Social Sciences Area (ENG)

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BE THE MAIN CHARACTER of your UNIVERSITY experience 12 SCHOOLS, more than 90 DEGREES




2025 –2026 Academic Year

University of Navarra The University of Navarra was founded in 1952 based on a Christian ethos by St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer. The Pamplona and Donostia/San Sebastián campuses offer more than 90 undergraduate degrees and an extensive, solid academic program that responds to the needs of today’s society.

Innovative teaching through collaborative work, new teaching methodologies and service-oriented instruction are some of the approaches that have enabled us to offer quality teaching recognized in international rankings. All this makes perfect sense when students take charge and take advantage of all the opportunities the University has to offer on a unique campus. Be the #MainCharacter of your university experience.

2025 –2026 Academic Year Human




The University of Navarra strives to ensure that you develop your skills in different areas in line with your interests. We are committed to comprehensive training in a global environment, where an international outlook forms part of our identity.



At the University of Navarra, you’ll be able to expand your humanistic training, spirit of solidarity and critical thinking thanks to the core curriculum, the set of cross-cutting subjects included in all degree programs.

Core curriculum subjects focus on the big questions of human existence and also provide an intellectual framework to help students integrate the specialized knowledge they acquire.


International dimension

Last year, 4,000 international students were enrolled at the University, which has agreements with 450 institutions in 55 countries.

However, our international dimension is not just a figure; it is an attitude that positions the University within a global environment that encompasses everyone.


Places to learn, grow and live

The University of Navarra offers a unique combination of academic excellence, proximity to professors, hands-on learning and humane education. A campus environment is the perfect place to acquire a comprehensive education.

Learning in a global environment is a great challenge for which the University of Navarra has developed sound academic programs.

During the year, the Museo Universidad de Navarra (MUN) holds exhibitions, as well as concerts and dance and theater performances.


Personalized attention

Each student is assigned a personal mentor.

Mentoring forms an essential part of the University’s educational mission of offering students comprehensive training. Students are given advice and guidance on how to develop all their potential and take advantage of every aspect of campus life.


University and sustainability

Sustainability in its three-fold dimension - environmental, economic and social - is the cross-cutting purpose of the University of Navarra’s entire Strategy 2025, which translates into a firm commitment to sustainable development.

Covering 113 hectares, the University’s Pamplona campus is the largest park in the city.



The university is among the 250 best in the world according to the QS World Rankings


The 2025 QS World University Rankings assess more than 5,660 universities in 106 countries.

Seven Campus around the world


143,000 Alumni from more than 120 countries 7

The University has campuses in Pamplona, San Sebastián, Madrid, Barcelona, Munich, New York and São Paulo.


More than 4,000 international students from 117 countries


Financial Aid and Scholarships


Around 66% of undergraduate students of the University of Navarra receive some type of scholarship or aid.


More than 13,000 students in the 23/24 academic year


Not sure what to study? The University of Navarra offers the University Orientation Service to help you with this important decision.

Our Orientation Test will help you discover your professional interests, abilities and personal skills. All this helps us guide you to the university degree that best fits your profile.

Request your Orientantion Test

Developed by a team of professionals at the Orientation Service, the Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN) and a team of psychologists from Madrid. You can request the test on the miUNAV portal by scanning the QR.

Interview & Delegates Network

Once you’ve completed the Orientation Test, we’ll call you for an interview to discuss the results.

The University of Navarra has a network of delegates all over the world who’ll help choose the right degree program for you and provide support during the admission process. AR_Login?lang=EN

Mentoring is an indispensable element of the educational project of the University of Navarra.

Mentoring Program. Mentoring is a support and learning process in which professors/mentors help, orient and guide students based on their experience and knowledge so students develop all their potential.

Seventeen DEGREES

01. Journalism degree-in-journalism

Are you interested in understanding current affairs, do you enjoy reading, do you like to write and do you have the ability to argue a point and analyze it? The degree in Journalism will help you get to the heart of the media and corporate communication.

Combine your degree with the Global Journalism Program (bilingual degree) or the International Program in Fashion Communication.

