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Universitatea BABEŞ–BOLYAI



*1. The Research Centre on Interethnic Relations

(Faculty of Sociology and Social Work; http://socasis.ubbcluj.ro) Director of Centre: Associate -Professor HORVÁTH István, PhD E-mail: ihorvath66@hotmail.com

The Centre is a non-profit organization, founded in 1992 by professor Ion Aluas from the Sociology Department of "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj. Its main activities include the collection of accurate and complete scientific data on ethnic groups and interethnic relations in Romania, the analysis and interpretation of ethnic phenomena in relation to the economical, political, social and cultural dimensions of the social field. The researchers of CCRIT are academics from the Sociology Department of "Babes-Bolyai" University, experienced in research and teaching activities, both in Romania and abroad. Undergraduate and graduate students of the Sociology Department also work for CCRIT as project-coordinators, research assistants or field operators.

**2. The Institute of Verbal History

(Faculty of History and Philosophy; http:// hiphi.ubbcluj.ro) Director of Institute: Professor Doru RADOSAV, PhD E-mail: radosav@bcucluj.ro Scientific secretary: Associate-Professor Valentin Orga, PhD

General objectives of the scientific activity: • academic standard consecration in the contemporary Romanian historiography of the verbal history research as a new methodology, and the promotion of innovative subjects; • promotion of multiculturalism, of social and confessional identity diversity from Transylvania and Romania, and formation of civism in the spirit of European values; • Records and archives of the communist period and recent Romanian history; • Organization of an audio-video archive on a digital support of verbal history; • Promotion and development of a verbal history direction of studies at the level of the academic curricula (master’s level); • Elaboration of studies and academic monographies. 4

*3. The Centre for Research in Public Administration

(Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences; http:// polito.ubbcluj.ro ) Director of Centre: Associate-Professor Călin Emilian HINŢEA, PhD E-mail: hintea@polito.ubbcluj.ro.

The Centre for Research in Public Administration supports the development of public administration and academic education and advanced research of theory and practice in the fields of public management, public policy, and public administration both at the local and national level. Goals to be achieved by the Centre for Research in Public Administration: The continuous development of research activities in the field of public administration by designing and implementing research projects. Providing opportunities for long life education for faculty members, practitioners, current students, and alumni by means of their constant involvement in research activities Conduct research studies (evaluations of public programs, performance measurement, cost-benefit and cost-efficiency analyses, public policy analyses, measurements of the customers’ satisfactions vis-à-vis the provision of public services, impact studies, institutional diagnosis, law enforcement monitoring) that will lead to the enhancement of the management practices within Romanian public institutions both at the local and national level, a more efficient approach with regard to the fields of public policy and public administration

*4. The Centre for the Study of Democracy

(CSD; Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences; http:// polito.ubbcluj.ro ) Director of Centre: Associate-Professor Gabriel BĂDESCU, PhD E-mail: badescu@msu.edu

The Centre was brought into existence by the Department of Political Sciences and the Institute for Social Studies of “Babeş-Bolyai” University. CSD intends to stimulate theoretical knowledge, research and education concerning the processes of democratization from Romania and from other societies in the process of democratization. The projects promoted by CSD lay emphasis on those attitudes, norms, background and behavior of the citizens that make democracy work. A major element which distinguishes the activity of the centre is the study of civil society and of political culture in Romania. CSD researches are frequently comparative researches, including former communist countries from Europe and countries in the process of democratization from south-eastern Asia.


*5. The Centre for Health Policy and Public Health

(CHPPH; Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences; http:// polito.ubbcluj.ro)

Director of Centre: Lecturer Ioan HOSU, Ph.D. E-mail: hosu@polito.ubbcluj.ro

The Centre is one of the operating components of the Institute for Social Research, which is the newest research structure of the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences. CHPPH seeks to accomplish its mission by promoting an interdisciplinary approach to the health sciences research. The Centre is in the process of initiating a wide range of research projects involving researchers with different backgrounds (Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Public Health, Communication and Public Relations, Psychology, Sociology, Public Administration, Political Sciences, Law, Economical Sciences, Geography, InformationTechnology)

6. The Research Centre for Major Industrial Accidents Prevention

(Faculty of Environmental Science; http://enviro.ubbcluj.ro)

Director of Centre: Associate-Professor Alexandru OZUNU, PhD E-mail: ozunu_al@enviro.ubbcluj.ro

The Centre represents a juridical entity certificated by the Ministry of Environment and Water Management as environmental assessor and main auditor. It functions within BabeĹ&#x;-Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, and it has internally been accredited since 2007. Its vision: CCPAIM initiates and promotes studies, actions and procedures in order to minimize the threat posed by the occurrence of certain categories of risks and types of anthropic disasters; it initiates, as well, protection and intervention actions for diminishing, identifying and removing the situations of risks or human-induced disasters.


*7. The “Dr. Moshe Carmilly” Institute for Hebrew and Jewish History

(Faculty of History and Philosophy; http:// hiphi.ubbcluj.ro)

Director of Centre: Professor Ladislau GYÉMÁNT, Ph.D. E-mail: gyemant@zortec.ro

The Institute was established in October, 1990 at the Faculty of History and Philosophy of Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca upon the initiative of Prof. Andrei Marga, then Dean of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, afterwards Rector and President of BabeşBolyai University, of Dr. Moshe Carmilly, Professor Emeritus of Yeshiva University (New York), former Chief-Rabbi of the New Jewish Community in Cluj. In 1995, the Senate of Babeş-Bolyai University, the decision being proposed by Rector Andrei Marga, accredited the Institute.

**8. Centre for Integrated Geological Research

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http:// bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director of Centre: Professor Ioan BUCUR, PhD E-mail: ibucur@bioge.ubbcluj.ro

Founded in 2001 (under the name of the Centre for Geological Research in the Field of Alpine and Prealpine Geotectonic Settings on the Romanian territory). Research field : there has been made research within the field of magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary geology in Romania. The objectives of research are: identification, description, distribution and interpretation of magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary geological bodies as compared to their geotectonic function. Research is made within interdisciplinary groups. Future goals: orientation of research towards top fields in magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary geology; initiation of nationally relevant projects, procurance of financial resources, through projects and contracts that have industrial beneficiaries to sustain the development of the centre and the initiation international colaboration projects. Partners: Univ. Vienna, Univ. Salzburg, Univ. Krakowia, University Eötvös Lorand Budapest, Univ. Lübeck, Univ. Erlangen Nuernberg 7

**9. Research Centre for Computer Aided Process Engineering

(Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; http://www.chem.ubbcluj.ro) Director of Centre: Professor Eng. Paul Şerban AGACHI, PhD E-mail: sagachi@chem.ubbcluj.ro

Research field: modelling, simulation, control and optimization of chemical processes; Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering; ComputerAided Environmental Engineering; Computer-Aided Teaching Techniques Goals: • assignation of scientific colaboration relations with similar national and international centres. • to establish favourable organizational frame to develop the researches in the field of CAPE • to attract young researchers in the field of CAPE • to establish collaborations with EU and non-EU organisations in the field of CAPE • to organise European postgraduate (master) level education in the field of CAPE • elaboration of projects in the frame of FP7 and Marie Curie EU Research Programs to develop industrial CAPE Applications

*10. Centre for Research and Innovation in the Curriculum

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http:// psiho.ubbcluj.ro) Director of Centre: Lecturer Ion ALBULESCU, PhD E-mail: centrul_de_curriculum@ipd.ubbcluj.ro

Since 2004, the Centre for Research and Innovation in the Curriculum has been editing the annual review “Education 21”, which, starting with the 2006 edition, is published in English. The quarterly review “Didactica” is also edited at the Centre. It is already editing a periodical, which will include not only scientific analyses, but also reviews, syntheses and information of wide interest.


**11. Laboratory of Electrochemical Research, part of the Excellency Centre in Electrochemistry

(Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; http://www.chem.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Ionel Cトフトネin POPESCU, Professor Ph. D. E-mail: cpopescu@chem.ubbcluj.ro

Research topics:

(1) Electrode materials for electrochemical sensors/biosensors

(i) Obtaining and characterization of non-conventional electrode materials, exhibiting electrocatalytic activity and selective recognition properties, for sensors or biosensors construction. (ii) Electrochemical nanostructures prepared by self-assembling (on Au), electropolymerization (on carbonaceous materials) and adsorbtion (on conventional electrode materials) (iii) C aerogels prepared by sol-gel method and supercritical drying (iv) Composite materials based on polymeric matrices containing zeolites, carbon or TiO2 aerogel, noble metal particles and redox mediators (v) Electroactive bicomposites incorporating enzymes, cofactors and mediators (2)Theoretical and practical aspects of metal electrodeposition

(i) Investigation of the electrodeposition mechanism of some metals of practical importance (Cu, Zn, Pb, Mn) using modern electrochemical techniques (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, chronoamperometry, hydrodynamic voltammetry etc.) (ii) Theoretical and practical aspects of electrowinning, electrorefining and electroplating of metals (3) Inorganic and organic electrosynthesis

Study of fundamental and practical aspects related to the obtaining of some compounds used in environmental protection (H2O2) and other fields (aromatic diamino and aminopiperasine derivatives) (4) Photo(electro)catalysis

(i) Photodegradation of organic pollutants on high surface catalysts (titanium dioxide aerogels) (ii) Photodegradation of organic compounds on semiconducting oxides thin films (TiO2)


*12. Centre of Organ-metallic Chemistry

(Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; http://www.chem.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Professor Ionel HAIDUC, Ph.D., Member of the Romanian Academy. E-mail: ihaiduc@chem.ubbcluj.ro Tel. +40.0264-593833, int. 5690, Fax +40.0264590818 Contact: Prof. Ioan SILAGHI-DUMITRESCU, Ph.D. E-mail: isi@chem.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Consulting in the field of: organ-metallic chemistry, drug-design, modeling of molecules/materials with special properties, environment protection Endowment: - Experimental resources and facilities: standard equipments for an organ-metallic chemistry laboratory (vacuum and argon lines, syntheses on high/low temperatures, structure determination by means of NMR, X-ray diffraction, IR and UV/VIS spectroscopy, etc.) and for molecular modeling (SGI, SUN, PC-Linux, Windows workstations and clusters, with specific programs: Gaussian, Games, Spartan, ADF, Ecce/NWChem, Orca, Amber, CPMD, etc.)

**13. Centre of Organic Chemistry and Computational Chemistry with Applications in Nanotechnologies

(Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; http://www.chem.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Ion GROSU, Ph.D. Tel.: +40.0264- 593833, int. 5661 Fax +40.0264-590818 E-mail: igrosu@chem.ubbcuj.ro

Services: Consultancy in fields: supramolecular chemistry, computational chemistry, organometallic chemistry; Endowment: Standard equipment for synthesis and structural analysis of organometallic and macrocyclic compounds and for computational chemistry; http://chem.ubbcluj.ro/~organica/saturated_frames.html


**14. Research centre: Biotransformations of organic substrates

(Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; http://www.chem.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Professor Florin Dan IRIMIE, PhD. Tel.: +40.0264-593833, +40.0264-590818 E-mail: irimie@chem.ubbcluj.ro

Services: -Fine organic synthesis -Antibodies-generating conjugates synthesis -Design for organic synthesis technologies / race mate resolutions of secondary alcohols, of amines, as well as chiral acids. -Testing and selection for microorganisms; optimization of culture media. -Separation of active components from microbial cultures. Endowment: -Organic synthesis equipments (agitators, heating jackets, distilling installation at high vacuum, rotavaporars, balances, UV lamps, glassware), separation and purification equipments (chromatographic systems: gas chromatography, thin layer and liquid systems (HPLC, FPLC, flash chromatography used for analytical and preparative scale, filtration systems, electrophoresis, centrifuges), UV-VIS spectrometer UV photometers, polarimeter, chiral columns for gaseous and liquid chromatography) -Bioreactor, laminar hood, ultrasonic cell disintegrator, lyophilizator, Orbital shaker etc.

