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Appendix: internal regulations
1. Decree of the General Manager no. 716 of 27 February 2020 “Urgent measures for the containment and management of the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency” 2. Decree of the General Manager no. 813 of 5 March 2020 “Additional urgent measures for the containment and management of the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency” 3. Rectoral Decree-DG no. 434 of 9 March 2020 “Additional urgent measures for the containment and management of the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency” 4. Decree of the General Manager no. 865 dell’11 March 2020 “Urgent organizational measures for the containment and management of the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency” 5. Notice reg. no. 57281 del 20 March 2020 “Leaves and other measures introduced by Legislative
Decree no. 18 of 17 March 2020 – “Cura Italia” Decree 6. Decree of the General Manager no. 959 of 24 March 2020 “Urgent organizational measures for the containment and management of the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency” 7. DDG Rep. n. 1018/2020, Prot n. 62045 del 03/04/2020 “Proroga delle misure organizzative e delle disposizioni di servizio urgenti adottate ai fini del contenimento e della gestione dell’emergenza epidemiologica da covid-19”