Bachelor's programmes UPF 2015-2016 (ENG)

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2015 2016 A public and highquality university

Get the facts!

In order to keep you informed, UPF organizes information activities about UPF bachelor’s degree programmes and offers a variety of tools to help you choose the course of study that is best for you.





> Information sessions on the bachelor’s degree programmes, held from February to April on the UPF campuses. You can register for them on the undergraduate studies website.

> The L’Hora del Pati newsletter for secondary school students

> Fairs and university

> The Universitari per Fi (University, at last!) blog

orientation events We participate in events throughout the year. To find out where we will be, check the undergraduate studies website.

Each month, we gather and publish information of interest. Visit the undergraduate studies website to subscribe.

> Student Information

Desk (PIE) You can go in person to ask about whatever you need (available on all campuses). To sign up, go to or call them at (+34) 93 542 22 28.

Discover the experiences and what UPF students think about their programmes and the University as a whole. Read and follow it at

You will find detailed information at:

UPF Bachelor’s degree programmes Fee1




Health and life sciences Human Biology Medicine (UPF-UAB)

4 6

240 360

Mar Mar

2,512.72 € 2,512.72 €

Political and social science Political and Administration Sciences




1,657.12 €

Communication Audiovisual Communication Journalism Advertising and Public Relations

4 4 4

240 240 240

Poblenou Ciutadella/Poblenou Poblenou

2,287.12 € 2,287.12 € 2,287.12 €

Law Criminology and Public Prevention Policies Law Labour Relations

4 4 4

240 240 240

Ciutadella Ciutadella Ciutadella

1,657.12 € 1,657.12 € 1,657.12 €

Economics and business Business Management and Administration Business Sciences - Management Economics International Business Economics (in English)

4 4 4 4

240 240 240 240

Ciutadella Ciutadella Ciutadella Ciutadella

1,657.12 € 1,657.12 € 1,657.12 € 1,657.12 €

Engineering Biomedical Engineering Audiovisual Systems Engineering Computer Science Telematics Engineering

4 4 4 4

240 240 240 240

Mar/Poblenou Poblenou Poblenou Poblenou

2,512.72 € 2,512.72 € 2,512.72 € 2,512.72 €

Humanities Humanities




1,657.12 €

Translation and language sciences Applied Languages Translation and Interpretation

4 4

240 240

Poblenou Poblenou

2,287.12 € 2,287.12 €

Bioinformatics (UPF-UB-UPC) (in English; pending approval)




Philosophy, Politics and Economics (UPF-UAM-UC3M) Global Studies (in English; pending approval)

4 4

240 240

Ciutadella Ciutadella

1,657.12 € -

Interdisciplinary -

Double degree programmes2 Criminology and Public Prevention Policies + Law (pending approval) Law + Business Management and Administration Law + Economics

Open Bachelor’s Degree Programme




2,742.98 €

5 and 1 term 5 and 1 term

480 480

Ciutadella Ciutadella

2,742.98 € 2,742.98 €





The Open Bachelor’s Degree offers a single pathway to multiple degrees. It is designed for students with a variety of academic interests who would like to study at UPF but have not yet decided on a specific degree programme. It provides multidisciplinary training designed to help students choose the degree they ultimately wish to pursue based on their particular interests, competencies and skills. Thus, after an initial year of multidisciplinary training, students continue with the programme for the specific degree they seek to earn from the second year on. 1 Tuition fee for the first year of study, for the 2014-2015 academic year. The amount may be lower if the Catalan Agency for Administration of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) awards you an Equitat grant. For more information on when and how to apply, visit the AGAUR website or the UPF scholarships and grants website 2

You will obtain a double degree qualification.


