Basic fundamentals of I Ching 易经启蒙书 (book preview)

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#1 Book You Must Read Before Learning The Book of Changes & other Chinese cultural subjects 在你还没学习《易经》与其他中华文化学问前必看的 第一本书 1

J. Torz 杰.多智




《易经》启蒙书 : 在你还没学习 《易经》与其他中华文化学问前必看 的第一本书



Publisher: Unity Academy A-3-2, Level 3, 157 Hampshire Place 1 Jalan Mayang Sari, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Email: Copyright © 2018 by J. Torz All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced be it subsumed or exploited in fact, thought process or idea in it by any person or entity, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. For permission requests, write to the author, addressed “Attention: Permissions Request,” to Disclaimer: Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. First print 2018 Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia

Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Torz, J. The Basic Fundamentals of I Ching: #1 Book You Must Read Before Learning The Book of Changes & other Chinese culture subjects = Yi jing qi meng shu / Jie Duo Zhi. - Di yi ban di yi shua. ISBN 978-967-15331-0-9 1. Taoism. 2. Philosophy, Chinese. I. Title. 299.514


出版者:Unity Academy A-3-2, Level 3, 157 Hampshire Place 1 Jalan Mayang Sari, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Email: Copyright © 2018 by J. Torz 版权所有。未经版权所有者事先书面许可,本书的任何部分不得以任何人或实体归纳或利用其内 容的思想过程或想法,分发或以任何形式或任何方式包括影印,录制或其他电子或机械方法传 播。 欲请求权限,请写给作者,标题为“权限请求”至。 免责声明: 虽然作者和出版者已尽一切努力确保本书中的信息在发稿时是正确的,但作者和出版 者不会因任何人的错误或故障,无论这种错误或遗漏是由于疏忽,事故还是其他原因造成而导致 的任何损失,损害或损坏承担任何法律责任。 第一版 2018 Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia

Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Torz, J. The Basic Fundamentals of I Ching: #1 Book You Must Read Before Learning The Book of Changes & other Chinese culture subjects = Yi jing qi meng shu / Jie Duo Zhi. - Di yi ban di yi shua. ISBN 978-967-15331-0-9 1. Taoism. 2. Philosophy, Chinese. I. Title. 299.514




Chapter 1: The Purpose of Writing This Book


Chapter 2: What is I Ching (A Brief History)


Chapter 3: Where can you find I Ching in our daily lives?


Chapter 4: Who are the famous proponents of I Ching?


Chapter 5: What can you do with I Ching?


Chapter 6: Relationship of Sinology with I Ching and what they have to do with you?


Chapter 7: Understanding the fundamentals of I Ching (Wuji, Taiji & Yin Yang, Four Symbols, Eight Trigrams) Chapter 8: What are the 8 Trigrams

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Chapter 9: Early Heaven and Later Heaven Bagua, 5 Elements, 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches


Chapter 10: How to remember the 64 Hexagram names effectively?


About the author



目录 前言

























PREFACE This book has been made possible through countless years of research and inputs from various SME (subject matter experts) be it offline or online through today’s technology such as search engines, mobile apps, etc. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to all who have contributed to my understanding of some Chinese cultural subjects - Shenyang Master Sun, Wudang Master Liang and Master Liu, Beijing Master Grant Wang, Master Gao, Master Huang, Master Wen Jun, Master Deng, Master He, Henan Master Zheng, Master YiMiao, Anhui Master Chen, Singapore Master Zhang, Taiwan Master Chen, Shanghai Senior Ding, Australia Senior Jiang; my family members including Racheld, Peter, Caryn, David and wife; many more friends such as Tai Chi He seniors, Liu Jia Qimen seniors, Cheam Mei Lee and family, Elizabeth Cardenas, Enlai Chu, Gaucelm de Villaret, Gerald Chuah, senior Lee Heng Gee, Maggie Lin, Datin Marie Heng, Merilyn Kron, Senior Jackson Tan, Mr. Thava, Wong Kee Hui, Wong Kian Chong, Yong Siew Lee for their support and all the living beings whom I learned greatly from. My special thanks to Dato’ Thomas M L Lee, Datuk Yong Soo Heong, Ms. Elena Baker, Mr. Mo Xiong Shen for their sincere feedbacks and reviews for my book. I have many friends around me who have said that they have heard of I Ching and thought it to be just a religious or divination book. Most have said that The Book was very difficult to understand; especially when it came to remembering all the 64 Hexagram names by heart. This was the main reason why they all gave up in spite of having read and spent a small fortune on those courses. After spending a lot of effort to rediscover I Ching, I managed to find some easy methods to understand the basic fundamentals as well as how to remember all the 64 Hexagram names by heart. Hence, the idea of writing this book as a torch that lights the path for those who once gave up hope on I Ching and for those who wish to have a better understanding of The Book. I wrote this book in simple English and tried my best to provide Chinese translation words by words for those who don’t understand Chinese, which might seem weird for the Chinese readers as I wish to demonstrate that translation is not able to convey the whole depth of Chinese culture.


前言 这本书的问世是通过了无数年的研究与来自不同权威线下与线上的信息如当今的科 技搜索引擎,手机 APP 等的贡献。在此我想表达我最真挚的感恩,给所有让我更加了解 一些中华文化的学问的如沈阳的孙方凯老师﹑武当山的玄缘子老师和刘松老师﹑北京 的王鉴石老师﹑高定祥老师﹑黄汉礼老师﹑文君老师﹑邓小霞老师﹑何俊龙老师﹑河 南的郑转会老师﹑一妙师父﹑安徽陈老师﹑新加坡张卜生老师﹑台湾的陈清武医师﹑ 上海丁力师兄﹑澳洲的江洪师兄;包括我的家人 Racheld﹑ Peter﹑ Caryn﹑ David 与 大嫂; 以及支持我的亲朋好友如和太极师兄师姐们﹑六甲奇门师兄师姐们﹑Cheam Mei Lee 与家人﹑Elizabeth Cardenas﹑朱恩来﹑ Gaucelm de Villaret﹑Gerald Chuah﹑ 李恒义学长﹑林喆﹑拿汀 Marie Heng﹑Merilyn Kron﹑陈玉丘师兄﹑Thava﹑王麒辉﹑ Wong Kian Chong﹑杨秀丽以及所有让我获益匪浅的宇宙众生。 我特别感谢拿督李文隆﹑拿督翁书雄﹑Elena Baker 女士﹑莫雄深先生对我书的真 城回馈与书评。 我周围有很多朋友,他们都听过《易经》并且认为它只是一本宗教书籍或者占卜之 书。多数人都说这书很难理解;尤其是把所有 64 卦名给背熟。这就是为何他们买了很 多书来阅读,也花了不少钱去参加与之相关的课程但都最终放弃了的主要原因了。 花费了大量的功夫去重新发现《易经》,我终于找到了一些简单的方法来了解《易 经》的基本原理与如何可以轻易地把 64 个卦的名字给背得滚瓜烂熟。因此,写这本书 的念头就这样产生了,目的就是希望可以为那些已经放弃《易经》以及有意要更好地 了解《易经》的人们给点燃希望,为他人打灯。 中华文化博大精深,很难完整的表达,为了让不懂中文的读者了解,我用简单的英 文翻译,我会尽我所能描述的,请多包涵。


CHAPTER 1 The Purpose of Writing This Book When I told my friends that I was writing this book, a lot of them asked me what makes me different from others in writing on this topic called I Ching (although its correct PinYin is Yi Jing) and the Chinese cultural subjects, am I an expert or master on this subject? Let me begin with my journey on how I discovered the secrets behind I Ching and the Chinese culture first as this could have been your journey too. I believe you will find that the following chapters may be of value to you. Without further ado, shall we? I was just an average guy who got into Life University, working for a living like most young people out there. There are aspects in my life which I am not satisfied with such as how to have more money every month, how to get a satisfying job, how to have some noble people to guide me in life, how to have a fulfilling relationship. Similar to some people who were looking for methods or ways to improve their life conditions, I was one of those many few who searched for answers from the so-called “Seminar Lands�.


第一章 写这本书的目的 当我和朋友分享我要写这本书时,很多人质疑我是否是这方面的专家还是 大师呢?到底与其它写这个《易经》和中华文化话题的人有何不同之处。 让我先从如何发现《易经》与中华文化的奥秘的经历开始讲起吧,也许它 是你也经历过的。我相信你会觉得以下的章节会对你有帮助的。让我们马上开 始吧! 从我刚踏入社会大学时说起吧,和大多数为生活打拼的普通老百姓一样, 在生活方面有诸多不满意的地方:如何每月有更多的钱花,如何找到称心的工 作,如何找到生活的贵人,如何有圆满的关系。与一些在找寻改善生活状态方 法的人一样,我也是在“讲座会乐园“寻找答案的人。

第一章 寫這本書的目的 當我和朋友分享我要寫這本書時,很多人質疑我是否是這方面的專家還是 大師呢?到底與其它寫這個《易經》和中華文化話題的人有何不同之處。 讓我先從如何發現《易經》與中華文化的奧秘的經歷開始講起吧,也許它 是你也經歷過的。我相信你會覺得以下的章節會對你有幫助的。讓我們馬上開 始吧! 從我剛踏入社會大學時說起吧,和大多數為生活打拼的普通老百姓一樣, 在生活方面有諸多不滿意的地方:如何每月有更多的錢花,如何找到稱心的工 作,如何找到生活的貴人,如何有圓滿的關係。與一些在找尋改善生活狀態方 法的人一樣,我也是在“講座會樂園“尋找答案的人。


We attended numerous related workshops and courses by some of these famous masters in the hope to improve ourselves and as the most popular saying used by them, “The best investment is investing in yourself”. Looking back, we may laugh at ourselves but how many in this world do not want to be in a better situation? Are we wrong in trying to find ways and methods to better ourselves through attending courses? Do you know of people who have worked very hard all their lives yet not obtaining whatever they are aiming for in life? Following this, the Chinese community likes to use these two words called 命运(Mìngyùn) which represents Destiny(命) and Luck( 运). The analogy of Destiny(命) represents the type of car, whether it’s a sports car or a low specs car, while Luck(运) represents the type of road the car is on, whether the road is smooth or bumpy. So, if one can have a better understanding of the type of car he/she is and the type of road(s) condition he/she has ahead; it is no surprise as to why we would attend courses after courses taught by famous masters. It is our hope to better understand how to position ourselves in a better position by doing certain things at certain time of our lives.


我们上过无数名师相关的工作坊和课程,就是希望可以像他们最喜欢用的 口头禅“最好的投资就是投资自己“那样来改善自己。 回头来看,我们可能自嘲,但世界上有谁不想活得更好的呢?难道我们报 读课程来寻找改善生活的方法有错吗?你是否认识那些终生努力追逐人生目标 但无法如愿的人们吗? 就此,华社就喜欢用“命运”这两个字来代表命和运。命就好比一辆汽车 的属性,是跑车还是低规格的汽车而运则代表汽车在什么样的道路上,是康庄 大道还是崎岖不平的路呢? 因此,如果一个人能够更好地了解 Ta 是什么样的 汽车以及 Ta 前方的道路是怎么样的,那么我们为什么会一直去上多位名师的 课程就不足为奇了。我们是希望能够更好地理解如何通过在我们生活中的某个 时间段去做某些事情来使自己处于一个更好的位置而已。 我們上過無數名師相關的工作坊和課程,就是希望可以像他們最喜歡用的 口頭禪“最好的投資就是投資自己“那樣來改善自己。 回頭來看,我們可能自嘲,但世界上有誰不想活得更好的呢?難道我們報 讀課程來尋找改善生活的方法有錯嗎?你是否認識那些終生努力追逐人生目標 但無法如願的人們嗎? 就此,華社就喜歡用“命運”這兩個字來代表命和運。命就好比一輛汽車 的屬性,是跑車還是低規格的汽車而運則代表汽車在什麼樣的道路上,是康莊 大道還是崎嶇不平的路呢?因此,如果一個人能夠更好地了解 Ta 是什麼樣的 汽車以及 Ta 前方的道路是怎麼樣的,那麼我們為什麼會一直去上多位名師的 課程就不足為奇了。我們是希望能夠更好地理解如何通過在我們生活中的某個 時間段去做某些事情來使自己處於一個更好的位置而已。


So, like how Einstein have rightly put it, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. When I first started, I was told during the seminar that I should start with Bazi(八字) in order to understand myself better. I was to proceed to Fengshui(风水), Ziweidoshu(紫微斗数), Qimendunjia(奇门遁甲) and so forth thereafter. Most of the masters I learned from were very good in divination methods, utilising techniques such as the Plum Blossom Divination method or Qimendunjia to impress and motivate the audience to sign up for their courses saying that the course will make their situations better. However, the students -especially the English educated- after having attended such courses, were still unable to grasp the fundamentals. This is because they do not understand the Chinese language which would disadvantage them. They will tend to lose out on almost everything they have learnt. They would face frustrations and yet again begin at square one, on top of having to pay the expensive course fees. These are merely observations from my own learning experiences and I was following this school of thought blindly despite having a lot of missing links in my mind of how they correlate with each other. Missing links like how the masters are able to tell what is wrong with the energy of a person’s house or office right away just by seeing the floorplan or a chart; why the masters are able to easily say what the characteristics of the Stars or Doors in Qimendunjia are; how the masters are able to tell a person to take note of a specific body part of his/hers to prevent major sickness etc. I thought to myself that there must be an easier way to remember or perhaps there are patterns behind all these instead of memorising them forcefully.


所以,就像爱因斯坦所说的那样:“精神错乱就是一遍又一遍地重复作同 一件事,而期待会有不同的结果”。我刚开始的时候,就是在讲座中被告知应 该先从八字开始以便可以更好地理解自己。然后就去上了风水﹑紫微斗数﹑奇 门遁甲等等。大部分我向他们学习的大师们都是非常厉害占卜,运用如梅花易 数法或奇门遁甲等,给观众留下了深刻的印象,激励观众报读上课来改善他们 的情况。不过,上完课的学生,尤其是那些受英语教育的学生,仍然无法掌握 到基础知识。这是因为他们不懂中文而对他们的学习不利。他们几乎会把所有 学到的东西都给丢了。他们会面临挫折而回到原点,更别提交了那些价钱不菲 的学费了。 这些都是我本身在学习时所观察到的,我一直在盲目地追随这个学派,尽 管我脑海中有很多疑惑,怎么把它们相连在一起。这些疑虑如大师们如何通过 查看平面图或盘来了解一个人的房屋或办公室的能量有什么问题; 为什么大师 们能够轻松地说出奇门遁甲的星和门的属性; 大师们如何能够告诉一个人要注 意 Ta 的特定身体部位以防重大疾病等。我认为这里面一定有一个更简单的方 法来记住或者可能有规律可循而不是死记硬背的。 所以,就像愛因斯坦所說的那樣:“精神錯亂就是一遍又一遍地重複作同 一件事,而期待會有不同的結果”。我剛開始的時候,就是在講座中被告知應 該先從八字開始以便可以更好地理解自己。然後就去上了風水﹑紫微斗數﹑奇 門遁甲等等。大部分我向他們學習的大師們都是非常厲害占卜,運用如梅花易 數法或奇門遁甲等,給觀眾留下了深刻的印象,激勵觀眾報讀上課來改善他們 的情況。不過,上完課的學生,尤其是那些受英語教育的學生,仍然無法掌握 到基礎知識。這是因為他們不懂中文而對他們的學習不利。他們幾乎會把所有 學到的東西都給丟了。他們會面臨挫折而回到原點,更別提交了那些價錢不菲 的學費了。 這些都是我本身在學習時所觀察到的,我一直在盲目地追隨這個學派,儘 管我腦海中有很多疑惑,怎麼把它們相連在一起。這些疑慮如大師們如何通過 查看平面圖或盤來了解一個人的房屋或辦公室的能量有什麼問題; 為什麼大師 們能夠輕鬆地說出奇門遁甲的星和門的屬性; 大師們如何能夠告訴一個人要注 意 Ta 的特定身體部位以防重大疾病等。我認為這裡面一定有一個更簡單的方 法來記住或者可能有規律可循而不是死記硬背的。


Some of those masters told me that there are no patterns behind all these and some even claimed that they acquired their knowledge from some deities or God which I personally think not only taints the wisdom of the ancient sages but also leaves an impression on a lot of people that the Chinese culture is very superstitious causing others to look down on it. After having gone through the frustrations of not knowing how they all link to each other and with the intense desire to find the answers to understand the subjects better, I found myself immersing into the source of them all, I Ching(易经). I went to China on several occasions to compare the differences between the teachings there with those I learned in English and eventually found the links between all that I have learnt over the years. Through









houses”(Chinese called it 冤枉路 Yuan Wang Lu), I felt that I have paid enough tuition fees to see many styles of teaching by some famous masters. Some are very good in motivating and inspiring people to take action to change; some use alphabets and numbers to create their own system to replace the original Chinese characters; some just focus on one system such as TCM, the divination methods etc., without realising that it’s just a part of the whole. This is similar to the blind men and the elephant story which not only prevents the authentic ancient wisdom of the sages from being passed down to the future generations but also holds back the progress of our society.


