4 minute read
A Chat with Jerome Walles
Dear reader,
I am your host, Anne Liu, and today I have invited, one of, if not the most loved and admired teacher from my school to have a little chat with us. He is the esteemed Jerome Walles, regarded by students as ‘Mr Walles’. However, his little fan club (aka the music kiddos) have dubbed him Wally. Or Mr Wally, as he prefers.
Mr Wally resides in a small room within our music precinct. Inside is a sleek piano, a desk scattered with trinkets and random sheets of paper, a whiteboard filled with hundreds of loving messages and quirky drawings from students, 2 wheely chairs and a few regular chairs to account for the masses of students who wish to dwell in his presence.
This man brings light into our days with his gentle demeanour, subtle humour and kind soul. He has taught at our school for over 30 years, and we simply cannot imagine Firbank without Wally. I hope you enjoy this snippet of his wisdom and are just as inspired by his story as I am.
Who are you and what do you do regarding music?
My name is Jerome Walles, and I work as an accompanist and instrumental piano teacher.
The workplace where I spend the most time is Firbank Grammar in Brighton. The duties of an accompanist are to play the piano for the choirs at the school during their rehearsals, and also for any concerts and eisteddfods in which they may take part. I also accompany any solo instrumentalists and singers for any concerts and exams (VCE, and AMEB) for which they need an accompanist. I also accompany musicians away from Firbank. This happens if someone needs an accompanist for an audition or to be accompanied at a wedding or some other function.
Why do you play music and what do you love most about music?
I play music for a rather mercenary reason, Anne: it is my living! I did not seek or aim to be a professional musician of any kind; life circumstances just guided me in that direction.
My first work as a professional musician was as an Organist for church weddings. I was asked to play for a wedding of one of my high school teachers and she gave me a box of Cadbury chocolates and $5.00. That was in May 1969, and to give you an idea of how much $5 was worth, a one-hour driving lesson from RACV was $4.75. I bought a recording of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony with that $5 and I still have the record! It’s called a “vinyl” nowadays.
This event and a few subsequent, similar events brought me the realisation that my musical contributions gave people much pleasure and provided me with the same. I was also asked to play the piano for my mum’s school’s choirs and their Grade 6 productions. I also became involved with my own school’s theatre productions. Musical Theatre and my music-making have been interlocked since I was about 16. That is a very long time, Anne! These all led, gradually, and almost inevitably, to working in professional and amateur musical theatre and opera.
The accumulated experience now helps me to provide guidance for any of the instrumentalists and singers at Firbank should they ever seek to ask for it.
What is the most difficult thing about music and how are you overcoming it?
This is a tricky question to answer because there is an infinite number of aspects to consider. The hardest part of music-making for me is basically learning and trying very hard to keep my mouth firmly shut and my opinions to myself unless I have been asked to contribute. One of my important “life practices” is never to go anywhere uninvited. That way, disappointment is avoided, but I am a long way from overcoming a willingness to over-comment, Anne, I do not have any tips or “life hacks” to guide me, other than observing people around me and how they go about maintaining their judicious silence(s). Of course, this does not apply to my teaching where my guidance is expected.
Where do you honestly see yourself in the next few years regarding music?
I see no change in my music-making in the next few years. Luckily, so far; my organ-playing at St.Patrick’s Cathedral in the city is appreciated and in demand, and my piano work at Firbank gets busier and busier.
Any advice for beginners or other people looking to start music?
Some years ago, I heard a radio interview with Sir Derek Jacobi who was asked why he was an actor (a quick Google search of him may help). His reply was, “Because I have to”. To him, it was as essential as having to breathe. So, to anybody of any age who wants to be involved in music in any way or form, I would say, “Do it because you have to”, not because it is fashionable or lucrative or appears glamorous; do it because you cannot imagine not doing it. And avoid comparing yourself to others doing the same thing. It is pointless, a waste of time and not the purpose of making music. We make music to have fun, share in a good time, hopefully in a memorable time, and to relax.
I hope you enjoyed reading this little interview and a great big thank you to dear Mr Wally for your time. You have impacted so many of us and are greatly appreciated; I’m honoured to have met you. To the reader, take this advice as you wish, but we look forward to seeing the wonderful things you’ll do.
Our best and choicest wishes, Anne
Liu and Jerome Walles
P.S. here is some extra advice from our peers for people looking to start music:
LILLIA: If there is an instrument you really want to starteven just because you think it sounds cool - just do it! Make sure you give yourself at least one achievable goal that keeps you motivated to practice, and just be grateful for your teachers - they’re the ones helping you improve, so listen to them!
ANGIE: It’s very scary but a lot of fun and I highly recommend trying something that you enjoy. Even if you aren’t the best at it, that’s what practice is for.
LIV: Music is an amazing part of my life and I believe playing an instrument is a valuable skill. If you are struggling with playing a piece or hitting a note I would say not to give up, building up skill takes time, be patient, it will happen eventually!
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that the following article may contain images and names of deceased persons.