UKZN Research Report 2008/2009

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Mr Bill Gates visits an HIV Laboratory at UKZN.



Message of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal


Message of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research


and the University Dean of Research Research Focus Areas


Leading Research Centres


South African Research Chairs Initiative


(SARChI) NRF Rated Researchers


Fellows of the University


Prolific Researchers


Top Published Researchers


Emerging Researchers


Doctoral Graduates


Research Grants and Contracts 2008


Research Grants and Contracts 2009


Statutory and External Income


Department of Higher Education and Training


(DoHET) Accredited Publications 2008 Department of Higher Education and Training


(DoHET) Accredited Publications 2009 Books Published by the UKZN Press:


2008 and 2009


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


Professor Malegapuru W Makgoba Vice-Chancellor and Principal


During the 2008-9 period, UKZN continued to maintain its pre-eminence

programmes for the KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis

in research, through increased research productivity and excellence in

and HIV/AIDS (K-RITH). The funding included R218 million for the

performance by our researchers. The 2008 publication research output

construction of an ultra-modern state-of-the art research facility and

was 977.45 units, as credited by the Department of Higher Education

a further US$40 million for research capacity development over a 10

and Training (DoHET). This was a 12 percent increase over the previous

year period.

year and it was the third highest in the country. The weighted output per

In 2009, the University Library embarked on a huge project to digitise

staff member, increased by 19 percent to 0.95 of the DoHET norm.

all our theses and dissertations, as well as launched the Research

UKZN also continued to maintain its position in the top 500 universities

Space facility for accessing the digitised material, thus enhancing our

on the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) list.

capacity to disseminate knowledge on African scholarship. The UKZN

In 2009, UKZN had 156 NRF rated researchers compared to 137

Press published over 40 books, during the two year period, some of

in 2007, and five of them were A-rated. An additional researcher was

which were authored by UKZN staff and featured in the best seller

appointed to the South African Research Chair Initiative (SARChI) Chair


bringing to a total of eight the number of SARChI chair holders, one of

Last year Senate commissioned a review of the institutional research

whom being female. Quite a number of our researchers also received

productivity. The report of the Task Team that was commissioned, gave

prestigious honours and awards in recognition of their excellence in

a comprehensive analysis of the institutional research profile and its


findings are instrumental in shaping the institutional future plans to

From 2008 to 2009, the Research Office processed new grants

Pre-eminence in Research


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

enhance our productivity.

and contracts worth R477 million. Additionally, the UKZN Foundation

With the above achievements, UKZN can pride itself in being on

raised over R100 million to support various research and development

the right course in pursuit of its vision of being a research-led Premier

activities. In 2009, UKZN and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

University of African Scholarship. I would like to thank all the researchers

(HMMI) signed an agreement to fund infrastructure and research

who are contributing to our institutional research success.

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


Professor Nelson Ijumba Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research

Professor Cheryl Potgieter University Dean of Research

I A Research-led University


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

In 2008/9 the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) continued to be true

awarded the P-rating, for his outstanding work as a young scientist.

to its mission of being a research-led university. There was a notable

Programmes have been put in place by the Research Office to improve

increase in research productivity as well as the number of researchers

the institutional participation in the NRF rating system as well as

being recognised nationally and internationally for their excellence.

increase the number of Female and Black rated researchers.

In 2008, the publications units credited by the Department of Higher

UKZN continues to maintain its links with retired and other external

Education and Training increased by 12 percent to 977.45, from the 2007

research active staff through Senior Research Associates (SRAs)

figure, making it the third highest in the country. The weighted output

and Honorary Research Fellow (HRFs) appointments. By the end of

per staff member increased to 95 percent of the norm, compared to 80

2009 there were 35 SRAs and 36 HRFs contributing actively to the

percent in 2007. In 2009, the research publications output increased

institutional research productivity.

to 1108.20 (13 percent) units and the weighted output per staff to 112

In 2009, Professor Julian May was appointed NRF SARChI Chair

percent of the norm, which was an 18 percent increase over the 2008

for Applied Poverty Reduction Assessment. This brought to eight the

level. The proportion of research active staff increased from 69 percent

number of SARChI Chairs at UKZN, one of them being female. During

to 75 percent (2009), while the proportion of staff with doctorates

the period of review, a number of our researchers were recognised

increased from 39 percent (2008) to 40 percent (2009). According

and honoured for their excellent and significant contributions in their

to the Academic Ranking of World of Universities (ARWU) system, in

respective areas of expertise. Professor Anna Coutsoudis received the

2009, UKZN improved its position in the top 500 universities.

2009 Academy of Science of South Africa (Assaf) Gold Medal for her

The number of researchers with NRF rating increased from 137 in

outstanding research on public health issues for children in Southern

2007 to 144 in 2008 and 156 in 2009. About 15 percent of the rated

Africa and other HIV endemic regions in the world. Professor Salim

researchers were Black in 2008 and 13 percent in 2009. Females

Abdool Karim received the prestigious Prize for Medical Science

constituted about 27 percent of the rated researchers in 2009, compared

from the Third World Academy of Sciences for his exceptional and

to 23 percent in 2008. Of the rated researchers in 2008/9, the following

distinguished contribution to public health and medicine, especially

had the prestigious A-rating: Professor Michael Chapman (School of

in HIV prevention and treatment. The Vice-Chancellor, Professor

Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts), Professor Patricia Berjak

Malegapuru Makgoba was elected to the Scientific Advisory Board of

(School of Biological and Conservation Sciences), Professor Rob Gous

the Mymetics Corporation of Switzerland, a biotechnology company

(School of Agriscience and Agribusiness), Professor Michael Henning

focussing on the development of the next generation of preventive

(School of Mathematical Sciences) and Professor Steve Johnson

vaccines. Ms Celia Snyman won the “Fellowship for Women Scientists�

(School of Biological and Conservation Sciences). In 2008, Professor

in the South African Women in Science Awards of the Department of

Serban Proches from the School of Environmental Sciences was

Science and Technology.

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


In 2008, UKZN was the most successful participant in the NRF

research grants to emerging researchers, about R2.04 million was

In 2008/9 the University Library developed a model for proactive

In 2009, studies conducted both by UREC and the Senate revealed

Thuthuka programme. A total of 79 researchers were awarded R5.72

awarded as doctoral support grants and in the same period, a total

librarianship in support of researchers. A Research Commons space

that the publications output by female and Black researchers, but

million by the NRF, which was supplemented by an institutional

of R28 million was paid out as research incentives. Postdoctoral

was established in the EG Malherbe Library on the Howard College

especially African females needed to be increased. In response, the

contribution of R4.99 million. About 44 percent of the researchers

scholarships increased from R1.32 million (2008) to R2.9 million (2009).

campus for the exclusive use of postgraduate students and other

Research Office launched a number of research capacity building

were from the Faculty of Science and Agriculture, and 23 percent from

About 71 percent of the scholarships were to postdoctoral candidates

researchers. The launching of the Research Space Repository has

initiatives, including the UKZN Women in Research Academy. The

the Faculty of Health Sciences. In 2009, only 57 continuing Thuthuka

in the Faculty of Science and Agriculture.

enabled increased public access to digitised theses and dissertations,

Research Office has also facilitated intensive supervision training

In 2008/9 a number of researchers received internal awards in

thus contributing to the University’s mission of being a hub for the

workshops to assist academics, especially those with doctoral degrees,

and R 2.2 million from the University. In 2008/9, about 73 percent of the

recognition of their scholarship and excellence in research. Professors

dissemination of African Scholarship. In 2008, the UKZN Press

develop supervision capacity.

funded researchers were female and 78 percent were Black. The NRF

Michael Green, Grenville Hadley, Sunil Maharaj and Shunmugam

published 20 new books and reprinted several titles in humanities,

In 2008/9, UKZN achieved commendable progress and notable

also funded more projects through other programmes such as: The

Govender received the 2009 UKZN Fellowships. Dr Dean-Peter Baker

social sciences and current affairs, which included three books by

successes in its research endeavours. We would like to acknowledge

Technology Human Resources for Industry Programme (THRIP), Focus

received the Vice Chancellor’s Award for 2008 and Dr Mihai Serban

UKZN academics. In 2009, a total of 18 new books were released,

the efforts of all our researchers in contributing to the institutional

Areas, SARChI and the Knowledge Field Development. A total of R207

Proches for 2009. Professor Michael Chapman received the Humanities

seven of which were by UKZN authors. A Man Who is Not a Man by Mr

research success. The Research Portfolio is committed to increasing

million was received for such programmes in 2008, compared to R87.8

Academic Book Prize for his book titled Art Talk, Politics Talk and

Thando Mgqolozana, from the Research Office staff, was listed among

research productivity through capacity development initiatives to

million in 2009. UKZN also received a grant of R2.5 million through

Professor Jacek Banasiak, the Science Academic Book Prize for the

the Top 10 books for 2009, by three major local newspapers.

broaden the base of research active staff.

the NRF National Equipment Programme to Professor Edith Elliot, for

book titled Perturbations of Positive Semigroups with Application. The

the confocal microscope with a differential interference contrast (DIC).

Prize for Edited Books was jointly won by Professor Isabel Phiri and

The equipment, which was commissioned in 2009, is used for multi-

Dr Sarojini Nadar, for their book titled African Women, Religion and

disciplinary application in cell biological research.

Health. In 2008, about 26 percent of the Top 30 Researchers were

projects were funded and these received R4.75 million from the NRF

External grants and contracts remained a major source of income

female and 20 percent in 2009. Professor Colleen Thelma Downs was

to the University, apart from enhancing the institutional knowledge

the top female researcher and in 2009 it was Dr Sarojini Nadar. On

production capacity. In 2008, the Research Office processed new grants

average, about 36 percent of the Top 30 Researchers were Black.

and contracts worth R214 million for 155 projects. Corresponding figures

UKZN has a number of research centres that have earned national

for 2009 were R192 million for 123 projects. The majority of the funded

and international recognition through their excellence in research and

projects were mainly in the area of HIV/AIDS. Additionally, the UKZN

scholarship. These include CAPRISA, HEARD and the Africa Centre

Foundation succeeded in raising over R100 million from donors for

for research in HIV/AIDS, the Africa Centre for Crop Improvement and

research and other activities. In 2009, UKZN and the Howard Hughes

Africa Centre for Food Security for research and regional capacity

Medical Institute (HMMI) signed an agreement in which UKZN would

building in Agriculture and Food Security, the Quantum Technologies

receive R218 million for the construction of an ultra-modern research

Group for research on communication and data transmission systems,

laboratory for the KwaZulu-Natal Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV/

the Research Centre for Plant Growth and Development for work on

AIDS (K-RITH) and an additional US $40 million over the next ten years

plant tissue culture and physiology, and the Centre for Civil Society and

for research and capacity development in HIV/AIDS and TB. This was

Centre for Critical Research on Race and Identity for their scholarly

the highest level of funding provided by the HMMI outside the US and it

work on socially engaging issues.

was in recognition of UKZN’s excellence in HIV/AIDS research.

In 2008, UKZN established the Intellectual Property and Technology

In 2008, UKZN committed a total of R58.5 million as a research

Transfer Office (IPTTO), with the assistance of the Department of

development grant. This included R10 million for research development

Science and Technology. The Office has been instrumental in the

equipment. It also received R10.7 million from the Department of Higher

implementation of the 2008 Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly

Education and Training (DoHET) as a research support grant. In 2009,

Financed Research & Development (IPR) Act, including engagement

the total research development budget was R70 million, including R11

with researchers on identification and protection of IP, as well as

million for equipment and R19.7 million from DoHET. The funds were

institutional policy development. By the end 2009, a total of 17 patent

used for internal grants, awards and research incentive schemes.

applications had been made. The IPTTO worked in conjunction with

In 2008/2009, a total of R2.34 million was disbursed as competitive

UKZN Innovation for the commercialisation of identified IP.


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) has identified a number of research focus areas where expertise has been built up during sustained research involving multidisciplinary and international collaborations and where UKZN researchers have already made an impact on global research trends. These areas are HIV and AIDS, Economic Development, Water, Agriculture and Food Security, Biotechnology, Biodiversity and Conservation. In addition, the full spectrum of research – from curiositydriven to application-based and participatory action research – is undertaken at UKZN where there is a strong emphasis on team work. Senior academics take pride in the mentorship they provide to postgraduate students, postdoctotral scholars and other emerging researchers.

HIV and AIDS Economic Development Water Agriculture and Food Security

Research Focus Areas 8

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Biodiversity and Conservation Biotechnology UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009




HIV Pathogenesis Programme (HPP) As the pre-eminent academic institution at the epicentre of the HIV epidemic in South Africa, UKZN has taken up the challenge of providing leadership in response to HIV and AIDS, and of undertaking

high rates of HIV infection in young people as a prelude to the current Reducing HIV in Adolescents (RHIVA) trial of an innovative

The HIV Pathogenisis Programme (HPP) comprises a leading research group in the Doris Duke Medical Research Institute led by virologist

conditional cash transfer strategy to prevent HIV in this important group.

research to enhance and strengthen the broader societal response to the epidemic. The leadership

Professor Thumbi Ndung’u, who holds the DST/NRF Research Chair in

❉ Microbiocides. In the CAPRISA 004 trial, an antiretroviral

role in research and a groundbreaking comprehensive AIDS programme for students and staff serve as

Systems Biology of HIV/AIDS. Key international collaborators include

microbiocide, Tenofovir, was investigated to assess its potential in

cornerstones of UKZN’s AIDS Plan.

Professor Bruce Walker of Harvard Medical School in the United States

preventing HIV infection in women during sexual intercourse. Results

and Professor Philip Goulder of the University of Oxford in England.

released to a world wide audience in 2010 were highly encouraging

This programme conducts research into HIV immunology, virology and

and received international applause. Follow up action is taking

pathogenesis. HPP has a vibrant post-graduate training programme.

place at present to map out the way forward for the use of the

Partnerships include networking and collaborating with AIDS researchers within UKZN, at other South African academic institutions and around the world. In developing partnerships at a global level, UKZN strives to nurture international institutional partnerships such as the long-standing relationship

Over the past three years, members of the group have co-authored

with Columbia University and Harvard University in the United States. The world-class research centres

over 30 articles which have appeared in leading journals such as Nature,

❉ HIV pathogenesis and vaccines: Acute HIV infection (Caprisa

New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of Virology and the Journal

002) is being investigated to generate new knowledge on how viral

of Infectious Diseases. There are four local principal investigators in the

and host factors impact on the risk of HIV and its natural progression

in HIV and AIDS and TB have managed to attract funding from international organisations such as the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Wellcome Trust and National Institutes of Health (NIH),

group, three postdoctoral fellows and about 20 postgraduate students.

the European Union (EU) and DfID. UKZN’s AIDS Strategic Research Focus includes several wellestablished HIV research groups and projects, including the following:

Tenofovir microbiocide

as a key contribution to vaccine development and testing. ❉ HIV and TB treatment. Clinical trials such as the SAPiT trial are

Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (Caprisa)

being conducted to address the key questions and challenges

Caprisa is a multi-institutional team led by Professor Salim Abdool Karim,

A fifth area of research on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission

undertaking research on HIV epidemiology, pathogenesis, prevention

is conducted mainly in partnership with other Centres.

facing co-treatment of HIV and TB.

and treatment. The Centre was established in 2002 under the NIHfunded Comprehensive International Programme of Research on AIDS

Africa Centre

(CIPRA) by five partner institutions – the University of KwaZulu-Natal, University of Cape Town, University of the Western Cape, the National

Based in Hlabisa in rural northern KwaZulu-Natal and the Doris

Institute for Communicable Diseases, and Columbia University in

Duke Medical Research Institute in Durban, this Centre conducts

New York. Caprisa is a designated UNAIDS Collaborating Centre for

community-based research on HIV epidemiology, prevention and

HIV Prevention Research. The CIPRA grant served as an important

treatment. Major areas of research at the Africa Centre, led by Professor

catalyst for Caprisa which enabled it to become one of the leading

Marie-Louise Newell, are demographic surveillance and the role of

AIDS research organisations in South Africa.

breast feeding in mother-to-child transmission of HIV. The Centre,

Caprisa’s main goal is to undertake globally relevant and

with core funding from the Wellcome Trust, hosts a large demographic

locally responsive research which contributes to understanding

and health surveillance system with annual household and individual

HIV pathogenesis, prevention and epidemiology as well as the links

surveillance of 90 000 members of 11 000 households.

between tuberculosis and AIDS care. To achieve this goal, Caprisa conducts research in four main

the Hlabisa HIV Treatment and Prevention Programme – since 2004

scientific programmes: HIV pathogenesis and vaccines; HIV and TB

more than 11 000 people have been initiated on treatment in one of 17

treatment; microbiocides, and prevention and epidemiology, each with

primary health care clinics.

a focused set of projects and at least one pivotal study: ❉ Prevention and Epidemiology. Several descriptive studies have been undertaken at the Vulindlela Research Centre near Howick to better understand epidemiology, risk factors and vulnerability to


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

The Africa Centre partners with the local Department of Health in

Comprehensive antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage aims to reverse the substantial increase in HIV-related deaths in populations with high HIV prevalence. Using the data from its demographic surveillance system, the

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009




HIV/AIDS Networking Centre (HIVAN)

of the African traditional health care system. Various projects currently

HHMI has committed R219 million towards the construction of the

exist and include the United States government-funded Biomedical and

K-RITH building with the balance being made up by the research body

a significant decline in overall population mortality and HIV-related adult

Headed by Professor Eleanor Preston-Whyte, HIVAN facilitates

Traditional health care practitioners being trained at the Medical School

Lifelab and UKZN. The American institute will provide an additional

mortality following ART roll-out, in a high HIV prevalence community.

networking in HIV and AIDS-related research and training.

to enhance their ability to respond to the HIV and AIDS epidemic.

US$40 million over the next 10 years to fund ongoing research into TB

Centre has investigated trends in adult mortality before and after the introduction of the HIV treatment programme. The investigation showed

Subsequently, research has also shown a decline in early (0-2 years) childhood mortality and it was estimated that the decline was

and HIV at K-RITH.

Enhancing Care Initiative (ECI)

partly due to the roll-out of the PMTCT programme and reduction in

KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute for TB and HIV/AIDS (K-RITH)

The institute, described as the most sophisticated of its kind in the world, will offer state-of-the-art facilities for researchers and students

the number of HIV-infected children but mostly due to the roll-out of the

Led by Professor Umesh Lalloo, this unit participates in the NIH-funded

ART programme.

network of units conducting trials of therapeutics for HIV infection and

Four areas of intensive research into tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/AIDS

on TB and HIV, if circumstances and demands change in the future,

subsequent complications in children and adults. ECI conducts training

– which could yield significant breakthroughs within a few years in

the facilities can be easily adapted to meet new requirements and

programmes for doctors and nurses on clinical AIDS management.

the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of the killer diseases – are


HIV Economic and Research Division (HEARD)

from across southern Africa. Although current research will concentrate

underway at UKZN thanks to a multi-million rand grant from the Howard Since 1998, HEARD has grown under the leadership of Professor Alan Whiteside to become a well-established unit with several international and local projects investigating the socio-economic impact of AIDS. The

The Columbia University-Southern African Fogarty AIDS Training and Research Programme

division conducts applied research and runs development interventions aimed at mobilising evidence for impact in health and HIV in SADC

This training and research programme led by Professor Quarraisha

countries and in the east Africa region. HEARD supports UNAIDS in

Abdool Karim builds scientific capacity in HIV and AIDS and Tuberculosis

Africa, the SADC Secretariat and the Parliamentary Forum and other

research in several countries in southern Africa to enhance continuing

African leadership in responding to issues of health and HIV. HEARD’s

efforts to counter the HIV/AIDS and TB epidemics.

Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) in the United States. The grant, which is the largest ever provided by HHMI for medical

Research is being led by the Dean of the Medical School, Professor Willem Sturm, in co-operation with local and United States researchers. Professor Sturm, highly respected internationally for his research into

research outside the USA, will be used to:

TB, confidently forecasts positive and significant results within a few

❉ Establish the KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis


and HIV (K-RITH); ❉ Construct a R308 million building for the institute on the grounds of the Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine in Durban; ❉ Fund TB and HIV research at UKZN for the next 10 years.

general objective is to improve private and public sector understanding of the socio-economic impacts of HIV/AIDS through applied research

Indigenous Health Care Systems

focus. Its aims are thus: ❉ To promote multi-sectoral responses to the impact of HIV/AIDS.

Leading medical scientist at the Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine,

❉ To develop the practice of Health Economics throughout Africa and

Professor Nceba Gqaleni, occupies the Chair in Indigenous Health

developing countries.

Care Systems and conducts basic and applied research into traditional

❉ To train business and community leaders, professionals and

medicines and African Health Care Systems. The Chair is essential in

government officials in strategic planning for the management of

providing the academic link between national policy and implementation.


Indigenous Health Care Systems Research relates to activities aimed at improving the African traditional health system’s capacity to handle

It is supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sida, the

the increased service requirements in such a way that it plays a

Government of the Netherlands, Irish Aid and UNAIDS.

meaningful role in promoting and improving the health of patients. This platform promotes bidirectional referrals between traditional

HIV/AIDS Vaccine Ethics Group (HAVEG)

health practioners (THPs) and public health centres, and documents ethnomedical evidence, bioprospecting and other mechanisms to

Based in the School of Psychology and led by Professor Graham

evaluate plant-based and herbal mixtures for biological activity with

Lindegger, HAVEG conducts research and training on the ethical

therapeutic efficacy in the areas of cancer, TB, and HIV and AIDS.

aspects of HIV vaccine trials.

The chair – through research – contributes to developing scientificallyproven African traditional medicines and also to the institutionalisation


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


Economic Development



Integral to UKZN’s mission is a strategic thrust towards research and

The EDRI focuses on racial, gender, urban-rural economic and

the upliftment of the wider South African society. Economic Development

livelihood inequalities in South Africa and continues to ask what the

is a national priority and the University makes full and innovative use of

relationship is between the growth and spatial distribution of the public

its existing capacity in this regard.

and private economic sectors. The research encompasses the formal

The main focus of the Economic Development Strategic Research

Initiative (EDSRI) is to strengthen and enhance applied and policyrelevant research in the field of economic development.

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

and informal economy, the nature of poverty, the characteristics of poor areas and socio-economic empowerment. Professor Dori Posel, who occupies the NRF SARChI Chair in

Initiated in June 2003, the EDSRI is led by Professor Vishnu

Economic Development at UKZN, is an economist who specialises

Padayachee from the School of Development Studies and managed by

in the micro-econometric analysis of household survey data. For the

representatives of Economics and Finance, Sociology, Development

past few years she has been a Deputy Director of Economic Research

Studies, Economic History Agri-Business, Cultural and Heritage

Southern Africa, a research grouping funded by the National Treasury,

Tourism and HIV Economic and Research Division (HEARD).

which seeks to build research capacity in Economics in South Africa.

In its structure, the EDSRI aims to cover the interests of UKZN

The overall research objective of the Research Chair in Economic

academic members across all the University’s campuses in the area of

Development is to explore the interface between households and labour

economic development. The role of each steering committee member

markets in South Africa, advancing knowledge across a range of socio-

has been to ensure that progress within the EDSRI is reported to

economic areas, including those relating to marriage, migration, child

academics across as large a number of Schools as possible; to engage

care, household survival strategies and resource sharing, labour force

a broad interest and stake in the EDSRI and to provide feedback as to

participation and employment.

how to move the research initiative forward.


necessary to access and process data.

knowledge production that expresses itself in practical interventions for

The research is integral to evaluating the experiences of economic

Early in 2004 the EDSRI sponsored a Strata training course – a

development among individual South Africans and to assessing

statistical programme for data analysis for staff and students. The

economic and social policy that seek to reduce poverty and increase

course aimed to improve researchers’ familiarity with the software


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009





UKZN has a wide and varied expertise and experience in water-related

In the School of Bioresources Engineering and Environmental

teaching and research. UKZN is actively involved in water-related

Hydrology, water-related research is focused on the improved

teaching, research and outreach activities throughout South Africa and

understanding of the functioning of the hydrological cycle, it’s

in many parts of Africa and beyond. Academics and students across all

sensitivity and risk to human influences and the development of tools

Colleges and most Faculties are active in the generic field of “water”.

through which this knowledge is applied for effective water resources

UKZN’s strengths in water are illustrated by established nationally and

management and planning. Within this context, hydrology research in

internationally recognised researchers with active research programmes

BEEH is focused on the following themes:

and postgraduate students in water-related fields, and several ongoing

❉ Agricultural water use and innovation in irrigation practices (Dr

research projects supported by local and international funders. These projects and our graduates have resulted in UKZN being recognised as one of the country’s, and indeed one of the world’s, leading institutions in water related research and training.


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Aiden Senzanje) ❉ Water related aspects of land use change (Professor Graham Jewitt) ❉ Hydrology process studies (Professor Simon Lorentz)

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009



❉ Hydrological aspects of climate change and forecasting (Professor Roland Schulze) ❉ Hydrological model and database design and development


research projects. Projects completed in 2008/9 include a revised

unserved communities. Sanitation projects are being undertaken on

through which indicators for payment of Water Services are developed

Agrohydrological Atlas for South Africa, and tools to estimate the water

pit latrines and urine diversion toilets. Collaborative research on the

and tested.

use of commercial afforestation in South Africa which are now used by

anaerobic baffled reactor process includes internationally recognised

In addition to these larger water research groups there are

DWAF in water licensing and regulation.

projects being undertaken in South-East-Asia and Africa. In 2008/9

several other initiatives notably on wetlands, soil erosion, community

The Pollution Research Group (PRG) lead by Prof Chris Buckley

a UNEP-UNIDO project on the water efficiency in African breweries

interactions and sanitation, estuary-related research, and water and

Development of tools and practices to assist in the implementation of

has expanded its activities into municipal water and wastewater

was successfully completed and a new project to provide background

public health. In addition

South Africa’s National Water Act and the management of the country’s

management as a result of a Memorandum of Agreement between the

information for the permitting of industrial wastewaters flowing into

To a major investment by the Water Research Commission,

water resources is an outcome of these studies, but the research group

eThekwini Municipality’s Water and Sanitation Department and UKZN.

domestic sewage works was initiated. Ongoing research for the Water

research grants in the field of water total about R20 million a year from

is also active in regional, continental and global initiatives. One of the

These activities form the focus of attention of a multi·disciplinary team

Research Commission, Eskom and Sasol is continuing.

international funders, including the Ford Foundation, the European

more notable outputs from this group is the ACRU Agro-hydrological

of engineers, biologists, political scientists and community medical

Modelling System, a software system that is being used as a research

professionals and

includes participation in two European Union

by Professor Michael Savage of the School of Environmental Sciences

and management tool for water resources planning and operations

research projects related to membrane bioreactors and in identifying

specialises in micrometeorotogy and agrometeorology (plant-water

in South Africa and provides a foundation for several ongoing

and disseminating best practice of water and sanitation supply to

and soil-water relations). This internationally recognised research unit

(Professor Jeff Smithers)

The Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum Research Unit (SACRU) led

has a major research thrust in the investigation of energy and water

Union and the Dutch and Swedish development agencies.

The Smallholder System Innovations (SSI) Research Project

balances and emphasises the use of and development of methods for

One flagship project crossing UKZN groups is the Smallholder System

the measurement of evaporation, sensible heat and, more recently,

Innovations (SSI) research project. This applied and development

carbon dioxide fluxes above land surfaces. Most of this research is

oriented research programme aims at advancing knowledge on how

funded by the Water Research Commission.

to balance water for food and the environment with particular focus on

In the School of Civil Engineering, Surveying & Construction, the

upgrading smallholder rainfed agriculture in water stressed catchments.

Centre for Research in Environmental, Coastal, and Hydrological

The multi-disciplinary research program encompasses biophysical

Engineering. Research (CRECHE) (Profs Cristina Trois and Derek

and social research themes through BEEH, Grassland Science and

Stretch) consolidates water research which considers the way

the Farmers’ Support Group with the researchers working closely, in a

engineering interacts with the natural environment, and aims to

participatory way, with other stakeholders including local communities

promote sustainable practice. Projects include the management of

at two pilot catchments (Potshini and Makanya) in two river basins

landfill emissions, the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere and

(Thukela and Pangani) in South Africa and Tanzania respectively. The

coastal waters, spatial rainfall modelling & estuary bio-hydrodynamics.

project is being implemented jointly by five research institutions, i.e.

The Satellite Applications and Hydrology Group (SAHG) (Prof Geoff

Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania), Stockholm University

Pegram) forms part of the Centre and is leading national research

(Sweden), IHE (Netherlands), University of Kwa-Zulu Natal (South

in radar-rainfall relationships and flood forecasting through several

Africa) and the International Water Management Institute and is funded

research projects.

by the Dutch and Swedish governments. Despite its development

The School of Biological and Conservation Sciences studies

orientation, the programme is based on innovative and cutting edge

biological limnology with particular reference to man-made lakes and

disciplinary science and has supported two UKZN PhD students and

integrated catchment management. Dr Terry Everson of the grassland

four MSc students as part of a group of more than 20 postgraduates

science group collaborates with communities in the Upper-Thukela on

across the partner institutions.

a pilot Payment for Environmental Services project (funded by DWAF)


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❉ The establishment of the African Centre for Crop Improvement

the CAADP in Kigali, Rwanda, in December, 2009. The CAADP

(ACCI) in 2001 was made possible with financial support from

asserts that country-driven planning and programming is crucial for

the Rockefeller Foundation in the United States. ACCI’s vision is:

ensuring food security in Africa through agriculture-driven economic

Africans Solving Africa’s food problems in Africa and it set out to

development. The CAADP seeks to shift the development agenda

train five cohorts of eight plant breeders, with the first group starting

away from donor-driven projects to comprehensive growth strategies

in 2002. Students train for two years at the Centre, then return

that replace structural adjustment projects with a new way of doing

home to undertake three years of field research, breeding African

business in Africa and through a radical Africa-owned initiative

food security crops, using conventional and biotechnological tools.

which broadens and improves sector-wide approaches and poverty

The focus is on breeding key food crops such as cereals, roots and

reduction strategies.

tubers and pulses for increased drought tolerance, yield and quality

In 2008, the ACFS received a R26.2 million sub-contract from

with the aim of improving food security in several African countries

USAID to conduct a food security analysis in southern Africa over a

including Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Zambia and Malawi.

five-year period. In the same year the Centre saw the graduation of its first PhD students including Dr Joyce Chitja.

❉ Aware of the growing food security crisis in Africa, the School of Agricultural Sciences and Agribusiness established the African

Centre for Poultry Research

Centre for Food Security (ACFS) in 2006 to contribute to building

Respected academic, leading scientist and Research Fellow, Professor

and sustaining the critical mass of African expertise required to

Rob Gous of the School of Agricultural Sciences and Agribusiness,

alleviate hunger on the continent.

was awarded the prestigious ‘A’ rating status by the National Research

The ACFS, one of very few institutions internationally providing

Foundation (NRF) following a re-evaluation of his research progress. It

accredited capacity development for food security research

was the second time that Professor Gous has received the rating, the

and policy analysis, aims to contribute towards eradicating food

first time being about 10 years ago. Both awards were in recognition of

deprivation and producing sustainable livelihoods among people

his contribution in the field of poultry science.

and nations of sub-Saharan Africa. Its achievements have been

Professor Gous’s research over the past 20 years has involved the

remarkable and include: endorsement by the New Partnership

development of simulation models that predict food intake and growth

for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) as the lead agency in the

of broilers and pigs. The simulation models initially provided answers

food security activities of the Comprehensive African Agricultural

to “what-if” scenarios but he and his team have moved on from there

Development Programme (CAADP) and formal recognition as

and they now optimise the way in which broilers and pigs should be

the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Regional

fed to maximise any one of a number of objective functions, such as

Centre of Excellence for Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis

margin over feed cost or feed conversion efficiency.

((VAA) including VAA training and co-ordination. It is one of

Professor Gous says the models are being used successfully

the few established Food Security Centres in the world to offer

around the world, adding that the great advantage of modelling is that it

Trandisciplinary training and, through UKZN, named degrees in

identified areas of research which were useful and usually unique.

food security.

Agriculture and Food Security 20

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Professor Gous has been Chairman of the South African Branch of

Professor Sheryl Hendriks, Founding Director of the ACFS,

the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA) for many years, and

played a leading role in the development of the Framework for

was recently elected senior Vice-President of the World body of the

Agricultural Food Security (FAFS) with other authors, including

WPSA, having served on it previously from 2000 – 2004.

UKZN’s Dr Joy Chitja. The FAFS continues to be a reference food

He retired from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) at the end

security document for NEPAD. The ACFS also played a key role

of 2007 but has an office at the university’s research farm where he

in the review of an agricultural investment plan and strategy under

continues to conduct research, write and referee scientific papers.

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The School of Biological and Conservation Sciences – within the

management policy. Professor Slotow has made an invaluable

College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science – produces the

contribution towards lion and elephant management planning at the

most research publications within UKZN and includes several staff

Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife reserves and the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, a

members with National Research Foundation (NRF) ratings in various

World Heritage Site. His scholarly research generated funding of more

disciplines. The recently established DST/NRF National Research

than R15-million between 1996 and 2007.

Chair in evolutionary biology resides in the School. Research projects

Meanwhile, the School’s Professor Patricia Berjak has rapidly

are supported by several research centres and units housed in the

attained a position of international eminence for her fundamental

School including the Centre for Plant Growth and Development,

studies on recalcitrant seeds and their conservation. She has also

the Inland Invertebrate Initiative, the Pollution Research Group, the

demonstrated the importance of seed-borne fungi in the loss of storage

Amarula Elephant Research Programme and the Research Centre for

viability. Professor Berjak has established a world-class research group

African Parrot Conservation.

in the School with activities which include fundamental and applied

Local communities often participate in School research projects such as surveys of endangered fauna and flora, lion and elephant monitoring and communal grazing management.

recalcitrant seed research, cryostorage and the provision of postgraduate level training in cryobiology. The School also boasts Professor Steve Johnson – a leading

The College celebrated a landmark occasion in 2008 with the

specialist in the field of plant pollination – who holds the South African

opening of the 90-million Biological and Conservation Sciences building

Research Chair in Evolutionary Biology. Professor Johnson’s research

on the Westville campus. The state-of-the-art five-storey building has

is aimed at understanding the evolutionary diversification of plants,

significantly boosted teaching and research facilities at the College.

particularly in southern Africa, the conservation of plant-pollinator

Head of the College and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Rob

mutualisms, and the reproductive biology of invasive species. He has

Slotow, is an accomplished researcher and academic leader. He has

recently developed a strong interest in the role of floral volatiles in

carried out extensive research in the areas of the management of

mediating specialised plant-pollinator interactions, and has established

ecologically and economically important large mammals, evolutionary

a state-of-the-art laboratory for the study of chemical cues used by

and ecological processes driving biodiversity, and conservation

plants to attract insect pollinators.

Biodiversity and Conservation 22

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The adoption of the National Biotechnology Strategy in 2001 has

The discipline is well equipped to conduct its research. Currently,

created the impetus for rapid growth in the field of biotechnology in

the research focus is on using micrRNA species to type serum in

South Africa. Biotechnology is a broad multi-disciplinary area defined

patients infected with TB. This has therapeutic potential in infected

as “Any technological application that uses biological systems,


living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use” by the United Nations Convention on or

❉ The Malaria Research Laboratory in the School of Biochemistry,

Biological Diversity. Biotechnology has applications in the medical,

Genetics and Microbiology on the Pietermaritzburg campus focuses

industrial, agricultural, and environmental fields.

on malaria biochemistry, diagnostics, vaccines, metabolism,

The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) has responded well

sequestration, immunomodulation, antimalarial drug action and

to the challenges identified in the National Biotechnology Strategy

potential drug targets. The team looks at developing new methods

and comprises a number of research groups involved in the various

of diagnosing malaria with a simple and cost effective dip-stick

sectors of biotechnology. The School of Biochemistry, Genetics, and

assay. They have developed an array of antibodies against anti-

Microbiology is strategically placed to lead the biotechnology initiative by providing a common link to various biotechnology research projects within UKZN. The curriculum of the School of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology is already geared to train students in various areas of biotechnology. A snapshot of some biotechnology research projects undertaken at UKZN include: ❉ The School of Chemistry’s research interests spans the disciplines of organic synthesis, asymmetric catalysis, peptide drug design and computational chemistry. Collaborative research conducted at the School includes -

The testing of TB-drugs.


Testing of anti-fungal drugs.


Identification/Diagnosis of TB


Radio-labelled imaging agents

The School is equipped with an extensive range of modern instrumentation and is probably the best-equipped centre on the African continent. The instrumentation includes four NMR spectrometers (including 600 MHz with solids probe), and a wide range of chromatographic equipment including GC-MS, LC-MS and MALDI TOF. ❉ The Discipline of Medical Biochemistry has a mini drug discovery platform set-up. Assays are conducted for various natural and synthetic compounds to test for cytoxicity. An evaluation of immunotoxicity using apoptosis assays is also conducted. A collaborative link with Virology at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital has been established to screen compounds for anti-HIV activity.


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❉ The Discipline of Biochemistry (Westville) in the School of

❉ The Discipline of Microbiology (Westville) is undertaking a six-year

Biochemistry, Genetics, and Microbiology investigates the use of

collaborative research project involving the “impact of irrigation

nanotechnology in foreign gene delivery (classical gene therapy),

water quality on the safety of fresh fruits and vegetables”.

expression and gene silencing mediated by RNA interference. The Discipline has a dedicated cell/tissue culture facility. The Discipline

❉ The Discipline of Microbiology (Westville) also investigates

also focuses on yeast biotechnology, biofuel production, and

bioremediation of water co-contaminated with chlorinated organic

biomarkers of metal pollution.

compound and heavy metals and profiling the microbial population and diversity involved in the degradation process. The presence

❉ The Discipline of Genetics in the School of Biochemistry, Genetics

of both hydrolytic and reductive dehalogenases (involved in the

and Microbiology focuses on the genetics of animals. Quantitative,

degradation of chlorinated hydrocarbons) were identified in samples

population and molecular genetics technologies are employed

collected from a hydrocarbon contaminated site. This finding

in unveiling the contribution that genes make to important traits

provided strong evidence that bacteria capable of dehalogenation

in animals. Molecular techniques are used to examine genetic

of chlorinated hydrocarbons may colonise contaminated sites

factors underpinning biological diversity in the field of Evolutionary

without introduction and this is particularly important from the

Biology. In the field redox systems biology, the research focus is

viewpoints of toxicology and bioremediation. In addition, the total

on elucidating how the components in biological systems are

DNA (metagenome) isolated from the contaminated site was

integrated to give functional properties.

sequenced by pyrosequencing. The sequence data provided insights into the metabolic functioning of the microbial population in

❉ The Discipline of Microbiology (Westville) conducts research

the metagenome.

on improving beer quality, such as profiling flavour active ester malarial drugs which can be used to track malaria drugs in a range

compounds in beer under different fermentation and nutritional

A comparison of protein expressions of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus

by Professor Cristina Trois. Its primary objective is to establish a

of cells, tissues and body fluids. To understand how the disease

conditions. The Discipline also focuses on extremophiles for the

isolates LT1A and V2 during hydrocarbon degradation is also being

multidisciplinary Renewable Energy Technology Centre which

affects cells of the immune system during a malaria infection and

isolation and identification of enzymes for use in the various industries


will: promote excellence in sustainable energy research and

under the influence of anti-malarial drug therapy, they employ X-Ray

such as paper and pulp and use as household detergents.

technological development; foster scholarship and skills transfer; Research is also carried out on biochemical and molecular

and create and disseminate knowledge on renewable energy.

minute changes in the concentrations of elements within individual



characterisation of bacteria isolated from wastewater treatment

One of the main components of the project will be the development

cells.The team has identified a malaria protein which has promising

lignocelluloses metabolism. Cloning in heterologous hosts, enzyme

plant for chlorophenol degradation. Studies conducted focus on

of short courses and modules for Masters students which will focus

vaccine potential. The expression, location and structure of the

characterisation. Construction of lignocelluloses-metabolising

the genomic evolution and adaptation of phenol-degrading bacteria

on renewable energy and the different technologies associated with

protein are being studied.

and ethanol fermenting strains. Construction of consortia for

to lethal phenol concentrations. A virus evaluation programme of

it. There will also be a strong emphasis on research and a team of

lignocelluloses bioconversion to ethanol.

the Umgeni River in Durban is being carried out, as well as metal

MSc and PhD students will be involved in related topics.

microanalysis. X-Ray microanalysis enables the measurement of biomining





corrosion prevention by bio-competitive exclusion. Studies into the

❉ The Trypanosomiasis Laboratory within the School of Biochemistry, Genetics, and Microbiology (Pietermaritzburg) focuses on poultry

Biopulping: Assessment of seasonal microflora variation and

generation and on-site treatment of synthetic greywater for non-

The I-REAP initiative plans to develop a full-scale commercially-

pathogens and trypanosomes of importance in South Africa and the

their physical and chemical effects on wood chips for the pulping

potable application are also carried out by the Discipline.

operated pilot project for the production of energy via the anaerobic

rest of Africa to develop diagnostic assays, therapeutic strategies


and ultimately vaccines against the diseases caused by these

digestion of organic biomass, particularly agricultural waste. The ❉ Soil microbial response to climate changes and the implications on

ultimate aim of this Programme will be to make biogas-to-energy from

infectious agents. The research focuses on the molecules involved

Enzymes for industrial applications: Biomining of enzymes

carbon-cycle feedbacks are being investigated by the Discipline of

waste commercially viable in South Africa by introducing/developing

in the binding of the pathogens to their host tissues, antigenic

from extreme environments for application in renewable energy

Microbiology (Westville).

appropriate technology. It will receive funding from the National

differences between different strains of pathogens and between

production (biofuels) and biopulping. Gene and protein engineering

those of field strains and vaccine strains. Techniques in protein

to improve enzyme stability and activity. Creation of recombinant

❉ The Integrated Renewable Energy Application Programme

purification and characterisation, immunochemistry and molecular

strains and consortia to degrade plant biomass and produce

(I-REAP) is a collaborative endeavour between Karebo Power

biology are employed.

ethanol and pulp.

Projects Pty Ltd and the University of KwaZulu-Natal and is headed


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Research Foundation’s Technology and Human Resources Programme (THRIP) and the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC).

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Leading Research Centres

African Vision Research Institute (AVRI)


The idea of an African-led, African-based institute that would link

relevant to disease control, human resource development and

intellectuals, institutions, organisations and other personnel in the

infrastructure development.

pursuit of confronting and dealing with the challenges of Africa’s

Core to the organisation would be tackling the enormous implications

eye health issues was conceived by Professor Kovin Naidoo during

of the quality of life of individuals affected by blindness and the huge

a World Health Organisation meeting on Global Eye Research in

economic burden that is placed on society.

Geneva, Switzerland, in 2003 due to the lack of involvement by African

Professor Naidoo’s vision in 2003 has been realised to a large extent in the establishment of the AVRI where he is now the CEO.


Professor Naidoo and colleagues from the rest of Africa introduced

AVRI’s vision is to be the premier site of research and development

an institute that would enhance the research capacity on the African

for eye care and blindness prevention in Africa. Its research focuses

continent by developing a cadre of trained researchers. Through

on opportunities that will benefit the masses and includes work in the

African Vision Research Institute (AVRI) research initiatives, it would

areas of Vision 2020 priorities which include: refractive error and low

aim to reduce the burden of blindness in Africa by conducting research

vision, cataracts, trachoma, and childhood blindness.


Astrophysics and Cosmology Research Unit

The Astrophysics and Cosmology Research Unit is a recently established centre based at UKZN and headed by Professor Sunil Maharaj.

researchers and visitors. ❉ Regular colloquia, technical seminars and journal club meetings as well as the organisation of larger workshops and conferences. ❉ Stronger links with local institutions and collaborations with leading

The broad goals of the Unit are to:

international research groups. The Unit identifies strongly with the

❉ Promote research in astrophysics and cosmology thereby

recognition of astronomy as a focus area in South Africa.

advancing the understanding of the universe and the diverse range of structures it contains.

The South African Government has jointly funded the construction of

❉ Increase awareness of astrophysics and cosmology by informing

the South African Large Telescope (Hyperlink: \nSALT) and is strongly backing the South African bid to host the

the public of the latest developments in these fields.

Square Kilometre array (HYPERLINK \nSKA). The Unit is making significant, scientific contributions to various projects

The Unit aims to achieve these goals by: ❉ A strong research programme centred on academic staff, postdoctoral


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associated with these facilities as well as the national endeavour to advance astronomy.

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The Africa Centre


The African Centre for Crop Improvement

The Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies was established

Research at the Centre is multi-disciplinary, using demography,

in 1997 as an initiative of the former University of Natal and the South

epidemiology, social sciences, clinical, virological, immunological,

African Medical Research Council with funding from the Wellcome

bio-informatics and data base expertise to build a complex yet

Trust, a United Kingdom-based medical charity.

comprehensive and truly exciting research portfolio aiming to further

The Centre is based in Somkhele, in the south western part of


understanding the complex HIV dynamics in this rural population.

the Umkhanyakude district of northern KwaZulu-Natal, with access

The resources which sustain all ongoing research include: the

to laboratories and offices at the first floor of the Doris Duke Medical

Africa Centre Demographic Information System (ACDIS) based on the

Research Institute building in Umbilo. The Centre is located within the

socio-demographic household and the HIV behavioural surveillance,

College of Health Sciences at the University.

the Bio-informatics Unit, the Africa Centre virology laboratory at the

The African Centre for Crop Improvement (ACCI) was established in

disease and drought tolerance, and improved yields and quality, with

2001 to train African plant breeders, in Africa, on African food security

the aim of improving food security in 12 African countries, including

crops. It set out to train five cohorts of eight plant breeders, starting

Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Zambia and Malawi. A key feature of

with the first cohort in 2002, with a vision of African scientists solving

the project is that AGRA has committed itself to ongoing funding of

Africa’s food problems.

