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Our core activities

Innovation in education is an important objective for us and for the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW). Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven is given a demonstration on the use of Virtual Reality (VR) in education.

Scientific education and research that make an impact

Campus The Hague is a stable and strong basis for Leiden University’s teaching and research, and will continue to grow in the future. Our aim is to achieve the right combination of bachelor’s and master’s programmes and education for professionals, and a good balance between teaching and research. With the strong connection between our research and teaching, we are able to make maximum impact, not only in scientific terms, but also in terms of culture, society and the economy.

Security researcher Bart Schuurman wrote his dissertation on the rise of the Hofstad group.

FOCUS ON FIVE KEY THEMES Our research on societal issues always encompasses different scientific disciplines, and our teaching follows this same interdisciplinary approach. We focus our activities on five key themes:

1. International law, peace and security; 2. Globalisation and international relations; 3. Politics, public administration and public finances; 4. Urban issues; 5. Health and patient care.

These themes are directly related to the city of The Hague, where there is an enormous range of organisations engaged in these fields. FOCUS ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS We want our education and research to have an impact on the world around us. We have therefore taken the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 as a core principle for the five key themes of our teaching and research. Located as it is in The Hague, close to the seat of policymaking, public administration and international relations, Campus The Hague is well placed to take a broader perspective on these global challenges.

A BROAD RANGE OF TEACHING PROGRAMMES Campus The Hague offers a broad range of bachelor’s and master’s programmes that reflect these five key themes.

BACHELOR’S PROGRAMMES 1. Public Administration 2. Computer Science & Economics 3. International Relations and Organisations 4. International Studies 5. Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges 6. Security Studies 7. Urban Studies

MASTER’S PROGRAMMES 1. Crisis and Security Management 2. Cyber Security 3. Governance of Sustainability 4. ICT in Business and the Public Sector 5. International Dispute Settlement and Arbitration 6. International Relations and Diplomacy 7. Law & Society 8. Management of the Public Sector 9. Political Science 10. Public Administration 11. Public International Law

We continue to improve and expand our range of programmes, working in close collaboration with partners and stakeholders from within and outside the University. All new programmes that we develop must align with the general strategy of the University and must respond to the needs of the city and region of The Hague.

Also for professionals

The Hague is where many professionals from different disciplines work and live. It is part of our mission to make the broad scientific knowledge present within Leiden University accessible to these professionals. Campus The Hague therefore offers a range of modular programmes and courses specifically for this target group. These programmes include officially recognised educational programmes such as advanced and executive master’s, but also short training courses and educational tracks such as learning pathways and masterclasses. INTERDISCIPLINARY AND SOCIETALLY RELEVANT RESEARCH Research at Campus The Hague focuses on the key themes. Examples of this research include:

Research on Artificial Intelligence in relation to peace, justice and security – Bram Klievink, Professor of

Digitalisation and Public Policy

Research on cybersecurity – Bibi van den Berg,

Professor of Cybersecurity Governance

Research on terrorism and political violence – Bart

Schuurman, researcher at the Institute of Security and

Global Affairs (ISGA)

Research on nutrition and health in disadvantaged families in The Hague – Jessica Kiefte-de jong, Professor of Population Health, LUMC Campus The Hague and

Leiden University College in partnership with the

Municipal Health Service in The Hague region

Research on the role of women in peace-building –

Alanna O’Malley, Professor of United Nations Studies in

Peace and Justice, a collaboration between The Hague

University of Applied Sciences and Leiden University

Research on challenges in globalisation, migration, technological developments and climate change –

Interdisciplinary teams work together on this research Research questions are always addressed by interdisciplinary research teams comprising a mix of talented young academics and more experienced researchers who already have pioneering research results to their name. Proven quality and societal relevance are key here.

In the coming years, Leiden University intends to promote and broaden the research carried out at Campus The Hague. In doing so, we are specifically looking to work in partnership with stakeholders from practice. All our research ties in closely with the metropolitan, international character of The Hague and reflects the current agendas of the partners with whom we work.


We aim to open our Academy for Professionals in The Hague in 2022. The Academy will develop and offer a range of training courses especially for professionals. These will be short courses that are based on academic knowledge and are taught in small groups. The aim of the Academy is to improve the problem-solving skills of professionals, and consequently their sustainable employability in a changing world.

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