice via the email address listed as the bill payer.


Safety: Safe Church Safe Church SAYCO is an event of the Uniting Church SA and is committed to the Uniting Church Safe Church practices. Part of this commitment is to protect young people from any neglect or abuse (physical, sexual, spiritual or emotional). Team SAYCO affirms congregations and schools in their commitment to provide leaders who are able to exercise care and effectively minister to young people. Group Coordinators must ensure leaders are fully informed of their duty of care responsibilities. After the leader has been approved, that leader then has the responsibility to understand and act according to the Safe Church policy and ensure a safe environment for both young people and adults. Safe Church practices include our legal and Group Coordinators will ensure leaders are fully informed of their Safe moral responsibility Church duty of care responsibilities. They have nominated someone going to ensure the safety to SAYCO as their duty of care person on the weekend. of everyone whilst in the care of the Uniting Safe Church practices include: Church. We need to • Ensuring that all leaders who are involved have met the Uniting Church anticipate and avoid Screening and Authority requirements. foreseeable harm and • Providing a leadership team that includes adults of both genders. seek to minimise harm • Providing clear behaviour management guidelines that are understood should it occur. and accepted by the entire group. • Ensuring all young people, as well as their parents/guardians, know the name of their group and how to contact their Group Coordinator over the course of the event. • Ensuring that the behaviour and actions of leaders are always appropriate. • Ensuring young people are supervised appropriately throughout the event. • Abiding by the policy that the event is smoke, drug and alcohol free. • Setting up the group site/facilities in a safe and appropriate way. Team SAYCO is committed to providing a safe environment for leaders and campers; however, each group is advised to undertake their own risk assessment, ensuring that all of the risks the group and property are exposed to during this time have been thoroughly analysed and addressed prior to the event. This includes travel to and from the venue. Team SAYCO has greater control over the environment during the course of the event, and team members work hard to provide as safe a place as possible with the resources available. However, the responsibility for the safety of young people within each group ultimately rests with the Group Coordinator and leaders. Read the full Safe Church Policies:


Safety: Safe Church Code of Conduct for volunteers & leaders The Uniting Church in Australia believes that all people are made in the image of God and as such we should accept every individual regardless of race, age, creed or gender. As a Christian community, we believe that God reaches out to us in love and acceptance and that our relationships with each other should express love and respect and not be abused. As a community of faith, we are committed to providing a place in society where human beings can explore what it means to be made in the image of God. As an expression of this commitment, the Uniting Church in Australia recognises its responsibility to provide worshipping and pastoral communities that are free from abuse and that provide safe environments for all people to explore and express their faith in the Gospel. UCSA Safe Church Policy (Safe Place statement written by the Assembly Gospel and Gender Committee 1993) The Church’s missional & pastoral effectiveness, reputation, and credibility can be put at serious risk where we (irrespective of motive) fail to conduct ourselves in an appropriate manner. This Code of Conduct sets out the standards of behaviour and ethical conduct expected of volunteers and leaders as representatives of the church. This should be signed upon appointment of a role as a volunteer/leader. General lifestyle expectations The following expectations are not an attempt to legislate holiness or be legalistic, but rather to reinforce the biblical responsibilities that accompany the privilege of volunteering and leading. It is expected that (UCSA) volunteers and leaders minister out of a healthy relationship with God. Volunteers and leaders are encouraged to: • Actively participate in the life and ministry of the Church • Study the Scriptures and pray regularly • Give of their time and finances to the work of the Church as an expression of their gratitude to God. (UCSA) Volunteers and Leaders serve others in the context of healthy relationships by: • Loving and caring for all people and paying attention to the effect of ministry on them • Treating others with respect and exercising authority respectfully • Resolving conflict in an appropriate way • Not disclosing to anyone (including a spouse), any confidential information without the consent of the person providing the information (there is an exception where there is a legal obligation or a duty of care issue) • Being a team player and cooperating with other ministry leaders as well as watching out for each other and protecting each other’s integrity • Using words that build up and do not ridicule or embarrass people. • Actively participate in an appropriate induction process when commencing in a new role • UCSA Screening and Authority Check completed as required.