+ You can also pursue a double degree in History or Philosophy.

Journalist, institutional communication writer, communication consultant, researcher, content editor and more.

Pamplona Campus

Journalism students have the opportunity to follow the Institutional Communication pathway by taking elective subjects such as Business and Financial Communication, Political Communication and Project Management.

Audiovisual Communication

Are you fascinated by the world of culture: cinema, series, music, theater, video editing and production, and photography? This is the degree program for you! You’ll be able to entertain audiences by creating and telling stories.

Combine your degree with the Screen Studies Program or the Performing Arts Production Program. degree-in-audiovisualcommunication

Scriptwriter, director, producer, director of photography, film editor, television content manager and more.

Pamplona Campus


The Degree in Audiovisual Communication focuses on producing professionals skilled in the creation of audiovisual content for film, television and the Internet.

03. Marketing degree-in-marketing

The University of Navarra School of Communication was the first Spanish center to offer teaching programs in Journalism at the university level.

Are you a creative person with an interest in brand personality, corporate communication and customer relations? The degree in Marketing will give you a global vision of business that enables you to develop strategies and manage corporate brands and communication.

You’ll be able to combine the degree with specializations in Corporate Communication, Fashion and Creativity.

Marketing and sales manager, brand manager, innovation manager, consultant, social media manager and more.

Pamplona Campus

The degree in Marketing will allow you to enrich your training with one of our official specializations. Choose the one that suits you best!

04. Philosophy degree-in-philosophy

Are you interested in learning about the history of philosophy by reading the most relevant authors of each period? This degree will enable you to develop the skills you need to carry out philosophical research and argue a point using sound critical thinking.

+ You can also pursue a double degree in Journalism or a double degree in Law or Philosophy and Public Administration.

University and high school teaching, creative professions, cultural management and publishing, business and management, and more.

Pamplona Campus

Do you want to include the perspective of Philosophy in other professional fields? Double degrees are for you. Combine Philosophy with a degree in Law if you’re interested in the legal sciences or in Journalism if you’re passionate about the world of communication.

05. Philosophy, Politics and Economics -PPE degree-in-philosophypolitics-and-economics

Do you have an interest in political theory and socioeconomic data and a vocation to improve public policy? The Degree in PPE equips students with the ability to respond to the political and economic challenges of today’s world from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Think tanks, study and analysis centers, NGOs, international organizations, political communication and more.

Pamplona Campus

The first Spanish university to offer the complete PPE degree on one campus. It’s an opportunity to make the most of campus life inside and outside the classroom and will let you take an interdisciplinary approach to critical analysis of contemporary society.

06. History

Are you interested in the problems of the past and do you have analytical skills to address the problems of the present? This degree provides an interdisciplinary education that will help you understand the past, interpret the present and help build the future.


Spanish Language and Literature degree-in-history

Combine your degree with the diploma in Archeology.

+ You can also pursue a double degree in Journalism or International Relations.

High school and university teaching, libraries and archives, cultural management, research, public institutions and more.

Pamplona Campus

The Diploma in Archeology provides theoretical and practical training that is unique in Spain and will help you explore undiscovered and unwritten history. degree-in-languageand-literature

Are you interested in the linguistic culture of each historical period and the most influential literary works and authors? Choose a well-founded general education in literary studies enhanced with Spanish language and linguistics content.

You can combine it with the Diploma in Creative Writing.

High school and university teaching, publishing, law, translation and more.

Pamplona Campus

80% of the students in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences receive a scholarship or financial aid.

Design degree-in-design

Are you a creative, multifaceted, observant person with a capacity for teamwork? The Degree in Design provides the training you need to manage team projects with innovative, entrepreneurial vision, a key aspect of the world of design today.

Fashion, design and advertising agencies, product and brand design, publishing, print and digital media and more.

09. Education degree-in-pedagogy

Do you have a vocation to transform society through education? Are you empathetic and do you enjoy working with people? In the degree in Education, you’ll be able to become a specialist in education for students of all ages.

