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Read about our

A sustainable, prosperous and just world

As a leading European research university, located in the cities of Leiden and The Hague, Leiden University plays a prominent role in academia. High-quality academic research and teaching are crucial to a safe, healthy, sustainable, prosperous and just world. The University is committed to developing, disseminating and applying academic knowledge, and aspires to be a trusted figure in the public and political debate, both nationally and internationally.

HOW WE STAND OUT: •We are an international researchdriven university, with a wide range of academic disciplines and degree programmes. •We have opted for a disciplinary structure, but our research and teaching are both disciplinary and interdisciplinary. •Our teaching is inspired and fuelled by academic research. •Our research is pioneering and innovative, and has an impact on society. •We aim to work with local, regional, national and international partners.

These include Delft University of

Technology and Erasmus University

Rotterdam within the LDE Universities alliance, and our partners in the League of European Research

Universities. WHAT WE STAND FOR: •From its inception, Leiden University has stood for freedom of spirit, thought and speech, and for the independent development of research and teaching. It is a place of refuge where any question can be asked and answered in complete freedom. •We educate students and PhD candidates for academic roles in academia and beyond. Our graduates are able to make a critical assessment of academic and societal issues and to make well-considered choices when seeking to resolve these. •Our academics are guided by the highest ambitions of quality and academic integrity, and we aim to promote the same academic conduct in our students. WHAT WE STRIVE FOR: •We aim for excellence in all our research and teaching. •We focus on achieving the maximum impact from our research and teaching – academic, cultural, societal and economic. •We work hard to create a lively academic community of students and staff, inspired by the experience, expertise and engagement of our alumni. •We embrace diversity and inclusion: our doors are open to anyone who wishes to work or study here and realise their potential. We are an open community where anyone who wishes to contribute to our ambitions and all that we stand for feels at home and enjoys equal opportunities. •We are working hard to make our education and research even more sustainable and we are proud of our good score on the theme of

Operational Management in the

SustainaBul sustainability ranking.

Bastion of freedom

Leiden University believes in the importance of freedom of spirit, thought and speech. It is no surprise, therefore, that our motto is Praesidium Libertatis – bastion of freedom.

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