Facts & Figures: Law

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The Dipòsit de les Aigües building, designed by architect Josep Fontserè in 1874, hosts the main library on the Ciutadella campus

As a universitypublic , UPF fulfils its commitment to tackling the major challenges of the 21st century by leadership.andoftheknowledgemultidisciplinarytransferringtransmittingcreating,andnewtoguideimplementationdiscerningpoliciesinspiring

The Department promotes highly innovative master’s programmes with a markedly international orientation. It also offers a PhD programme that has been awarded the highest rating possible by the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU).

— Horizon 2020:1 €1,000,000 / 6 —projects5Marie Curie actions

— 5 industrial PhD projects funded by the Catalan government (2013-2021)

— 68% of official master’s students are international (2021-2022)

— 7th Framework Programme (FP7):2 370,000 € / 2 projects, —including:1Marie Curie action

— ICREA research professors:4 3

Key figures:

4 The Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) offers permanent tenured positions at Catalan host institutions to top researchers from around the world.

5 Data as of January 2022.

Double Bachelor’s Degree in Law in partnership with King’s College (see Section 3 on Internationalization).

— 63% of doctoral students are international (2021-2022)

2 Data refer to the 2007-2013 period.

Traditionally, undergraduateUPF’sprogramme in Law traditionally has had one of the highest admission marks in the Spanish university system as well as excellent rates of academic success. It has also attached particular importance to the international dimension of the curriculum: more than 10% of the lectures and seminars are conducted in English.

— Internship agreements with nearly 330 companies, institutions and NGOs, such as Cuatrecasas, MGS, Garrigues, SOS Racisme and PwC

1 2


— Spanish R&D and Innovation Plan:3 €879,000 / 23 projects

— Theses defended in English: 48% (2020-2021)

Key figures:

— International teaching staff:5 18%

*Lower than usual because of the pandemic.

The Department of Law has decades of experience in applied research in the social sciences, as well as in researcher and postgraduate training. It is home to around 150 researchers and 12 research groups that aspire to provide legal practitioners with tools to improve institutions and, thus, citizen welfare. The research potential of these groups has been recognized through the funding obtained in competitive research calls and can be seen in their extensive scientific output.

The UPF education model offers students a global vision for them to get prepared for their future professions autonomously and proactively

From the 2018-2019 academic year, the Faculty of Law receives students from the one-year Erasmus Mundus European Master in Law and Economics (EMLE) (see Section 3 on newalso2020Furthermore,Internationalization).inthe2019-academicyear,UPFhaslaunchedtheinnovative

3 Data refer to the 2015-2021 period only.

1 Data refer to the 2014-2020 period only. They include individual and consortia projects.

— 16% of UPF graduates have studied abroad (2020-2021)*

— Philosophy of Law, focussed on an analytical perspective.

— Commercial Law, with multiple interests in innovative fields such as company law, competition law, intellectual property and bankruptcy law.

— Private International Law, with experts in inter-local law and in the promotion of a more egalitarian family law (in developed Muslim countries).

— History of Law & Institutions, with interests ranging from representation and participation in politics in the pre-liberal world to justice.dictatorshipconstitutionalism,andtransitional

— East China University of Political Science and Law and University of Hong Kong (China)

— Singapore Management University (Singapore)

— Freiburg, Bonn, Mannheim and Regensburg universities, and the European Business School (Germany)

— Civil Law, with multiple interests in innovative fields such as family law, torts, contracts and property law, or the economic analysis of law.

— Financial and Tax Law, versed in public health funding systems as well as matters of local taxation.

— University College Dublin (Ireland)

— University of (Switzerland)Geneva

— Oxford, Kings’ College London, Leicester and Newcastle universities (UK)

Labour Law, with a wide range of interests that are reflected in the bachelor’s degree in Labour Relations.

— Maastricht University (the Netherlands)

— Administrative Law, which participated in the important European project ‘Citizenship in the European Union’.

— Constitutional Law, including important bridges to Latin and North America, as well as experts in constitutionalcomparativejustice.

— Ljubljana University (Slovenia)

Research areas


The Faculty of Law is committed to training globally competent professionals with a passion for research. In order to create mobility opportunities for its bachelor students, it has signed international exchange agreements with 96 partner universities in 31 countries

— Public International Law, with experts in various fields such as international protection of human rights and environmental sustainability.

— Criminology, focused on studying sentencing, prison systems and gender analysis of criminal law.

— Paris 12, Toulouse I and Orleans universities (France)

— Cornell University, UCLA, University of Connecticut and University of Illinois (USA)


The Faculty of Law is involved in several exciting international initiatives at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. First, the Double Bachelor’s Degree in Law with King’s College is an innovative, cross-disciplinary, international proposal that will allow students to earn two degrees in a period of four years (the first two years are attended at King’s College and the last two at UPF). Second, the two-year Erasmus Mundus joint master’s degree in Sports Ethics and Integrity (MAiSI) is a multidisciplinary programme that brings together high-level scholars from a

Some of the UPF’s main partners in the field of law include the following universities:

— Criminal Law, consisting of a solid and compact group closely linked to important research centres in Germany.