**15. Centre for Applied Cognitive Psychology

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http://psiho.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Mircea MICLEA, Professor, PhD. Telephone: +40.0264/595576 E-mail: micleamircea@psychology.ro

Laboratories: 1. Experimental Psychology Laboratory. Coordinator: Aurora SZENTAGOTAI, PhD. 2. Behavioral Analysis Laboratory. Coordinator: Adrian OPRE, PhD. 3. Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory. Coordinator: Oana BENGA, PhD. 4. Neuropsychology Laboratory. Coordinators: Andrei MIU, PhD. and Alina RUSU, PhD. Services: • supporting master, doctoral and postdoctoral level programs; • competitive international research activities; • adaptating recognized assessment instruments to the Romanian population, as well as developing new clinical diagnosis and intervention instruments; • logistic support for other educational and research institutions and nongovernmental organizations interested in fundamental research; services for the general public: psychological testing for adults and children, personnel evaluation and selection, educational software development.


**16. International Institute for the Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http:// psiho.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Daniel DAVID, Associate Professor, PhD Telephone: +40.0264/590967 E-mail: danieldavid@psychology.ro Laboratories: 1. Clinical Research Unit. Coordinator: Daniel DAVID, PhD. 2. Virtual Reality Laboratory. Coordinator: Anca DOMUŢA, PhD.

Offers: The International Institute aims to promote advanced study and scholarship in psychotherapy and applied mental health by postdoctoral training and research, following a scientist-practitioner paradigm. It offers training in evidence-based psychotherapies and other mental health applications. Services: • postdoctoral studies in psychotherapy and applied mental health; • Training in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapies (in collaboration with the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, USA, the European Association for; Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies and the Albert Ellis Institute, USA). • clinical psychology and psychotherapy services; • research activities; Publication of scientific journals (i.e. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies).

*17. Algebra, Geometry and Applications

(Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science; http:// www.cs.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Andrei MĂRCUŞ, Professor, Ph.D. E-mail: marcusmath.ubbcluj.ro Reasearch fields:

1. 2. 3. 4.


Universal algebra Finite and abelian groups Module Theory Geometric Function Theory

*18. Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis

(Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science; http:// ww.cs.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Octavian AGRATINI, Professor, Ph.D. E-mail: agratinimath.ubbcluj.ro Research fields:

a. Approximation by interpolation and by linear positive operators with applications in numerical integration b. Numerical and probabilistic methods in approximation theory c. Probability and Statistics d. Complexity and parallel numerical methods Approximative solutions of operator equations e.

*19. Nonlinear Operators and Differential Equations

(Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science; http:// www.cs.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Radu PRECUP, Professor, Ph.D. E-mail: r.precupmath.ubbcluj.ro Research fields:

a. Fixed point theory and applications to integral and differential equations b. Partial Differential Equations c. Spline function theory, numerical and approximation solutions of differential equations d. Mathematical modelling


*20. Computer Science

(Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science; http:// www.cs.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Militon FRENลขIU, Professor, Ph.D. E-mail: mfrentiucs.ubbcluj.ro

Research fields: a. Programming languages b. Theory of programming c. Operating system and data bases d. Parallel computation and distributed systems e. Computer graphics and image processing f. Artificial intelligence g. Object-oriented programming

21. Computer Science Research Laboratory

(Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science; http:// www.cs.ubbcluj.ro ) Director: Senior Lecturer Dan CHIOREAN, PhD Web site http://lci.cs.ubbcluj.ro E-mail: chiorean@cs.ubbcluj.ro, chiorean@lci.cs.ubbcluj.ro Services:

Training in: Model Driven Development, Model Driven Engineering, Model Driven Architecture, Unified Modeling Language, Object Constraint Language, Domain Specific Languages;

Consultancy: It helps you to choose appropriate methodologies and tools for designing and implementing software systems. Endowment: computer network, books, journals


22. Applied Mathematics Research Laboratory

(Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science; http:// www.cs.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Gheorghe COMAN, PhD Contact: Tel.: +40.0264 – 405300 interior 5242 E-mail: ghcoman@math.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Performing contract research, development and consultancy for industry and system vendors, Applied Mathematics Research Laboratory is involved in numerous activities and projects and also in supporting Master and Doctoral studies.

*23. Centre for the Research of the Contemporary French Novel

(Faculty of Letters; http:// lett.ubbcluj.ro ) Director: Prof. Yvonne GOGA, Ph.D. Tel. +40 264 405 330 / 534 898 Fax: +40 264 432 303 E-mail: yvonne_goga@yahoo.fr

Objectives: acquaintance with contemporary French novelists from the French area and their work, development of critical research on the contemporary French novel Activities: joint research, organization of common scientific activities, translation of major French novels, student and staff exchange, publication exchange, joint Ph.D.’s, etc. Partners: Georges Perec Association, Paris, Inter-university Centre for French Studies at Eőtvős Lorand University Budapest, Group of researchers at University Sorbonne Paris IV, Research Centre at University Nice, Research Centre at University Versailles.


*24. Centre for the Research of the Contemporary British Novel

(Faculty of Letters; http:// lett.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Dr. Sanda BERCE (Reader, Department of English Language and Literature) E-mail: berce.sanda@yahoo.co.uk Field of research: Humanities (British Literature)

The Research Area covers: (1) the relation between tradition as source and vector of the narrative field in the British contemporary novel, (2) the evolution of the literary canon, (3) a survey of the transformations in the contemporary narratological imaginary. The analysis and evolution of the contemporary British novel aims at establishing: • The axiological concern for form and the cognitive essence of the value judgment that generates debates on validity, truthfulness and confrontation with the literary text • The configuration of a model for the dynamics of critical evaluation, which appears in a self-determining context • The development of the contemporary British novel following the essential changes in the roles of literature in the last decade, from the aesthetic and cognitive ones, to those of communication and social interaction by means of novel forms that parallel visual arts, the media and the Internet The research work aims at: • Studying the relationship between tradition (literary canon), modernity (anti-canonic tendencies) and the changes which have occurred so far in the contemporary narratological imaginary as well as about probable and possible exchange of patterns(models), themes and strategies with other European contemporary novels; • Defining the axiological concern for form and for the aesthetic value of the literary text in the contemporary world; • Establishing a configuration of the dynamics of the British contemporary novel with regard to the profound changes in the function of literature which have occurred in the last decades, from the aesthetic and cognitive function to the communicative and social interaction and the emergence of new forms of expression meant to compete with the visual arts, media and more elaborate ways of electronic communication. • Passing information and knowledge from research to teaching the undergraduate, MA and Ph.D students of the Department. • The creation and management of a database concerning the research topics of the BA and MA dissertations, from the year 2000 to the present. • The correlation between the syllabuses of Special courses, Practical courses focusing on literary analyses and interpretations with the Main Stream courses centred upon modern and contemporary literature. 16

25. Centre for Romance Linguistics and Discourse Analysis

(Faculty of Letters; http:// lett.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Prof. Ligia Stela FLOREA, Faculty of Letters, Str. Horea 31 Tel. +40 264 405 330 / 534 898 Fax: +40 264 432 303 E-mail: lsflorea@yahoo.fr

Objectives: The Research Area covers: (1) the comparative analysis of Romance languages : French, Italian, Spanish and Romanian, the emphasis being laid on syntax, semantics and vocabulary. (2) the linguistic and pragmatic analysis of mass-media discourse (reports on Romanian, French and Italian medias) and the conversational, didactic and political discourses. Activities:- master program Linguistics and didactics. Analysis of didactic communication in Romance languages (French, Italian, Spanish), starting with 2008-2009. Its aim is to train specialists in 3 domains: teaching Romance languages, literary translation / text editing and research in linguistics and discourse analysis; organising monthly department sessions in order to discuss various aspects of mass-media communication (press and television) and to offer a stimulating framework for the Ph.D. candidates; organising workshops, together with the Department of Journalism, on Research Methods in the analysis of mass-media discourse. Partners: Université de Nantes, Université Lyon 2, Université de Paris 3 – Sorbonne nouvelle, Université de Tours, Université Rennes 2, Université d’Orléans, Université de Neuchâtel, Pedagogical Institute Bastogne, National Council for Scientific Research, ENS, Montrouge.


*26. Centre for Imagination Studies – Phantasma

(Faculty of Letters; http:// lett.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Assoc. Prof. Corin BRAGA, PhD. Faculty of Letters, Str. Horea 31 Tel. +40 264 405 330 / 534 898 Fax: +40 264 432 303 E-mail: corinbraga@yahoo.com.

Objectives: 1. The analysis of literary and artistic imagination, by analytical methods and means to approach the hermeneutics of cultural imagination, by underlining the specific of the image, symbol, myth, as psychical functions, together with a participatory approach - active research. 2. The analysis of social and political imagination in the context of the world being changed into a “global village”, the way images function on the level of social groups, of the collective subconscience, when the expansion of the visual culture has led to subliminal, ideological, political manipulation through mass-media (advertising, press, cinema, TV, the Internet, etc.) The Centre is part of The CRI Network (Centres de Recherches sur l'Imaginaire) Activities: research of imagination, both the cultural-artistic and social-media imagination (all levels: research, Ph.D., M.A., B.A.), teaching research topics (M.A. courses and seminars, study and creation meetings), publication of research results (books, reviews, on-line documents issued by the centre).

Partners: Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux, Institut Européen de l'Université de Geneve, Université de Burgogne Dijon, Université Stendhal Grenoble, Université Catholique de Louvain-laNeuve, Université Sophia Antipolis Nice, Université de la Sorbonne - Paris V, Université de Perpignan, Università do Minho Braga, Central European University Budapest, Eőtvős Lorand University Budapest, Jagellonian University Krakow, Libera Universita di Lingue e Comunicazione Milan


27. Centre for Research, Technological and Cognitive Transfer in Language Industries

(Faculty of Letters; http:// lett.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Senior lecturer Mihaela TOADER, Ph.D. E-mail: mihaela.toader@yahoo.fr

The Department of Applied Modern Languages takes on the direct and immediate objectives emerging form the compatibility validated at European level in its scope of competence. CRTCLI –AML proposes criteria for leveraging the quality standards in the educational field of Applied Modern languages, as well as optimization and professionalisation solutions, ensuring the transfer of the following activities: 1. Research and research enhancement in the field of language industries (translation science, terminology, conference interpreting, multilingual professional communication, linguistic and cultural organizational mediation); 2. Consulting services and technical expertise; 3. Training in its own fields of competence

Objectives: Specialised research/documentation for the purpose of diversifying and adapting the professionalizing education offers. Drawing-up databases and instruments required in the expertise and consulting activities. Strengthening the partnerships and cooperation within the European networks in language industry and participation at joint research projects. Editing and distribution of the AML review International Journal of Applied Modern Language Studies. In partnership with the AILEA universities. Diversification and support of national and international research in the field of language industries. Reinforcement of the essential elements for ensuring quality and the implementation of professional counselling and expertise structures. Promoting quality and professional behaviour standards in compliance with the European norms for translators and specialists in multilingual professional communication. Promoting competitiveness and internationalization in accordance with the Bologna process. Research Themes: 1. Compilation of specialised dictionaries/glossaries: acquis communautaire, environment, tourism, public food service 2. Translation science: terminological databases for fields from the acquis communautaire (environment – at Babeş-Bolyai University and education at University of Bucharest). 3. applied linguistics; 4. textual techniques; 5. multilingual professional communication; 6. global simulation: building cultural/intercultural organizational competences in a professional simulated environment; 7. multimedia, translation and localisation techniques; 8. e-learning

Partners: University of Hasselt, Belgium, University of Vienna (Austria), Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona (Spain), universities within the AILEA Consortium, France : Marc Bloch of Strasbourg, Paris-III, Paris –VII, Paris XII, Limoges, Pau, Nantes, Rennes-2, Toulouse, Sophia Antipolis of Nice, University of Southampton (UK). ETI (Geneva, Switzerland).


