2019 Corporate Slide

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UTM Johor Bahru Campus (1,147 Hectares)

UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus (35 Hectares)

UTM Journey From Technical School to Research University

Desired State by 2025

UTM Transformation Pathway






Consensus, Inclusiveness and Engagement

Innovation for Universal Prosperity

Higher Education Institutional Sustainability; Impactful Outcomes

Towards the Survival of a University

University Excellence Engenders Universal Prosperity

2019 Thriving for Excellence; Pivoting Higher Education on Humanity

UTM Core Business


Research & Innovation Brain Power of the Nation© & Innovation Powerhouse


Nation Building

Wealth Creation

Universal Peace & Prosperity © Wahid Omar 2015

#228 (WUR) QS WU #47 (Asia) Rankings #53 (E&T) (2017/2018) #18 (Under 50) 4 QS Ranking by Broad Subjects Subjects

UTM Facts & Figures (As of 31 December 2018) REPUTATION

MyRA 6 Star Rating SETARA 4 HiCoEs 76.9%

Graduate Employability

ADMISSION/ENROLMENT (MyMOHES) 24,426 Total UG & PG enrolment 4,540 Master students 4,256 PhD students 3,337 Total international students

ALUMNI 184,939 Total alumni 5,508 International alumni 72 Countries

INDUSTRY LINKAGES/BRANDING 2,137 Industry linkages (since 2015)

940 Community engagement projects (since 2014)

TOTAL CAMPUS EXPERIENCE Outbound mobility students (since 2009) Inbound mobility students 8,186 (since 2009)


Students involved in ongoing 9,823 entrepreneurship projects (since 2015)

RM 34.4mil Community engagement fund (since 2014) RM 506.3mil Research grants secured (since 2010)


Students involved in Job on Campus programme

RM134.5mil Income from research & innovation (2018)


Students involved in 108 Service Learning programme

25,708 Indexed publications (since 2010) 82,678 Citations (since 2013)

285 Students involved in 5ETP (since 2011)

Our research is inspired by the five major niche areas and five R&I strategies that we have devised based on our unique strengths in research and more importantly with the vision of addressing the national and global grand agenda Innovation & Commercialization

Income Generation Creative ways of generating income from not only research output but also utilizing researchproven test rig, expertise and laboratory equipment to ensure research finance sustainability

Frontier Materials Producing advanced materials with sustainable approach ensured realworld application empowered by upto-date processing & manufacturing technologies

Branding Branding initiatives ensure high visibility of UTM’s researchers & expertise while continue to bring the impact of research outside of the campus

Resource Sustainability

New age of researchers no longer engage only in traditional research but incorporate entrepreneurial skills to bring laboratory results to the market in the most creative ways, exploring new & disruptive innovation

Smart Digital Community The most diverse community of researchers bring the best out of multi-disciplinary research focusing on smart and data driven concept and solution

Health & Wellness

UTM strives to create knowledge With various pressure mounting based bio-economy platform Research Alliance up like resources scarcity & which leverage the existing bio climate change, UTM focused on resources integrated with addressing such major agenda, bioengineering and cutting edge playing an important role in bioinformatics technique bringing the concept of Innovative Engineering sustainability in society and resources UTM’s traditional strength in engineering seeks to revolutionize established technology while exploring the field of high performance infrastructure to address real world mobility


New research funding models are actively pursued in which the dependency on government funding is reduced while increase external funding via not only large, international funding but also small, quick-turnover networking grants.

Research Funding

Publications Publication in higher tier journals enable higher outreach to the scientific community where quality research output ultimately make us understand & make the world better

Impact of Research Translational Research


Community Size

Applied Research

Basic Research

From Research to the Community

Conservation and Preservation of Nature

Vortex Hydro Project

Wellness Solution

Seawater Desalination Plant

My Beautiful New Home (Mybnhome)

Contributions to the State of Johor

Digital Entrepreneur

Muar Digital Gateway

SME Halal Certification

Molluscure TM

Mersing Signature


Youth Networking System

Public Transportation Monitoring System

Activated Carbon Production

Solar Energy Downstream Industry

Methane Gas Production

Contributions to the State of Johor

IRDA Carbon Footprint Assessment Joint Venture in Digital Media

IRDA Low Carbon Action Plan Source: UTM-IRDA Roundtable Discussion

Iskandar Malaysia Ecolife Challenge

Malaysia’s Adaptation to Climate Change Case Studies

Facts & Figures for UTM Mobility Programme as of 2018

International Collaboration Models

Model 1

Model 2

Model 3

Bi-lateral agreements focusing on academic & research cooperation

Global research/ academic network of universities on niche focus areas

Strategic international collaboration with reputable universities

Faculty/institutional level cooperation & academic exchange

Supports, strengthens and facilitates individual institutions in research; builds “primary partnerships� in selected regions with a focus in specific disciplines

To expand reach globally through reputable partner institutions network of collaboration and expertise Collaboration and Co-Branding initiatives

Academic & Research Global Partnerships


Key Global Strategic Partnerships for Sustainable Development MIT-UTM in Sustainable Cities Programmes UTM-Kyoto University on SATREPS (Sustainable and Technology Research Partnership on Sustainable Development Oxford-UTM in Industrial and Applied Mathematics UTM-Cambridge in Combustion Engine UTM-Imperial College of London in Future Energy UTM-Delft University of Technology in Bioproduct Development

Launching of UTM Low Carbon Transport Research @ Pagoh under UTM LOCARTIC by the Minister of MOHE & President of Imperial College London

UTM-Aachen University in Cardiovascular Engineering UTM-Stanford Research of Innovation UTM-Victoria University of Wellington and Waikato University in Climate Change on Antartic UTM-Taibah University in Ground Water Study

Development of Low Carbon Society Scenarios for Asian Regions in Collaboration with Kyoto University

Love, Happiness, Mutual Respect & Openness

Campus Experience

Our Talents

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