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SapienCE lunch seminars

07.05 Ane Landøy and University Library staff How to make our research data openly available University of Bergen

17.09 Hanneke Meijer New horizons: Past, present and future palaeoanthropological research on Flores, Indonesia Associate professor, University Museum of Bergen

23.09 Ellie Pryor

15.10 Karl Purcell Provenance of Southern Cape Rivers

Reconstructions of southern South Africa hydroclimate during the last glacial cycle, and potential linkages to human behavioural development PhD candidate, Cardiff University

PhD candidate, SapienCE, University of Bergen

21.10 Joshua Kumbani The music archaeology of southern Africa University of the Witwatersrand

12.11 Janne-Beate Buanes Duke Launch of the new SapienCE website Communication adviser, SapienCE, University of Bergen

19.11 Ozan Mert Göktürk Local climate information in southern Africa 125-50 ka BP: Preliminary results Postdoctoral researcher, SapienCE, University of Bergen

26.11 Kari Årrestad and Siri Jansen Virtual tour of the museum and exhibition workshop University Museum of Bergen

03.12 Siri Helena Halvorsen and Dorothy Denkel How do you use social media strategically as a researcher? What channel and tone should you choose to reach your targeted audience?

18.12 Silje Evjenth Bentsen Christmas Lunch Quiz University of Bergen

SapienCE, University of Bergen

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