有些大师告诉我说这里面是没有任何规律的,有的甚至声称他们是从一些 神灵或者上帝那里传给他们的,这让我觉得这不仅玷污了古代圣人的智慧,而 且给人留下了很多人们认为中华文化是非常迷信的印象,导致给别人瞧不起。 在经历了无数个不明白它们是怎么贯连在一起的挫折感和强烈欲知的渴望 之后,我发现自己已经深入到了它们的源头,《易经》里去了。 我曾多次到 中国去比较那里的教导和我用英语学到的东西之间的差异,最终找到我多年来 学到的东西之间的关联了。 经过过无数的实践和所走过的冤枉路,我觉得已经交了足够的学费来看清 一些名师的教学风格了。有的在给人打鸡血和激励人们采取行动的方面做得很 好;有的就用字母和数字来取代原来的汉字以建立自己的体系; 有的只专注在 一个领域如中医,占卜等方面却没有意识到它只是整体的一部分。这就类似于 盲人与大象的故事,不仅妨碍了正宗古代圣贤的智慧传承于下一代,而且也阻 碍了我们社会的进展。 有些大師告訴我說這裡面是沒有任何規律的,有的甚至聲稱他們是從一些 神靈或者上帝那里傳給他們的,這讓我覺得這不僅玷污了古代聖人的智慧,而 且給人留下了很多人們認為中華文化是非常迷信的印象,導致給別人瞧不起。 在經歷了無數個不明白它們是怎麼貫連在一起的挫折感和強烈欲知的渴望 之後,我發現自己已經深入到了它們的源頭,《易經》裡去了。我曾多次到中 國去比較那裡的教導和我用英語學到的東西之間的差異,最終找到我多年來學 到的東西之間的關聯了。 經過過無數的實踐和所走過的冤枉路,我覺得已經交了足夠的學費來看清 一些名師的教學風格了。有的在給人打雞血和激勵人們採取行動的方面做得很 好;有的就用字母和數字來取代原來的漢字以建立自己的體系; 有的只專注在 一個領域如中醫,占卜等方面卻沒有意識到它只是整體的一部分。這就類似於 盲人與大象的故事,不僅妨礙了正宗古代聖賢的智慧傳承於下一代,而且也阻 礙了我們社會的進展。


Blind monks examining an elephant by Hanabusa Itchō Therefore, I feel that it is very important to get the fundamentals right and to find an 明师(míng shī) “illuminating master” (meaning good mentor) or a good platform if you wish to learn the authentic Chinese cultural subjects such as I Ching(易经), Dao De Jing(道德经), Huang Di Nei Jing(黄帝内经), Chinese metaphysics, TCM etc. Hence, with this book, I hope to attract like-minded people around the world to create a conducive environment for people who are interested to learn the authentic Chinese culture, to achieve the Great Unity in the world. They could be those who are interested to learn authentic Chinese culture or those who consider themselves to be an illuminating teacher 明师, instead of famous master 名师 in some Chinese culture subjects or those who have a flair in the translation of Chinese culture subjects.


英 一蝶 衆瞽探象之圖 因此,我觉得把基础打好和找一位明师或一个平台非常重要,如果你是真 的想学好正宗的中华文化的知识如《易经》﹑《道德经》﹑《黄帝内经》﹑玄 学﹑中医等。 所以,本书希望吸引到世界各国志同道合的人们,建立一个有利于学习正 宗中华文化的环境,实现大同世界的理想。 他们可能是那些有兴趣学习正宗 中华文化的人们,或是那些自认在某些中华文化方面是位明师而不是名家大师 的人,或者是那些对中华文化方面具有翻译天赋的人们。 因此,我覺得把基礎打好和找一位明師或一個平台非常重要,如果你是真 的想學好正宗的中華文化的知識如《易經》﹑《道德經》﹑《黃帝內經》﹑玄 學﹑中醫等。 所以,本書希望吸引到世界各國志同道合的人們,建立一個有利於學習正 宗中華文化的環境,實現大同世界的理想。他們可能是那些有興趣學習正宗中 華文化的人們,或是那些自認在某些中華文化方面是位明師而不是名家大師的 人,或者是那些對中華文化方面具有翻譯天賦的人們。


Summary of Chapter 1: This chapter is about my journey of going from seminars to seminars in the hope of improving myself by taking courses after courses and the learning curve that I had to go through. Having wasted my time and effort through the long and winding path instead of the short and direct path; I started with Bazi, Fengshui, Qimendunjia and so forth, I have realised a common thread: that many beginners like myself have also encountered many missing links. However, due to my hunger for answers and through my quest to look for the underlying principles and patterns, I finally found the missing piece to the puzzle, the source being I Ching. Hence, I hope with this book, more likeminded people can come together to understand more about the authentic Chinese culture from its roots and original beginnings.

“The willing, Destiny guides them. The unwilling, Destiny drags them.� ― Seneca


第一章小结: 这一章讲述的是我从一路参加讲座到一直报名上课来改善自己和学习过 程的经历。 浪费了时间和精力,走了不少的冤枉路的我从八字﹑风水﹑奇门遁甲等 等开始,我意识到了一个共同点:很多像我这样的初学者也遇到了不少的疑 惑。 然而,由于我欲知的渴望与通过寻找其中的原理和规律,我终于找到 了这个拼图的缺块,其源头就在《易经》。 因此,我希望通过这本书,更多志同道合的人们能够一起从源头开始, 更了解到真正的中华文化。

第一章小結: 這一章講述的是我從一路參加講座到一直報名上課來改善自己和學習過 程的經歷。 浪費了時間和精力,走了不少的冤枉路的我從八字﹑風水﹑奇門遁甲等 等開始,我意識到了一個共同點:很多像我這樣的初學者也遇到了不少的疑 惑。然而,由於我欲知的渴望與通過尋找其中的原理和規律,我終於找到了 這個拼圖的缺塊,其源頭就在《易經》。 因此,我希望通過這本書,更多志同道合的人們能夠一起從源頭開始, 更了解到真正的中華文化。

愿意的人,命运领着走,不愿意的人,命运牵着走。 ― 塞涅卡 願意的人,命運領著走,不願意的人,命運牽著走。 ― 塞涅卡


CHAPTER 2 What is I Ching (A Brief History) What is I Ching? In English it is simply translated as the Book of Changes and has existed on planet Earth since the beginning of the human civilization. According to some Chinese historians and many others, this book has been thought to be a book for divination or a book of religion. However, this book is actually the Genesis of Chinese culture which can be a book of anything you want it to become. In recent years when China was making headlines everywhere from a third world country in the 80s to the originator of One Belt One Road initiative and other huge successes found through the enterprises of China, a lot of people have become more interested in the understanding of the Chinese culture than ever before; Chinese cultures







Medicines(TCM), Qimendunjia, Dao De Ching etc. However, not many people know that the root of all these actually come from I Ching.


第二章 什么是《易经》(简史) 什么是《易经》?它的英文名称被翻译为“变化之书“,在人类文明开始 以前已经存在于世了。据一些中国历史学家及其他人,这书被认为是一本占卜 或是宗教书籍。不过,这本书实际上是中华文化的源头,是一本可以是你想要 把它变成什么它就成为什么的书籍。 近几年来,中国一直在海外屡上头条新闻,从八十年代身为一个第三世界 国家的中国,到提倡一带一路的创始者和取得巨大成功的中国企业等都让更多 人比以往任何时候都想更加了解中华文化;中华文化如风水﹑八字﹑中医﹑奇 门遁甲﹑《道德经》等。不过,并没有多少人知道这些的根源实际上来自《易 经》。

第二章 什麼是《易經》(簡史) 什麼是《易經》?它的英文名稱被翻譯為“變化之書“,在人類文明開始 以前已經存在於世了。據一些中國歷史學家及其他人,這書被認為是一本占卜 或是宗教書籍。不過,這本書實際上是中華文化的源頭,是一本可以是你想要 把它變成什麼它就成為什麼的書籍。 近幾年來,中國一直在海外屢上頭條新聞,從八十年代身為一個第三世界 國家的中國,到提倡一帶一路的創始者和取得巨大成功的中國企業等都讓更多 人比以往任何時候都想更加了解中華文化;中華文化如風水﹑八字﹑中醫﹑奇 門遁甲﹑《道德經》等。不過,並沒有多少人知道這些的根源實際上來自《易 經》。


Like I have mentioned before, I have seen too many people attending courses after courses on Chinese metaphysics yet they still do not have any clue on how to apply what they have paid tens of thousands of dollars to learn. Unfortunately, I was also one of them until I went back to the source and made the effort to find out about the relationships and patterns between them. Most of us will agree that in order to build a building, be it a single storey house or a 100 storey skyscraper, the foundation must be strong; just like going to kindergarten, then primary before going to high school, college and university. Yet on this matter, most people would start at a high school or university level first such as Bazi, Fengshui etc. They believe that by doing so, they can change their luck or achieve better results in life after the 2 to 4 days’ class, which is liken to asking a 3-year-old child to read a story book without knowing the ABCs. This is the “scenic route” that I have similarly walked through in my learning journey before going back to the source to seek for the answers. The Book of Changes started when an ancient Chinese sage by the name of Fú Xī started drawing the trigrams after observing the 8 commonly found phenomena. There are a few versions to this story but I will briefly mention 2, just to paint a picture of the colourful history of I Ching as shown below: First version, Fú Xī was a leader that people in the tribe usually sought advice from; - whether today was going to be a good day to go hunting etc. He would hang(挂) the trigram on the tree to tell people whether it would be a rainy(☵坎), windy(☴巽) day etc.; hence, the 8 trigrams are called Bagua(八卦). 八(ba) is the Chinese character for 8, and 卦(gua) and 挂(hang) have similar sound in Chinese.


就如我之前说的,我看过太多人在参加不少中华玄学的课程后,仍然还没 搞清楚如何使用他们已经付了数以万元计的学费所学的东西。很不幸的是我也 身在其中直到我返璞归真到源头去,并努力地找出它们之间的关系和规律。 我们大多数人都会同意如果要建造一座建筑物,不管它是一间单层楼房或 是一座百层的摩天大厦,地基一定要很坚实;就好比去上中学、大专、大学之 前得先上幼儿园,小学。但在这里,大多数人都是先从八字、风水等这些高中 或大学的级别开始。他们相信这样做的话,可以在上完两至四天的课程后可以 改变命运或得到更好的结果,就好比叫一位三岁不懂 ABC 的儿童尝试阅读一本 故事书。这也是我在学习之路中走过的冤枉路直到我回到源头寻求答案。 《易经》是由华夏的上古圣人伏羲在观察了八个常见的现象之后,开始画 八卦而来的。这个故事有几个版本,但我只会简单地提到两个,只是为了给 《易经》描绘一个丰富多彩的历史如下: 第一版本,伏羲是一个领导者,通常部落的人都会向他请教:今天是否适 合狩猎等等的事情。他就把一个卦挂在树上,告诉人们是否会下雨(☵坎 卦),有风(☴巽)日等;挂和卦的读音相似,所以称为八卦。 就如我之前說的,我看過太多人在參加不少中華玄學的課程後,仍然還沒 搞清楚如何使用他們已經付了數以萬元計的學費所學的東西。很不幸的是我也 身在其中直到我返璞歸真到源頭去,並努力地找出它們之間的關係和規律。 我們大多數人都會同意如果要建造一座建築物,不管它是一間單層樓房或 是一座百層的摩天大廈,地基一定要很堅實;就好比去上中學、大專、大學之 前得先上幼兒園,小學。但在這裡,大多數人都是先從八字、風水等這些高中 或大學的級別開始。他們相信這樣做的話,可以在上完兩至四天的課程後可以 改變命運或得到更好的結果,就好比叫一位三歲不懂 ABC 的兒童嘗試閱讀一本 故事書。這也是我在學習之路中走過的冤枉路直到我回到源頭尋求答案。 《易經》是由華夏的上古聖人伏羲在觀察了八個常見的現象之後,開始畫 八卦而來的。這個故事有幾個版本,但我只會簡單地提到兩個,只是為了給《 易經》描繪一個豐富多彩的歷史如下: 第一版本,伏羲是一個領導者,通常部落的人都會向他請教:今天是否適 合狩獵等等的事情。他就把一個卦掛在樹上,告訴人們是否會下雨(☵坎卦) ,有風(☴巽)日等;掛和卦的讀音相似,所以稱為八卦。


Pic. 1.1 Hetu (The River Map) Second Version, One day Fú Xī was at the Yellow River(黄河) when suddenly a Dragon Horse(龙马) came out from the river bearing a special diagram on its body (Pic. 1.1). This was later known as Hetu 河图 (The River Map), it was then that he was inspired to draw the 8 trigrams. The early Chinese characters were pictograms and the word 易(Yì) can be broken down into the Sun(日) and the Moon(月) (Pic. 1.2); representing the Yang 阳(the bright light of the Sun/Heaven) and Yin 阴 (the darkness of the Moon/Earth), which can also have the meaning of everything under Heaven and on Earth. The word 易(Yì) also has the meaning of “easy”. In Chinese, one Chinese character can have multiple meanings and pronunciations, making it to be one of the most challenging languages to learn.

Pic. 1.2 The Chinese word 易 (Yì) 26

图 1.1 河图 第二版本,有一天,伏羲在黄河边,突然有一匹身上有一副特殊图表的龙 马(图 1.1)跳了出来。这后来被人称为河图,启发了他画了八卦。 早期的汉字是象形字而易字可以分解成太阳(日)和月亮(月)(图 1.2); 代表阳的(天/太阳的阳性)和阴的(月亮/地球的阴性),也可以代表天地间 一切的意义。易字也具有容易的含义。在中文里,一个汉字可以有多种含义和 发音,这使中文成为最困难学习的语言之一。 第二版本,有一天,伏羲在黃河邊,突然有一匹身上有一副特殊圖表的龍 馬(圖 1.1)跳了出來。這後來被人稱為河圖,啟發了他畫了八卦。 早期的漢字是像形字而易字可以分解成太陽(日)和月亮(月)(圖 1.2) ;代表陽的(天/太陽的陽性)和陰的(月亮/地球的陰性),也可以代表天地 間一切的意義。易字也具有容易的含義。在中文裡,一個漢字可以有多種含義 和發音,這使中文成為最困難學習的語言之一。

图 1.2 易字分解 27

According to some Chinese historians, there were 3 Book of Changes. The first being Lian Shan Yi ( 连 山 易 ), was allegedly associated with Shen Nong 神 农 and started with the ☶Gèn 艮 (mountain) trigram. Next, Gui Zang Yi ( 归 藏 易 ) was allegedly associated with Huang Di 黄帝 and started with the ☷Kūn 坤 (earth) trigram but these 2 books have been lost over the generations. Lastly, the third book which is what we are still using now was written by King Wen of Zhou dynasty 周文王 which started with the ☰Qián 乾 (heaven) trigram, hence the name Zhou Yi 周易. I Ching is like a book that has life. It started with Fú Xī drawing the 8 trigrams, which then evolved to the 64 hexagrams under King Wen of Zhou and following that, Confucius 孔 子 added the Ten Wings(十翼) to make it easier to be understood by more people. The Great Educator's Ten Wings are as follows: 1 & 2. The 彖传 Tuàn Chuán, or as some people call it in English, “Commentary on the Judgment”, includes the 1st Volume of Tuan 彖 上传 (Tuàn Shàng Chuán) and the 2nd Volume of Tuan 彖下传 (Tuàn Xià Chuán). 3 & 4. The 象传 Xiàng Chuán, or as some people call it in English, “Overall Image”, includes the 1st Volume of Xiang/大象 Great Xiang 象 上 传 (Xiàng Shàng Chuán) and the 2nd Volume of Xiang/ 小 象 Lesser/Little Xiang 象下传 (Xiàng Xià Chuán). 5 & 6. The 系辞传 Xì Cí Chuán, the “Commentary on the Appended Phrases”, is also known as the “Great Commentary” 大 传 (Dà Chuán). It includes the 1st Volume of Xi Ci 系辞上传(Xì Cí Shàng Chuán) and the 2nd Volume of Xi Ci 系辞下传 (Xì Cí Xià Chuán). 7. 文言传 Wén Yán Chuán, the “Commentary on the Words”. 8. 序卦传 Xù Guà Chuán, the “Sequence of the Hexagrams”. 9. 说卦传 Shuō Guà Chuán, the “Explanation of the Trigrams”.