*28. The Centre for Canadian and Quebec Studies

(Faculty of Letters; http:// lett.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Professor Voichita Maria SASU, PhD Faculty of Letters, Horea Street 31 Tel. +40 264 405 330 or 534 898, Fax: +40 264 432 303; E-mail: voichita_sasu@yahoo.com

Goals: a larger acquaintance of the Quebec literature and culture, advancement of French language and culture as a display of cultural and linguistic diversity, fulfillment of a researcher training program in the field of Canadian Studies (Quebec), consolidation of partnerships among researchers by interchange of useful pedagogic strategies in order to develop interest, analytical and critical skills in students, common supervision of field research. It is the first centre of Canadian Studies from our country.

Activities: joint PhD, the course Quebec Literatures within the Master course of French-speaking literatures, publication of articles, translations, anthologies, common work, exchange of publications, of visiting professors and students, organization of common colloquies, common research on the following subjects: Le Québec et la Roumanie : aspects francophones, L’Autre dans la littérature québécoise, Exil et identité, Voyage, voyageur.

Partners: University of Limoges, University of Québec à Montréal, Association Internationale d’Etudes Québécoises.

*29. Centre for Belgian Studies

(Faculty of Letters; http://lett.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Rodica Lascu Pop Faculty of Letters, Str. Horea 31 Tel. +40 264 405 330 / 534 898, Fax: +40 264 432 303 E-mail : celblf@yahoo.fr

Goals: the promotion of French literature in Belgium. This initiative was supported by the French Community of Belgium, the centre being sponsored by the Royal Academy of French Language and Literature. Activities: French Belgian literature courses and seminars, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral level, workshops, conferences, etc., with the participation of specialists, writers, and personalities of Belgian cultural life, monthly meetings within the doctoral seminar Lettres belges, Lettres vives, inter-Frenchlanguage student and academic mobilities. Developing research projects: La littérature belge francophone dans la presse culturelle roumaine 1990 –2010; Intergénération : antériorité, mutation. Partners : University Blaise Pascal of Clermont-Ferrand, University of Arras, University of Liège, University of Mulhouse, University Paris XII, University Strasbourg II, Bologna University, the Royal Academy of French Language and Literature in Belgium, the European College of Literary Translators from Seneffe (Belgium), the Ministry of Culture of the French Community in Belgium, the Wallonie-Bruxelles Delegation, Bucharest.


30. The Centre for Regional Studies

(Faculty of European Studies; http:// euro.ubbcluj.ro; http:// idd.euro.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Lecturer Radu NECHITA, PhD Str. Em. de Martonne 1 Tel.: +40 264 405 300/593 770, Fax: +40 264 590 251 E-mail: radunechita@gmail.com

Goals: achievement of common research activities concerning the regional aspects of the economic development, but also of the academic community involvement in the economic and social life of the region, curricula conformation to the academic facts (CRS is associated in two projects in course of assessment). CRS will be inaugurated in October 2007. Activities: achievement of the Master course Regionalism and Regional Development, organization of the international conference on the issue of regional studies in collaboration with Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier (February 2008), issuance of papers in The Review of Regional Studies Partners: University Paul Valéry of Montpellier, the FEMISE network which reunites the countries from the Mediterranean Basin.

*31. Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Complex Analyses Regional Laboratory (BCUM code 10) francophone associate laboratory

(Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; http://www.chem.ubbcluj.ro )

Director: Prof. Maria JITARU, Ph.D. Str. Arany Janos 11 Tel.: +40 264 405 332/593 833, Fax: +40 264 590 818 E-mail : mjitaru@chem.ubbcluj.ro

Goals: promotion of regional scientific excellence in the field of organic and inorganic pollutants. The project is financed by the Academic Agency of French-Speaking Countries, by the program Soutien aux Pôles d'Excellence Régionaux en formation et en recherche du Sud. Activities: training and research on doctoral level, assessment and dissemination of results, exchange of experience, publications etc. among different partners. Services: -Metallic ions determinations from samples of water, soil and aliments (ICP); voltamperometric determinations; redox conduct of organic compounds (nitro derivates, fenotiazinic compounds, aldehides, unsaturated alcohols etc.); of metallic ions and ligands through accumulation-dissolving techniques; determinations of specific surface of catalytic powders, specter FT-IR and UV-VIS. Partners: State University of Kishinev, the VINCA Institute of Belgrade, the Balkan Environmental Association from Greece, the Chemical Technology and Metallurgy University of Sofia, the University of Toulouse. 21

*32. The Centre for Regional Geography

(Faculty of Geography; http:// geografie.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Professor Pompei COCEAN Faculty of Geography, Clinicilor Street 5-7 Tel. +40 264 - 597 570, Fax: +40 264 – 597 988 E-mail: pompei@geografie.ubbcluj.ro Contact person: Valentina PINTILIE Tel. & Fax: +40 264 597 570 E-mail: vali@geografie.ubbcluj.ro

Purpose: the CRG regards as stringent the present scientific approach of the geographical field, such as: stable regional development, territorial planning and lay out, prospect and lay out of natural and anthropogenic touristic potential, natural and anthropogenic hazards and risks, improvement of the GIS methodology. Activities: elaboration of territorial development strategies on different complexity scales and levels (regional, areal, micro-regional, cross-border), issuance of the half-yearly Romanian Review of Regional Studies; organization, every two years, of an international conference focused on regional field thematics – the third international conference of CRG, Regional disparities: typology, impact and management, (October 2008), carrying on the Tisza project – in collaboration with Hungary, Ukraine, Slovakia and Serbia. Partner: Institut für Landenkunde, Leipzig

33. Institute for International Studies

(Faculty of History and Philosophy; http://hiphi.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Dr. Vasile PUŞCAŞ E-mail: vasilepuscas2007@yahoo.com Vice-director: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adrian Liviu Ivan E-mail: ivana1169@yahoo.com Website: www.isi-cluj.org Address: Strada Napoca 11, Cluj-Napoca 400088

Its aim is to train specialists in the study and research of International Relations. Activities: examination of major problems in the world and the challenges of the contemporary world; elaboration of area-studies; simulations of European negotiations; assurance of a proper environment for academic and theoretical debate on the evolution of international relations Objectives : intensification of research activities with a view to elaborate impact studies on European integration; initiation of a regional network of cooperation among all the institutions and organizations which provide activities specific to the European building process; informing the business communities in the local and regional areas, about the advantages of common agreements, the pre-joining and joining the European Union; research and life-long learning activities, B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. programs in International Relations, within the Department of Contemporary History and International Relations Partners: Institute for International Studies Gorizia (Italy), Institute for Higher International Studies Geneve, universities from Triest, Paris IV Sorbona.


34. Institute of Romanian Language Studies

(Faculty of Letters; http:// lett.ubbcluj.ro)

Scientific Director: Prof. G.G. NEAMŢU, Ph.D. Director: Lecturer Elena PLATON, Ph.D. E-mail: elenapplaton@yahoo.com

Its aim is to promote the Romanian language on a large scale, to make it ‘visible’ as a European language, providing: - Courses of Romanian language organised according to the six levels of linguistic competence stipulated in the European Linguistic Passport - Courses of Romanian culture and civilisation for the foreign students from the first and second year studying in Romania in other faculties than the Faculty of Letters - Special courses of Romanian culture and civilisation for advanced students participating in international programs - Summer courses organised by Babeş-Bolyai University every year (in July and in September) - Certificates of linguistic competence for the students who wish to register for the first year of studies (without studying in the preparatory year) - Testing of Romanian as a foreign language, as well as the elaboration of didactic materials, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Languages. It also aims to cooperate with departments of Romanian language studies from different universities in Europe and to investigate the regional cultural-linguistic specific. organization of international symposiums: Romanian Language, at crossroads between tradition and modernity (19-20 October), Cluj-Napoca organization of international summer schools: International Summer Courses of Romanian Language and Civilization (8-29 July), for the Erasmus-Socrates students (September) participation to international symposiums: Romanian Language as a European Language (14-15 November), Rome; ALTE conference (Association of Language Testers in Europe), Lithuania, in collaboration with the Centre Alpha projects: GRUNDTVIG Project (partners: Sofia, Bulgaria and Nantes, France) Partners: Carol University Prague, Jagellonian University Krakow, Kliment Ohridski University Sofia, Aix-en-Provence, Szeged, Bratislava, Turku.


**35. The Centre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy

(Faculty of History and Philosophy; http://hiphi.ubbcluj.ro) Coordinators: Prof. Vasile MUSCA, Ph.D. E-mail: fam@hiphi.ubbcluj.ro Assoc. Prof. Alexander BAUMGARTEN, Ph.D. E-mail:alexbaum7@yahoo.com Faculty of History and Philosophy, Str. M. Kogalniceanu 1 Tel.: +40 264 405 326, Fax: +40 264 591 906

Goals: extension and propagation of ancient and medieval philosophy studies in Romanian by systematically issuing ancient and medieval philosophy reference works absent in Romanian language and necessary to an adequate philosophical training. Training of specialists in Greek and Latin paleography. Activities: cooperation with similar institutions for training of specialists, participation in common research projects, issuance of manuscripts, organization of conferences, colloquies (colloquy dedicated to Plotin’s philosophy), etc. Partners: University of Fribourg, University of Poitiers; others.

**36. The Centre for the Study of Population

(The Faculty of History and Philosophy The Faculty of Sociology and Social Work)

Contact Professor Traian ROTARIU, PhD E-mail: trotariu@hiphi.ubbcluj.ro Associate Professor Ioan BOLOVAN, PhD E-mail: bolovani@yahoo.com

Goals: periodic organization of scientific events dedicated to major or real issues of studying the population of our country, of the global population in general; in October 2008 the conference Demographic transformations under the Habsburg Monarchy. The process of industrialization (1750-1918) will take place, in collaboration with Graz University; international promotion of the Romanian achievements in the field of studying the Romanian population, and supporting of the issuance, in the Romanian language and mostly in international languages, of the work instruments as well as of the works of interpretation concerning the evolution and the features of the Romanian population; participation of the centre members or of the entire group to international scientific research projects, and establishment of collaboration ties with similar institutions worldwide. Partners: Max Plank Institut für Demographie Rostock, Institut National des Etudes Demographiques Paris, Karl Franzens Universität Graz, National Committee for Population and Development, Centre for Transylvanian Studies, National Archives


37. The German Institute

(Faculty of European Studies; http://euro.ubbcluj.ro) Contact: Associate Professor Rudolf GRÄF, Ph.D E-mail: graf_l@yahoo.com Dr. Kurt SCHMIDTS E-mail: kurt_schmidts@euro.ubbcluj.ro

Goals: the history of German historiography on today’s Romanian territory; comparison analysis among the multiethnic region features (Transylvania and the Banat on the one hand, the large demographic concentrations from Berlin, Muenchen, Ruhrgebiet on the other hand) by contacts with cultural and educational institutions from Germany; research concerning the cultural and academic, economic and technical cooperation from Romania, Germany, Austria and Switzerland; studies concerning the German culture and education from Romania. Partners: Institut für donauschwäbische Geschichte und Landeskunde Tübingen, Institut für deutsche Kultur und Geschichte Südosteuropas München, Arbeitskreis für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde Heidelberg, Donauschwäbische Kulturstiftung des Landes Baden-Württemberg, Universitatea Graz, Universitatea Ljubljana, Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster, Universität Oldenburg, Demokratischer Forum der Deutschen in Siebenbürgen.

