This unit is devoted to describe the following approaches:
The basic idea behind NLP is that outcomes, “successes” and “failures” (but there is no failure in NLP, only feedback) – are determined by the thought and behavior patterns which are used unconsciously all of the time. The teacher’s role is to help the students achieve the outcomes that they want – in particular to learn effectively and in a way that is enjoyable, to become a valued member of their learning group and so on. Source:
NLP claims to help people change by teaching them to program their brains. Some common classroom activities: ď ľactivities involving story-telling, listening to cassettes, oral explanations, songs and music, repetition, silent planning, conversation (Auditory)
ď ľ mime, drama, role play, activities involving
movement, the manipulation of flashcards or objects, note-taking (Kinaesthetic)
ď ľ activities involving graphs, pictures, video,
written exercises, texts and explanations, use of the board or OHP, note-taking, highlighting with different colors (Visual)
This approach believes that lexis is central to language Language use is based on words, lexical units & chunks Language utterances are memorized patterns that are part of the flowing speech used in everyday life.
The lexical view sustains that very few spoken sentences are new creations and that language consists of meaningful “chunks” that when combined, produce continuous coherent text. Collocation: Collocation is ‘the readily observable phenomenon
whereby certain words co occur in natural text with greater than random frequency.’ (Lewis, 1997:8) Ex: community service, absolutely convinced.
Ex: Collocation of verbs with nouns: do the best/the dishes/the laundry/my work. make my bed/a mistake/changes/breakfast. ď‚ž
The most important principle of lexical approach is that language consists of grammaticalized lexis, not lexicalized grammar. That is to say, grammar support, but grammar can’t exist without lexis.
The lexical approach is highly used in language teaching. The LA syllabus is consists of lexical approaches rather than grammatical structures. Common activities to develop learners’ knowledge of lexical items are: Intensive and extensive listening and reading in the target language. First and second language comparisons and translations.
There is continuous repetition and
recycling in order to achieve lexis unit retention. Guessing vocabulary meaning from context. Dictionaries and other reference tools are common. Language corpuses on the Internet or in texts are also important.
Classroom procedures: The students’ attention is drawn to activities that involve lexical collocations. The teacher aims to enhance students’ retention and use of collocations.
CBA (Competency-Based Approach) › Is an approach that focuses on the
outcomes or outputs of learning in the development of language programs. › It defines educational goals in terms of precise measurable descriptions of the knowledge, skills, and behaviors students should possess at the end of a course of study.
CBA Described by Schenk 1978 ďƒźCompetencies differ from other student
goals and objectives in that they describe the students ability to apply basic and other skills in situations that are commonly encountered in everyday life.
CBA or CBLT (Competency Based Language Teaching) Is Base on the nature of language. Teach language in relation with society, how they use
it. Its shared with behaviorist (depends on the learners situation.) Language can be analyzed into parts and subpart and they can be tested incrementally. Develops functional communication skills in learners, known of specific real-world task.