+ You can also pursue a double degree in Early Childhood Teaching or Primary Teaching.

School orientation, educational and social intervention, attention to diversity, attention to disability, social services and more.

Students in the degree in Education receive broad theoretical and practical training with more than 500 hours of practical activities, which prepare them to work in the design, management and evaluation of teaching and learning processes throughout the different stages of a person’s development.

In the third year of the degree in Design, you’ll be able to choose a specialization in one of three different fields: Product Design, Fashion Design or Service Design.

Pamplona Campus
Pamplona Campus


Early Childhood degree-in-early-childhoodeducation

Are you passionate about education and teaching, and working with children from 3 to 6 years old and their families? The degree in Early Childhood Education has a clear objective: to train students to become experts in education who are able to carry out research, explore, design, plan and innovate in a range of educational contexts and processes.

Combine your degree with the IB Diploma in International Education.

+ You can also pursue a double degree in Education.

Educational centers for children 3-6 years old, attention to diversity, hospital teaching, management of educational centers and more.

The IB Diploma in International Education will enable you to teach in more than 5,000 schools in 150 countries.

11. Primary Teaching degree-in-primary-teaching

If you want to help others and think that education is a key part of transforming society, the Degree in Primary Teaching may be the degree for you.With this degree program, you can study different specializations such as Attention to Diversity, Physical Education and even take an international approach with the IB Diploma.

Combine your degree with the IB Diploma in International Education.

+ You can also pursue a double degree in Education.

Teacher (students 6-12 years old), psychoeducational centers, teaching material development companies, hospital teaching, attention to diversity and more.

The School of Education and Psychology has been training students to become education professionals for more than 50 years.

Pamplona Campus
Pamplona Campus degree-in-psychology

Do you have an interest in human behavior and studying the mind? From the very first year, you’ll receive comprehensive training to understand the biological foundations of the personality and human behavior and to learn how they function and influence the various aspects of human life.

Health, work, organizational, educational and clinical psychology.

Pamplona Campus

Psychology students can take the Educational Psychology pathway, the Clinical Intervention specialization, the Health Psychology specialization or the Work and Organizational Psychology pathway.


Law degree-in-law

According to the QS World University Rankings, the School of Law is among the top 50 schools in the world and is ranked first in Spain in its specialty.

Are you a nonconformist with a desire to change society and a keen interest in current political and social issues? If you study a Law degree, you’ll learn the basics of the legal system and methodology, which will enable you to perform professional activities in the field of law.

Combine your degree with the Global Law Program, the International Business Law Program, the Anglo-American Law Program or the Diploma in Economic Law.

+ You can also pursue a double degree in International Relations, Philosophy and Public Administration, History, Economics or Business Administration.

Attorney, lawyer, tax advisor, law firms, legal consultancies, human resources, consultancies, legal counsel, bank employee and more.



International Relations

Do you like to keep abreast of relations between nations and what’s happening around the world? The degree in International Relations will give you the tools to develop your international career. You’ll be able to do exchanges with other universities and internships at national and international organizations.

Combine your degree with Geopolitics & Diplomacy or Global Business & Economic Affairs.

+ You can also pursue a double degree in Law or History.

Diplomatic and consular missions, state, regional and local administrations, chambers of commerce, multinationals, NGOs and more.

International Relations students visit Seoul, Washington, D.C., and Jerusalem, where they attend classes at prestigious universities and participate in activities to learn about the socioeconomic reality and culture of each country.

15. Applied Management

Do you have a keen interest in business management and organization? Are you proficient in languages and enjoy hands-on, team-based learning? This innovative degree, unique in Spain, trains students to become experts in business management and organization with a command of at least three languages and the communication skills to work in international contexts.

During the final semester of the degree in Applied Management, students have the option of completing an internship at companies or specializing in areas such as logistics, human resources, the fashion business and sports management.

Business development, human resources, financial and budget management, process, project and team coordination and more.

During the degree in Applied Management, all students complete two mandatory international stays in the United States and Germany or France.

