Issue 02 March/April 2018
A Spotlight on Products, Promos, Insights and More
Not all micronutrients are made equal Not recognizing these differences between the types of micronutrients may mean you’re leaving some yield potential in the field. Yield increases are a result of knowing that the nutrients applied are in a plant-available form, applied at the appropriate rate, the right time, and in the right place. Plants only take up nutrients through water-soluble sulphate forms which have been dissolved into the soil solution. The solubility of the fertilizer product must be evaluated to ensure the crop is being fed the nutrients it needs.
There are three forms of granular micronutrients available, and they each have a place for specific circumstances in a cropping system. The most important thing is to use the correct form of micronutrient for the expected results. Sulphates are 100 per cent water soluble and highly available to the crop in the year applied. They quickly provide nutrients to plants and soil build. Oxysulphates are a combination of oxides and sulphates within the same granule. The nutrient availability depends on the balance of oxide and sulphate nutrients, and they’re effective for correcting deficiencies and soil building. Oxides are relatively insoluble, making them unavailable to the crop in the year of application. They’re used to build soil nutrient levels over the long-term, but not meant to correct nutrient deficiencies in the year of application.
*soil micronutrient range levels
Copper, zinc, and manganese nutrients move only through diffusion, even in a soluble-sulfate form. During application, the granules should be placed in the seed row, or in close proximity to it, to ensure the roots of the plants intercept these feeding sites.
SOLUBILITY MATTERS. Do you know what you’re putting in your soil? Suphates, oxysulphates, and oxides: All have a place for specific circumstances in a cropping system. When chosing your micronutrients, ensure you are using the right product for the right operation or situation.
Not all micronutrients are made the same.
CropLife Canada public polling and public trust Public trust is the ubiquitous topic in Canadian agriculture, but the battle to build confidence in agriculture and food is not new. The plant science industry has been striving to communicate the benefits of pesticides and plant biotechnology for close to a decade.
Participants in the polling exercise were shown key messages regarding the safety, regulation, and benefits of pesticides and biotechnology. These statements had a positive impact, causing support for plant biotechnology to increase from 36 per cent to 63 per cent. The pesticides messaging increased support from 31 per cent to 54 per cent.
CropLife Canada commissioned polling last
At CropLife Canada, our focus has been on sharing the benefits
summer to take the pulse of public opinion on pesticides and plant biotechnology. The polling showed progress in perceptions and a receptivity to information about the industry.
of plant science technologies in ways non-farmers can understand. Our Helping Canada grow suite of information - including fact sheets, videos, and infographics – features easy-to-understand and relatable facts about the benefits consumers receive from pesticides and plant biotechnology. Changing opinions is challenging, but it is possible. If CropLife Canada can help in your public trust work, please let us know.
Canadian perceptions of plant science technologies are generally steady or improving slightly. Compared to results from a few years ago, a greater proportion of Canadians have positive impressions for terms related to plant science technologies. As well, the majority polled have confidence in the Canadian regulatory system.
THE FAST AND THE FLEXIBLE. Get rapid, superior burndown and residual where you need it most.
With the rising threat of resistant weeds, it’s more important than ever to get your pulses and cereals off to the best start possible. That’s why you’ll appreciate everything Heat® LQ herbicide has to offer. Applied at the low rate, it delivers fast, effective burndown of Group 2- and glyphosate-resistant broadleaf weeds. And if residual is what you’re looking for, use the higher rate1 to suppress weeds emerging after application. >> Learn more 1
Residual rate available for barley, canary seed, chickpeas, corn (field, sweet), field peas, tame oats, wheat (spring, winter, durum) and chemfallow. Burndown rate only for lentils and soybeans.
Always read and follow label directions. AgSolutions is a registered trade-mark of BASF Corporation; HEAT, and KIXOR are registered trade-marks of BASF SE; all used with permission by BASF Canada Inc. © 2018 BASF Canada Inc.
Client: BASF
2487_HeatLQ_PS_Pulse_Univar_Halfpage_v1.indd 1
Publication: Univar Connectivity e-Mag
2018-03-13 3:13 PM
The Nasty Weed List
Every field has its unique weed species that make herbicide selection difficult. Add in crop rotation and specialty crops, and the options get far more limited for controlling these nasty weeds.
Weed Control
Weed control is about clean fields, both today and tomorrow, while simultaneously preventing yield loss by eliminating early season weed competition. When talking about nasty and difficult-to-control weeds, it is cleaning them up when the opportunity exists while also controlling your annual and winter annual weeds in one shot.
Amitrol offers effective control against nasty weeds, annual weeds, and offers volunteer canola control for all types of HT canola. Amitrol and 0.5 L/ac of glyphosate is a preseed burndown option for wheat, canola, and barley that you can seed the next day. It can also be a preseed burndown prior to seeding peas, soybeans, corn, and white vary according to the crop. All those crops and just one tank mix to complete your preseed burnoff. It does
beans, however the days to planting
not get any easier than that!
Field Horsetail
Narrow-Leaved Hawk’s Beard
RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT • Amitrol has a Group 11 MOA. • Use of multiple modes of action delays resistance. • Active on all volunteer canola types. • Flexible crop choices the following year.
Canada Thistle
Want to learn more?
Want to learn more? Check out Amitrol on CropWeb.
Discussion of specific pest control methodologies may not be specific to the laws and regulations for your province, territory, or country. Product claims originate from supplier-provided information. Products may not be registered and/or available in all areas. Always check with your local Univar office for specific information to your area. Always read and follow label directions. © 2018. Univar Canada Inc. All rights reserved. Univar, the hexagon, and other identified trademarks are the property of Univar Inc., Univar Canada Inc., or affiliated companies. All other trademarks not owned by Univar that appear are the property of their respective owners.
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Field thoughts Weed resistance and the choices we make (or don’t make)
by Mr. AG Expert
For almost three decades now we have heard alarm bells about herbicide resistance ringing in Western Canada, and yet the issue continues to grow. We have seen the development of newly-resistant species and the expansion of the impacted acres. The magic bullet solution may be in the form of herbicide-tolerant crops. The choices for both approaches are the same: use a diverse herbicide program, including tank-mixes with multiple modes of action, apply sequential treatments, ensure regular crop rotation, employ cultural practices whenever possible, and prevent weed seed production. If you know or suspect you have resistance the herbicide choices you have for risk management will be limited, will often
require more complicated mixes and sequences, and will potentially be more costly or less effective. Weeds evolve resistance to all management practices, yet the one practice that can make the greatest difference is planning. While one plan may work for most of your farm, a specific field may sometimes require a specific plan. So what is the next step? Take advantage of your Independent Ag Retail to help plan for successful weed management over the short and long term.
This is a sample of multiple resistant wild oats, which you cannot visually detect by just looking at the seeds.
Š 2018. Univar Canada LTD. All rights reserved. UNIVAR, the hexagon, and other identified trademarks are the property of Univar Inc., Univar Canada LTD, or affiliated companies. Always read and follow label directions. All other trademarks not owned by Univar Inc., Univar Canada LTD or affiliated companies that appear in this material are the property of their respective owners. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our emails.
The underlying issue in weed resistance is the choice between risk management strategies or implementing avoidance strategies. Managing the risk assumes you have a suspicion or confirmation of resistance, and you plan your weed program around that fact. The avoidance strategy seeks to indefinitely delay the appearance of commercially-significant infestations of resistant weeds.