ACCI graduates who continue to breed their chosen food crop, aiming

The ACCI was initially funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, but

to deliver registered cultivars to farmers.

in 2007, they were joined by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in

Twenty six ACCI students graduated by April 2010, with another

a consortium known as the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

10 expected to graduate in 2011. And ACCI graduates have started to

(AGRA), which is funding a second round of five cohorts of 10 ACCI

register a range of new cop cultivars in their home countries. The ACCI is a unit within the Faculty of Science and Agriculture,

Nelson Mandela Medical School in Durban, and the Hlabisa HIV

students. This will bring the number of PhDs in plant breeding that the

2012) are:

Treatment and Care Programme. The Social Science research aims

ACCI aims to train to over 80 graduates.

❉ To further improve understanding of HIV dynamics and the impact

to fill the gaps in understanding behaviour relevant to acquiring or

The ACCI students undertake academic studies for two years

Mark Laing whose research interests include: plant breeding, biological

of antiretroviral treatment (ART) roll-out at individual, household,

transmitting HIV, and to inform the development, and participate in the

in Pietermaritzburg, then return home to conduct three years of

control agents and the use of silicon in agriculture. The staff of the ACCI

clinic, community level;

The key objectives of the Centre’s current research activities (2007-

based in Pietermaritzburg. The Director of the Centre is Professor

evaluation, of supportive interventions. The Clinical research takes full

field research, breeding African food security crops, primarily using

each have their own plant breeding projects, including mutagenesis

❉ To identify approaches to, and target groups for, interventions;

advantage of our presence in, and involvement with the HIV Treatment

conventional plant breeding methods, in the environments in which the

of sorghum and wheat, development of low phytic acid maize using

❉ To evaluate interventions at individual, household and community

and Care Programme delivery, while the Population research charts

new crop cultivars will be grown by small scale farmers.

molecular markers, breeding for high beta-carotene maize and the

level; ❉ To implement and further evaluate HIV treatment and prevention

the changing HIV epidemic in this rural population, including the impact of the treatment programme.

The focus of the PhD theses is on the applied breeding of key

development of biofuel crops.

food crops such as sorghum, cassava and cowpeas, for increased



The Centre for Critical Research on Race and Identity (CCRRI)

The Centre for Critical Research on Race and Identity (ccrri) initiates

ways of being in the social world, such as was envisaged during the

projects and facilitates the study of race thinking and changing identities

struggle against apartheid and captured in the process and content of

so as to improve understanding of, and stimulate public dialogue about,

the Freedom Charter in 1955, and since 1996 in the society envisioned

the various bases for perceptions of fixed human difference, in order to

in the final Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.


Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division (HEARD)

HEARD conducts research, builds capacity and enables leadership to roll back the HIV and AIDS pandemic in Africa. Led by Professor Alan Whiteside, HEARD conducts applied research

and runs development interventions aimed at mobilising evidence

promote fluid notions of diversity and an open and democratic society.

By leading a transdisciplinary research agenda and building durable

Led by the Director, Professor Gerhard Maré, such a Centre is

scholarly capacity through facilitating and initiating collaborative

critical because of the persistence in both old and emerging guises of

and comparative, historically located research both nationally

essentialised identities; this is one of the most complex and destructive

and internationally, the Centre develops public debate, stimulates

phenomena of contemporary times. In a world that continues to be

constructive dialogue, and aims to guide policy formation. It hosts

beset by large-scale human rights abuses and conflicts driven by

research scholars at its excellent premises, where regular seminars

Parliamentary Forum and other African leadership in responding to

racism, xenophobia, intolerance and bigotry, there is a clear need to

are also held, and organises discussion series and symposia. Teaching

issues of health and HIV.

rekindle the study of race thinking and its pervasive impact. At the

and supervision are complementary activities.

same time, it is essential that such research should address alternative


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

impacts of HIV and AIDS through an applied research focus; ❉ To promote multi-sectoral responses to the impact of HIV and AIDS; ❉ To develop the practice of Health Economics throughout Africa and developing countries;

for impact in health and HIV in the Southern African Development

❉ To train business and community leaders, professionals, and government

Community (SADC) and East Africa region. HEARD has been situated

officials in strategic planning for the management of HIV and AIDS.

at UKZN since 1998 and collaborates with a range of institutional and individual partners spanning the globe. HEARD supports UNAIDS in Africa, the SADC Secretariat and

Its general objectives are: ❉ To improve private and public sector understanding of the socio-economic

Its general principles include: ❉ Creative interventions through sound socio-economic analysis and interdisciplinary research; ❉ The transfer of skills; ❉ The sharing of knowledge; ❉ Capacity building.

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The Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA)


CAPRISA was established in 2002 under the NIH-funded Comprehensive

(RHIVA) trial of an innovative conditional cash transfer strategy to

International Programme of Research on AIDS (CIPRA) by five partner

prevent HIV in this important group.

institutions – the University of KwaZulu-Natal, University of Cape Town,

❉ Microbiocides: In CAPRISA 004, an antiretroviral microbiocide,

University of the Western Cape, the National Institute for Communicable

Tenofovir, is being investigated to assess its potential in preventing

Diseases, and Columbia University in New York.

HIV infection.

CAPRISA is a designated UNAIDS Collaborating Centre for HIV

❉ HIV pathogenesis and vaccines: Acute HIV infection (CAPRISA

Prevention Research. The CIPRA grant served as an important catalyst

002) is being investigated to generate new knowledge on how viral

for CAPRISA in creating and thereafter enabling the organisation to

and host factors impact on the risk of HIV and its natural progression

become one of the leading AIDS research organisations in South Africa.

as a key contribution to vaccine development and testing.

The main goal of CAPRISA is to undertake globally relevant

❉ HIV and TB treatment: Clinical trials such as the SAPiT trial are

and locally responsive research that contributes to understanding

being conducted to address the key questions and challenges facing

HIV pathogenesis, prevention and epidemiology as well as the links

co-treatment of HIV and TB. While not primarily a research focus,

between Tuberculosis (TB) and AIDS care.

CAPRISA runs an AIDS care and treatment programme to care for

To achieve this goal, CAPRISA conducts research in four main scientific programmes – HIV pathogenesis and vaccines, HIV and TB

communities it serves and the study participants who become HIV infected in CAPRISA studies.

treatment, microbiocides, and prevention and epidemiology, each with a focused set of projects and at least one pivotal study:

A fifth area of research on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission

❉ Prevention and Epidemiology: Several descriptive studies have

is conducted mainly in partnership with other Centres.

been undertaken in Vulindlela to better understand epidemiology,

Research activities at CAPRISA are supported by eight support

risk factors and vulnerability to high rates of HIV infection in young

cores: administration, statistics, data management, laboratory,

people as a prelude to the current Reducing HIV in Adolescents

community, pharmacy, bioethics and information systems.


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St r ateg ic i nit iat ive

South african reSearch chairS initiative (Sarchi)

Chair in Applied Poverty Reduction Assessment Professor Julian D May


Professor Julian May is the NRF-funded South African Research Chair

human rights approach for PRSP budgeting as well as with researchers

in Applied Poverty Assessment to which he was appointed in 2009.

in Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Kenya investigating the impact of

Between 1994 and 1998, Professor May led the Poverty and

Inequality Report Report,, the first review of South Africa’s poverty reduction policies in the post-apartheid era. He has worked with South African Government departments in the

South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) 34

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information and communication technologies on poverty. He was a member of the South African Statistics Council between 1994 and 2008 and is presently the lead consultant for Statistics South Africa working on a new Living Conditions Survey.

development of policy and monitoring systems, including social security

He is also a member of the Steering Committee of the South African

and land reform. Internationally, he has worked on an evaluation of

National Income Dynamics Study; a Research Associate at the Brooks

the World Bank’s social fund programme in Jamaica, Nicaragua,

World Poverty Institute, University of Manchester; the International

Zambia and Malawi; biodiversity studies in Mozambique and Namibia;

Food Policy Research Institute, Washington; the Department of

poverty reduction strategies in Lesotho, Zambia and Uganda; and on

Social Policy, Oxford University; the South African Labour and

monitoring and evaluation in Mauritius, Maldives, Namibia, Swaziland

Development Research Unit, University of Cape Town; and a Fellow

and Zimbabwe.

of the Comparative Research Program on Poverty at the University of

Professor May was the principal researcher for the KwaZulu-Natal

Bergen. During 2002, he was a Visiting Professor at the Centre for

Income Dynamics Survey (KIDS), a ten-year panel study of poverty

International Poverty Studies, University of Bergen, and in 2008/9, a

dynamics. With the support of funding received from the Economic and

visiting researcher at LSHTM.

Social Research Council (ESRC) and the European Union, this data is

He has edited three books, published more than 55 papers in

being further analysed in a project being conducted with the London

books and academic journals, and produced more than 120 working

School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the University

papers, research reports and other publications. His research interests

of Cape Town.

are poverty and inequality, agrarian reform, and impact assessment

Professor May is currently working with researchers in Senegal,


Benin and Tanzania on a project exploring the implications of the

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South african reSearch chairS initiative (Sarchi)

South african reSearch chairS initiative (Sarchi)

Chair in Economic Development

Chair in Fluorine Process Engineering and Separation Technology

Professor Dori Posel

Professor Deresh Ramjugernath


Professor Dori Posel is an economist who specialises in the microeconometric analysis of household survey data. Professor Posel obtained her PhD in Economics from the University of Massachusetts in the United States in 1999. Her work is recognised both nationally and internationally and she has published widely on questions of migration, marriage and labour markets. She has been the recipient of numerous awards for her research and she regularly reviews papers and proposals for national and international journals and institutions. Professor Posel is recognised as one of the key economic analysts of household survey data in South Africa. She was integrally involved in the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) and is a member of the Technical Steering Committee for the National Youth Wage Subsidy Programme. For the past three years, she was also a Deputy Director of Economic Research Southern Africa, a research grouping funded by the National

Treasury, which seeks to build research capacity in Economics in South Africa. The overall research objective of the Research Chair in Economic Development is to explore the interface between households and labour markets in South Africa, advancing knowledge across a range of socioeconomic areas, including those relating to marriage, migration, child care, household survival strategies and resource sharing, labour force participation and employment. The research is integral to evaluating the experiences of economic development among individual South Africans and to assessing economic and social policy that seeks to reduce poverty and increase well-being. Professor Posel is also using the opportunities afforded by the Research Chair to foster and strengthen quantitative research skills in the analysis of South African micro datasets.


Professor Deresh Ramjugernath is the South African Research Chair in Fluorine Process Engineering and Separation Technology and Director of the Thermodynamics Research Unit. Professor Ramugernath and his team of co-workers are contributing to the South African Government’s Fluorochemical Expansion Initiative (FEI) by researching and developing fluorinated products, including pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. Integral to the Chair is the development of human capacity to support the country’s FEI strategy.

Although South Africa possesses the second largest reserves of fluorspar (the starting material for all fluorochemicals), it currently imports almost all of its fluorinated products. There is very little beneficiation of the fluorspar reserves in the country and the activities under the Chair would assist in addressing this problem. The research activities under the Chair are directly linked with two major South African companies – the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) and SASOL.

Chair in Quantum Information Processing and Communication Professor Francesco Petruccione

Chair in Evolutionary Biology Professor Steve Johnson


Prominent academic and researcher Professor Steven Johnson of the School of Biological and Conservation Sciences was awarded the Research Chair in Evolutionary Biology – valued at R7,5 million – for a five-year period. His research in the field of evolutionary biology focuses on plant pollinator interactions. The interactions between flowers and their


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pollinators are not only important for seed production of wild plants and crops but have also been instrumental in the evolution of the spectacular diversity of the world’s flowering plants. Professor Johnson has contributed significantly to the understanding of the evolutionary diversification of plants in southern Africa and also the ecological requirements that plants have for their reproduction.


Professor Francesco Petruccione was born in 1961 in Genova in Italy. He studied Physics at the University of Freiburg and received his PhD in 1988. He got his “Habilitation” (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) from the same University in 1994 and worked there as Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics until 2003. In 2004 he was appointed Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. In 2005 he was awarded an Innovation Fund grant to set up a Centre for Quantum Technology. In 2007 he was granted a South African Research Chair for Quantum Information Processing and Communication. Since March 2008 he has been a member of the Board of the UKZN Innovation Company. At present, he is one of the Deputy Directors of the National Institute for Theoretical Physics. Professor Petruccione has published more than 90 papers in refereed journals and is the co-author of a monograph on The Theory of Open Quantum Systems, that was published in 2002, reprinted as paperback in 2007, and is being translated in Russian at present. He

is a member of the Editorial Board of Open Systems and Information Dynamics and is the editor of several proceedings volumes and of special editions of scientific journals. Professor Petruccione has been working on the theory of open quantum systems, which is at the basis of many recent quantum technological applications. The miniaturisation of technological devices necessitates manipulation of objects at the nanoscale level at which coherent quanum mechanical processes start to dominate the physical properties. The unavoidable interaction of these systems with their environment gives rise to dissipative mechanisms and a strong loss of quantum coherence, i.e. decoherence. Since perfect isolation of quantum systems is not possible, it is of central importance to incorporate the methods and tools of the theory of quantum systems in the exploration of quantum technologies. Among the basic tools of the new quantum technologies are quantum metrology, quantum control, quantum communication and quantum computation.

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


South african reSearch chairS initiative (Sarchi)


South african reSearch chairS initiative (Sarchi)

Chair in Indigenous Health Care Systems

Chair in Systems Biology of HIV and AIDS

Professor Nceba Gqaleni

Professor Thumbi Ndung’u

Leading medical scientist at the Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, Professor Nceba Gqaleni, occupies the Chair in Indigenous Health Care Systems and conducts basic and applied research into traditional medicine and African Health Care systems. The Chair is essential in providing the academic link between national policy and implementation. Indigenous Health Care Systems Research relates to activities aimed at improving the African traditional health system’s capacity to handle the increased service requirements in such a way that it plays a meaningful role in promoting and improving the health of patients. This platform will promote bidirectional referrals between traditional health practitioners and public health centres, and

document ethnomedical evidence, bioprospecting and other mechanisms to evaluate plant-based and herbal mixtures for biological activity with therapeutic efficacy in the areas of cancer, TB, and HIV/AIDS. The Chair will – through research – contribute to developing scientifically proven African traditional medicines and also to the institutionalisation of the African traditional health care system. Various projects currently exist and include the United States governmentfunded Biomedical and Traditional Healing Collaboration on HIV/ AIDS, the NIH/NCCAM funded traditional medicine clinical trial at Edendale Hospital in Pietermaritzburg, and the Department of Science and Technology IKS Bioprospecting Programme.

Chair in Gravitating Systems


Professor Thumbi Ndung’u holds the position of Associate Professor in HIV/AIDS Research at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and is Director of the HIV Pathogenesis Programme (HPP), a collaborative initiative between UKZN, Harvard Medical School and University of Oxford. HPP is dedicated to understanding host-pathogens interactions in HIV and TB infections, particularly immune responses and to the training of globally competitive African scientists. Professor Ndung’u, his team and their collaborators are currently studying how certain individuals are able to resist HIV-1 infection despite evidence of persistent exposure and how certain HIV-1 infected people are able to achieve relative control of HIV-1 replication. The knowledge gained from studies of people able to resist or control HIV-1 may eventually be used to develop novel vaccines or therapies against HIV and AIDS. A graduate of the University of Nairobi and Harvard University, Professor Ndung’u is a molecular virologist by training based at the Doris Duke Medical Research Institute at UKZN’s Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine. In 2007 he was awarded the prestigious Vice-Chancellor’s Research Award for exceptional research and research-related scholarly activities. He was previously awarded the Edgar Haber

Award at Harvard University for outstanding doctoral thesis research. Professor Ndung’u’s previous significant research accomplishments include the development of the first full-length infectious clone of HIV1C from Africa, an important reagent for detailed genetic studies of this strain. This genetic tool allows for various studies on drug sensitivity and vaccine design to be conducted. He is also credited with the generation of a subtype C simian human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV), a genetic chimera between HIV and SIV viruses that allows the use of rhesus monkey models to conduct HIV vaccine tests. Recently, his group has contributed to the understanding of adaptive and innate immune mechanisms against HIV-1 in patients and viral adaptation to these responses. Professor Ndung’u’s main research interests are in the host-virus interactions underlying HIV and AIDS pathogenesis and antiviral immune responses. He is also interested in the development of biomedical interventions that can be used in resource-limited settings to stop the spread of HIV and AIDS. He is currently Co-Chair of the Young and Early Career Investigators Committee (YECIC) of the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise.

Professor Sunil Maharaj


Professor Sunil Maharaj is the holder of the prestigious South African Research Chair in Gravitating Systems. In 2009 he was made a Fellow of UKZN for his research contributions. Professor Maharaj, who is the Director of the Astrophysics and Cosmology Research Unit in the School of Mathematical Sciences, focuses his primary research on the modelling of astrophysical processes in relativistic stars and the mathematics of large scale


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dynamics in cosmology. His contribution, in collaboration with many MSc and PhD students, to science and technology is manifested in his work on gravitational forces within the context provided by Einstein’s theory of general relativity. These works include: exact solutions of the Einstein Field equations, the structure of ultra compact stars and the thermodynamics of radiating matter.

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nrf a- rateD reS e ar che r S NATIONAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION (NRF) A-rated researchers are defined as “researchers who are unequivocally recognised by their peers as leading international scholars in their field for the high quality and impact of their recent research outputs”.


Professor Patricia Berjak

Professor Patricia Berjak of the School of Biological and Conservation Sciences has a BSc Hons (1st Class) in Biochemistry from the University of the Witwatersrand and a PhD on the causes of deterioration of stored maize seeds from

NRF-Rated Researchers 40

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the former University of Natal. Her early achievements, while working on orthodox (desiccation tolerant) seeds are exemplified by five papers from her doctoral thesis being published in international literature, the findings of which contributed a major chapter, demonstrating the importance of membrane deterioration in viability loss in the definitive book Seed Viability by EH Roberts. Thereafter, Professor Berjak rapidly attained a position of international eminence for her fundamental studies on recalcitrant seeds and their conservation. She has also demonstrated the importance of seed-borne fungi in the loss of viability of recalcitrant seeds in storage. Professor Berjak has mentored many young researchers across the spectrum of race and gender. Since 1978 she has supervised, to graduation, 40 MSc students and 16 PhD students, many of whom have gone on to establish successful scientific careers of their own, both in South Africa and abroad. Professor Berjak teaches seed biology at the senior undergraduate level, and is a leader of two Honours modules, focusing on desiccationsensitivity and desiccation-tolerance, and cryobiology, respectively. She also consistently inducts interns at senior undergraduate level into research, of which there are presently four. Professor Berjak has established a world-class research group in the School of Biological and Conservation Sciences and currently holds the positions of Emeritus Professorship and Senior Research Associate. The activities of her group include fundamental and applied recalcitrant seed research, cryostorage and the provision of post-graduate level training in cryobiology. The high esteem in which

international colleagues hold Professor Berjak is attested by her invitations to work in laboratories abroad and to attend numerous international conferences as a keynote speaker. She has published 167 peer-reviewed papers in the international literature and 60 book chapters and full-length peer-reviewed conference proceedings. In 2005, the Darwin Initiative of the UK Government awarded her a major competitive grant in collaboration with the Millennium Seed Bank, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Professor Berjak’s significant achievements and esteem indicators are: ❉ Pioneering recalcitrant seed cryopreservation using non-empirical approaches that aim to facilitate understanding of the fundamental basis of seed biology, desiccation and cryobiology; ❉ Elected Fellow of the University of Natal in 1994; ❉ Elected Member of the Academy of Science of South Africa in 1996; ❉ Awarded the Silver Medal of the South African Association of Botanists in 2001; ❉ Received the most Distinguished Woman Scientist award from South Africa’s Department of Science and Technology in 2004; ❉ Inducted Fellow of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) in 2005; ❉ Received the National Order of Mapungubwe from the State President of South Africa in 2006, in recognition of her work in seed science; ❉ Awarded the Gold Medal of the South African Association of Botanists (SAAB) in 2006; ❉ Assumed the Presidency of the International Society for Seed Science (ISTA) in 2008 following a unanimous vote to PresidentElect in 2005; ❉ Recipient of the Lifetime Achiever Award in 2008, from the President of South Africa’s National Research Foundation.

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n r f a-rat eD reS ea rcherS


Professor Michael Chapman

Professor Michael Chapman, Senior Professor of English and University Research Fellow was UKZN’s first NRF A-rated researcher in the arts and social sciences. The rating indicates that Professor Chapman is recognised by his peers as a world leader in the field of

South African and African literature. Professor Chapman has produced major works on, among others, the poets Roy Campbell and Douglas Livingstone, the new black poets of the 1970s, and the Drum short-story writers of the 1950s. His study, South African English Poetry: A Modern Perspective (1984) won the Sanlam Award for literary criticism. His literary history, Southern African Literatures (1996) received


Professor Rob Gous

Respected academic, leading scientist and Research Fellow, Professor Rob Gous of the School of Agricultural Sciences and Agribusiness, was awarded the prestigious ‘A’ rating status by the National Research Foundation (NRF) following a re-evaluation of his research progress. It was the second time that Professor Gous has received the rating, the first time being about 10 years ago. Both awards were in recognition of his contribution in the field of poultry science. Professor Gous’s research over the past 20 years has involved the development of simulation models that predict food intake and growth of broilers and pigs. The simulation models initially provided answers to ‘what-if’ scenarios but he and his team have moved on from there


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both the University of Natal Book Prize and the prestigious Bill Venter Prize for academic writing. His collection of essays, Art Talk, Politics Talk (2006), was the winner of the 2006/2007 University of KwaZuluNatal Book Prize. As project leader of the UKZN-based South African LiteraryCultural Group, Professor Chapman edited the collection of essays, Postcolonialism: South African Perspectives (2008) and, together with colleague Emeritus Professor Margaret Lenta, compiled the special 21st anniversary issue of the accredited journal, Current Writing (21,1&2, 2009), entitled: Beyond 2000: South African Literature Today Today. A member of the advisory board of the Ferguson Centre for African and Asian Studies (Open University, UK), the intercultural committee of the International Comparative Literature Association, and a research fellow of the Stellenbosch University Institute for Advanced Study, Professor Chapman was awarded the Gold Medal of the English Association of Southern Africa in recognition of his services to English education.

and they now optimise the way in which broilers and pigs should be fed to maximise any one of a number of objective functions, such as margin over feed cost or feed conversion efficiency. Professor Gous said the models were being used successfully around the world, adding that the great advantage of modelling was that it identified areas of research which were useful and usually unique. As a result he has been in a position to give his postgraduate students interesting projects to work on from which they have benefitted enormously. Professor Gous has been Chairman of the South African Branch of the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA) for many years, and was recently elected senior Vice-President of the World body of the WPSA, having served on it previously from 2000-2004. He retired from the University of KwaZulu-Natal at the end of 2007 but has an office at the University’s research farm where he continues to conduct research, write and referee scientific papers. He regularly receives invitations to present papers at national and international conferences.

nr f a-r at e D r e S e a r che r S


Professor Michael Henning

Developing new techniques in the mathematical area of graph theory and embarking on collaborative research projects that has advanced research in his field earned Professor Michael Henning the National Research Foundation (NRF) A-rating

for the period 2009-2014. In awarding Professor Henning his latest research accolade, the NRF commended him for his “deep breadth in his collaborations” and “for introducing completely new techniques and results in a very accessible way”. Professor Henning, a Pure Mathematician based at the School of


Mathematical Sciences at the Pietermaritzburg campus, has focused his recent research on the interplay between total domination in graphs and transversals in hypergraphs. His research accomplishments to date include the publication of over 250 research papers in international mathematics journals. Professor Henning received the award for Research Distinction by the South African Mathematical Society in 2005, and in 2000 was the recipient of the Hall Medal which “recognizes outstanding research achievements” by the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications based in Canada. He serves on the editorial boards of two international scientific journals. He obtained his PhD in mathematics in 1989 from the former University of Natal and began his academic career as a lecturer at the University of Natal in January 1991.

Professor Steve Johnson

Professor Steve Johnson holds the South African Research Chair in Evolutionary Biology and is a Professor in the School of Biological and Conservation Sciences on UKZN’s Pietermaritzburg campus. His PhD on the pollination of plants in the Cape flora was obtained from the University of Cape Town in 1994 and he has since become a leading specialist in the field of plant pollination biology. Professor Johnson’s research is aimed at understanding the evolutionary diversification of plants, particularly in southern Africa,

the conservation of plant-pollinator mutualisms, and the reproductive biology of invasive species. He has recently developed a strong interest in the role of floral volatiles in mediating specialised plant-pollinator interactions, and has established a state-of-the-art laboratory for the study of chemical cues used by plants to attract insect pollinators. Professor Johnson has published more than 160 peer-reviewed scientific papers, co-authored a book on the Natural History of Table Mountain and has also written many popular science articles. He is currently on the editorial boards of two international journals, Oecologia and Arthropod-Plant Interactions, and was guest editor for a special issue of the South African Journal of Botany in 2009. He received the National Research Foundation (NRF) President’s Award in 1999 and currently holds an A2-rating from the NRF.

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n r f P - r at eD r eSearcher NRF P-rated researchers are “young researchers (normally younger than 35 years of age), who have held the doctorate or equivalent qualification for less than five years at the time of application and who, on the basis of exceptional potential demonstrated in their published doctoral work and/or their research outputs in their early post-doctoral careers are considered likely to become future leaders in their field”.


Dr Serban Proches

Dr Serban Proches – a Senior Lecturer in Biogeography in the School of Environmental Sciences on the Westville campus – hails from Bucharest, Romania, where he studied up to Masters level and acquired a good command of plant and insect diversity. Dr Proches moved to Durban in 1999 to study towards a PhD with Dr David Marshall of the then University of Durban-Westville (UDW)’s Zoology Department, which he completed in 2001. After six years of postdoctoral projects in Port Elizabeth with Professor Richard Cowling and Professor Graham Kerley; in Stellenbosch with Professor Dave Richardson and Professor Steven Chown, and in Pietermaritzburg with Professor Steve Johnson, Dr Proches returned to Durban in 2008. He is interested in alien species invasions, plant-insect interactions, global bio-geography and phylogenetic patterns. He has authored


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50 journal articles and is an associate editor of the Journal of Biogeography Biogeography. Dr Proches’ most recent projects focus on the region stretching from Port Elizabeth to Maputo in Mozambique (and thus centred in Durban) and recognised as one of world’s 34 biodiversity hotspots. The patterns of species endemism and diversity in this region can be used to disentangle the dynamics of forest, grassland, thicket and savanna vegetation with climate change, and to inform conservation decisions. In particular, Dr Proches focuses on weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) associated with plants endemic to this region – as indicators of plant persistence and climatic stability. With more than 10 000 species in South Africa and hundreds of thousands worldwide, weevils are the most diverse group of organisms regionally and globally, and vary enormously in colour and shape, but are severely understudied in southern Africa. Most of the species are specialists associated with one plant species or a few related species, and cannot survive without large populations of their host plants. Several weevil lineages survived over tens of millions of years in this region, some ever since the break-up of Gondwanaland, but currently face threats from insecticide use and unsustainable plant collection.

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other nr f rate D r e Se a r che r S 2008
























Environmental Sciences








School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Mechanical Engineering




Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Hydrology




Electrical and Electronic Engineering




Science Access




Mechanical Engineering








Chemical Engineering




Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts




Electrical and Electronic Engineering








Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Hydrology




Mathematical Sciences




Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Hydrology




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Civil Engineering




Biochemistry, Genetics, Micro and Plant Pathology

Chemical Engineering




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences











School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Mathematical Sciences




Sociology and Social Studies




Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts




Mathematical Sciences








Mathematical Sciences




Mathematical Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences








Environmental Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences








Environmental Sciences




Agriscience and Agribusiness




Mathematical Sciences




Mathematical Sciences








School of Biological and Conservation Sciences








Environmental Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Mathematical Sciences





De Lange







Agriscience and Agribusiness




Earth Sciences




Biochemistry, Genetics, Micro and Plant Pathology




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences








Science Access




Mathematical Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences








School of Biological and Conservation Sciences












Biochemistry, Genetics, Micro and Plant Pathology




Biochemistry, Genetics, Micro and Plant Pathology




Mathematical Sciences




Mathematical Sciences




Agriscience and Agribusiness




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Mathematical Sciences








Mathematical Sciences

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other nr f rate D r e Se a r che r S 2008












School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Women's Health




Biochemistry, Genetics, Micro and Plant Pathology




Optics and Imaging Centre




Environmental Sciences




Occupational Health












Family and Public Health




Mathematical Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences





School of Biological and Conservation Sciences





Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Hydrology




Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Civil Society




Geological Sciences




Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts

van den Berg



Mathematical Sciences




Philosophy and Ethics




Philosophy and Ethics

Van Heerden




van Staden



School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts





De Meyer



Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Theology and Religion




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts









Theology and Religion








Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts
















Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts





Leeb du Toit



Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts




Sociology and Social Studies





Philosophy and Ethics





Sociology and Social Studies




Human Physiology




Sociology and Social Studies




Pharmacy and Pharmacology




Sociology and Social Studies




Pharmacy and Pharmacology




Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts



Sociology and Social Studies



Philosophy and Ethics




Human Physiology





Therapeutics and Medicine Management









Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts




Molecular Virology




Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts







Pharmacy and Pharmacology




Medical Sciences

Theology and Religion FACULTy OF EDUCATION


Manormoney (Cookie)


Medical Microbiology








Clinical Anatomy

de Lange








de Villiers








Human Physiology















Family and Public Health




General Surgery


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UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


other nr f rate D re S e a r che r S 2009
















School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Science Access




Mechanical Engineering








Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Hydrology








Mathematical Sciences




Electrical and Electronic Engineering




Mechanical Engineering




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Chemical Engineering




Biochemistry, Genetics, Micro and Plant Pathology




Electrical and Electronic Engineering




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Hydrology








Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Hydrology




Mathematical Sciences




Civil Engineering




Sociology and Social Studies




Chemical Engineering









Environmental Sciences




Agriscience and Agribusiness




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Mathematical Sciences




Mathematical Sciences








Mathematical Sciences




Mathematical Sciences








Mathematical Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences












Environmental Sciences




Environmental Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences








Agriscience and Agribusiness




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Mathematical Sciences




Biochemistry, Genetics, Micro and Plant Pathology

De Lange







Science Access




Earth Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences








School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Mathematical Sciences








Biochemistry, Genetics, Micro and Plant Pathology












Mathematical Sciences




Biochemistry, Genetics, Micro and Plant Pathology








Mathematical Sciences




Mathematical Sciences




Agriscience and Agribusiness




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Mathematical Sciences




Biochemistry, Genetics, Micro and Plant Pathology








Environmental Sciences
















Mathematical Sciences




Environmental Sciences




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences


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o t h er nrf r at eD reS ea rcherS 2 009








School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Hydrology




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Geological Sciences

other nr f rate D re S e a r che r S 2009








Molecular Virology


Marie Louise


Africa Centre





van den Berg



Mathematical Sciences

Van Heerden







Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts

van Staden



School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Civil Society




Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts








Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Philosophy and Ethics




School of Biological and Conservation Sciences




Philosophy and Ethics








Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts














De Meyer



Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts




Theology and Religion




Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts




Theology and Religion








Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts








Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts




Human Physiology




Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts




Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Leeb du Toit



Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts





Pharmacy and Pharmacology




Sociology and Social Studies




Human Physiology




Philosophy and Ethics




Therapeutics and Medicine Management




Sociology and Social Studies








Sociology and Social Studies




Pharmacy and Pharmacology




Sociology and Social Studies




Medical Sciences




Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts


Manormoney (Cookie)


Medical Microbiology




Sociology and Social Studies



Philosophy and Ethics Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts




Clinical Anatomy





Family and Public Health











Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts FACULTy OF EDUCATION




Maternal, Child and Women’s Health








Human Physiology

de Lange







Family and Public Health

de Villiers







General Surgery








Women’s Health












Optics and Imaging Centre




Occupational and Environmental Health


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


Professor Michael Green


Professor Michael Green, a former Professor and Head of the School of Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts at UKZN, considers recognition as a UKZN Research Fellow for 2009 the “highest honour” of his research career. The UKZN alumnus who acquired his Bachelor of Arts degree in English, Drama and Philosophy at the former University of Natal in 1977 and a BA Honours in English in 1978, was conferred with the title of Research Fellow as a result of wide-ranging research in southern African literary studies and in creative writing. His Masters and doctoral degrees in English were acquired through Stanford University in the United States and the University of York in the UK, respectively.


Fellows of the University

Professor Green, now a Reader in Creative Writing in the Division of English and Creative Writing at Northumbria University, United Kingdom, has engaged in research on creative writing pedagogy; South African literary history; and the uses of history in South African fiction over a 20-year period. His publications include the scholarly monograph Novel Histories: Past, Present and Future in South African Fiction, published in 1997, and two works of fiction: Sinking: A Verse Novella, which won the University of Natal Book Prize in 1998, and For the Sake of Silence, which won the Olive Schreiner Prize for Prose in 2010. Peer-reviewed journals that have published Professor Green’s research include: the Journal of Southern African Studies, English in Africa, Research in African Literatures, World Literature Written in English, Current Writing, and the English Academy Review Review.

Professor Shunmugam Govender

Professor Shunmugam Govender, the Head of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine was recognised as a UKZN Research Fellow in 2009 for research endeavours spanning 24 years. Orthopaedic research in the areas of spinal deformity, trauma, infection and fracture healing have captured the interest of Professor Govender in the course of his career, resulting in the publication of 106 articles in peer-reviewed journals and chapters in five textbooks. His selection as Research Fellow comes in the wake of knowledge production in the area of spinal deformity, focusing on spinal tuberculosis (TB) and spinal infection (fungal and parasitic) among HIV positive and negative patients. In patients with paraplegia due to hydatid infestation he developed a radical procedure, total vertebrectomy, to eradicate the disease focus and prevent recurrence. In the past recurrence and neurological deficit occurred within 18 months following laminectomy. He pioneered the dual approach in the surgical correction of fixed atlanto-axial (C1/C2) rotatory subluxation in children. His contribution to orthopaedic research has earned Professor

Govender several accolades over the years including the South African Orthopaedic Association Award for Best Peer-reviewed publication in the British Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery over five consecutive years (1999 to 2003); and the South African Orthopaedic Associated Presidential Medal for contributions to spinal TB. He edited the textbook: Inflammatory Disorders of the Spine in 2003. His research findings on spinal disorders have been presented before 57 international conferences. The Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research and the Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics are also among the list of journals to have published Professor Govender’s research. Professor Govender serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery; the South African Orthopaedic Journal and the Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. He is a part of the review board for the European Spinal Journal. Professor Govender holds an MBChB degree obtained at the Grant Medical College, University of Bombay in 1974. He has been a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in the United Kingdom since 1979, MD University of Natal 1999; and a Fellow of the American Board of Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery, New York in 2003, FC (Ortho) Peer Review 2005 C.M.S.A.

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


f e l l owS of t he u niverS it y


Professor GP Hadley

Professor G P Hadley the Head of the Department of Paediatric Surgery at the Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine was recognised as a Fellow of the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2009 for his research endeavours in general paediatric surgery which, in the main had been geared towards the treatment of children with cancer. Professor Hadley has made paediatric surgical oncology his main area of research over the past 30 years to change perceptions that cancer was ‘untreatable’. “Children with cancer have been disadvantaged by prevailing attitudes and it was necessary to generate data to alter perceptions that cancer was untreatable.” The Journal of Pediatric Surgery; Pediatric Surgery International and Pediatric Blood and Cancer are among the peer reviewed journals that have published Professor Hadley’s 110 research papers and he has adapted his research findings for chapters in 22 books.


Professor Sunil Maharaj

Professor Sunil Maharaj, a Senior Professor in the School of Mathematical Sciences and the Director of the Astrophysics and Cosmology Research Unit at UKZN was acknowledged as a Fellow of the University of KwaZuluNatal in 2009 for his extensive research in the fields of cosmology and astrophysics. The application of Einstein’s field equations to cosmology and astrophysics has been the focal point of Professor Maharaj’s research over the past 20 years. Specific areas he has explored in the course of his career include: inhomogeneous cosmological models and the early universe; gravitational collapse and black holes; superdense relativistic stars and the formation of singularities. He is reputed for initiating and developing research in cosmology and relativistic astrophysics that has drawn more staff and postgraduate students to the discipline at UKZN.


Professor Hadley’s decision to pursue research in Paediatric Surgery was also driven by a need to serve as a contributor to Africa’s future through the health care needs of its children. He has done so as a past President of the South African Paediatric Surgical Association; and while traveling and teaching in his discipline in East African countries following the award of the Rahia Dawood Professorship in 2006. Highlights in Professor Hadley’s career include the delivery of the keynote lecture at the International Society of Paediatric Oncology meeting in Mumbai in 2007; and his tenure as President of the International Society of Paediatric Surgical Oncologists from 2008 to 2010. Professor Hadley said his selection as a Fellow of the University of KwaZulu-Natal was important to him because it signified that his work in paediatric surgery had been acknowledged by his peers. His MBChB degree had been obtained at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and he is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh).

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Professor Maharaj has achieved excellent research publication success to date with approximately 90 of his research papers appearing in peer-reviewed international journals. Among the journals that have published his research are: the Journal of Mathematical Physics; Classical and Quantum Gravity; Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences and General Relativity and Gravitation. In addition to undertaking research, Professor Maharaj has supervised the research of 25 postgraduate students; holds leadership positions in several scientific bodies in South Africa and has collaborated with international scientific groups in advancing cosmology and astrophysics research. Over the years Professor Maharaj has received the Vice-Chancellor’s Research Award; the South African Mathematical Society Medal for the International Year of Mathematics; was presented with the Eskom Research Capacity Development Award; and is currently the National Research Foundation/Department of Science and Technology Chair in Gravitating Systems.

fellowS o f the u niv e r S ity

Fellows of the University of KwaZulu-Natal Name


year Awarded

Professor S E Drewes



Profesor R E Klitgaard







year Awarded

Professor R J Haines



Professor KB Nürnberger

Professor R G Harley

Electrical Engineering


Professor M J Savage



Professor A S Mathews

Constitutional and Administrative Law


Professor K D Bhoola



Professor C M Breen



Applied Environmental Sciences


Professor J van Staden Professor A D M Walker



Professor P G Leach



Mathematical Sciences


Professor L W Baker

General Surgery


Professor H C Swart

Professor M Chapman



Professor P Vadasz

Mechanical Engineering


Professor D R Hunter



Professor F G Bell


Professor J R L Milton

Criminal Law


Geological Computer Science

Professor R M Gous

Animal & Poultry Science


Professor J P C Laband

Human and Social Science


Professor T M Letcher



Professor Y K Seedat


Professor N M Tainton

Grassland Science


Professor W L Nieuwoudt

Agricultural Economics


Professor M H Prozesky



Professor R E Schulze

Bioresources Eng & Env Hydrology


Professor G L Maclean

Zoology & Entomology


Professor M J Samways



Professor S Adali

Mechanical Engineering


Professor K Bharuth-Ram



Profesor M J Daymond





Professor D I D Attwell



Professor T A Ford



Professor B N Wolstenholme

Agriculture, Science and Agribusiness


Professor R Chetty



Professor R Bharuthram



Professor A A Haffejee

Professor W M Freund

Economic History


Professor M A Adhikari



Professor M A Hellberg



Profesor D A McQuoid-Mason

Delict and Street Law


Professor P Berjak



Professor L Richter



Professor K S Satyapal



Professor V E Verijenko

Mechanical Engineering


Professor H M Coovadia

Paediatrics & Child Health


Professor R E Raab



Professor J S Field



Professor F H J Rijkenberg

Rural Development


Professor J J McCarthy



Professor J V Robbs



Professor M R Perrin



Professor C J Ballantine



Professor D A Rocke



Professor J Moodley

Obstetrics Gynaecology


Professor W D Geach



Professor K G Tomaselli

Cultural & Media Studies


Prof essorJ J Guy



Professor H Baijnath



Professor J U Jacobs



Professor N Bhana

Finance & Accounting


Professor G M Mody



Professor J M Burchell

Delict and Criminal Law


Professor G Naidoo



Professor M R Cooper



Professor V Padayachee

Development Studies


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f e l l owS of t he u niverS it y



year Awarded

Professor R D Diab



Professor D Mulholland



Professor N W Pammenter

Plant Pathology


Professor C C Appleton

Plant Pathology


Professor R C Hart

Botany & Zoology


Professor D J Brothers

Botany & Zoology


Professor A Wilson



Professor D Brown



Professor A Coutsoudis



No award made by Senior Awards Committee Professor M Green

2008 Literary Studies


Professor GP Hadley



Professor SD Maharaj

Mathematical Sciences


Professor S Govender

Orthopaedic Surgery



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UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


P r olific reSear che r S 2008/ 2009

Professor Sarp Adali School of Mechanical Engineering


Professor Sarp Adali is a Professor of solid mechanics at the School of Mechanical Engineering which he joined in 1984. He was Head of the School between 2000 and 2004 and is currently Director of the Centre for Composite Materials and Structures. Professor Adali was an NRF A-rated researcher between 1994 and 1998 and currently enjoys a B1 rating. His research areas are: composite materials and structures – design, optimisation and analysis; vibration damping using piezoelectric control; and the mechanics of carbon nanotubes and nano-composites. Since 1984 he has supervised or co-supervised 28 MSc students

and 10 PhD students. Professor Adali has authored more than 150 journal papers and book chapters, presented more than 120 papers at conferences and has done a host of lectures at overseas universities. He is a member of editorial boards for several respected mechanical engineering publications and co-edits others. Professor Adali has been a member of scientific boards at numerous international conferences and is a reviewer for a variety of respected industry publications.

Professor Chris Ballantine School of Music

Prolific Researchers 2008/2009


Professor Christopher Ballantine is Professor of Music Emeritus at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, a Fellow of the University, and an internationally acclaimed researcher and writer on music. A graduate of the universities of the Witwatersrand, Cambridge, and Cape Town, he occupied the LG Joel Chair of Music until the end of 2007. Professor Ballantine’s research explores the meaning of music, its social implications, and the forces that shape it. His publications tend to be both cross-cultural and interdisciplinary, and cover a wide range of issues in the fields of musicology, the sociology of music, popular music studies, and ethnomusicology. The author of three books (Marabi Nights: Early South African Jazz and Vaudeville; Music and its Social Meanings; and Twentieth Century Symphony Symphony), Professor Ballantine has published extensively in a range of leading scholarly journals (including Popular Music,

Ethnomusicology African Music, Opera, Musical Quarterly Ethnomusicology, Quarterly, British Journal of Ethnomusicology Ethnomusicology, Journal of Southern African Studies, Critical Arts, and Music Review Review). He has contributed chapters to books and scholarly encyclopedias (including the New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians, the New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, and the Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World World), and he serves on numerous international editorial boards. He was winner of the Top Researcher Award from the Centre for Science Development (Human Sciences Research Council) in 1996. Professor Ballantine’s current research principally concerns the relationships between music on the one hand, and ‘race’, gender and politics on the other, in the making of identity in post-apartheid South Africa. It is supported by a long-term research grant from the National Research Foundation.

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Pr olific reS ear che r S 2008/ 2009

Professor Patricia Berjak

Professor Philippe Denis

School of Biological and Conservation Sciences

School of Religion and Theology


Professor Patricia Berjak of the School of Biological and Conservation Sciences has a BSc Hons (1st Class) in Biochemistry from the University of the Witwatersrand and a PhD on the causes of deterioration of stored maize seeds from the former University of Natal. Her early achievements, while working on orthodox (desiccation tolerant) seeds are exemplified by five papers from her doctorate thesis being published in the international literature, the findings of which contributed a major chapter, demonstrating the importance of membrane deterioration in viability loss in the definitive book Seed Viability by EH Roberts. Thereafter, Professor Berjak rapidly attained a position of international eminence for her fundamental studies on recalcitrant seeds and their conservation. She has also demonstrated the importance of seed-borne fungi in the loss of viability of recalcitrant

seeds in storage. Professor Berjak has mentored many young researchers across the spectrum of race and gender. She teaches seed biology at the senior undergraduate level, and is a leader of two Honours modules, focusing on desiccation-sensitivity and desiccation-tolerance, and cryobiology, respectively. She also consistently inducts interns at senior undergraduate level into research, of which there are presently four. Professor Berjak has established a world-class research group in the School of Biological and Conservation Sciences at UKZN and currently holds the positions of Emeritus Professorship and Senior Research Associate. She has published 167 peer-reviewed papers in the international literature and 60 book chapters and full-length peerreviewed conference proceedings, of which 31 and 15, respectively, have appeared since 2004.