Safety: Safe Church Code of Conduct for volunteers & leaders - continued (UCSA) Volunteers and Leaders set an example by: • Obeying the law. • Not taking property belonging to others, including intellectual property (copyright) and knowingly making false, misleading or deceptive statements. • Not engaging in bullying, emotional abuse, harassment, physical abuse, sexual abuse or spiritual abuse of any person, including their own family. • Not acting violently or intentionally provoking violence. • Not using any prohibited substances and not volunteering while under the influence of alcohol. • Expressing their sexuality in a healthy and God honouring way . • Not seeking personal advantage or financial gain from this position. • Disclosing to the church leadership if they are being or have been investigated for any criminal offences. What do I do if I find myself in conflict with another volunteer/leader or I believe there has been a breach of the Code of Conduct? Differences of opinion can be the making of a mature, healthy and diverse community. We encourage all volunteers/leaders to work through conflict resolution by using Biblical principles. The Bible clearly encourages us to be concerned with each other’s spiritual wellbeing and teaches us to resolve issues in love. The principles taught in Matthew 18:15-17 should be used to resolve any offenses or relational conflict within the church. It is the responsibility of a volunteer/leader to approach the other person promptly when they have been offended or when they have reason to believe they may have done the offending. This approach should be carried out with an attitude of love, concern and humility and should be motivated by the sincere desire to see resolution and restoration of relationships. In practical terms, what does this look like? If conflict arises, take the following steps as required: 1. Step 1: Speak to the other person to try to resolve the complaint: if this is not successful move to the next step 2. Step 2: Speak to the Minister, Pastor, Ministry Team Leader, Safe Church Contact Person or the Chair of Church Council: if this is not successful move to the next step 3. Step 3: Lodge a complaint with the Presbytery/Synod In each of these steps if the issue is resolved to the satisfaction of both parties there is no need to progress to the next step. However if a resolution cannot be achieved that both parties agree to, the next step should be taken. What if the issue is more serious than just a conflict or disagreement? If the issue is a matter of serious misconduct or there is an allegation of abuse it is appropriate that a complaint be made and the grievance process be initiated. Breaches of the law should be reported to the Police and the Presbytery/Synod should be notified by contacting the Chair, Safe Church Committee; GPO Box 2145, Adelaide (Lvl 2, 212 Pirie Street) or by phoning 08 8236 4200 or 1300 274 151.


Safety: Safe Church Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect

All adults have a legal and moral responsibility to report concerns and/or reasonable suspicions of child abuse and neglect. It should be noted that concerns of abuse of a spiritual nature are taken very seriously; this type of abuse is recognised as falling into the category of emotional abuse. If an adult at any time reasonably suspects that a child or young person is being neglected or abused (physically, sexually and/or emotionally), please follow the guidelines below: • Maintain confidentiality. • Call the Child Abuse Report Line (CARL) on 13 14 78 and discuss your concern as soon as possible. If a young person confides in you (disclosure): • Actively listen and do not express personal opinions. • Reassure them that they have done the right thing by talking to you. • Let them know that you need to tell someone else. • Do not make any promises. • As soon as you are able, note down exactly what was said to you and at what time. Keep these notes factual and not an interpretation of what you think is happening. If this abuse or neglect is occurring during the event, or there are concerns about the safety of a young person returning home, please contact the SAYCO Duty of Care Officer (see contact details on page 25) as soon as possible. Someone will be able to assist with further relevant resources and offer support as these concerns are reported to CARL. In this kind of circumstance, any concerns will be dealt with as a top priority and with appropriate sensitivity and confidentiality. There is no expectation to share any information about the young person or the circumstances with any other parties except the appropriate authorities. If distressed by the situation, please seek appropriate support. Chaplains are available at all times during the event. However, it is important not to divulge information that has been shared in confidence to anyone except authorised persons.

Other concerns and complaints of inappropriate behaviours

If there are any other concerns or complaints of inappropriate sexual misconduct between adults present at this Uniting Church event, please contact SAYCO Duty of Care Officer (see contact details on page 25). They can assist with the appropriate complaints process. If the concern is about behaviours outside of this event, please contact Pastoral Relations on (08) 8236 4200.


Safety: Safe Church Using social media at SAYCO:

The Uniting Church SA and SAYCO invites you to share comments and stories on social media. However, please be aware that once you post something online, it can be read by others and may be available for many years to come. We suggest that you exercise caution when posting on social media. SAYCO has the right to edit or delete any comments deemed inappropriate for its social media channels and readers. In order to define best practice for your group, please familiarise yourself with the guidelines below and inform your group members what will be expected of them. In any communication, please ensure that: • Members of your group ask themselves, ‘If this communication were to be made known to the wider Uniting Church, would it be considered appropriate?’ Individuals need to be sensitive to the impact of the words and images used, and avoid the offence of miscommunications. • The Golden Rule is followed: ‘Write or say only what you would want others to publish about you in public.’ • Other SAYCO groups - and individuals not in your group - are not included (in photos, etc) except by express permission and knowledge of that group’s leaders. • Social media comments/posts are in accordance with the Uniting Church SA’s Code of Conduct (see page 22 or download from • Comments about fellow campers, colleagues, volunteers, children or young adults, if published, would not cause hurt or embarrassment to others, risk claims of libel or harm the reputation of SAYCO, Uniting Church, children and young people. • The Moderator is the only person authorised within the Uniting Church SA to make comment to the media (TV, newspaper, radio). Please keep this in mind when using social media. • Nothing is printed, posted or published which infringes copyright, privacy or anti-discrimination legislation or regulations. Please read the policy in full available here:

For more information on Safe Church practices contact:

Called to Care Training and Development Officer, Linda Vinall (08) 8236 4248


Safety: Insurance / Weather Insurance

There is some insurance cover in place regarding personal accident and injury and public liability. Please note: • that personal items and items on loan (including tents, marquees, BBQ/cooking equipment) are not covered under this policy. Please have everyone check with their personal insurers in regards to these items. • that while there is some cover for transport in church-owned vehicles, privately owned vehicles remain the responsibility of the owner who should check with their insurer for any concerns. • that transport by ambulance, if deemed necessary, is the responsibility of the parents/caregivers.