38. Centre for Turkish Studies

Director: Prof. Călin Valentin FELEZEU, Ph.D. Contact person: Assist. Casian Popa E-mail: pcasian@yahoo.co.uk

Objectives: • Offering qualified services and expertise to the academic environment and the political, economic, journalistic ones as well as to the large public in fields like Turkish history, culture and civilisation. Activities: • Courses and seminars • Packages of courses for the business environment (including tour operators), journalists, politicians, diplomats, etc. • Organizing debates, symposia, conferences and summer schools Intended international partners: • Boğaziçi Üniversitesi –Istanbul • Sabançi Üniversitesi –Istanbul • Yeditepe Üniversitesi –Istanbul • Institute of Turcology - Istanbul Üniversitesi • DAID – Deutsche Archäologische Institut • IFAPO – Institut Français d’ Archéologie Proch Orient • Centre for Arabic Studies, Bucharest • Institut Universitaire de Hautes Études Internationales – Geneva, and others 25

39. "Alpha" Centre

(Faculty of Letters; http://lett.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Prof. Victoria Moldovan, Ph.D. E-mail: vimold@yahoo.com Str. Horea 31, Tel.: +40/+40.0264/533898, Fax: +40/+40.0264/432303 Activity:

Courses for foreign languages, on 3 levels, distance-learning included Admission courses, language and civilization Summer courses Services: Consulting services for Romanian Translating and interpreting for conferences Documentation and typing in foreign languages Linguistic competence testing the European project: „L’Europe Ensemble” (8 guides for foreign languages, with CDs)

40. "Lingua" Centre

(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration; http://econ.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Associate Professor Delia MARGA, Ph.D. Cluj-Napoca, Teodor Mihali Street, Campus, 1st floor, B4 / 115, 400591, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA Tel.: 004 +40.0264 418663 Fax: 004 +40.0264 418656 E-mail: lingua@personal.ro http://lingua.econ.ubbcluj.ro Contact person: Emilia Trîncă E-mail: etrinca@econ.ubbcluj.ro

LINGUA Centre for Modern Languages was established within the “Babes-Bolyai” University, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, in 1999. The mission of the centre is to respond to the student and community needs related to extracurricular training and testing, while being in line with the European requirements and the Linguistic Policy of the “Babes-Bolyai” University. Based on the European Language Council standards, the Centre boasts a highly-skilled academic staff, multimedia TANDBERG educational equipment and 26

the latest teaching materials. LINGUA Centre ensures ideal learning and testing conditions in an adequate environment, with a view to offering a linguistic passport indispensable for a viable career and selfaware citizenship in the present and future Europe. LINGUA Centre promotes the linguistic policies upheld by the “Babes-Bolyai” University, whose objective is 1 + 2 (mother tongue + 2 other languages), in accordance with the provisions of the European Commission Charter (1995). LINGUA Centre is affiliated to the European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education – CERCLES. The centre is mainly oriented towards undergraduates and graduates in the following fields: Economic Sciences Business European Studies Political and Administrative Sciences As a result of the LINGUA Test, the LINGUA Centre issues the Certificate of Language Ability – general/ business, a precondition for the BA, MA and PhD examinations, as well as for employment, promotion, scholarships etc. I. The LINGUA Centre OFFERS: 1. Courses Courses of modern languages at three levels (general/ business), (Romanian, English, French, Italian, Spanish and German) International examination courses (Cambridge, TOEFL, DALF, DELE, CELI, etc) Preparation courses for the LINGUA Test Courses of Romanian for foreigners at three levels Courses preparing students for the language requirements at the university entrance examination Summer courses of Romanian language and South- Eastern culture and civilization Courses upon request/tailor-made courses 2. Tests of language ability: general/ business Tests of language ability for university entrance, BA, MA and PhD examinations Tests of language ability for employment, promotions, scholarships Placement tests 3. Translations Translation services II. Journals: Starting with 2002, the LINGUA Centre has been publishing the LINGUA Journal in two volumes per year: A. Linguistics and B. Culture and Civilization III. Programs: The “Lorenzo Renzi” Lexicography Centre The Cultural Project “Veneto- North-Western Europe”, in collaboration with the University of Padua (Italy) The LINGUA International Summer School of Romanian Language and South-Eastern Culture and Civilization, the 9th edition in 2007, in collaboration with the Arizona State University (USA) The LINGUA Literature Circle of the “Babes-Bolyai” University Students 27

**41. Institute of Physics “Ioan Ursu�

(Faculty of Physics; http://phys.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Onuc COZAR, PhD

1) Centre for Biomechanical and Environmental Physiscs - Prof. Onuc Cozar (cozar@phys.ubbcluj.ro)

2) Centre for the Science and Technology of Advanced Materials - Prof. Simion Simon (simons@phys.ubbcluj.ro) 3) Centre of Excellence - Physics of Solid Bodies - Prof. Aurel Pop (avpop@phys.ubbcluj.ro)

**42. Centre for Environmental and Biomedical Physics Laboratory

Director: Prof. Onuc COZAR, Ph.D. Tel.: +40.0264- 405300, int. 5154 Fax: +40.0264-590916 Contact person: Prof. Onuc COZAR, Ph.D., Lecturer Monica CULEA, PhD E-mail: cozar@phys.ubbcluj.ro, mculea@phys.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Development and validation of quantitative analysis methods for aminoacids (ID-GC-MS) from biological media (diagnosis for metabolic diseases, transport per membranes studies, amino-acids from plants and aliments); quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical products in biological medium; pharmacokinetic investigation of metabolism, diagnosis and clinical measuring; quantitative studies at path level by GC/MS with applications for water, soil, and air pollutants. Structural composition for determination of drugs, alimentary flavors, synthetically compounds; quantitative analysis for determination of VOCs, BTEX, PAHs pollutants from biological media, for determination of narcotics in blood Endowment: Gas Cromatograph-Mass Spectrometer -TRACE DSQ (ThermoFinnigan GC-MS)


**43. Centre for Science and Technology of Advanced Materials Director: Professor Simion SIMON, PhD. E-mail: simons@phys.ubbcluj.ro

Research field: the research of the centre members have evolved during the last five years in the following research areas: a) hyaline, ceramic materials; b) partially crystallized gels; c) materials of pharmaceutical and biomedical interest. Future objectives: concentration of human resources within „Babes-Bolyai”University in the field of advanced materials; official recognition at a European level.

National and international partners: achieved and scientific results developed in colaboration with external partners is reflected especially in issued scientific essays having authors from Wuerzburg – W. Kiefer, Aveiro – S.K. Mendiratta, Osnabruck-M. Neumann etc.

**44. BCUM: Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics – Laboratory for complex characterization of materials with technical applications Director: Prof. Aurel Pop, PhD E-mail: avpop@phys.ubbcluj.ro Website: http://www.phys.ubbcluj.ro

Services: -Analyses of crystalline structures and lattice parameters, by X-ray diffraction, in temperature range 77 – 1800 K; -Texture and internal stresses determination; -Magnetic measurements in fields up to 9 T, in temperature range 4.2 – 300 K; - Magnetic measurements in frequency range 10 Hz – 10 kHz and temperatures 4.2 K<T<300 K; - Magnetic measurements in temperature range 77 – 1000 K and fields up to 1 T; -Specific heat study in temperature range 4.2 – 300 K; -Resistance and magneto-resistance studies in temperature range 2-320 K and fields up to 7 T; - Mössbauer effect study at 57Fe nucleus in temperature range 77 - 1000 K; -Preparation of nano-materials by high energy ball milling; -Equipments for alloy preparation (induction and arc furnaces); -Thermal treatment and sintering facilities; -Hydraulic press; -Band structure calculations; -Consulting in the analysis of experimental data and models concerning physical properties of materials. Activities: Graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral programs in biophysics and medical physics, complex molecular systems, ecology. Structural studies on complex combinations of biomedical, biomaterial interest.


*45. Consortium of Nanosciences

(Faculty of Physics; http://phys.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Simion ASTILEAN, PhD E-mail: sastil@yahoo.com

Comprising the most efficient research units of BBU, the components of the Consortium of Nanosciences are actively involved in several international cooperation projects (mainly at European level) and have potential and strategic interest in expanding their collaboration. The Consortium of Nanosciences consists of: Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies; Laboratory of Bionanotechnologies; Laboratory of Nanobiophotonics and Laser Microspectroscopy Services: 1) We offer high performance instrumentation based on scanning confocal Raman microscopy (Witec CRM 200) to perform standard spectroscopic measurements (Raman, fluorescence, reflectivity)of high spatial resolution (~ 250 nm) as well as localized surface plasmons resonance (SPR) and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) We are able to characterize, identify and image non-destructively chemical components and their molecular structure existing in heterogeneous materials (thin films, (bio)polymers, semiconductors, glasses, etc.) in the field of nanotechnology, life science, geology, pharmaceutical and food industry. Additionally, an atomic force microscope (AFM) will be installed in the near future on the same instrument basis to be able to correlate the spectroscopic information with the local topography of samples.

2) We offer a large variety of nanostructured substrates (highly organized, regular arrays of noble-metal nanoparticles and films) with distinct optical properties and bio-chemical functionalities to operate as optical probe in bio- and chemical- sensing platform in the field of molecular Biology and Geology, medicine and environment monitoring. Endowment:Confocal Raman microscope (Witec CRM 200) with following modes of operation: acquisition of complete Raman spectra at every pixel, acquisition of Raman spectra at selected areas (microRaman), Raman spectral imaging, confocal microscopy in reflection, confocal fluoresc e n c e i m a g i n g ( w i t h a p p r o p r i a t e f i l t e r s ) , o p t i cal resolution diffraction limited lateral at 250 nm for 532 nm, excitation wavelength 532 nm and 633 nm, detection 150 – 3500 wavenumbers, AFM module (on progress)


• • •

Laboratory of Molecular Structure and Reshaping Laboratory of Supermolecular Electrochemistry Laboratory of Functionalised Nanostructural Materi-

• Physical Nanotechnologies - External laboratories • Laboratory of Carbon Nano-allotropes • Laboratory of Computational Shaping of Nanostructural Systems • other units that wish to participate in the research


46. Raman Spectroscopy Laboratory

(Faculty of Physics; http://phys.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Prof. Traian ILIESCU, PhD Tel.:+40.0264-405300 int 5188, E-mail: ilitra@phys.ubbcluj.ro, sastil@phys.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Conventional Raman spectroscopic measurements in order to identify the molecular structure of natural and synthetic organic and inorganic materials such as biological, pharmaceutical, geological, polymers etc; Compounds; measurements with amplified Raman signal (SERS-Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering) with very high sensitivity for molecules adsorbed on the silver and gold nanostructure substrates and colloidal solution; Endowment: Double m monochromatic GDM 1000 interfaced with LabViev acquisition system, argon ionized Laser Inova 92, He-Ne laser, Uv-Vis spectrometer Jasca-V530, software for processing analysis of the spectra; different auxiliary optical equipment (notch filter).

47. Institute of Interdisciplinary Experimental Research Director: Prof. Simion Simon, Ph.D. E-mail: simons@phys.ubbcluj.ro

*1. Molecular GlicoBiology and Geology

Director: Octavian POPESCU, PhD Tel.: +40.0264-454554 E-mail: opopescu@hasdeu.ubbcluj.ro

Services: -Scientific consultancy in the field of mediate cellular adhesion and recognition of glican-glican interaction. Endowment : -Nikon fluorescence microscope, HPLC device, complete equipment for proteins and nucleic acids electrophoresis, installation for images taking over and processing, spectrophotometer UV-VIS.


2. Regional Centre for Topographic Science, Cartography, Remote Sensing and GIS

Director: Assoc. Prof. Alexandru IMBROANE, PhD. Tel.: +40.0264-597988, 0740-878714 E-mail: alex@geografie.ubbcluj.ro

Services: We offer the whole range of services related to: remote sensing and GIS from feasibility studies to complete projects. GIS and Remote Sensing hybrid projects; digital cartography; high precision and accuracy topographic surveys using Total Stations and GPS equipment; Develop digital maps GIS compatible, satellite imagery adaptation, elaboration of arrangement plans, teledetection in various domains: urban planning and development, land use mapping, planning, change detection and zoning administration, infrastructure – communications, electricity, natural gas, water distribution, alignments-roadways, canals, pipelines. Equipment: Aristo A1, Plotter HP A0, Laminator A0, Pathfinder GPS Stations, Multimedia projector.