Professor Philippe Denis is a Professor in History of Christianity at the School of Religion and Theology. His main areas of research are the history of the Reformation, the history of Christianity in southern Africa, the history of HIV and AIDS in Africa, oral history methodology and memory work. Born in Belgium, Professor Denis graduated with a PhD in History from the University of Liège. He has lectured at the University of KwaZulu-Natal since 1993. In 2006 he was elected associate member of the Royal Academy of Belgium. In 2009 he became a member of

the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII in Bologna, Italy. Professor Denis has authored, co-authored or edited 20 books and published more than 120 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. He is the Chairperson of the Church History Society of South Africa. An important part of his time is dedicated to the Sinomlando Centre for Oral History and Memory Work in Africa – a research and community-based project he established in the mid-1990s at UKZN.

Professor Kevin Durrheim Professor Steve de Gruchy

School of Psychology

School of Religion and Theology


The late Professor Steve de Gruchy was Head of the School of Religion and Theology and Professor of Theology and Development until his untimely death on February 21, 2010. He concentrated his research on the Social History of Christianity in South Africa, interdisciplinary issues involving the dialogue between faith and development, and the interface between religion and public health. Professor de Gruchy also conducted research for the World Health Organisation and UNAIDS.


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During his time at UKZN Professor de Gruchy contributed to the public discourse of the Christian church on issues such as poverty, environment, food security and HIV and AIDS, being a keynote speaker at a number of national and global meetings. During his ten years at the University, Professor de Gruchy supervised nine PhD and 44 Masters students. He also served as the editor of the Journal of Theology for Southern Africa.


Professor Kevin Durrheim, a Professor in the School of Psychology has lectured in the field of social psychology and research methods since 1995. A qualified Social Psychologist, Professor Durrheim’s main research thrusts are desegregation, transformation and intergroup conflict. His research interests have arisen out of the view that the psychological and social health of society is dependent on social change towards an equitable society. Obtaining his PhD through the University of Cape Town in 1995 was especially significant for Professor Durrheim who was the first in his extended family to have attended University. Research productivity earned him a B1 rating from the National Research Foundation (NRF) in 2008. His research efforts have also earned him the Vice-Chancellor’s

Research Award at UKZN. He was a recipient of the Colenso Fellowship to the University of Cambridge in 2001 and was awarded an Overseas Sabbatical Scholarship from the Ernest Oppenheimer Trust in 2006. Professor Durrheim has co-authored the book Race Trouble together with two of his PhD students, Ms Xoliswa Mtose and Ms Lyndsay Brown. He is currently working on the third edition of a popular textbook, Research in Practice. He has produced approximately 100 peerreviewed journal articles and book chapters for publications including: the Journal of Social Issues; American Psychologist; Environment & Behavior; and the European Journal of Social Psychology Psychology. Professor Durrheim feels that the collegial university environment coupled with his love for reading and writing have been pivotal to his success over the past 15 years.

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P r olific reSear che r S 2008/ 2009

Professor Thirumala Govender

Professor Andrew Forbes School of Physics

School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology


Professor Andrew Forbes received his PhD (1998) from the former University of Natal, and subsequently spent several years working as an applied Laser Physicist, first for the South African Atomic Energy Corporation and then later in a private laser company where he was Technical Director. He is presently Chief Researcher at the CSIR National Laser Centre, a member of the CSIR’s Strategic Research Panel, and is the Research Group Leader for Mathematical Optics and Advanced Photonic Materials. Professor Forbes sits on several international conference committees and chairs the SPIE international conference on Laser Beam Shaping. He is a member of the South African Institute

of Physics Council, a Senior Member of SPIE, and holds an honorary position at UKZN. Professor Forbes has published more than 90 research papers, avidly popularises science and presently supervises or co-supervises 12 postgraduate students. Professor Forbes’ research interests include laser beam propagation, laser beam shaping and laser resonators. His research includes both pure and applied aspects of these fields, from the quantum to the classical. Applications of his work include: novel laser systems, optical control of the micro world, and delivery of high energy laser beams to distant targets.

Professor Max du Plessis


Professor Thirumala Govender, a Professor in Pharmaceutics at the School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology holds a National Research Foundation C2 rating. Novel drug delivery systems have captured the interest of Professor Govender over the past 16 years. She has explored drug systems that are applicable to diseases such as HIV and AIDS, hypertension, respiratory diseases and cancer. These include the use of nanoparticles, nanomicelles, microspheres, electrospun fibres and matrix tablets for application in areas such as controlled drug release; drug targeting; and mucosal delivery. “This area of research was chosen since it has significant benefits to patients and the pharmaceutical industry and it also contributes to capacity for stimulating the local pharmaceutical industry to design and manufacture cost-effective, superior medicines,” said Professor Govender. A keen interest in designing, manufacturing and evaluating new medicines was the reason behind Professor Govender’s career choice. She earned her PhD in Pharmacy at the University of Nottingham

in the United Kingdom; and was conferred with a Masters degree cum laude in Pharmacy at the former University of Durban-Westville. The Journal of Controlled Release; European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics; and the International Journal of Pharmaceutics are among the ISI (International Scientific Index) journals that have published some of the 35 research papers produced by Professor Govender. Professor Govender, who has presented her research at international and local conferences was awarded the Johnson and Johnson Distinguished Teacher Award from the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of South Africa in 2008 and the organisation presented her with the Adcock Ingram Best Research Publication Award in Pharmaceutics in 2009. The Goho Life Sciences International Fund in Japan funded a Distinguished Visiting Scientist award to Tohoku University in Japan in 2009. Her research secured her funding amounting to R1.3 million from the Medical Research Council, the NRF and the Africa-Asia programme.

Faculty of Law


Professor Max du Plessis’s research interests include international law and international criminal law, human rights and comparative constitutional law. Professor du Plessis also practices as an advocate and has appeared in a number of leading cases in the Constitutional Court and other courts in South Africa. Professor du Plessis is affiliated as a senior research associate to the International Crimes in Africa Programme at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) in Pretoria and Matrix Chambers, London, as a research associate. He is a regular commentator in the media (domestically and abroad) on issues of human rights and international law, has consulted to the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Institute for Security Studies, and the SADC Lawyers Association, and has advised governments and international organisations on questions of international law. In 2008/2009 Professor du Plessis was part of a team of international


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

lawyers and other scholars that produced a report for the Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa on whether Israel’s practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territories amounted to a violation of the international law prohibitions on apartheid and colonialism. The report was launched in London and Cape Town. During the same period Professor du Plessis edited The African Guide to International Criminal Justice 2008, published by the ISS, which was launched in The Hague with an address by the Deputy Prosecutor of the ICC, Ms Fatou Bensouda. Professor du Plessis is currently working on a book entitled: Africa’s Response to the International Criminal Court Court, and together with a number of leading international experts has completed for the Institute for Security Studies a study on the relationship between the United Nations Security Council and the International Criminal Court in the context of the African Union’s calls for deferral of the ICC’s investigation of President al-Bashir of Sudan.

Professor John Hilton School of Literary Studies, Media and Creative Arts

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P r olific reSear che r S 2008/ 2009

Dr Sarojini Nadar

Dr Emmanuel Mfanafuthi Mgqwashu School of Language, Literacies, Media and Drama Education

School of Religion and Theology


Dr Emmanuel Mfanafuthi Mgqwashu is the Acting Head of the School of Language, Literacies, Media and Drama Education. He also co-ordinates the Hons, MEd and PhD programmes in the School and teaches and supervises postgraduate research in fields such as Applied Language Studies, Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Academic Literacies, and English Literature. He has published his work in several local and international journals, and presented at conferences nationally and abroad. He is also involved in research projects with academics from other universities in the country and abroad. As a member of a team, Dr Mgqwashu and academics within and outside South Africa have jointly put together research proposals:

He is a principal investigator in the three-year National Research Foundation research project that investigates strategies to create conditions for indigenous languages to thrive and become Languages of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) in Higher Education; He is a co-investigator in a two-year European Union funded project on Early Childhood Development and Foundation Phase teacher education, with specific focus on multilingual education; and He is a co-investigator in the three-year National Research Foundation research project on Social Inclusion in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.


Dr Sarojini Nadar joined the former University of Natal in 2000 as a part time lecturer. In 2003, she obtained her PhD from the University in biblical studies and gender. Her research has developed over the years from a limited focus on feminist biblical hermeneutics to a wider interest in other areas of gender and religion, such as masculinities, gender violence and HIV and AIDS in the African context. It is this focus of her work that secured her appointment as the Director of the only postgraduate programme in Gender and Religion in Africa. Her work in the field of gender and religion has gained international recognition and she has been invited to present papers at conferences in over 20 different countries across the world. In 2006 Dr Nadar co-edited together with Isabel Phiri a book called African Women, Religion, and Health – Essays in Honour of Mercy Amba Oduyoye. The book won the international Catholic Press Association award in the category of “Gender” in New York in 2007. It also won the UKZN 2006 Annual Book Prize for Best Edited Book. Dr Nadar has published 28 peer-reviewed journal articles dealing with a range of contemporary gender concerns such as violence, ethnicity and poverty. Her research in this area led to an invitation from the University

of Oslo in 2007 to be a keynote speaker at “The Oslo Celebrations” which commemorated a decade of scientific co-operation between universities in South Africa and Oslo. She was chosen as one of eight international women to serve on the “Overcoming Gender Violence” committee of the World Council of Churches. Her further research interest in the intersection between religion, gender and HIV and AIDS resulted in herself and five other colleagues from South Africa and Oslo winning a collaborative research grant from the National Research Foundation and the Norwegian Research Council. She is Co-Editor of the SAPSE accredited journal, Journal of Constructive Theology, Gender and Religion in Africa – the only journal in Africa which focuses on the interface between gender and religion. She also sits on the board of the ISI accredited journal – Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, based at Harvard University, USA. In 2009 she was chosen as the Co-Chair of the African Biblical Hermeneutics section of the Society of Biblical Literature (the highest academic association for biblical scholars). In 2008, she was the only woman from UKZN to have her academic and community engagement profiled in the Mail and Guardian Book of South African Women.

Professor Deresh Ramjugernath Professor Dulcie Mulholland


Professor Dulcie Mulholland, an Honorary Professor in Chemical Sciences at UKZN, is Head of the Division of Chemical Sciences and Professor of Biological Chemistry at the University of Surrey at Guildford in the United Kingdom. Professor Mulholland was previously Head of the Department of Chemistry at the former University of Natal and later also at UKZN where she headed the Natural Products Research Group. She has published about 180 papers in the last 20 years and supervised the completion of 30 PhD degrees in the fields of natural products, and industrial and synthetic organic chemistry. She serves on the editorial


School of Chemical Engineering

Department of Chemistry

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

boards of Planta Medica, Phytochemistry Letters and Journal of Ethnobotany Ethnobotany. Professor Mulholland collaborates extensively with researchers from around the world, isolating novel compounds from plants and assessing their pharmacological activities. She is currently involved in the FP7 EU funded ForestSpecs project, the aim of which is to develop modern, environmentally friendly technologies, processes, materials and products to utilise abundant sources of wood waste and humic substances as raw materials for value-added products.


Professor Deresh Ramjugernath is the South African Research Chair in Fluorine Process Engineering and Separation Technology and Director of the Thermodynamics Research Unit. Professor Ramugernath and his team of co-workers are contributing to the South African Government’s Fluorochemical Expansion Initiative (FEI) by researching and developing fluorinated products, including pharmaceuticals and agro-chemicals. Integral to the Chair is the development of human capacity to support the country’s FEI strategy.

Although South Africa possesses the second largest reserves of fluorspar (the starting material for all fluorochemicals), it currently imports almost all of its fluorinated products. There is very little beneficiation of the fluorspar reserves in the country and the activities under the Chair would assist in addressing this problem. The research activities under the Chair are directly linked with two major South African companies – the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) and SASOL.

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P r olific reSear che r S 2008/ 2009

Professor Roland Schulze

Professor Sandie Thomson

Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Associate


Professor Roland Schulze, who holds a PhD from the former University of Natal, is a certified Professional Hydrologist with the American Institute of Hydrology, a Fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa as well as of the University of KwaZulu-Natal and a Member of the Academy of Science of South Africa, in which capacity he is currently chairing a study on: “The State of Water in South Africa”. Recently retired as Professor of Hydrology at UKZN, he is now Professor Emeritus and a Senior Research Associate at the University. While he started off as a hydrological simulation model developer (ACRU agrohydrological modelling system; SCS-SA design hydrology model), his main focus at present is on climate change related issues in the water and agricultural sectors, on hydro-climatic mapping and

on integrated water resource management. In the climate change field, he leads several multi-institutional research projects with national and international funding. In the 1980s he initiated South Africa’s first degree course in hydrology. He has over 500 scientific publications to his credit, including more than 120 in peer reviewed journals, and he has supervised 75 MSc and PhD students with a further nine in the pipeline. In his wide international lecturing experience he was a Guest Professor at Delft in the Netherlands for 17 years and he has spent sabbaticals in the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany. Married, and with two children, his pride and joy are now his six grandchildren and he is an ardent Sharks rugby fan!

School of Surgical Disciplines


Professor Sandie Thomson is a Professor in General Surgery in the School of Surgical Disciplines at the Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine. Professor Thomson has conducted extensive research in Trauma and Surgical Gastroenterology since he joined the University in 1986. Lately he has focused on research aimed at the development of Surgical Gastroenterology at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital. Professor Thomson indicated that the mentoring he received in the early days of his career from “first rate” clinical researchers at Harvard University in the United States, to those based at South African universities, has played an important role in shaping his own career, “From mentee I graduated to mentor and I believe I have worked hard to develop a clinical cohort of committed individuals who do not believe

in private practice as their main income stream. Hence, they are focused on developing their clinical state platform as a source for their academic endeavours,” said Professor Thomson. His research has yielded 69 peer-reviewed research articles in both international and local journals. The British Journal of Surgery; the World Journal of Surgery; and Pancreatolog Pancreatology have published Professor Thomson’s research. Professor Thomson served as past President of the South African Society of Endoscopic Surgeons (SASES), the South African Gastroenterology Society (SAGES) and the Surgical Research Society of Southern Africa. He serves on the World Gastroenterology Organisation as a Tele-Education project leader; and on the Council of the College of Surgeons of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa.

Ms Michèle Stears School of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education


Ms Michèle Stears is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. While science learning in the primary school is a special interest which informed her doctoral


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research, she is currently involved with research related to the life sciences curriculum of the FET phase with a focus on experiential learning and teacher development.

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Top Published Researchers 70

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UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


t o P PuBliS heD reS ea rcherS

toP PuBliS he D r e S e a r che r S

These are the Top Published Researchers in accredited, peer-reviewed journals.

top Published overall, 2008

top Published overall, 2009 Professor Steve Johnson

Professor Johannes van Staden School of Biological and Conservation Sciences

School of Biological and Conservation Sciences


Professor Johannes van Staden achieved his BSc and MSc in Botany

in the fields of plant hormones, seed germination, senescence, stress

from the University of Stellenbosch where he also lectured. After

physiology, post-harvest physiology, biotechnology and plant tissue

joining the former University of Natal, he received a PhD in Botany

culture, ethnobotany, secondary products and ethnomedicine.

in 1970. He was promoted to Professor of Botany and appointed

Professor van Staden has supervised 69 MSc students and

Head of Department in 1987. In 1999 he became Director of his own

78 PhD students. Between 1985 and 2009 he also supervised 48

postgraduate research centre – the Research Centre for Plant Growth

Postdoctoral Researchers. He is the author/co-author of 1 059 papers

and Development.

which have been published in ISI-rated journals and in 2002 he fell


Professor Steve Johnson holds the South African Research Chair in

in the role of floral volatiles in mediating specialised plant-pollinator

Evolutionary Biology and is a Professor in the School of Biological and

interactions, and has established a state-of-the-art laboratory for the

Conservation Sciences on UKZN’s Pietermaritzburg campus.

study of chemical cues used by plants to attract insect pollinators.

His PhD on the pollination of plants in the Cape flora was obtained

Professor Johnson has published more than 160 peer-reviewed scientific

from the University of Cape Town in 1994 and he has since become a

papers, co-authored a book on the Natural History of Table Mountain and

leading specialist in the field of plant pollination biology.

has also written many popular science articles. He is currently on the

Professor Johnson’s research is aimed at understanding the

editorial boards of two international journals, Oecologia and Arthropod-

Professor van Staden has been a Research Fellow at the University

within the top 0.5% of the internationally most cited authors. Professor

evolutionary diversification of plants, particularly in southern Africa,

Plant Interactions, and was guest editor for a special issue of the South

College of Wales, the University of California, the National Australian

van Staden, who is the recipient of numerous awards and prizes in

the conservation of plant-pollinator mutualisms, and the reproductive

African Journal of Botany in 2009. He received the NRF President’s Award

University, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Broom’s Barn

his field, is the Editor-in-Chief for the South African Journal of Botany

biology of invasive species. He has recently developed a strong interest

in 1999 and currently holds an A2-rating from the NRF.

Experimental Station in the United Kingdom, and the University of

and Plant Growth Regulation and an Associate Editor of the Journal of

West-Hungary, where he was awarded an Honorary DSc. In his career

Ethnopharmacology. He serves on the Editorial Board of several other Ethnopharmacology

he has worked in many areas of Plant Sciences/Botany, but specifically



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t o P PuBliS heD reS ea rcherS

top woman Published, 2008

toP PuBliS he D r e S e a r che rS rS

top woman Published, 2009 Dr Sarojini Nadar

Professor Colleen T Downs School of Biological and Conservation Sciences

School of Religion and Theology


Research by Professor Colleen Downs of the School of Biological and

and parrot conservation. Of Professor Downs’ 132 published papers, about

Conservation Sciences on the Pietermaritzburg campus has made

26 percent relate to vertebrate dietary aspects, including water and energy

an important contribution to understanding the relationships between

turnover – especially frugivory and nectarivory; about 25 percent to aspects

the physiology, behaviour and ecology of southern African terrestrial

of vertebrate thermal biology, including those that relate to thermoregulation

vertebrates, especially Leopard Tortoises, Nile Crocodiles, various bird

and behaviour; about 42 percent to vertebrate conservation and ecology,

species and small mammals. Some of this relates to understanding

and about seven percent to science education.

the evolution of endothermy and also the phenotypic flexibility that the species have in terms of climate change scenarios.


Dr Sarojini Nadar joined the former University of Natal in 2000 as a part

of Oslo in 2007 to be a keynote speaker at “The Oslo Celebrations” which

time lecturer. In 2003, she obtained her PhD from the University in biblical

commemorated a decade of scientific co-operation between universities

studies and gender.

in South Africa and Oslo. She was chosen as one of eight international

Her research has developed over the years from a limited focus

on feminist biblical hermeneutics to a wider interest in other areas of

women to serve on the “Overcoming Gender Violence” committee of the World Council of Churches.

gender and religion, such as masculinities, gender violence and HIV

Her further research interest in the intersection between religion,

Another major contribution by Professor Downs has been in the

and AIDS in the African context. It is this focus of her work that secured

gender and HIV and AIDS resulted in herself and five other colleagues

development of research capacity, at both undergraduate and graduate

her appointment as the Director of the only postgraduate programme in

from South Africa and Oslo winning a collaborative research grant from the National Research Foundation and the Norwegian Research Council.

Professor Downs has an interdisciplinary approach to her research

levels. She has supervised more than 60 postgraduate students,

Gender and Religion in Africa. Her work in the field of gender and religion

and her outputs reflect this. In terms of ecology and conservation,

reviewed numerous papers for a broad range of international journals

has gained international recognition and she has been invited to present

she and her students have made contributions to the understanding of

and examined theses for both UKZN and other universities. She is on

papers at conferences in over 20 different countries across the world.

and conservation of several endangered species as well as contributed

the editorial boards and committees of various scientific bodies and

to the management of several species and of protected areas. Some

has participated in review panels.

She is Co-Editor of the SAPSE accredited journal, Journal of Constructive Theology, Gender and Religion in Africa – the only journal in

In 2006 Dr Nadar co-edited together with Isabel Phiri a book called

Africa which focuses on the interface between gender and religion. She

African Women, Religion, and Health – Essays in Honour of Mercy Amba

also sits on the board of the ISI accredited journal – Journal of Feminist

of their findings have been novel and include folivory in mousebirds,

Professor Downs has organised the annual national Cape Parrot

Oduyoye. The book won the international Catholic Press Association

Studies in Religion, based at Harvard University, USA. In 2009 she was

heterothermy in passerines, no crop in sunbirds, use of airbags in

Counting Day for the past 13 years. This has involved liaising with

award in the category of “Gender” in New York in 2007. It also won the

chosen as the Co-Chair of the African Biblical Hermeneutics section

hornbill nestlings, and the regulation of body temperature of leopard

public volunteers nationally (about 300 people), producing reports,

UKZN 2006 Annual Book Prize for Best Edited Book.

of the Society of Biblical Literature (the highest academic association

tortoises, tree-rats and Nile crocodiles.

magazine articles, and making public presentations. She is currently

Other research projects have covered practical aspects of pelican, oribi


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

the Chairperson of the Cape Parrot Working Group based at UKZN.

Dr Nadar has published 28 peer-reviewed journal articles dealing with

for biblical scholars). In 2008, she was the only woman from UKZN to

a range of contemporary gender concerns such as violence, ethnicity and

have her academic and community engagement profiled in the Mail and

poverty. Her research in this area led to an invitation from the University

Guardian Book of South African Women.

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


t o P PuBliS heD reS ea rcherS

toP PuBliS he D r e S e a r che r S

Top Published Researchers 2008

Top Published Researchers 2009

Productivity Awards: Top 31 Researchers 2008

Productivity Awards: Top 30 Researchers 2009
















Van Staden

Biological & Conservation Sci

Science & Agriculture




Steven Dene


Science & Agriculture





Agri Sciences & Agribusiness

Science & Agriculture






Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences





Development Studies

Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences




Michael Anthony


Science & Agriculture











Van Staden

Science & Agriculture





Mathematical Sciences

Science & Agriculture




Colleen Thelma


Science & Agriculture





Mathematical Sciences

Science & Agriculture




Peter Gavin


Science & Agriculture





Biological & Conservation Sci

Science & Agriculture




Shannon Vaughn







Nrm School Of Medicine

Nrm School Of Medicine




Ronald Gordon







Biological & Conservation Sci

Science & Agriculture




Uma Mahesvari


Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences





Pharmacy & Pharmacology

Health Sciences




Simanga Raymond


Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences





Anthro,Gender & Historic Stud

Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences




Sreekantha Babu


Science & Agriculture





Maternal,Child & Womans Health

Nrm School Of Medicine




Robert Hugh


Science & Agriculture





Anthro,Gender & Historic Stud

Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences











Environmental Sciences

Science & Agriculture






Science & Agriculture






Science & Agriculture




Jerome Amir


Nrm School Of Medicine





Education Studies





Patrick Martin


Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences





Cntr For Socio-Legal St Dbn





Stephen Mark

De Gruchy

Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences




Michael Richard


Science & Agriculture





Anthro,Gender & Historic Stud

Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences






Nrm School Of Medicine





Anthro,Gender & Historic Stud

Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences




Adekunle Samuel


Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences






Science & Agriculture




Christopher John


Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences






Science & Agriculture





Du Plessis







Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences




David Warren







Nrm School Of Medicine

Nrm School Of Medicine




John Laurence


Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences




Van Der Reyden

Audiology, Ot & Speech Lang

Health Sciences




Stephanie Marie







Maternal,Child & Womans Health

Nrm School Of Medicine






Nrm School Of Medicine





Literary Stud, Media & Creativ

Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences
















Keyan Gray


Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences





Religion & Theology

Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences











Statistics & Actuarial Sci

Science & Agriculture






Humanities, Dev & Soc Sciences











Social Science Education



UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


emer ging r eS ear che r S 2008/ 2009

These are researchers at UKZN who are below the Professorial level, are beginning to make a significant contribution in their field and who have the potential to become prolific researchers.

Dr Angela James School of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education

Dr Callie Grant School of Education and Development

Dr Carol Bertram School of Education and Development

Dr Vusi Mncube School of Education Studies

Emerging Researchers 2008/2009 78

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Dr Hasina Ebrahim School of Education Studies

Dr Simon Mukwembi School of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Dr Alessandro Sergi School of Physics

Dr Vincent Nyamori School of Chemistry

Dr Partha Ghosh School of Mathematical Sciences

Mrs Ursula Scharler School of Biological and Conservation Sciences

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


e m e rg ing reS ea rcherS 2 0 0 8 /2 0 0 9

Dr Paula Sommer School of Biological and Conservation Sciences

Dr Fathima Ahmed School of Environmental Studies

Mr Percy Mashige School of Physiotherapy, Sports Science and Optometry

Dr Thavendran Govender School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Mrs Meda Couzens Faculty of Law

Ms Portia Ndlovu Faculty of Law


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Ms Zuene Taljaard Faculty of Law

Ms Annie Singh Faculty of Law

Mr Michael Buthelezi Faculty of Law

Ms Lee Stone Faculty of Law

Dr Ruth Hoskins School of Sociology and Social Studies

Dr Simangaliso Raymond Kumalo School of Religion and Theology

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


Doctoral Graduates 2008 FACULTy: EDUCATION SURNAmE





Shabier Hoosen

Doctor of Education

Changing principals: School leadership, understandings, rewards



Doctor of Education

The experiences of women leaders in the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union



Doctor of Education

Changing times, changing values: An alchemy of values education


Penelope Susan

Doctor of Education

Citrus clouds on planet Goofy: The reported experiences of children with learning disability


Angela Elisabeth

Doctor of Philosophy

Promotion of critical thinking in school Physical Science


Sarah Anne

Doctor of Philosophy

Towards a critical curriculum for mid-level community based rehabilitation training in South Africa


Pholoho Justice

Doctor of Philosophy

Constructions of gender in the context of free primary education: A multi-site case study of three schools in Lesotho


Krishnen Mogamberry

Doctor of Philosophy

School language change led by internal change agents: Interrogating the sustainability of school language change initiatives


Vaughn Mitchell

Doctor of Philosophy

“Communities of learning and action?”: A case study of the Human Rights, Democracy and Development (HRDD) project, 1999-2005


Carol Anne

Doctor of Philosophy

Curriculum recontextualisation: A case study of the South African high school History curriculum

Van Wyk

Jacqueline Marina

Doctor of Philosophy

The progress examination as an assessment tool in a problem-based learning curriculum: A case study of the Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine



Doctor of Philosophy

An ecosystemic perspective on the raising of deaf children by hearing parents in South Africa: A mixed methods study


Lesley Jean

Doctor of Philosophy

Why is classroom practice so difficult to change?: Lessons from five Durban schools in the Toyota Teach primary schools project



Doctor of Philosophy

Teacher identity & assessment policy and practice

van Laren


Doctor of Philosophy

Starting With Ourselves: Addressing HIV and AIDS Education Through Integration in a South African Pre-Service Teacher Mathematics Education Curriculum


Victor Mutuku

Doctor of Philosophy

Balancing water for food and environment: hydrological determinants across scales in the Thukela River basin


Job Rotich

Doctor of Philosophy

Rainwater harvesting systems and their influences on field scale soil hydraulic properties, water fluxes and crop production



Doctor of Philosophy

The effect of solid micro particles on mass transfer in agitated dispersions


Mark Richard

Doctor of Philosophy

An investigation into the mechanical biological pre-treatment of waste and its effects on landfill emissions in South Africa


Ntlibi Origel

Doctor of Philosophy

Towards a zero waste South Africa (a comparative study of rural and urban areas)


Doctoral Graduates 82

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009



Doctor of Philosophy

Beta-lactamase mediated resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from state hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal



Doctor of Philosophy

Molecular Epipemiology of Acinetobacter SPP. from Nosocomial Isolates


Dianna Lynette

Doctor of Philosophy

“A sociolinguistic analysis of the staff and students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, toward a bilingual English/isiZulu medium of education”



Doctor of Philosophy

From Indentureship to Transnationalism: Professional Indian women in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o c tora l g ra D uat eS 2 0 0 8

Doctor al gr a D uate S 2008












Sikhumbuzo Richard

Doctor of Philosophy

Space, body and subjectivity: shifting conceptions of black African masculinity in selected anglophone African cinema



Doctor of Philosophy

From West Street to Dr Pixley KaSeme Street: How contemporary racialised subjectivities are (re)produced in the city of Durban


Emelda Dimakatso

Doctor of Philosophy

From Genocide to Gacaca: Historical and Socio-political dynamics of identities in the late twentieth century in Rwanda


Matthew Colin Noel

Doctor of Philosophy

Improvisations of Empire: Thomas Pringle in Scotland, the Cape Colony and London 1780-1834


Mark Christopher

Doctor of Philosophy

Marguerite Poland’s portrayal of the landscape in her fiction as sites for the construction of identity



Doctor of Philosophy

The transfer of technology to the rural poor: The case of Qamata Irrigation Scheme in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa



Doctor of Philosophy

The concept of person in African political philosophy: An analytical and evaluative study


Shaun Denvor

Doctor of Philosophy

Global Transformation of the Contemporary Labour Market for Merchant Navy Seafarers: Case Studies of Filipino, South African and British Seafaring Labour Markets

Doctor of Philosophy

A study of the environmental (natural and anthropogenic) impacts on the estuaries of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: Implications for management


Musawenkosi Wiseman

Doctor of Philosophy

Young adults South Africans motivations for watching and their reception of locallyproduced television news: an exploratory study

Doctor of Philosophy

Pre-conditions for housing consolidation – towards a suitable package of support for incremental housing in South Africa: A case study of eThekwini Municipality



Doctor of Philosophy

Building Partnerships for HIV and AIDS management in a deep rural community in South Africa

Doctor of Philosophy

Political Islam in the 21st centuary: An analysis of the contestation between ‘militant’ and ‘progressive’ Islam with particular emphasis on forms of political expression amongt Muslims in post-apartheid South Africa


Maarman Samuel

Doctor of Philosophy

Leselinyana la Lesotho and Basotho Biblical appropriation in the 19th Century


Nsizwazikhona Simon

Adebayo Nadvi

Pauline Wambui Syeda Lubna Bano


Rogier Philippe


Fulata Lusungu

Doctor of Philosophy

States of Nomadism, Conditions of Diaspora: Studies in Writing between South Africa and the United States, 1913-1936

Doctor of Philosophy

A quest for women’s sexual empowerment through education in an HIV and AIDS context: The case of Kukonzekera Chinkhoswe Chachikhristu (KCC) among Amang’anja and Ayao Christians of t/a Mwambo in rural Zomba, Malawi



Doctor of Philosophy

Inclusive Education Policy and Practice: Investigating the Educational Rights and Needs of Learners and students with Visual Impairments in South Africa



Doctor of Philosophy

Strange Worlds in German migration literature, and intercultural learning in the context of German Studies in South Africa


Susan Louise

Doctor of Philosophy

The Judgement Of An Ass: Constructions of Female Sexuality in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses


Annemarie Renee

Doctor of Philosophy

The impact of the imaginal and dialogical (relational) processes in the Spiritual Exercises, on image of self and image of God in women making the Nineteenth Annotation Retreat



Doctor of Philosophy

The KwaZulu-Natal Provinicial Legislature: Political Elite Formation and Change 19942004


Xoliswa Antoinette

Doctor of Philosophy

An emerging black identity in contemporary South Africa


Christopher John

Doctor of Philosophy

The Establishment of a Musical Tradition: Meanings, Values and social processes in the South African history of Handel’s Messiah.


Phuti Solomon

Doctor of Philosophy

The role of African traditional leadership in modern democracy: service provisioning in rural areas.

Van Rooyen

Heidi Eve

Doctor of Philosophy

Making practice visible: Analysing the interactional tasks of voluntary counselling and testing


Hassan Juma

Doctor of Philosophy

Religion & Politics: A critical study of the politicisation of Islam in Kenya


Marc Anthony

Doctor of Philosophy

Between Empiricism and Intellectualism: Charles Taylor’s Answer to the ‘Media War’


Sicily Mbura

Doctor of Philosophy

Vulnerability and capability in Kenya: Towards an African women’s public theology



Doctor of Philosophy

Developing a poverty index for African economies using the Consensual Approach: The case of Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe


Wanyenda Leonard

Doctor of Philosophy

Information and communication technologies and sustainable livelihoods: A case of selected rural areas of Tanzania


John Blessing

Doctor of Philosophy

A Fragile and Unsustained Miracle: Analysing the development potential of Zimbabwe’s Resettlement Schemes, 1980-2000



Doctor of Philosophy

African Jerusalem: The Vision of Robert Grendon


Krzysztof Stanislaw

Doctor of Philosophy

The ‘inclusive pluralism’ of Jacques Dupuis, its contribution to a Christian theology of religions, and its relevance to the South African interreligious context


Scott Everett

Doctor of Philosophy

“Bound by Faith”: A biographic and ecclesiastic examination (1898-1967) of Chief Albert Luthuli’s stance on violence as a strategy to liberate South Africa


Cecilia Margareta Olofsdotter

Doctor of Philosophy

Lost in Transformation: A critical study of two South African museums


Carel Willem Thomas

Doctor of Philosophy

Sensemaking and Decision Making in Moral Perspective

FACULTy: LAw The principle of equitable utilization and its implications for water resources management in the Nile Basin


Emmanuel B

Doctor of Philosophy


Doctor of Commerce

Social responsibility among small and medium enterprises in KwaZulu-Natal



Sharon Beth

Doctor of Philosophy

Freud and the legacy of Greece



Valerie Thelma Lessel

Doctor of Philosophy

Andries Botha: Creativity in a context of change


Jayanathan Perumal

Doctor of Administration

New spaces for participation in South African Local Government



Doctor of Philosophy

A history of the University of Natal Libraries, 1910-2003



Doctor of Administration



Doctor of Philosophy

No Easy Walk: building Diplomacy in the History of the Relationship between the African National Congress of South Africa and the United States of America, 1945-1987

Evaluation of the Long-Term Development Framework(LTDF): A Case study of eThekwini Municipality’s Intergrated Develpment Plan



Doctor of Administration

Accomplishing total quality management through management effectiveness


Denyse Jean

Doctor of Philosophy

A conceptual exploration of academic freedom and institutional autonomy in South African Higher Education: Postmodernism, globalisation and quality assurance


Deon Andre’

Doctor of Business Administration

The relationship between effective management of diversity and employee tolerance of employee related differences: A case study of a South African business organisation


Rosemary Jean

Doctor of Philosophy

Designing and assessing the feasibility of an active learning approach to the teaching of legal research


William Robert

Doctor of Philosophy

A critical assessment of the impact of interventions to stimulate the establishment and growth rates of SMEs in the formal sector in KwaZulu-Natal 1994-2008

Du Toit


Doctor of Philosophy

The KwaZulu-Natal School Library Policy and its feasibility for implementation in the Province



Doctor of Business Administration

A study into factors affecting growth and development of previously disadvantaged contractors

Van Der Merwe

Alexander David

Doctor of Philosophy

The higher education and labour market expectations and experiences of students and graduates: A case study of DUT, Pietermaritzburg.


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o c tora l g ra D uat eS 2 0 0 8

Doctor al gr a D uate S 2008







Doctor of Philosophy

An HIV/AIDS prevention intervention among high school learners in South Africa


Mangani George Chilala

Doctor of Philosophy

Does sequential harvesting affect the quality of and income from organically grown potatoes?


David Kamundia

Doctor of Philosophy

Mutagenesis and development of herbicide resistance in sorghum for protection against Striga

Emmanuel Fred

Doctor of Philosophy

Resprouting and multi-stemming and the role of the persistence niche in the structure and dynamics of subtropical coastal dune forest in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa Multi-Wavelength Study of Radio Sources in the Universe





Serena Visvakanti



Doctor of Philosophy

Epidemiology and genetic risk factors associated with asthma among children in the South Durban Region, KwaZulu-Natal


Jayanthilall Sarjoo

Doctor of Philosophy

The evaluation of three-dimensional ultrasound in early pregnancy complications



Doctor of Philosophy

An immunohistochemical and microsatellite analysis of nephroblastomas




Doctor of Philosophy

A molecular study of the immunopathogenesis of spinal TB in HIV positive and negative patients

EL Bouchefry


Doctor of Philosophy

Torres Rodriguez


Doctor of Philosophy

Constraints in Cosmology Using Large HI Surveys


Nomandla Magnificent

Doctor of Philosophy

Approaches toward the total synthesis of a novel diarylheptanoid


Anna Catharina Uys

Doctor of Philosophy

Structural and synthetic studies of sesquiterpenoids and flavonoids isolated from Helichrysum species


Renee Anne

Doctor of Philosophy

Heavy metals in South African medicinal plants

Hallwirth Pillay

Kumari Devi

Doctor of Philosophy

Mutation detection and the use of tissue expression profiling to elucidate the pathogenesis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy


Jamila Bibi

Doctor of Philosophy

Skin disorders in primary health care in KwaZulu-Natal: Testing of solutions after assessment of burden of disease and evaluation of resources



Doctor of Philosophy

Catalysed Partial Oxidation of Pentane and Hexane over Vanadium Oxides Supported on Calcium and Cobalt Hydroxyapatites


Hafiz Ahmed

Doctor of Philosophy

Strategies to improve seed production in Jatropha curcas – a potential seed oil crop for biodiesel



Doctor of Philosophy

Characterisation of Chlorinated-Hydrocarbon-Degrading Genes of Bacteria


Joy Carol

Doctor of Philosophy

Integrated physiology and behaviour of Thallomys nigricauda along an aridity gradient


Doctor of Philosophy

Classification of Differential Equations by Group Theoretical Methods



Doctor of Philosophy

Symmetries and Exact Solutions in Inhomogeneous Spacetimes.




Doctor of Philosophy

Measurement of the temperature dependence of the Buckingham effect (electric-fieldgradient-induced birefringence) in gases


Lizzy Aluoch

Doctor of Philosophy


Mariyana Vasileva

Doctor of Philosophy

Regulation of hyperhydricity in Aloe polyphylla propagated in vitro

Biological control of the common house fly (Musca domestica L.) using Bacillus thuringiensis (Ishiwata) Berliner var. israelensis and Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuillemin in cage poultry facilities

Oukouomi Noutchie

Suares Clovis

Doctor of Philosophy

Coagulation-Fragmentation Dynamics in Size and Position of Structured Population


John Antony

Doctor of Philosophy

Optimizing aspects of a soybean breeding programme


Suzanne Elaine

Doctor of Philosophy

Wetland Geomorphology and Floodplain Dynamics on the Hydrologically Variable Mfolozi River, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa


Craig Ingram

Doctor of Philosophy

Pollination, floral deception and evolutionary processes in Eulophia (Orchidaceae)


Graham David

Doctor of Philosophy

On the Logics of Algebra

Doctor of Philosophy

Supramolecular Resorcin[4]arene-capped Porphyrins: Ligands towards Homogeneous Catalysis


Steven Hugh

Doctor of Philosophy

Assessing the need for curricular reform in agricultural extension education in South Africa


Carol Ann

Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy

Sedimentation and Chemical Processes on the Lower Mkuze Floodplain: Implications for Wetland Structure and Function

The Physiology of Pinus patula Seeds in Response to Water Stress and the Implications for Plantation Regeneration in South Africa



Doctor of Philosophy

Analysis of Longitudinal Binary Data: An application to a disease process


Leigh Ann

Doctor of Philosophy

Environmental Stochasticity and African Elephant Dynamics: Investigating Limitation Through Juvenile Mortality


Almeida Tomas

Doctor of Philosophy

Ecological studies of Bottlenose and Humpback dolphins in Maputo Bay, Southern Mozambique


Wayne Chilton

Doctor of Philosophy

A Multi-Level Assessment of Woodland Resilience to Bark Harvesting in Southern Maputaland, South Africa

Mc Kay

Michael Gerard


Marc Steven


Habtom Butsuamlak

Doctor of Philosophy

Studies on the use of biocontrol agents and soluble silicon against powdery mildew of Zucchini and Zinnia



Doctor of Philosophy

New Analytical Stellar Models in General Relativity


Daniel Ghebreyohannes

Doctor of Philosophy

Bioremediation of arsenic contaminated groundwater


Esayas Tesfasellassie

Doctor of Philosophy

Modelling Broiler Populations for Purposes of Optimisation


Eyob Gebrezgiabher

Doctor of Philosophy

Management of Fusarium wilt diseases using non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum and silicon



Doctor of Philosophy

Spatio-Temporal Variation of Micro-Algal Biomass and Production in South African Temporarily Open-Closed Estuaries


Michael Teweldemedhin

Doctor of Philosophy

The Estimation of Eucalyptus plantation Forest Structural Attributes using Medium and High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery


Kirsten Barbara

Doctor of Philosophy

The Fate of Non-limiting Solutes and Processes of Solute Retention in the uMkhuze Wetland System, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa


Rutledge Stephen

Doctor of Philosophy

Ecology of Meyer’s Parrot Poicephalus meyeri in the Okavango Delta, Botswana



Doctor of Philosophy

“Putting food on my table and clothes on my back”: street trading as a food security coping strategy


Chrispus Adeti

Doctor of Philosophy

Breeding investigations of finger millet characteristics including blast disease and Striga resistance


Andrew Noel

Doctor of Philosophy

The Marine Geology of the Northern KwaZulu-Natal Continental Shelf


Theresa Luvuno

Doctor of Philosophy

Breeding Cassava for Brown Streak Resistance in Coastal Kenya


Kerry Leigh

Doctor of Philosophy

Wadley’s Problem with Overdispersion


Getachew Abebe

Doctor of Philosophy

Sugar Crystal Size Characterisation using Digital Image Processing


Gary Ivan

Doctor of Philosophy

Southern African plants used to treat Central Nervous System related disorders



Doctor of Philosophy

Kinetic and Mechanistic studies on Hydroboration Reactions of selected Organic Compounds with Haloborane Addition Complexes: Application of 11B NMR Spectroscopy



Doctor of Philosophy

Genetic improvement of Zambian maize populations for resistance to ear rots and a survey of associated mycotoxins


Riyad Abdool Hak

Doctor of Philosophy

Remote sensing of forest health: The detection and mapping of Pinus patula trees infested by Sirex noctilio



Doctor of Philosophy

Embedding Theorems and Finiteness Properties for Residuated Structures and Substructural Logics


Julius Chupezi

Doctor of Philosophy

Ecotourism for sustainable development: Economic evaluation of recreational potentials of protected areas in the Congo Basin


Tertia Elizabeth

Doctor of Philosophy

Genetic diversity of propriety inbred lines of sunflower determined by mapped SSR markers and total protein analysis



Doctor of Philosophy

Quantitative genetic analysis of agronomic and kernel endosperm traits in quality protein maize (QPM) and investigations of the putative nutritional value of contaminated QPM crops


Siphamandla Wiseman Doctor of Philosophy

Rhodium-Catalyzed And Uncatalyzed Synthesis of Boronate Esters and their Utility in The Suzuki Realm


Ikechukwu Anthony

‘Plasmodium yoelii’ acetyl-CoA carboxylase: detection and characterisation of the recombinant biotinoyl domain


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Doctor of Philosophy

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


St r ateg ic i nit iat ive

Doctoral Graduates 2009 FACULTy: EDUCATION SURNAmE





Premella Devie

Doctor of Education

Teachers’ interpretation and implementation of the policy on indigenous knowledge in the Science National Curriculum Statement


Kiron Kanthilal

Doctor of Education

Experiences of teachers in racially diverse schools: A critical race perspective


Indrashnee Devi

Doctor of Education

An insight into the experiences of educators living with HIV/AIDS in the context of schooling and beyond


Simon Bhekumuzi

Doctor of Education

Design analysis of Educational Technologist’s Web-based teaching and learning environments in South African Higher Education institutions


Mahomed Hanif Essop

Doctor of Education

A curriculum framework for undergraduate students in Dental Health Science


Sibusiso Phumulani

Doctor of Education

Psychological assessment and evaluation of learners by the Free State child guidance clinics



Doctor of Philosophy

A gendered study of confict and violence among boys in the construction of masculinities at a Technical High School in Durban.



Doctor of Philosophy

The role of literacy in enhancing capabilities for participation in Uganda’s Plan for Modernisation of Agriculture: Exploring the experiences of rural subsistence farmers in Manibe Sub-county



Doctor of Philosophy

Non-formal citizenship education in Cape Town: Struggling to learn or learning to struggle?



Doctor of Philosophy

Perceptions and understandings about mental health problems of children and adolescents in Zambia: Implications for innovative curriculum development for Primary Health Care practitioners


Maanasa Devi

Doctor of Philosophy

Processing heard versus transcribed English vocabulary in English Second Language (ESL) learners: A quasi-experimental study at a secondary school in KwaZulu-Natal


Dominic Mapopa

Doctor of Philosophy

Speaking their mind: Adolescents’ understanding of their vulnerability to HIV/ AIDS in the context of existing intervention programmes in Malawi


Tabitha Grace

Doctor of Philosophy

Exploring professional development experiences of the professionally unqualified practicing teachers in rural secondary schools



Doctor of Philosophy

Contesting spaces in curriculum policy change: Exploring the dual-mode Religious Education for secondary schools in Malawi


Janet Elizabeth

Doctor of Philosophy

Developing doctoral identity – A narrative study in an autoethnographic frame


Lesley Anne

Doctor of Philosophy

The undergraduate Law Curriculum: Fitness for purpose?