Pamplona Campus

16. Business Administration and Manage/ ment

Are you interested in the world of business and do you think you have negotiation and management skills? With a degree in Business Administration and Management, you’ll learn the basics of company management: Finance, Human Resources, Sales Management and Production.

+ You can also pursue a double degree in Law.


Economics degree-in-businessadministration-andmanagement

Combine your degree with diplomas in Data Analytics, Financial Accounting, General Management and Strategy, Business Management and Strategy, and Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Finance, human resources, marketing, logistics, auditing, consulting and more.

The School of Economics offers activities such as Recruiting Day, Virtual Career Fairs, Career Management Week and company presentations. degree-in-economics

Do you have a keen interest in understanding how society works from an economic point of view? Do you like numbers and have analytical skills? The degree in Economics will give you a better understanding of today’s economic phenomena, which are becoming increasingly complex and accelerated by new technologies and market globalization.

+ You can also pursue a double degree in Law or the Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE).

Combine your degree with the Diploma in Data Analytics, the Diploma in International Economics and Finance or the Diploma in Leadership and Governance.

Banks, ministries, market and financial analyst, consulting, international relations, academics and more.

Pamplona Campus

The School of Economics has partnership agreements with more than 130 universities in 40 countries.

Pamplona Campus

12 schools + THAN 90 DEGREES



• Philosophy

• Philosophy, Politics and Economics* - PPE

• History

• History + Diploma in Archeology

• Spanish Language and Literature

• Spanish Language and Literature + Creative Writing


• Applied Management*


• Economics + Leadership and Governance*

• Economics + Data Analytics*

• Economics + International Economics and Finance*

• Business Administration and Management + General Management and Strategy*

• Business Administration and Management + Data Analytics*

• Business Administration and Management + Finance and Accounting*

• Business Administration and Management + Innovation and Entrepreneurship*

• Business Administration and Management + General Management + Strategy

• Double Degree in Economics / Law*

• Double Degree in Business Administration and Management / Law*

• Double Degree in Business Administration and Management / Law


• Law

• Law + Global Law Program*

• Law + International Business Law Program*

• Law + Anglo American Law Program*

• Law + Diploma in Financial Law

• International Relations*

• International Relations* + Global Business & Economic Affairs

• International Relations* + Geopolitics & Diplomacy

• Double Degree in International Relations*/ Law

• Double Degree in Law / Philosophy

• Double Degree in International Relations*/ History


• Journalism

• Journalism + Global Journalism*

• Journalism + International Program in Fashion Communication

• Marketing*

• Marketing* + Creative Communication Program

• Marketing* + Corporate Communication Program

• Marketing* + Fashion Communication Program

• Audiovisual Communication

• Audiovisual Communication + Screen Studies Program*

• Audiovisual Communication + Performing Arts Production Program

• Double Degree in History / Journalism

• Double Degree in Philosophy / Journalism


• Early Childhood Education

• Primary Childhood Education

• Early Childhood Education + IB International Education Certificate

• Primary Childhood Education + IB

International Education Certificate

• Education

• Education + IB International Education Certificate

• Double Degree in Education / Early Childhood Education

• Double Degree in Education /Primary Childhood Education

• Psychology



• Industrial Electronics Engineering

• Electrical Engineering

• Mechanical Engineering

• Biomedical Engineering

• Industrial Organization Engineering

• Industrial Organization Engineering + Intl. Industrial Management Program

• Industrial Design Engineering and Product Development

• Industrial Design Engineering and Product Development + Global Industrial Design Engineering Program

• Telecommunication Systems Engineering

• Industrial Technology Engineering

• Artificial Intelligence Engineering


• Studies in Architecture

• Design*



• Biology

• Biology + International Science Program*

• Biology + Science & Business Program*

• Chemistry

• Chemistry + International Science Program*

• Chemistry + Science & Business Program*

• Biochemistry

• Biochemistry + International Science Program*

• Biochemistry + Science and Business Program*

• Environmental Sciences*

• Environmental Sciences + International Science Program*

• Double Degree in Biology / Environmental Sciences*

• Double Degree in Biology / Environmental Sciences + International Science Program*

• Double Degree in Chemistry / Biochemistry

Please contact our Orientation Office if you have any queries about what degree to study.