Simultaneous studies3 Law + Political and Administration Sciences Law + Labour Relations Audiovisual Systems Engineering + Computer Science Computer Science + Telematics Engineering Telematics Engineering + Audiovisual Systems Engineering Humanities + Journalism (Humanities track)

6 5 5 5 5 5

Bachelor’s degree programmes offered by UPF affiliated centres Years

Elisava School of Design


Design Engineering degree in Industrial Design

4 4

240 240

School of International Trade International Business and Marketing 4 240

Mar Nursing School Nursing 4 240


Tecnocampus School of Health Sciences4 Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Physical Activity and Sport Sciences + Physiotherapy (pending approval)5 Nursing

Tecnocampus School of Social and Business Sciences6 Business Administration and Management and Innovation Management Business Administration and Management and Innovation Management + Marketing and Digital Communities5 Business Administration and Management and Innovation Management + Tourism and Leisure Management5 Maritime Business and Logistics Marketing and Digital Communities Tourism and Leisure Management

4 5 4

240 321 240







4 4 4

240 240 240

4 4 4 4 4

240 240 240 240 240

Polytechnic School Tecnocampus7 Videogames Design and Production (pending approval) Industrial and Automatic Electronic Engineering Computer Engineering for Management and Information Systems Mechanical Engineering Audiovisual Media

3 Students may begin with either of the component bachelor’s degree programmes for these studies and will obtain a degree for each bachelor’s degree programme. 4 Currently, School of Health Sciences (the change in name is underway). 5 Double degree programmes. 6 Currently, Maresme University School (the change in name is underway). 7 Currently, Polythecnic University School of Mataró (pending affiliation to UPF).

I choose UPF because…


I want a public and highquality university ›› UPF is a public university Access, financial aid, and tuition fees are the same as at all other public universities in Catalonia. Fees may be paid all at once or in three or four instalments, depending on when you enrol. Nearly 20% of UPF undergraduate students are awarded scholarships.



The quality of the teaching and research at UPF is internationally renowned

UPF classrooms are full of students and lecturers from all over the world Each year, 1,500 foreign students come to study at UPF. Additionally, 31% of UPF graduated students spend time abroad as part of their programme (UPF has agreements with more than 250 universities worldwide, including 27 of the Top 50 according to the 2014 Times Higher Education ranking). Likewise, 22% of the teaching staff are international.

> Top university in Spain, 72nd in Europe and 165th in the world according to the Times Higher Education ranking (2014). > 13th best university in the world among universities under 50 (Times Higher Education ranking, 2014). > First Spanish university in international projection (Times Higher Education, 2014). > First Spanish university in average of international faculty (QS Ranking, 2014) > One of the top 15 European universities (U-Multirank, 2014). > Top Spanish university in terms of teaching and research output according to the U-Ranquing (BBVA Foundation-Ivie, 2014). > Campus of International Excellence (Spanish Ministry of Education, 2010).




undergraduate students (2014–2015)

undergraduate students in mobility programmes at UPF (2013–2014)

of students find jobs upon graduating (AQU 2014)




UPF undergraduate of all enrolled students in mobility credits are passed programmes (2013-2014) (2013–2014)

of students would choose UPF again (AQU 2014)


I want to study under the best conditions ›› A modern seaside campus in the centre of Barcelona and close to the sea UPF is located in the centre of Barcelona and can be easily accessed with public transport: underground, train, tram, bus, Bicing (the local bike-share programme), etc. Moreover, its campuses are near both the beach and 22@, the city’s tech district.

›› UPF is a brick-and-mortar university offering a virtual environment: Campus Global On the Campus Global, you will have your own space —Aula Global— for the subjects you are taking, which you can use to check your class notes, practical activities and marks. You can also use it to request books, sign up for activities and register for an e-mail account.

Additionally, UPF ensures you have all the equipment you need to fully pursue your academic development: computer rooms, Internet access, Wi-Fi connections on all campuses, and a laptop and audiovisual equipment loan service.

›› UPF offers students the chance to enhance their education with time abroad UPF offers you the chance to study at foreign universities through Erasmus exchange programmes (European universities) and bilateral agreements (universities in the rest of the world), as well as to do internships elsewhere in Europe through the Erasmus programme.