— Bologna and Bocconi universities (Italy))

— KU Leuven and Antwerp universities (Belgium)

— 1st Spanish university, 156th worldwide and 69th in Europe (Times Higher Education ranking, 2022)

UPF appears on some of the most influential global rankings:

— 16th university in the world among universities aged 50 and under (Times Higher Education Young Universities Ranking, 2022)


— Among the top 125 universities in the world in law (Times Higher Education ranking, 2022)

Finally,others. the European Commission awarded a Jean Monnet ad personam Chair to professor Alejandro Saiz to carry out the “Linking European Judges: Between the Charter and the Convention” project, which analyses the application by

consortium of higher education institutions: Swansea University (UK), Charles University (Czech Republic), KU Leuven (Belgium), Gutenberg University (Germany), the University of Peloponnese (Greece) and UPF. Third, the Erasmus Mundus European Master in Law and Economics (EMLE) comprises nine teaching centres within the EU (Aix-Marseille, Barcelona, Bologna, Ghent, Hamburg, Rome, Rotterdam, Vienna and Warsaw) and two worldwide (Haifa and Mumbai). Finally, the Comparative, International and European Law (CIEL) graduate exchange programme encourages mobility among students on the master’s degree in European and Global Law through stays at CIEL member institutions: University of Mannheim (Germany), University of Antwerp (Belgium), University College Dublin (Ireland), Maastricht University

(the Netherlands), University of Toulouse I - Capitol (France), Zagreb University (Croatia) and UPF. Students who successfully complete the CIEL programme are awarded the certificate of European Master in Comparative International and European Law (CIEL), in addition to their master’s degree.

national judges of both the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Convention of Human Rights. Professor Saiz had been awarded another Jean Monnet Chair in 2008 to study European Integration, in particular how that process challenged the traditional definition and categories of constitutional law.


UPF is also a founding member of “Sui Iuris”, the Association of Ibero-American Law Schools and Faculties. This association aims to provide a forum for open and independent dialogue on issues related to the teaching of law and legal practice, encourage continuous improvement of law faculties and schools throughout Ibero-America, and promote staff and student exchanges between member universities. It consists of 20 Ibero-American universities, including: the Autonomous University of Madrid, Carlos III University, and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain); Buenos Aires, San Andrés and Torcuato di Tella universities (Argentina); Diego Portales, Valparaíso and Pontificia de Valparaíso universities (Chile); and Fundaçao Getulio Vargas and Católica do Rio de Janeiro universities (Brazil), among

— 1st university in Spain and 4th in Europe (U- Multirank, 2022)

The University also ranks high in law:

an institution committed to its students, above and beyond academic life, UPF promotes their participation in associations, volunteer programmes and sports and cultural activities

— Among the top 150 in the world in law (QS, 2022)

— The one-year master’s degree in European and Global Law, launched in the 2016-2017 academic year and taught entirely in English, offers highly competitive academic training in the basic issues of global law, with particular emphasis on European law. It is intended for law graduates and legal professionals interested in becoming lawyers with a global perspective.


— The master’s degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice System is an interuniversity programme offered jointly by UPF, the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), the University of Girona (UdG) and the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) in which students acquire the specific methodological knowledge they need to conduct empirical research in the field of criminology.

— The advanced master’s degree in Legal Sciences is an academic master’s programme designed to provide an introduction to research and in-depth professional training in each of the main legal disciplines. It is also a general master’s programme in law, featuring cross-disciplinary content from all major legal disciplines.

— The Department offers bachelor’s degrees in Law, Labour Relations, and Criminology and Public Prevention Policy

— The double bachelor’s degree in Law and Business Management and Administration or Economics, offered jointly with the Faculty of Economics and Business, allows students to earn a bachelor’s degree in Law and another in either Business Management and Administration or Economics in a period of five years and one term. The programme recruits top students and has one of the highest admission marks in the university system.

— The double bachelor’s degree in Criminology and Public Prevention Policy and Law allows students to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Law and another in Criminology and Public Prevention Policy in a period of five years and one term.

— The double bachelor’s degree in Law, jointly taught by King’s College London and UPF, provides training that enables students to understand the structure and functions of two very different legal systems and their rules (English common law and Spanish law) as well as to assimilate basic normative content, to apply techniques for arguing a case and for interpreting rules of law. The first two years are taken in London and the last two in Barcelona.

— The Erasmus Mundus European Master in Law and Economics (EMLE) comprises nine teaching centres within the EU highacademiceconomics,theiruniqueonlyMumbai).twoViennaHamburg,Barcelona,(Aix-Marseille,Bologna,Ghent,Rome,Rotterdam,andWarsaw)andworldwide(HaifaandThisprogrammenotprovidesstudentswithaopportunitytodeepenknowledgeoflawandbutitalsoblendsexcellencewithalevelofinternationality.

— The two-year Erasmus Mundus joint master’s degree in Sports Ethics and Integrity (MAiSI) is an innovative multidisciplinary programme that equips students for high-level careers in sports administration and governance, concentrating on the development of stronger ethical sports cultures and tools for sports integrity and compliance.

— PhD programme in Law.


@UPFBarcelonaMore information: www.upf.edu/web/dret Universitat Pompeu Fabra 1. Balmes building Balmes, 132 08008 Barcelona Tel. +34 93 542 18 00 3. Born building Pg. Pujades, 1 08003 Barcelona Tel. +34 93 295 47 10 5. Ciutadella Campus Ramon Trias Fargas, 25–27 08005 Barcelona Tel. +34 93 542 20 00 2. Mercè building Pl. de la Mercè, 10–12 08002 Barcelona Tel. +34 93 542 20 00 6. Poblenou Campus Roc Boronat, 138 08018 Barcelona Tel. +34 93 542 20 00 4. Mar Campus Doctor Aiguader, 80 08003 Barcelona Tel. +34 93 542 20 00 4 1 6 3 5 2 Barcelona UPF Campus 2022July

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