• Double Degree in Chemistry / Biochemistry + International Science Program*


• Nursing

• Nursing + International Nursing Program*

• Nursing + Diploma in Palliative Care

• Nursing + Diploma in Psychology of Care


• Pharmacy

• Pharmacy + International Pharmaceutical Certificate*

• Human Nutrition and Dietetics

• Human Nutrition and Dietetics + Clinical Nutrition

• Human Nutrition and Dietetics + Nutrition in Industry

• Human Nutrition and Dietetics + Sports Nutrition

• Human Nutrition and Dietetics + International Nutrition Certificate*

• Double Degree in Pharmacy / Human Nutrition and Dietetics


• Medicine

• Medicine + International Program*


• International Foundation Semester Program

• International Foundation Program

* Bilingual Degree


Admission Criteria

GPA in the third year of high school. 02

Grade on the entrance examination for the specific School.

miUNAV portal

A weighted average* is calculated, in which the GPA in the third year of high school accounts for 60% of the result and the entrance examination accounts for 40%.


You have to register on the miUNAV portal at AR_Login?lang=EN


To complete your application, besides filling in the form, you’ll have to upload the following documents in digital format.**


(in which case, you must upload proof of the transfer):

• CaixaBank: Carlos III, 8 31002 Pamplona, Navarre


• IBAN: ES9221009161472200152057

• Account No.: 2100 9161 47 2200152057

Entrance examination AR_Login?lang=EN

Apply for admission through the miUNAV portal by scanning this QR code.

* For the Schools of Medicine and Nursing, the third year of high school GPA accounts for 30% and the entrance examination accounts for 70%.

** Some programs require specific documentation. For more information, see the Admissions and Financial Aid web page.

Both sides of the Spanish National Identity Card, DNI (Spanish). If you are an international student, you’ll need to upload your passport.


In the valid format for DNI or passport.


Only students from outside Spain.


Academic grades from the third year of high school or equivalent.


On Open Days, high school students can get to know the campus and schools, and carry out practical activities related to their interests.

You must pay a €100 processing fee. You can pay by credit card on the miUNAV portal or by bank transfer to the following account

Once the application has been received, you’ll be sent an email with information on the entrance examination and when it can be taken.


You’ll be able to consult the decision on your application for admission on the miUNAV portal on the dates corresponding to each deadline. We’ll also inform you by email.


If the decision is positive, you’ll have to start the enrollment process by the established deadlines. We recommend that when you start the admission process, you also start the application process for financing, scholarships and housing.

Medicine only for international students

Spanish: 7 or higher.

Intl: Medicine: 7 or higher. Others: not required.

Medicine: 7 or higher. Others: not required.

All undergraduate degree programs

Only for degrees with places

Not required. Not required.

Dec. 9 Dec. 14 March 3 May 12 June, July and August

Only for degrees with places

March 15

May 17 Thursday

From June 5 until places filled

The following Thursday

One week after the decision.

Scholarships, FINANCIAL AID and housing


At the University of Navarra, we make every effort to ensure that economic difficulties are not a barrier for studying with us.

Around 66% of our students receive some type of financial aid or scholarship.

Cost and Scholarship Study and Calculator

We provide you with two tools: the Cost and Scholarship Study and Calculator. Both will let you know what scholarships and grants you can apply for, as well as other ways to finance your studies.

If you’re interested in studying with us, we want to help you study here. Request our study on the miUNAV portal and we’ll inform you of your personalized price and all the scholarship and financial aid options you can apply for. scholarships-andfinancial-aid

Around 70% of the University of Navarra’s students come from outside Navarre.

Housing is critical to getting the most out of your years of university study.

Housing types

There is a wide range of housing in Pamplona and San Sebastian:

• University Halls of Residence

• Supervised apartments

• University residences

• Shared apartments

The choice of suitable housing is as important as the choice of the degree program and should be done at the same time as the admission process.

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