›› The UPF Library is considered one of the best in Spain The Library is open 360 days a year until the early hours of the morning. Its many services include, among others, requesting articles from foreign publications and borrowing books from any university library in Catalonia within 24-48 hours.

›› At UPF, you will learn English Although there are no specific English language requirements at the time of enrolment (except for the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation programmes), UPF students are expected to attain level B2 in English by the end of their second year in order to pass the third- and fourth-year subjects taught in that language. Moreover, from now on, to earn their bachelor’s degree, students will have to certify that they have attained level B2 in a third foreign language as well, to be chosen from among those available for the university entrance examination (PAU). UPF offers level tests and certification exams to help students determine and certify their language skills over the course of their bachelor’s degree programme. It also offers classes in Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.



I want to be well prepared when I graduate

I want to have the best services ››



At UPF, the academic year is divided into three twelve-week terms This system, which is bunique among Catalan public universities, encourages students to concentrate on what they are studying each term and produces very good academic results as, for example, they will not have to sit exams in June on topics they have not dealt with in class since November.

At UPF, class sizes are small Small classes enable close contact with the lecturer and individual attention, thereby facilitating learning and the practical application of theory.

Each term consists of ten weeks of class plus a two-week exam period followed by a welldeserved holiday (Christmas, Easter and summer).

›› You will acquire crossdisciplinary knowledge and skills At UPF, we offer crossdisciplinary training, essential in today’s global and interconnected world. In addition, you will find interdisciplinary, double and simultaneous degree programmes.

›› UPF offers internships at companies and institutions We will help you develop the professional skills and abilities you need to thrive in today’s workplaces. You will learn to work in teams, give oral presentations, write reports and make fluent use of information and communication technologies. We will also help you familiarize yourself with the working world through external internships in Spain and abroad. Nearly all degree programmes require students to complete an internship designed to bring them into direct contact with companies and institutions.

At UPF, studying isn’t everything! We offer a variety of information, cultural, sporting, charitable and volunteer activities, as well as the chance to actively participate in the University’s governing bodies and student associations. Taking part in the University’s social life is key to ensuring you enjoy your time there to the fullest, even as it lays the groundwork for professional opportunities in future.

›› UPF treats each student as an individual, offering personalized assistance The personalized services include, among others: a tutor to guide and advise you throughout your entire process of personal, academic and professional training and development; financial aid for those unable to pay their tuition fee due to a sudden change in their circumstances; support for elite athletes, to help them combine their studies and sport; assistance for students with special education needs, to facilitate their full integration at the University; and advice on housing, halls of residence and shared student flats.


UPF graduates have a high job placement rate

›› Each year, the UPFeina job fair is attended by some fifty companies looking to recruit the best students The Career Services offers a wide array of services and activities aimed at strengthening the link between your academic training and the working world. You can use this service to research and apply for internships at companies or institutions where you can apply the knowledge you are acquiring at UPF or to gain your first work experience. Likewise, you can use the Employment Service to access job offers advertised at the University. Additionally, we offer postgraduate programmes to help you specialize in your specific area of interest (university master’s programmes, UPF-endorsed master’s programmes, and a variety of postgraduate courses and programmes).

UPFGREC 7403-14/I-eng

Plaça de les Glòries

Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes

Av. Dia gon al

Plaça de Catalunya

Poblenou Campus

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Roc Boronat

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Ramon Trias Fargas

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Mar Campus

Ciutadella Campus Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27 08005 Barcelona Tel.: (+34) 93 542 20 00 –

Mar Campus Doctor Aiguader, 80 08003 Barcelona Tel.: (+34) 93 542 20 00 –

Political and Social Sciences Law Economics and Business Humanities

Health and Life Sciences

Poblenou Campus Roc Boronat, 138 08018 Barcelona Tel.: (+34) 93 542 20 00 – Comunication Engineering Translation and Language Sciences

›› Follow us on: JolaPompeu @JolaPompeu @JolaPompeu Universitat Pompeu Fabra Universitat Pompeu Fabra Universitat Pompeu Fabra

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