据一些中国历史学家记载《易经》原来是有三本。首先是《连山易》,据 说是与神农氏有关而以☶艮卦为首的。接着,据与黄帝有关以☷坤卦为首的 《归藏易》但这两本已经久已散佚而且不完整。最后,第三本也是我们现在使 用着的则是由周文王撰写,以☰乾卦为首,因此也称为《周易》。 《易经》就像是一本有生命的书。它从伏羲画八卦而始,在周文王时演变 了六十四卦,而过后在孔子亲手为它添加了十翼,使它更容易被世人理解。至 圣先师的十翼有如下: 1 & 2. 彖传 - 彖上传 与 彖下传 3 & 4. 象传 - 象上传(也叫大象) 与 象下传(也叫小象) 5 & 6. 系辞传(大传) - 系辞上传 与 系辞下传 7. 文言传 8. 序卦传 9. 说卦传 據一些中國歷史學家記載《易經》原來是有三本。首先是《連山易》,據 說是與神農氏有關而以☶艮卦為首的。接著,據與黃帝有關以☷坤卦為首的 《歸藏易》但這兩本已經久已散佚而且不完整。最後,第三本也是我們現在使 用著的則是由周文王撰寫,以☰乾卦為首,因此也稱為《周易》。 《易經》就像是一本有生命的書。它從伏羲畫八卦而始,在周文王時演變 了六十四卦,而過後在孔子親手為它添加了十翼,使它更容易被世人理解。至 聖先師的十翼有如下: 1 & 2. 彖傳 - 彖上傳 與 彖下傳 3 & 4. 像傳 - 像上傳(也叫大象) 與 像下傳(也叫小象) 5 & 6. 繫辭傳(大傳) - 繫辭上傳 與 繫辭下傳 7. 文言傳 8. 序卦傳 9. 說卦傳


10. 杂 卦 传

Zá Guà Chuán, the “Assorted or Miscellaneous

Hexagrams”. Since then, this book has been keeping up to its reputation as the Book of Changes through contributions from various scholars and sages throughout the Chinese history.

King Wen of Zhou, Fu Xi and Confucius


10. 杂卦传 此后,《易经》经过华夏历史上无数位学者和先贤们的贡献,一直保持着 “变化之书”的美誉。 10. 雜卦傳 此後,《易經》經過華夏歷史上無數位學者和先賢們的貢獻,一直保持著 “變化之書”的美譽。



Summary of Chapter 2 In this chapter, we mentioned I Ching as a book that can become anything you want it to be and as the Genesis of the Chinese culture; that one should make an effort to understand it first before anything else. We also briefly walked through the history of I Ching, from Fú Xī to King Wen of Zhou Dynasty to Confucius and many other sages and scholars throughout the Chinese history.

“The manner in which the I Ching tends to look upon reality seems to disfavor our causalistic procedures. The moment under actual observation appears to the ancient Chinese view more of a chance hit than a clearly defined result of concurring causal chain processes. The matter of interest seems to be the configuration formed by chance events in the moment of observation, and not at all the hypothetical reasons that seemingly account for the coincidence.” ― Carl Jung


第二章小结 在这一章中,我们提到《易经》是一本可以让你想把它变成什么它就是 什么的书而且还是中华文化的源头;所以应该首先去理解它。 我们也简短地走过《易经》的历史,从伏羲到周文王至孔子以及其他历 史上的圣贤和学者。

第二章小結 在這一章中,我們提到《易經》是一本可以讓你想把它變成什麼它就是 什麼的書而且還是中華文化的源頭;所以應該首先去理解它。 我們也簡短地走過《易經》的歷史,從伏羲到周文王至孔子以及其他歷 史上的聖賢和學者。

《易经》看待现实的方式,似乎很不符合我们的因果关系口味。 在古代中国人眼中,实际观察到的瞬间情境,更多地是一种“机 遇性命中”而不是可以从因果链条上得到明确说明的结果。其兴 趣之所在,似乎更是种种机缘在观察之瞬间形成的概貌而不是可 以用来说明这种巧合原因的假说。 ― 荣格《精神分析与灵魂治疗》 《易經》看待現實的方式,似乎很不符合我們的因果關係口味。 在古代中國人眼中,實際觀察到的瞬間情境,更多地是一種“機 遇性命中”而不是可以從因果鏈條上得到明確說明的結果。其興 趣之所在,似乎更是種種機緣在觀察之瞬間形成的概貌而不是可 以用來說明這種巧合原因的假說。 ― 榮格《精神分析與靈魂治療》


CHAPTER 3 Where can you find I Ching in our daily lives? As mentioned in the previous chapter, I Ching is a book of anything you want it to become, be it science, mathematics, technology, music, military art, business etc. In order to understand the impact of I Ching in our daily lives, perhaps it is easier to start this chapter from a Chinese cultural perspective. I will translate the examples from Chinese to English and although it might not make sense to Western cultured people, I will also show a few more examples from a Western cultural perspective later on. Just like the Chinese saying that goes “people are using it daily without knowing”, I Ching’s influence in Asia is not small. Apart from seeing it in something as big as a country’s flag (South Korea) or as small as a coin (Singapore’s coin), you can also find its shadow in our daily lives.


第三章 如何在我们日常生活中发现《易经》? 就如前篇所提到的,《易经》是一本你想要把它变成什么它就成为什么的 书籍,不管是科学的﹑数学的﹑科技的﹑音乐的﹑兵法的﹑商业的等等。 为了让大家更了解《易经》在我们日常生活中的影响,也许从中华文化的 角度开始讲会比较容易些。我会先将这些例子从中文翻译成英文,虽然这会对 西方文化的人来说很模糊,但过后我也会分享一些西方文化角度的例子。 正所谓百姓日用而不知,《易经》在亚洲的影响力确实不小。除了可以看 到大如一个国家的国旗(南韩)到小如硬币(新加坡钱币)以外,你也可以在日常 生活当中找到它的影子。

第三章 如何在我們日常生活中發現《易經》? 就如前篇所提到的,《易經》是一本你想要把它變成什麼它就成為什麼的 書籍,不管是科學的﹑數學的﹑科技的﹑音樂的﹑兵法的﹑商業的等等。 為了讓大家更了解《易經》在我們日常生活中的影響,也許從中華文化的 角度開始講會比較容易些。我會先將這些例子從中文翻譯成英文,雖然這會對 西方文化的人來說很模糊,但過後我也會分享一些西方文化角度的例子。 正所謂百姓日用而不知,《易經》在亞洲的影響力確實不小。除了可以看 到大如一個國家的國旗(南韓)到小如硬幣(新加坡錢幣)以外,你也可以在日常 生活當中找到它的影子。


Another example is reflected in the way we communicate. In Chinese, when we ask someone what things are you going to buy, “nǐ yào qù mǎ i shénme dōngxī”(东 ‘dōng’ is the character for East and 西 ‘xī’ is for West and the reason for this is because East represents wood and West represents metal (Pic. 2.1). There is no way that you can buy South(fire) and North(water) into your shopping basket); similarly, in scolding people by calling him/her Not 3 Not 4 不三不四 bù sān bù sì means to call them not human (because in a hexagram, the 3rd and 4th line/Yao represents human); calling the emperor the Honorific Nine Five 九五至尊 jiǔ wǔ zhī zūn (9 is the most Yang number and 5th line/Yao is the most Yang position in the 6 lines of a hexagram) (Pic. 2.2). The next example is reflected in the way we eat. The way we use a pair of chopsticks, one moving as Yang while the other non-moving as Yin. When we look at its design, its front is round as Heaven while its back is square as Earth. The Earth on top, Heaven at the bottom represents the ䷊Unity hexagram. Yet another example can be seen in the entertainment area when we listen to news/gossip 八卦新闻 bāguà xīnwén(Bagua/8 Trigrams represent everything in the Universe); there is no impassable “坎” (☵Kǎ n represents danger/obstacle) in life etc.

Pic. 2.1


另一个例子反映在我们的沟通当中。如中文里,当我们问人家你要去买什 么东西(东代表木,西代表金(图 2.1)。你是无法用菜篮买南(火)和北(水)装 回来的) ;还有,骂人家说 Ta 不三不四代表称呼对方不是人(因为一个卦里的 第三和第四爻代表人的位置);称呼皇帝为九五之尊(九代表最阳的数,五是在 六个爻里最阳的位子(图 2.2) )。另外一个例子反映在我们吃东西上。我们使 用一双筷子的手势,一支动为阳,一支静为阴。当我们看它的形状时,前圆后 方代表天圆地方。方的坤在上,圆的乾在下象征了䷊地天泰卦。还有在娱乐方 面当我们听八卦新闻(八卦是代表天地间的万物);人生没有过不了的坎(☵坎 卦代表危险/困难)等等。 另一個例子反映在我們的溝通當中。如中文裡,當我們問人家你要去買什 麼東西(東代表木,西代表金(圖 2.1)。你是無法用菜籃買南(火)和北(水)裝 回來的) ;還有,罵人家說 Ta 不三不四代表稱呼對方不是人(因為一個卦裡的 第三和第四爻代表人的位置);稱呼皇帝為九五之尊(九代表最陽的數,五是在 六個爻裡最陽的位子(圖 2.2) )。另外一個例子反映在我們吃東西上。我們使 用一雙筷子的手勢,一支動為陽,一支靜為陰。當我們看它的形狀時,前圓後 方代表天圓地方。方的坤在上,圓的乾在下象徵了䷊地天泰卦。還有在娛樂方 面當我們聽八卦新聞(八卦是代表天地間的萬物);人生沒有過不了的坎(☵坎 卦代表危險/困難)等等。

图 2.1


Pic. 2.2 Apart from that, some subjects such as Fengshui, Bazi, Qimendunjia etc. in the Five Arts (五术 wǔ shù) of Chinese culture that have gained so much popularity over the past 3 decades in the West also have their roots in I Ching. Hence, if one wishes to be good at the Five Arts, his/her foundation in I Ching must be solid. For those who don’t know what Five Arts is, I will briefly explain each of them as follows: 1) Mountain 山 Shān From those Kung Fu movies, usually in ancient time, one would go up to a mountain to obtain some powerful knowledge by living in the mountain with a master and learn about martial arts 武 功 (Wǔ gōng), health preservation 养生(Yǎ ngshēng) methods such as Bigu 辟 谷 (Bìgǔ ), diet therapy 食 疗 (Shíliáo), meditation 静 坐 (Jìngzuò), Qigong 气 功 (Qìgōng), talisman and incantation 符 咒 (Fúzhòu), which are things a Taoist would practice to achieve the Tao of the Immortals 仙道(Xiāndào). 2) Medicine 医 Yī This Art includes all forms of healing and health related subjects such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and alternative healing methods. 38

图 2.2 除此以外,一些在过去三十年风靡西方国家的中华文化五术里的学问如风 水﹑八字﹑奇门遁甲等的根都是源于《易经》的。所以,如果想真正学好五术 的话,《易经》的基础一定要扎实。对于不知道什么是五术的,我会做些简单 的介绍如下: 1) 山 从一些武侠片的戏里会看到,古代时有人会上山拜师学习一些高深的学问 如武功,养生的方法如辟谷﹑食疗﹑静坐﹑气功﹑符咒等等的,都是道家为了 修成仙道而做的事情。 2) 医 这包括了与健康和治疗有关的学问如中医和其它疗法。 除此以外,一些在過去三十年風靡西方國家的中華文化五術裡的學問如風 水﹑八字﹑奇門遁甲等的根都是源於《易經》的。所以,如果想真正學好五術 的話,《易經》的基礎一定要紮實。對於不知道什麼是五術的,我會做些簡單 的介紹如下: 1) 山 從一些武俠片的戲裡會看到,古代時有人會上山拜師學習一些高深的學問 如武功,養生的方法如辟穀﹑食療﹑靜坐﹑氣功﹑符咒等等的,都是道家為了 修成仙道而做的事情。 2) 醫 這包括了與健康和治療有關的學問如中醫和其它療法。 39

3) Destiny 命 Mìng This is called the Art of Destiny Analysis which includes Bazi (八 字 meaning 8 characters as a person’s date of birth in Chinese lunar calendar is represented by 2 characters each for the year, month, day and hour pillars), Purple Star Astrology(紫微斗数 Zǐ wēi dòu shù) etc. 4) Appearance 相 Xiāng This Art is related to the study of forms/appearances that exist in the







reading/Palmistry, Chinese name reading 姓名学 (Xìngmíng xué), Fengshui (study the forms of the environment) which includes the Yin House Fengshui 阴宅风水 (for burials) and Yang House Fengshui 阳宅风水 (for living beings) etc. 5) Divination 卜 Bǔ This Art is considered the highest form of knowledge for most Chinese metaphysics practitioners as they believe that it can help them to foretell the future and get their desired outcome with the 3 Styles 三式 – Tai Yi 太乙, Liu Ren 六壬, Qimendunjia 奇门遁甲. Let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about the influence of I Ching:


3) 命 这是研究命理的如八字(得此名称是因为在农历里,一个人的生日是以年柱 ﹑月柱﹑日柱﹑时柱两个字而组成的),紫微斗数等等。 4) 相 这是研究一切存在於自然界现象的学问如面相﹑手相﹑姓名学﹑风水(环境 学)包括了阴宅风水(死人的坟墓)与阳宅风水(生人的家居)等等。 5) 卜 这对大多数玄学爱好者来说是最高的学问因为他们相信它可以帮他们预知 未来,运用三式(太乙﹑ 六壬﹑ 奇门遁甲)来达成愿望。 现在让我们看维基百科对《易经》的影响力有何说法: 3) 命 這是研究命理的如八字(得此名稱是因為在農曆裡,一個人的生日是以年 柱﹑月柱﹑日柱﹑時柱兩個字而組成的),紫微斗數等等。 4) 相 這是研究一切存在於自然界現象的學問如面相﹑手相﹑姓名學﹑風水(環境 學)包括了陰宅風水(死人的墳墓)與陽宅風水(生人的家居)等等。 5) 卜 這對大多數玄學愛好者來說是最高的學問因為他們相信它可以幫他們預知 未來,運用三式(太乙﹑ 六壬﹑ 奇門遁甲)來達成願望。 現在讓我們看維基百科對《易經》的影響力有何說法:

41 As we can see from Wikipedia, Confucianism and Taoism have common roots in the I Ching. There are also quite a few famous people in the Western culture history such as Leibniz, Bohr, Jung etc. that have found something in I Ching that contributed to their remarkable achievement in their respective field. The following are some examples that have had influences of I Ching in them. 

The computer devices or mobile phones that we currently use are the by-products of Leibniz’s discovery of the binary system (Yin & Yang)

Carl Jung’s synchronicity in Psychology1;


I Ching: An Annotated Bibliography by Edward A. Hacker, Steve Moore, Lorraine Patsco 42易经的影响 我们可以从维基百科看到,儒家与道家思想的根都是在《易经》里。而且 在西方文化史上也有不少名人如莱布尼兹﹑波尔﹑荣格等人在《易经》里找到 了一些让他们在各自的领域发光的发现。 以下都是其中有《易经》影響的一些例子。 •


的产物 •


我們可以從維基百科看到,儒家與道家思想的根都是在《易經》裡。而且 在西方文化史上也有不少名人如萊布尼茲﹑波爾﹑榮格等人在《易經》裡找到 了一些讓他們在各自的領域發光的發現。 以下都是其中有《易經》影響的一些例子。 • 現在我們所用的電腦手機等等都是由萊布尼茲發現二進制系統(陰陽)的 產物 • 心理學的榮格的共時性(有意義的巧合)也是受《易經》啟發


the 64 DNA codons in Biology;

TCM and Yellow Emperor Internal Canon;

Sun Tzu’s Art of War;

36 Stratagems,

“Music of Changes” etc.

All of these has I Ching’s influence in them.


生物学里 DNA 脱氧核醣核酸的 64 个密码子





这些都是有《易经》的影响的。 • 生物學裡 DNA 脫氧核醣核酸的 64 個密碼子 • 中醫與黃帝內經 • 孫子兵法 • 三十六計 • 變化的音樂等等 這些都是有《易經》的影響的。


Summary of Chapter 3: In this chapter, we were looking at how we can find the influence of I Ching in our daily lives. First from the Chinese culture point of view such as the Five Arts 五术 (Mountain 山, Medicine 医, Destiny 命, Appearance 相, Divination 卜) and then the other point of view such as modern science and technology.

"Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself." ― Morpheus


第三章小结: 在这一章里,我们探讨如何在日常生活中可以找到《易经》的影响。首 先从中华文化的观点如五术(山﹑医﹑命﹑相﹑卜) 出发,再到现代科学与 科技的角度去。

第三章小結: 在這一章裡,我們探討如何在日常生活中可以找到《易經》的影響。首 先從中華文化的觀點如五術(山﹑醫﹑命﹑相﹑卜) 出發,再到現代科學與 科技的角度去。

很遗憾,无人可以告诉你母体是什么,你必须自己体会。 ― 墨菲斯 很遺憾,無人可以告訴你母體是什麼,你必須自己體會。 ― 墨菲斯


CHAPTER 4 Who are the famous proponents of I Ching? This chapter will be a short one as I just want to point out the fact that I Ching is neither a religious book nor a superstitious book that most people have wrongly perceived. In fact, it is a book that has inspired a lot of remarkable people in the world such as Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, Confucius, Leibniz, Nobel Prize Laureates such as Wolfgang Pauli and Neils Bohr, Carl Jung, Steve Jobs2 (see below) and many more that have changed how we perceive the world.