Any specific queries or concerns should be directed to your Group Coordinator.

Wet/windy weather

October weather can sometimes be wet. It is highly recommended that groups are prepared to camp in wet/windy conditions. The school oval drains well and should be sufficient for use in moderate wet/ windy weather. The program is adaptable and will be moved indoors if needed.

Extreme weather

If extreme weather is forecast, Team SAYCO will make a decision about whether to cancel all or part of the SAYCO program. This decision will be communicated to Group Coordinators and alternates in a timely fashion by email, SMS or both. If during the event the weather is deemed extreme, Team SAYCO will decide whether to cancel the remaining part of the SAYCO program or to shelter-in-place. Announcements will be made and SMS will be sent to Group Coordinators and alternates. All groups will need to immediately comply with instructions.

Emergency on site

If an emergency occurs during SAYCO, the emergency evacuation plan will be put into action. All groups will need to move to the emergency evacuation point shown on the map immediately. Group Coordinators and alternates will be notified via SMS and announcements. In the event of a security incident requiring a lock-down to be implemented, people will be directed to assemble in the gym. If a situation arises where the gym becomes inappropriate as an emergency assembly area, a back-up location will be communicated by Team SAYCO.


Before SAYCO Offering Team SAYCO views giving as an important part of being a Christian - giving regularly and generously is an act of worship, as well as a response to God’s love, generosity and sacrifice for us all. Half of the offering will go toward future SAYCO events and financial support for groups to attend SAYCO. The other half will be donated to a cause or organisation chosen by the young people at SAYCO. The young people will vote on which cause or organisation will receive half of the offering.

What all campers and leaders need to bring • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Clothing (including clothes that can get wet or stained; warm clothes for nights) Hat, sunscreen Waterproof jacket - it might rain! Toiletries, towel Sleeping bag, mattress, pillow Water bottle Reusable cup for hot drinks (if needed) Bible (if you have one) Money for offering and Snack Central Pen, notebook Medication (if required) Ball, frisbee, etc (optional) Snacks (optional) NO NUTS or NUT PRODUCTS

TIP: make sure everything is clearly labelled so it can all go home with you! Tent groups may like to have campers bring their own bowl, plate, spoon, knife, fork, tea towel. Valuables such as tablets and phones are brought at the individual’s own risk (see page 19). Large amounts of cash and highly valuable items should be left at home.


At SAYCO Upon your arrival

Your Group Coordinator will check in at Welcome Centre etween 10:30am-12:30pm on Sat. •

GCs will receive a Group kit (site passes, wrist bands, lanyards, etc).

Distribute site passes, wrist bands, and more

All young people, leaders and team members (everyone) attending SAYCO will be provided with a wristband to wear throughout the event. This is an added safety measure so staff and volunteers can easily identify SAYCO attendees.

Late arrivals and early departures

Any people arriving late to SAYCO are asked to enter via the Welcome Centre. A team member will greet them, provide the young person with a site pass, and assist with finding their group. All arrivals and departures during the course of the weekend will need to report to the Welcome Centre to sign in/sign out. Ensure your young people and junior leaders are picked up by the appropriate person on completion of SAYCO.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones owned by leaders or youth should be switched to silent or vibrate during SAYCO activities. There will be a mobile recharge facility at Snack Central. All participants wishing to use the recharging facilities must have their own cord clearly labelled with their identification. The Uniting Church is unable to take any responsibility for lost or damaged phones or other devices. (see pg 20 for insurance information)



Phone numbers during SAYCO: Event Staff Simon, SAYCO Coordinator Mark, Program Coordinator

0431 400 700

Linda, Duty of Care Officer

049 922 338

Ambulance / Police / Fire

000 or 112 on a mobile

0412 031 191

In an emergency, please ring 000 FIRST then Simon and/or Mark Our Vision A radical generation of lifelong Christians fired up to join God’s work in the world. Our Mission Statement To provide a camp of excellence, uniting local youth ministries to radically transform their communities. Our Core Values • Encouragement • Healthy Relationships • Servant Leadership • Prayer and the Scriptures Our Aims • To provide a temporary community of faith • To celebrate and grow disciples and leaders • To provide an age appropriate activity-based program • Provide opportunity to ask questions and explore faith SAYCO is a smoke, drug and alcohol free event.


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