Doctor of Philosophy

Teachers in transition: Becoming inclusive practitioners



Doctor of Philosophy

Distributed teacher leadership in South African schools: Troubling the terrain



Doctor of Philosophy

A genealogical analysis of intersubjective assessment practices in two South African classrooms



Doctor of Philosophy

The Integrated Quality Management System: Exploring the tension between accountability and professional development


Bronwynne Mardia

Doctor of Philosophy

‘Coloured’ boys in trouble: An ethnographic investigation into the construction of Coloured working class masculinities in a high school in Wentworth, Durban



Doctor of Philosophy

Neural network models for Leukaemia


Tom Mmbasu

Doctor of Philosophy

Traffic modelling and analysis of next generation networks


Bruce Colin

Doctor of Philosophy

Activity of complex multifunctional organic components in common solvents



UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o c tora l g ra D uat eS 2 0 0 9

Doctor al gr a D uate S 2009






Katherine Maria

Doctor of Philosophy

Analysis of pilot-scale anaerobic baffled reactor treating domestic wastewater



Doctor of Philosophy

Hybrid token-CDMA medium protocol


Stefan Martin

Doctor of Philosophy

Analysis of the EDF family of schedulers


Tahmid Al-Mumit

Doctor of Philosophy

Cross-layer design for the transmission of multimedia traffic over fading channels


Christopher Matlalo

Doctor of Philosophy

Sensor based real-time mechatronic control of computer integrated manufacturing




Peter Mark

Doctor of Philosophy

Monitoring the change of health behaviour of learners in selected health promoting schools in KZN

Doctor of Philosophy

Grapefruit juice improves glycemic index and up-regulates expression of hepatic organic cation transporter protein(OCTI) in the rat






Amina Ameir

Doctor of Philosophy

From Stinkibar to Zanzibar: Disease, Medicine and Public Health in Colonial Urban Zanzibar, 1870-1963


Abraham Kiprop

Doctor of Philosophy

An analysis of students’ responses to ABC & VCT messages at three Universities in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa


John Eudes Lengwe

Doctor of Philosophy

They have ears but they cannot hear. Listening and talking in HIV prevention: A new approach to HIV and AIDS campaigns at the three Universities in KwaZulu-Natal


Stanley Maingi

Doctor of Philosophy

Communities’ Perceptions and Assessment of Biodiversity Conservation Strategies: The case of Protected areas in Kenya



Doctor of Philosophy

Oil Companies and the implementation of Government Environmental Policy in the Niger Delta



Doctor of Philosophy

Application of knowledge management approaches and information and communication technologies to manage indigenous knowledge in the Agricultural Sector in selected districts of Tanzania


Patricia Obiajulu

Doctor of Philosophy

An Appraisal of Quality Care Indicators Amongst Clinical Based Nurses in Selected Teaching Hospitals in South-West Nigeria


Zerish Zethu

Doctor of Philosophy

Analyzing the relationship between leadership style, organisational factors and retention of professional nurses in public health care facilities in KZN


Kathryn Rita

Doctor of Philosophy

Musical characterizations of transformation: an exploration of social and political trajectories in contemporary maskanda


Mirriam Busisiwe

Doctor of Philosophy

The use of Love Medicine among Black Africans in KwaZulu-Natal and the Risk of HIV transmission for both Men and Women in South Africa


Sazi Stephen

Doctor of Philosophy

The South African Blue Notes: Bebop, Mbaqanga, Apartheid and the Exiling of a Musical Imagination



Doctor of Philosophy

Biochemical, Apopotic and cellular stress studies in Rheumatoid Arthritis


Ruth Geraldine Melonie

Doctor of Philosophy

The effect of the crisis in scholarly communication on University Libraries in South Africa


Adrian John

Doctor of Philosophy

The use of spatial analysis and participatory approaches in Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): Identifying and predicting the ecological impacts of development on the KwaZulu-Natal North coast of South Africa

Computer aided techniques for the attribution of attic black-figure case-paintings using the Princeton painter as a model



Doctor of Philosophy

An analysis of the experiences of children with cerebral palsy in Therapeutic Horse Riding


Miranda Eleanor

Doctor of Philosophy

Working from the inside/out: Participatory popular theatre in the negotiation of discursive power and patriarchy in Female Prisons: The example of Westville Female Correctional Centre, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 2000 – 2004



Doctor of Philosophy

Decentralisation and local Municipalities in South Africa: An analysis of the mandate to deliver basic services


Vicci Anne

Doctor of Philosophy

Feminisms, HIV and AIDS. Addressing power to reduce women’s vulnerability.


Nina Brigitte

Doctor of Philosophy

Measuring and valuing unpaid care work: assessing the gendered implications of South Africa’s home-based care policy



Doctor of Philosophy

A critical analysis of current approaches to SMME development and support within the Ethekwini Municipal area



Doctor of Philosophy

den Hollander

Weltje Annigje

Doctor of Philosophy

Pastoral development training in contextual and narrative family therapy



Doctor of Philosophy

Space and Place in the Gospel of John


Nhamo Anthony

Doctor of Philosophy

The tourist viewer, the Bushman and the Zulu: Imaging (re)invention of identities through contemporary visual cultural productions

de Haan

Marinus Jacob

Doctor of Philosophy

Mission on the Margin: A case study on reformed mission prospects in Enkumane, KwaZulu-Natal

van der Riet

Mary Boudine

Doctor of Philosophy

The production of context: Using activity theory to understand behaviour change in response to HIV and AIDS



Doctor of Philosophy

Michael Zondi: The interface between African modernity and creativity Ngodji


Doctor of Philosophy

The applicability of the translatability and interpretation theory of Sanneh and Bediako: The case of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN), in Northern Namibia


Cyprian Obiora

Doctor of Philosophy

The Anglican Church, environment and poverty: Constructing a Nigerian Indigenous Oikotheology


Joseph Nzita

Doctor of Philosophy

The Semah Sedaqah of Jeremiah 33:15 and its significance for the Congolese leadership


Karen Elizabeth

Doctor of Philosophy

Creator God Most Beautiful: A contextual, feminist theological and aesthetic look at women’s creativity, spirituality and theology in South Africa


Michael John Malidadi

Doctor of Philosophy

Population Dynamics and Sustainable Forest conservation: A Case Study of West Matogoro Catchment Area in Songea, Tanzania



Doctor of Philosophy

Engaging the fertile silence: Towards a culturally sensitive model for dealing with the HIV and AIDS silence



Doctor of Philosophy

Globalisation, Development and Community-Based Tourism in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Pondoland, Eastern Cape


Christopher Hugh

Doctor of Philosophy

Workshopped Plays in a South African Correction Centre: Negotiating Social Relations Through Theatre


Jonathan Spencer

Doctor of Philosophy

Partnership in Christian mission: A History of the Protestant Missionary Movement

Arthur Ngoie

Doctor of Philosophy

Brigitte Michele Marie Pierre

Doctor of Philosophy


L’analyse du thème “la colonisation” dans les oeuvres littéraires Ngemena de Paul Lomami Tchibamba et La Malediction de Pius Ngandu Nkashama


A study evaluating patterns of reduction of distress in clinical syndromes using eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)



Doctor of Philosophy

Emerging bilingualism in rural secondary schools in KwaZulu Natal: The impact of educational policies on learners and their communities


Mzuyabonga Amon

Doctor of Philosophy

Izigiyo as performed by Zulu women in the KwaZwabe community of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa


Kehinde Olumuyiwa

Doctor of Philosophy

Samuel Johnson of Yorubaland, 1846-1901: Religio-cultural identity in a changing environment and the making of a Mission Agent

Muthuki Isike Molver


Janet Muthoni Christopher Afoke Zoë Elizabeth

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Philosophy

Transnationalism and the (re)construction of gender identities amongst foreign students of African origin at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa Feminising the peace process: A comparative analysis of women and conflict in the Niger-Delta (Nigeria) and KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) Harold Strachan in context: Guerilla, Artist, Writer

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o c tora l g ra D uat eS 2 0 0 9

Doctor al gr a D uate S 2009













Doctor of Philosophy

Defences available to battered women who kill their abusers – a comparative analysis



Doctor of Philosophy

Structure, Accessibility and ‘Reactivity’ of Cellulose I as revealed by CP/MAS ¹³CNMR Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy


Malcolm John David

Doctor of Philosophy

The Associated Ship and South African Admiralty Jurisdiction


Sean Henry

Doctor of Philosophy

The Sardine Run: Investigating Sardine and Predator Distribution in Relation to Environmental Conditions using GIS and Remotely Sensed Products


Muregancuro Gaetan

Doctor of Philosophy

D-optimal Designs for Drug Synergy


William Philip

Doctor of Philosophy

The Mineability of Richards Bay Minerals Dune Sands


Abraha Okbasillasie

Doctor of Philosophy

Integrated use of yeast, Bacillus, hot water and potassium silicate treatments for the control of postharvest green mould of citrus and litchis


Fikile Portia

Doctor of Philosophy

An analytical study of diamond trade regulations from the period of 1994 to 2009 with reference to aspects of the 1996 Constitution


Edmund William Franz

Doctor of Philosophy

Large and grey: whales, elephants, and international law and politics



Doctor of Commerce

Evaluating customer relations in the cell phone industry



Doctor of Public Administration

Primary Health Care Delivery: A Case Study of KwaZulu-Natal with special reference to Physiotherapy


Michael Ghebrekristos

Doctor of Philosophy

Sensible heat flux and evaporation for sparse vegetation using temperature-variance and a dual-source model


Robin Martin

Doctor of Philosophy

Strategic responses to factors impacting global trade: Durban’s continental business engagement within an African Renaissance


Samson Zeray

Doctor of Philosophy

Special Carbohydrates in Avocado – their function as sources of energy and antioxidants


Joseph Edward

Doctor of Administration

Metropolitisation and the quest for efficiency, effectiveness and economy: A case study of the eThekwini Municipality


Oscar Adrian

Doctor of Philosophy

A dynamic mechanistic analysis of the thermal interaction between a broiler chicken and its surrounding environment


Doctor of Philosophy

A Study of Photoinduced Transformations of Sunscreen Chemical Absorbers

Bheki Milford

Doctor of Administration

An investigation of educators’ readiness for the introduction of e-education in urban communities of KwaZulu-Natal schools




Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Administration

Evaluation of Public Private Partnership in the Public Health Sector in South Africa with specific reference to Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital

Assessment of structural attributes of even-aged Eucalyptus grandis forest plantations using small-footprint discrete return lidar data


Bongani Mduduzi Kenneth

Solomon Gebremariam


Ian Joseph

Doctor of Philosophy

Linear and Non-Linear Fluctuations in Electron-Positron Plasmas


Colette Lynn

Doctor of Philosophy

An analysis of the extent, nature and consequences of female part-time employment in post-apartheid South Africa


Remigius Chidozie

Doctor of Philosophy

Mathematical Modelling of Social Parameters and their Interaction: The Case of Water Delivery/Access and Household Dynamics in South Africa


Beverly Irene Mary

Doctor of Commerce

The demand for food and nutrition in South Africa


Tenyson Robert Pinto

Doctor of Philosophy

The effective management of social change in the South African pharmaceutical industry

Genetic Studies of Grain and Morphological Traits in Early Generation Crosses of Malawi Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Landraces and NERICA Varieties

Gustav Peter

Doctor of Business Administration



Doctor of Philosophy

Towards enhancement of ß-carotene content of high dry mass sweetpotato genotypes in Zambia



Doctor of Philosophy

Breeding investigations for black Sigatoka resistance and associated traits in diploids, tetraploids and the triploid progenies of bananas in Uganda

Kriel Eresia-Eke

Chukuakadibia Ejerulo

Doctor of Philosophy

Propensity for financial loan default in small business in the Durban Area: A study of the effect of owner/manager and organization characteristics



Doctor of Philosophy

Determinants of military expenditure in Zimbabwe


Sibongiseni Emmanuel

Doctor of Public Administration

Implementation of the National Policy on HIV and AIDS in public schools in the Umkhanyakude District,KwaZulu-Natal Province


Celestin Mutimura

Doctor of Philosophy

Biological control of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)


Sylvester Bongani

Doctor of Philosophy

Civil society organisations and peacebuilding: A case study of Burundi


Abdelhafeez Mohammed

Doctor of Philosophy

Extractives from Species of the Myrtaceae and Rubiaceae of Southern Africa



Doctor of Philosophy

The influence of the monocarpic herb, Isoglossa woodii, on subtropical forest tree dynamics and diversity


Lindsay Gerald

Doctor of Philosophy

An Analysis of Pc5 Pulsations Observed in the SuperDARN Radar Data



Doctor of Philosophy

Effect of c Ha-ras on proteases trafficking in invasive breast cancer cells


Mark Mapendo

Doctor of Philosophy

Measuring and validating food insecurity in Embo, using the food insecurity scale and index


Carl Swarr

Doctor of Philosophy

Acting out the myths: The power of narrative discourse in shaping the Zimbabwe conflict of Matabeleland, 1980-1987


Charles Stephen

Doctor of Philosophy

Micro credit access and growth of women owned enterprises in Tanzania


Shamim Ahmed

Doctor of Philosophy

Strategic Enactment: An Interpretive Approach to Organisational Strategy

Doctor of Philosophy

Managerial competencies required by library managers to effectively manage change in South African university libraries


Praversh Jeebodh


Bronwyn Colleen

Doctor of Philosophy

The interaction of lymphogranuloma venereum and urethritis Chlamydia trachomatis with human keratinocytes and cervical epithelium


Charity Kawira

Doctor of Philosophy

The extent of aflatoxin and Aspergillus section flavi, Pencillium spp and Rhizopus spp contamination of peanuts from households in western Kenya and the causative factors of contamination



Doctor of Philosophy

Pharmaco-immunological vitological dynamics in intrapartum HIV transmission (PIVD study)



Doctor of Philosophy

Genetic Studies on Drought Tolerance and Grain Shattering in Rice



Doctor of Philosophy

Breeding Investigations for Resistance to Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot (PLS) and other Important Foliar Diseases and a Study of Yield Stability in African Maize Germplasm



Doctor of Philosophy

Combining Ability and Heterosis for Stem Sugar Traits and Grain Yield Components in Dual-Purpose Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Germplasm


Guy Andrew

Doctor of Philosophy

The Conservation Biology of a Nominally Protected Leopard Population


Kiddo Julius

Doctor of Philosophy

Breeding, Evaluation and Selection of Cassava for high starch Content in Tanzania



Doctor of Philosophy

Micropropagation and secondary metabolites of Sclerocarya birrea



Doctor of Philosophy

Management of Human Immunodeficiency Virus associated Kaposi’s Sarcoma – A randomised,controlled, open labelled trial comparing the response of combination chemotherapy and highly Active Antiretroviral therapy alone


Bruce McClure

Doctor of Philosophy

The utility of medical therapy for peri-operative cardioprotection for noncardiac surgery


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o c t ora l g ra Duat eS 2 0 0 9





Abdel-Rahman Ahmed

Elfatih Mohamed

Doctor of Philosophy

The potential for using remote sensing to quantify stress in and predict yield of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.hybrid)



Doctor of Philosophy

Exactly Solvable Models for Qubits Coupled to Spin Environments: Decoherence and Entanglement


Stephen Oluwaseun

Doctor of Philosophy

Micropropagation and Medicinal Properties of Barleria greenii and Huernia hystrix



Doctor of Philosophy

Influence of Bridging Groups on the Reactivity of Dinuclear Platinum (II) Complexes with bis(2-pyridylmethyl) amine Chelate Headgroups



Doctor of Philosophy

Wildlife rehabilitation in South Africa


Eltayeb Sulieman Nile

Doctor of Philosophy

Sensible heat flux estimation under unstable conditions for sugarcane using temperature variance and surface renewal


Bridgette May

Doctor of Philosophy

Effect of antimalarial drugs and malaria pigment (ß-haematin) on monocyte phagocytosis and GTP-cyclohydrolase 1 gene expression


Nivohary Sylviane Maria

Doctor of Philosophy

Reproductive behaviour and habitat use in the Blue-eyed Black Lemur (<i>Eulemur flavifrons</i>, Gray, 1867) at the Sahamalaza Peninsula Park, Madagascar



Doctor of Philosophy

Improving end to end delivery of land administration business processes through perfomance measurement and comparison


Opeoluwa Oyehan

Doctor of Philosophy

Chemical Prospecting of Medicinal Plants for Drug Discovery


Ashwell Rungano

Doctor of Philosophy

Pharmacological, phytochemical and safety evaluation of commercial herbal preparations common in South Africa


Jonathan Wesley

Doctor of Philosophy

Image Fusion for Enhanced Forest Structure Assessment


Michael John

Doctor of Science in Agriculture

Sensible Heat Flux for Estimating Evaporation


Angela Jane

Doctor of Philosophy

Systematic studies in Gnidia L. (Thymelaeaceae)


Christina Johanna

Doctor of Philosophy

Pollination of Plectranthus L’ Hér. (Lamiaceae) along the Eastern seaboard of southern Africa


Tasmien Nadine

Doctor of Philosophy

Overcoming biological barriers to control-pollinated seed production in Eucalyptus



Doctor of Philosophy

Ontology Driven Multi-Agent Systems: An Architecture for Sensor Web Applications


Diana Nicolle

Doctor of Philosophy

The effects of compaction and residue management on soil properties and growth of Eucalyptus grandis at two sites in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa


Nokuthula Winfred

Doctor of Philosophy

Characterisation of indigenous Zulu (Nguni) sheep for utilisation, improvement and conservation

Du Rand


Doctor of Philosophy

Isolation of Entomopathogenic Gram Positive Spore Forming Bacteria Effective Against Coleoptera



Doctor of Philosophy

Singularity and Symmetry Analysis of Differential Sequences


Grant Alexander

Doctor of Philosophy

Synthesis of Camphor Derived Ligands for Applications in Asymmetric Catalysis



Doctor of Philosophy

A Study of Nickel Molybdenum Oxide Catalysts for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of n-Hexane



Doctor of Philosophy

Tuning the Reactivity of Platinum(II) complexes


Audrey Marie

Doctor of Philosophy

House Dust Mites (Acari: Pyroglyphidae) in South Africa with Specific Reference to Hospitals in the Coastal Cities


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


Research Grants and Contracts 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008 (above R100 000) College of AgriCulture, engineering & SCienCe fACulty of engineering investigator name

r 14,512,427

Project title

funder name

Professor B S Rigby

Validation of models used in real time simulation – 2007

Eskom Holdings Ltd

R 270,642

Professor E S Boje

Commerical and technical feasibility of developing a line inspection robot

Eskom Holdings Ltd

R 228,000

Professor NM Ijumba

Vibration Research & Testing Centre Projects – To conduct applied research for addressing operational problems of overhead transmission & distribution lines

Eskom Holdings Ltd

R 1,800,000

Professor NM Ijumba

High Voltage Direct Current Project – Assisting with the Eskom Main Transmission System (MTS) network stability problems as well as address the bulk power delivery requirements for the distant load centres

Eskom Holdings Ltd

R 2,900,000

Professor NM Ijumba

Contract Research in the Area of Centre for Engineering Postgraduate Studies (CEPS)


R 2,900,000

Professor CA Buckley

Understanding the sludge accumulation in VIPs, UDS and other onsite sanitation systems, and strategies to manage desludging the future when pits are full

Partners in Development (Pty) Ltd

R 400,000

Professor CA Buckley

The development and implementation of a mathematical model for the water management at Eskom power stations – The management of water at ZLED discharge power stations

Eskom Holdings LTD

R 438,645

Professor RE Schulze

An evaluation of the sensitivity of socio-economic activities to climate change in climatically divergent South African catchments

Water Research Commission – WRC

R 2,500,000

Professor JC Smithers

Funding of a Research Fellowship for the School of Bioresources Engineering and Environmental Hydrology

South African Sugarcane Research Institute

R 1,260,000

Professor JC Smithers

Identifying Opportunities in the South African Sugarcane Supply Chain Management Systems – A Synopsis, Limitations and Recommendations

South African Sugarcane Research Institute

R 261,100

Professor SA Lorentz

An Investigation into the Effects of Atmospheric Pollutants on the SoilWater-Ecosystem Continuum in the Eastern Regions of South Africa

Eskom/Sasol Technology (Pty) Ltd

R 831,500

Professor SA Lorentz

Definition of Process Zones and Connectivity in Catchment Scale NPS Processes

Water Research Commission – WRC

R 722,540

fACulty of SCienCe & AgriCulture


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Amount Awarded

Professor D J Brothers/ Dr Des Conlong

r 15,820,716

CORUS Project

Institut De Recherche Pour Le Developpement

R 480,000

Professor RM Gous/ M Ciacciariello

Three trials using broiler breeders to improve the accuracy of a broiler breeder model that is in the process of being developed at UKZN

Cobb-Vantress Incorporated

R 422,237

Dr SL Hendriks

Specialist technical support, production & supply of equipment and idigenous poultry to community development research


R 149,665

Professor RM Gous

Evaluation of medicinal plants as alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters for growing pigs

Red Meat Research and Development Trust of SA

R 160,000

Professor RM Gous

Comparing the response to balanced dietary protein among pig genotypes

Red Meat Research and Development Trust of SA

R 120,000

Professor M Laing/ Professor PB Tongoona

Agronomy studies and plant breeding of sweet stem sorghum for South African conditions


R 4,036,909

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


R e se aRch G R a nt s a nd c ont Ra ct s 2008

fACulty of SCienCe & AgriCulture investigator name

R eseaR ch GRants and c ontR a cts 2008

r 15,820,716

Project title

funder name

Professor M D Laing

Generation Challenge Programme – Incorporation of an MSV resistance gene in Mozambican maize varieties, mediated by use of MAS

Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo

Dr A Vosloo

Weaning success in SA abalone hatcheries – the potential role of diatoms

HIK Abalone Farm (Pty) Ltd

Dr M L Hammer/Professor R Slotow

South African Hidden Species

Professor T R Hill

Amount Awarded

fACulty of HumAnieS, develoPment An SoCiAl SCienCeS investigator name

Project title

r 15,421,102 funder name

Amount Awarded

Ms NB Nzimande

SAF2P203 – Applied Population Sciences Training and Research (APSTAR II)

United Nations Population Fund

R 379,250

R 100,320

Professor TG Tomaselli

Behaviour Change Communication Program (1 Feb 2008 – 31 May 2008)

John Hopkins Health and Education SA

R 168,850

Earthwatch Institute

R 171,150

Professor TG Tomaselli

Behaviour Change Communication Program – (31 May 2008 – 31 July 2008) – Additional Funding

John Hopkins Health and Education SA

R 130,046

Ecohealth Graduate Training Award for East and Southern Africa

International Development Research Centre – IDRC

R 120,232

Professor PM Zulu

Queen’s University

R 120,000

Dr MC Dent

Catchment Management Agency Expertise Development Network

Water Research Commission – WRC

R 400,000

Targeting Young Males in Rural South Africa to Prevent HIV/AIDS and Gender-based Violence: Formative Research for Intervention Design, Pilot Testing and Evaluation.

Professor CA Jermy

Preparation of a Proposal leading to a PhD for a student (William Ansell)

Richards Bay Minerals

R 101,775

Professor PM Zulu

Department of Education – KwaZuluNatal

R 200,000

Professor HC Murrell

KwaZulu-Natal Bioinfomatics Node – Continue operating of Node for 2008

Development and Growth Plan of the Province of KwaZulu-Natal – Masifundisane Adult Literacy Campaign

National Bioinformatics Network Trust

R 192,875

Professor DJ Spurret

Dr MB Demlie

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

UCT/The SA Responsible Gambling Foundation

R 225,000

Optimised Monitoring of Groundwater – Surface Water – Atmospheric Parameters for Enhanced Descision Making at a Local Scale

Probability discounting, temporal discounting, temporal discounting & reward bundling in SA disordered gamblers

R 212,400

Professor DJ Spurret

UCT/The SA Responsible Gambling Foundation

R 532,000

Professor OQ Munro

MUNRO MINTEK RESEARCH ORDER 1 – Santham Govender, Roseanne C. Salmond, Matthew Akerman

Probability discounting, temporal discounting and reward bundling in Southern African disordered gamblers


R 142,500

Ms CM Slack

Feasibility of & Capacity Building for Adolescent HIV Vaccine Trials in SA


R 442,804

Dr FB Ahmed

Quantitative assessment of sugarcane growth and factors of stress using remote sensing techniques

South African Sugarcane Research Institute

R 148,547

Professor DR Wassenaar

World Health Organisation

R 646,160

Professor U Bob

Women’s Property Rights: Gender and Land Surveys in Sub-Saharan Africa

International Center for Research on Women

R 434,350

Research training, advocacy and networking in order to strenghen the ethical-legal framework for HIV Vaccine Trials and build the capacity of key actors in host countries to address the key ethical issues and challenges posed by trials

Dr M Mudhara

Participatory Innovation Development in the face of HIV/AIDS

ETC Netherlands

R 500,000

Professor PMBR Denis

National Implementation of Training in Resilency-Building for Caregivers of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in SA

Children’s Emergency Relief International/USAID

Dr M Mudhara

Facilitating a learning environment for local interest groups sharing a commitment to developing more sustainable livelihoods, through selfreliance, enterprise, experimentation and innovation


R 350,000

Professor PM Zulu

Consultative process on governance and administration of royalties, taxes, levies and other forms of remittances in rural areas

Department of Traditional and Local Government Affairs

Dr M Mudhara

Enhanced capacity and practice of smallholder farmers in sustainable agriculture

Foundation ICCO Interchurch Organisation for Development Cooperation

Modern South African Astronomy and Cosmology: Confronting the Simulated and the Observed Universe

Council for Science and Industrial Research – Centre for High Performance Computing / DST

Dr M Mudhara

Farmer Access to Innovation Resources – FAIR 2

ETC Foundation/Rockefeller Foundation

Dr NH Rodda

BCM Greywater Research Project

Stockholm Environment Institute

Dr K Moodley

R 1,824,000

College of HeAltH SCienCeS

Dr J Karlsson

Gender, education and global poverty reduction inititatives

University of London / Economic & Social Research Council

fACulty of HumAnieS, develoPment StudieS And SoCiAl SCienCeS

Collaborative AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa- CAPRISA AIDS treatment (CAT) programme using ART [Grant for 01/07/2007 to 30/06/2008]

National Institute of Health

Professor Q AbdoolKarim/Professor SS Abdool-Karim

Determinants of HIV acquisition in young women in rural KwaZulu-Natal

CARE SA / Centre for Disease Control (CDC)

R 1,625,000

Dr KP Mlisana

South Africa HIV Vaccine Trials Unit – HVTN 503 – Additional funding

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

R 5,963,520

r 1,048,455

Professor SS AbdoolKarim

CAPRISA HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Unit – Non-competing administrative supplement for addition of CAPRISA HVTU 72-001

National Institute of Health

R 1,144,636

R 1,048,455

Dr K Naidoo

Field-Based DOT

Care SA/Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

R 1,728,265

Professor SS AbdoolKarim

CAPRISA HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Unit – Additional Funds from IMPAACT

National Institute of Health

Professor SS AbdoolKarim

Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology (“CHAVI”)

Duke University/NIH

Professor SS AbdoolKarim

Funding to build a state-of-the-art Biosafety level 3 research laboratory to link with the LIFElab genomics platform – LIFElab TB-HIV Laboratory: P3 laboratory for TB drug resistance & HIV research

Eastcoast Biotechnology Innovation Centre Trust /(LIFELAB)

Professor HM Coovadia

International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group (“IMPAACT”) – Year 3 for Professor Coovadia

Social & Scientific System

R 2,052,000 R 1,282,800 R 147,600

r 15,421,102

Dr Pranitha Maharaj

Understanding the dynamics of condom negotiation and use in marital relationships in generalised HIV epidemics: South Africa and Uganda

World Health Organisation

R 509,472

Professor J May

Poverty Specialist to Develop District and Local Municipal Poverty Professoriles for the Eastern Cape

Eastern Cape Socio-Economic Consultative Council (ECSECC)

R 190,192

Dr V Khumalo

KwaZulu-Natal Missionary Legacy Project

KZN Premier’s Office

R 715,530

Mr IAK Valodia

British High Commission – Services Project/Trade Policy/Consultancies/ Research

Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies

R 156,750

MS CJ Skinner

The support for the dissemination component of the documentation of the Warwick Junction Project

Tides Centre

R 248,600


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

r 153,015,220

Professor SS AbdoolKarim

College of HumAnitieS fACulty of eduCAtion

R 983,040 r 153, 015,220

nelSon r mAndelA SCHool of mediCine

R 2,271,356

R 9,773,408

R 19,705,335

R 126,627 R 3,637,440 R 10,000,000 R 723,092

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


R e se aRch G R a nt s a nd c ont Ra ct s 2008

nelSon r mAndelA SCHool of mediCine investigator name

Project title

R eseaR ch GRants and c ontR a cts 2008

r 153,015,220 funder name

Amount Awarded

nelSon r mAndelA SCHool of mediCine investigator name

r 153,015,220

Project title

funder name

Amount Awarded

Ms JCM Swart

International Training Programme in Epidemiology of Aids – (Year 4) – Six 1 Year Traineeships – 01 June 2008 – 31 May 2009

Columbia University/NIH

R 1,747,787

Professor AW Sturm

Developing a Diagnostic Test for Extremely Drug Resistant (XDR) and Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) TB

EastCoast Biotechnology Innovation Centre Trust

Dr KP Mlisana/Professor SS Abdool-Karim

Feasibility of and Capacity Building for Adolescent HIV Vaccine Trials in South Africa

University of Cape Town / EDCTP

R 4,311,991

Professor N Gqaleni

Infrastructure Funding for the Indigenous Health Care Systems Research Chair

Department of Science and Technology

R 500,000

Mr F Van Loggerenberg

An Enhanced adherence support programme for HIV/AIDS Antiretroviral Therapy – HAART

Columbia University/Doris Duke Chartiable Foundation

Professor A Coutsoudis

International Epidemiological Databases to Evaluate AIDS

University of Berne

R 113,453

Professor SS AbdoolKarim

Professor NC Rollins National Institute of Health – NIH

United Nations Children’s Fund – UNICEF

R 852,770

Units for HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Networks – YEAR 2 – Main Grant

Impact of HAART during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding on MTCT and Mother’s Health: The Kesho Bora Study

Professor SS AbdoolKarim/Dr K Naidoo

CAPRISA AIDS Treatment (CAT) Programme – Bridging Funds for 3 Months

Professor P Moodley

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

R 631,800

CARE South Africa

R 6,786,179

Susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to second-and third-line drugs against TB and correlating susceptibility with bacterial genotype

Professor ML Newell

Verbal Autopsy and Information Project

MTN SA Foundation

R 1,163,374

Professor M Mars

Telemedicine intervention strategy in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal

Medical Research Council/CSIR/DST

R 2,784,755 Professor HM Coovadia

Oxford University /Welcome Trust

R 8,955,495

Wageningen University/European Commission

Impact of HLA class I alleles on immune control of adult and paediatric HIV infection

Dr JD Kvalsvig

Novel staple food-based strategies to improve micronutrient status for better health and development in sub-Saharan Africa – INSTAPA (Improved Nutrition through Staple foods in Africa)

R 2,328,371 Professor TP Ndung’u

HIV Controllers: Implications for Immunogen Design – Year 1

Massachusetts General Hospital/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

R 1,210,301

Dr N Padayatchi/Jinabhai

Tuberculosis Trial consortium – TBTC Year 5

Columbia University

R 3,681,713 Professor PT Ndung’u

R 3,811,951

Roche Products (Pty) Ltd

R 180,000

Targeting HIV Intergration Co-Factors, Targeting Cellular Proteins During Nuclear Import or Intergration of HIV – THINC

European Commission

Professor GM Mody

Unrestricted grant – Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drug (DMARD) Therapy control Health & Psychosocial Need: Children with Development Disorder in a Time of HIV

Professor B Cassim

R 600,000

Columbia University / NIH

R 2,510,010

The influence of socio-economic and environmental factors on the Health Status and Quality of life of older persons in KwaZulu-Natal South Africa


Dr Shuaib Kauchali

Professor PT Ndung’u

NK Cell Function in HIV-1 Infection

Massachusetts General Hospital/NIH

R 328,320

Professor T Ndung’u

HIV Controllers: Implications for Immunogen Design – Year 2

Massachusetts General Hospital/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

R 1,618,974

Professor SJY Reid

Provision of Technical Support to the KwaZulu-Natal Province for the Intergration of PMTCT into Maternal and Child Health Services

Medical Research Council

R 447,535

Professor T Ndung’u

Immune Regulation of HIV: Providing Insights for Improved AIDS Vaccine Design

Massachusetts General Hospital

R 1,216,541

Professor PT Ndung’u

Gag-Protease Function in Chronic HIV-1 Subtype C Infection

Partners Aids Research Center/ Massachusetts General Hospital

R 134,784

Dr N Padayatchi

Tuberculosis Trial consortium – TBTC Year 6

Columbia University

R 1,391,729

Dr FC Tanser

Understanding causal pathways of HIV acquisition and transmission: a multi-level, longitudinal analysis of communities, households & individuals in a rural area – Year 1

National Institute of Health

R 1,769,926

Dr A Pym

The development of diagnostics for pediatric TB, the determination of modes of TB transmission in HIV-infected individuals, and the efficacy testing of various combinations of second and third-line drugs against multiand extensively drug-resistant TB

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

R 1,263,600

Professor ML Newell

Father involvement and its impact on men’s health in a South African population with a high AIDS mortality

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine/The Wellcome Trust

Dr N Gqaleni

Inter-Agency PEPFAR Annual program statement US Govt Mission to SA – Biomedical and Traditional Healing Collaboration on HIV & AIDS AIDS

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

R 6,000,000

Professor ML Newell

African-European HIV Vaccine Development Network

Imperial College/EDCTP

R 4,727,296

Professor WMU Daniels

Developmental Stress, Exercise and Vulnerability to Neuronal Injury

University of Pittsburgh/NIH

Professor ML Newell

Partnerships and sexual behaviour in rural South Africa in the era of HIV and antiretroviral treatment

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine/Wellcome Trust

R 4,397,335

Professor TP Ndung’u

Definition of optimal immunogens for a protective HIV Clade C Virus Vaccine – SAAVI

Medical Research Council

Professor J Viljoen/ Professor ML Newell

ANRS Project: Study of mother-to-child HIV-1 transmission through breast-feeding determinants: immuno-virological study

French National Agency for Research on Aids and Vira; Hepatitis

R 2,437,468

Dr T Ndung’u

Immune Regulation of HIV: Providing insights for Improved AIDS Vaccine Design

Massachusetts General/ Internation Aids Vaccine Initiative

R 741,993

Dr TW Barnighausen/ Professor ML Newell

The effect of vaccination coverage on school attainment

John Hopkins University

R 360,612

Professor ML Newell

Placing Youth at the Forefront to Improve Community Engagement in Research and Dissemination of Research Findings in Rural South Africa

The Wellcome Trust

R 390,000

Professor ML Newell

Impact on mother’s health of interruption of antiretroviral therapy taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV: extended follow up of the KESHO-BORA study cohort

The French National Agency for Research on Aids & Viral Hepatitis (ANRS)

R 171,000

Professor PT Ndung’u

Expanding the Sinikithemba Cohort Study to 600 subjects

Massachusetts General Hospital/ Microsoft

R 2,598,782

Professor PT Ndung’u

The determination of correlates of protective immunity against HIV with regard to sequence variation within class II HLA alleles, the dominant epitopes of helper T cells

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

R 631,800

Validation of bioimpedance against isotype methods for determination of body composition in HIV – infected South African Children

Professor AW Whiteside

Economic Reference Group meetings – May and October 2007

The World Bank Group

R 514,500

Dr M Chhagan

International Atomic Energy Agency

R 112,000

Professor AW Whiteside

Economic Reference Group meetings – May 2008 -January 2009

The World Bank Group

R 954,800

Professor N Gqaleni

IKS Bioprospecting and Product Development Platform: Traditional Medicines

Department of Science and Technology

R 300,000

Professor AW Whiteside

Joint Financing Agreement for Heard Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division (HEARD)

Department of International Development – DFID


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

R 369,600 R 22,494,410

R 114,495

R 5,941,375

R 250,000 R 5,981,783

College of lAw & mAnAgement StudieS

R 7, 495,193

fACulty of lAw

r 1,870,604

Ms W B Kubayi

Community Outreach Programme of the Centre for Criminal Justice

Ford Foundation

Mr K Achary/Professor MG Cowling

Provision of legal services by the Law Clinic for the Women’s Health and HIV Research Unit

KwaZulu-Natal University Health (Pty) Ltd

fACulty of mAnAgement StudieS

R 1,694,000 R 176,604 r 6,624,589

R 3,422,600

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


ReseaRch GRants and contRacts 2009

R e se aRch G R a nt s a nd cont Ra ct s 2008

fACulty of mAnAgement StudieS investigator name

Project title

r 6,624,589 funder name

Amount Awarded

Professor AW Whiteside

Development of an Options Plan for the proposed AIDS Museum

Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa – OSISA

R 268,289

Professor AW Whiteside

Project Plan: Conference – Towards the formation of an action plan for youth development in KwaZulu-Natal

Department of Social Welfare & Population Development

R 496,900

Professor AW Whiteside

CGD-UNAIDS High-Level Working Group

Center for Global Development

R 577,500

Professor AW Whiteside

Workshop to train HIV practitioners and researchers to integrate their efforts into larger initiatives with a focus on the new global priorities of climate change, energy shortages, food insecurity and high food prices

The Merck Company Foundation

R 250,000

Mr NC Mokolatsie

College of HumAnitieS fACulty of eduCAtion investigator name

Project title Conducting a Research Study on Improving The Quality of Education in KZN

Dr Hugo Wayne

funder name KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Treasury

totA tot Al

SuPPort SeCtor To develop and evaluate a programme addressing reproductive health issues through education, advocacy and service delivery and empowering women students to manage gender inequality in relationships

1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009 (above R100 000)

r 2,400,000 The Ford Foundation

R 2,400,000

Amount Awarded R 1,509,200 r 1,509,200

fACulty of HumAnitieS. develoPment And SoCiAl SCienCeS Professor Douglas Richard Wassenaar

Local Organization of the Regional Workshop on Addressing Ethical Challenges in Research: Working with Revised Consideration, Durban 9-12 March 2009

World Health Organisation

Professor Douglas Richard Wassenaar

Mapping of Ethics Review and Trial Regulatory Capacity in SubSaharan Africa

Council on Health Research for Development/EDCTP

Professor Graham Charles Lindegger

Towards a science of community engagement in international HIV vaccine research: An Embedded multinational case study of the social impact of a ‘failed’ HIV vaccine product

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

R 125,000

Professor Douglas Richard Wassenaar

Core Funding to Sustain the AAVP ELH Office and Project Manager

World Health Organisation

R 177,750

Professor Julian Douglas May

Eradicating Poverty and Inequality

The Presidency of Republic of South Africa/EC

R 726,000

Professor Patrick Martin Bond

The Response of South African Civil Society to the Xenophobic Violence of 2008 ... Future of Civil Society

Strategy & Tactics CC

R 432,200

Professor Graham Charles Lindegger

Researchers care and prevention responsibilities in HIV vaccine trials in South Africa: A normative empirical assessment

The Wellcome Trust

Professor Sihawukele Emmanuel Ngubane

Genealogies of African Families in KwaZulu-Natal

KZN Premier’s Office

R 658,130

Professor Stephen Mark De Gruchy

African Religious Health Assets Programme – Year 3

Emory University

R 112,500

Strenghtening African Research Ethics Committees’ Capacity for Ethical Review of HIV Prevention Research

European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

R 639,162

Professor Douglas Richard Wassenaar totA tot Al

R 575,102 R 1,600,000

R 2,945,748

r 7,991,592

College of AgriCulture, engineering & SCienCe fACulty of engineering


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Professor Jeffrey Colin Smithers

Deployment Maintenance and Further Development of SpatsimHydrological Decision Support Framework (HDSF)

Water Research Commission

R 2,265,000

Professor Bright Glen

Conceptual Design of Reconfigural Manufacturing Equipment. Project No. AMTS-07-10-P


R 1,714,000

Professor Christopher Andrew Buckley

Understanding the sludge accumulation in VIPs, UDS and other onsite sanitation systems and strategies to manage desludging the future when pits are full

Partners in Development (Pty) Ltd

R 535,000

Professor Roland Edgar Schulze

Managing Climate Risks for Agriculture and Water Resources Development in South Africa – 3 Tasks

University of Free State/IDCR

R 505,977

Professor Roland Edgar Schulze/ Professor Simon Antony Lorentz

Understanding the sludge accumulation in VIPs, UDS and other onsite sanitation systems and strategies to manage desludging the future when pits are full

Partners in Development (Pty) Ltd

R 429,000

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


R e se aRch G R a nt s a nd c ont Ra ct s 2009

R eseaR ch GRants and c ontR a cts 2009

fACulty of engineering investigator name

fACulty of SCienCe & AgriCulture

Project title

funder name

Amount Awarded

Mr Angus Mcfarlane Forbes – Mr Carl Hector Grossmann

A) Rock Art Mapping Project Phase 2 B) Heritage Mapping Unit C) Maloti-Drakensberg Transfrontier Aerial Mapping Project

National Lotteries Board

Professor Graham Paul Wyndham Jewitt

Water use of cropping systems adapted to Bio-Climatic regions in South Africa and suitable for Bio-fuel production

Water Research Commission

Professor Graham Paul Wyndham Jewitt

A Management Tool for the Inkomati Basin with Focus on Improved Hydrological Understanding for Risk-based Operational Water Management

Water Research Commission

Professor Simon Antony Lorentz

Research into the Nutrient and Organic Carbon Fluxes from smallscaled agriculture

Water Research Commission

Mr Louis Francois Lagrange

Technical and Feasibility Investigation for on Farm Bio-Diesel Production

KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affiars

R 704,817

Professor Graham Paul Wyndham Jewitt

Risk based operational water management for the Icomati Basin (RISKOMAN)

UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education

R 491,400

Professor Graham Paul Wyndham Jewitt

Upscaling small-scale land and water system innovations in dryland agro-ecosystems for sustainability and livelihood improvements

UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education

R 451,100

Professor Glen Bright

RoboCup Participation 2010

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research/DST

R 417,850

Professor Graham Paul Wyndham Jewitt

Hydrological Impacts of Land use and Land Cover Changes in … Tanzania (HILL) – PhD & MSc training

UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education

R 300,000

Professor Bruce Spencer Rigby

Real-Time Simulations of the Transmission Network. .. RTDS simulator … protection settings


R 208,380

totA tot Al

R 25,325,380 R 7,400,000

R 1,639,600

funder name

Amount Awarded

SPLASH Project – Grey Water Re-Use Component – (Student – Ms Preshanthie Naicker)

Royal Society of Chemistry London

R 233,000

Professor Kevin Peter Kirkman

Convergence and Contingencies in Savanna Grasslands

Colorada State University

R 200,250

Professor Shimelis Hussein

Chemical Mutagenesis for Herbicide Resistance in Sorghum and Maize

PlantBio Trust

Dr Maxwell Mudhara

Stimulating Community Initiatives in Sustainable Land Management (SCI-SLM)

United Nations Environment Programme

Dr Joan Nyangasi Jaganyi

Empowerment of Women in Rural Areas Through Water … Skills and Training for Gender Equity Reduction

Water Research Commission

R 3,000,000

Professor Pangirayi Bernard Tongoona

Genomics of Quantitative Disease Resistance in African Maize (Phase II) PB129/09

University of Pretoria/Panna Pty/ Centre PGR

R 4,589,752

Dr Maxwell Mudhara

Promoting well-being among HIV/AIDS affected rural households in Msinga

Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz

totA tot Al

R 1,593,216 R 500,000

R 438,051 r 15,453,636

College of HeAltH SCienCeS nelSon r mAndelA SCHool of mediCine

r 44,187,504 fACulty of SCienCe & AgriCulture

Professor Bob Urmilla

Women’s Property Rights: Gender and Land Surveys in SubSaharan Africa – Phase 2

International Center for Research on Women

Professor Stefan Schmidt

A Quantitative Investigation into the Link between Irrigation Water Quality and Food Safety

Stellenbosch University

Dr Maxwell Mudhara

Promoting well-being among HIV/AIDS affected rural households in Msinga, KwaZulu-Natal South Africa 2009

Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz – HEKS

Professor Kevin Peter Kirkman

The Savanna Convergence Projects: A Comparative Examination of the Role of Fire and Herbivory in South African and North African Savannas

Yale University/Andrew W Mellon Foundation

R 338,913

Professor Kevin Peter Kirkman

Convergence and Contingencies in Savanna Grasslands

Colorado State University/ National Science Foundation

R 237,600

Professor Orde Quentin Munro

MUNRO MINTEK RESEARCH ORDER 3 – Santham Govender Roseanne C. Salmond Matthew Akerman Colin R. Wilson


R 218,000

Dr Nicola Heike Rodda

Occurrence of helminth parasites in combined pits (pit latrines)

Stockholmes Environ Institute

R 130,000

Dr Mariana Ciacciariello

Amino Acid and Protein Utilization of Broiler Breeder Hens Fed Maize Soya Diets

Protein Research Foundation – PRF

R 130,000

Dr Mark Clifford Dent

FETWater CMA Expertise Development Network (Year 2)