In Page 234 of The Book 1970s by Neil A. Hamilton 48

第四章 哪些是有名的《易经》支持者? 这一篇会很简短因为我只想让大家知道《易经》不是如大多数人错以为它 是一本宗教或迷信的书籍。其实,它是一本启发了不少伟人的书如老子﹑孙武 ﹑孔子﹑莱布尼兹﹑诺贝尔得奖者如泡利和波尔﹑荣格﹑乔布斯 (见图)和其 他让我们改变对这个世界看法的人。

第四章 哪些是有名的《易經》支持者? 這一篇會很簡短因為我只想讓大家知道《易經》不是如大多數人錯以為它 是一本宗教或迷信的書籍。其實,它是一本啟發了不少偉人的書如老子﹑孫 武﹑孔子﹑萊布尼茲﹑諾貝爾得獎者如泡利和波爾﹑榮格﹑喬布斯(見圖)和其 他讓我們改變對這個世界看法的人。


One can also easily use a search engine and type in I Ching only to discover every major religion in the world (see below) and find hundreds of thousands of interesting articles about them that show that there are people from all walks of life who find I Ching to be a universal book of wisdom, regardless of religion or culture.


任何人也可以轻易地在搜索引擎输入《易经》与世界各大宗教的字眼(见下 图)找到几十万相关有意义的文章显示出它是与任何宗教信仰或文化无关,可 以让不同层次的人都认可的一本宇宙智慧之书。 任何人也可以輕易地在搜索引擎輸入《易經》與世界各大宗教的字眼(見下 圖)找到幾十萬相關有意義的文章顯示出它是與任何宗教信仰或文化無關,可 以讓不同層次的人都認可的一本宇宙智慧之書。




Summary of Chapter 4: In this chapter, it can be easily shown that there are many cases where movers and shakers of the human history have found some world changing ideas from the Book of Changes. This shows that I Ching is not just for the Chinese but for all the human beings of the world. Regardless of religion or culture, I Ching is a universal book of wisdom.

“I want to put a ䷱ ding in the universe.” ― Steve Jobs


第四章小结: 在这一章中可以很容易地看到,许多人类历史上的佼佼者都从《易经》 里找到了一些改变世界的想法。 这说明易经不只属于华人而是全世界的人 类的。 与任何宗教或文化无关,《易经》是一本宇宙智慧之书。

第四章小結: 在這一章中可以很容易地看到,許多人類歷史上的佼佼者都從《易經》 裡找到了一些改變世界的想法。這說明易經不只屬於華人而是全世界的人 類的。 與任何宗教或文化無關,《易經》是一本宇宙智慧之書。

我想在宇宙中留下一个鼎。 ― 乔布斯 我想在宇宙中留下一個鼎。― 喬布斯


CHAPTER 5 What can you do with I Ching? From the previous chapters, you would have known quite a bit about the story of I Ching but most probably you would now want to know what you can do with it. Theoretically speaking, the sky is the limit. I Ching may not be your future but it can definitely change your future like how Leibniz, Steve Jobs etc. changed our world. As shown in the previous chapters, I Ching is the Genesis of Chinese cultures and the foundation for the 5 Arts (Mountain, Medicine, Destiny, Appearance, Divination). If you are interested in the Mountain part of the 5 Arts, you can understand the theories behind Qigong, martial arts such as Taichi Quan,







incantations etc. better with I Ching instead of simply believing in whatever others' claim out there. With these understandings, you will be able to understand and differentiate whether what they say is true or just a marketing gimmick.


第五章 你可以用《易经》来做什么? 从前面的几章里头,你大概已经了解关于《易经》的一二了但现在你可能 想知道你可以用《易经》来做什么。理论上来说,它是无所不能的。《易经》 不是你的未来但它可以改变你的未来如莱布尼兹,乔布斯等人改变了我们的世 界一样。 如前几章所示,《易经》是中华文化的源头和五术(山医命相卜)的基础。 如果你是对五术里的“山“的方面感兴趣的,通过《易经》你会更了解气 功,武术如太极拳,道家养生,符咒等等背后的原理而不是轻易相信任何人所 说的一切了。有了这些认知后,你就可以明白与分辨出到底他们所说的东西是 否符合易理的还是只是宣传手法而已了。

第五章 你可以用《易經》來做什麼? 從前面的幾章裡頭,你大概已經了解關於《易經》的一二了但現在你可能 想知道你可以用《易經》來做什麼。理論上來說,它是無所不能的。《易經》 不是你的未來但它可以改變你的未來如萊布尼茲,喬布斯等人改變了我們的世 界一樣。 如前幾章所示,《易經》是中華文化的源頭和五術(山醫命相卜)的基礎。 如果你是對五術裡的“山“的方面感興趣的,通過《易經》你會更了解氣 功,武術如太極拳,道家養生,符咒等等背後的原理而不是輕易相信任何人所 說的一切了。有了這些認知後,你就可以明白與分辨出到底他們所說的東西是 否符合易理的還是只是宣傳手法而已了。


If you are someone who believes in holistic healing methods like TCM (Taditional Chinese Medicines) which is covered in the Medicine part of the Five Arts, I Ching can help you to understand those complicated principles and theories behind it. Theories such as why TCM emphasises that your head must be cooled while your feet must be kept warm as one of the hexagrams that relates to that theory is the Water on top, Fire at bottom

䷾Accomplished 水火既济.

In the olden days, when people fall sick, they would assist the body’s internal force to help with the healing either through meditation, exercise to sweat out the toxins, or go to the mountain to look for herbs to cure themselves. On the contrary, nowadays we are dependent on external assistance e.g. using the drips, antibiotics etc., making our internal healing ability to deteriorate as we become more reliant on the external methods. TCM is therefore not superstition at all, it is just that there are many areas that require more awareness and education so that more people can easily accept it. If you are someone who is into Chinese metaphysics such as Bazi, Ziweidoushu etc.(Destiny of the 5 Arts), Palmistry, Face Reading or FengShui etc.(Appearance of the 5 Arts), Plum Blossom Divination, Qimendunjia etc.(Divination in 5 Arts), and other forecasting methods such as the effects of your mobile phone numbers, name card FengShui etc., you will be glad that most, if not all the principles that you were asked to memorise forcefully by the master whom you are learning from are actually some of the basic principles from I Ching such as the 5 Elements, Early and Later Heaven Bagua etc.


如果你是相信全息治疗法如五术里的中医的话,《易经》可以帮你理解中 医里那些难懂的原理和理论。理论如中医为何要强调头脑要保持冷静,脚底要 保温因为这和 64 卦里有个叫䷾水火即济卦有关系的。 在古代,人生病了就以內求法来帮助治疗如静坐,运动流汗排毒或去山里 采药吃的。反而现在我们依赖外力如点滴,吃抗生素等等往外求了,让我们内 在的能力随着依赖外求的方法退化了。所以中医绝对不是迷信,只是有太多需 要更多醒觉和教育的地方,让更多人人容易接受它。 如果你是对玄学如八字﹑紫微斗数之类(五术里的命)﹑掌相﹑面相或风水 之类(五术里的相)﹑梅花易数﹑奇门遁甲之类(五术里的卜)或其它预测术如手 机号码的影响﹑名片风水等等感兴趣的,你会感到很高兴因为大多数那些上课 时老师叫你死记硬背的原理,其实都是《易经》里最基本的原理如五行,先天 与后天八卦等等来的。 如果你是相信全息治療法如五術裡的中醫的話,《易經》可以幫你理解中 醫裡那些難懂的原理和理論。理論如中醫為何要強調頭腦要保持冷靜,腳底要 保溫因為這和 64 卦裡有個叫䷾水火即濟卦有關係的。 在古代,人生病了就以內求法來幫助治療如靜坐,運動流汗排毒或去山里 採藥吃的。反而現在我們依賴外力如點滴,吃抗生素等等往外求了,讓我們內 在的能力隨著依賴外求的方法退化了。所以中醫絕對不是迷信,只是有太多需 要更多醒覺和教育的地方,讓更多人人容易接受它。 如果你是對玄學如八字﹑紫微斗數之類(五術裡的命)﹑掌相﹑面相或風水 之類(五術裡的相)﹑梅花易數﹑奇門遁甲之類(五術裡的卜)或其它預測術如手 機號碼的影響﹑名片風水等等感興趣的,你會感到很高興因為大多數那些上課 時老師叫你死記硬背的原理,其實都是《易經》裡最基本的原理如五行,先天 與後天八卦等等來的。


Actually, forecasting is not superstitious at all. Imagine low intelligent living creatures such as mice and how they escape from their hole before an earthquake. It is their natural forecasting ability which human beings also once had. They once passed this profound knowledge down either orally or in obscure riddles and poems such as “Tui Be Tu” or “Shaobing Song/Pancake Poem” but due to our improved living skills, we rely lesser on it. Just like the saying, “you either use it or lose it”, so nowadays most will consider it as superstitious. If you are someone who thinks that these Chinese 5 Arts are somewhat superstitious and prefer something more scientific, it is a misconception as the 5 Arts are actually an Oriental science which has served the Chinese civilisation for more than 5 millennia. It was only along the way that many people had put in a lot of mystical veils around it so that they could manipulate the less educated during such a time. Another reason for the misconception is that there are lesser people in the West who truly understand the Chinese culture in order to promote it to the world as compared to its famous counterpart, the Indian culture such as Yoga (a Sanskrit word which has the meaning of union, which is similar to 天人合一 Union of Heaven and Human) etc.


其实预测学一点都不迷信。试想一下一些低等智慧生物如老鼠和它们如何 在地震发生前从洞里逃生。这是它们本能的预测能力,也是人类以前都拥有的。 他们把这门高深的学问以口述或不容易看懂的隐语诗句传承下来如《推背图》, 《烧饼歌》等等但由于我们人类的能耐越来越大了之后就不再依赖它了。正所 谓“用则进,不用则废”,所以到了现在多数人都认为它是种迷信了。 如果你是那些认为中华五术是迷信而偏好比较科学说法的人,其实它是个 错误的观点因为五术其实就是陪伴中华文明度过了五千多年的东方科学。只不 过过程中有不少人给它披上了一些神秘的袈裟而已,目的就是为了可以操控当 时教育水平不高的百姓。另外一个让人有这样错误观点的原因是因为在西方世 界里,与它相比较闻名的另一方印度文化如瑜伽(梵文的意思,与天人合一类 似)等等,比较少人真正懂得中华文化并把它宣扬到世界各地去。 其實預測學一點都不迷信。試想一下一些低等智慧生物如老鼠和它們如何 在地震發生前從洞裡逃生。這是它們本能的預測能力,也是人類以前都擁有的。 他們把這門高深的學問以口述或不容易看懂的隱語詩句傳承下來如《推背圖》, 《燒餅歌》等等但由於我們人類的能耐越來越大了之後就不再依賴它了。正所 謂“用則進,不用則廢”,所以到了現在多數人都認為它是種迷信了。 如果你是那些認為中華五術是迷信而偏好比較科學說法的人,其實它是個 錯誤的觀點因為五術其實就是陪伴中華文明度過了五千多年的東方科學。只不 過過程中有不少人給它披上了一些神秘的袈裟而已,目的就是為了可以操控當 時教育水平不高的百姓。另外一個讓人有這樣錯誤觀點的原因是因為在西方世 界裡,與它相比較聞名的另一方印度文化如瑜伽(梵文的意思,與天人合一類 似)等等,比較少人真正懂得中華文化並把它宣揚到世界各地去。


For example, FengShui as we now know it is actually a combination of a few fields such as Astrology, Geography, Psychology, Optics etc. If you have an extremely inquisitive mind, you can try to follow the footsteps of those movers and shakers in our human history - Confucius, Sun Tzu, Leibniz, Bohr, Jung, Jobs etc. - and discover some of the gems inside the vast treasure cave of the I Ching. Just like the saying, “Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth�, for things that we do not understand, we should not be quick to label it as superstition without testing it out. It is this spirit that a believer in science should have.


例如,如我们现在知道的风水其实是一门综合了不同领域如天文﹑地理﹑ 心理学﹑光学等等的。如果你有一颗寻根刨底地追究问题的心的话,你可以尝 试跟着那些人类历史上大人物的后尘 - 孔子﹑孙武﹑莱布尼兹﹑波尔﹑荣格 ﹑乔布斯等等 - 发掘《易经》那丰富藏宝洞里的一些宝藏。就如那句 “实践是 检验真理的唯一标准” 一样,对于那些我们不了解的东西,我们不应该在还没 有检验它前把它冠上迷信的标签了。这才是相信科学的人应该有的精神。 例如,如我們現在知道的風水其實是一門綜合了不同領域如天文﹑地理﹑ 心理學﹑光學等等的。如果你有一顆尋根刨底地追究問題的心的話,你可以嘗 試跟著那些人類歷史上大人物的後塵- 孔子﹑孫武﹑萊布尼茲﹑波爾﹑榮格﹑ 喬布斯等等- 發掘《易經》那豐富藏寶洞裡的一些寶藏。就如那句 “實踐是 檢驗真理的唯一標準” 一樣,對於那些我們不了解的東西,我們不應該在還 沒有檢驗它前把它冠上迷信的標籤了。這才是相信科學的人應該有的精神。


Summary of Chapter 5: In this chapter, we discussed about what we can do with I Ching and how it can help us to discern what is true and what is not instead of following some doctrines or person blindly. The Chinese 5 Arts are not superstition but is an Oriental Science which has served the Chinese civilization for more than 5 millennia. As compared to its more popular Indian culture counterpart, more people need to understand the Chinese culture in order to promote it to the world. Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth, that is the spirit of what a believer in science should have.

“The world is his who can see through its pretension.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson


第五章小结: 在这一章中,我们讨论了我们可以用易经来做什么,以及它如何可以帮 助我们辨别真伪而并非盲目地跟随某些学说或人。 中华的五术并非迷信,而是已经为中华文明服务超过五千年的东方科 学。 相比于较流行的印度文化,更多的人需要了解中华文化才能把它推广到 世界各地去。 实践是检验真理的唯一标准,那就是相信科学的人应该具备的精神。

第五章小結: 在這一章中,我們討論了我們可以用易經來做什麼,以及它如何可以幫 助我們辨別真偽而並非盲目地跟隨某些學說或人。 中華的五術並非迷信,而是已經為中華文明服務超過五千年的東方科學 。 相比於較流行的印度文化,更多的人需要了解中華文化才能把它推廣到 世界各地去。 實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標準,那就是相信科學的人應該具備的精神。

一个人如果能够看清这个世界的矫饰,这个世界就是他的。 ― 爱默生 一個人如果能夠看清這個世界的矯飾,這個世界就是他的。 ― 愛默生


CHAPTER 6 Relationship of Sinology with I Ching and what they have to do with you? What is Sinology? Sinology, also known as Chinese Studies, is the academic study of China primarily through the Chinese language, literature, Chinese culture and history. Lao Tzu's Dao De Jing, Four Books










Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance, Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor’s Internal Canon), Tai Chi Quan and many more are all part of Sinology. China has seen a lot of development over the past few decades and with its One Belt One Road initiative, a lot of opportunities are opening up to people who can capitalise on it. While I was doing some research online for the writing of this book, I found that in the last century, there was a famous British historian named Arnold J. Toynbee who predicted that China will be playing a very important role in unifying the world3.


The Globalization of Confucius and Confucianism by Klaus Mühlhahn, Nathalie van Looy 66

第六章 国学与《易经》的关系以及它们对你会 有什么影响? 什么是国学?国学或汉学是通过语言﹑文学﹑中华文化与历史来研究中国 的一门学问。老子的《道德经》﹑四书五经﹑《孙子兵法》﹑《弟子规》﹑ 《资治通鉴》﹑《黄帝内经》﹑太极拳等等都是国学的一部分。 中国这几十年来迅速发展而且在一带一路的带动下,提供了很多机会给会 把握时机的人。我在写这本书上网作调研时看到了在上世纪,有位著名的英国 历史学家阿诺德·约瑟夫·汤因比预言中国将会对世界的统一做出非常重要的 贡献。

第六章 國學與《易經》的關係以及它們對你會 有什麼影響? 什麼是國學?國學或漢學是通過語言﹑文學﹑中華文化與歷史來研究中國 的一門學問。老子的《道德經》﹑四書五經﹑《孫子兵法》﹑《弟子規》﹑ 《資治通鑑》﹑《黃帝內經》﹑太極拳等等都是國學的一部分。 中國這幾十年來迅速發展而且在一帶一路的帶動下,提供了很多機會給會 把握時機的人。我在寫這本書上網作調研時看到了在上世紀,有位著名的英國 歷史學家阿諾德·約瑟夫·湯因比預言中國將會對世界的統一做出非常重要的 貢獻。


Just like Sun Tzu’s Art of War states, “know yourself, know your opponent”, if you were to build a friendship or do business with a person but have no understanding of how he/she thinks, how is it possible to deal with them? Similarly, how is it possible to deal with a Chinese when there is a cultural difference? For example, in I Ching, West represents Metal and its character is sharp and direct, while East represents Wood and its character can be either straight and/or flexible. The West perspective is seen as “Black is Black, White is White” while the East is seen as “White contains black and black contains white”. Hence, if both parties do not understand the cultural differences between each other, will there not arise dispute and unnecessary litigation? In order to understand the Chinese culture, it is better to start from the source of it all - I Ching - which likens to the foundation of a building. Once you understand it, the rest will be easy. I hope that my painful experiences after many wrong turns in my learning curve may be of help to you. The following examples are some of the famous sinology works. You can see the shadows of I Ching inside them: 36 Stratagems - Stratagem No.6: Clamour in the East, Attack in the West: Enemy becomes confused and unrestrained like wild grass (萃 Cuì is the 45th hexagram called

䷬Gathering) and unprepared with the symbols of 坤 Kūn below and 兑 Duì above. Take advantage of enemy’s confusion and subdue the enemy.


