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DTIC Alumni

Fabien Gouyon

“My time at DTIC and the Music Technology Group of UPF were formative years for me. So much of what I lived there shaped me, both in terms of professional career and personal life. So much so, it always feels a bit like home when I visit. Looking back, joining was one of the best decisions in my life”

DTIC PhD 2005 Research Area: Multimedia Technologies Director of Research, Science and ML at SiriusXM / Pandora

Co-founder of Barcelona Music and Audio Technologies - BMAT (2005) Head of the Sound and Music Computing Group of the University of Porto (2007) Principal scientist, Pandora, California (2014) Head of Research - Europe, Pandora (2018)

Cristina Cano

“I remember my time at the UPF DTIC with great affection. Not just because of everything I learned and because of the academic path that allowed me to embark on finishing. Also for the human quality of the teachers, of my tutors and classmates, who are still part of my life. I can’t be more grateful to you all.”

DTIC PhD 2011 Research Area: Networks & Communications Associate Professor at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Research Fellow at Maynooth University (2012) Research Fellow at Trinity College Dublin (2015) Research Scientist at Inria (2016)

Luz Rello

“… being part of the international and multidisciplinary environment at UPF DTIC gave me (and still does from the distance) great opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research. A truly supportive but challenging place to boost research careers.”

DTIC PhD 2014 Research Area: Computation & Intelligent Systems Lecturer @ Department of Information Systems and Technology at the IE Business School

Best European Young Researcher Award, by Euroscience association (2013) Founder of the social company Change Dyslexia (2015) Princess of Girona Foundation Award (2016) Innovators Under 35, convened by the MIT Technology Review (2020) PostDoctoral Fellow Human-Computer Interaction Institute Carnegie Mellon University (USA)

Nicolò Cesana-Arlotti

“I will be forever grateful for the friendship and scientific education I have found at UPF DTIC. Graduate school at the Center for Brain and Cognition and the Reasoning Infants Cognition Research Group laid the foundation of my work. Being a young researcher immersed in such a highly interdisciplinary and international academic setting, under the supervision of the amazing faculty, was truly exciting. It opened unique research opportunities.”

DTIC PhD 2016 Research Area: Brain and Cognition Assistant Professor at the Yale Psychology Department

PostDoctoral Fellow at the Department of Cognitive Science, Central European University (2015) PostDoctoral Fellow at the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Johns Hopkins University (2018)

Jordina Torrents

“Pursuing the PhD at UPF DTIC department allowed me to deal with very complex real problems in the field of surgical planning and navigation. I had the opportunity to deepen into breakthrough artificial intelligence algorithms to build an end-to-end solution. I was able to both device the idea and implement it into a software application that was used by surgeons.”

DTIC PhD 2019 Research Area: Computational Biology and Biomedical Systems Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lead at HP Large Format Printing Associate Professor at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Google Women Techmakers (2017) Prize 12 X 12 Woman TIC: woman revelation (2018) Big Data & IA Talent Awards for her PhD Thesis, COE and Oracle (2019) McKinsey’s Next Generation Women Leaders Scholar, Paris (2020) Ada Byron prize by Deusto University (2021)

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