Water Research Commission

R 342,982

Dr Philip Hugh Coombes

Novel Drug Development from Indigenous Medicinal Plants

Medical Research Council/DST

R 300,000

Dr John Derera

Improvement of African Maize Germplasm by Introgressing Temperate Genes to Enhance Nutritional Quality and Adaptability to Climate Change

Global Crop Diversity Trust

R 240,000

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Project title

Professor Norman William Pammenter – Dr Rodda Nicola Heike

R 1,800,000

College of AgriCulture, engineering & SCienCe


investigator name

R 1,920,198

Professor William Mark Uren Daniels

Developmental Stress Exercise and Vulnerability to Neuronal Injury

University of Pittsburg/National Institute of Health

R 713,080

Professor William Mark Uren Daniels

Developmental Stress Exercise and Vulnerability to Neuronal Injury

University of Pittsburgh/NIH

R 410,342

Professor Marie-Louise Newell

Sub-Funding provided by PACT Inc to Africa Centre to implement its HIV/AIDS program in South Africa

Pact, Inc/USAID

Professor Peter Thumbi Ndung’u

Pathogenesis of Clade C HIV Infection

Massachusetts General Hospital/ NIH

R 3,177,920

Dr Nesri Padayatchi

AIDS Clinical Trials Group Network (ACTG) – 20 Patients participating in AACTG protocol A5221

Social & Scientific Systems Inc/ NIH

R 1,227,810

Mrs Johanna Christina Ma Swart

International Training Program in Epidemiology of Aids -Enhancing Capacity for Patient-Oriented Research in HIV-associated Kaposi Sarcoma and non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in KwaZulu-Natal – Year 1

Columbia University/National Institute of Health

R 793,007

Professor Marie-Louise Newell

Memorandum of Understanding between the Researching Equity in Access to Health Care (REACH) Team and Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies

University of Cape Town/ International Development Research Centre

R 418,752

Professor Anna Coutsoudis

Prevention of Maternal to Child Transmission of HIV MTCT-Plus Programme Initiative – Year 6 (Additional Funding)

Columbia University

R 140,000

Professor Abdool Karim Safurdeen Salim

CAPRISA AIDS Treatment Programme – 30/09/2009 – 29/09/2010

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

R 27,962,056

Professor Abdool Karim Safurdeen Salim

CAPRISA HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Unit – Main Grant Year 3

National Institute of Health

R 20,523,392

Professor Peter Thumbi Ndung’U

TRIM5 and Cyclophilin A in HIV-1 Transmission and Pathogenesis in South Africa

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research/DST

R 2,314,827

Professor Anna Coutsoudis

Multi-Country Antiretroviral Treatment Programme – Columbia University and University of KwaZulu-Natal in Support of HIV treatment activities at Cato Manor Clinic

Columbia University

R 2,009,713

Dr Tulio De Oliveira

Swiss-Prot South Africa: Protein Bioinformatics Resource Developmentfor Important Health-Related Pathogens

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research/DST

R 1,916,873

Mrs Johanna Christina Ma Swart

International Training Programme in Epidemiology of Aids – (Year 5) – Recruitment of Fellows for training programme

Columbia University/NIH

R 1,734,776

Professor Nigel Campbell Rollins

Kesho Bora Study – Assessment of HIV disease state and Nutritional well being of mothers and their infants


R 1,200,000

R 591,186 R 450,488

R 24,007,500

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


R e se aRch G R a nt s a nd c ont Ra ct s 2009

R eseaR ch GRants and c ontR a cts 2009

fACulty: nelSon r mAndelA SCHool of mediCine investigator name

Project title

fACulty of mAnAgement StudieS funder name

Amount Awarded

Professor Marie-Louise Newell

EuropeAid/121404/C/G/Multi-Aid for poverty-related diseases (HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria) in developing countries

Medical Research Council/ European Commission

Professor Peter Thumbi Ndung’U

“Innate Immunity in HIV-1 infection

Massachusetts General Hospital/ Doris Duke Chartiable Foundation

Professor Nceba Gqaleni

Infrastructure Funding of the Establishment of Traditional Medicine Laboratory

Department of Science and Technology

R 500,000

NK Cell Function in HIV-1 Infection

Massachusetts General Hospital/ NIH

R 476,760

International Training Programme in Epidemiology of AIDS – Cancer Taining Supplement – Year 2

Columbia University/NIH

R 436,329

Dr Frank Courteney Tanser

Smart Science: An HIV/AIDS education initiative aiming to prevent new infections in school going children by encouraging a correct understanding of current health research through a scientific approach

The Wellcome Trust

R 390,000

Professor Abdool Salim Quarraisha Karim

CAPRISA HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Unit – Additional funds

National Institute of Health

R 244,089

Professor Peter Thumbi Ndung’U

Harvard University Center for AIDS Research

Harvard University/NIH

R 243,000

Dr Nesri Padayatchi

TBTC Study 30 LineZolid Pharmacokinetics (PK) – A Study to Assess the Pharmacokinetic parameters of Linezolid in Patients with MDR and XDR TB

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

R 240,837

Dr Kany Luabeya Kany

Community-based informant reporting of maternal deaths: a proofof-principle pilot study

University of Aberdeen

R 188,214

Dr Nesri Padayatchi

Enhancing Care and Improvement Treatment Outcomes for Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients in South Africa

Boston University/Potts Memorial Foundation

R 162,066

Professor Marie-Louise Newell

A Complex Multi-component Intervention to Reduce Individual

The Wellcome Trust

Mrs Johanna Christina Ma Swart

Building Capacity for patient oriented research in HIV-associated Kaposi Sarcoma in KwaZulu-Natal – Year 2

Columbia University/NIH

R 332,986

Dr Kauchali Shuaib

Health and Psycho-social Needs: Children with Developmental Disorder in a Time of HIV

Columbia University/NIH

R 3,266,024

Professor Abdool Salim Quarraisha Karim

Enhancing the Impact of the AIDS response on MDG5

World Health Organisation

Dr William Carr

The Role of Natural killer Cells in the Prevention of HIV-1 transmission ... Microbicide Trial

EastCoast Biotechnology Innovation Centre Trust

Dr Koleka Patience Mlisana

eThekwini-South African HIV Vaccine Trials Unit – HVTN 503

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centrer/NIH

R 114,750

Professor Champaklal Chaganlal Jinabhai

Technical Support to the KZN Department of Health for the Burden of Disease (BoD) Study

Embassy of Italy-Italian Cooperation in South Africa

R 227,500

Dr Nesri Padayatchi

Fogarty International Clinical Research Scholars

Columbia University/NIH

R 445,890

Professor Peter Thumbi Ndung’U

HIV Controllers: Implications for Immunogen Design – Year 3

Massachusetts General Hospital

Professor Peter Thumbi Ndung’U Mrs Johanna Christina Ma Swart

totA tot Al

R 1,144,080

investigator name

Project title

funder name

Amount Awarded

Professor Marie-Louise Newell

EuropeAid/121404/C/G/Multi Aid for poverty-related diseases (HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria) in developing countries

Medical Research Council/ European Commission

Professor Robert Gordon Taylor

ProfessoritNet Learning Networks for Small Micro and Medium sized enterprises (SMMEs) in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) South Africa (SA)

University of Brighton/British Council

R 575,965

Professor Timothy Quinlan

Regional Network on HIV/AIDS Rural Livelihoods and Food Security (Renewal)

International Food Policy Research Institute

R 101,976

Professor Alan Walter Whiteside

Performing the functions of the Secretariat of the UNAIDS Reference Group on economics

UNAIDS-WHO HIV Vaccine Initiative

R 515,962

Professor Timothy Quinlan

Review on South African HRH Capacity to Implement the HIV National Strategic Plan

European Agency for the Development and Health

R 119,000

Professor Timothy Quinlan

Facilitating Alternative Gender Constructs in Home-Based Care and Child Welfare Programmes in South Africa

Embassy of Ireland

R 786,620

totA tot Al

R 1,144,080

r 11,782,750

R 3,238,132

R 174,720 R 2,325,780

R 1,217,304 r 104,663,709

College of lAw & mAnAgement StudieS fACulty of mAnAgement StudieS Professor Alan Walter Whiteside

To Document the Establishment and Functioning of the Madikwe Forum and the Extent to Which the Governance Structure Has Contributed to the Achievements of its Mandate

African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships

R 557,700

Professor Alan Walter Whiteside

Swaziland LT Strategy for Human Capital Rebuilding – Assignment No: 389 TAF

Health and Development Africa (Pty) Ltd

R 471,240

Professor Timothy Quinlan

The Siyakha Nentsha Project

Population Council

R 324,287

Professor Timothy Quinlan

The Potential impact of socio-political and economic factors on the response to HIV and AIDS in South Africa

Oxfam Australia


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

R 70,000


s tat ut oRy a nd e xt eR na l Incom e 2008

statutoRy and exteR na l Income 2009

Statutory and External Income External Grants & Contracts Processed in 2008

Research Grants and Contracts 2009 (More than R100 000)



College of AgriCulture, engineering & SCienCe

College of HumAnitieS

Faculty of Engineering

R14, 512, 427

Faculty of Education


Faculty of Science & Agriculture

R15, 820, 716

Faculty of Humanities. Development and Social Sciences



R30, 333, 143


College of HumAnitieS

R 9,500,792 College of AgriCulture, engineering & SCienCe

Faculty of Education

R1, 048,455

Faculty of Engineering


Faculty of Humanities, Development & Social Science

15, 421,102

Faculty of Science & Agriculture



R16, 469, 647


R 59,641,140

College of HeAltH SCienCeS

College of HeAltH SCienCeS

Nelson Mandela School of Medicine

R153, 015, 220

Faculty: Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine


R153, 015, 220


College of lAw And mAnAgement StudieS

104,663,709.00 R 104,663,709 College of lAw & mAnAgement StudieS

Faculty of Law

R1,870, 604

Faculty of Management Studies

Faculty of Management Studies

R6, 624, 589



R 8, 495, 213

totA tot Al gr grA Ant ntS S & Contr ContrAC ACt tS Pro ProC CeSS SSed ed in 2009

totA tot Al gr grA Ant ntS S And And C Contr ontrAC ACt tS Pro ProC CeSS SSed ed in 2008


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

11,782,750.00 R 11,782,750 r 185,588,391

r 208, 313, 223

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


stat ut oRy Incom e fR om t he nRf

statutoRy Income f R om the n R f

Statutory Income from the National Research Foundation (NRF) 2008 faculty

focus Areas





national equipment Programme











































Humanities, Development & Social Sciences















Management Studies











Engineering Science & Agrictulture Health Sciences

totA tot AlS

incentive fund for rated researchers

international grants

Human Capital development

Knowledge fields developments

African Coelocanth ecosystem

Adhoc grants



































































Statutory Income from the National Research Foundation (NRF) 2009 faculty

focus Areas












Blue Skies

Human Capital development for multiwavelength Astronomy

African origin Platform Programme grants

African Coelecanth ecosystem Programme


international grants







































































Humanities, Development & Social Sciences



































Management Studies
































Engineering Science & Agrictulture Health Sciences

totA tot AlS




Abbreviations THRIP

Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme


South African Biosystematics Initiative


South African Research Chairs Initiative


Knowledge Fields Development


Marine and Coastal Management


Research Infrastructure Support Programme


South African National Antarctic Programme.


Knowledge Interchange and Collaboration


Institutional Research Development Programme


Incentive Funding for Rated Researchers


National Laser Centre


Competitive Support for Unrated Researchers


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


new GRants exceedInG R500 000 fRom fundeRs In 2008

New grants exceeding R500 000 from funders in 2008 funder Eastcoast Biotechnology Innovation Centre Trust /(LIFELAB)

new GRants exceedInG R500 000 fRom fundeRs In 2009

New grants exceeding R500 000 from funders in 2009 vAlue R 10,000,000



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

R 27,962,056

Children's Emergency Relief International/USAID

R 9,773,408

National Lotteries Board

R 25,325,380

CARE South Africa

R 6,786,179

Pact, Inc / USAID

R 24,007,500

EastCoast Biotechnology Innovation Centre Trust

R 5,941,375

National Institute of Health

R 20,523,392

Imperial College/EDCTP

R 4,727,296

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

R 8,260,000

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine / Wellcome Trust

R 4,397,335

Water Research Commission

R 7,400,000

University of Cape Town / EDCTP

R 4,311,991

University of Pretoria/Panna Pty/Centre PGR

R 4,589,752


R 4,036,909

Columbia University/NIH

R 3,266,024

European Commission

R 3,811,951

The Wellcome Trust

R 3,238,132

Duke University/NIH

R 3,637,440

Massachusetts General Hospital / NIH

R 3,177,920

Eskom Holdings Ltd

R 2,900,000

Water Research Commission

R 3,000,000


R 2,900,000

The Wellcome Trust

R 2,945,748

Medical Research Council/CSIR/DST

R 2,784,755

EastCoast Biotechnology Innovation Centre Trust

R 2,325,780

Massachusetts General Hospital/Microsoft

R 2,598,782

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research/DST

R 2,314,827

Columbia University / NIH

R 2,510,010

Water Research Commission

R 2,265,000

French National Agency for Research on Aids and Vira; Hepatitis

R 2,437,468

Columbia University

R 2,009,713

The Ford Foundation

R 2,400,000

International Center for Research on Women

R 1,920,198

Wageningen University/European Commission

R 2,328,371

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research/DST

R 1,916,873

Foundation ICCO Interchurch Organisation for Development Co-operation

R 2,271,356

Water Research Commission

R 1,800,000

Council for Science and Industrial Research - Centre for High Performance Computing / DST

R 2,052,000

Columbia University/NIH

R 1,734,776

Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo

R 1,824,000


R 1,714,000

Eskom Holdings Ltd

R 1,800,000

Water Research Commission

R 1,639,600

Columbia University/NIH

R 1,747,787

Council on Health Research for Development/EDCTP

R 1,600,000

Ford Foundation

R 1,694,000

PlantBio Trust

R 1,593,216

Massachusetts General Hospital/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

R 1,618,974

KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Treasury

R 1,509,200

ETC Foundation/Rockefeller Foundation

R 1,282,800

Social & Scientific Systems Inc/NIH

R 1,227,810

South African Sugarcane Research Institute

R 1,260,000

Massachusetts General Hospital

R 1,217,304

Massachusetts General Hospital/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

R 1,210,301


R 1,200,000

MTN SA Foundation

R 1,163,374

Medical Research Council/European Commission

R 1,144,080

Department of Traditional and Local Government Affairs

R 983,040

Columbia University/National Institute of Health

R 793,007

United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF

R 852,770

Embassy of Ireland

R 786,620

Eskom/Sasol Technology (Pty) Ltd

R 831,500

Massachusetts General Hospital/Doris Duke Chartiable Foundation

R 745,200

Massachusetts General/ Internation Aids Vaccine Initiative

R 741,993

The Presidency of Republic of South Africa/EC

R 726,000

KZN Premier's Office

R 715,530

University of Pittsburg/National Institute of Health

R 713,080

Center for Global Development

R 577,500

KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affiars

R 704,817

UCT/The SA Responsible Gambling Foundation

R 532,000

KZN Premier's Office

R 658,130

ETC Netherlands

R 500,000

European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

R 639,162

Stellenbosch University

R 591,186


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


new GRants exceedInG R500 000 fRom fundeRs In 2009



University of Brighton/British Council\

R 575,965

World Health Organisation

R 575,102

African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships

R 557,700

Partners in Development (Pty) Ltd

R 535,000

UNAIDS-WHO HIV Vaccine Initiative

R 515,962

University of Free State/IDCR

R 505,977

United Nations Environment Programme

R 500,000


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


d o h et a ccRedI t ed PublI cat I ons 2008

dohet a ccRedI ted Pub l I c atIons 2008

Faculty of Education Chapters in Books Baatjes, ig. 2008. Adult basic education and training, Human Resource Development Review 2008, Cape Town: HSRC Press: 206-227. Bhana, d. 2008. Children’s Sexual Rights in an Era of HIV/AIDS, Development with a Body: Making the Connections between Sexuality, Human Rights and Development, London: Zed Books: 77-86. Development Bhana, d. Pattman, rw. 2008. Indian girls and the construction of boys, sexuality and race in South Africa, Gender, Sexuality and Development Development, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers: 103-117. maharaj, B. Khan, S. Sookrajh, r. 2008. Religion and Development, Giving and solidarity: Resource flows for poverty alleviation in South Africa, Cape Town: HSRC Press: 79-119. morrell, rg. Bhana, d. moletsane, rt. 2008. Mobilizing care: Accounts of Gender equality, schooling and the HIV epidemic in Durban, South Africa, Gender equality and HIV and AIDS: Challenges for the education sector sector, Oxford: Oxfam GB: 150-169. o’Brien, fy. 2008. Service-learning in community development, ServiceLearning in the Disciplines. Lessons from the Field, Pretoria: Council on Higher Education: 41-60. ramrathan, P. 2008. The ethics and politics of researching HIV/AIDS within the school context in South Africa, doing cross-cultural research. Ethical and methodological perspectives, Germany: Springer Heidelberg, Tiergartenstrasse 17, Heidelberg, Germany, D-69121: 103-118. reddy, S. 2008. Heterosexual Masculinities in the southern African context of HIV/AIDS, Gender, Sexuality and Development: Education and Society in Subsaharan Africa, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers: 159-169.

whole Books govinden, d. 2008. A Time of Memory – Reflections on Recent South African Writings, Durban: Solo Collective. govinden, d. 2008. Sister Outsiders – The Representation of Identity and Difference in Selected Writings by South African Indian Women, 2008: UNISA Press, University of South Africa.

Department of Higher Education and Training (DoHET) Accredited Publications 2008 116

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

moletsane, rt. mitchell, CA. 2008. Methodologies for mapping a southern African Girlhood in the age of Aids, Rotterdam/New York/Taipei: Sense Publishers.

Faculty of Humanities, Development & Social Sciences Chapters in Books Akuno, eA. 2008. Sing me a Life: Music as a peoples identity, Culture, Performance and Identity: Paths of Communication in Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya: Twaweza Communications: 183-195. Badassy, P. 2008. Turbans or Top Hats? Indenture, Indian Interpreters and Empire: Natal, 1880-1910, Europe and its Empires, Pisa: Pisa University Press: 157-178. Baker, dP. 2008. Of mercenaries and prostitutes: Can private warriors be ethical?, Private Military and Security Companies: Ethics, Policies and CivilMilitary Relations, Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Ltd,, United Kingdom: 30-42. Bhana, A. Petersen, i. 2008. Community psychology in South Africa, International Community Psychology: History and Theories, New York: Springer, 233 Spring Street, New York, United States, Ny, 10013: 337-391. Bhana, d. Pattman, rw. 2008. Indian girls and the construction of boys, sexuality and race in South Africa, Gender, Sexuality and Development, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers: 103-117. Bond, Pm. 2008. Accumulation by dispossession in Africa: False diagnoses and dangerous prescriptions, Neoliberalism and Globalization in Africa. Contestations on the Embattled Continent Continent, New York: Palgrave Macmillan,, U.S.A.: 17-31. Bond, Pm. 2008. Decentralization, privatization and countervailing popular pressure: South African water commodification and decommodification, Planning and Decentralization. Contested spaces for public action in the global south, London: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, England, Oxfordshire, Ox14 4Rn: 36-54. Bond, Pm. 2008. Decommodifying Electricity in Post-Apartheid Johannesburg, Contesting Neoliberalism: The Urban Frontiers, New York: Guilford Publications,, U.S.A.: 157-178. Bond, Pm. 2008. Die Gefahren elitarer Bundnisse, G8 Macht Politik: Wie die Welt Beherrscht Wird Wird, Germany: Brandes & Apsel: 168-175. Bond, Pm. 2008. The Sociopolitical Structure of Accumulation and Social Policy in Southern Africa, The Sociopolitical Structure of Accumulation and Social Policy in Southern Africa, London: Palgrave Macmillan, No URL, United Kingdom: 198-223. Brown, dJB. 2008. Environment and Identity: A Littoral Zone (1991), Son to the Ocean: New Essays on Douglas Livingstone’s Poetry Poetry, Venice: Amos Edizioni: 109-135. Buccus, i. 2008. Democratisation with Inclusion: Revisiting the role of ward committees, Consolidating Developmental Local Government – Lessons from the South African Experience, Cape Town: UCT Press: 525-537.

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


d o h et a ccRedI t ed PublI cat I ons 2008

Burns, Ce. 2008. A useable past: The search for “history in chords”, History Making and Present Day Politics, Sweden: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet: 351-363. Chapman, mJf. 2008. A Retrospect: Sjambok and Other Poems from Africa(1964), Son to the Ocean: New Essays on Douglas Livingstones Poetry Poetry, Venice: Amos Edizioni: 43 -55. Chapman, mJf. 2008. African Literature, African Literatures: Cultural Practice or Art Practice, Texts, Tasks and Theories: Versions and Subversions in African Literatures 3, Amsterdam: Rodopi: 153-164. Chirongoma, S. manda, dl. 2008. Ubuntu and womens health agency in contemporary South Africa, From Our Side: Emerging Perspectives on Development and Ethics, Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers and UNISA Press: 189-208. Cockburn, CJ. 2008. Discomposing Apartheid’s Story: Who Owns Handel?, Composing Apartheid: Music for and Against Apartheid Apartheid, Johannesburg: Wits University Press : 55-77. Collier, Jd. 2008. Rainforest Realism and the Unity of Science, Every Thing Must Go: Metaphysics Naturalized Naturalized, New York: Oxford University Press: 190257. Coullie, Je. 2008. Life Writing in the New South Africa, Teaching Life Writing Texts, New York: Modern Language Association of America: 221-232. de gruchy, Sm. 2008. Christian Leadership in another country: contributing to an ethical development agenda in South Africa today, From Our Side: Emerging Perspectives on Development and Ethics, Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers and UNISA Press: 9-20.

draper, JA. 2008. Vice Catalogues as Oral-Mnemonic Cues: A Comparative Study of the Two-Ways Tradition in the Didache and Parallels from the Perspective of Oral Tradition, Jesus, the Voice and the Text: Beyond the Oral and the Written Gospel, Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press: 111-133. ferreira-meyers, KAf. 2008. Paralittérature pré-coloniale. Littérature post et post-post coloniale?, Littératures africaines. Sortir du postcolonial? Algiers: Editions du Tell: 177-186. frizelle, Kl. 2008. Service-Learning in Psychology, Service-Learning in the Disciplines: Lessons from the field, Pretoria: Community-Higher EducationService Partnerships (CHESP): 261-276. Haddad, Bg. 2008. To seek to transform unjust structures of society (ii), Mission in the 21st Century: exploring the five marks of global mission, London: Darton Longman+ Todd: 77-83. Hayes, gH. 2008. A history of psychoanalysis in South Africa, Interiors: A history of psychology in South Africa, Pretoria: University of South Africa, Unisa Press,P.O. Box 392 Pretoria 0003: 182-203. Jolles, fef. 2008. Zulu Pottery Styles, African Terra Cottas, Geneva: BarbierMueller Museum: 400-419. Jones, nJ. viney, dl. 2008. The rise of the Daily Sun and its contribution to the creation of post-apartheid identity, Power, Politics and Identity in South African Media, Cape Town: HSRC Press: 167-183. Kytzler, B. 2008. Improvised Myths in the Silvae of Statius, Amicitiae templa serena. Studi in onore di Guiseppe Arico., Milano: Vita e Pensiero – Pubblicazioni dell Universite Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,, Italy: 813821.

dohet a ccRedI ted Pub l I c atIons 2008

mkhize, nJ. 2008. Ubuntu and Harmony: An African Approach to Morality and Ethics, Persons in Community: African Ethics in a Global Culture, Pietermaritzburg: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press: 35-43. more, mS. 2008. Biko: Africana Existentialist Philosopher, Biko Lives! Contesting the Legacies of Steve Biko, London: Palgrave Macmillan: 45-68. more, mS. 2008. Sartre and South African Apartheid, Race after Sartre: Antiracism, Africana Existentialism, Postcolonialism, New York: State University of New York Press: 173-190. morris, ml. 2008. Regional development and cluster management: Lessons from South Africa, Development on the Ground: Clusters, networks and regions in emerging economies: Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies: 278-298. murove, mf. 2008. Neo-Liberal Capitalism, African Elites and ICT: Challenges and Prospects for a Development Ethic based on Ukama and Ubuntu, From our Side: Emerging Perspectives on Development Ethics, Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers and UNISA Press: 135-150. murove, mf. 2008. On African Ethics and the Appropriation of Western Capitalism: Cultural and Moral Constraints to the Evolution of Capitalism in Post-Colonial Africa, Persons in Community: African Ethics in a Global Culture, Pietermaritzburg: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press: 85-110. nadvi, SlB. 2008. Islam and the State in South Africa, Political Islam and the State in Africa, Pretoria: Centre for International Political Studies: 137-156. ntsimane, rP. 2008. Why should I tell my story? Culture and Gender in Oral History, Oral History in a wounded country: Interactive interviewing in South Africa, Pietermaritzburg: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press: 196.

de gruchy, Sm. Chirongoma, S. 2008. Earth, water, fire and wind: elements of African ecclesiologies, The Routledge Companion to the Christian Church, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Ltd,, United Kingdom: 291-305.

maharaj, B. Khan, S. Sookrajh, r. 2008. Religion and Development, Giving and solidarity: Resource flows for poverty alleviation in South Africa, Cape Town: HSRC Press: 79-119.

opondo, PA. 2008. African music in global diasporic discourse: Identity explorations of South African artist Johnny Mbizo Dyani, Music and Identity: Transformation and Negotiation, Stellenbosch: Sun Press: 257-276.

de meyer, BA. 2008. Kouty, mémoire de sang d’Aïda Mady Diallo ou le polar à l’africaine, Littératures africaines au XXIe siècle: sortir du postcolonial? Blida: Editions du Tell: 187-197.

maharaj, B. nyar, A. 2008. Giving, Development and Poverty Alleviation in South Africa, Giving and solidarity: Resource flows for poverty alleviation in South Africa, Cape Town: HSRC Press: 17-44.

Preston-whyte, rA. 2008. The lure of flyfishing, Tourism and the Consumption of Wildlife Hunting, Shooting and Sport Fishing, Abingdon: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Ltd,, United Kingdom: 45-56.

denis, PmBr. 2008. The ethics of oral history, Oral History in a Wounded Country. Interactive Interviewing in South Africa, Pietermaritzburg: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press: 63-84.

marks, mm. 2008. Generating Youth Safety From Below: Situating Young People at the Centre of Knowledge-based Policing, The Handbook of Knowledge Based Policing: Current Conceptions and Future Directions, Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, England, W Sussex, Po19 8Sq: 263-279.

rakoczy, Sf. 2008. Mixed Messages: John Paul II’s Writings on Women, The Vision of John Paul II: Assessing His Thought and Influence, Collegeville, Minnesota, USA: Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota, USA: 158-183

devey, rm. lebani, l. Skinner, CJ. valodia, iAK. 2008. The informal economy, Human Resources Development: Education, Employment and Skills in South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press: 111-133. draper, JA. 2008. Apostles, Teachers, and Evangelists: Stability and Movement of Functionaries in Matthew, James, and the Didache: Three Related Documents in their Jewish and Christian Settings, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature: 139-176. draper, JA. 2008. Biblical Hermeneutics in a Secular Age: Reflections from South Africa Twenty Years after the Kairos Document, The Bible in the Public Square: Reading the Signs of the Times, Minneapolis: Fortress Press: 39-54.


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

marschall, S. 2008. The Heritage of Post-colonial Societies, The Ashgate Research Companion to Heritage and Identity Identity, Hampshire, U.K and Burlington,VT, USA: Ashgate: 347-363. mcCracken, dP. 2008. The end of imperial track: Factors retarding the destruction of the big game of Zululand, Europe and its Empires, Pisa: Pisa University Press: 141-155. mchunu, mr. 2008. Are Rural Communities Open Sources of Knowledge, Oral History in a Wounded Country. Interactive Interviewing in South Africa, Pietermaritzburg: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press: 129-143.

richardson, rn. 2008. Reflections on Reconciliation and Ubuntu, Persons in Community: African Ethics in a Global Culture, Pietermaritzburg: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press: 65-82. Sathiparsad, r. 2008. Masculinities in the era of HIV and AIDS: the perspectives of rural male Zulu youth, From boys to men: Social construction of masculinity in contemporary society society, Lansdowne: UCT Press: 181-194. Slack, Cm. Stobie, ml. Barsdorf, nw. 2008. Access to Treatment for Trial Participants Who Become Infected with HIV during the Course of Phase 1 Trials of a Preventive HIV Vaccine in South Africa: The Limits of Obligations to Provide Treatment in the South African Phase 1 HIV Vaccine Trials, Ethical Issues in International Biomedical Research: A Casebook, New York: Oxford Univ Press,

198 Madison Avenue, New York, USA, Ny, 10016: 219-225. Spurrett, dJ. 2008. Causation in a Structural World, Every Thing Must Go: Metaphysics Naturalized Naturalized, New York: Oxford University Press: 258-297. Spurrett, dJ. 2008. In Defence of Scientism, Every Thing Must Go: Metaphysics Naturalized New York: Oxford University Press: 1-65. Naturalized, teer-t teereer-tomaselli, tomaselli, re. 2008. National public service broadcasting: Contradictions and dilemmas , Power, Politics and Identity in South African Media, Cape Town: HSRC Press: 73-103. tomaselli, K tomaselli, Kg g. 2008. New South African Documentary, Marginal Lives & Painful Pasts: South African Cinema After Apartheid Apartheid, Denmark: Intervention Press: 159-184. tomaselli, t omaselli, K Kg g. dyll, le. francis, md. 2008. “Self” and “Other”: AutoReflexive and Indigenous Ethnography, Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies, California: Sage Publications Inc, 2455 Teller Rd, Thousand Oaks, Usa, Ca, 91320: 347-372. voss, Ae (tony). tony). 2008. Limen et litus: The Skull in the Mud (1960), Son to the t Ocean: New Essays on Douglas Livingstone’s Poetry, Venice: Amos Edizioni: 29-41. voss, Ae (tony). tony). 2008. Mary Colliers Reply to Stephen Duck: Gender + Class t = Slavery, Working and Writing for Tomorrow Essays in Honour of Itala Vivan, Nottingham: Critical, Cultural and Communications Press: 79-87. warmback, Ae. 2008. The Oikos Journey: Reflection on economy, ecology and Diakionia, From Our Side: Emerging Perspectives on Development and Ethics, Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers and UNISA Press: 151-170. wassenaar, dr. 2008. Obligations to participants harmed in the course of the N-9 multicenter vaginal microbicide trial in South Africa: Was the N-9 trial ethical? Questions and Lessons, Ethical Issues in International Biomedical Research: A Casebook, New York: Oxford University Press, 198 Madison Avenue, New York, USA, Ny, 10016: 319-325. west, go. 2008. Contending with the Bible: biblical interpretation as a site of struggle in South Africa, The Bible in the Public Square: Reading the Signs of the Times, Minneapolis: Fortress Press: 101-116. west, go. 2008. Liberation criticism, Searching for meaning: an introduction to interpreting the New Testament, London: SPCK: 152-159. west, go. 2008. The poetry of Job as a resource for the articulation of embodied lament in the context of HIV and AIDS in South Africa, Lamentations in ancient and contemporary cultural contexts, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature: 195214.

whole Books Clelland-Stokes, S. 2008. Representing Aboriginality: A post-colonial analysis of the key trends of representing aboriginality in South African, Australian and Aotearoa/New Zealand film, Denmark: Intervention Press.

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


d o h et a ccRedI t ed PublI cat I ons 2008

ebrahim, Afm. 2008. An Introduction to Islamic Medical Jurisprudence, Durban: Islamic Medical Association of South Africa. franke, vm. 2008. Palestrinas Imitation Masses: A Study of Compostional Procedures, Italy: Palestrina Foundation. lund, fJ. 2008. Changing Social Policy: The Child Support Grant in South Africa, Cape Town: HSRC Press. mcCracken, dP. 2008. Saving the Zululand Wilderness: An early struggle for nature conservation, Johannesburg: Jacana Media nicolson, r. 2008. The church and same-sex marriage, Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications. nurnberger, KB. 2008. The Living Dead and the Living God: Christ and the Ancestors in a Changing Africa, Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications. Spurrett, dJ. 2008. Midbrain Mutiny: The Picoeconomics and Neuroeconomics of Disordered Gambling, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, http://mitpress., U.S.A. wright, J. 2008. Tracks in a Mountain Range, Johannesburg: Wits University Press.

Faculty of Law

govender, K. 2008. A cautionary note regarding substantive equality: A reply to Cathi Albertyn and Beth Goldblatt, Constitutional Conversations, Pretoria: Pretoria University law Press: 257-265. Hoctor, Sv. 2008. A peregrination through the law of provocation, Essays in honour of CR Snyman, Pretoria: UNISA Press, University of South Africa. Hoctor, Sv. 2008. Counterfeiting currency offences, South African Criminal Law and Procedure Vol III Statutory Offences, Cape Town: JUTA & Company Limited: A2: 1-13. Hoctor, Sv. 2008. Offences relating to aliens and citizens, South African Criminal Law and Procedure Vol III Statutory Offences, Cape Town: JUTA & Company Limited: D6:1-3. Hoctor, Sv. 2008. Offences relating to fences and beacons, South African Criminal Law and Procedure Vol III Statutory Offences, Cape Town: JUTA & Company Limited: J8:1-6.

du Plessis, m. 2008. Reparations and international law: How are reparations to be determined (past wrong or current effects), against whom, and what form should they take?, Repairing the past? International perspectives on reparations for gross human rights abuses, Antwerpen-Oxford: Intersentia, http://www., Netherlands: 147-177.


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Steyn, l. 2008. Criminal Law – General, Mars The Law of Insolvency in South Africa, Cape Town: Juta Law; Cape Town: 605-615. Steyn, l. 2008. Effects of sequestration, Mars The Law of Insolvency in South Africa, Cape Town: Juta Law; Cape Town: 170-180. Stone, l. 2008. Country Study1: Botswana, unable or Unwilling? Case stud studies on domestic implementation of the ICC statute in selected African countries, Brooklyn Square: Institute for Security Studies, Brooklyn Square, 0075 012-346 9500: 19-36.

whole Books

Hoctor, Sv. 2008. Postal offences, South African Criminal Law and Procedure Vol III Statutory Offences, Cape Town: JUTA & Company Limited: G5:1-8.

du Plessis, m. 2008. Overview of the general nature of Rome Statute implementation obligations, unable or Unwilling? Case studies on domestic implementation of the ICC statute in selected African countries, Brooklyn Square: Institute for Security Studies,PO Box 1787,Brooklyn Square,0075 012-346 9500: 11-17.

Steyn, l. 2008. Criminal Law – Particular Offences, Mars The Law of Insolvency in South Africa, Cape Town: Juta Law; Cape Town: 616 – 644.

Hoctor, Sv. 2008. Offences relating to population registration and the collection of statistics, South African Criminal Law and Procedure Vol III Statutory Offences, Cape Town: JUTA & Company Limited: D5: 1-5.

Carnelley, m. Hoctor, Sv. 2008. Explosives, armaments and weaponry, The Law of South Africa Vol 10(1), Durban: LexisNexis Butterworths,, South Africa: 61-182.

du Plessis, m. 2008. Complementarity: a working relationship between African states and the International Criminal Court, African Guide to International Criminal Justice, Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies: 123-142.

Sharrock, rd. 2008. Insolvency, The Law Of South Africa Vol 11, Durban: LexisNexis Butterworths,, South Africa: 193-409.

Stone, l. 2008. The Law Of South Africa, Durban: LexisNexis Butterworths,, South Africa: 211-306.

Chapters in Books

du Plessis, m. 2008. Background to the ISS international crime in Africa Programme, unable or Unwilling? Case studies on domestic implementation of the ICC statute in selected African countries, Brooklyn Square: Institute for Security Studies,PO Box 1787,Brooklyn Square,0075 012-346 9500: 5-9

reparations for gross human rights abuses, Antwerpen-Oxford: Intersentia,, Netherlands: 3-28.

Hoctor, Sv. 2008. Offences relating to immigration and emigration, South African Criminal Law and Procedure Vol III Statutory Offences, Cape Town: JUTA & Company Limited: D4: 1-8.

Hoctor, Sv. 2008. Offences relating to railways and harbours, South African Criminal Law and Procedure Vol III Statutory Offences, Cape Town: JUTA & Company Limited: G4:1-5.

du Plessis, m. 2008. A comparative overview: Reviewing the country studies, unable or Unwilling? Case studies on domestic implementation of the ICC statute in selected African countries, Brooklyn Square: Institute for Security Studies,PO Box 1787, Brooklyn Square,0075 012-346 9500: 115-122.

dohet a ccRedI ted Pub l I c atIons 2008

Jivan, uA. 2008. Judicial Officers, The Law Of South Africa Vol 11, Durban: LexisNexis Butterworths,, South Africa: 456-480. lumina, CK. 2008. Counting the cost: the impact of corporate warfare on the human rights of women and children in Africa, Elimination of Mercenarism in Africa: A Need for a New Continental Approach, Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies: 101-120. lumina, CK. 2008. Legislative Responses to Terrorism & the Protection of Human Rights: A Survey of Selective African Practice, The Roots of African Conflicts: The Causes & Costs, Oxford, Athens & Pretoria: James Currey, Ohio University Press & UNISA Press: 181-198. mcquoid-mason, dJ. 2008. Malicious Proceedings, The Law of South Africa: Volume 15 Part 2, Durban: LexisNexis Butterworths, http://www.butterworths., South Africa: 189-220. mcquoid-mason, dJ. 2008. Medical Professions and Practice, The Law of South Africa Volume 17 Part 2, Durban: LexisNexis Butterworths,, South Africa: 1-152. Pete, SA. 2008. A brief history of human rights in the prisons of Africa, Human rights in African prisons, Cape Town: HSRC Press: 40-66. Pete, SA. du Plessis, m. 2008. Reparations for gross violations of human rights in context, Repairing the past? International perspectives on

Hoctor, Sv. 2008. Cooper – s Motor Law: Criminal Liability, Administrative Adjudication & Medico-legal Aspects, Cape Town: JUTA & Company Limited. ndlovu, fP. 2008. The South African Law Of Carriage of Goods by Sea: Common Obligations in Charterparties and Bills of Lading under English and South African Law Law, Durban: Law Books Press, Durban 4093.

Faculty of Management Studies Chapters in Books Averweg, ur. 2008. Decision Support Systems and Decision-Making Processes, Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies, Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global: 218-224. Averweg, ur. 2008. From the Intranet to the Enterprise Knowledge Portal, Encyclopedia of Portal Technology and Applications, Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global: 408-412. Averweg, ur. 2008. ICT Considerations for a Municipality in South Africa, Electronic Government: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global: 1158-1170. Averweg, ur. 2008. Impact of Portal Technologies on Executive Information Systems, Encyclopedia of Internet Technologies and Applications, Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global: 215-221.

PA, USA: IGI Global: 763-768. Averweg, ur. 2008. Researching communities with community participation in a metropolitan municipality in South Africa, Researching with Communities: Grounded perspectives on engaging communities in research, Waitakere City: Muddy Creek Press: 309-322. dawad, S. 2008. Assessing the prevention response to child road traffic injuries, Crime Violence and Injury Prevention in South Africa: Data to Action, Tygerberg, South Africa: MRC-UNISA: 10-25. govender, P. Brijball Parumasur, S. 2008. Developing managerial competencies and creating master managers as a vehicle for accomplishing Total Quality Management (TQM), Leadership in a changing Landscape, Malaysia: CERT: 337-368. Kohler, mrAr. 2008. The Economic Impact of Rising Energy Prices: A Constraint on South Africas Growth and Poverty Reduction Potential, Volatility in Oil Prices Causes and Implications, Hyderabad, India: Icfai University Press: 148-195. naidoo, K. 2008. Examining the Approach Used for Information Technology Investment Decisions by Practitioners Responsible for IT Planning in Namibia, Managing Information Communication Technology Investments in Successful Enterprises, USA & UK: Idea Group Publishing, USA, Pa, 17033-1240: 182-189. Penceliah, y. 2008. Commercial sex work in Lesotho: An issue of social justice, Urban Experiences of Gender Generations and Social Justice, Lesotho: Institute of Southern African Studies (ISAS): 165-192. reddy, PS. 2008. Conclusion: Practical Puzzles, Theoretical explanations, Improving Local Government: Outcomes of Comparative Research, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan: 193-219. reddy, PS. 2008. Metropoles in Africa, Improving Local Government: Outcomes of Comparative Research, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan: 45-71. reddy, PS. maharaj, B. 2008. Democratic decentralization in Post-apartheid South Africa, Foundations for Local Governance – Decentralisation in Comparative Perspective, Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag,, Germany: 185-211. whiteside, hiteside, A Aw. 2008. The Development agenda and HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS and society in South Africa, Pietermaritzburg: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press: 265.

whole Books t tewari, dd. 2008. Management of Nontimber Forest Product Resources of India: An Analysis of Forest Development Corporations, Lucknow: International Book Distributing Co. whiteside, hiteside, A Aw. 2008. HIV/AIDS: a very short introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press,, United Kingdom.

Averweg, ur. 2008. Portal Technologies and Executive Information Systems Implementation, Encyclopedia of Portal Technology and Applications, Hershey,

NRM School of Medicine UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


d o h et a ccRedI t ed PublI cat I ons 2008

Chapters in Books gray, Al. 2008. Health and related indicators, South African Health Review 2008, Durban: Health Systems Trust: 239-395. gray, Al. Jack, Cl. 2008. Health legislation and policy, South African Health Review 2008, Durban: Health Systems Trust: 31-49. Schlebusch, l. 2008. Priorities and prevention possiblities for reducing suicidal behaviour, Crime Violence and Injury Prevention in South Africa: Data to Action, Tygerberg, South Africa: MRC-UNISA: 173-201.

Faculty of Science & Agriculture Chapters in Books Bawa, A. 2008. Doctoral education in South Africa: the challenge for development, The Doctorate Worldwide, England: The McGraw-Hill Companies: 205-216. Breen, Cm. 2008. Changes in Water Availability and Demand Within South Africa’s Shared River Basins as Determinants of Regional Social and Ecological Resilience, Exploring Sustainability Science, Stellenbosch South Africa: AFRICAN SUN MeDIA: 279-310. delsink, AK. Slotow, rH. 2008. Reproductive control of elephants, Elephant Management: A scientific assessment for South Africa, South Africa: Wits University Press: 257-328. mackey, rl. 2008. Elephant translocation, Elephant Management: A scientific assessment for South Africa, South Africa: Wits University Press: 241-256. maharaj, B. 2008. (Step) Children of the rainbow nation? South African Indians in the post-apartheid era, Indian Diaspora: Trends and Issues, New Delhi, India: Serial Publications: 25-43. maharaj, B. 2008. Religion, Philanthropy and Giving in South Africa: A Preliminary Analysis, Religions and Philanthropy: Global Issues in Historical Perspective, Bologna, Italia: Baskerville, Bologna, Italia: 67-92.

Giving and solidarity: Resource flows for poverty alleviation in South Africa, Cape Town: HSRC Press: 79-119. maharaj, B. nyar, A. 2008. Giving, Development and Poverty Alleviation in South Africa, Giving and solidarity: Resource flows for poverty alleviation in South Africa, Cape Town: HSRC Press: 17-44. reddy, PS. maharaj, B. 2008. Democratic decentralization in Post-apartheid South Africa, Foundations for Local Governance – Decentralisation in Comparative Perspective, Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, http://link.springer. de/, Germany: 185-211. rogan, Jm. 2008. Between stagnation and unrealisitc innovation in the science curriculum, Educational Change in South Africa: Reflections on Local Realities, Practices, and Reforms, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers: 57-76. Scharler, um. 2008. Ecological Network Analysis, Ascendency, Encyclopedia of Ecology Ecology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1000 Ae: 1064-1071. Slotow, rH. 2008. Effects of elephants on ecosystems and biodiversity, Elephant Management: A scientific assessment for South Africa, South Africa: Wits University Press: 146-205. Slotow, rH. 2008. Lethal management of elephants, Elephant Management: A scientific assessment for South Africa, South Africa: Wits University Press: 370-405. Slotow, rH. 2008. The elephant in South Africa: History and distribution, Elephant Management: A scientific assessment for South Africa, South Africa: Wits University Press: 23-83. Slotow, rH. 2008. Towards integrated decision-making for elephant management, Elephant Management: A scientific assessment for South Africa, South Africa: Wits University Press: 537-586. van Staden, J. 2008. Plant Growth Regulators II: Cytokinins, their analogues and antagonists, Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture, USA: Agritech Publications: 205-226. wesley-Smith, J. Pammenter, nw. Berjak, P. 2008. Cryopreservation of Recalcitrant (i.e. Desiccation-Sensitive) Seeds, Plant Cryopreservation. A Practical Guide, New York: Springer, United States, Ny, 10013: 465-484.

maharaj, B. Khan, S. Sookrajh, r. 2008. Religion and Development,


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d o h et a ccRedI t ed PublI cat I ons 2008

dohet a ccRedI ted Pub l I c atIons 2008

Journal Articles 2008 DVC (Teaching and Learning) Division

Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. Initial B-Cell Responses to Transmitted Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1: Virion-Binding Immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG Antibodies Followed by Plasma Anti-gp41 Antibodies with Ineffective Control of Initial Viremia, Journal of Virology Virology, 82(24)12449–12463.

maharaj, i. 2008. Ebersohn, L. and Eloff, I Life skills & assets (2nd Edn) 2006. Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers ISBN 0 627 025323, Journal of Education, (45)177-186.