就如孙子兵法里说的”知己知彼”一样,如果你想要与人交友或做生意但 如果不懂得他/她是如何想的,试问那怎么可能可以与他们交流呢?同样的, 在有文化差异的情况下怎么可以和中国人交流呢? 举个例子,在《易经》里,西方属金而它的性质是锋利和直率的,而东方 属木,性质就像树木一样可直可曲的。西方的思维是黑白分明的,东方的思维 是阴中有阳,阳中有阴的。因此,如果双方不懂得彼此之间文化差异的话,是 否会发生误会与不必要的诉讼呢? 想要了解中华文化的话,最好就从源头着手 -《易经》,它就像一间建筑 物的地基一样。当你把它弄明白了,其它的就很简单了。我希望我这些在学习 路上走了很多冤枉路而得来的痛苦经验可以帮到你。 以下的例子都是一些国学名著。你都可以在它们之中看到《易经》的影子: 《三十六计》 第六计 声东击西 : “敌志乱萃,不虞,坤下兑上之象。利其不自主而取之。” 就如孫子兵法裡說的”知己知彼”一樣,如果你想要與人交友或做生意但 如果不懂得他/她是如何想的,試問那怎麼可能可以與他們交流呢?同樣的, 在有文化差異的情況下怎麼可以和中國人交流呢? 舉個例子,在《易經》裡,西方屬金而它的性質是鋒利和直率的,而東方 屬木,性質就像樹木一樣可直可曲的。西方的思維是黑白分明的,東方的思維 是陰中有陽,陽中有陰的。因此,如果雙方不懂得彼此之間文化差異的話,是 否會發生誤會與不必要的訴訟呢? 想要了解中華文化的話,最好就從源頭著手 -《易經》,它就像一間建築 物的地基一樣。當你把它弄明白了,其它的就很簡單了。我希望我這些在學習 路上走了很多冤枉路而得來的痛苦經驗可以幫到你。 以下的例子都是一些國學名著。你都可以在它們之中看到《易經》的影子: 《三十六計》 第六計 聲東擊西 : “敵志亂萃,不虞,坤下兌上之象。利其不自主而取之。”


[The Analects of Confucius] If some years were added to my life, I would give fifty to the study of the Yi(I Ching), and then I might come to be without great faults. Lao Tzu’s Dao De Jing Chapter 35: “To him who holds in his hands the Great Image (of the invisible Tao), the whole world repairs. Men resort to him, and receive no hurt, but(find)rest, peace, and the feeling of ease”4 (泰 is the 11th hexagram called ䷊Unity, Earth on top, Heaven at the bottom). There are many more concepts and principles from I Ching that are related to the Chinese culture but I cannot possibly list them all down in this small book. If you are interested to learn more, do read on as we are just about to enter the mysterious universe of I Ching.


James Legge’s translated version 70

[论语·述而] 子曰。加我数年、五十以学易、可以無大过矣。 老子《道德经》第 35 篇 : “执大象,天下往。往而不害,安平泰”。 还有很多出自《易经》里的理论和原则是与中华文化有关联的不过我不可 能在这本小书里一一列出。 如果你有兴趣了解更多的话,请继续阅读下去因为我们才刚要开始进入 《易经》的神秘世界。 [論語·述而] 子曰。加我數年、五十以學易、可以無大過矣。 老子《道德經》第 35 篇 :


還有很多出自《易經》裡的理論和原則是與中華文化有關聯的不過我不可 能在這本小書裡一一列出。 如果你有興趣了解更多的話,請繼續閱讀下去因為我們才剛要開始進入 《易經》的神秘世界。


Summary of Chapter 6: In this chapter, the word Sinology has been introduced to point out that there are many more ancient Chinese wisdoms waiting to be discovered. With the rise of China in the recent years and its influence either economically or politically in the world, it would be hard to have an edge in the current competitive market place if one does not take the effort to understand more about China and its culture. The source of Chinese culture is in I Ching and that is what I have painfully learned over the years of searching. Therefore, it would be of great help to you if you try to understand the concepts in I Ching first before anything else.

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.� – Nelson Mandela


第六章小结: 在这一章中,“国学”这个词已经被引入来指出还有更多的中国古代智 慧正在等待被发掘。 随着中国近年来的崛起及其在世界经济或政治上的影响,如果不加深对 中国及其文化的了解,在当前竞争激烈的市场中就很难略占优势了。 中华文化的根源在于《易经》而这就是我多年来苦苦寻觅所得出的结 果。 因此,如果你先尝试了解《易经》里的概念的话,那么对你来说将是 非常有帮助的。

第六章小結: 在這一章中,“國學”這個詞已經被引入來指出還有更多的中國古代智 慧正在等待被發掘。 隨著中國近年來的崛起及其在世界經濟或政治上的影響,如果不加深對 中國及其文化的了解,在當前競爭激烈的市場中就很難略佔優勢了。 中華文化的根源在於《易經》而這就是我多年來苦苦尋覓所得出的結果 。因此,如果你先嘗試了解《易經》裡的概念的話,那麼對你來說將是非 常有幫助的。

如果你用一个人听得懂的语言与他交流,他会记在脑子里;如果你 用他自己的语言与他交流,他会记在心里。–曼德拉 如果你用一個人聽得懂的語言與他交流,他會記在腦子裡;如果你 用他自己的語言與他交流,他會記在心裡。– 曼德拉


CHAPTER 7 Understanding the fundamentals of I Ching(Wuji, Taiji & Yin Yang, Four Symbols, Eight Trigrams) I Ching is an Easy(易) (to learn) Book(经), not a Difficult(难) Book! I Ching is an Easy(易) (to learn) Book(经), not a Difficult(难) Book! I Ching is an Easy(易) (to learn) Book(经), not a Difficult(难) Book! Important things have to be repeated 3 times. This is to set your mind right before we begin this chapter. It is easy to learn I Ching because the Book of Changes is a book without a word, but rather it uses 8 symbols (the 8 Trigrams 八卦) to describe the images of all that happens in heaven and on earth. The core of I Ching has only three key concepts, that is: Yin and Yang, Five Elements and Eight Trigrams. As told by one of my teachers (Master Sun from Shenyang China. He has been studying I Ching and the HeTu and LuoShu (origin of I Ching) for almost 40 years), the Eight Trigrams is an ancient language system.


第七章 理解《易经》的基础(无极﹑太极﹑阴阳 ﹑四象﹑八卦) 《易经》是本易学的经,不是一本难的经! 《易经》是本易学的经,不是一本难的经! 《易经》是本易学的经,不是一本难的经! 重要的事情得说三遍。这是要在未开始这章前先把你的心态调理好。 《易经》是很容易学习的因为它是一本无字天书,但使用了八个符号(八卦) 来说明天地间的万事万物。 《易经》的核心只有三个概念,那就是:阴阳,五行与八卦。如我一位老 师所说的(沈阳的孙老师。他研究《易经》与河图洛书(《易经》的源头)将 近 40 年),八卦是古代语言系统。

第七章 理解《易經》的基礎(無極﹑太極﹑陰 陽﹑四象﹑八卦) 《易經》是本易學的經,不是一本難的經! 《易經》是本易學的經,不是一本難的經! 《易經》是本易學的經,不是一本難的經! 重要的事情得說三遍。這是要在未開始這章前先把你的心態調理好。 《易經》是很容易學習的因為它是一本無字天書,但使用了八個符號(八卦) 來說明天地間的萬事萬物。 《易經》的核心只有三個概念,那就是:陰陽,五行與八卦。如我一位老 師所說的(瀋陽的孫老師。他研究《易經》與河圖洛書(《易經》的源頭)將 近 40 年),八卦是古代語言系統。


When we use I Ching, we are merely translating an ancient language into modern language. Most of us know how basic English is. English has 26 letters, while this ancient language of Eight Trigrams has only 8 letters. To learn basic English communication, we will need to master at least 1000/2000 words. However, though the whole I Ching system only contains 64 words, these 64 words cover the Laws of the Universe! Therefore, if you wish to study I Ching, you only have to master 8 letters and remember 64 words; it is really an easy book to learn, don’t you agree? Most Western educated people cannot be good at studying I Ching or Chinese cultures because they like to translate everything into their mother tongue. For example, Qián translated to English becomes Heaven, Lí translates to Fire and so on but they do not know that the Eight Trigrams in I Ching is just like the Sanskrit in Buddhist scriptures, whereby some characters or words of the East do not have an equivalent meaning or concept in the Western language system. Furthermore, there are some famous masters who teach I Ching or metaphysics courses in foreign languages whilst just knowing only some Chinese dialects - such as Cantonese etc. - but do not understand the vernacular and classical Chinese.


当我们使用《易经》时,我们只不过是把古代的语言翻译为现代的语言而 已。大家都知道英文是多么地简单。它只有 26 个字母,而这个古代的语言却 只有 8 个。 要学习基础英语沟通的话,我们至少得掌握一至两千左右的字汇。不过, 虽然《易经》的系统里只有 64 个字,但这些却包含了天地间的规律。所以, 如果你真的想学《易经》的话,你只需掌握 8 个字母,记住 64 个字就可以了; 那真的是一本易学的书呀,你是否同意呢?大多数受西方教育的人学习《易经》 或中华文化时都无法精通就是因为他们都喜欢把全部都翻译成他们的母语。如 ☰乾翻译去英文变成了天(堂),☲离翻译为火等,殊不知《易经》的八卦其实 就像在佛经里的梵文那样,有些东方的字或词在西方语言系统里是没有同等的 意思或概念的。 而且,有些以外语教《易经》或玄学课程的名师只懂一些方言如-粤语等而不懂白话文与文言文。 當我們使用《易經》時,我們只不過是把古代的語言翻譯為現代的語言而 已。大家都知道英文是多麼地簡單。它只有 26 個字母,而這個古代的語言卻 只有 8 個。 要學習基礎英語溝通的話,我們至少得掌握一至兩千左右的字彙。不過, 雖然《易經》的系統裡只有 64 個字,但這些卻包含了天地間的規律。所以, 如果你真的想學《易經》的話,你只需掌握 8 個字母,記住 64 個字就可以了; 那真的是一本易學的書呀,你是否同意呢?大多數受西方教育的人學習《易經》 或中華文化時都無法精通就是因為他們都喜歡把全部都翻譯成他們的母語。如 ☰乾翻譯去英文變成了天(堂),☲離翻譯為火等,殊不知《易經》的八卦其實 就像在佛經裡的梵文那樣,有些東方的字或詞在西方語言系統裡是沒有同等的 意思或概念的。 而且,有些以外語教《易經》或玄學課程的名師只懂一些方言如-粵語等而不懂白話文與文言文。


Due to this, they would often translate what they learn from whoever that taught them in the foreign languages or dialects. Something which is worth pondering on, if an experienced Sinology teacher used a foreign language or dialect to teach 80% of the knowledge to a famous master (Master A) who did not understand Mandarin, logically, Master A can’t possibly comprehend the full 80% or more from the teacher. Assuming that Master A can grasp 80% of what the teacher taught, which makes it 64% of the original knowledge, therefore, when Master A translates the 64% to a foreign language, there can’t be total equivalent due to the language and cultural differences. So, let’s just say the translation is about 80% and that makes the 80% of the 64% becomes 50% or so, and if this continues for several generations down the line, it makes us wonder whether those students who learn from that master who taught them in a foreign language is getting the real wisdom from the ancient sages or it is time for them to start learning Mandarin rigorously? It is impractical for them to start learning Mandarin rigorously. However, if the translator is good in both Mandarin and a foreign language and has good understanding in Sinology, then it would be glad tidings for those Western educated people who want to learn Sinology and Chinese cultures. Many people feel I Ching is difficult because they didn’t have easy ways/methods to understand these simple concepts; despite spending their lifetime on it, they still can’t understand this simple to learn book.


因此,他们往往就会把一些用外语或方言教给他们的老师的东西进行翻译。 试想一下,如果一位有经验的国学老师用外语或方言来传授给一位不懂中文的 名师(甲大师)百分之八十的知识,逻辑性思考来说,这位甲大师不可能完全懂 得那百分之八十或更多的吧。 就当作甲大师懂得百分之八十就好了,相等于原本的百分之 64,因此,当 甲大师再把这百分之 64 翻译去外语时,在语言和文化差异下的翻译是不可能 完整的,就当着翻译百分之八十左右的话,如此类推的话,那么我们就可以看 到 64%的百分之八十就变成了 50%左右了,这样一直连续几代就可以想象得到 到底那些以外语教课的名师的学生们到底知道的是否是纯正的先贤的智慧还是 应该开始恶补中文了呢? 如果要恶补中文的话这就不太切实际了。不过,如果翻译的人是懂得中文 和其它语言而且对国学这方面有相当认识的话,那对这些西方教育的人要学习 国学与中华文化来说就是他们的福音了。 很多人会觉得《易经》很难是因为没有容易的方法/窍门来看懂这些简单的 概念;枉然他们花了一辈子去研究它但还是无法看懂这本易学的书。 因此,他們往往就會把一些用外語或方言教給他們的老師的東西進行翻譯。 試想一下,如果一位有經驗的國學老師用外語或方言來傳授給一位不懂中文的 名師(甲大師)百分之八十的知識,邏輯性思考來說,這位甲大師不可能完全懂 得那百分之八十或更多的吧。 就當作甲大師懂得百分之八十就好了,相等於原本的百分之 64,因此,當 甲大師再把這百分之 64 翻譯去外語時,在語言和文化差異下的翻譯是不可能 完整的,就當著翻譯百分之八十左右的話,如此類推的話,那麼我們就可以看 到 64%的百分之八十就變成了 50%左右了,這樣一直連續幾代就可以想像得到 到底那些以外語教課的名師的學生們到底知道的是否是純正的先賢的智慧還是 應該開始惡補中文了呢? 如果要惡補中文的話這就不太切實際了。不過,如果翻譯的人是懂得中文 和其它語言而且對國學這方面有相當認識的話,那對這些西方教育的人要學習 國學與中華文化來說就是他們的福音了。 很多人會覺得《易經》很難是因為沒有容易的方法/竅門來看懂這些簡單的 概念;枉然他們花了一輩子去研究它但還是無法看懂這本易學的書。


Having said that, if one wants to be lazy and not put in the effort to memorise some simple fundamentals, just like how we were asked to memorise the multiplication tables in primary school, even when one has many methods they will not be of any use to one too. There are 2 main school of thoughts in I Ching, the 象数派(xiàng shù pài) School of Images and Numbers which emphasizes on symbolic analysis for divination and metaphysics; and the 易理派(yì lǐ

pài) School of Meanings and Principles which emphasizes on

textual analysis to derive moral principles and instructions. During my early learning days, there are some teachers who claim that one school is better than the other, especially the School of Meanings and Principles as they believe that the other school which is just purely on Methods 术 数 Shù shù ( 术 is methods, 数 is calculations/numerology) and less superior compared to the 道(Tao or the law of nature). I personally disagree with that belief. Instead, I see them being equivalent to science and art or the 2 Yin and Yang fishes of the Tai Chi diagram; you can’t separate them -just like for us to live in today’s world, we need to be morally upright by following the Tao and also good at using methods to deal with people and solving problems. The Tao is like the Golden Rules - “do unto others like others do unto you” which is more philosophical, while the Methods are like using which strategy to win a battle such as 鬼谷子 Gui Gu Zi’s famous 捭闔 (Bǎ i means opening and Hé means closing). Just like what Yellow Emperor Internal Canon stated: “法于阴阳, 合于术数” (follow the Yin and Yang(Tao), together with the Shù shù (Methods and Calculations/Numerology)), we must use Tao to command the Methods and not the other way around.


