1 minute read

STUDY PROGRAM - MSc Entrepreneurship & Management


Academic Director Prof. Dr. Leo Brecht and his deputy, Executive Director Tobias Fitz, are your prima ry points of contact. Their offices are on the campus and near the university (Ebaholz, Landstrasse 110, 9490 Vaduz). All lectures will be held on the main campus.



During your studies, in particular at the beginning, you will have questions. Here is a brief overview of who will be able to answer them:

Organisational questions, transcript of records, invoicing, etc.

Questions relating to time tables, module descriptions, content, etc.

Ingrid Schlatter, Programme Administrator

Tobias Fitz, Executive Director Leo Brecht, Academic Director

Phone: +423 265 12 96

E-Mail: tobias.fitz@uni.li

Website: https://www.uni.li/tobias.fitz

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