Barnighausen, tw. 2008. Accounting for the full benefits of childhood vaccination in South Africa, South African Medical Journal, 98(11)842-846.

vithal, r. 2008. An analytical framework for mathematics teacher education from a critical perspective, Perspectives In Education, 26(2)29-40. vithal, r. 2008. Complementarity, mathematics and context, Journal of Education, (45)43-62.

DVC (Research) Division Campbell, C. gibbs, Ar. maimane, AS. nair, y. 2008. Hearing community voices: grassroots perceptions of an intervention to support health volunteers in South Africa, SAHARA: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, 5(4)162-177. Jacobs, Ju. 2008. Playing in the Dark/Playing in the Light: Coloured Identity in the Novels of Zoe Wicomb, Current Writing, 20(1)1-15. Pramlal, A. Brijball Parumasur, S. 2008. Assessing members perceptions of team cohesiveness in a Public Service Department, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages, 14(1)166-196.

College of Health Sciences Abdool Karim, Q. meyer-weitz, weitz, A. mboyi, l. Carrara, H. mahlase, g. frohlich, w JA. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. The influence of AIDS stigma and discrimination and social cohesion on HIV testing and willingness to disclose HIV in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Global Public Health, 3(4)351-365. Abdool Karim, Q. Abdool Karim, SS. Kharsany, ABm. 2008. Challenges in HIV-Prevention Microbicide Research, Science, 321()532-534. Abdool Karim, Q. meyer-weitz, A. mboyi, l. Carrara, H. mahlase, g. frohlich, JA. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. The influence of AIDS stigma and discrimination and social cohesion on HIV testing and willingness to disclose HIV in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Global Public Health, 3(4)351-365. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. Apnea and its possible relationship to immunization in ex-premature infants, Vaccine, 26(27-28)3410-3413. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp41 antibodies that mask membrane proximal region epitopes: Antibody binding kinetics, induction, and potential for regulation in acute infection, Journal of Virology, 82(1)115-125. Virology


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Barnighausen, tw. Hosegood, v. tanser, t fC. Herbst, AJ. Hill, C. newell, ml. 2008. Hiding in the shadows of the HIV epidemic: obesity and hypertension in a rural population with very high HIV prevalence in South Africa, Journal of Human Hypertension, 22(3)236-239. Barnighausen, tw. tanser, t fC. gqwede, Z. mbizana, C. Herbst, AJ. newell, ml. 2008. High HIV incidence in a community with high HIV prevalence in rural South Africa: findings from a prospective population-based study, AIDS, 22(2008)139-144. Bebell, lm. mlisana, KP. iriogbe, ig. van loggerenberg, f. Abdool Karim, Q. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. Relationship between Levels of Inflammatory Cytokines in the Genital Tract and CD4+ Cell Counts in Women with Acute HIV1 Infection, Journal of Infectious Diseases, 198(5)710-714. Bebell, lm. mlisana, KP. iriogbe, ig. van loggerenberg, f. Abdool Karim,Q. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. Relationship between Levels of Inflammatory Cytokines in the Genital Tract and CD4+ Cell Counts in Women with Acute HIV1 Infection, Journal of Infectious Diseases, 198(5)710-714. Bishop, KS. mlotshwa, nP. Coovadia, Hm. ndungu, Pt. walker, Bd. goulder, PJr. 2008. Central Role of Reverting Mutations in HLA Associations with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Set Point, Journal of Virology Virology, 82(17)8548 -8559. Bland, rm. 2008. Countdown to 2015 for maternal, newborn, and child survival, Lancet, 372(). Lancet Bland, rm. Coovadia, Hm. Coutsoudis, A. rollins, nC. newell, ml. 2008. Intervention to promote exclusive breast-feeding for the first 6 months of life in a high HIV prevalence area, AIDS, 22(7)883-891. Bland, rm. newell, ml. 2008. Prolonged breastfeeding and HIV transmission, Preventive Medicine, 47()34-35. Bland, rm. newell, ml. 2008. Vertically acquired paediatric HIV infection: the challenges of providing comprehensive packages of care in resource-limited settings, Tropical Medicine & International Health, 13(9)1098-1110. Burns, JK. esterhuizen, tm. 2008. Poverty, inequality and the treated incidence of first-episode psychosis: An ecological study from South Africa, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology Epidemiology, 43(4)331-335. Chhagan, m. luabeya, KKA. 2008. HIV Infection is Associated with Decreased Dietary Diversity in South African Children, Journal of Nutrition, 138(9)1705-1711.

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


d o h et a ccRedI t ed PublI cat I ons 2008

Cooke, gS. 2008. Cluster of Falciparum Malaria cases in UK airport, Emerging Infectious Diseases, 14(8)1284-1286. Cooke, gS. 2008. Mapping of a novel susceptibility locus suggests a role for MC3R and CTSZ in human Tuberculosis, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care, 178()203-207. Coutsoudis, A. Coovadia, Hm. 2008. HIV, infant feeding and more perils for poor people: new WHO guidelines encourage review of formula milk policies, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86(2)146-150. day, C. Kiepiela, P. van der Stok, me. nair, KS. ismail, n. Coovadia, Hm. goulder, PJr. walker, Bd. 2008. Proliferative capacity of epitope-specific CD8 T-cell responses is inversely related to viral load in chronic human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection, Journal of Virology Virology, 81(1)434-438. de Paoli, mm. mkwanazi, nB. richter, l m. rollins, nC. 2008. Early cessation of breastfeeding to prevent postnatal transmission of HIV: a recommendation in need of guidance, Acta Paediatrica, 97()1663-1668. frank, Sv. esterhuizen, tm. Jinabhai, CC. Sullivan, Kr. taylor, t m. 2008. Risky sexual behaviours of high-school pupils in an era of HIV and AIDS, South African Medical Journal, 98 (5)384-388. garrib, arrib, A Av. dlamini, ln. Herbst, AJ. 2008. An evaluation of the district health information systems in rural South Africa, South African Medical Journal, 98(7)549-552. geddes, rv. Knight, Se. esterhuizen, tm. 2008. Prevention of mother-tochild transmission of HIV programme: Low vertical transmission in KwaZuluNatal, South Africa, South African Medical Journal, 98(6)458-462. grobler, AC. Carrara, H. mwambi, Hg. 2008. When to stop treatment arms in a clinical trial assessing time to event with more than two arms against a common control, Evaluation & the Health Professions, 30(3)284-299. Hernandez Perez, en. dawood, H. esterhuizen, tm. 2008. Validation of the Accutrend(R) lactate meter for hyperlactemia screening during antiretroviral therapy in a resource-poor setting, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 12(5)553-556. Hosegood, v. Hill, C. Herbst, AJ. newell, ml. 2008. Refining the criteria for stalled fertility declines: an application to rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 1990-2005, Studies in Family Planning, 39(1)39-48. Kiepiela, P. ngumbela, KC. thobakgale, Cf. ramduth, d. moodley, eS. reddy, S. de Pierres, C. mncube, Ze. mkhwanazi, nP. Bishop, KS. van der Stok, me. nair, KS. Khan, n. Coovadia, Hm. walker, Bd. goulder, PJr. 2008. CD8(+) T-cell responses to different HIV proteins have discordant associations with viral load, Nature Medicine, ()888-890. lessells, rJ. Cooke, gS. 2008. HIV and hepatitis B co-infection in Africa, Lancet, 8()210-211. Lancet lessells, rJ. Cooke, JA. 2008. Effect of the HIV epidemic on liver cancer in Africa, Lancet, 371(). mcgrath, n. 2008. Teenage fertility rates falling in South Africa, South African Medical Journal, 97(6)442-443.


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

mlisana, KP. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. Conserved positive selection signals in HIV-1 gp41 across multiple subtypes and difference in selection signals detectable in gp41 sequences sampled during acute and chronic HIV-1 subtype C infection, Virology Journal, 5(141)doi:10.1186/1743-422X-5-141. mlisana, KP. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. The C3-V4 region is a major target of autologous neutralizing antibodies in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype C infection, Journal of Virology Virology, 82(4)1860–1869. mlisana, KP. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. Transmission of HIV-1 CTL Escape Variants Provides HLA-Mismatched Recipients with a Survival Advantage, Plos Pathogens, 4(3)e1000033. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1000033. mlisana, KP. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. Conserved positive selection signals in HIV-1 gp41 across multiple subtypes and difference in selection signals detectable in gp41 sequences sampled during acute and chronic HIV-1 subtype C infection, Virology Journal, 5(141)doi:10.1186/1743-422X-5-141. mlisana, KP. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. The C3-V4 region is a major target of autologous neutralizing antibodies in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype C infection, Journal of Virology Virology, 82(4)1860–1869. mlisana, KP. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. Transmission of HIV-1 CTL Escape Variants Provides HLA-Mismatched Recipients with a Survival Advantage, Plos Pathogens, 4(3)e1000033. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1000033. moodley, d. moodley, P. esterhuizen, tm. 2008. Reliability of HIV rapid tests is user dependant, South African Medical Journal, 98(9)707-709. moodley, P. mcgrath, n. Hosegood, v. Herbst, AJ. newell, ml.. Sturm, A Aw. 2008. Low effectiveness of syndromic treatment services for curable sexually transmitted infections in rural South Africa, Sexually Transmitted Infections, 84()528-534. mosam, A. Page, tn. Bodasing, u. Aboobaker, J. dawood, H. Coovadia, Hm. 2008. Characteristics of HIV-1-Associated Kaposi – s sarcoma among women and men in South Africa, International Journal of Std & Aids, 19()400-405. motala, AA. esterhuizen, tm. Pirie, fJ. omar, mAK. 2008. Diabetes and other Disorders of Glycemia in a Rural South African Community Prevalence and associated risk factors, Diabetes Care, 31(9)1783-1788. mphatswe, twP. Blanckenberg, n. thobakgale, Cf. mkhwanazi, nP. walker, Bd. Kiepiela, P. goulder, PJr. 2008. High frequency of rapid immunological progression in African infants infected in the era of perinatal HIV prophylaxis, AIDS, 21(10)1253-1261. newell, ml. 2008. Age-related lymphocyte and neutrophil levels in children of hepatitis c-infected women, Paediatric Infectious Disease Journal Journal, 27(9)800-807. newell, ml. 2008. Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C coinfection in HIV-infected pregnant women in Europe, HIV IV Medicine, 9()526-534. ngubane, nn. newell, ml. Coovadia, Hm. rollins, nC. Coutsoudis, A. Bland, rm. 2008. Messages about dual contraception in areas of High HIV Prevalence are not Heeded, South African Medical Journal, 98(3)209- 212.

dohet a ccRedI ted Pub l I c atIons 2008

ngumbela, K C. day, C. mncube, Ze. nair, KS. ramduth, d. thobakgale, Cf. moodley, eS. reddy, S. de Pierres, C. mkhwanazi, nd. Bishop, KS. van der Stok, me. ismail, n. Honeyborne, i. Coovadia, Hm. Kiepiela, P. goulder, PJr. walker, Bd. 2008. Targeting of a CD8 T cell env epitope presented by HLA-B*5802 Is associated with markers of HIV disease progression and lack of selection pressure, AIDS IDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 24(1)72-82.

Centre for Higher Education

Padayatchi, n. 2008. Decentralised Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR- and XDR-TB) in South Africa: An Alternate Model Of Care, International Journal Of Tuberculosis And Lung Disease, 12(8)978-980.

Faculty of Education

Podmore, SH. Botha, JH. gray, Al. esterhuizen, tm. 2008. Impact of recent evidence on use of hormone therapy in the South African private sector (20012005), South African Family Practice, 50(6)42. ramduth, d. thobakgale, Cf. mkhwanazi, nP. de Pierres, C. reddy, S. van der Stok, me. mncube, Ze. mphatswe, twP. Blanckenberg, n. Cengimbo, A. Jeena, Pm. Coovadia, Hm. day, C. Kiepiela, P. goulder, PJr. walker, Bd. 2008. Detection of HIV Type 1 Gag-Specific CD4+ T Cell Responses in Acutely Infected Infants, AIDS IDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 24(2)265-270. rollins, nC. Becquet, r. Bland, rm. Coutsoudis, A. Coovadia, Hm. newell, ml. 2008. Infant feeding, HIV transmission and mortality at 18 months: the need for appropriate choices by mothers and prioritization within programmes, AIDS, 22()2349-2357. Sebitloane, Hm. moodley, J. esterhuizen, tm. 2008. Prophylactic antibiotics for the prevention of postpartum infectious morbidity in women infected with human immunodeficiency virus: a randomized controlled trial, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Gynecology, 198()189.31-189.e6. Singh, JA. 2008. The 20-year African biotech plan, Nature Biotechnology Biotechnology, 26(3)272-274. viljoen, Ji. danaviah, S. 2008. In-house HIV-1 RNA real-time RT-PCR assays: principle, available tests and usefulness in developing countries, Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, 8(5)635-650. welZ, t. Herbst, AJ. 2008. Anonymous HIV testing with participant-controlled access to results using handheld computers: a new model of HIV testing used in a household survey in rural South Africa, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 35(4)372-376.

College of Law and Management Studies mubangizi, JC. 2008. Protecting Human Rights amidst Poverty and Inequality: The South African Post-apartheid Experience on the Right of Access to Housing, African Journal of Legal Studies, 2(2)130-146.

visagie, A. 2008. Wit mans, swart vroue: Man-Bitch van Johan van Wyk (2001) en Kontrei van Kleinboer (2003) as seksuele outobiografiee, Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans, 2()225-253.

Akoojee, S. 2008. The marketing of public FET colleges in South Africa: issues for policy and practices, Journal of Education, 45()131-154. Bansilal, S. wallace, J. 2008. National Performance Assessment in a South African Context: A Case Study of Issues of Classroom Implementation and Task Design, African Journal of Research in Mathematics,Science, 12()77-92. Bertram, CA. 2008. “Doing history?”: Assessment in history classrooms at a time of curriculum reform, Journal of Education, 45()155 – 177. Bhana, d. 2008. Beyond Stigma? Young children’s responses to HIV/AIDS, Culture Health & Sexuality Sexuality, 10(7)725-738. Bhana, d. 2008. Discourses of childhood innocence in primary school HIV/ AIDS education in South Africa Africa, African Journal of AIDS Research, 7(1)149-158. Bhana, d. 2008. Sex and the right to HIV/AIDS Education in Early Childhood, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(3)439-445. Bhana, d. 2008. Six packs and big muscles, and stuff like that. Primary-aged South African boys, black and white, on Sport, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 29(1)3-15. Bhana, d. morrell, rg. 2008. Pregnant girls and young parents in South African schools, Agenda, 76()78-91. Brijlall, d. Baboolal, d. 2008. Some Aspects of Dimension theory of Frames, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 39(5)1- 28. Brijlall, d. maharajh, n. govender, n. 2008. Preservice mathematics students notions of the concept definition of continuity in calculus through collaborative instructional design worksheets, African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science, 12()93-106. Chikoko, v. 2008. Developing teachers for rural education? Reflecting on the 2nd KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education teacher development conference, Perspectives in Education, 26(4)74-85. Chikoko, v. 2008. The role of parent governors in school governance in Zimbabwe: Perceptions of school heads, teachers and parent governors, International Review of Education, 54()243-263. Christiansen, im. 2008. Reflections on an action research project in teacher education: The Emancipatory Project under scrutiny, Perspectives in Education, 26(2)1-11. de lange, n. 2008. Nurturing human capital: A challenge for higher education institutions?, South African Journal of Higher Education, 22(1)42-64.

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d o h et a ccRedI t ed PublI cat I ons 2008

de lange, n. 2008. Participatory video documentary: just for whom?, Education as Change, 12(2)109-122. de lange, n. 2008. Social uses of digitisation within the context of HIV/AIDS: Metadata as engagement, Online Information Review Review, 32(6)716-725. de lange, n. 2008. Visual participatory approaches to HIV and AIDS research as intervention in a rural community setting, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(1)181-186. dlamini, SB. taylor, t m. mkhize, ne. Sathiparsad, r. naidoo, K. Jinabhai, CC. 2008. Gender factors associated with sexual abstinent behaviour of rural South African high school going youth in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Health Education Research. ebrahim, HB. 2008. Situated ethics: possibilities for young children as research participants in the South African context, Early Child Development and Care, 110(DOI10.1080/03004430701822958)on line issue – see hard copy. francis, dA. 2008. Biracial identity: more than just Black and White, Acta Academica, 40(2)110-128. francis, dA. ebrahim, HB. 2008. You said, ‘Black girl’: doing difference in early childhood, Africa Education Review Review, 5(2)274-287. francis, dA. rimensberger, n. 2008. Between the cracks: out-of-school youth and discourses of HIV/AIDS, South African Journal of Psychology Psychology, 38(4)603-614. francis, dA. rimensberger, n. 2008. My man says as long as we are faithful we will be fine: gendered discourses of out-of-school youth in a context of HIV and AIDS, Agenda, 75(1)92-104. govender, K. ebrahim, HB. 2008. Listening to the voices of children in early schooling in the South African context of HIV/AIDS, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(3)485-488. govender, n. Sewpaul, v. Singh, A. Holscher-maseko, d. 2008. Editorial, African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science, 12(1)1-3. grant, C. 2008. ‘We did not put our pieces together’: exploring a professional development initiative through a distributed leadership lens, Journal of Education, 44()85 – 108. Hugo, w. 2008. HIV/AIDS Education in Butare-ville Secondary Schools (Rwanda): Analyzing Pedagogic Discourse Using a Bernsteinian Framework, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(3)457-464. Hugo, w. Bertram, CA. 2008. Bernstein, Bloom and the analysis of pedagogy in South African schools, Journal of Education, (43)31 – 56. Jacobs, S. Harley, A. 2008. Finding Voice: The Photovoice Method of Data Collection in HIV and AIDS-Related Research, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(3)431-435. James, AA. Bansilal, S. 2008. An exploration of the Durban beachfront Isizulu women beadmakers – experience of learning beading, Indiliga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge, 6(2)87-101. Kwili, mt. 2008. Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs Regarding HIV/AIDS among Adolescents in a Rural Secondary School in the Eastern Cape, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(1)479-484.


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

maistry, Sm. 2008. School-university CPD partnerships: Fertile ground for cultivating teacher communities of practice, South African Journal of Higher Education, 22(2)363-374. maistry, Sm. 2008. Towards collaboration rather than cooperation for effective Professoressional development of teachers in South Africa: Insights from social practice theory, Southern African Review of Education, 14(1-2)119-142. maistry, Sm. 2008. Transcending traditional boundaries for teacher Professoressional development: exploring a community of practice approach to CPD, Journal of Education, 43()127-153. mitchell, CA. 2008. Getting the picture and changing the picture: visual methodologies and educational research in South Africa, South African Journal of Education, 28()365-383. mudaly, r. Sookrajh, r. 2008. Young HIV and AIDS researchers – calling the gender shots through photovoice, Agenda, 1,1(75.2)105 -118. muthukrishna, A. ramsuran, A. 2008. HIV/AIDS, Education, and Childhood in the African context, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(3)367-369. muthukrishna, A. Sokoya, go. 2008. Gender differences in pretends play amongst school children in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Gender & Behaviour, 6(1)1577-1590. Behaviour muthukrishna, A. tshauka, t fC. ebrahim, HB. mbatha, t tA. 2008. Doing childhoods in the context of HIV and AIDS: Young children in Early schooling speak, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(3)385-392. Parkinson, J. Stears, m. 2008. Concepts of Conservation: a study of the understandings of first-year science students, Africa Education Review Review, 5(1)1-19. Peden, mi. 2008. Education for Sustainable Development: Knowledge and Environment in South African Schooling, Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, 25()13-24.

dohet a ccRedI ted Pub l I c atIons 2008

Stears, m. 2008. Editorial Special Edition, African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science, 12 (Special Issue)124.

Bright, g. 2008. Sensor fusion control system for computer integrated manufacturing, South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 19(1)179-194.

thomson, Ci. 2008. Phenomenology in Teacher Education Contexts: Enhancing Pedagogical Insight and Critical Reflexive Capacity, Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 8 (Special Edition)1-9. Phenomenology

Buckley, CA. 2008. Clean Technology Transfer: A Case Study from the South African Metal Finishing Industry, 2000-2005, Journal of Cleaner Production, 16(S1)S78-S84.

van laren, l. 2008. Exploration of strategies to integrate HIV and AIDS education in pre-service teacher education, African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science, 12 (Special Edition) 47-62.

Buckley, CA. foxon, Km. nwaneri, Cf. Bakare, Bf. 2008. The effect of moisture content and alkalinity on the anaerobic biodegradation of VIP contents, Water Science and Technology Technology, 58(2)473-477.

van laren, l. James, AA. 2008. Selected teachers understanding of assessment, four years after the implementaion of the New Assessment Policy, Africa Education Review Review, 5(2)228-303.

Campion, Jm. 2008. The effects of mid-and late-rotation fertiliser application on tree growth and wood quality in softwood saw-timber stands: a critical review, Southern Forests, 70(1)7-17.

wassermann, Jm. 2008. Cooperation and conflict – the British Army, the Natal government and the prosecution of Natal rebels during the Anglo-Boer War, Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Milita, 36(2)77-98.

Carsky, m. 2008. Design of a dryer for citrus peels, Journal of Food Engineering, 87(1)40-44.

wassermann, Jm. 2008. Sowing the seeds of rebellion: Chief Bhambatha kaManciza and the Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902, African Historical Review Review, 39(2)91-106.

Croft, PK. dyer, C. 2008. Factors influencing parasitism of Sirex noctilio (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) by the nematode Deladenus siricidicola (Nematoda: Neotylenchidae) in summer rainfall areas of South Africa, Biological Control, 45()450-459.

wellmann, Ae. downs, Ct. 2008. A behavioural study of sleep patterns in the malachite sunbird, Cape white-eye and fan-tailed widowbird, Animal Behaviour Behaviour, 77()61-66.

foxon, Km. Buckley, CA. nwaneri, Cf. Bakare, Bf. 2008. The effect of moisture content and alkalinity on the anaerobic biodegradation of pit latrine sludge, Water Science and Technology Technology, 58(7)1461-1466.

Zuma, SC. dempster, er. 2008. isiZulu as a language of assessment in science, African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science, 12(2)31-46.

frezghi, mS. Smithers, JC. 2008. Merged rainfall fields for continuous simulation modelling, Water SA, 34(5)523-528.

Faculty of Engineering Adali, S. 2008. Integral equation approach for piezo patch vibration control of beams with various types of damping, Computers & Structures, 86()357-366.

Pennefather, JAS. 2008. “Rural” schools and universities: The use of partnerships as a teaching strategy in enhancing a positive response to rurality, Perspectives in Education, 26(2)81-94.

Adali, S. 2008. Variational principles for multi-walled carbon nanotubes undergoing buckling based on nonlocal elasticity theory, Physics Letters, 372()5701-5705.

ramsuran, A. lurwengu, rn. 2008. Relations of Power in Different Spaces: An Exploration of the Schooling Experiences of Children in an HIV/AIDS Context, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(3)393-400.

Afullo, t. odedina, PK. 2008. Effective Earth radius factor Measurement and Modeling for Radio Link Design in Botswana, SAIEE Africa Research Journal, 99(3)77-86.

reddy, S. 2008. (Teen)Age is more than a number: Generational Identity within the context of HIV and AIDS, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(3)217-222.

Anandraj, A. Perissinotto, r. nozais, C. Stretch, dd. 2008. The recovery of microalgal production and biomass in a South African temporarily open/closed estuary, following mouth breaching, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 79()599-606.

reddy, S. 2008. Risking It: Young Heterosexual Femininities in South African Context of HIV/AIDS, Sexualities: studies in culture and society, 10(2)157-170. rule, Pn. John, vm. 2008. Unbinding the other in the context of HIV/AIDS and education, Journal of Education, (43)79-99. Samuel, mA. van wyk, mC. 2008. Narratives of Professoressional Development: Forces in the Field, Education as Change, 12(2)137-153. Stears, m. 2008. Childrens stories: what knowledge constitutes indigenous knowledge?, Indiliga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge, 7(2)119-131.

Bezuidenhout, Cn. Hull, PJ. Schulze, re. maharaj, m. 2008. Assessing the potential threat of Chilo sacchariphagus (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) as a pest in South Africa and Swaziland: Realistic scenarios based on climatic indices, African Entomology Entomology, 16(1)86-90. Bright, g. 2008. Aspects of modular mechatronics in South Africa, R&D Journal, 24(2)23-30.

ghile, yB. Schulze, re. 2008. Development of a framework for an integrated time-varying agrohydrological forecast system for Southern Africa: Initial results for seasonal forecasts, Water SA, 34(3)315-322. giles, rC. Bezuidenhout, Cn. 2008. Evaluating the feasibility of a sugarcane vehicle delivery scheduling system – a theoretical study, International Sugar Journal, 110(1312)242-247. govender, m. Chetty, Kt. naiken, v. Bulcock, HH. 2008. A Comparison of Satellite Hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing imagery for improved classification and mapping of Vegetation, Water SA, 34(2)147-154. Jewitt, gPw. 2008. The contested future of irrigation in African rural livelihoods – analysis from a water scarce catchment in South Africa, Water Policy, 10()173-192. Knoesen, dm. Smithers, JC. 2008. The development and assessment of a regionalised daily rainfall disaggregation model for South Africa, Water SA, 34(3)323-330. letcher, tm. ramjugernath, d. laskowska, m. Krolikowski, m. naidoo, P. domamska, u. 2008. Determination of Activity Coefficients at Infinite Dilution of Solutes in the Ionic Liquid, Trihexyltetradecylphosphonium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) Imide, Using Gas/Liquid Chromatography at T = (303.15, 308.15, 313.15, and 318.15) K, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 53(9)2044-2049.

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


d o h et a ccRedI t ed PublI cat I ons 2008

letcher, tm. ramjugernath, d. naidoo, P. 2008. Activity coefficients at infinite dilution measurements for organic solutes in the ionic liquid trihexyltetradecylphosphonium bis (2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinate using g.l.c. at T = (303.15, 308.15, 313.15, and 318.15) K, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 40(1)1243-1247. little, Km. 2008. Final results from a Eucalyptus grandis x E. camaldulensis coppice trial, Scientia Forestalis, 76()85-90. little, Km. rolando, CA. 2008. Regional vegetation management standards for commercial Eucalyptus plantations in South Africa, Southern Forests, 70(2)87-97.

A-Mathematical Physical and rspa.2007.0311)1483-1501.



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Pegram, ggS. Sinclair, dS. 2008. Empirical Mode Decomposition on the sphere: application to the spatial scales of surface temperature variations, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 12( Pillay, n. Xu, H. takawira, t f. 2008. Repeated-punctured superorthogonal convolutional turbo codes on AWGN channels, SAIEE Africa Research Journal, 99(2)54-59.

liu, y. y takawira, t f. Xu, H. 2008. A Hybrid Token-CDMA MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 7(5)557-569.

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Soni, m. ramjugernath, d. raal, Jd. 2008. Vapor-liquid Equilibrium for Binary Systems of 2,3-Pentanedione with Diacetyl and Acetone, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 53(3)745-749. Sturdy, Jd. Jewitt, gPw. lorentz, SA. 2008. Building an understanding of water use innovation adoption processes through farmer-driven experimentation, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 33()859-872. trois, C. griffith, mr. 2008. Long-term emissions from mechanically biologically treated waste: Influence on leachate quality – Part ll, Water SA, 34(3)351-356. vischel, t. Pegram, ggS. Sinclair, dS. 2008. Comparison of soil moisture fields estimated by catchment modelling and remote sensing: a case study in South Africa, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 12(

Faculty of Health Sciences Alakram Khelawon, P. Puckree, t. 2008. Assessment, Diagnosis and prognosis of Bells Palsy: A literature review, South African Journal of Physiotherapy Physiotherapy, 64(2)18-21. Becquet, r. 2008. Children and HIV/AIDS: from research to policy and action in resource-limited settings, AIDS, 22(2008)797-805. Bester, l. essack, Sy. 2008. Prevalence of antibiotic resistance in Campylobacter isolates from commercial poultry suppliers in KwaZulu-Natal, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Chemotherapy, 62(6)1298-1300. Boyle, gA. govender, t. Kruger, Hg. maguire, gem. 2008. 8-(Biphenyl-4yl)-8-hydroxypentacyclo-[,6.03,10.05,9]undecan-11-one ethylene ketal, Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online, E64()o283. Boyle, gA. govender, t. Kruger, Hg. maguire, gem. naicker, t. 2008. NMR elucidation of a novel (S)-pentacyclo-undecane bis-(4-phenyloxazoline) ligand and related derivatives, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry Chemistry, 46(12)1089-1095. Boyle, gA. govender, t. Kruger, Hg. maguire, gem. naicker, t. 2008. NMR elucidation of some ligands derived from the pentacycloundecane skeleton, Structural Chemistry, 19(3)429-434. Boyle, gA. govender, t. Kruger, Hg. onajole, oK. 2008. 2-(Tricyclo[,7] dec-2-ylamino)-ethanol hemihydrate, Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online, E64()o1228. Brysiewicz, P. 2008. The lived experience of losing a loved one to a sudden death in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(2)224-231. Brysiewicz, P. mukamana, d. 2008. The lived experience of genocide rape survivors in Rwanda, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 40(4)379-384. Chipps, J. Simpson, B. Brysiewicz, P. 2008. The effectiveness of culturalcompetence training for health Professionals in community-based rehabilitation: A systematic review of literature, Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 5(2)85-94.

gondwe, m m. Kamadyaapa, d r. tufts, mA. Chuturgoon, AA. musabayane, Ct. 2008. Sclerocarya birrea [(A. Rich.) Hochst.] [Anacardiaceae] stem-bark ethanolic extract (SBE) modulates blood glucose, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) of STZ-induced diabetic rats, Phytomedicine, 15()699-709. gondwe, m m. Kamadyaapa, d r. tufts, mA. Chuturgoon, AA. ojewole, JAo. musabayane, Ct. 2008. Effects of Persia americana Mill (Lauraceae) [“Avocado”] ethanolic leaf extract on blood glucose and kidney function in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and on kidney cell lines of the proximal (LLC-PK1) and distal tubules (MDBK), Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology Pharmacology, 30(1)25-35. gounden, y. matooane, mr. naidoo, nr. 2008. Organochlorine pesticides in ambient air in Durban, South Africa, Science of the Total Environment Environment, 397()119-130. govender, t. 2008. A Novel Supramolecular Shape Memory Material Based on Partial α-CD-PEG Inclusion Complex, Polymer Polymer, 49()3205-3210. govender, t. 2008. An ionically crosslinked hydrogel containing vancomycin coating on a porous scaffold for drug delivery and cell culture, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 353(1-2)74-87. govender, t. Jali, S. Kruger, Hg. 2008. Trishomocubane amino acid as a Beta-turn scaffold, Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 71(2)125-130. govender, t. Kruger, Hg. makatini, mm. onajole, oK. 2008. Synthesis and NMR elucidation of pentacyclo-undecane diamine derivatives as potential antituberculosis drugs, Structural Chemistry Chemistry, 19()719-726. govender, t. ojewole, eB. naidoo, P. mackraj, i. 2008. Polymeric nanoparticles for enhancing antiretroviral drug therapy, Drug Delivery Delivery, 15(8)493-501. govinden, u. mocktar, C. moodley, oodley, P. Sturm, A Aw. essack, Sy. 2008. Characterization of extended-spectrum I²-lactamases in Salmonella spp. at a tertiary hospital in Durban, South Africa, Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 62()86-91.

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Haffajee, mr. thompson, C. govender, S. 2008. The supraodontoid space or “apical cave” at the craniocervical junction: A microdissection study, Clinical Anatomy, 21(5)405-415. Anatomy

daniels, wmu. 2008. Large scale hippocampal cellular distress may explain the behavioral consequences of repetitive traumatic experiences – a proteomic approach, Neurochemical Research, 33 (9)1724-1734

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Joubert, rwe. motala, n. mottay, nd. Christopher, CJ. 2008. Occupational therapy and its potentially positive influence upon the CD4 count of individuals with HIV: a single case study, South African Journal of Occupational Therapy Therapy, 38(2)14-17. Karamchand, l. dawood, H. Chuturgoon, AA. 2008. Lymphocyte Mitochondrial Depolarization and Apoptosis in HIV-1-Infected HAART Patients, JAIDS-Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 48(4)381-388. mackraj, i. govender, t. gathiram, P. 2008. Sanguinarine, Cardiovascular Therapeutics, 26 (1)75-83.

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mackraj, i. govender, t. gathiram, P. 2008. Vitamin B6 deficiency alters tissue iron concentrations in the Wistar rat, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 23()43-49. Biology

naidoo, Jr. uys, lr. 2008. Disclosure of HIV Status: Experiences and Perceptions of Persons Living With HIV/AIDS and Nurses Involved in Their Care in Africa, Qualitative Health Research, 18(3)311-324.

ramesar, S v. Baijnath, H. govender, t. mackraj, i. 2008. Angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor activity of Nutritive Plants in KwaZulu-Natal, Journal of Medicinal Food Food, 11(2)331-336.

Akintola, oo. 2008. Defying all odds: coping with the challenges of volunteer caregiving for patients with AIDS in South Africa, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 63(4)357-365.

mackraj, i. govender, t. ramesar, S v. 2008. The antihypertensive effects of quercetin in a salt-sensitive model of hypertension, Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 51(3)239-245. Pharmacology

naidoo, n. marr, JA. Singh, v. du t toit, AC. narisamulu, n. 2008. The evolution of Physiotherapy in animal rehabilitation in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South African Journal of Physiotherapy Physiotherapy, 64(2)12-17.

Akintola, oo. 2008. Unpaid HIV/AIDS Care in Southern Africa: Forms, Context, and Implications, Feminist Economics, 14(4)117-147.

mackraj, i. ramesar, S v v. Singh, m. govender, t t. Baijnath, H. Singh, r. gathiram, P. 2008. The in vivo effects of Tulbhagia violacea on blood pressure in salt-sensitive rat model, Journal of Ethnopharmacology Ethnopharmacology, 117(2)263-269.

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Armstrong, Jy. 2008. Pots that talk, izinkamba ezikhulumayo, Southern African Humanities, 20()513-548.

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ncama, BP. 2008. Acceptance and disclosure of HIV status through an integrated community/home-based care programme in South Africa, International Nursing Review, 54()391-397. Review

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ncama, BP. mcinerney, PA. Bhengu, Br. 2008. Social support and medication adherence in HIV disease in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 45()1757–1763. oduntan, oA. 2008. A review of rehabilitation of low vision patients, The South African Optometrist Optometrist, 67(4)166-175. oduntan, oA. 2008. Perceived effects of coloured overlays on reading material in persons with albinism, The South African Optometrist Optometrist, 67(3)118-124. ojewole, eB. mackraj, i. naidoo, P. govender, t. 2008. Exploring the use of novel drug delivery systems for antiretroviral drugs, European Journal Of Pharmaceutics And Biopharmaceutics, 70(3)697-710. ojewole, JAo. 2008. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of mollic acid glucoside, a 11±-hydroxycycloartenoid saponin extractive from Combretum molle R. Br. ex G. Don (Combritaceae) leaf, Phytotherapy Research, 22()30-35. ojewole, JAo. 2008. Anticonvulsant activity of Hypoxis hemerocallidea Fisch. & C. A. Mey. (Hypoxidaceae) corm (African Potato) aqueous extract in mice, Phytotherapy Research, 22()91-96. ojewole, JAo. 2008. Anticonvulsant effect of Rhus chirindensis (Baker F.) (Anacardiaceae) stem-bark aqueous extract in mice, Journal Of Ethnopharmacology, 117()130-135. Ethnopharmacology ojewole, JAo. 2008. Anticonvulsant property of Sutherlandia frutescens R. BR. (variety Incana E. MEY.) [Fabaceae] shoot aqueous extract, Brain Research Bulletin, 75()126-132. ojewole, JAo. 2008. Cardiovascular effects of mollic acid glucoside, a 1xhydroxycycloartenoid saponin extractive from Combretum molle R Br ex G Don (Combretaceae) leaf, Cardiovascular Journal of Africa, 19(3)128-134. Perumal, v A. govender, t. lutchman, d. mackraj, i. 2008. Investigating a new approach to film casting for enhanced drug content uniformity in polymeric films, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmac Pharmacy, 34()1036-1047. Perumal, v A. lutchman, d. mackraj, i. govender, t. 2008. Formulation of Monolayered Films with Drug and Polymers of Opposing Solubilities, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 358()184-191. rambiritch, v. naidoo, P. 2008. Dose-Response Relationships of Sulfonylureas: Will doubling the dose double the response?, Southern Medical Journal, 100(11)1132-1136.

Suleman, f. uys, lr. reid, SJy. 2008. The African Peer Review Mechanism – The South African Experience of Health Academics, Africa Insight Insight, 38(2)36-49. toellner, A. Balbadhur, r. Singapi, n. van der reyden, d. 2008. Burnout t amongst occupational therapists in the Durban Metropolitan area, South African Journal of Occupational Therapy Therapy, 37(2)12-18. uys, lr. naidoo, Jr. 2008. Coping With HIV-Related Stigma in Five African Countries, JANAC-Journal Of The Association Of Nurses In Aids, 19(2)137-146. uys, lr. naidoo, Jr. 2008. Experiences of HIV/AIDS Stigma of Persons Living with HIV/AIDS and Nurses involved in their Care From Five African Countries, African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Midwifery, 10(1)78-108. van der reyden, d. 2008. HIV/AIDS: Guidelines for Practitioner Conduct – within a legal and ethical framework, South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 38(1)41-42. Therapy v der reyden, d. 2008. The right to respect for autonomy Part 1 – What is van autonomy all about?, South African Journal of Occupational Therapy Therapy, 38(1)27-31. van der reyden, d. 2008. The right to respect for autonomy Part ll, South African Journal of Occupational Therapy Therapy, 38(3)18-23. wintner, SP. 2008. Is there evidence of niche restriction in the spatial distribution of Kroyeria dispar Wilson, 1935, K. Papillipes Wilson, 1932 and Eudactylina pusilla Cressey, 1967 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida) on the gill filaments of tiger sharks Galeocerdo cuvier off KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa?, Hydrobiologia, 619()89-101. wintner, SP. 2008. Ontogenetic vertebral growth patterns in the basking shark Cetorhinus maximus, Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 361()267-278.

Faculty of Humanities, Development and Social Sciences Abboy, iS. Hoskins, rgm. 2008. The use of CDS/ISIS software in Africa, Innovation: A Journal for Appropriate Librarianship, 36(June)17-37. Abdool Karim, Q. meyer-weitz, A. mboyi, l. Carrara, H. mahlase, g. frohlich, JA. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. The influence of AIDS stigma and discrimination and social cohesion on HIV testing and willingness to disclose HIV in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Global Public Health, 3(4)351-365.

Alant, Jw. 2008. Oral people can be literate: some reflections on aurally based literacy, Acta Academica, 38(1)200-232.

Aziz, l. Salvesen, vl. 2008. Voice Out-An Entertainment-Education Approach?, Visual Anthropology Anthropology, 21(3)217-231. Baker, dP. roberts, dJ. 2008. Assessing the Capabilities Approach to the Ethics of Armed Conflict: Jus in Bello and the Case of Operation Cobra II, Politeia, 27(2)89-103. Balcomb, Ao. 2008. Narrative, Epistemological Crisis and Reconstruction – My story with special reference to the work of Kwame Bediako, Scriptura, 97(1)47-59. Balcomb, Ao. 2008. Well healed and well-heeled: Pentecostals in the New South Africa – Their message, structures and modes of socio-political intervention, Missionalia: Journal of the Southern African Missiological Society Society, 35(3)30-42. Ballantine, CJ. 2008. Francesca da Rimini, Rachmaninov, Opera, 59(8)982-83. Ballantine, CJ. 2008. King Priam, Tippett, Opera, 59(6)729-30. Ballantine, CJ. 2008. Verdi’s Aida in Johannesburg, Opera, 59(7)809-812. Ballard, rJ. 2008. Between the community hall and the city hall: Five Research Questions on Participation, Transformation, 66/67()168-188. Ballard, rJ. Bonnin, dr. Xaba, tt. 2008. Planification stratagique et formes emergentes de democratie e ethekwini, Durban, Revue Tiers Monde, 196()837-850. Banoo, i. Jaggernath, J. 2008. Review of policies impacting on sustainability of natural woodlands in southern Africa, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages, 15(1)135-159. Beck, Sm. 2008. Going Narrative: Schechtman and the Russians, South African Journal of Philosophy Philosophy, 27(2)69-79. Beck, Sm. 2008. Intuitionism, Constructive Interpretation, and Cricket, Philosophical Papers, 37(2)319-331. Bhagwanjee, Am. Petersen, i. Akintola, oo. george, gl. 2008. Bridging the gap between VCT and HIV/AIDS treatment uptake: Perspectives from mining-sector workplace in South Africa, African Journal of AIDS Research, 7(3)271-279. Bhana, A. Petersen, i. 2008. Building protective factors to offset sexually risky behaviors among black youths: A randomized control trial, Journal of the National Medical Association, 100(8)936-944. Bond, Pm. 2008. Are Norways global financial reforms post-imperialist?, Studies in Political Economy Economy, 81()77-97. Bond, Pm. 2008. Can Reparations for Apartheid Professorits be Won in the US Courts?, Africa Insight, 38(2)13-25.

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Bond, Pm. 2008. Global Uneven Development, Primitive Accumulation and Political-Economic Conflict in Africa: The Return of the Theory of Imperialism, Journal of Peacebuilding and Development Development, 4(1)1-15. Bond, Pm. 2008. Reformist Reforms, Non-Reformist Reforms and Global Justice: Activist, NGO and Intellectual Challenges in the World Social Forum, Societies Without Borders, 3()4-19. Bond, Pm. 2008. Rejoinder: Collaborations, Co-optations & Contestations in Praxis-Based Knowledge Production, Review of African Political Economy Economy, 35(116)271-275. Bond, Pm. 2008. Social Movements and Corporate Social Responsibility in South Africa, Development and Change, 39(6)1037-1052.

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Chetty, vr. 2008. Incapacity to Determine Criminal Capacity: Mad or Bad?: A selected case study, Acta Criminologica, 2()129-138.

de gruchy, Sm. 2008. Editorial: Peer Review and the JTSA, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 130()2-5.

enevoldsen, Kyle. 2008. Virtual Reality: Viewership and Ethnographic Film, Visual Anthropology Anthropology, 21(5)410-428.

Chipps, J. Simpson, B. Brysiewicz, P. 2008. The effectiveness of culturalcompetence training for health Professionals in community-based rehabilitation: A systematic review of literature, Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 5(2)85-94.

de Kadt, rHJ. 2008. Using fractionalization indexes: deriving methodological principles for growth studies from time series evidence, Social Indicators Research, 85(2)257-278.

ferreira-meyers, KAf. 2008. Autofiction, probleme de definition, ou probleme de legitimite d’un genre?, French Studies in Southern Africa, 38()63-78.

Chirongoma, S. 2008. Challenging Masculinities: religious studies, men and HIV in Africa, Journal of Constructive Theology Theology, 14(1)55-69. Clare, J. 2008. Sketch of a conversational society, South African Journal of Philosophy, 27(2)80-91. Philosophy

de la Porte, Se. 2008. Redefining childcare in the context of AIDS: the extended family revisited, Agenda, 75(2)129-140. de meyer, BA. 2008. Tu tappelleras Beyala ou la vision de Calixthe, French Studies in Southern Africa, 38()44-62. de Paoli, mm. mkwanazi, nB. richter, l m. rollins, nC. 2008. Early cessation of breastfeeding to prevent postnatal transmission of HIV: a recommendation in need of guidance, Acta Paediatrica, 97()1663-1668.

Bond, Pm. 2008. The Case of Johannesburg Water: What Really Happened at the pre-paid Parish pump, Law, Democracy and Development Development, 12(1)1-28.

Clare, J. 2008. The frustration of an unfinished conversation: a review of an economy of impossibility, Critical Arts: A Journal of South North Cultural and Media Studies, 22(2)358-361.

Bond, Pm. 2008. The State of the Global Carbon Trade Debate, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 19(4)89-106.

Clarke, Pmr. Henzi, P. Barrett, l. 2008. On the road again: competitive effects and condition-dependent dispersal in male baboons, Animal Behaviour Behaviour, 76()55-63.

Breckenridge, Kd. 2008. Power without Knowledge: three nineteenth century colonialisms in South Africa, Journal of Natal and Zulu History History, 26()3-31.

Claude, dJ. 2008. Theme: Durban Durban, Oh Durban-The Cities Within, Architecture South Africa: Journal of the South African Institute of Architects, ().

decock, PB. 2008. Beeldspraak over oorlog en schepping, geweld en geweldloosheid in de Openbaring van Johannes, HTS Theological Studies, 64(4)1837-1853.

Brown, dJB. 2008. “Modern Prophets, Produce a New Bible”: Christianity, Africanness and the Poetry of Nontsizi Mgqwetho, Current Writing, 20(2)77-91.