话虽如此,但如果你想偷懒不下功夫去背熟一些简单基础的话,就如上小 学时老师叫我们背的乘法表一样,那就算给你再多的窍门也是徒然的。 《易经》主要的流派有两个,象数派是比较注重分析卦象来占吉凶和玄学 方面的;易理派就比较注重分析卦爻辞中的道理与教诲。 在我早期学习的日子里,有些老师会声称此流派比彼流派好,尤其是易理 派的因为他们相信其它的流派是术数(术为方法,数为算数)性的,比起道来说 太低俗了。我个人不太认同这样的观点。反而,我视两者为科学与艺术或太极 图的两条阴阳鱼;两者无法分开-就如我们活在当今的社会里,除了要遵守天 道为人中正之外,也要以术数来处人处事。 道就像黄金法则-“己所不欲勿施于人”那种比较哲理性的,而术数就像 使用什么计谋在战斗中取胜的如鬼谷子的捭阖术(捭为开,阖为闭)。如《黄帝 内经》里的“法于阴阳,合于术数”,我们得以道御术而非以术御道。 話雖如此,但如果你想偷懶不下功夫去背熟一些簡單基礎的話,就如上小 學時老師叫我們背的乘法表一樣,那就算給你再多的竅門也是徒然的。 《易經》主要的流派有兩個,象數派是比較注重分析卦象來占吉凶和玄學 方面的;易理派就比較注重分析卦爻辭中的道理與教誨。 在我早期學習的日子裡,有些老師會聲稱此流派比彼流派好,尤其是易理 派的因為他們相信其它的流派是術數(術為方法,數為算數)性的,比起道來說 太低俗了。我個人不太認同這樣的觀點。反而,我視兩者為科學與藝術或太極 圖的兩條陰陽魚;兩者無法分開-就如我們活在當今的社會裡,除了要遵守天 道為人中正之外,也要以術數來處人處事。 道就像黃金法則-“己所不欲勿施於人”那種比較哲理性的,而術數就像 使用什麼計謀在戰鬥中取勝的如鬼穀子的捭闔術(捭為開,闔為閉)。如《黃帝 內經》裡的“法於陰陽,合於術數”,我們得以道禦術而非以術御道。


If not, we would just do whatever it takes to make ourselves win even if it means doing evil unto others. As we know from Chapter 1, one of the meanings the character 易 has is change; hence, there are 3 principles of 易(Change) that you must be aware of, and they are: 1) 不易 (Bùyì) Unchanging – “There’s an immutable, eternal law at work in all changes”. 2) 简易 (Jiǎ nyì) Simplistic Change – “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”. 3) 变易 (Biànyì) Changing – “The only constant is change”. Once you understand the above 3 Changes principles, there are another 3 perspectives that you must equip yourself with to enter the mysterious world of I Ching; just like the equipments you must have when you go to explore an unknown territory/place in order to successfully reach your destination and they are as follows:

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否则的话,我们就会为了目地而不折手段,包括做些伤天害理的事情。 在第一章里我们知道,易字其中一个意思是变化;那有三个易的原则你得 知道的,那就是: 1) 不易- 永恒不变的道理 2) 简易- 大道至简 3) 变易- 唯一不变就是变 当你懂了以上的三易原理后,你还得带上另外三个观点来进入神秘的《易 经》世界;就好比携带一些去探险未知的领域/地方时的工具一样以便协助你 成功的抵达目的地而它们就是: 否則的話,我們就會為了目地而不折手段,包括做些傷天害理的事情。 在第一章裡我們知道,易字其中一個意思是變化;那有三個易的原則你得 知道的,那就是: 1) 不易- 永恆不變的道理 2) 簡易- 大道至簡 3) 變易- 唯一不變就是變 當你懂了以上的三易原理後,你還得帶上另外三個觀點來進入神秘的《易 經》世界;就好比攜帶一些去探險未知的領域/地方時的工具一樣以便協助你 成功的抵達目的地而它們就是:

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Summary of Chapter 7: In this chapter, we have started with the statement that “I Ching is an Easy to Learn Book” as it only has 8 letters and 64 words as compared to English 26 alphabets and thousands of words. Throughout my years of observations, there are various setbacks to learning I Ching, solely depending on translations instead of its original language. There are 2 School of Thoughts in I Ching, The 象数派(xiàng shù pài) School of Images and Numbers and the 易理派(yì lǐ pài) School of Meanings and Principles and no one is better than the other and we must use Tao to command the Methods and not the other way around. You must also remember the 3 Principles of Change, 3 Perspectives of I Ching and the 4 famous verses of I Ching as they are the building blocks of I Ching, the foundation of the Book of Changes.

“If practicality and morality are polarized and you must choose, you must do what you think is right, rather than what you think is practical.” ― Philip K. Dick 84

第七章小结: 在这一章中,我们从“《易经》是本易学的经,不是一本难的经“这句 话开始,因为它只有八个字母和六十四个单词,相比与英文的二十六个字母 和数千个单词。 在我多年的观察中,完全依赖翻译而不是以原本的语言学习《易经》的 话是有许多缺陷的。 《易经》中有两个流派,“象数派“和“易理派”和它们是不分彼此 的,而且我们必须以道御术而不是本末倒置了。 你还必须记住《易经》的三大原则,《易经》的三个观点和《易经》的 四大名句,因为它们就是《易经》的基础。

第七章小结: 在這一章中,我們從“《易經》是本易學的經,不是一本難的經“這句 話開始,因為它只有八個字母和六十四個單詞,相比與英文的二十六個字母 和數千個單詞。 在我多年的觀察中,完全依賴翻譯而不是以原本的語言學習《易經》的 話是有許多缺陷的。 《易經》中有兩個流派,“象數派“和“易理派”和它們是不分彼此的 ,而且我們必須以道禦術而不是本末倒置了。 你還必須記住《易經》的三大原則,《易經》的三個觀點和《易經》的 四大名句,因為它們就是《易經》的基礎。

如果现实与道德发生两极化而你得做出选择时,你必须做你认为 正确的事情,而不是你认为实际的。– 菲利普·K·迪克 如果現實與道德发生兩極化而你得做出選擇時,你必須做你認為 正確的事情,而不是你認為實際的。– 菲利普·K·迪克 85

CHAPTER 8 What are the 8 Trigrams? From the previous chapter until now, I hope you have memorised all the names of every trigram and know how to write(draw) them, if not, please put in the effort to do so as they are the building blocks of I Ching, similar to the 26 alphabets of the English language, but may be some of you might want to know whether there are any simpler methods to remember them as you might feel they are just too complicated even when your mother tongue is Chinese too? If that’s the case, I can tell you that for the past few thousands of years, although there are many people studying I Ching, not many are “lazy” enough to look for an easy way. In particular, the Western educated ones as they cannot understand the verses or poems made by some renown scholars like Ming Dynasty Zhu Xi 朱熹. Luckily during my learning years, I have learned some mnemonics which I felt could be of help to you in remembering the trigram names and what it represents more efficiently compared to the conventional method of repetition.


第八章 何谓八卦 从上一章到此,我希望你已经把所有八卦的名字记住了和知道怎么把它们 给写(画)出来,如果不是的话,请投入一些心思去做因为它们就是《易经》的 根基,就如英语的 26 个字母一样,但可能你们当中有人想知道到底有没有简 单的方法去记住它们因为虽然母语是中文的你也感觉它们有点复杂了? 如果是那样的话,我可以告诉你几千年来,虽然有无数的人学习《易经》, 但没有几个“懒”得去寻找简易的方法。尤其是受西方教育的因为他们无法懂 得那些有名的易学者如明朝朱熹的口诀或诗句。幸好在我学习的岁月里,我学 习到一些记忆法让我觉得可以帮你比起传统的死背方式更有效的记好八卦的名 称和它们所代表的事物。

第八章 何謂八卦 從上一章到此,我希望你已經把所有八卦的名字記住了和知道怎麼把它們 給寫(畫)出來,如果不是的話,請投入一些心思去做因為它們就是《易經》的 根基,就如英語的 26 個字母一樣,但可能你們當中有人想知道到底有沒有簡 單的方法去記住它們因為雖然母語是中文的你也感覺它們有點複雜了? 如果是那樣的話,我可以告訴你幾千年來,雖然有無數的人學習《易經》 ,但沒有幾個“懶”得去尋找簡易的方法。尤其是受西方教育的因為他們無法 懂得那些有名的易學者如明朝朱熹的口訣或詩句。幸好在我學習的歲月裡,我 學習到一些記憶法讓我覺得可以幫你比起傳統的死背方式更有效的記好八卦的 名稱和它們所代表的事物。


Having said that, you still need to put in the effort to memorise them, just like how our primary school teachers have asked us to memorise the multiplication table, ok?


话虽如此,但你也得下点功夫去背一下,就像我们小学老师叫背乘法表那 样背下来吧,好吗? 話雖如此,但你也得下點功夫去背一下,就像我們小學老師叫背乘法表那 樣背下來吧,好嗎?


Those are the I Ching verses by famous Ming Dynasty scholar Zhu Xi for easy memory of how to draw out the Eight Trigrams and for those who don’t understand Mandarin, please refrain yourself from taking shortcut and have the thought that you can refer to them later on when the need arises,


那些就是明朝有名的学者朱熹所著来方便人们记忆如何画出八个卦的《易 经》口诀而对于那些不认识中文的人来说,请不要投机取巧不把它们背起来而 想着在有需要时才去参考它们, 那些就是明朝有名的學者朱熹所著來方便人們記憶如何畫出八個卦的《易 經》口訣而對於那些不認識中文的人來說,請不要投機取巧不把它們背起來而 想著在有需要時才去參考它們,


which is not the correct attitude to learn any field of knowledge, especially the profound wisdom like I Ching. Up to now, if you reckon that you have known all the Eight Trigrams completely, then you can start learning the hidden message inside every trigram. The most difficult part in learning I Ching is one simple trigram can represent a lot of things such as direction, color, numbers, people etc. and some even can be represented by 2 trigrams, that’s the reason why most people can’t master I Ching. It’s even worse for those who don’t know Chinese as we mentioned before, there can’t be total equivalence in translation due to language and cultural differences and there was an instance where I attended a metaphysics course which was conducted in English whereby the master translated the hexagrams and Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches into numbers and alphabets, which may seem like a saviour to those who don’t understand Chinese but that’s like removing the “soul”, which is like learning the Japanese language without understanding its system, therefore, is it possible for us to be good at mastering it?


那是在学习任何一门学问中都不该有的态度,尤其是像《易经》这种博大精深 的智慧。 到了这里,如果你认为自己已经完全认识了那八个卦象,那就可以开始学 习每个卦所隐藏的信息了。《易经》最难学的地方就是一个简单的卦就可以代 表无数的东西如方向,颜色,数字,人物等等,而且有些东西是可以用两个卦 来代表的,这就是大多数人学不好《易经》的原因。 对于母语不是中文的人就更难了,因为就如我们之前所说的,在语言和文 化差异下的翻译是不可能完整的,而有一次我上过一个以英语教课的玄学课程 竟然可以把《易经》的卦象与天干地支用数字和字母来翻译,虽然这样做看起 来是不懂中文的人的救星但殊不知却把它的 “灵魂”给丢了,就好比要学日 语但却不学它的语言系统,试问那样子的学习法真的可以掌握好它的吗? 那是在學習任何一門學問中都不該有的態度,尤其是像《易經》這種博大精深 的智慧。 到了這裡,如果你認為自己已經完全認識了那八個卦象,那就可以開始學 習每個卦所隱藏的信息了。《易經》最難學的地方就是一個簡單的卦就可以代 表無數的東西如方向,顏色,數字,人物等等,而且有些東西是可以用兩個卦 來代表的,這就是大多數人學不好《易經》的原因。 對於母語不是中文的人就更難了,因為就如我們之前所說的,在語文和文 化差異下的翻譯是不可能完整的,而有一次我上過一個以英語教課的玄學課程 竟然可以把《易經》的卦象與天干地支用數字和字母來翻譯,雖然這樣做看起 來是不懂中文的人的救星但殊不知卻把它的“靈魂”給丟了,就好比要學日語 但卻不學它的語言系統,試問那樣子的學習法真的可以掌握好它的嗎?


In the past, the Chinese sages usually use analogy, association, metaphor, symbolism etc. to group things or situations that are similar and make it something comprehensible for people, and this way of thinking gave birth to the concept of Eight Trigrams Image Grouping, as such there are valid reasons as to how things are grouped together in every single trigram. Once you can see the pattern behind it, you will be able to be good at I Ching and this will gradually elevate your mind’s potential to be able to comprehend the laws of nature like the ancient sages. The following are the Eight Trigrams Image Grouping Verses in Chinese by an unknown author (I have searched online for the original author who came up with them but to no avail) which can be quite easily memorised by those who know Chinese as they rhyme with each other but they only have some keywords of many things which each trigram represents. In order to help the English educated people, I have included the translated keywords (which some of the words have no equivalence in English). For those who understand Chinese they know that some Chinese characters can have several sounds and meanings and when combined with other characters they can have a completely different meaning from the original of each character. With these the Chinese verses, I hope that they can help those who have a desire to be able to learn I Ching.


在古时,华夏的古圣先贤通常都是透过类推、联想、比喻、象征等把形象 相似、情景相关的事物归类成大家可以理解的东西,就是这种思维产生了八卦 万物类象的概念,所以每个卦里的事物归类是有原因的。当你看得懂它背后的 规律时,你就可以掌握好《易经》而这样一来你就可以渐渐地提升大脑的潜能, 像古圣先贤那样能够洞悉天地之道了。 以下佚名的(我已上过网搜索它的作者但查询无果)八卦万物类象口诀可以 相当容易被懂得中文的人背诵起来因为是有押韵的但它们只包含了每个卦可代 表的一些关键词而已。因此为了让帮助受英文教育的人,我已把翻译的关键词 加了进去(有些词是没有同等的英文翻译)。懂得中文的人都知道有些汉字是 多音多义字而且与其它字连起来的话它们可以变成有别于原本单字的意思的。 有了这些中文口诀,我希望它们可以帮助到那些有意学习《易经》的人们。 在古時,華夏的古聖先賢通常都是透過類推、聯想、比喻、象徵等把形象 相似、情景相關的事物歸類成大家可以理解的東西,就是這種思維產生了八卦 萬物類象的概念,所以每個卦裡的事物歸類是有原因的。當你看得懂它背後的 規律時,你就可以掌握好《易經》而這樣一來你就可以漸漸地提升大腦的潛能, 像古聖先賢那樣能夠洞悉天地之道了。 以下佚名的(我已上過網搜索它的作者但查詢無果)八卦萬物類象口訣可以 相當容易被懂得中文的人背誦起來因為是有押韻的但它們只包含了每個卦可代 表的一些關鍵詞而已。因此為了幫助受英文教育的人,我已把翻譯的關鍵詞加 了進去(有些詞是沒有同等的英文翻譯)。懂得中文的人都知道有些漢字是多 音多義字而且與其它字連起來的話它們可以變成有別於原本單字的意思的。有 了這些中文口訣,我希望它們可以幫助到那些有意學習《易經》的人們。




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Maybe you will think that the Chinese Eight Trigrams Image Grouping Verses and the English version is good but quite difficult to remember but just like the saying goes, practice makes perfect, when there’s a will, there’s a way, so when I was learning it that way, I kept thinking whether there would be an any easier way to learn those verses. After putting in some effort to find some memory aid methods, I came up with my own mnemonics which I think might be of help to the English educated people around me, who have told me they have given up hope on I Ching, as it is very hard to learn despite having spent a small fortune in learning from different famous masters and buying many I Ching books yet still unable to grasp the idea. The sequence of the keywords in my mnemonics is not important as they are just some funny stories that help me to remember, so if you don’t like them, just take the keywords and come up with another version that suits you best, ok?


本书预览中省略了一些页面。 请从出版者或授权经销商处获取完整版本。 欲了解更多信息,请通过访问 或 联系作者或出版者。 本書預覽中省略了一些頁面。 請從出版者或授權經銷商處獲取完整版本。 欲了解更多信息,請通過訪問 或 聯繫作者或出版者。

你可能会觉得有了八卦万物类像口诀和英文版的是挺不错的但稍微难背了 些但如俗语说的,熟能生巧,有志者事竟成,所以当我也是那样学习时,我一 直在思考是否有更加好记的方法。当我下了一番功夫去寻找记忆方法后,我就 想出了自己的记忆法以便可以帮助到我身边那些受英语教育的朋友,因为他们 告诉我说已经对《易经》绝望了,原因是它实在太难了,虽然他们已经花了不 少钱和名师学习和买了很多《易经》的书来读但还是无法入门。我记忆法里关 键词的次序并不重要因为它们只是一些方便我记忆的有趣故事,如果你不喜欢 的话,可以把关键词取出再造其它适合你的版本,OK? 你可能會覺得有了八卦萬物類像口訣和英文版的是挺不錯的但稍微難背了 些但如俗語說的,熟能生巧,有志者事竟成,所以當我也是那樣學習時,我一 直在思考是否有更加好記的方法。當我下了一番功夫去尋找記憶方法後,我就 想出了自己的記憶法以便可以幫助到我身邊那些受英語教育的朋友,因為他們 告訴我說已經對《易經》絕望了,原因是它實在太難了,雖然他們已經花了不 少錢和名師學習和買了很多《易經》的書來讀但還是無法入門。我記憶法里關 鍵詞的次序並不重要因為它們只是一些方便我記憶的有趣故事,如果你不喜歡 的話,可以把關鍵詞取出再造其它適合你的版本,OK?