3. BCUM: National Centre for Magnetic Resonance

Director: Prof. Simion SIMON, PhD Tel.: +40.0264 – 405300 interior 5375, 5171, 5167 E-mail: simons@phys.ubbcluj.ro Contact persons : Prof. Simion SIMON PhD, CSIII Mihaela ALUAS PhD, Assist. Mihai VASILESCU, PhD


- NMR measurements for liquid and solid state samples containing one of the following: 1H, 7Li, 11B, 13C, 15N, , 19F, 23Na, 27Al, 29Si, 31P, 51V, 69Ga, 71Ga, 75As, 79Br, 81Br, 121Sb, 123Sb, 203Tl, 205Tl, 207Pb, 209Bi. Condition: paramagnetic centre concentration is less than 1%. NMR measurements can provide information about molecular dynamics and structural analyses; - A basic advantage of the Avance system is the possibility of using software like “NMR Suite”, DM-Fit, Simpson, Simmol. This helps the analysis, simulation and interpretation of the NMR spectra; - EPR measurements for samples containing paramagnetic centre. EPR measurements can provide information about molecular dynamics and structural analyses; - The Easy-Spin software helps the analysis, simulation and interpretation of the EPR spectra. Endowment: a) NMR spectrometer type AVANCE 400MHz Ultra-Shield (Bruker) for measurements of liquid and solid state samples. Magnetic field for this spectrometer is 9.395 T, from a superconducting coil, at liquid helium temperature; - For liquid state measurements we have a high resolution probe-head using NMR tubes of 5 mm diameter and 3 channels: 1H (proton), 2H (deuterium) and multinuclear channel X; measurements can be made at temperatures between 77 K and 310 K; - For solid state measurements we have 2 high resolution probe-heads, using magic angle spinning (MAS NMR) of the sample, with a frequency up to 35 KHz; measurements can be made at temperatures between 77 K and 310 K; b) RPE spectrometer type ADANI, for measurements of liquid and solid state samples, at room temperature:

- X band (9, 4 GHz); - magnetic field: 700 – 4700 Gauss.


And other laboratories.

48. Physics Institute

(Faculty of Physics; http://phys.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Prof. Ioan ARDELEAN, PhD Tel: +40.0264405300, int. 5165 E-mail: arde@phys.ubbcluj.ro Contact: Prof. Ioan ARDELEAN, PhD, Lect. Raluca CICEO LUCACEL, PhD

Services: Dielectric constant measurements in the 250-500 K temperature range at 120Hz, 1kHz, 10kHz and 100KHz. Dielectric dissipation factor (the tangent of the dielectric loss angle) in the 250-500 K temperature range at 120Hz, 1kHz, 10kHz and 100KHz. Dielectric rigidity measurements (electrical breakdown) at room temperature and voltage up to 60kV. Technological consultancy in the fields of oxide glass and ceramics Liquid nitrogen, 99, 5 % purity Endowmen: Our laboratory contains: RLC bridges, Keithley 3330, Nano-voltmeter, Keithley 2182, Tesla –type equipment for dielectric rigidity measurements (max. 60kV).

49. Thin Films Laboratory

(Faculty of Physics; http://phys.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Aurel POP, PhD Tel.: +40.0264-405390 int.5150, Fax: +40.0264 591906 E-mail: avpop@phys.ubbcluj.ro

Services: - Thin film deposition on different substrates (ceramics, single crystals, metals) by using DC and RF magnetron sputtering system; -The control of sputtering gas composition, substrate temperature and film thickness; Electrical resistance measurements function of temperature for thin films; Characterization of thin films surface morphology. Endowment: - Thin film deposition system from CRV (Centro Rappresentanze Vuoto) -Roma-Italia in collaboration with „Kurt J. Lesker”, Varian and Advanced Energy and Maxtek INC. Technical parameters: pressure of sputtering gas (argon and oxygen) between 10—3-10-6 Torr, substrate temperature in the range 300 K – 1300 K, system for in situ thin films measurements. System for electrical resistance measurement in the temperature range 40-300K; Optical microscope; Programmable heater by controllable atmosphere for thermal treatments; Magnetic Susceptibility balance (Faraday by horizontal compensation) 33

50. Centre for Educational Technology Transfer

(Faculty of Physics; http://phys.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Vasile CRIล AN, PhD Tel.:+40.0264-405300 int. 5422 E mail: vcrisan@phys.ubbcluj.ro Services:

Consultancy for e-learning and web development; Endowment:

Computer network

51. Laboratory for Spectral Analyses

(Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; http: www.chem.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Assoc. Prof. Tiberiu FRENลขIU, PhD. Phone +40.0264-593833, Fax +40.0264-590818 E-mail: ftibi@chem.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Risk assessment of heavy metals and arsenic exposure; speciation of the pollutant elements from industrial zones of non-ferrous metallurgy by sequential extraction; speciation of inorganic arsenic in soil; waste analysis; Endowment: Inductively coupled plasma simultaneous spectrometer (SPECTRO CIROS CCD), Flame atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS 1), Microwave digester (Berghoff MWS3+), Filtration system (Sartorius), magnetic shakers, Heidolph shakers, analytical balance, pH-meter (Orion 4Star), universal centrifuge (Hettich 320), mortar (Retsch AS 100), sieve shakers (Minor, Retsch AS200); Clients (customers); Environmental protection agencies; Treatment units of industrial and domestic wastes;Companies for inorganic and organic chemical industry; Companies for non-ferrous industry Research Institutions. 34

52. Vibrational Spectroscopy Laboratory

(Faculty of Physics; http://phys.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Prof. Onuc COZAR, Ph.D. Tel.: +40.0264- 405300, int. 5154 Fax: +40.0264-590916 E-mail: cozar@phys.ubbcluj.ro, mpuia@phys.ubbcluj.ro Contact person: Prof. Onuc COZAR, Ph.D., Physicist Mircea PUIA, PhD

Services: Expertise in spectroscopic infrared absorbtion measurements (IR) and Raman scaterring on a wide range of materials: glass, ceramic, biomaterials, biomolecular compounds with biomedical applications, plant extracts, polymers, semiconductors, metalic nanostructures. A significant range of materials and products are tested on a global basis by the lab network. As with all spectroscopic techniques, IR spectroscopy can be used to investigate the composition of samples (drugs, geological samples, archeological samples, biomaterials, glass, etc). Endowment: The Vibrational Spectroscopy Laboratory houses modified infrared and Raman spectrometers which are able to accommodate unconventional sample types. Available to the research community are the Raman instruments incorporating dispersive or Fourier transform capabilities: a Bruker FT spectrometer, EQINOX 55, Raman Module FRA 106/S with spectral range: 3600-70 cm-1. Nd YAG laser (1064nm) .

53. The Centre for Academic Teaching

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http://psiho.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Associate Professor Alina PAMFIL, PhD „PEDAGOGICA” Building, Str. Sindicatelor nr. 7, 400029, ClujNapoca, Tel. şi Fax: 597000, E-mail: apamfil@hotmail.com The Centre promotes and supports the development of the higher education and teaching quality at Babes-Bolyai University. The centre’s activities are focused on the training process of the students and pursue the establishment of a communication and professional cooperation area, inside the academic community from Cluj. Even more, the centre’s activity is integrated in the national academic area and pursues the initiation of communication with universitites from Europe. Practically speaking, the activities of the centre consist of: 1. round tables, summer schools and coloquies on academic teaching topics; 2. giving advice to the youth employed in the academic teaching; 3. inter- academic and within the academic area individual research projects. Activities developed in 2007: the conference ”Expertise and quality in academic teaching activity”; the summer school ”Academic lecture and seminar: excellence in teaching”. The centre is involved in two national research projects which pursue ”quality assurance of the academic activities of the Romanian universities”; the main project goals regard the configuration of active teaching strategies, capable of allowing the professional and personal development of the students. The success of the activities diployed until present brings forward the centre as a competent and dynamic partner in the international cooperation activities.


54. The Centre for Lifelong Education

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http://psiho.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Associate Professor Alina PAMFIL, PhD Tel. Ĺ&#x;i Fax: +40-264-597000 E-mail: apamfil@hotmail.com

The activity of the department for lifelong education within the Centre for Lifelong Education and Distance Learning responds to the exigences connected with dynamism, diversity and flexibility, and it evolves in the spirit of the cultural dimensions shaped by BBU: the culture of technological and scientific competence, the culture of organizational competence and the culture of personal development. The Department for Lifelong Education functions an interface between universities and professional backgrounds, on the one hand, between universities and cultural area of the city, on the other. On the whole, the centre’s activities regard the development and dissemination of a quality continuous training, capable to respond to the necessities of professional and cultural training of the individuals, as well as to the operational needs of the enterprises. Even more, the continuous training service makes available informational resources addressed not only to the target public, but also to the program purveyors within the university. Goals: the activities of the centre are oriented according to two major goals: configuration of pluridisciplinary spread course offer, adequate to the specific needs of the actual professions, grounded in top theoretical fields and practically relevant. Configuration of a series of conferences topically grouped and meant to respond to the personal development needs of the citizens of Cluj.

55. Modeling, Simulation, Control and Optimization Laboratory for the Design, Development and Testing Applications in Process Engineering and eLearning

(Faculty of Chemistry; http:// chem..ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Assoc. Prof. Eng. Vasile-Mircea CRISTEA, PhD Tel: +40 +40.0264-593833, ext. 5689, Fax. +40 264-590818 E-mail: mcristea@chem.ubbcluj.ro; aimre@chem.ubbcluj.ro Contact persons: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Cristea VasileMircea, Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. IMRE Lucaci Arpad

Services: Mathematical modeling and development of dynamic simulators for chemical plants, using analytical and statistical methods; Development and testing, on pilot plants, of advanced control algorithms based on mathematical modeling (Linear and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control) and by means of Artificial Intelligence instruments (Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms); Development of Computer Aided Process Engineering tools for process design and control; Development of monitoring and warning systems for the environmental pollution (water and air); Development of elearning education tools by implementing the tele-laboratory concept. Endowment: Distillation pilot plant (50 mm Diameter, 30 plates) with instrumentation and computer based monitoring and control system; 6 chemical process pilot plants for investigation and control of mass, heat and momentum transfer using computer aided tools; 3 computer networks; Software license for: AspenPlus, ChemCAD, Pro/II, HYSYS, LabView, COMSOL, MATLAB.


56. Atomic Force Microscopy Laboratory (BCUM cod 50B), Interfacial Supramolecular Structures, Thin Films

(Faculty of Chemistry; http:// chem..ubbcluj.ro) Director: Maria Tomoaia-Cotişel, PhD Tel: +40.0264-593833, Fax: +40.0264-590818 E-mail: amocanu@chem.ubbcluj.ro Contact person: Lecturer Aurora Mocanu

Services: The study of Blodgett-Langmuir films made of fatty acids or phospholipids and interactions between those and medicaments using atomic force microscope - Bio-physical and chemical characteristics of micro- and nanostructures made of biologically active substances; physical-chemical characterization of supramolecular structures obtained by Langmuir-Blodgett technique; the study of Blodgett-Langmuir films made of fatty acids or phospholipids, proteins or nucleic acids and interactions between those and certain medication using atomic force microscope (AFM); physical-chemical characterization of interfacial supramolecular systems, biomembrane models, physical-chemical characterization of certain nanostructured composite materials. Endowment: Atomic force microscope (AFM), JSPM-4210, made in Japan by JEOL; Langmuir-Blodget equipment, KSV 500, made in Finnland by KSV Instruments LTD

57. Alimentary Chemistry Laboratory

(Faculty of Chemistry; http://chem..ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Paul Şerban AGACHI, PhD Tel.: +40.0264-593833, fax: +40.0264-590818 E-mail: vcosov@chem.ubbcluj.ro Contact Person: Veronica Coşoveanu, PhD.

Services: -Physical-chemical analyses for: alcohol and alcoholic beverages, juice and concentrates, flour and flour products, bakery products, spices, coffee, aromatic plants, tobacco, sugar and sugar products, honey, fruits and vegetables preservation.