Coertze, g. 2008. VCT: Voluntary Counselling and Testing or Veritable tragedy?, Communitas: Journal for Community Communication and Information Impact Impact, 13()115-134.

decock, PB. 2008. Jeromes turn to the Hebraica veritas and his rejection of the traditional view of the septuagint, Neotestamentica: Journal of the New Testament Society of South Africa, 42(2)205-222.

Collier, Jd. 2008. A Dynamic Systems View of Economic and Political Theory, Theoria, 113()23-52.

denis, PmBr. 2008. Men of the Cloth: The Federal Theological Seminary of Southern Africa, Inkatha and the Struggle against Apartheid, Journal of Southern African Studies, 34(2)305-324.

Brown, dJB. Sandwith, Cl. moran, SK. 2008. Introduction, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages, 15(2)1-10. Buccus, i. 2008. Crafting new democratic spaces: participatory policy-making in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Transformation, (65)94-119.

Collier, Jd. 2008. Simulating autonomous anticipation: The importance of Dubois – conjecture, Biosystems, 91()346-354.

Buccus, i. Piper, le. 2008. Community development and engagement with local governance in South Africa, Community Development Journal, 43(3)297-311.

Collings, SJ. 2008. Issues raised by Judge Bertelsmann in connection with child sexual abuse victims and witnesses: The role and submission of the South African Professoressional Society on the Abuse of Children, Child Abuse Research – a South Africa Journal, 9(2)1-23.

Canonici, nn. 2008. African Continuity and Nguni Innovations in Successful Trickster Figure, Southern African Journal for Folklore Studies, 18(1)1-14. Cartwright, dJ. 2008. Borderline Personality Disorder: What do we Know? Diagnosis, course, co-morbidity, and aetiology, South African Journal of Psychology, 38(2)429-446. Psychology Chapman, mJf. 2008. Postcolonial Studies: A Spiritual Turn, Current Writing, 20(2)67 – 76. Chari, S. 2008. The antinomies of political evidence in post-Apartheid Durban, South Africa, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 493()S61-S76. Chari, S. 2008. The post-Apartheid critic: Reviewing works by Patrick Bond and Ashwin Desai, Historical Materialism-Research in Critical Marxis Theory Theory, 16(2)167-189. Chellan, n. Bob, u. 2008. Sustainable Ecotourism in the uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park: A Stakeholder Analysis, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages, 15(1)290-315. Chellan, n. Khan, S. 2008. Contesting Ecotourism Development in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park in KwaZulu-Natal, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages, 15(1)268-289.


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Collings, SJ. 2008. Seasonality of reported child rape in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Acta Criminologica, 21(3)91-99. Collings, SJ. 2008. Temporal trends in the nature and scope of reported cases of child sexual abuse in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Child Abuse Research – a South Africa Journal, 9(1)11-14. Collings, SJ. wiles, w wA. 2008. HIV post-exposure prophylaxis for child rape survivors in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: Who qualifies and who complies?, Child Abuse & Neglect Neglect, 32(4)477-483. Corbella, n. wassenaar, dr. 2008. African AIDS Vaccine Programme for a Coordinated and Collaborative Vaccine Development Effort on the Continent, Plos Medicine, 5(12)0001-0005. Couper, Se. 2008. “When Chief Albert Luthuli Launched Into the Deep” A Theological Reflection on a Homiletic Resource of Political Signifiance, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 130()76-115. dangor, Se. 2008. Arabic-Afrikaans Literature at the Cape, Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, 45(1)123-132.

decock, PB. 2008. Allegorising: The relevance of an old method of interpretation, Acta Theologica, 11()1-19.

denis, PmBr. 2008. The Ethics of Oral History in South Africa, Esarbica Journal, 26()113-132. diesel, A. 2008. Felines and Female Divinities: The Association of Cats with Goddesses, Ancient and Contemporary, Journal for the Study of Religion, 21(1)71-94. dimitriu, i. 2008. Unsettled and Unsettling Others: The Double Vision of Local and Global in Breytenbach’s Later Travelogues, English Academy Review Review, 25(1)89-103. dlamini, SB. taylor, t m. mkhize, ne. Sathiparsad, r. naidoo, K. Jinabhai, CC. 2008. Gender factors associated with sexual abstinent behaviour of rural South African high school going youth in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Health Education Research, (). dlungwana, ne. Sathiparsad, r. 2008. Experiences of children heading households in Hammarsdale, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(3)373-378. draper, JA. 2008. Pure Sacrifice in Didache 14 as Jewish Christian Exegesis, Neotestamentica: Journal of the New Testament Society of South Africa, 42(2)223-252. durrheim, Kl. 2008. Realism and racism: a review essay on ‘After the ball is over’, Critical Arts: A Journal of South North Cultural and Media Studies, 22(2)380-382.

filatova, i. 2008. South African Republic after Apartheid, World Economy Economy, 11(). francis, dA. rimensberger, n. 2008. Between the cracks: out-of-school youth and discourses of HIV/AIDS, South African Journal of Psychology Psychology, 38(4)603-614. francis, dA. rimensberger, n. 2008. My man says as long as we are faithful we will be fine: gendered discourses of out-of-school youth in a context of HIV and AIDS, Agenda, 75(1)92-104. freund, wm. 2008. La ville sud-africaine est-elle encore “post-apartheid”? Elements de reflexions a partir du cas de Durban*, Revue Tiers Monde, 49(196)741-758. gathogo, Jm. 2008. African Philosophy as Expressed in the Concepts of Hospitality and Ubuntu, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 130()39-53. gathogo, Jm. 2008. Genesis, Methodologies, and Concerns of African Theology of Reconstruction, Theologia Viatorum: Journal of Theology and Religion in Africa, 32(1)23-62. gathogo, Jm. 2008. Revisiting African hospitality in post-colonial Africa, Missionalia: Journal of the Southern African Missiological Society, 35(2)108-130. gathogo, Jm. 2008. Some Expressions of African Hospitality Today, Scriptura, 99()275-287. gathogo, Jm. 2008. The Quest for Religious Freedom in Kenya (1887-1963, Studia Historiae Ecclesiastical, XXXIV(1)67-92. gathogo, Jm. 2008. The Struggle Against Patriarchalism in Kenya (1980-1992): Revisiting the History of Women Ministries, Studia Historiae Ecclesiastical, XXXIV(1)265-288. gatsinzi, S. maharaj, P. 2008. Women’s experiences of maternal and child health and family planning services in KwaZulu-Natal, Curationis, 31(2)14-21. gendall, K. 2008. Centering development: Education centres supporting rural development, Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication and Research, 34(2)238-254. gibson, nC. 2008. Upright and free: Fanon in South Africa, from Biko to the shackdwellers movement (Abahlali baseMjondlo), Social identities: Journal for the Study of Race, 14(6)683-715. goedhals, mm. 2008. Nuns, guns and nursing: an Anglican sisterhood and imperial wars in South Africa 1879-1902, Studia Historiae Ecclesiastical, XXXIV(1)335-357. gopal, nd. 2008. Ideas in Action A Cross Cultural Virtual Learning Environment for Students to Explore the Issue of Racism: A Case Study Involving the UK, USA and SA, Social Work Education, 27(6)671-682. gopal, nd. 2008. Rape survivors experiences of the criminal justice system: (CJS) case study – rape crisis centre Port Elizabeth, Acta Criminologica, 2()40-58.

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gopal, nd. 2008. The guardians of safety and security: Police perceptions of the causes of misconduct within the Grahamstown policing area, Acta Criminologica, 3()1-91.

Janse van vuuren, P. 2008. The Heros Thesis, the Researchers Quest – Exploring the kinds of knowledge gained from process dram workshops, South African Theatre Journal, 21()221-240.

gouws, AS. 2008. Ingrid Winterbach as skrywer en as beeldende kunstenaar – enkele beskouings, Stilet: Tydskrif vir die Afrikaanse Letterkundever Letterkundever, 2008 (March)8-41.

Jeewa, Am. Kasiram, mi. 2008. Treatment for substance abuse in the 21st century: A South African perspective, South African Family Practice, 50(6)44a-44d.

govender, n. Sewpaul, v. Singh, A. Holscher-maseko, d. 2008. Editorial, African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science, 12(1)1-3.

Kasiram, mi. Khoza, rv. 2008. Trauma Counselling Beyond the Individual, International Social Work, 51(2)220-232.

green, mm. 2008. Generic Instability and the National Project: History, Nation, and Form in Sol T. Plaatje’s Mhudi, Research in African Literatures, 37(4 – NOTE: 2006)34-47.

Kearney, JA. 2008. On Teaching Poetry, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Language, 15(2)266-300.

green, mm. 2008. Translating the Nation: From Plaatje to Mpe, Journal of Southern African Studies, 34(2)325-342. guest, wr. 2008. The Establishment of a Faculty of Agriculture in Pietermaritzburg, 1934-1949, Journal of Natal and Zulu Histor History, 26()60-80. Haddad, Bg. 2008. Surviving the HIV and AIDS epidemic in South Africa: women living and dying, theologising and being theologised, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 131(July)47-57. Harber, rr. 2008. Paradigm Lost, Architecture South Africa: Journal of the South African Institute of Architects, ()1. Hargovan, H. 2008. Knocking and entering: Restorative justice arrives at the courts, Acta Criminologica, CRIMSA Conference Special Edition (1)24-40.

Killian, BJ. durrheim, Kl. 2008. Psychological distress in orphan, vulnerable children and non-vulnerable children in high prevalence HIV/AIDS communities, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(3)259-268.

mawindo, dm. Hoskins, rgm. 2008. Use of print and electronic resources by students at the University of Malawi College of Medicine, Mousaion, 26(1)89-110.

maharaj, P. rogan, mJ. 2008. Emergency contraception in South Africa: A literature review, European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, 13(4)351-361. malisha, lf. maharaj, P. rogan, mJ. 2008. Rites of passage to adulthood: Traditional initiation schools in the context of HIV/AIDS in the Limpopo Province, South Africa, Health Risk & Society, 10(6)585-598. mankayi, n. 2008. Masculinity, Sexuality and the Body of Male Soldiers, Pins: Psychology in Society Society, 36()24-44.

marks, mm. 2008. Building the capacity of police change agents: The Nexus policing project, Policing and Society Society, 18(1)72-87.

Koopman, A. 2008. The 14th Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa: Ithala Game Reserve, November 2006, Nomina Africana: Journal of the Names Society of Southern Africa, 21(1&2)126-142.

leclerc-madlala, S. 2008. Age-desparate and intergenerational sex in Southern Africa: the dynamics of hypervulnerabilty, AIDS, 22(4)17-25.

Hayes, gH. 2008. Psychoanalysis in the shoadow of post-apartheid reconstruction, Theory and Psychology Psychology, 18(2)209-222.

lenta, mm. 2008. History effaced: the International Defence and Aid Letters, Social Dynamics, 34(2)203-215.

Hilton, Jl. 2008. Lorna Hardwick & Christopher Stray (edd.), A Companion to Classical Receptions, Acta Classica, 51()207-217.

lenta, mm. 2008. Sentencing Slaves: Verdicts of the Cape Courts, 1705-1794, English in Africa, 35(2)36-53.

Hilton, Jl. matthews, lv. 2008. Veiled or Unveiled? (Plut. Quaest. Rom. 267BC), Classical Quarterly Quarterly, 58(1)336-342.

lenta, PJP. 2008. Iron Law and Colonial Desire: Legality and Criminality in Paton’s Too Late the Phalarope, Journal of Literary Studies, 24(3)68-85.

Holscher-maseko, d. 2008. Reflections on human rights and Professoressional solidarity A case study of Eritrea, International Social Work Work, 51(3)311-323.

lund, fJ. 2008. Paradoxes of social policy reform in South Africa, Social Work Practitioner Researcher Researcher, 20(2)137-153.

Holscher-maseko, d. 2008. The emperor’s new clothes: South Africas attempted transition to developmental social welfare and social work, International Journal of Social Welfare, 17()114-123. isike, CA. okeke-uzodike, ni. 2008. Modernizing without westernizing: reinventing African patriarchies to combat the HIV and AIDS epidemic in Africa, Journal of Constructive Theology Theology, 14(1)3-20.

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maharaj, P. nshindano, C. 2008. Reasons for multiple sexual partnerships: perspectives of young people in Zambia, African Journal of AIDS Research, 7(1)37-44.

Koen, Jl. Slack, Cm. Barsdorf, nw. essack, Z. 2008. Payment of trial participants can be ethically sound: Moving past a flat rate, South African Medical Journal, 98(12)926-929.

Hart, K. 2008. Karl Polanyis legacy, Development and Change, 39(6)11351143.


mavinga, nJ. 2008. The political influence of queen mothers on Judean kings in Jeremiah’s time, Journal for Semitics/Tydskrif vir Semitistiek, 17(1)266-288.

mankayi, n. 2008. Morality and sexual rights: constructions of masculinity, femininity and sexuality among a group of South African soldiers, Culture Health & Sexuality Sexuality, 10(6)625-634.

Hart, K. 2008. Anthropology in the financial crisis, Anthropology Today Today, 24(6)1-3.

isike, CA. okeke-uzodike, ni. gilbert, ld. 2008. The United States Africa Command: Enhancing American Security or Fostering African Development?, African Security Review Review, 17(1)20-38.

maharaj, P. 2008. Ethnicity and sexual lifestyles among college students in a high-risk environment, Durban, South Africa, AIDS Care, 20(7)838-841.

Killian, BJ. van der riet, mB. Hough, Am. oneill, vC. Zondi, tH. 2008. Children’s loss of agency under extreme adversity, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(3)403-412.

Kumalo, Sr. 2008. Swinging between belligerance and servility: John Dubes Struggle for Freedom(S) in South Africa, Studia Historiae Ecclesiastical, XXX1V(1)359-382.

Hart, K. 2008. After the disaster, Anthropology Today Today, 24(2)1-3.

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marks, mm. 2008. Having a voice: The quest for democratic policing in Southern Africa, Journal of Organizational Change Management Management, 21(4)451-460. marks, mm. 2008. Introduction: The role of the rank and file in police reform, Policing and Society Society, 18(1)1-6. marks, mm. 2008. Looking different, acting different: Struggles for equity within the South African Police Service, Public Administration, 86(3)643-659. marks, mm. 2008. Voices from below: Unions and participatory arrangements in the police workplace, Police Practice and Research, 9(2)85-95. marschall, S. 2008. An inspiring narrative with a shadow: tangible and intangible heritage at the Phoenix Settlement of Mahatma Gandhi, Southern African Humanities, 20()353-374. marschall, S. 2008. Ncome – monument and museum as ‘critical response’, Museum Anthropology Anthropology, 2(2)88-114. marschall, S. 2008. Pointing to the Dead: Victims, Martyrs and Public Memory in South Africa, South African Historical Journal, 60()103-124.

meadon, Hm. 2008. Being Where? Andy Clark and the Problem of Advanced Cognition, South African Journal of Philosophy, 27(2)120-129. mikalsen, oe. 2008. Development communication and the paradox of choice: imposition and dictatorship in comparing Sami and San Bushmen experiences of cultural autonomy, Critical Arts: A Journal of South North Cultural and Media Studies, 22(2)295-332. mistrey, d. 2008. The Gift of Law: Liberty, Legitimacy and Autonomy in The Social Contract, South African Journal Of Philosophy Philosophy, 27(2)128-138. mitchell, CJ. mansfield, dJ. rautenbach , S. 2008. Coloured filters and reading accuracy, comprehension and rate: A placebo-controlled study, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 106(2)517-532. morris, ml. 2008. Do the Asian Drivers Undermine Export-orientated Industrialization in SSA?, World Development Development, 36(2)254-273 morris, ml. 2008. Staying alive in the global automotive industry: what can developing economies learn from South Africa about linking into global automotive value chains?, European Journal of Development Research, 20(1)31-55. mtapuri, o. 2008. Exploring local conceptions of poverty, wealth and wellbeing: Field evidence from Mashonaland West Province of Zimbabwe, Africa Development/Afrique & Development Development, XXXIII(3)35-64. murove, mf. 2008. Moving Beyond Dehumanisation and Greed in the Light of African Economic Ethics: A Statement, Religion and Theology Theology, 15(1)74-96. murove, mf. 2008. The Convergence of Ethical Concerns between African Ethics and Process Thought with Specific Reference to Relationality and Immortality of Values, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 130(2)24-38. murove, mf. mazibuko, nm. 2008. Academic Freedom Discourse in PostColonial Africa A Quest for Transformation and Appropriation of Relevant Knowledge in Higher Education, Africa Insight Insight, 38(2)101-114. murray, SA. 2008. On Ivan Vladislavic on Willem Boshoff on Conceptual Art, Current Writing, 20(1)16 – 37.

marschall, S. 2008. Transforming Symbolic Identity: Wall Art and the South African City, African Arts, 21 (2)12-23.

muthukrishna, A. Sokoya, go. 2008. Gender differences in pretends play amongst school children in Durban, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, Gender and Behaviour, 6(1)1577-1590. Behaviour

lwehabura, mJf. Stilwell, C. 2008. Information Literacy in Tanzanian Universities: Challenges and Potential Opportunities, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 40(3)179-191.

marschall, S. 2008. Zulu Heritage between Institutionalized Commemoration and Tourist Attraction, Visual Anthropology Anthropology, 21(3)245-265.

nadar, S. 2008. The Pentecostalisation of African Christianity, Missionalia: Journal of the Southern African Missiological Society Society, 35(3)1-4.

magwaza-meyiwa, tSC. 2008. Effects of Domestic Workers Act in South Africa: A Steep Road to Recognition, Agenda, 78(1)79-92.

matthias, Cr. Zaal, fn. 2008. Supporting familial and community care for children: legislative reform and implementation challenges in South Africa, International Journal of Social Welfare, 17()1-8.

nadar, S. 2008. What about the margins? Bibilical scholarship fifteen years after voices from the margin..., Scriptura, 95()293-297.

magwaza-meyiwa, tSC. 2008. Male circumcision as an HIV prevention strategy and implications for womens sexual and reproductive health rights, Agenda, 75(1)141-154.

mavinga, nJ. 2008. The Babylonian exile in Jeremiah: an experience for Judean people, Journal for Semitics/Tydskrif vir Semitistiek, 17(1)240-265.

nadvi, SlB. 2008. South African Muslims and Political Engagement in a Globalising Context, South African Historical Journal, 60(4)618 – 636. naidoo, S. 2008. A qualitative and quantitative study of Zulu affricates, South African journal of African languages/Suid-A, 27(3)83-96.

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naidoo, S. 2008. Integrating phonetics and phonology in the description of the intrusive stop formation process in Zulu, South African journal of African languages/Suid-A, 28(1)36-48.

Parikh, A. veenstra, ni. 2008. The Evolving impact of HIV/AIDS on outpatient health services in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 98(6)468-472.

Piper, le. deacon, rA. 2008. Les ward committees à Msunduzi: La participation locale entre influence des elites et logiques partisanes, Revue Tiers Monde, (196)797-815.

naidu, um. 2008. Anthropology of Female Body: Site of a High-jacking within the Aids Discourse, Agenda, 75(2)78-90.

Parker, BJ. 2008. Art, Culture and Authenticity in South African Music, International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, 39(1)57-71.

naidu, um. 2008. Creating an African Tourist Experience at the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site, Historia: Journal of the Historical Association of South Africa, 53(2)1-26.

Parkinson, J. Jackson, lJ. Kirkwood, t. Padayachee, v. 2008. Evaluating the effectiveness of an academic literacy course: Do students benefit?, Per Linguam: A Journal of Language Learning, 24(1)11-30.

Piper, le. deacon, rA. 2008. Party politics, elite accountability and public participation: Ward committee politics in the Msunduzi Municipality, Transformation, (66/67)61-82.

naidu, um. 2008. Eco-Femin(ism) and Hindu(ism): Attempting to Position a Contemporary Eco-Ethic Conversation, Journal Of Dharma, 33(2)221-243.

Partab, r. Kasiram, mi. 2008. Improving family therapy training and Practice through student reflections, Social Work, 44(1)52-63.

Posel, dr. 2008. Revisiting informal employment and segmentation in the South African labour market, South African Journal of Economics, 76(1)26-44.

naidu, um. 2008. Inscribing the Female Body: Fuzzy Gender and Goddess in a South Indian Saiva Marriage Myth, Journal for the Study of Religion, 21(1)19-35.

Patel, CJ. Beekhan, A. Paruk, Z. ramgoon, S. 2008. Work-family conflict, job satisfaction and spousal support: An exploratory study of nurses experience, Curationis, 31(1)38-44.

Posel, dr. muller, Cl. 2008. Is there evidence of a wage penalty to female part-time employment in South Africa?, South African Journal of Economics, 76(3)466-479.

ndinda, C. 2008. Perceptions of Anal Sex in Rural South Africa, Culture, Health and Sexuality Sexuality, 10(2)205-212.

Patel, CJ. myeni, m C. 2008. Attitude toward abortion in a sample of South African female university students, Journal of Applied Social Psychology Psychology, 38(3)736-750.

Quayle, mf. mf durrheim, Kl. 2008. Producing expertise and achieving attribution in the context of computer support, British Journal of Social Psychology Psychology, 47()727-762.

ndinda, C. 2008. Women’s Activism for Gender Equality in Africa and the Diaspora, Journal of International Women’s Studies, 10(1)1-4.

Patel, rC. 2008. A short course in politics at the University of Abahlali baseMjondolo, Journal of Asian and African Studies, 43(1)95-112.

ndinda, C. 2008. Women’s Participation in Housing Delivery: The case of Ezilweleni, South Africa, Development Southern Africa, 24(5)665-680.

Patel, rC. 2008. The hungry of the earth, Radical Philosophy Philosophy, 151(September/ October) 2-7.

reddy, v. 2008. HIV testing and self-reported HIV status in South African men who have sex with men: results from a community-based survey, Sexually Transmitted Infections, 84()425-429.

ndinda, C. okeke-uzodike, ni. 2008. Gender Relations in the Context of HIV/ AIDS in Rural South Africa, AIDS Care, 19(7)844-849.

Patel, rC. 2008. The unthinkable in pursuit of the eatable, Development, Development 51(4)442-449.

reddy, v. 2008. Researching MSM in South Africa: Some Preliminary Notes from the Frontlines of a Hidden Epidemic, Feminist Africa, (11)29-54.

nsibirwa, Z. Hoskins, rgm. 2008. The future of the past: preservation of, and access to, legal deposit materials at the Msunduzi Municipal Library, Pietermaritzburg, Esarbica Journal, 27()67-95.

Pather, r. Stilwell, C. 2008. The Costs and Benefits of Journal Ownership versus Full-text Eletronic Access in a University-Based Faculty of Science, Mousaion, 26(2)22-45.

richardson, rn. 2008. Heroes of the struggle or martyrs for the faith? How do we recognise martyrs today?, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 131(July 2008)30-46.

ntombela, mm. Stilwell, C. leach, AB. 2008. Hello Tomorrow!? Sources of HIV/Aids Information Used by Residential Students at the University of Natal, South African Journal of Libraries and Information, 74(1)73-82.

Pattundeen, g. 2008. “Inside” The Field: Research Experiences and Challenges in Studying Transnational Indian Women Professionals in Durban, KwaZuluNatal, Oriental Anthropologist Anthropologist, 7(1)61-71.

richardson, rn. 2008. Ministerial training and theological education in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa: the road ahead, Missionalia: Journal of the Southern African Missiological Society Society, 35(2)131-152.

nurnberger, KB. 2008. Ancestors and spirits in the light of Luther’s theology, NGTT: Ned Geref Teologiese Tydskrif Tydskrif, 48(1&2)150-168.

Pattundeen, g. 2008. Missing out on migration: “Sugars” and the Post-apartheid youth of Chatsworth, Journal of Social Sciences, Special Volume (10)61-71.

rudwick, Si. 2008. ‘Coconuts’ and ‘oreos’: English-speaking Zulu people in a South African township, World Englishes, 27(1)101-116.

Pattundeen, g. 2008. Transnational Lifestyles and the transformation of Gender Relations: Professional Indian Women in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, Anthropologist: International Journal of Contemporary and Applied Studies of Man, (2)25-35.

rudwick, Si. ntuli, Pm. 2008. IsiNgqumo – Introducing a gay Black South African linguistic variety, Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language, 26(4)445-456.

naidu, um. 2008. The Mobile Global Subject: Mobility and Transnationalising Hinduism, Nidan: Journal for the Study of Hinduism, 20(1)16-31.

nurnberger, KB. 2008. Is ancestor veneration compatible with the biblical faith?, Scriptura, 99()299-311. nzimande, Se. Stilwell, C. 2008. Sharing Information Resources: a Study of School Clusters from Rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, LIBRI, 58()234-245. ojong, vBA. 2008. Religion and Ghananian Women Entrepreneurship in South Africa, Journal for the Study of Religion, 21(2)63-84. okeke-uzodike, ni. whetho, A. 2008. In Search of a Public Sphere: Mainstreaming Religious Networks into the African Renaissance Agenda, Politikon, 35(2)197-222. Padayachee, m. 2008. Capitalism of a special type? South African capitalism before and after 1994, Journal fur Entwicklungspolitik, XXIV(4)50-77. Padayachee, m. 2008. South African price changes and inflation since 1974: A note on the testing of inflation accuracy, South African Journal Of Economic And Management Sciences, 11(2)229-235.


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Pattundeen, g. 2008. Transnational migrations of Professoressional Indian women in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal: An exploration of gender relations and social identities, Oriental Anthropologist Anthropologist, 8(1-2)97-115. Perumal, n. Kasiram, mi. 2008. Children’s Homes and Foster Care: Challenging Dominant Discourses in South African Social Work Practice, Social Work, 44(2)159-169.

Pithouse, r. 2008. A politics of the poor: Shack dwellers struggles in Durban, Journal of Asian and African Studies, 43(1)63-94.

rakoczy, Sf. 2008. The Theological Vision of Elizabeth A. Johnson, Scriptura, 98()137-155.

ruggunan, Sd. 2008. Accumulation Strategies in the Merchant Navy and its impact on Seafaring Labour markets, Loyola Journal of Social Sciences, XXII(2)185-211. Sakuba, XS. 2008. Fundamentalism in African Traditional Religion: A Reflection on some points for consideration, Scriptura, 99()388-403. Sanga, i. 2008. Music and Nationalism in Tanzania: Dynamics of National Space in Muziki wa Injili in Dar es Salaam, Ethnomusicology Ethnomusicology, 52(1)52-84.

Peters, wH. 2008. The Indlu Geodesic, Architecture South Africa: Journal of the South African Institute of Architects, ().

Sathiparsad, r. 2008. Developing alternative masculinities as a strategy to address gender-based violence, International Social Work, 51(3)338-359.

Phiri, iA. 2008. Major challenges for African women theologians in theological education (1989-2008), Studia Historiae Ecclesiastical, 32(2)63-81.

Sathiparsad, r. taylor, t m. dlamini, SB. 2008. Patriarchy and family life:Alternative views of male youth in rural South Africa, Agenda, 76()4-16.

Sewpaul, v. 2008. Genocide and its aftermath The case of Rwanda, International Social Work, 51(3)324 – 335. Sewpaul, v. 2008. Globalisation, Western hegemony and Chinese particularism: Implications for Social Work and Social Policy, Social Work: A Professional Journal for the Social Worker Worker, 44(4)323-335. Sewpaul, v. 2008. Innovations in Social Welfare Empowerment and globalisation in a Nordic social work education context, International Journal of Social Welfare, 17()260-268. Sewpaul, v. 2008. Social workers unite against xenophobia: Pursuing social works political mandate, ocial Work: A Professional Journal for the Social Worker, 44(3)vii-viii. Worker Shepperson, A. 2008. After the ball is over: commentary on the SAHRC inquiry, Critical Arts: A Journal of South North Cultural and Media Studies, 22(2)362-379. Shepperson, A. 2008. An economy of impossibility: a preliminary study for an ordinal approach to research methods in cultural studies, Critical Arts: A Journal of South North Cultural and Media Studies, 22(2)333-357. Shepperson, A. 2008. Realism, Logic and social communication: C.S. Peirces classification of science in communication studies and journalism, Critical Arts: A Journal of South North Cultural and Media Studies, 22(2)242-294. Shepperson, A. 2008. Safety-culture and the logic of Harzard, Critical Arts: A Journal of South North Cultural and Media Studies, 22(2)187-234. Shukla, ud. 2008. The Contemporary Role of the Ramcharitmanas of Tulsidas among South African Hindus, Nidan: Journal for the Study of Hinduism, 20(1)1-15. Simpson, B. 2008. The child support grant as a means of addressing child poverty: South African experiences in the post-apartheid era, Loyola Journal of Social Sciences, 22(1)93-105. Singh, A. 2008. A critical evaluation of attitudes towards nuclear, joint and extended family structures among people of Indian origin in Durban, South Africa, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XXXIX(4)453-470. Singh, A. 2008. South African Indian migration in the twenty-first century: towards a theory of triple identity, Asian Ethnicity Ethnicity, 9(1)5-16. Singh, A. 2008. Trans-nationalism and the extended/joint family: reconceptualising youth, work options and preferences among Indian youth in Durban, South Africa, Journal of Social Sciences, 10()1-9. Singh, S. 2008. Overcrowding in South African prisons: The reality in the 21st century, New Contree, 51(May 2006)173-201. Singh, S. 2008. Prison inmate awareness of HIV and AIDS in Durban, South Africa, Sociological Bulletin, 57(2 May-August 2008)193-210. Singh, S. 2008. Towards conceptual clarity of incarceration and rehabilitation within the South African criminal justice system, Acta Criminologica, 2()59-77. Singh, ue. 2008. From Indian Market to Cosmopolitan Village Change and Continuity in the Victoria Street Market, Oriental Anthropologist Anthropologist, 8(1-2)41-57.

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Singh-Pillay, nd. Collings, SJ. 2008. Racial attitudes among South African university students: A follow-up study after four years, Social Behavior and Personality, 36(8)1061-1062. Personality

turner, nS. 2008. Deflecting Conflict and ILL-Feeling in Social Discourse: The Use of African Women’s Oral Compositions in Southern Africa, Southern African Journal for Folklore Studies, 18(1)64-80.

Skinner, CJ. 2008. The struggle for the streets: processes of exclusion and inclusion of street traders in Durban, South Africa, Development Southern Africa, 25(2)227-242.

turner, nS. 2008. Variance in the Performance of Zulu Izihasho: Evidence of the Oral Text in Context, South African Journal of African languages/Suid-A, 28(1)80-85.

Sooryamoorthy, r. 2008. Media, Communication, and Children, Loyola Journal of Social Sciences, XXlli(2)220-235.

vahed, gHm. 2008. Post-Apartheid South African Muslim Migration to Brisbane, Australia, Loyola Journal of Social Sciences, XXII(1)116-149.

Sooryamoorthy, r. 2008. Untangling the Technology Cluster: Mobile telephony, internet use and the location of Social Ties, New Media & Society Society, 10(5)729-749.

vahed, gHm. 2008. Young Muslims in Brisbane: Negotiating Cultural Identity and Alienation, Journal of Social Sciences, 10()35-52.

Sooryamoorthy, r. 2008. Untouchability in Modern India, International Sociology, 23(2)283-293. Sociology

vahed, gHm. vawda, mSe. 2008. The Viability of Islamic Banking and Finance in a Capitalist Economy: A South African Case Study, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 28(3)453-472.

Spurrett, dJ. 2008. Why I am not an Analytic Philosopher, South African Journal of Philosophy Philosophy, 27(2)153-163. Stiebel, eA. 2008. Cooeing to the natives1: Thomas Baines’ encounters with the Other on the North Australian Expedition 1855-1857, Critical Arts: A Journal of South North Cultural and Media Studies, 22(1)129-147. Stiebel, eA. 2008. The Thirst for the Wilderness was on me: Africa-asWilderness in Rider Haggard’s African Romances, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages, 14(2)9-24. Stilwell, C. 2008. Mapping the Fit: Library and Information Services and the National Transformation Agenda in South Africa, Part 1, South African Journal of Libraries and Information, 74(2)149-159. Stobie, C. 2008. Fissures in Apartheid’s Eden: Representations of Bisexuality in The Smell of Apples by Mark Behr, Research In African Literatures, 39(1)70-86. Stobie, C. 2008. Sisters and Spirits: The Postcolonial Gothic in Angelina N Sithebe’s Holy Hill, Current Writing, 20(2)26-43. t teka, Z. 2008. Male Honour and HIV and AIDS as a Gendered Pandemic: An African male reflection on how men can be effectively engaged toward a positive male response, Journal of Constructive Theology Theology, 14(2)21-32. thompson, PS. 2008. Bhambatha and the Zulu Rebellion 1906, Journal of Natal and Zulu History History, 26()32-59. tomaselli, t omaselli, K Kg g. 2008. African Cultural Studies, Cultural Studies, 22(2)173-186. tomaselli, K tomaselli, Kg g. 2008. Paradigms in South African Cinema Research: Modernity, the New Africa Movement and Beyond, Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication and Research, 34(1)130-147. tomaselli, K tomaselli, Kg g. 2008. Unfinished Business: pragmatics and the paradox of Arnold Shepperson, Critical Arts: A Journal of South North Cultural and Media Studies, 22(2)116-186. tomaselli, K tomaselli, Kg g. Shepperson, A. 2008. Semiotics in an African context: listening to reality, South African Theatre Journal, 22()130-148. tomaselli, K tomaselli, Kg g. teerteer-t eer-tomaselli, tomaselli, re. 2008. Exogenous and Endogenour Democracy: South African Politics and Media, International Journal of PressPolitics, 13(2)171-180.


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wessels, mA. 2008. The /Xam Narratives: Whose Myths?, African Studies, 67(3)339-364. wessels, mA. 2008. The Story in which the Children are Sent to Throw the Sleeping Sun into the Sky: Power, Identity and Difference in a /Xam Narrative, Journal of Southern African Studies, 34(3)479-494. west, go. 2008. Doing postcolonial biblical interpretation @home: ten years of (South) African ambivalence, Neotestamentica: Journal of the New Testament Society of South Africa, 42(1)147-164. whetho, A. okeke-uzodike, ni. 2008. Religious Networks in Post-conflict Democratic Republic of Congo: A prognosis, African Journal on Conflict Resolution, 8(3)57-84. white, tr. 2008. The expulsion of Mary Calata: the disturbances at St Matthews Missionary Institution, March 1945, Historia, 53(1)82-101.

valodia, iAK. 2008. Informal Employment, Labour Markets and Social Protection: Some considerations based on South African estimates, IDS Bulletin-Institute of Development Studies, 39(2)57-62.

wilbraham, lA. 2008. Parental communication with children about sex in the South African HIV epidemic: raced, classed and cultural appropriations of Loveliness, African Journal of AIDS Research (AJAR), 7(1)95-109.

van der riet, mB. 2008. Diagramming as mediational means: Vygotskian theory and participatory research, South African Journal of Psychology Psychology, 38(3)455-465.

wilbraham, lA. 2008. Research in Practice, Take Two, Pins: Psychology in Society, 35()94-100. Society

van der riet, mB. 2008. Participatory Research and the Philosophy of Social Science Beyond the Moral Imperative, Qualitative Inquiry Inquiry, 14(4)546-565. van doornum, Bl. 2008. Sheltered from change: hunter-gatherer occupation of Balerno Main Shelter, Shashe-Limpopo confluence area, South Africa, Southern African Humanities, 20()249-284. velia, m. 2008. Impacts of prime-age adult mortality on labour supply: evidence from adolescents and women in South Africa, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 70(3)0305-9049. voss, Ae (tony). tony). 2008. The Performance of Jaques, Shakespeare in Southern t Africa, 19()49-62. waters, gH. 2008. The International Sociological Associations 2006 XVI World Congress of Sociology and Sociology Today: A Documentary Analysis, Loyola Journal of Social Sciences, XXII(2)180-183. wessels, mA. 2008. Foraging, Talking, and Tricksters, Journal of Folklore Research, 45(3)299-327. wessels, mA. 2008. Myth of Origin or Play of Difference: A Discussion of Two Versions of the /Xam Story of the Origin of Death, Current Writing, 20(1)54-68. wessels, mA. 2008. New Directions in /Xam Studies: Some of the Implications of Andrew Banks’ Bushmen in a Victorian World: The Remarkable Story of the Bleek-Lloyd Collection of Bushman Folklore, Critical Arts: A Journal of South North Cultural and Media Studies, 22(1)69-82.

wildsmith-Cromarty, r. 2008. Can academic/scientific discourse really be translated across English and African languages?, Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language, 26(1)147 – 169. wilson, A. 2008. The Shembe Settlement, Architecture South Africa: Journal of the South African Institute of Architects. wilson, JZ. 2008. Religious, philosophical and environmentalist perspectives on potable wastewater reuse in Durban, South Africa, Desalination, 228()1-9. wilson, JZ. 2008. Trusting consumers: Involving communities in municipal water service decision making in Durban, South Africa, Water SA, 34(2)141-146. Xaba, tt. mamashela, m. 2008. Equality of Siblings and Alienation from the Umbilical Cord: The Unintended Effects of South Africa’s New Customary Marriages and Proposed Inheritance Law, Loyola Journal of Social Sciences, 22(2)135 148. Zeller, JK. 2008. On the subject marker in Kinyarwanda, Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language, 26(4)407-428 Zeller, JK. 2008. The subject marker in Bantu as an antifocus marker, Spil: Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics, 38()221-254. Zondi, nB. 2008. Hidden transcripts – poetry and narratives as therapy for older women confronting pain and suffering, Agenda, 1(1)119-128.

Faculty of Law

wessels, mA. 2008. Religion and the Interpretation of the /Xam Narratives, Current Writing, 20(2)44-66.

Bellengere, AH. 2008. Is a right to affirmative action the solution to the Orwellian postulate that all are equal but..., Transformation, 65()146-147.

wessels, mA. 2008. Text or Presence: On Rereading the /Xam and the Interpretation of their Narratives, Journal of literary Studies, 24(3)20-39.

Bhamjee, S. 2008. A tale of attempted murder and HIV... S v Nyalungu 2005 Jol 13254 (T), Obiter Obiter, 29(2)317-328.

Bosch, SJ. 2008. Private security Contractors and state responsibility: are states exempt from responsibility for violations of humanitarian law perpetrated by private security contractors, Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, 41(4)353-382. Buthelezi, mC. reddi, m. 2008. Killing with Impunity: The story of an Unborn Child, De Jure, 2()429-437. Buthelezi, mC. thabane, t. 2008. Bridgeing the Gap Between de Jure and de Facto Parliamentary Representation of Women in Africa, Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, XLI(2)175-204. Carnelley, m. 2008. Review of a refusal to grant a prospecting right Global Pact Trading 207 (Pty) Ltd v The Minister of Minerals and Energy; The Regional Manager: Minerals and Energy, Free State Region; The Deputy DirectorGeneral: Minerals and Energy (Case Nr 3118/2006 (O)) unreported), Obiter, Obiter 29(1)113-123. Carnelley, m. 2008. The role of pathological gambling in the sentencing of a person convicted of armed robbery: A comparative discussion of the South African, Canadian and Australian jurisdictions, South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 21(3)291-304. Carnelley, m. 2008. The Role of Public Policy in the Non-enforcement of Foreign Judgements arising from Gambling debts in South African courts: A comparative overview, Journal for Juridical Science, 32(2)1-17. Cohen, t tJA. 2008. Placing Substance over Form – Identifying the True Parties to an Employment Relationship, Industrial Law Journal Including Industrial Law Reports, 29()863- 880. Couzens, ewf. 2008. Losing NEMA: Endangered Wildlife Trust v Gate Development (Pty) Ltd and Others, The South African Journal of Environmental Law and Law Policy Policy, 14(1)125-134. Couzens, ewf. 2008. Recent Cases Costs, with pained regret: Wildlife and Environmental Society of South Africa v MEC for Economic Affairs, Environment and Tourism, Eastern Cape, and others 2005 (6) SA 123 (E), The South African Journal of Environmental Law and Law Policy Policy, 14(2)217-225. devenish, ge. 2008. Department of Land Affairs v Goedgelegen Tropical Fruits – A triumph for teleological interpretation, an unqualified contextual methodology and the jurisprudence of ubuntu, South African Law Journal, ()231-240. devenish, ge. 2008. The evolution of the operation of the doctrine of estoppel in public law and interrpretative methodology in RPM Bricks (Pty) Ltd v City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality 2007 9 BCLR 993 (TPD), SA Public Law Law, 23(1)180-193. du Plessis, m. 2008. A Chinese Vessel in Durban with weapons destined for Zimbabwe, South African Yearbook of International Law Law, 33()267-278. du Plessis, m. 2008. Chinese arms destined for Zimbabwe over South African territory: The R2P norm and the role of civil society, African Security Review Review, 17(4)17-29. du Plessis, m. 2008. Complementarity and Africa: The promises and problems of international criminal justice, African Security Review Review, 17(4)154-171.

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freedman, dw. 2008. Case Reviews Constitutional Application Right to freedom of the press, South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 21(2)233-252. freedman, dw. 2008. Recent Cases Constitutional Application Right to a fair trial, South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 21(3)357-369. freedman, dw. 2008. Recent Cases Constitutional Application, South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 21(1)134-149. govender, K. 2008. Equality, Sexuality and Taking Rights Seriously, Obiter, Obiter 29(1)1-18. Hoctor, Sv. 2008. Case Reviews: Specific Crimes, South african Journal of Criminal Justice, 21(2)207-213. Hoctor, Sv. 2008. Double inchoate crimes: Serving a useful purpose or double trouble? Dery v The Queen; Attorney General of Canada et al, Interveners [2007] 213 CCC (3d) 289 (SCC), Obiter Obiter, 29(1)124-131. Hoctor, Sv. 2008. Recent cases Case Reviews Specific Crimes, South african Journal of Criminal Justice, 21(1)99-104. Hoctor, Sv. 2008. Recent Cases: Specific Crimes, South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 21(3)307-314. Hoctor, Sv. 2008. The concept of dolus eventualis in South African law – an historical perspective, Fundamina: a Journal of Legal History History, 14(2)14-23. Hoctor, Sv. 2008. The intimidatingly broad crime of intimidation S v Cele 2008 JDR 0123 (N), Obiter Obiter, 29(2)283-290. Hoctor, Sv. 2008. The singular statutory housebreaking crime S v Slabb 2007 1 SACR 77 (C), Obiter Obiter, 29(1)93-100. Hoctor, Sv. Carnelley, m. 2008. Advanced age as a mitigating factor, Obiter, Obiter 29(2)268-274. Holness, dr. devenish, ge. 2008. The law in relation to employee claims relating to dismissal: jurisprudential principle or legal pragmatism? Transnet Ltd v Chirwa 2007 2 SA 198 (SCA), Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg/ Jo, 71(1)142-153. Kidd, mA. 2008. Cases/Vonnisse When is a veldfire not a veldfire? Gouda Boerdery Bk v Transnet 2005 5 SA 490 (SCA), Obiter Obiter, 28(3)607-613. louw, Am. 2008. Why South African Sport Should Say “No” to a StateSanctioned South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) Autocracy – Questioning the legitimacy of SASCOC (Part 2), De Jure, 1(41)16-35. lumina, CK. 2008. Free Trade or Just Trade? The World Trade Organization, human rights and development (Part 1), Law, Democracy and Development Development, 12(2)20-40. lumina, CK. 2008. Terror in the Backyard: Domestic terrorism in Africa and its impact on human rights, African Security Review Review, 17(4)112-132 matthias, Cr. Zaal, fn. 2008. Supporting familial and community care for children: legislative reform and implementation challenges in South Africa, International Journal of Social Welfare, 17()1-8.


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mcquoid-mason, dJ. 2008. Free Provision of PEP and Medical Advice for Sexual Offence Victims: What should Doctors do?, SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 98(11)847-848.

Xaba, tt. mamashela, m. 2008. Equality of Siblings and Alienation from the Umbilical Cord: The Unintended Effects of South Africa’s New Customary Marriages and Proposed Inheritance Law, Loyola Journal of Social Sciences, 22(2)135 148.

mcquoid-mason, dJ. 2008. Law clinics at African universities: An overview of the service delivery component with passing references to experiences in South and South- East Asia, Journal for Juridical Science, 33(Special)1-23.

Zaal, fn. 2008. Imperilling children and social workers? Preliminary care removals under the Children’s Act 38/2005, Social Work Practitioner Researcher, 20(3)290-306.

mcquoid-mason, dJ. 2008. The Children’s Amendment Act and the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act: Duty to Report Child Abuse and Sexual Offences against Children and Mentally Disabled Persons, SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 98(12)929-931.

Faculty of Management Studies

mcquoid-mason, dJ. 2008. Whatever happened to the Proposed South African Student Practice Rules?, De Jure, 41(3)580-595.