QiĂĄn äšž- Old Father Up in HEAVEN, who has an Energetic White Horse that takes Round Fruits and Precious Jade, is Fulfilling the Ego of One Big Headed and Clear Lung North West King.

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乾- 在天上的老父,有一匹喜欢圆果和贵玉的刚健白马,充实了一位大头 清肺西北君王的自我。 乾- 在天上的老父,有一匹喜歡圓果和貴玉的剛健白馬,充實了一位大頭 清肺西北君王的自我。

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Summary of Chapter 8: In this chapter, we delved into the core of I Ching by getting to know the Eight Trigram names and memorise how they look like individually with the Zhu Xi’s 8 Trigrams Verses. These are the 8 important alphabets of I Ching and one must not think that there’s no need to memorise them. For those who don’t know Chinese, do not attempt to learn to remember the 8 Trigrams in any other way which might seem to be an easy way out but if you do that, it will be like learning a foreign language such as Japanese without understanding its system, which will be preventing you from getting into the “soul” of the subject. Last but not least, memorise what each trigram represents by using the Eight Trigrams Image Grouping Verses or the mnemonics of Eight Trigrams Image Grouping Verses that I came up with.

“Everything Should Be Made as Simple as Possible, But Not Simpler.” ― Einstein


第八章小结: 在这一章中,我们通过了解八卦的名字与使用了朱熹的八卦取象歌记住 每个卦的面貌来深入了解《易经》的核心。 这些都是《易经》里八个重要 的字母所以不要以为是没有必要记住它们的。 对于那些不懂中文的人,不要尝试以任何其它方式来学习记住八卦,虽 然看起来似乎是一个容易的办法但如果你这样做的话,就好比学习一门外语 如日语但不了解它的系统那样,那将阻碍你深入一门学问的“灵魂”的。 最后,使用八卦万物类象口诀或我创想出来的记忆法来背熟每个卦是代 表什么东西。

第八章小結: 在這一章中,我們通過了解八卦的名字與使用了朱熹的八卦取像歌記住 每個卦的面貌來深入了解《易經》的核心。這些都是《易經》里八個重要的 字母所以不要以為是沒有必要記住它們的。 對於那些不懂中文的人,不要嘗試以任何其它方式來學習記住八卦,雖 然看起來似乎是一個容易的辦法但如果你這樣做的話,就好比學習一門外語 如日語但不了解它的系統那樣,那將阻礙你深入一門學問的“靈魂”的。 最後,使用八卦萬物類象口訣或我創想出來的記憶法來背熟每個卦是代 表什麼東西。

事情应该力求简单,不过不能过于简单。― 爱恩斯坦 事情應該力求簡單,不過不能過於簡單。― 愛恩斯坦


CHAPTER 9 Early Heaven and Later Heaven Bagua, 5 Elements, 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches I hope you found the mnemonics in the previous chapter useful and please put in the effort to memorise the content in the previous chapter as these are the basic fundamentals and in this chapter we shall briefly discuss the by products from them. First, let’s start with the Innate/Early Heaven Bagua.

Innate a.k.a. Early Heaven Bagua


第九章 先天与后天八卦﹑五行﹑十天干与十二 地支 我希望上篇的记忆法对你有帮助并请你下功夫去把上篇的内容背熟因为它 们是最基础的东西而在这一篇我们将稍微谈及它们的衍生品。 首先,让我们先从先天八卦讲起吧。

第九章 先天與後天八卦﹑五行﹑十天干與十二 地支 我希望上篇的記憶法對你有幫助並請你下功夫去把上篇的內容背熟因為它 們是最基礎的東西而在這一篇我們將稍微談及它們的衍生品。 首先,讓我們先從先天八卦講起吧。

先天八卦/先天八卦 105

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Summary of Chapter 9: In this chapter, we started with the concepts of Innate/Early Heaven Bagua and Acquired/Later Heaven Bagua. Do pay attention to the details of how the Trigrams are arranged and the difference between the two. These two concepts are very important in Fengshui, Qimendunjia etc., as they encompass the laws of Nature such as directions, colors, attributes etc. We also talked about another important concept of 5 Elements, and do try to memorise the simple relationships of the Producing Cycles and Controlling Cycles as it’s very crucial in understanding how to do forecasting, Fengshui, TCM etc. The 10 Heavenly Stems and the 12 Earthly Branches are as important as the previous concepts which we mentioned earlier. They are not only representing numerals but also a lot of meanings other than just ordinary Chinese characters, so please refrain from ignoring them and try to learn how to write them and how they sound as you will know there are many usages for them later.

“He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.” ― Nietzsche


第九章小结: 在本章中,我们以先天八卦和后天八卦的概念开始。请注意卦的排法细 节和两者的区别。这两个概念在风水,奇门遁甲等方面都是非常重要的,因 为它们涵盖了方向﹑颜色﹑属性等自然规律。 我们还谈到了另一个重要概念五行,所以请试图记住相生相克的简单关 系,因为这对于理解如何进行预测﹑风水﹑中医等是非常重要的。 十天干和十二地支和之前所提到的概念一样重要。 它们不仅仅是代表数 字,还有其它除了普通汉字以外的许多含义,所以请不要忽略它们,试着学 习怎么把它们写下来以及它们如何发音,因为以后你就会晓得它们的多种用 途了。

第九章小結: 在本章中,我們以先天八卦和後天八卦的概念開始。請注意卦的排法細 節和兩者的區別。這兩個概念在風水,奇門遁甲等方面都是非常重要的,因 為它們涵蓋了方向﹑顏色﹑屬性等自然規律。 我們還談到了另一個重要概念五行,所以請試圖記住相生相剋的簡單關 係,因為這對於理解如何進行預測﹑風水﹑中醫等是非常重要的。 十天干和十二地支和之前所提到的的概念一樣重要。它們不僅僅是代表 數字,還有其它除了普通漢字以外的許多含義,所以請不要忽略它們,試著 學習怎麼把它們寫下來以及它們如何發音,因為以後你就會曉得它們的多種 用途了。

谁要学习飞翔,必须先学习站立、奔跑、跳跃和舞蹈:人无法从 飞翔中学会飞翔!― 尼采 誰要學習飛翔,必須先學習站立、奔跑、跳躍和舞蹈:人無法從 飛翔中學會飛翔!― 尼采


CHAPTER 10 How to remember the 64 Hexagram names effectively? Up to now, we have covered almost all the fundamentals in I Ching and Chinese culture, from Tai Chi, Yin and Yang Yaos, Four Symbols, Five Elements, Eight Trigrams, Early and Later Heaven Bagua, Ten Heavenly Stems, Twelve Earthly Branches. Now it is time for us to start talking about the 64 Hexagrams, shall we? For those who understand Mandarin, they do find difficulty in understanding I Ching especially in pronouncing the names of the 64 Hexagrams, yet least mentioned is about remembering their names. If so, what more for those who don’t understand Mandarin, can you imagine why they would have given up on learning I Ching? Throughout the years, I have yet to come across a master who teaches the students an easy way to remember all the hexagrams names. Some of them just tell the students the names are of no use and only to just refer to the book or chart when there’s a need.


第十章 如何有效的背熟六十四个卦名? 到目前为止,我们已经涵盖了几乎《易经》与中华文化所有的基础了,从 太极﹑阴和阳爻﹑四象﹑五行﹑八卦﹑先天与后天八卦﹑十天干﹑十二地支。 就让我们开始讲六十四卦了,好吗? 对于那些懂得中文的人来说,他们都会觉得《易经》很难懂尤其是六十四 卦的发音都不懂,更别说怎么记得它们的名字了。所以对于那些不懂中文的人 更不用说了,你可以想象他们放弃学习《易经》的理由了吗? 这么多年以来,我还没遇到一位有给学生一个容易记住卦名的方法的老师。 有些老师只会告诉学生卦名是没有用的,有需要时才去查书或表就行了。

第十章 如何有效的背熟六十四個卦名? 到目前為止,我們已經涵蓋了幾乎《易經》與中華文化所有的基礎了,從 太極﹑陰和陽爻﹑四象﹑五行﹑八卦﹑先天與後天八卦﹑十天干﹑十二地支。 就讓我們開始講六十四卦了,好嗎? 對於那些懂得中文的人來說,他們都會覺得《易經》很難懂尤其是六十四 卦的發音都不懂,更別說怎麼記得它們的名字了。所以對於那些不懂中文的人 更不用說了,你可以想像他們放棄學習《易經》的理由了嗎? 這麼多年以來,我還沒遇到一位有給學生一個容易記住卦名的方法的老師。 有些老師只會告訴學生卦名是沒有用的,有需要時才去查書或表就行了。


Let us think about it, if the 64 Hexagram names in I Ching are useless, why would the ancient sages name them that way in the first place? This is like how parents give a name to a new born. There must be a reason behind why the parents give their child the name, right? The world truly lacks people studying I Ching and the Chinese culture compared to its glorious years a few centuries ago before China isolated herself from the rest of the world. During those eras, cultural exchanges between the East and West flourished the world over. Although nowadays, there may be many translated works, none so far which I have encountered provides any easy method to remember the 64 Hexagram names. Some of the English translations are not even keeping up with the pace of the current society. As the main purpose of writing this book is to arouse your interest in learning more about I Ching and the Chinese culture, I will only cover a few of the Hexagrams. The ones which I think should have different English names that are not only easy to remember but also more relevant to our current society. If you wish to find out more on how to easily remember all the 64 Hexagram names by heart, I have actually found some easy methods that almost everyone who doesn’t know Chinese can easily understand and remember. So do read on until the end of the book to get in touch with me and join us in learning more about I Ching and the Chinese culture.


让我们仔细思考一下,如果《易经》的六十四个卦名是没有用处的,那为 什么古圣先贤把它们命名为那样子呢?这就如父母如何给新生的孩子取名字一 样。父母帮孩子起名一定是有原因的,对吗? 相对于几个世纪前中国还没把自己隔离的全盛期,世界真的缺乏人们去研 究《易经》与中华文化了。那些年代里,东西方交流让全世界都富庶起来。虽 然现在有不少的翻译作品,但目前为止我所接触过的都没有提供一个容易记住 六十四个卦名的。有些英语的翻译甚至是没有与时俱进的。 由于写这本书的主要目的是激发你学习《易经》与中华文化的兴趣的缘故, 我就会讲解一些卦而已。那些我觉得应该有不一样英文卦名而且不容易记但与 当今社会比较有关联的卦。 如果你想了解更多如何轻易地记牢六十四个卦名的话,我其实已经发现了 一些简单易易懂,连每位不懂中文的人都可以理解易记的方法。因此,请坚持 把这书读到最后和我取得联系以便大家可以一起学习更多《易经》和中华文化 吧。 讓我們仔細思考一下,如果《易經》的六十四個卦名是沒有用處的,那為 什麼古聖先賢把它們命名為那樣子呢?這就如父母如何給新生的孩子取名字一 樣。父母幫孩子起名一定是有原因的,對嗎? 相對於幾個世紀前中國還沒把自己隔離的全盛期,世界真的缺乏人們去研 究《易經》與中華文化了。那些年代裡,東西方交流讓全世界都富庶起來。雖 然現在有不少的翻譯作品,但目前為止我所接觸過的都沒有提供一個容易記住 六十四個卦名的。有些英語的翻譯甚至是沒有與時俱進的。 由於寫這本書的主要目的是激發你學習《易經》與中華文化的興趣的緣故, 我就會講解一些卦而已。那些我覺得應該有不一樣英文卦名而且不容易記但與 當今社會比較有關聯的卦。 如果你想了解更多如何輕易地記牢六十四個卦名的話,我其實已經發現了 一些簡單易易懂,連每位不懂中文的人都可以理解易記的方法。因此,請堅持 把這書讀到最後和我取得聯繫以便大家可以一起學習更多《易經》和中華文化 吧。


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King Wen Sequence 文王卦序




The first two Hexagrams of King Wen Sequence are Qián as Heaven䷀乾为天, and Kūn as Earth

䷁坤为地, which is quite obvious

as both the Upper Trigram and Lower Trigram are the same trigram but the 3rd Hexagram which is a very interesting Hexagram Water(Kǎ n) on Top, Thunder(Zhèn) at Bottom䷂水雷屯 (pronounced as Zhūn) which I translated it as Beginning in English as it might sound bizarre to some but I Ching is actually quite scientific, at least in the sense that it tells the story of how life begins. Why I called this Hexagram Beginning in English as when I started studying I Ching, I have been trying to search for an effective way to remember all the 64 Hexagram names by interesting stories like the English mnemonics I created for Eight Trigrams Image Grouping Verses instead of memorising them forcefully like how some of the masters told me when I attended their course. I spent several months online and searched the Chinese websites and found some patterns of how some creative people in China actually memorised the hexagram names. The Wilhem and Legge’s translation of the 3rd Hexagram is called Difficulty at the Beginning which I felt tedious to remember and there is no explanation on how the name came about. So the more I searched, I found that in the 1950s, there’s a famous Miller-Urey’s experiment


which used Water (vapour) passed through the

simulated Thunder lighting to discover the Origin of Life.

5 118

文王卦序的首两个卦是䷀乾为天和䷁坤为地,很明显看得出来因为上卦和 下卦都是相同的但第三个卦就较为有趣了-



的英文翻译为开始虽然会让一些人觉得怪怪的但《易经》其实很科学的,至少 在讲解生命如何开始的层面上。 为什么我会把这个卦在英文叫开始是因为当我开始研究《易经》时,我一 直尝试寻找一些有效的使用有趣的故事去背熟全部六十四个卦的名字的方法如 我创想的英文版八卦万物类象的记忆法而不像我去上过那些名师那样叫我死背 的那种方法。我花了数个月的时间上网搜索不少中文网站而且发现了中国一些 富有创意的人背熟卦名的规律。 我觉得卫礼贤与理雅各给第三个卦的翻译为“开始时艰难”的名字稍微长 了点而且并没有解释卦名是怎么来的。所以当我探索越多时,我发现在 1950 6

年代有个有名的米勒-尤里实验 利用水(蒸汽)通过了模拟的雷电来探索生命起 源。 文王卦序的首兩個卦是䷀乾為天和䷁坤為地,很明顯看得出來因為上卦和 下卦都是相同的但第三個卦就較為有趣了-



的英文翻譯為開始雖然會讓一些人覺得怪怪的但《易經》其實很科學的,至少 在講解生命如何開始的層面上。 為什麼我會把這個卦在英文叫開始是因為當我開始研究《易經》時,我一 直嘗試尋找一些有效的使用有趣的故事去背熟全部六十四個卦的名字的方法如 我創想的英文版八卦萬物類象的記憶法而不像我去上過那些名師那樣叫我死背 的那種方法。我花了數個月的時間上網搜索不少中文網站而且發現了中國一些 富有創意的人背熟卦名的規律。 我覺得衛禮賢與理雅各給第三個卦的翻譯為“開始時艱難”的名字稍微長 了點而且並沒有解釋卦名是怎麼來的。所以當我探索越多時,我發現在 1950 7

年代有個有名的米勒-尤里實驗 利用水(蒸汽)通過了模擬的雷電來探索生命起 源。

6米勒-尤里实验 119

Therefore, I thought that it’s quite relevant to the Hexagram name and used the English word Beginning to represent the conditions when things started, and if we think about it, that’s how life is, when we start anything, from the first breath until learning a new skill, it’s just like the Chinese saying “Everything is hard in the beginning”. The 4th Hexagram is Mountain(Gèn) on Top, Water(Kǎ n) at Bottom ䷃山水蒙(Méng) which I translated as Enlighten compared to the usual translation of Youthful Folly. If you remember the 3 Perspectives of I Ching( 象 Symbol, 数 Numerics, 理 Conceptual Meaning) and the Eight Trigrams Image Grouping Verses that I shared before, they are the tools which can help us to remember the 64 Hexagram names easily like in this case, the Upper Trigram ☶艮 Gèn(Mountain) can represent the youngest boy or a small boy, the Lower Trigram ☵坎 Kǎ n(Water) can represent danger, and if you can use a bit of your imagination and form a picture in your mind of the Upper Trigram which represents a young boy is at the front, the Lower Trigram which represent danger is behind the young boy, so if he wishes to get away from the danger behind him, he will need to get Enlightened, don’t you think this is easier to remember compared to the other translation of Youthful Folly?