Endowment: -Spectrometer of absorption and transmission with flame AAS 1 (Carl Zeiss Jena), spectrometer of atomic absorption Heath (USA), Spectrometer UV-VIZ-Jasco V530, gas chromatograph coupled with mass spectrometer HP Thermofinnigan (Austria).


58. Electrochemical and Opt Spectral Analyses Laboratory

(Faculty of Chemistry; http:// chem..ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Prof. KÉKEDY NAGY Ladislau, PhD Tel.: +40.0264-593833, fax 40-264-590818 E-mail: lkekedy@chem.ubbcluj.ro

Services: -Determination of certain components (metals and hard metals, inorganic anions) in samples of environment (water, soil, biologic samples) using spectrometric and electrochemical methods, reflectance spectra determinations, color measurements using the CIE LAB system. Endowment: Flame Photometer Eppendorf FCM 6143, Flame spectrometer Heath EU-707, pole graph of continuous current OH-101, pole graph with square wave OH-104, multifunctional pole graph OH-107, conduct meter K-102, potentiometer pH-100, automatic titrator Metrohm 637, reflectance spectrophotometer (ICIA-Cluj).

59. National Centre for X-Ray Diffraction

(Faculty of Chemistry; http://chem..ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Prof. Cristian-Sorin SILVESTRU, PhD Phone: +40.0264-593833; FAX: +40.0264-590818 E-mail: richy@chem.ubbcluj.ro; cristi@chem.ubbcluj.ro Contact person: Lect. Dr. Richard Atilla Varga

Services: - Solid state crystal and molecular structure determination for inorganic, organic and organ-metallic compounds by diffraction at low temperature Endowment: - SMART APEX CCD system (single-crystal X-ray diffractometer) (Bruker AXS GmbH)



60. Electrochemical Energetics Laboratory

(Faculty of Chemistry; http://chem..ubbcluj.ro) Director: Assoc Prof.Eleonora Maria RUS, PhD Tel. +40.0264-593833, int. 5675 E-mail: norus@chem.ubbcluj.ro

Services: -Electrochemical conversion of energy; studies regarding specific problems of electrode processes in conventional and unconventional electrochemical sources; electrochemical characterization of active mass used in source working out and efficientization possibilities; electrochemical and structural characterization of composite membranes that can be used as separators in electrochemical converters; studies regarding the optimization of functioning parameters of energy sources; corrosion and anti-corrosive protection; identification of different forms of corrosion in environments with specific aggressive agents (atmosphere, natural waters, marine waters, soil, etc); draw up tests to trace, evaluate and track corrosion; modern methods to determine the corrosion speed; corrosion prevention possibilities through specific methods (material selection, profile design, coverage usage, inhibitors and electrochemical methods usage). Endowment: -Potentiostats-galvanostats, recording device XY, electronic PHmeters, digital multimeters, signal generators.

61. Laboratory of Eco-toxicology

(following RENAR procedures for accreditation) (Faculty of Biology and Geology; http:// bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Contact: Assoc. Prof. Cristina DOBROTÄ‚, PhD Assoc. Prof. Mihaela PONTA, PhD E-mail: crisd@bioge.ubbcluj.ro

Services: The analysis of contaminated soil and of granular waste materials and sledges and the assessment of waste conformity with European legislation; Determination of the heavy metal content by inductively coupled plasma spectrometry, humidity, pH and the conductivity determinations of alloys.

1. PR EN 14346 calculating the dry weight of the dry residue and water content. 2. SR EN 12457-1 Characterization of waste – Leaching. 3. SR EN 12506 Analysis of alloys. Determination of pH, As, Ba, Cd, Cl-, Co, Cr, CrVI, Cu, Mo, Ni, NO2-, Pb, S total, SO42-, V, Zn 4. SR EN 27888: 1997 Water quality. Determination of the electrical conductivity 39

5. SR ISO 10523:1997 Water quality. Determination of pH. 6. EN ISO 11885:1997 Water quality. Determination of 33 elements by inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy.

- biological methods for determining the level of eco-toxicity in soils. 1. SR ISO 11269-1: 1999 Determination of the effects of pollutants on soil flora – Methods for the measurement of inhibition of root growth. 2. SR EN ISO 10712: 2001 Pseudomonas putida growth inhibition test 3. SR EN ISO 11348 (1-4): 2003 Determination of the inhibitory effect of water samples on the light emission of Vibrio fischeri 4. ISO 14442: 2006 Guidance for algal growth inhibition tests with poorly soluble materials, volatile compounds, metals and waste water 5. ISO 11269-2: 2005 Soil quality- Effects of chemicals on the emergence and growth of higher plants 6. ISO 15799: 2003 Soil quality. Guidance on the eco-toxicological characterization of soil and soil materials Endowment: Specter Ciros CCD simultaneous spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma, AAS 1 flame atomic absorption and emission spectrometer, Berghoff microwave digester, Sartorius filtration system, magnetic shakers, analytical balances, Hettich Universal 320 centrifuge, vacuum pomp, reverse-osmoses water purifying, Sartorius carbon dioxide incubator, ADC Bio-scientific Ltd soil respiration system, ADC Bio-scientific Ltd bacterial colonies counter, ADC Bio-scientific Ltd leaf-meter, ADC Bio-scientific Ltd chlorophyll fluoromenter, bio-clave, Mettler Toledo potentiometric titrator, Mettler Toledo pH-meter, Jasco 530, spectrophotometer TD20/20 illuminometer, Retsch sieve system.


62. Laboratory for Integrated Studies – Facies-microfacies studies

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Ioan BUCUR, PhD Tel: +40 264 405371; E-mail: ibucur@bioge.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Facies-microfacies studies and micropaleontological-biostratigraphical studies on carbonate rocks; facies mapping of carbonate rocks; porosity measurements on hydrocarbon-bearing carbonate rocks or on limestone used as historic building materials (restoration works); facies rock quality relationship in carbonate rock mining works as raw materials for cement etc.; qualitative-quantitative (composition, microfacies, petrography, diagenesis) investigation of carbonate rocks based on thin sections; sedimentological and facies studies on carbonate and non-carbonate rocks with reconstruction of depositional sequences and architecture; implications on hydrocarbon exploration prognoses; paleo-ecological studies and paleo-environment reconstructions on Mesozoic and Cenozoic carbonate and non-carbonate rocks.

Endowment: Carl Zeiss AXIOSKOP and AXIOLAB polarizing microscopes, Carl Zeiss STEMI; 2000C, STEMI DRC, and STEMI DV with double lightning stereomicroscopes; equipment for microphotographs (including Sony Cyber Shot digital camera), equipment for thin sections preparation (cutting and polishing tools), computer mini-network, specialized library.

63. Histoembriology and Human Anatomy

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Doina-Victoria SANDU, PhD Tel.: +40.0264-595739 int. 128; fax 598700 E-mail: cpasca@biolog.ubbcluj.ro Contact Person: Cristina PaĹ&#x;ca

Services: Histological, histoenzimatic, histochemic investigations; embryology investigations, activities for the preservation of biologic material, activities for obtaining the histological preparations

Endowment: -microscopes, micro tomes, binocular magnifying lens, histotech, thermostatic closet, electric incubator, dissection kits, laboratory glass-ware, coloring matters and reactors for processing biological samples, moulds, material preserved in formalin, disparate skeletons and bones.


64. Aquatic Ecology Laboratory

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Lect. Laura MOMEU, PhD Tel: +40.0264-431878 E-mail: lmomeu@yahoo.com Contact: Reader Laura MOMEU, PhD

Services: Measurements of several physical and chemical parameters (dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity/salinity, temperature); qualitative assessments and quantitative estimations of algal communities from benthos and plankton; qualitative and quantitative analyses of benthic aquatic invertebrates and zooplankton community; organic matter from the sediment; granulometric analyses. Endowment: Car for field trips, boat, electro fishing gear, traps for plankton samples: Kemmerer sampler, ELA integrate sampler, tube (Ramberg type) for integrate samplings, Schindler Patalas trap, phytoplankton and zooplankton nets; benthos samplers: Surber benthos-meter, Ekman sampler, Petersen sampler, pomp for hyporheic samples, water analyses (in the field or in the laboratory): mobile pH-meter CONSORT P901, mobile conductivity and salinity meter CONSORT K911, mobile oxygen meter YSI 52, spectrophotometer Jasco UV-VIS, analytic scales Denver Instruments, ultra micro scales CAHN C35, microscopes and stereomicroscopes NIKON, digital camera, NIKON camera for microphotography, video camera adapted to stereomicroscope, growth room, V=600 l (with adjustable temperature and photoperiod).

65. Animal Physiology – Metabolism

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Corina ROĹžIORU, PhD Tel.: +40.0264-595739 ext. 117; fax: +40.0264598700 E-mail: crosioru@biolog.ubbcluj.ro

Services: metabolic assays, isolated organ perfusion (liver, heart), cell separations, obtaining of hyper-immune sera

Endowment: analytical and torsion balances, installation for the perfusion of isolated organs, spectrophotometers, Warburg apparatus, haemocytometers, automatic pipettes, sample collector, zoobase, experiment animals (mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits).


66. Laboratory of Micropaleontology

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Sorin FILIPESCU, PhD Tel: +40 264 405300 ext 5206 E-mail: sorin@bioge.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Micropaleontological studies and analyses for oil and gas industry: age determination of marine Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary formations; facies analyses and interpretations for marine sedimentary paleo-environments.

Endowment: Stereomicroscopes Olympus SZX7, CETI STEDDY-B, Carl Zeiss STEMI 2000C, STEMI DRC, STEMI DV4, photo digital cameras and image acquisition + processing software, Endecotts micropaleontological sieves and processing accessories, access to electron microscopes (SEM, TEM).

67. Electron Microscopy Centre

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Constantin CRÄ‚CIUN, PhD Tel/Fax: +40.0264-598700 http://hasdeu.ubbcluj.ro/emc E-mail: ccraciun@hasdeu.ubbcluj.ro

Services: structural and ultra-structural studies in the fields of Biology and Geology, medicine, agriculture, geology, physics, chemistry and all industrial branches, and also training courses in master, doctoral and post-doctoral programs; electron microscopic analysis, technical and scientific counseling activities in the following fields: o natural sciences: study of animal and vegetal cells in normal and pathological conditions (including pollution); broadening the knowledge of cellular and sub-cellular structure, and of processes that affect life; o earth sciences: structural and chemical microanalysis (2D and 3D images) of minerals, rocks and microfossils; elemental microanalysis with an EDX system of 94 chemical elements (from boron to uranium); o structural Biology and Geology: 2D and 3D imag43

ing of macromolecular complexes; applications in chemistry, biotechnologies, pharmaceutical design, etc.; o material sciences: structural characterization of modern materials (plastics, adhesives, paper, paints, composites, etc.) and of their modifications in different conditions; performance evaluation and quality control; o microelectronics: 2D and 3D metrology and microanalysis of semiconductors and of data storage materials; optimization of manufacturing performance; o quality control: detection of structural defects and of impurities through SEM, TEM and EDX analysis; assistance in launching new products on the market and consumer protection. Endowment: - 2 transmission electron microscopes (TEM); 2 scanning electron microscopes (SEM); an Olympus light microscope with a CCD camera (fluorescence, phase contrast, DIC, etc.); 2 ultra-microtomes; 2 knife-makers; 2 critical point driers; a vacuum coater; a sputter coater; an automated tissue processor; a computer network for image processing

68. Laboratory of ExoBiology and Geology

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Conf. Cristina DOBROTÄ‚, PhD Tel.: +40.0264-405300, int.5203 E-mail: crisd@bioge.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Analysis of physiological characteristics of plants under shielded magnetic environment, chemical composition, environmental characteristics of plant growth and development, water uptake, transpiration, gutation, photosynthesis, respiration, germination, movement;

Endowment: Hanna C200 Multi-parameter, ABBE Prism refractometer, magnetic shielded boxes, centrifuges, ADC Bio-scientific Ltd leaf-meter, ADC Bio-scientific Ltd chlorophyll fluoromenter, bio-clave, Mettler Toledo potentiometric titrator, Mettler Toledo pH-meter, Jasco 530, spectrophotometer TD20/20 illuminometer.


