Presentació del grau Global Studies

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Grau en Estudis Globals

Degree in Global Studies

1. Why a degree in Global Studies?

2. Who is the GS degree addressed to? What will students do afterwards?

3. What are the main features of the degree in Global Studies?

4. What makes the UPF degree in Globals Studies unique?


1. What is Global Studies?

1. Why a degree in Global Studies?

The perspective of global studies goes beyond the study of the relationships between, the states and some supra-state organizations. Global studies deal with the analysis of problems, and global challenges that affect the humanity as a whole (climate change, migrations, economic crisis, war and violence, poverty, pandemics, structures of domination and injustice, racism, gender discrimination, etc.).

In order to resolve these conflicts, it is essential to connect and take into account the local points of view (religion, philosophy, geography, art, literature, science, ideology, identity, history, politics, etc.), through which each community explains itself and tries to cope with all these challenges.

1. Why a degree in Global Studies?

The academic and professional interest of this new degree relies on four complementary observations:

• The rising number of profound, global challenges that can only be effectively managed if they are addressed simultaneously and in a coordinated manner by relevant local, national, regional and global actors.

• The gradual crystallization of genuine global society for the first time in History.

• The need for transdisciplinary, plural and professionally-oriented study programmes aimed at describing, exploring, analyzing, and understanding globalization and global phenomena.

• The lack of such programs in the Spanish and European academic contexts.

Many programs address some of these challenges, but very few offer a transdisciplinary, integrated approach.

2. Who is the degree addressed to?

To students from all over the world that have completed their secondary education, as well as to recent graduates in Economics, History, Political Science, Law, Humanities, etc., seeking to broaden their understanding of globalization and the dynamics of global society.

2. What will students do afterwards?

● Future graduates in Global Studies will not be mere analysts of the present, but active designers of the future ready to cope with existing and emerging global challenges.

● Future graduates will work in national, regional, and local governments, international organizations, multinational corporations, thinks tanks, global mass media, private authorities, political parties, research institutions, non-governmental organizations, etc.

Student profile

● Sensitivity to cultural, economic, legal, environmental, political, social and technological phenomena

● Interest in languages and other cultures

● Understanding other cultural realities

● Ability to relate knowledge from many fields

● Scales dimensions of the globalization geography

● High dedication to study

● Good oral and written expression

3. Features of the degree

Places 70 places that would be open for both local (40 places) and foreign students (30 places)


University acces score 2022-2023

1.202,32 € (Price 2022-23 for EU students. All types)


Time table First and second years, mostly morning. Third, morning and/or afternoon, depending on subjects


Academic stay

3 years

180 ECTS

The degree includes a minimum academic stay of one term (20 ECTS) at a foreign university, but it could be extended to a whole year

Language English

PAU subjects with 0,2


Cultura Audiovisual, Economia d’Empresa, Geografia, Història de la Filosofia, Història de l’Art, Matemàtiques i

Matemàtiques aplicades a les CS

3. Features of the degree

● All compulsory courses will be conducted in English. Electives will be offered in English and Spanish, so as to allow students to complete the program entirely in English or to combine courses in both languages.

● In addition, students will be required to complete at least 18 ECTS of Chinese, Russian, Arabic, or French (or Spanish for non Spanish Speaking Students).

● International Faculty from at least 5 different departments (Communication, Economics, Humanities, Law and Politics) under the coordination of the Faculty of Humanities.


Features of degree

First year compulsory courses

Introduction to Global Studies

Global History I

Data Analysis

Research Methods Applied to Global Studies

Global Communication Industries

Legal Foundations of Global Society

Geography, Environment and Sustainability

Theories of Culture

International Relations

International Economics and Finance

Second year compulsory courses

Global History II

Contemporary Thought

Theories of Integration

Global History III

Global Business and Brand


Mass Media and Geopolitics

Global Current Issues I

Global Political Economy

3 terms (18 ECTS) of:



French Arabic

Spanish (for non Spanish speakers only)

3. Features of degree

Third year. Example of electives

Global Cities

Cultural Identity and Hybridization

Global Inequalities

Global Health

Globalization and Gender

Science and Globalization

Global Social Movements

Intercultural Spaces, Languages and Identities

Conflicts and Global Security

International Public Opinion and Global Governance


Other academic activities

C'MUN: Catalonian Model United Nations

Guest Speakers

Global Week

Field Trips

Third year compulsory 20 ECTS of mobility

One term (minimum) in one of our partner universities around the world

Compulsory final year project

Final project (10 ECTS)

Catalonian Model United Nations

Global Studies. Guest Speakers

1. Cristina Gallach, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information. Opening Conference November 2016

2. Consul General of Cuba in Barcelona. February 2018

3. Counselor for Public Diplomacy. U.S. Embassy, Madrid. February 2018

Global Studies. Guest Speakers

1. Alain Juppé, mayor of Bordeaux and former Prime Minister of France 2. Muhammed Yunnus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner

The Global Week

Field Trips

1. ELNA. Southern France. May 2017 2. Red Cross Museum. Geneva. February 2018

Field Trips

United Nations. Geneva


4. What makes the UPF Global Studies degree unique?

● Barcelona operates as a local, regional and global node that offers a privileged position to study and analyze an increasingly global society.

● Pompeu Fabra University has a consolidated tradition in the study of Humanities and Social Sciences: led by the Faculty of Humanities and built on the synergies of other four faculties, the new degree takes a transdisciplinary approach.

● The degree includes a very strong language component.

● The degree requires all students to spend at least one term abroad at a foreign university.

● After completion, students will be equipped with a strong theoretical formation and a diverse range of practical and professional skills.

4. What makes the UPF Global Studies degree unique?

You are not alone....

● An academic tutor, who will guide and follow your progress at the University, and your well-being.

● And theAcademic Secretary, who informs you about your studies, how to do the different academic procedures and where you can consult your academic record, etc.

Where are we? Ciutadella campus

Ciutadella campus

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