就因为那样,我就觉得这个很符合卦名而就用了英文的开始来代表万物初 始的情形,仔细想一下,那不就像人生嘛,我们每开始做一件事情时,从第一 个呼吸到学习一门新的技巧,就如俗语所说的“万事起头难”吧。 第四个卦䷃山水蒙我把它翻译为“启蒙”而不是通常的“年轻的愚昧”, 如果你记得我之前和你分享过《易经》的三个观点(象﹑数﹑理)以及八卦万物 类象口诀的话,它们都是可以帮助我们轻松地背熟六十四个卦名的工具,就如 这个例子,上卦☶艮(山)代表少男或一位男童,下卦☵坎(水)可以代表危险, 而如果你可以发挥一下想象力在你的脑海里创造出来这个上卦为少童在前方, 下卦的危险就在他的后面的情景,所以如果他想要逃离身后的危险的话,他就 得得到启蒙了,你不觉得这样子的话会比另外一个翻译 “年轻的愚昧” 更加 容易记了吗? 就因為那樣,我就覺得這個很符合卦名而就用了英文的開始來代表萬物初 始的情形,仔細想一下,那不就像人生嘛,我們每開始做一件事情時,從第一 個呼吸到學習一門新的技巧,就如俗語所說的“萬事起頭難”吧。 第四個卦䷃山水蒙我把它翻譯為“啟蒙”而不是通常的“年輕的愚昧”。 如果你記得我之前和你分享過《易經》的三個觀點(象﹑數﹑理)以及八卦萬物 類象口訣的話,它們都是可以幫助我們輕鬆地背熟六十四個卦名的工具,就如 這個例子,上卦☶艮(山)代表少男或一位男童,下卦☵坎(水)可以代表危險, 而如果你可以發揮一下想像力在你的腦海裡創造出來這個上卦為少童在前方, 下卦的危險就在他的後面的情景,所以如果他想要逃離身後的危險的話,他就 得得到啟蒙了,你不覺得這樣子的話會比另外一個翻譯 “年輕的愚昧” 更加 容易記了嗎?


We should be thankful that there are many sinologists, authors and famous masters before us who worked hard to translate the I Ching and 64 Hexagrams but I feel that we just can’t stick to the old translated works that are making those who are interested to lose interest after flipping a few pages of the translated book, hence, the reason I decided to write this little book, is to gather more people together to learn I Ching in a more fun and easy way. The 64 Hexagrams are actually not difficult to remember at all when you know how, just like Chemistry, Physics or any formulas that we learn in school. It is just that there are not many people who are good in both English and Chinese (being able to read and write) that can translate them and break them down into some bite size concepts that ordinary people can easily comprehend. By the way, my translations of the Hexagram names are not copyrighted like some famous masters like to do. You are welcomed to use them in any way you wish, but the memory method that I use is my own intellectual property which I have carefully selected the similar English words for the particular Hexagram. Should you wish to find out more, do get in touch with me on how we can collaborate on this. By this, it can benefit more people who like to master I Ching and the Chinese culture. Here are a few more Hexagrams which I will be sharing with you on how to remember their names using the memory methods that I came up with and if you practise for a few times, they will sink into your memory forever like how easily you can remember the names of your good friends.


我们应该感恩这世上有不少先前的国学家,作者和一些名师们辛辛苦苦翻 译了《易经》和六十四卦名的工作但我觉得我们不能墨守成规地跟着那些让人 翻了几页就失去兴趣了的旧作走,因此,这就是我写这本小书的初心,为了可 以和更多人一起轻轻松松地学习《易经》。 当你知道窍门时,六十四卦其实一点都不难背,就像我们上学时所学到的 化学,物理或其它方程式那样而已。只不过熟悉中英双语(读与写)而又可以把 它们翻译和分解为普通老百姓可以理解的概念的人并不多。 顺便一提,我翻译的卦名是没有像一些名师那样有版权的。我欢迎你随意 地使用它们,但我所使用的记忆法是我精心细选给每个卦有它意思相近的英文 字眼的知识产权。如果你想了解更多的话,可以和我联系以便可以探讨如何配 合的。这样做的话就可以让更多想学好《易经》与中华文化的人受惠了。 以下还有一些我即将和你分享如何使用我自创的记忆方法来背熟的卦名而 且如果你练习几遍后,它们就会永远的进入你的大脑里就像你记得你好友的名 字那么简单了。 我們應該感恩這世上有不少先前的國學家,作者和一些名師們辛辛苦苦翻 譯了《易經》和六十四卦名的工作但我覺得我們不能墨守成規地跟著那些讓人 翻了幾頁就失去興趣了的舊作走,因此,這就是我寫這本小書的初心,為了和 更多人一起輕輕鬆鬆地學習《易經》。 當你知道竅門時,六十四卦其實一點都不難背,就像我們上學時所學到的 化學,物理或其它方程式那樣而已。只不過熟悉中英雙語(讀與寫)而又可以把 它們翻譯和分解為普通老百姓可以理解的概念的人並不多。 順便一提,我翻譯的卦名是沒有像一些名師那樣有版權的。我歡迎你隨意 地使用它們,但我所使用的記憶法是我精心細選給每個卦有它意思相近的英文 字眼的知識產權。如果你想了解更多的話,可以和我聯繫以便可以探討如何配 合的。這樣做的話就可以讓更多想學好《易經》與中華文化的人受惠了。 以下還有一些我即將和你分享如何使用我自創的記憶方法來背熟的卦名而 且如果你練習幾遍後,它們就會永遠的進入你的大腦裡就像你記得你好友的名 字那麼簡單了。


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I Ching is actually a very good book to exercise your mind and train you to perceive things from different point of views, liken to the Chinese idiom of cuò zōng fù zá 错综复杂 (meaning tangled and complicated). You can view the Hexagrams in pairs like the example above, or like the 错卦(cuò guà), also known as 旁通卦(páng tōng guà) which I have translated it as Opposite Hexagram as the relationship between the two are the direct opposite of each other e.g. and

䷩风雷益 Beneficial

䷟雷风恒 Eternity.

The analogy is just like in a company where both departments have the same goals in serving the company. The business development department would ask money from the boss to spend so that they can bring in the sales, while the finance department would cut cost to make sure the company is profitable, similar to the saying “Put yourself in the other person’s shoes”.


本书预览中省略了一些页面。 请从出版者或授权经销商处获取完整版本。 欲了解更多信息,请通过访问 或 联系作者或出版者。 本書預覽中省略了一些頁面。 請從出版者或授權經銷商處獲取完整版本。 欲了解更多信息,請通過訪問 或 聯繫作者或出版者。

《易经》事实上是一本很好地让你训练你的大脑从多方面去思考问题的书, 就如成语错综复杂那样,你可以像以上的例子两两相对那样解读卦,或像错卦 也叫旁通卦,我翻译为“对立的卦”因为两个是对立关系的如 ䷩ 风雷益与䷟ 雷风恒。 就如一家公司里两个同样为公司办事的不同部门那样。业务发展部会和老 板争取费用以取得业绩而财政部就会节省开支以便公司是有盈利的,就如经常 听到的换位思考。 《易經》事實上是一本很好地讓你訓練你的大腦從多方面去思考問題的書, 就如成語錯綜複雜那樣,你可以像以上的例子兩兩相對那樣解讀卦,或像錯卦 也叫旁通卦,我翻譯為“對立的卦”因為兩個是對立關係的如 ䷩ 風雷益與

䷟雷風恆。 就如一家公司裡兩個同樣為公司辦事的不同部門那樣。業務發展部會和老 闆爭取費用以取得業績而財政部就會節省開支以便公司是有盈利的,就如經常 聽到的換位思考。


综卦(zōng guà), which I translated it as Relative Hexagram just like the Theory of Relativity in which things are relative to each other like


Eternity and


Salty, just like how you see a

situation from relative positions to each other. 复卦(fù guà) which I translated as Mutual hexagrams, note that this is different from the 24 th Hexagram 地雷复䷗Returning as one Chinese character can have different meanings. In this case, the meaning means overlapping or repeating as it is overlapping the middle parts of a particular hexagram e.g. taking the 3rd, 4th, 5th Yao and 2nd, 3rd, 4th Yao of

䷹兑为泽 Lake to form ䷤风火家人 Family.

This is also sometimes known as 互卦(hù guà) and it actually tells us not to overlook the internal relationships of the thing, similar to critical thinking of modern time. 杂 卦 (zá guà), which I translated as Miscellaneous Hexagrams which are the Opposite and Relative Hexagrams of the Mutual Hexagram, telling us nothing is absolute. We can’t only see things from one aspect but from every possible aspect, similar to modern lateral thinking. 11th Hexagram Kūn(Earth)☷on Top, Qián(Heaven)☰ at Bottom䷊ 地天泰(tài) Unity - According to Oxford dictionary, unity has the meaning of the state of forming a complete and harmonious whole. In order to remember this hexagram, we must understand the very basic concept of 阴 阳 (Yin Yang), things can only progress and prosper when Yin and Yang are balanced.


综卦我把它翻译为“相对的卦”就像相对论那样,东西是相对的如 ䷟雷风 恒与䷞泽山咸,就像从相对的立场去看待一件事情那样。 复卦我把它翻译为“交互的卦”,它与第 24 卦地雷复䷗是不一样的因为一 个汉字可以有多种意思。在这里,它的意思为重叠或重复因为它把一个卦的中 心给重叠了如把䷹ 兑为泽的第三﹑四﹑五爻和第二﹑三﹑四爻变成了 ䷤ 风火 家人。 这有时也称为互卦的告诉我们不要忽略了事件的内部关系,如现代的明辨 性思维一样。 杂卦我把它翻译为”繁杂的卦”因为它是复卦的错卦与综卦,告诉我们事 情没有绝对的。不可光看一面,应面面俱到,类似现代的横向思维。 第十一个卦坤☷上乾☰下䷊地天泰 – 根据牛津字典,unity 有组成一个圆 满和谐的状态的意思。而要背熟这个卦的话,我们就得明白《易经》最基础的 阴阳概念,万物只有在阴阳平衡的状态下才会茁壮成长。 綜卦我把它翻譯為“相對的卦”就像相對論那樣,東西是相對的如 ䷟雷風 恆與䷞澤山咸,就像從相對的立場去看待一件事情那樣。 複卦我把它翻譯為“交互的卦”,它與第 24 卦地雷復䷗是不一樣的因為一 個漢字可以有多種意思。在這裡,它的意思為重疊或重複因為它把一個卦的中 心給重疊了如把䷹ 兌為澤的第三﹑四﹑五爻和第二﹑三﹑四爻變成了 ䷤ 風火 家人。 這有時也稱為互卦的告訴我們不要忽略了事件的內部關係,如現代的明辨 性思維一樣。 雜卦我把它翻譯為”繁雜的卦”因為它是複卦的錯卦與綜卦,告訴我們事 情沒有絕對的。不可光看一面,應面面俱到,類似現代的橫向思維。 第十一個卦坤☷上乾☰下䷊地天泰- 根據牛津字典,unity 有組成一個圓滿 和諧的狀態的意思。而要背熟這個卦的話,我們就得明白《易經》最基礎的陰 陽概念,萬物只有在陰陽平衡的狀態下才會茁壯成長。


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I hope this book has been of value to you and just like the Chinese proverb goes “Teachers open doors, but you must enter by yourself�. If you wish to know how to proceed further after reading this book, do feel free to get in touch through the methods listed on page 189 and I wish you all the best on your discovery journey.


本书预览中省略了一些页面。 请从出版者或授权经销商处获取完整版本。 欲了解更多信息,请通过访问 或 联系作者或出版者。 本書預覽中省略了一些頁面。 請從出版者或授權經銷商處獲取完整版本。 欲了解更多信息,請通過訪問 或 聯 繫作者或出版者。

其次,我们需要忘掉所有对易经仅仅是用来占卜和迷信的误解。反而,我 们应该把易经理解为中华文化的源头和五术(山﹑医﹑命﹑相﹑卜)的基础。 我希望这本书已经为你带来了价值,就如中国的谚语“师傅引进门,修行 看个人”。 如果你想知道读完此书后如何更进一步的话,请通过在 214 页列 下的方式与我取得联系,在此祝你有个顺利的发现之旅。 我希望這本書已經為你帶來了價值,就如中國的諺語“師傅引進門,修行 看個人”。如果你想知道读完此书后如何更进一步的话,请通过在 190 页列下 的方式与我取得联系,在此祝你有个顺利的發現之旅。


Summary of Chapter 10: In this last chapter, we integrated whatever we have learned from the previous chapters to help us memorise the hexagram names by heart. Although there are some who choose to believe that the hexagram names are by chance and there is not a need to remember the names, but through some of the examples and explanations that things do happen for a reason and there are actually effective ways to remember the hexagram names by heart. I Ching not only is the Genesis of Chinese culture but also truly a book of wisdom that withstand the tests of time. It can help us to see things from different point of views like the Chinese idiom cuò zōng fù zá 错综复杂, and also to unleash our mind’s potentials to be able to interpret the hidden messages from the Universe to us in our daily lives.

“Wisdom is found only in truth.” ― Goethe


第十章小结: 在这最后一章中,我们整合了前面章节所学到的东西来帮助我们背熟卦 名。 虽然有些人选择相信卦名是偶然的,并且不需要记住卦名,但是通过了 一些例子和解释事出必有因而且有实际上是有方法来有效率地背熟卦名 的。 《易经》不仅是中华文化的源头,而且也是一本经得起时间考验的智慧 之书。 它可以帮助我们如成语错综复杂那样以不同的观点看待事情,也释 放出我们大脑的潜能,让我们能够解读宇宙给我们在日常生活中隐藏的信 息。

第十章小結: 在這最後一章中,我們整合了前面章節所學到的東西來幫助我們背熟卦 名。 雖然有些人選擇相信卦名是偶然的,並且不需要記住卦名,但是通過了 一些例子和解釋事出必有因而且有實際上是有方法來有效率地背熟卦名的 。 《易經》不僅是中華文化的源頭,而且也是一本經得起時間考驗的智慧 之書。它可以幫助我們如成語錯綜複雜那樣以不同的觀點看待事情,也釋 放出我們大腦的潛能,讓我們能夠解讀宇宙給我們在日常生活中隱藏的信 息。

智慧只存在于真理之中。― 歌德 智慧只存在於真理之中。― 歌德


ABOUT THE AUTHOR J. Torz who has started to read I Ching at the young age of 6 years old but couldn’t comprehend the profound classic and decided to put it aside for good to pursue something more scientific such as Physics, IT, finance and apart from reading lots of Chinese metaphysical books, he also attended many Chinese metaphysical courses by a few famous masters which he found that there are many missing links until he picked up the Book he put aside for long time and found the secrets in it through his journeys to China in search of illuminating masters 明师 and decided to share his findings with more people so that more people can benefit in terms of higher intelligence and better well-being from the ancient wisdom of the sages. Due to his learning experiences with various masters, he felt that there should be a community that is free from any single master’s influence, allowing likeminded people to meet regularly to learn and grow together. Therefore, he co-founded a networking platform called UNITYH with the goal to connect with people who don't have the luxury of much time and money to travel far (unless the master unable to travel) to learn authentic ancient Chinese wisdom from different illuminating masters. To achieve that goal, UNITYH needs local facilitators and volunteers worldwide to hold regular networking meetings to study Chinese culture subjects such as I Ching, the Five Arts and so on and learn how to apply them in daily life. If you wish to find out more how you can be part of this exciting and meaningful initiative, do get in touch with him either on Wechat, Whatsapp, Telegram, Facebook or email. For




visit 132


关于作者 杰.多智师兄在 6 岁时已经开始读《易经》但看不懂这本博大精深的经典而 打算把它永远地放弃去追求比较科学性的物理,资讯科技,金融,而除了看很 多玄学的书之外也上了不少名师的课程但发现很多缺少的环节直到他再次捡起 了放弃已久的《易经》并且从他在国内寻找明师的旅程中发现了《易经》中的 奥秘,从此决定与更多人分享他的发现以便更多人可以从提高思维和性命双修 的方面受惠于古人的智慧。 由于他与多位大师的学习经历,他觉得应该有个不受任何一位大师影响, 让志同道合的人定期聚在一起学习和共同成长的圈子。因此,他共同创立了一 个名为泰和会的交流平台,目的是要与那些没有多余时间和金钱的奢侈到处去 (除非明师不便远行)和不同明师学习中国古代智慧的人联系起来。 为了达成此目的,泰和会需要世界各地的当地推动者和志愿者定期主办交 流会来研讨中华文化学问如易经,五术等等和学习如何在日常生活中使用它们。 如果你想更加了解如何可以成为这个振奋人心和有意义的倡议的一分子,不妨 通过微信,Whatsapp,电报,Facebook 或电子邮件与他取得联系。


“I like this book as it tells me how we find the influence of I Ching in our daily lives and it is the first I Ching book I find that explains the complicated concepts in layman terms!” (Datuk Yong Soo Heong, KL Malaysia, China-Malaysia Star of Friendship)”

“This book is very readable and gives a basic understanding of I Ching and Chinese culture and how profound and easy it is but to master it is a dedicated study for life and this book will give you a head start.” (Dato M L Thomas Lee, KL Malaysia, Barrister)

“I have many I Ching books and attended many related courses but none has opened up my eyes that learning I Ching is very easy like what this book has shown in a very systematic and methodically illustrated manner.” ( Ms. Elena Baker, Perth Australia, Retiree)

“I was troubled for years searching for ways to understand 64 hexagrams and have been searching university’s libraries but to no avail. This is the easiest to understand the basic fundamentals of I Ching book I have seen so far, this book is a must have for every I Ching and Chinese culture lovers! (Mr. Mo Xiong Shen, Guangdong China, Financial Advisor)”


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