69. Vegetal Genetic Engineering Laboratory

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Elena RAKOSY, PhD. Contact: Tel.: +40.0264-431878 E-mail: lrakosy@hasdeu.ubbcluj.ro

Services: In vitro plant multiplication, consultancy regarding the applicability of technology in the horticultural practice, genetic transformation and somatic hybridization of plants, consultancy regarding the influence of plants modified genetically upon the environment or human health, including the public informing.

Endowment: -inverted Olympus microscope, classical and digital photo camera, fluorescence Olympus BX-60 stereomicroscope, electrophori device, proteins and nucleic acids electrophoresis equipment, termocycler (PCR), 2 electro fusion devices, 5 enclosures for laminating with sterile air wave, 2 thermostatic rooms for growing plants in vitro, Sartorius scales, centrifuges, spectrophotometers, video camera and soft, sterilizing devices (drying closet, autoclave, under pressure vessels).

70. Laboratory of Physiology and Ecological Physiology of Metabolism

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Conf. Cristina DOBROTĂ, PhD Tel.: +40.0264- 405300 int.5203 E-mail: lfodorp@bioge.ubbcluj.ro Contact: Conf. FODORPATAKI László, PhD

Services: - Determinations concerning chemical composition of biological mixtures for structural, conformational and activity characterization (lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, pigments, vitamins, secondary metabolites); determinations concerning the effects of environmental factors on growth, organogenesis and regeneration of plants

Endowment: - Photosynthetic efficiency analyzer, radiometer, sterile bench, spectrophotometer UV-VIS, centrifuge, growth chamber, microscopes, incubators. 45

71. Biomembranes and cell bioenergetics

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Corneliu TARBA, Ph.D. Tel.: +40.0264- 431691, Fax. +40.0264-431858 E-mail: cntarba@biochem.ubbcluj.ro

Services: - Separation of cell organelles, recording of the oxygen consumption rates at the level of animal cells, bacteria and chloroplasts, measurements of membrane potential in suspensions of cells and organelles with the aid of spectral probes, preparation of liposomes and their use for incorporation of natural and artificial compounds for biomedical purposes.

Endowment: - thermostatted centrifuges and ultracentrifuges, recording oxymeters, computerized spectrophotometers (including a diode array spectrophotometer), ELISA plate reader, ultrasonic cell disruptor, electrophoresis facilities, pH-meters, etc.

72. Laboratory of Theriology

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Assoc. Prof. Ioan COROIU, PhD. Tel.: +40.0264-595739, +40.0264-591483 E-mail: icoroiu@hasdeu.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Consulting in identification, monitoring and protection of bats, micromammals and birds, impact assessment in anthropic and natural ecosystems, documentation preparation for designating new protected areas

Endowment: Bat detector, stereomicroscopes, photo and video, binoculars, field scopes, GPS, chiropterological and ornithological mist nets, live traps for micrommamals, field guides.


73. Paleotheriology and Quaternary Geology Laboratory

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Vlad CODREA, PhD Tel. +40.0264 405300/5214, Fax: +40.0264 1919 06 E-mail: vcodrea@bioge.ubbcluj.ro Contact Person: Vlad CODREA, PhD

Services: -Sediment processing with separation of micro vertebrate content; determination of terminal Mesozoic, Cenozoic and quaternary micro vertebrate associations in order to establish the age of the origin formations; sample preparation with the emission of the rest of matrices vertebrate fossils and the appropriate consolidation; drawing up of didactic/ scientific collections for secondary education and museum network. Endowment: -matrix emission devices (compressor, emission devices with compressed air, etc), device for the preparation of paleontologic materials from the sphere of vertebrate paleontology (sandblaster), motorpomp, sieves sets for sediment washing, binocular magnifying glass.

74. Structural Geology Laboratory

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Ioan BALINTONI, PhD Tel: +40.0264-405300 int. 5200, 5217 E-mail: ibalinto@bioge.ubbcluj.ro, balica@bioge.ubbcluj.ro Contact person: Asist. Constantin BALICA

Services: Structural Geology, interpretation of microstructures, microtectonics, geological maps plottering/digitizing, GIS, image analysis.

Endowment: 4 computers with upgaded graphical capabilities, digital slide, optical microscope Nikon, polarizer with photo system, plotter A0.


75. Biochemistry and biophysics

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Assist. prof. Horia BANCIU, PhD. Tel.: +40.0264-431691 E-mail: hbanciu@biochem.ubbcluj.ro

Services: - Protein purification, physical and chemical studies of protein stability, enzyme kinetics, photo-colorimetric and spectrophotometer determinations of important biomedical compounds.

Endowment: - Electrophoresis facilities (Mini-Protean and Protean II) for 1D and 2D maximum resolution, IEF (isoelectric focusing apparatus for immobilines), electro-blotting apparatus, spectrofluorimeter, diverse spectrophotometers, HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography), chromatography columns and fraction collectors, thermostatic centrifuges, etc.

76. Laboratory of Phytopathology and Mycology

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Lecturer Marcel PĂ‚RVU, PhD Tel.: +40.0264-592152-26; +40.0264-431858 E-mail: mparvu@personal.ro; mparvucluj@yahoo.com

Services:- plant disease identification (caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses) and disease control management; testing in vitro action of some antifungal products (plant extracts, fungicides), in order to set up the biological efficacy of the products; identification of the main edible, non-edible, and poisonous mushrooms; identification of fungi developing on building materials (wood, walls, etc.) and performance of the biological survey needed in constructions; organization of improvement and specialization lectures in mycology and phytopathology. Endowment: CX31 Olympus Microscope with image acquiring system, Memmert drying closet, 100 Class Sterile Helios Airflow, STILLO water distiller, Thermostat, EXACTA horizontal autoclave, Stereomicroscope, Zanussi Refrigerator, Lab balance, the devices (chemicals, inoculation instruments, lab glassware, etc.) needed for the cultivation of fungi in sterile conditions; collection of phytopathogenic fungi isolated on nutritive medium. 48

77. Gemological and Applied Mineralogy Laboratory

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Corina IONESCU, PhD Tel: +40.0264 405358 E-mail: corinai@bioge.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Qualitative and quantitative mineralogical analyses for clays and clay minerals; mineralogical and petrographic analyses for magmatic and metamorphic rocks; studies on phase composition of synthetic materials: ceramics, cement, refractory; mineralogical, petrographic, archaeometric and geo-archaeological studies on ancient ceramics and lithium tools; gemological expertise such as: identification of natural and synthetic gemstones as well as grading and evaluation of natural gemstones.

Endowment: Polarizing microscopes (transmitted and reflected light), gemological microscope with immersion cell, polariscope, XRay diffractometer, stereomicroscope, hand loupes, hydrostatic balance with density kit, heavy liquids, hardness set, refractometer for minerals, diamond tester for loose stones, VIS spectroscopes, UV lamp, cold light lamp, cameras for microscopes, specific library.

78. Insect Taxonomy and Ecology

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Laszlo RAKOSY, PhD Tel. +40 264545739; Mobil 0745645843 E-mail: laszlorakosy@hasdeu.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Identification of invasive organism and evaluation of their impact both in anthropic and natural ecosystems; elaboration of the documentation for the protected areas, proposal for supplements to the UE FFH-Directive, feasibility and impact studies for any great projects as: highways, Ski-paths, lifts, canals, dams, etc; biodiversity evaluation in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, identification of the insect pest and recommendations for warning and control. Endowment: - stereomicroscopes, microscopes, light-traps, generators, car.


79. Herpetology and Etiology Laboratory

(Faculty of Biology and Geology; http://bioge.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Ioan GHIRA, PhD Tel.: +40.0264-595739 E-mail: ighira@biolog.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Consultancy in herpetological field: species identification, habitat microclimate preferences; feeding, reproduction; UICN status; conservation; management of threatened or protected species; impact and biodiversity studies (for herpetofauna) Ecological education for awareness of school people, students and locals concerning herpetofauna Consultancy in ethological field: wild animal behavior

Endowment: Vivarium with native and exotic species of reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals; mice, Tenebrio monitor and cricket farm for experiments and feeding the animals from Vivarium; special spaces for breeding and observations, stereomicroscope Nikon, microscope, special equipment and software for recording and processing image and sound.

80. Laboratory of Geomorphology- Pedology Analysis

(Faculty of Geography; http:// geografie.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Professor Virgil SURDEANU, PhD Tel/fax: +40.0264597988 E-mail: surdeanu@geografie.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Studies of natural risk elaboration, the monitoring of mass-wasting processes on mountainous and hilly areas, evolution of degraded landscapes, studies on degraded soils, physical and chemical features of surface deposits (soils, alluvial fan, slope deposits). Endowment: -particle size analysis apparatus, Atterberg limits determinations apparatus, dendrochronology analysis apparatus, conductometers, pH-meters, centrifuge apparatus, mechanical stirring machine, calcimeter Scheibler, GPS, topographical measurement devices, etc. Potential beneficiaries: -institutions and organizations with studies focused on planning of territory (Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Transport, residences and tourism: Ministry of Agriculture: County Departments for Agriculture, County Departments for forestry, County Departments for building areas; Ministry of Economy: the Inspectorates for crisis situations; other institutions focused on rural and urban development, etc. 50

81. Laboratory of Hydrology

(Faculty of Geography; http:// geografie.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Prof. Gavril PANDI, PhD Tel/Fax: +40.0264 – 597988 E-mail: pandi@geografie.ubbcluj.ro, serban@geografie.ubbcluj.ro, rbatinas@geografie.ubbcluj.ro. Contact persons: Lecturer Şerban GHEORGHE, PhD, Lecturer Răzvan BĂTINAŞ, PhD

Services: - studies regarding the water supply and sewage waters systems at local and regional level; studies regarding dangerous hydrological phenomena in order to control their effects on the environment; complex lymnological studies; the achievement of specific lymnological studies with the help of the latest technology; studies regarding the dynamic and prognosis of lacustrian units clogging; studies regarding the evaluation and re-evaluation of lakes capacity with the establishment of characteristic elements; studies regarding the lakes water quality in seeing their use as a surface sources in water supply systems; studies regarding the use of lakes potential for tourist purposes; the achievement of measurements campaign of water discharges on rivers and channels at different types of users, for the establishment of hydro-balances or for the probation of water volumes used in different phases of the technological processes; complex measurements of hydrological parameters of watercourses and specific thematic campaigns (rivers drought, profile and mapping of the topographical surfaces in the neighborhood of the aquatic units etc.).

Endowment: - Echo-sounder, water quality multi-parameters units (WTW 340i, Photo Lab S12), GPS and IT units with specific software packages and other specific instruments used for water measurements.

Potential beneficiaries: County and local councils, city halls, specific enterprises, specific departments from different units involved in the water management programs.


82. Laboratory of Technical Geography

(Faculty of Geography; http://geografie.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Lecturer Nicolaie HODOR, PhD; Lecturer Ioan RUS, PhD; Tel/fax: +40.0264-597988 E-mail: nicuhodor@yahoo.com; nelurus@geografie.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Topographic, Cartographic and Cadastral Consultancy, Topographic Measurements with Total Stations and GPS, Map Production (General and Thematic Maps-Physic, Economic, Historic, Urban, Hazard Maps) –Analogical and Digital, Topographical and Cadastral Documentations, Renovation of Plans and Maps, Plotter and whiteblack Scanner, A0, Pre-press Arrangement, (Film Decomposition), Production of Technical Documentation (Topographic, Cartographic and Cadastral), Realization of Graphic Models and Digital Elevation Models, Data Base in Digital Format, Geographical and Historical Atlases, Building Evaluation, Elaboration of Cartographic Documents for the Monographs of Localities. Endowment: Tachometers, Optical and Electronically Levels, Stereoscopes, Plan-meters, Scanners A0, Plotters A0, Total Stations, GPS, Digitizing Tables, Computer Network and Cartographic Software, Topographic and Thematic Maps and Plans, Aerial Photography, Satellite Images. Potential Beneficiary: - Physical Persons; - Companies; - Institutions and Organisms of Management and Mapping for Territory (Minister of Administration and Internal Affairs, Minister of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development, Minister of Economy and Business, Minister of Education, Research and Youth, Minister of Environment and Water Managements, Minister of Culture and Religion, Minister of Communication and IT, Minister of Transport, Building and Tourism and their Department Directions, City Halls and Local Councils, ONG)


83. Laboratory of Climatology

(Faculty of Geography; http:// geografie.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Ionel HAIDU, PhD. Tel.: +40.0264- 418652 E-mail: ionel_haidu@geografie.ubbcluj.ro

Offers: Climatic risk calculations based on GIS, modeling of climacteric variations, regional climactic characterization assisted by GIS, cloud burst by Now Casting prognosis. Endowment: E09-01 and A730 meteorology stations, software.

84. Centre for Tourism Training

(Faculty of Geography; http:// geografie.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Associate Professor Silvia IRIMIEA, PhD Contact person: Alina Codruta PERTEA Tel: +40.0264 432020 Email: alis_codruta@yahoo.com

Services: 1. training modules for 2 career profiles: tourism agent and tourism manager 2. library 3. tourism and vocational counselling Endowment: 2 fully equipped rooms(IT technology included); a secretarial office and library



85. “Albert Ellis” Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Laboratory

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http:// psiho.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Daniel DAVID, Associate Professor, PhD Telephone: +40.0264/590967 E-mail: danieldavid@psychology.ro

Services: • ensuring optimal teaching activities for undergraduate faceto-face and distance learning students in Psychology; • conducting laboratory activities for undergraduate students; • preparing dissertation papers in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy • conducting laboratory activities for the students enrolled in master programs; • clinical practice and supervision activities for master students; • opportunities for preparing and developing master dissertations.

86. Experimental Psychology Laboratory

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http://psiho.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Dorothea IONESCU, Lecturer, PhD. Telephone: +40.0264/599402 E-mail: theaionescu@psychology.ro

Services: • ensuring optimal teaching activities for undergraduate faceto-face and distance learning students in Psychology; • conducting laboratory activities for undergraduate students; • offering research opportunities to students; • opportunities to prepare dissertation papers in Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Psychology.


87. Industrial Psychology Laboratory

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http://psiho.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Horia D. PITARIU, Professor, PhD. Telephone: +40.0264/598751 E-mail: horia_pitariu@yahoo.com

Services: • ensuring optimal teaching activities for undergraduate faceto-face and distance learning students in Psychology; • organizing research and data processing activities for undergraduate and master level students; • opportunities for developing dissertation papers in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Human Resources Evaluation, Advertising Psychology, and Cognitive Ergonomics.


88. School Psychology Laboratory

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http://psiho.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Adrian OPRE, Associate Professor, PhD. Telephone: +40.0264/590223 E-mail: adrianopre@psychology.ro


Services: • ensuring optimal teaching activities for undergraduate faceto-face and distance learning students in Psychology; • conducting laboratory activities for master students; • opportunities for developing dissertation papers in School Psychology.


89. Didactic Laboratory

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http:// psiho.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Conf. Liliana CIASCAI, PhD Tel: +40.0264-598814 int. 6110 E-mail: lciascai@staff.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Research in the field of Applied Sciences Didactics; the organization and the development of K-12 teachers in training sessions (initially, refresh courses); the organization and development of educational activities, such as: summer schools, camps, symposia, exhibitions; support offered to educational institutions in order for them to access and become involved in local, national and international programs; project activities and project management upon request by educational institutions; the development of educational research upon request by beneficiaries; promotion actions of educational activities; giving technical and didactic assistance to institutions involved in education through the use of NTIC in the teaching-learning process; the elaboration of educational materials (courses, guides etc.) for K-12 grades; educational units curricular development consultancy and assistance; counseling in the school-community relation; counseling with a view to the development of intercultural education, health education, environment education, civic education programs; counseling for the didactic career.

Endowment: physics, chemistry, Biology and Geology kit, multimedia equipment

90. Multimedia Laboratory for Applied Pedagogical Sciences

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http://psiho.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Conf. Cristian STAN, PhD. Tel.: +40.0264- 598814, int. 6101 E-mail: cstan@psiedu.ubbcluj.ro

Services: To project and put into practice computer assisted learning, develop design for diverse educational activities and educational software. Develop and apply standardized tests for evaluation, analyze didactical activities recorded on electronic support.

Endowment: 20 computer stations (Pentium IV), printer, Internet connection, 4 digital cameras (Sharp and Sony), laboratory for multimedia and digital operations, 2 video projectors Sony.


91. Laboratory for Educational Audiology

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http:// psiho.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Assoc. Prof. Maria ANCA, PhD. Tel.: +40.0264- 405300, int. 5337 E-mail: manca@psiedu.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Diagnosis and examination of the additive functions by tonal and vocal audiometric; Personalized projects elaboration for development of verbal audition and communication skills for children with audition and language disabilities.

Endowment: Audiometers, computers, software for computer assisted audiometric measurements, language stimulation and nonverbal psychological tasks.

92. Laboratory for Early Education

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http:// psiho.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Vasile PREDA, PhD. Tel.: +40.0264- 405300, int. 6102 E-mail: vpreda@hiphi.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Early Psycho-pedagogical diagnosis; Individualized educational projects development; activities for psychological development stimulation.

Endowment: Educational software for children with disabilities, video archive with case studies, psycho-diagnosis samples.


93. Centre for Pedagogy and Academic Methodology

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http://psiho.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Assist. Simona-Elena BERNAT Tel.: +40.0264- 5998814, int. 6101 E-mail: sbernat@psiedu.ubbcluj.ro

Services: The CPMU aim is the developing of didactical activities through: long life learning programs, consultancy for didactical activities organizing and management, consultancy in management and implementation of educational projects, support for research activities, best practice dissemination. Endowment: - methodologies, information resources, technological resources.

94. Multimedia Laboratory for On-line Educational Platforms

(Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education; http://psiho.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Cトフトネin Glava, Lecturer, PhD Tel.: +40.0264-598814 int. 6113 E-mail: cglava@psiedu.ubbcluj.ro

Services: -Courses: On-line Educational Platforms and Informatics and computer assisted teaching; training for using on-line platforms and BSCW; practice of virtual media of communication I-Visit, Smart Meeting, Skype; educational software usage (Camtasia) and techniques for planning teaching activities using the Internet (Webquest).

Endowment: -Headphones for meetings and virtual conferences, digital camera, IBM ThinkPad notebook, Toshiba Satellite notebook, Sharp copier, retro projector, 2 flipcharts.


95. BCUM: National Centre for Management of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration; http:// econ.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Ioan LAZÄ‚R, PhD. Tel.: +40.0264- 418652 E-mail: ilazar@econ.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Consultancy, audit and expertise, knowledge transfer, courses and training by request. Endowment: Computer network, printers, video-projectors, software: S.O. Windows, Linux, MS Office, web-server apache, Programming language C++, Java, Visual Basic, and library.

96. Rural economy and Agrarian Policies

(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration; http://econ.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Prof. Maria VINCZE, PhD. Tel.: +40.0264-543059 E-mail: mvincze@econ.ubbcluj.ro

Services: Elaborate studies regarding labor supply and level of work occupancy in rural environment; diagnosis analysis for rural micro-regions; elaboration of developmental strategies; studies regarding the impact of the Romanian accession to EU on Romanian agriculture; courses in Agrarian Policies and Developmental Policies in EU. Endowment: - video-projector, laptop, retro-projector Geographic Information System


97. Proinvest Centre

(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration; http://econ.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Marcel Pop, Lecturer, PhD Co-ordinates: Tel.: +40.0264-418654, int.5885 E-mail: incipit2003@yahoo.com Contact person: drd. Romana Cramarenco

Services: Continuing education, dissemination and actualization of specialized knowledge, facilitating the acknowledgement of the perspective in which business should be considered and managed.; consultancy services for finding out plural-disciplinary integrate solutions to the companies’ problems; activities for stimulating business initiative; concrete programs facilitating foreign investments in the North-Western region of the country. For all that the centre offers the possibility of preparing the necessary documentation for implementing national and European financing programs (PHARE, SAPARD, ISPA, LEONARDO DA VINCI, Investments in tourism –Tourism Ministery etc)

98. Bio-metric laboratory

(Faculty of Physical Education and Sport; http://sport.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Prof. Mariana MAROLICARU, PhD Tel.: +40.0264- 420709 Contact person: Lecturer D. Rareş CIOCOI-POP, PhD E-mail: drares@sport.ubbcluj.ro; cpdrares@yahoo.com

Services: Measurement of fitness capacity for athletes and sport teams as well as for private individuals; anthropometrical measurements for school classes (on demand)

Endowment: Platform for the study of walking, ergonometric bicycle, apparatus and devices for the study and measurement of body and human movement;


99. Multimedia Laboratory

(Faculty of Physical Education and Sport; http://sport.ubbcluj.ro) Director: Conf. Mircea Alexei, PhD Tel.: +40.0264- 420709 E-mail: mirceaalexei@hotmail.com

Services: Biomechanical analysis based on stadium competitions recorded on videotapes. Records and data processing and images generation aided by computer systems; video assistance for athletics and other sportive trainings. We develop training programs and optimization for training programs. We elaborate web sites, PowerPoint presentations, films and studies. Endowment: - multimedia and audio-video equipment

100. Laboratory for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property

(Faculty of Orthodox Theology; http://ot.ubbcluj.ro)

Director: Annamaria Baciu, Lecturer, PhD Contacts: Annamaria Baciu, Lecturer,PhD, Cosmin Trif Tel.: +40.0264- 431005, 0724569084 E-mail: aniamebaciu @yahoo.com; ctrif@ot.ubbcluj.ro

With professional modules for investigation, conservation and restoration of easel, wooden support and wall paintings Services: Artistic works expertise Projects of preservation and restoration interventions on cultural heritage Execution of preservation and restoration projects (either our own or elaborated by a third party) on cultural heritage Endowment: -Specific equipment for the investigation and intervention on different types of support (wall, wood, stone, metal, textile, paper) 62

*101. The Centre for Ecumenical Studies

Director: Reverend Professor Ioan-Vasile LEB, PhD. Vice director: Assistant Péter István, PhD candidate. Documentation Assistant: Dacian But-Căpuşan, PhD. Contact: lebioan@yahoo.com Projects proposed within the Ecumenical Centre:

• The development of the Ecumenical Centre Library (book donations from Frankfurt) • Issuance of an Atlas of religions in collaboration with foreign printing houses • Development of a summer school program within the Ecumenical Centre, in international languages (English, German, French, as well as Hungarian), or the translation from Romanian into other languages will be assured. Target public: the students from the Faculty of Theology, as well as from the partner universities. • The continuance of the periodical organization of the seminar Multi-confessional Cluj Activity: - conference:”The Presence of Christ resurrected among us. Spirituality for Ecumenism”, Holy Mary Church, May 27, 2006.

Seminar: The Display of confessional behaviour – presentation of every confession, city tour, visit to representative churches and bishops: the Orthodox, the Uniate, the Unitarian and Evangelical, in the framework of the study trip to Romania of Professor Günter Wenz, PhD, from Ludwig-Maximilians University of Muenchen, accompanied by a group of 20 students (October 4 , 2006).

International symposium: Bioethics and Theology in collaboration with the Faculty of Orthodox Theology and the Association for Dialogue between Science and Theology in Romania, Cluj branch, 1718 October, 2006.


* Centers authorized at BBU ** Centers authorized at CNSIS


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