Akande, A. 2008. Career or marriage: Cultural contradictions and gender roles, International Journal of Educational Development Development, 28(12)1-2.

ndlovu, fP. 2008. South African Marine Insurance Law: The Current State of

Akande, A. 2008. Comparing Social Behavior Across Culture and Nations: The what and why Questions, Social Indicators Research, 88(3)500-520.

our Draft Marine Insurance Bill and the Effect of its Promulgation on the South African Marine Insurance Industry, Obiter Obiter, 29(1)77-86. Parsee, n. 2008. Absenteeism in the Workplace, SA Mercantile Law Law, 20(4)522-529. Parsee, n. 2008. The Limits of representation in disciplinary hearings: Banking Insurance Finance and Allied Workers Union v Mutual and Federal Insurance Co Ltd, SA Mercantile Law Law, 20(3)421-426. Pete, SA. 2008. Penal labour in colonial Natal – The fine line between convicts and labourers, Fundamina: a Journal of Legal History History, 14(2)66-83. Singh, A. 2008. S v Zuma 2006 2 SACR 191(W) Admissibility of evidence – leave to question complainant on past sexual history – application in terms of Section 227(2) of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977, De Jure, 3(41)658-663. Steyn, l. 2008. Rectification and Concursus Creditorum Nedbank Limited v Chance 2008 4 SA 209 (D); 2008 2 All SA 367 (D), Obiter Obiter, 29(3)524-532. Strode, Ae. 2008. Community perspectives on the ethical issues surrounding adolescent HIV vaccine trials in South Africa, Vaccine, 26(45)5679 – 5683. vawda, y yA. 2008. Free Trade Agreements with the US – Are they good for your health?, Journal for Juridical Science, 32(2)116-131. whitear-nel, nJ. 2008. Case Reviews Evidence, South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 21(2)229-233. whitear-nel, nJ. 2008. Recent Cases Evidence Failure to cross-examine a witness, South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 21(3)353-356. woker, t tA. 2008. The Franchise Relationship and the Problem of Encroachment: Silent Pond Investments CC v Woolworths (Pty) Ltd, SA Mercantile Law Law, 20(3)402-413. wood-Bodley, mC. 2008. Establishing the existence of a same-sex life partnership for the purposes of intestate succession, South African Law Journal, 125(2)259-273. wood-Bodley, mC. 2008. Intestate succession and gay and lesbian couples, South African Law Journal, 125(1)46-62. wood-Bodley, mC. 2008. Same-sex couple discrimination in employment benefits: where to now?, South African Law Journal, 125(3)()483-488.

Averweg, ur. 2008. Developing an intranet towards knowledge sharing: a practitioner-based inquiry, South African Journal of Information Management Management, 10(1)1-10. Bhagwanjee, Am. Petersen, i. Akintola, oo. george, gl. 2008. Bridging the gap between VCT and HIV/AIDS treatment uptake: Perspectives from mining-sector workplace in South Africa, African Journal of AIDS Research, 7(3)271-279. Campbell, C. gibbs, Ar. maimane, AS. nair, y. 2008. Hearing community voices: grassroots perceptions of an intervention to support health volunteers in South Africa, SAHARA: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, 5(4)162-177. Cassim, SB. Bexiga, d. 2008. The Regulation of Advertising to Children: A Comparative Assessment, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages, 14(1)137-165. Coldwell, dAl. Perumal, S. 2008. Perceptionsof the Measurability, Importance and Effects of Work Equity on Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation: An Exploraratory Study of the Ulitity of Equity Theory, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages, 14(1)197-217. Coldwell, dAl. williamson, mK. 2008. The Learning Organization in a Global Context: Perceptions of HR Practitioners at UK and SA Tertiary Institutions, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages, 14(1)120-135. dancaster, lA. 2008. Workers and Care Responsibilities: Is Work-Family Integration Adequately Addressed in South African Labour Law?, Industrial Law Journal including Industrial Law Reports, 29()22-42. edkins, Bim. 2008. The Demand for Food in South Africa, South African Journal of Economics, 76(1)104-117. george, gl. 2008. Antiretroviral treatment and the health workforce in South Africa: how have ART workers been affected by scaling up?, Tropical Medicine & International Health, 13(12)1452-1458. george, gl. Quinlan, tKC. 2008. Health Management in the Private Sector in the context of HIV/AIDS: Progress and Challenges faced by programmes in South Africa, Sustainable Development Development, 17()19-29.

gibbs, Ar. 2008. Gender, famine and HIV/AIDS: rethinking the new variant famine in Malawi, African Journal of AIDS Research, 7(1)9-17. gibbs, Ar. 2008. Representations of HIV/AIDS Management in South African Newspapers, African Journal of AIDS Research, 7(2)195-208. govender, ig. 2008. Solving introductory computer programming problems using an object-oriented language: Insights from an empirical study, African Journal of Research in Mathematics Science, 12(Special Issue)19-33. Harris, gt. 2008. Cost and quality performance indicators for home communitybased care services to orphans and vulnerable children, South African Journal of Economics, 76(1)S28-S33. Harris, gt. 2008. If your only tool is a hammer, any issue will look like a nail: building conflict resolution and mediation capacity in South African universities, Higher Education, 55(1)93-101. Harris, gt. 2008. The potential of nonviolence in building security in subSaharan Africa, African Security Review Review, 17(2)80-92. imrie, JCg. 2008. The challenges of technological innovation in HIV, Lancet, Lancet 372()357-358. Klopper, r. 2008. Introduction: Themes in Present-day Management Studies in South Africa, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages, 14(1)1-7. Kunda, t. ortlepp, K. 2008. Impact of globalisation on the labour movement: perceptions of trade unionists and subject matter experts from the metal industry in KwaZul-Natal, South African Journal of Labour Relations, 32(1)26-46. mahadea, d. 2008. Environmental Conditions for SMME Development in a South African Province, South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 11(4)431-448. mahomedy, AC. 2008. Free trade and labour demand elasticities: theory and international evidence, South African Journal of Labour Relations, 32(1)7-25. mpehle, Z. Qwabe, Br. 2008. Performance Auditing as Means to Entrench Professoressional Ethos in the Public Sector: A South African Local Government Perspective, Journal of Public Administration, 43(3.1)258 -270. mubangizi, BC. 2008. Responses to Poverty in Post-apartheid South Africa: Some Reflections, International Journal of Social Welfare, 17(2)174-181. mubangizi, BC. 2008. Utilising Available resources: A Community development view to make Local Government work, Journal of Public Administration, 43(3.1)271-284. naysmith, S. whiteside, hiteside, A Aw. 2008. Rethinking Swazilands HIV/AIDS Epidemic The Need for urgent interventions, Canadian Journal of Public Health-Revue Canadienne, 99(1)8-11. ngumbela, K C. day, C. mncube, Ze. nair, KS. ramduth, d. thobakgale, Cf. moodley, eS. reddy, S. de Pierres, C. mkhwanazi, nd. Bishop, KS. van der Stok, me. ismail, n. Honeyborne, i. Coovadia, Hm. Kiepiela, P. goulder, PJr. walker, Bd. 2008. Targeting of a CD8 T cell env epitope presented by HLA-B*5802 Is associated with markers of HIV disease progression and lack of selection pressure, Aids Research and Human Retroviruses, 24(1)72-82.

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nzimakwe, ti. 2008. The value of civil society participation in governance, Journal of Public Administration, 43(1)235-246. oneill, rC. 2008. South African export performance: New research into firmspecific and market characteristics, South African Journal of Economic And Management Sciences, 11(1)98-112. oneill, rC. Soni, SS. Coldwell, dAl. edmonds, J. 2008. Towards a testable model of the impact of specific entrepreneurial networks on the success of businesses in the Pietermaritzburg region, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages, 14(1)8-33.

Stainbank, lJ. 2008. Professoressional accounting education in selected ECSAFA countries: a comparative study, Meditari: Accountancy Research, 16(2)153-173. Subban, m. Pillay, P. Bhowan, K. 2008. Towards Effective Service Delivery via Customer Relationship Management, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages, 14(1)34-58. t tewari, dd. 2008. Socio-economics of groundwater management in Limpopo, South Africa: poverty reduction potential and resource management challenges, Water International, 33(1)69-85.

ortlepp, K. 2008. Psychological contracts and employment equity practices:A comparative study, Management Dynamics, 17(1)16-30.

vigar-ellis, dA. ellis, lr. Barraclough, CJ. 2008. Perceptions towards SMS marketing: An exploratory investigation, Management Dynamics, 16(2)16-24.

Parikh, A. Cakwe, mP. Quinlan, tKC. Zhuwau, t. 2008. Exploring the Cinderella myth: intrahousehold differences in child wellbeing between orphans and nonorphans in Amajuba District, South Africa, AIDS, 21(Supplement 7)S95-103.

waterman, n. Penceliah, y y. 2008. HIV/AIDS Policy in Lesotho, with particular reference to commercial sex work, Journal of Public Administration, 43(1)13-25.

Parikh, A. veenstra, ni. 2008. The Evolving impact of HIV/AIDS on outpatient health services in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 98(6)468-472. Penceliah, y. 2008. Managing across cultures for organizational success, Journal of Public Administration, 43(3)330-341. Pillay, K. 2008. Nondualism, Radical Change and the Illusory Self, Nidan: Journal for the Study of Hinduism, 20(December 2008)32-55. Pillay, P. Subban, m. Qwabe, Br. 2008. Talent Management – “Putting the right people in the right jobs”, Journal of Public Administration, 43(3.1)308-323. Poovalingam, K. 2008. The Impact of Communication on Customer Relationship Marketing Among Cellular Service Providers, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages, 14 (1)86-119. Posel, dr. muller, Cl. 2008. Is there evidence of a wage penalty to female part-time employment in South Africa?, South African Journal of Economics, 76(3)466-479. Pramlal, A. Brijball Parumasur, S. 2008. Assessing members perceptions of team cohesiveness in a Public Service Department, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages, 14(1)166-196. reddy, PS. nzimakwe, ti. 2008. Community participation in eThekwini Municipality with particular reference to ward committees, Journal of Public Administration, 43 (4.1)667-679. reddy, PS. Sikakane, B H. 2008. Public Participation: A Case Study of Ward Commitees in the Buffalo City Municipality, Journal of Public Administration, 43(4.1)680-697. Sing, d. govender, v. 2008. Understanding the mentoring and coaching imperative for the senior management level of the South African public service, Journal of Public Administration, 43(3)313-329. Sing, d. Pillay, P. 2008. Legislative, Policy and Institutional Measures for Promoting Administrative Justice in South Africa, Journal of Public Administration, 43(4)571-580.


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whiteside, hiteside, A Aw. 2008. Investigating the empirical evidence for understanding vulnerability and the associations between poverty, HIV infection and AIDS impact, AIDS, 21(7)1-4. whiteside, hiteside, A Aw. 2008. The making of vulnerabilities: understanding the differentiated effects of HIV and AIDS among street traders in Warwick Junction, Durban, South Africa, African Journal of AIDS Research (AJAR), 6(2)165-173.

Miscellaneous Biccard, B m. 2008. Calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, and peroperative cardiovascular stability, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 101(4)439-441. Sara, Jr. gous, rm. 2008. Describing growth and predicting feed intake in the marine prawn Fenneropenaeus indicus Part I: Theoretical and practical aspects of measuring and predicting genetic parameters, Aquaculture, 287()402-413.

NRM School of Medicine Abdool Karim, Q. Abdool Karim, SS. Kharsany, ABm. 2008. Challenges in HIV-Prevention Microbicide Research, Science, 321()532-534. Abdool Karim, Q. meyer-weitz, A. mboyi, l. Carrara, H. mahlase, g. frohlich, JA. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. The influence of AIDS stigma and discrimination and social cohesion on HIV testing and willingness to disclose HIV in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Global Public Health, 3(4)351-365. Adhikari, m. 2008. A call for action on perinatal and newborn care, Lancet, 371()195-196. Anderson, f. thomson, Sr. Clarke, dl. loots, e. 2008. Acute pancreatitis: Demographics, aetiological factors and outcomes in a regional hospital in South Africa, South African Journal of Science, 46(3)83-86. Assounga, AgH. ramdial, Sv. Han, tm. 2008. Haemodialysis access by inferior vena cava catheterisation, South African Medical Journal Journal, 98(11)868-870.

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Bebell, lm. mlisana, KP. iriogbe, ig. van loggerenberg, f. Abdool Karim, Q. Abdool Karim, SS. 2008. Relationship between Levels of Inflammatory Cytokines in the Genital Tract and CD4+ Cell Counts in Women with Acute HIV1 Infection, Journal of Infectious Diseases, 198(5)710-714. Bhimma, r. Adhikari, m. Asharam, K. 2008. The spectrum of chronic kidney disease (stages 2-5) in KwaZulu-Natal, South Afrcia, Pediatric Nephrology Nephrology, 23(10)1841-1846. Biccard, B m. 2008. A peri-operative statin update for non-cardiac surgery. Part 1: The effects of statin therapy on atherosclerotic disease and lessons learnt from statin therapy in medical (non-surgical) patients, Anaesthesia, 63(1)52-64. Biccard, B m. 2008. A peri-operative statin update for non-cardiac surgery. Part II: Statin therapy for vascular surgery and peri-operative statin trial design, Anaesthesia, 63(2)162-171.

Chhagan, m. luabeya, KKA. 2008. HIV Infection is Associated with Decreased Dietary Diversity in South African Children, Journal of Nutrition, 138(9)1705-1711. Chhagan, m. rollins, nC. 2008. Case management of HIV-infected severely malnourished children: challenges in the area of highest prevalence, Lancet, Lancet 371()1305-1307. Chipps, J. Simpson, B. Brysiewicz, P. 2008. The effectiveness of culturalcompetence training for health Professoressionals in community-based rehabilitation: A systematic review of literature, Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 5(2)85-94. Clarke, dl. gouveia, J. thomson, Sr. muckart, dJJ. 2008. Applying modern error theory to the problem of missed injuries in trauma, World Journal of Surgery, 32(6)1176-1182. Surgery Coutsoudis, A. 2008. Associations of Chemokine Receptor Polymorphisms

Biccard, B m. 2008. Anaesthesia for vascular procedures: How do South African patients differ?, Southern African Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia, 14(1)109-115.

With HIV-1 Mother-To-Child Transmissions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Possible Modulation of Genetic Effects by Antiretrovirals, JAIDS JAIDS – Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 49(3)259-265.

Biccard, B m. 2008. Delayed Acclimatization of the Ventilatory Threshold in Healthy Trekkers, Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 19(2)124-128.

Coutsoudis, A. 2008. Diversity of risk of mother-to-child HIV-1 transmission according to feeding practices, CD4 cell count, and haemoglobin concentration in a South African cohort, Tropical Medicine & International Health, 13(3)310-318.

Biccard, B m. 2008. Heart rate and outcome in patients with cardiovascular disease undergoing major noncardiac surgery, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 36(4)489-501. Biccard, B m. 2008. Meta-analysis of the effect of heart rate achieved by perioperative beta-adrenergic blockade on cardiovascular outcomes, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 100(1)23-28. Biccard, B m. 2008. Validation of a model to predict all-cause in-hospital mortality in vascular surgical patients, Cardiovascular Journal of Africa, 19(6)303-308. Biccard, B m. goga, S. de Beurs, J. 2008. Dexmedetomidine and cardiac protection for non-cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, Anaesthesia, 63(1)4-14. Bishop, KS. mlotshwa, nP. Coovadia, Hm. ndungu, Pt. walker, Bd. goulder, PJr. 2008. Central Role of Reverting Mutations in HLA Associations with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Set Point, Journal of Virology Virology, 82(17)8548 -8559. Bland, rm. Coovadia, Hm. Coutsoudis, A. rollins, nC. newell, ml. 2008. Intervention to promote exclusive breast-feeding for the first 6 months of life in a high HIV prevalence area, AIDS, 22(7)883-891. Brijlall, S. 2008. Hip Arthroplasty In HIV-Infected Patients, SA Orthopedic Journal, 7(1)10-16. Burns, JK. 2008. Implementation of the Mental Health Care Act (2002) at district hospitals in South Africa: Translating principles into practice, SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 98(1)46-51.

Coutsoudis, A. 2008. Vitamin Content of Breast Milk From HIV-1-Infected Mothers Before and After Flash-Heat Treatment, JAIDS JAIDS – Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 48(4)444-449. Coutsoudis, A. Coovadia, Hm. 2008. HIV, infant feeding and more perils for poor people: new WHO guidelines encourage review of formula milk policies, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86(2)146-150. day, C. Kiepiela, P. van der Stok, me. nair, KS. ismail, n. Coovadia, Hm. goulder, PJr. walker, Bd. 2008. Proliferative capacity of epitope-specific CD8 T-cell responses is inversely related to viral load in chronic human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection, Journal of Virology Virology, 81(1)434-438. daya, m. 2008. Amniotic band syndrome with presistent sciatic artery: a case report, Annals of Plastic Surgery Surgery, 61(5)549-551. daya, m. 2008. Peroneal artery perforator chimeric flap: Changing the Perspective in Free Fibula Flap Use in Complex Oromandibular Reconstruction, Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery Microsurgery, 24(6)413-418. daya, m. nair, v. 2008. Traction-assisted dermatogenesis by serial intermittent skin tape application, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Surgery, 122(4)1047-1054. de Paoli, mm. mkwanazi, nB. richter, l m. rollins, nC. 2008. Early cessation of breastfeeding to prevent postnatal transmission of HIV: a recommendation in need of guidance, Acta Paediatrica, 97()1663-1668.

Burns, JK. 2008. Xenophobia – evolved ‘outgroup’ hatred or product of a toxic social environment?, South African Journal of Psychiatry Psychiatry, 14(4)120-121.

deonarain, J. ramdial, PK. Sing, y. Singh, B. 2008. Subcutaneous palisading granulomatous pseudocysts of Echinococcus granulosus origin, Journal of Cutaneous Pathology Pathology, 36(2)240-245.

Burns, JK. esterhuizen, tm. 2008. Poverty, inequality and the treated incidence of first-episode psychosis An ecological study from South Africa, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology Epidemiology, 43(4)331-335.

deonarain, J. ramdial, PK. Singh, B. 2008. Bilateral Lipomastia in Men: A Side Effect of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy, International Journal of Surgical Pathology Pathology, 16(2)171-175.

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dlamini, SB. taylor, t m. mkhize, ne. Sathiparsad, r. naidoo, K. Jinabhai, CC. 2008. Gender factors associated with sexual abstinent behaviour of rural South African high school going youth in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Health Education Research. esposito, fm. Coutsoudis, A. Kindra, g. 2008. Changes In Body Composition And Other Anthropometric Measures Of Female Subjects On High Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART): A Pilot Study In KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Southern African Journal of HIV IV Medicine, 9(4)36-42. frank, Sv. esterhuizen, tm. Jinabhai, CC. Sullivan, Kr. taylor, t m. 2008. Risky sexual behaviours of high-school pupils in an era of HIV and AIDS, SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 98 (5)384-388. garrib, arrib, A Av. dlamini, ln. Herbst, AJ. 2008. An evaluation of the district health information systems in rural South Africa, SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 98(7)549-552.

Hardcastle, tC. 2008. Avoiding etomidate for emergency intubation: throwing the baby out with the bathwater?, Southern African Journal of Critical Care, 24(1)13-25. Hernandez Perez, en. dawood, H. esterhuizen, tm. 2008. Validation of the Accutrend(R) lactate meter for hyperlactemia screening during antiretroviral therapy in a resource-poor setting, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 12(5)553-556. Hodgson, re. Barrett, d. 2008. Airway management resources in operating theatres, Southern African Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia, 14(4)S1-S11. Human, A Aw. govender, S. 2008. Case Report and Review of the Literature Pathological Sacral Fracture in Type 1 Neurofibromatosis, SA Orthopedic Journal, 7(1)68-70.

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madiba, te. Hlophe, m. 2008. Gastric trauma: a straightforward injury, but no room for complacency, South African Journal of Surgery Surgery, 46(1)10-13.

moodley, d. moodley, P. esterhuizen, tm. 2008. Reliability of HIV rapid tests is user dependant, SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 98(9)707-709.

madombwe, JP. Knight, Se. 2008. High prevalence of urinary incontinence and poor knowledge of pelvic floor exercises among women in a health district in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, South African Journal of Physiotherapy Physiotherapy, 64(1)22.

moodley, i. 2008. Review of the cardiovascular safety of COXIBs compared to NSAIDS, Cardiovascular Journal of Africa, 19(2)102-105.

maharaj, nr. gangaram, r. moodley, J. 2008. The menopause, hormone replacement therapy and informed consent:Are women in an under-resourced country adequately aware?, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology, 27(3)300-304. maharaj, nr. nimako, dm. Hadley, gP. 2008. Multimodal therapy for the initial management of genital embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in childhood, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer Cancer, 18()168-192.

Jack, Cl. mars, m. 2008. Telemedicine a need for ethical and legal guidelines in South Africa, South African Family Practice, 50(2)68-68d.

maharaj, r. 2008. A review of recent developments in the management of carotid artery stenosis, Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 22(2)277-289.

Johnston, er. 2008. Personality disturbance in adolescents living with HIV/ AIDS: a review, Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 20(2)83-93.

maharajh, J. Bayat, mr. vawda, f. 2008. Epiploic Appendagitis, South African Medical Journal, 98(11)849-850.

Karamchand, l. dawood, H. Chuturgoon, AA. 2008. Lymphocyte Mitochondrial Depolarization and Apoptosis in HIV-1-Infected HAART Patients, JAIDS – Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 48(4)381-388.

mahlakwane, mS. ramdial, PK. Sing, y. Biyana, S. 2008. Otic Pneumocystosis in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 32(7)1038-1043. Pathology mars, m. 2008. Surgical research in sub-Saharan Africa: a role for TeleHealth?, South African Journal of Surgery Surgery, 46(2)42-47.

gouws, e. 2008. The epidemiology of HIV infection among young people aged 15-24 years in southern Africa, AIDS, 22(4)5-16.

Kiepiela, P. ngumbela, KC. thobakgale, Cf. ramduth, d. moodley, eS. reddy, S. de Pierres, C. mncube, Ze. mkhwanazi, nP. Bishop, KS. van der Stok, me. nair, KS. Khan, n. Coovadia, Hm. walker, Bd. goulder, PJr. 2008. CD8(+) T-cell responses to different HIV proteins have discordant associations with viral load, Nature Medicine, ()13(1):46-53.

govender, S. 2008. Impact of HIV on Bone and Joint Surgery, Best Practice & Research in Clinical Rheumatology Rheumatology, 22(4)605-619.

lalloo, ug. 2008. Class-Sparing Regimens for Initial Treatment of HIV-1 Infection, New England Journal of Medicine, 358(20)2095-2106.

govinden, u. mocktar, C. moodley, oodley, P. Sturm, A Aw. essack, Sy. 2008. Characterization of extended-spectrum I²-lactamases in Salmonella spp. at a tertiary hospital in Durban, South Africa, Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 62()86-91.

lalloo, ug. 2008. Extensively Drug-resistant Tuberculosis, American Journal Of Medicine, 121(10)835-844.

gray, Al. 2008. Tough choices: tenofovir, tenders and treatment, Southern African Journal of HIV IV Medicine, 29()8-10.

lalloo, ug. Ambaram, A. 2008. Survival after massive intentional overdose of paraquat, SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 98(5)370-372.

Haddow, lJ. Sahid, f. moosa, myS. 2008. Cryptococcal breast abscess in an HIV-positive patient: Arguments for reviewing the definition of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome, Journal of Infection, 57()82-84.

lalloo, ug. Amod, f. 2008. Second assessment of NeuroAIDS in Africa, Journal of Neurovirology Neurovirology, 14()89-101.

geddes, rv. Knight, Se. esterhuizen, tm. 2008. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV programme: Low vertical transmission in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 98(6)458-462. gounden, y. 2008. PCBs in air, soil and milk in industrialised and urban areas of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Environmental Pollution, 157(2)654-63. gounden, y. matooane, mr. naidoo, nr. 2008. Organochlorine pesticides in ambient air in Durban, South Africa, Science of the Total Environment, 397()119-130.

Hadley, gP. 2008. Malignant liver tumours in South African children: A national audit, World Journal of Surgery Surgery, 32()1389-1395. Hadley, gP. 2008. The spectrum of anorectal malformations in Africa, Pediatric Surgery International, 24(6)677-683. Hadley, gP. mars, m. 2008. Postgraduate medical education in paediatric surgery: videoconferencing – a possible solution for Africa?, Pediatric Surgery International, 24(2)223-226. Haffajee, mr. thompson, C. govender, S. 2008. The supraodontoid space or “apical cave” at the craniocervical junction: A microdissection study, Clinical Anatomy, 21(5)405-415. Anatomy


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lalloo, ug. 2008. Influenza Guideline for South Africa-Update 2008, SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 98(3)224-230.

mackraj, i. govender, t. gathiram, P. 2008. Sanguinarine, Cardiovascular Therapeutics, 26 (1)75-83. mackraj, i. govender, t. gathiram, P. 2008. Vitamin B6 deficiency alters tissue iron concentrations in the Wistar rat, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 23()43-49. Biology mackraj, i. ramesar, S v. Singh, m. govender, t. Baijnath, H. Singh, r. gathiram, P. 2008. The in vivo effects of Tulbhagia violacea on blood pressure in salt-sensitive rat model, Journal of Ethnopharmacology Ethnopharmacology, 117(2)263-269. madiba, te. Haffajee, mr. Sikhosana, mH. 2008. Radiological anatomy of the sigmoid colon, Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy Anatomy, 30()409-415.

mars, m. desai, y. gregory, m. 2008. Compressed air massage hastens healing of the diabetic foot, Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 10(1)39-45. mars, m. dlova, C. 2008. Teledermatology by videoconference: Experience of a pilot project, South African Family Practice, 50(3)70-70d. mkize, dl. 2008. Post traumatic stress disorder symptoms in a psychiatric population not presenting with trauma: a preliminary study, African Journal of Psychiatry, 11()51-53. Psychiatry mocktar, C. govinden, u.. Sturm, A Aw. essack, Sy. 2008. CMY-20, a novel AmpC-type beta-lactamase from South African clinical Escherichia coli isolates, Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 60()405-408. mocktar, C. govinden, u.. Sturm, A Aw. essack, Sy. 2008. The effect of mutations in the AmpC promoter region on b-lactam resistance from an Escherichia coli clinical isolate in a public sector hospital in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, African Journal of Biotechnology Biotechnology, 7(15)2547-2550. mody, gm. 2008. Challenges in the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Developing Countries, Best Practice & Research in Clinical Rheumatology Rheumatology, 22(4)621-641. mody, gm. 2008. Preface: Musculoskeletal conditions in the developing world, Best Practice & Research in Clinical Rheumatology Rheumatology, 22(4)579-581. mody, gm. 2008. Prevention of musculoskeletal conditions in the developing world, Best Practice & Research in Clinical Rheumatology Rheumatology, 22(4)759-772. moodley, d. mody, gm. Patel, n. Chuturgoon, AA. 2008. Mitochondrial Depolarisation and oxidative stress in rheumatoid arthritis patients, Clinical Biochemistry, 41()1396-1401. Biochemistry

moodley, J. 2008. Every death counts: use of mortality audit data for decision making to save the lives of mothers, babies, and children in South Africa, Lancet, Lancet 371()1294-1304. moodley, J. 2008. Hypertensive emergencies in pregnancies in under-resourced countries, Current Opinion in Obstetrics & Gynecology Gynecology, 20()91-95. moodley, J. 2008. Maternal deaths due to hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, Best Practice & Research In Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecology, 22(3)559-567. moodley, J. 2008. The Magpie Trial: a randomised trial comparing magnesium sulphate with placebo for pre-eclampsia. Outcome for women at 2 years, Bjog – An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology, 114()300-309. moodley, J. 2008. The Magpie Trial: a randomised trial comparing magnesium sulphate with placebo for pre-eclampsia. Outcome for children at 18 months, Bjog – An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology, 114()289-299. moodley, J. 2008. Trends in management and outcome of pregnancies in HIV-infected women in the UK and Ireland, 1990-2006, Bjog – An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Gynaecology, 115()1074-1075. moodley, m. 2008. Placental site trophoblastic tumour with antecedent molar pregnancy in association with human immunodeficiency virus infection, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer Cancer, 18()838-861. moodley, m. 2008. Radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer amongst women infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer Cancer, 17()1264-1265. moodley, m. 2008. Round worm infestation as a cause of small bowel anastomotic breakdown following urinary diversion for cervical cancer, Gynecologic Oncology Oncology, 107()590-591. moodley, m. Aboobaker, J. 2008. Carraguard Vaginal Gel Safety in HIVPositive Women and Men in South Africa, JAIDS – Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 46(5)538-546. moodley, P. Bohlken, louise. Pillay, m.. Sturm, A Aw. 2008. Exogenous reinfection as a cause of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in rural South Africa, Journal of Infectious Diseases, 198()1582-1589. moodley, P. mcgrath, n. Hosegood, v. Herbst, AJ. newell, ml.. Sturm, A Aw. 2008. Low effectiveness of syndromic treatment services for curable sexually transmitted infections in rural South Africa, Sexually Transmitted Infections, 84()528-534. mosam, A. 2008. 99mTc-MIBI imaging of AIDS-related Kaposis sarcoma in the lungs, Nuclear Medicine Communications, 29(9)786-790. mosam, A. Page, tn. Bodasing, u. Aboobaker, J. dawood, H. Coovadia, Hm. 2008. Characteristics of HIV-1-Associated Kaposi’s sarcoma among women and men in South Africa, International Journal Of Std & Aids, 19()400-405.

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motala, AA. esterhuizen, tm. Pirie, fJ. omar, mAK. 2008. Diabetes and other Disorders of Glycemia in a Rural South African Community Prevalence and associated risk factors, Diabetes Care, 31(9)1783-1788. mphatswe, twP. Blanckenberg, n. thobakgale, Cf. mkhwanazi, nP. walker, Bd. Kiepiela, P. goulder, PJr. 2008. High frequency of rapid immunological progression in African infants infected in the era of perinatal HIV prophylaxis, AIDS, 21(10)1253-1261. mphatswe, twP. thobakgale, Cf. walker, Bd. goulder, PJr. 2008. Early virological suppression with three-class antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected African infants, AIDS, 22(11)1333-1343. naidoo, nd. 2008. Management of Intracapsular Fractures of the Hip in Elderly Patients, SA Orthopedic Journal, 7(1)50-54. naidoo, nr. 2008. Occupational Use Syndromes, Best Practice & Research in Clinical Rheumatology Rheumatology, 22(4)677-691. naidoo, nr. 2008. Pneumoconiosis in South African coalmines – myth or reality?, Occupational Health Southern Africa, 14(1)6-13. naidoo, S. naidoo, nr. 2008. Agricultural Activities, Pesticide Use and Occupational Hazards among Women Working in Small Scale Farming in Northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, International Journal of Occupational And Environmental Health, 14()218-224. naidoo, S. ryan, AP. lalloo, ug. 2008. Taking an occupational history: Its value in avoiding a misdiagnosis, Occupational Health Southern Africa, 14(3)45-49. naidu, t. ramlall, S. 2008. Establishing psychiatric registrars – competence in psychotherapy: a portfolio based model, African Journal of Psychiatry (AJP), 11()264-271. ngcobo, mB. Pillay, BJ. 2008. Depression in African women presenting for psychological services at a general hospital, African Journal of Psychiatry Psychiatry, 11()133 -137. ngubane, nn. newell, ml. Coovadia, Hm. rollins, nC. Coutsoudis, A. Bland, rm. 2008. Messages about dual contraception in areas of High HIV Prevalence are not Heeded, South African Medical Journal, 98(3)209- 212. ngumbela, K C. day, C. mncube, Ze. nair, KS. ramduth, d. thobakgale, Cf. moodley, eS. reddy, S. de Pierres, C. mkhwanazi, nd. Bishop, KS. van der Stok, me. ismail, n. Honeyborne, i. Coovadia, Hm. Kiepiela, P. goulder, PJr. walker, Bd. 2008. Targeting of a CD8 T cell env epitope presented by HLA-B*5802 Is associated with markers of HIV disease progression and lack of selection pressure, AIDS Research And Human Retroviruses, 24(1)72-82. nqayana, t. moodley, J. naidoo, dP. 2008. Cardiac disease in pregnancy, Cardiovascular Journal of Africa, 19(3)145-151. Parboosing, r. Paruk, im. lalloo, ug. 2008. Hepatitis C virus seropositivity in a South African Cohort of HIV co-infected, ARV naive patients is associated with renal insufficiency and increased mortality, Journal of Medical Virology Virology, 80()1530-1536. Patel, vB. Burger, idP. 2008. Temporal evolution of cerebrospinal fluid following initiation of treatment for tuberculous meningitis, SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 98(8)610-613.


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Pillay, Al. 2008. An audit of competency assessments on court-referred rape survivors in South Africa, Psychological Reports, 103()764-770. Pillay, Al. 2008. Maternal depression and anxiety among children with mental health problems, Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 20(1)(1)13-20. Pillay, Al. 2008. Mauritian and South African students’ views on studying psychology, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 18(2)355-360. Pillay, Al. Kritzinger, Am. 2008. Psycho-legal issues surrounding the rape of children and adolescents with mental retardation, Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 20(2)(2)123-131. Pillay, Al. Siyothula, eB. 2008. The training institutions of black African clinical psychologists registered with the HPCSA in 2006, South African Journal of Psychology, 38(4)725-735. Psychology Pillay, n. ramdial, PK. 2008. Mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma with aggressive histomorphology – a sarcomatoid variant, Human Pathology Pathology, 39()966-969. Podmore, SH. Botha, JH. gray, Al. esterhuizen, tm. 2008. Impact of recent evidence on use of hormone therapy in the South African private sector (20012005), South African Family Practice, 50(6)42. ramdial, PK. Sing, y. Chotey, nA. Aboobaker, J. 2008. Molluscum-like cutaneous cryptococcosis: a histopathological and pathogenetic appraisal, Journal of Cutaneous Pathology Pathology, 35()1007-1013. ramdial, PK. Sing, y. Chotey, nA. Bagratee, JS. 2008. Concomitant Malacoplakia and Granuloma Inguinale of the Cervix in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, International Journal of Gynecological Pathology Pathology, 27(2)282-287. ramduth, d. thobakgale, Cf. mkhwanazi, nP. de Pierres, C. reddy, S. van der Stok, me. mncube, Ze. mphatswe, twP. Blanckenberg, n. Cengimbo, A. Jeena, Pm. Coovadia, Hm. day, C. Kiepiela, P. goulder, PJr. walker, Bd. 2008. Detection of HIV Type 1 Gag-Specific CD4+ T Cell Responses in Acutely Infected Infants, AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 24(2)265-270. ramnarain, H. govender, S. 2008. Fibular allograft and anterior plating for dislocations/fractures of the cervical spine, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology Ophthalmology, 24(1)83-86.

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rollins, nC. Becquet, r. Bland, rm. Coutsoudis, A. Coovadia, Hm. newell, ml. 2008. Infant feeding, HIV transmission and mortality at 18 months: the need for appropriate choices by mothers and prioritization within programmes, AIDS, 22()2349-2357. ross, AJ. 2008. Success of a scholarship scheme for rural students, SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 97(11)1087-1090. Sathiparsad, r. taylor, t m. dlamini, SB. 2008. Patriarchy and family life: Alternative views of male youth in rural South Africa, Agenda, 76()4-16. Schlebusch, l. 2008. Effectiveness of brief intervention and contact for suicide attempters: a randomized controlled trial in five countries, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86(9)703-709. Sebitloane, Hm. moodley, J. esterhuizen, tm. 2008. Prophylactic antibiotics for the prevention of postpartum infectious morbidity in women infected with human immunodeficiency virus: a randomized controlled trial, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Gynecology, 198()189.31-189.e6.

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Faculty of Science & Agriculture

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Bala, md. 2008. Substitution reactions of Fe and Ru complexes with liquid phosphite ligands in the absence of solvents, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 11()1082-1084.

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Boyle, gA. Kruger, Hg. maguire, gem. Paraskevopoulos, Jn. 2008. (4-Hydroxy-3-nitrobenzyl)methyl-ammonium chloride, ACTA Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports, E64()o625.

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Boyle, gA. govender, t. Kruger, Hg. maguire, gem. 2008. 8-(Biphenyl-4yl)-8-hydroxypentacyclo-[,6.03,10.05,9]undecan-11-one ethylene ketal, Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports, E64()o283.

Bernhardi, e H. forbes, A. 2008. Estimation of thermal fracture limits in quasicontinuous-wave end-pumped lasers through a time-dependent analytical model, Optics Express, 16(15)11115-11123.

Boyle, gA. govender, t. Kruger, Hg. maguire, gem. naicker, t. 2008. NMR elucidation of a novel (S)-pentacyclo-undecane bis-(4-phenyloxazoline) ligand and related derivatives, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry Chemistry, 46(12)1089-1095.

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Boyle, gA. govender, t. Kruger, Hg. maguire, gem. naicker, t. 2008. NMR elucidation of some ligands derived from the pentacycloundecane skeleton, Structural Chemistry Chemistry, 19(3)429-434.

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Bush, ng. Brown, m. downs, Ct. 2008. Seasonal Effects On Thermoregulatory Responses of The Rock Kestrel, Falco rupicolis, Journal of Thermal Biology Biology, 33()404-412.

Crouch, nr. 2008. Aloes in the Eastern Cape of South Africa: the value of natural history observations in biological sciences, South African Journal of Science, 104()421-422.

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Crouch, nr. 2008. Aloes of the World: African Plants Initiative. An international web-based collaboration to promote scholarly research on Aloe L, Phytochemistry, 26()121-128. Phytochemistry

Cheplogoi, PK. mulholland, dA. Coombes, PH. randrianarivelojosia, m. 2008. An azole, an amide and a limonoid from Vepris uguenensis (Rutaceae), Phytochemistry, 69()1384-1388.

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Crouch, nr. 2008. Asphodelaceae Notes on the nomenclature and typification of Aloe natalensis (Alooideae), Bothalia, 38(1)70-71.

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friedrich, HB. mahomed, AS. 2008. The oxidative dehydrogenation of n-octane to styrene using catalysts derived from hydrotalcite-like precursors, Applied Catalysis A-General, 347()11-22.

grobler, AC. Carrara, H. mwambi, Hg. 2008. When to stop treatment arms in a clinical trial assessing time to event with more than two arms against a common control, Evaluation & the Health Professions, 30(3)284-299.

gaffoor-Peer, f. ford, t tA. 2008. The vibrational spectra of the boron halides and their molecular complexes Part 10. The complexes of boron trifluoride with ammonia and its methyl derivatives. An ab initio study, Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular and Biomolecu, 71()550-558.

gusset, m. Slotow, rH. 2008. Conflicting human interests over the reintroduction of endangered wild dogs in South Africa, Biodiversity and Conservation, 17()83-101.

ghebrehiwot, Hm. Kulkarni, m. Kirkman, KP. van Staden, J. 2008. Smokewater and a smoke-isolated butenolide improved germination and seedling vigour of Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter under high temperature and low osmotic potential, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 194()270-277. ghile, yB. Schulze, re. 2008. Development of a framework for an integrated time-varying agrohydrological forecast system for Southern Africa: Initial results for seasonal forecasts, Water SA, 34(3)315-322. glassom, d. 2008. Species composition, size structure and abundance of the genus Littoraria (Gastropoda, Littorinidae) from different mangrove strata in an Eastern African gradient, Hydrobiologia, 614(1)339-351. gous, rm. 2008. Predicting nutrient responses in poultry: future challenges, Animal, 1()57 – 65. gous, rm. 2008. Simulation models used for determining food intake and growth of ostriches: an overview, Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 48()1266-1269. govender, m. Chetty, Kt. naiken, v. Bulcock, HH. 2008. A Comparison of Satellite Hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing imagery for improved classification and mapping of Vegetation, Water SA, 34(2)147-154. govender, P. 2008. Controlled Expression of the Dominant Flocculation Genes FLO1, FLO5, and FLO11 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Applied and Environmental Microbiology Microbiology, 74(19)6041-6052.

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govinder, KS. 2008. Master Partial Differential Equations for a Type II Hidden Symmetry, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 343()525-530. govinder, KS. 2008. On the Origins of Symmetries of Partial Differential Equations: the Example of the Konteweg – de Vries Equation, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 15(1)60-68. green, An. ovechkina, m. uken, r. 2008. Nannofossil age constraints for the northern KwaZulu-Natal shelf-edge wedge: Implications for continental margin dynamics, South Africa, SW Indian Ocean, Continental Shelf Research, 28()2442-2449. green, An. uken, r. 2008. Submarine landsliding and canyon evolution on the northern KwaZulu-Natal continental shelf, South Africa, SW Indian Ocean, Marine Geology Geology, 254(3-4)152-170.


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Henning, mA. 2008. Hypergraphs with large transversal number and with edge sizes at least 3, Journal of Graph Theory Theory, 59()326-348. Henning, mA. 2008. On matching and total domination in graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 308()2313-2318. Henning, mA. 2008. Rainbow domination in graphs, Taiwanese Journal Of Mathematics, 12()201--213. Henning, mA. 2008. Restrained domination excellent trees, ARS Combinatoria, 87()337--351. Henning, mA. 2008. The diameter of paired-domination vertex critical graphs, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 58()887--897. Henning, mA. 2008. The independence number in graphs of maximum degree three, Discrete Mathematics, 308()5829--5833.

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Henning, mA. 2008. Total domination in claw-free graphs with minimum degree 2, Discrete Mathematics, 308()3213--3219. Henning, mA. 2008. Total domination in graphs with given girth, Graphs and Combinatorics, 24()333-348. Henning, mA. 2008. Total domination in partitioned trees and partitioned graphs with minimum degree two, Journal of Global Optimization, 41()385--399. Henning, mA. 2008. Vertex covers and secure domination in graphs, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 31()163-171. Henning, mA. maritz, Je. 2008. Total restrained domination in graphs with minimum degree two, Discrete Mathematics, 308()1909--1920. Henning, mA. Southey, Jg. 2008. A note on graphs with disjoint dominating and total dominating sets, Ars Combinatoria, 89()159--162. Herbert, dg. Hamer, ml. 2008. Taxonomic research in South Africa: the state of the discipline, South African Journal of Science, 104()254 – 255. Hill, tr. 2008. A Late Quaternary pollen sequence from Mfabeni Peatland, South Africa: reconstructing Podocarpus forest history in Maputaland, Quaternary Research, 70()442-450. Hill, tr. 2008. First steps in the development of a water temperature model framework for refining the ecological Reserve in South African rivers, Water SA, 34(5)585-596. Hill, tr. 2008. Marginalisation and demographic change in the semi-arid Karoo, South Africa, Journal of Arid Environments, 72()2264-2274.

ivanova, mv. van Staden, J. 2008. Effect of ammonium ions and cytokinins on hyperhydricity and multiplication rate of in vitro regenerated shoots of Aloe polyphylla, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 92()227-231. Jaganyi, d. de Boer, K. gertenbach, J. Perils, J. 2008. Kinetic and Mechanistic Investigation into the influence of Chelate Substituents on the Substitution Reactions of Platinum(II) Terpyridine Complexes, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 40(12)808-818. Jain, n. Ascough, gd. van Staden, J. 2008. A smoke-derived butenolide alleviates HgC12 and ZnCl2- inhibition of water uptake during germination and subsequent growth of tomato – possible involvement of aquaporins, Journal of Plant Physiology Physiology, 165()1422-1427. Jain, n. Burnett (Stirk), wA. w van Staden, J. 2008. Cytokinin- and auxin-like activity of a butenolide isolated from plant-derived smoke, South African Journal of Botany Botany, 74()327-331. Jain, n. light, me. v van Staden, J. 2008. Antibacterial activity of hairy-root cultures of Maytenus senegalensis, South African Journal of Botany Botany, 74()163-166. Jain, n. van Staden, J. 2008. Changes in cellular macromolecules (DNA, RNA and protein) during seed germination in tomato, following the use of a butenolide, isolated from plant-derived smoke, Plant Growth Regulation, 54()105-113. Jali, S. friedrich, HB. Bala, md. 2008. Dicarbonyl(I·5-cyclopentadienyl) bis (trimethylphosphine) molybdenum(II) trifluoromethanesulfonate, Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports, E64()m1401.

Hill, tr. traynor, CH. Bob, u. 2008. Clear the Mind of Pre-conceived Ideas and Get Your Hands Dirty! An Approach to Field-based Courses: The SLUSE-southern Africa Experience, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 32 (3)441-457.

James, n. Beckley , le. mann, BQ. robertson, wd. 2008. Status of the estuarine-dependent riverbream Acanthopagrus berda (Sparidae) harvested by the multi-sectoral fishery in Kosi Bay, South Africa, African Journal of Marine Science, 30(1)45-53.

Hill, tr. traynor, CH. Bob, u. 2008. Problem-based, interdisciplinary fieldbased courses: Reflections from South African experiences, South African Geographical Journal/Suid-Afrikaans, 90(2)122-133.

Jarvie, JA. Shanahan, Pe. 2008. Investigating the use of satellite selection sites in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) breeding, South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 25(3)139-143.

Hofmann, A. 2008. Microbial remains in some earliest Earth rocks: Comparison with a potential modern analogue, Precambrian Research, 164()187-200.

Jersakova, J. Johnson, Sd. 2008. Effect of nectar supplementation on male and female components of pollination success in the deceptive orchid Dactylorhiza sambucina, Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology Ecology, 33()300-306.

Hofmann, A. 2008. Silica alteration zones in the Barberton greenstone belt: a window into subseafloor processes 3.5-3.3 Ga ago, Chemical Geology Geology, 257()224-242. Hoosen, n. lamb, Jm. 2008. Morphological and molecular variation in Mops leucostigma (Chiroptera: Molossidae) of Madagascar and the Comoros: phylogeny, phylogeography and geographic variation, Mittelweg 36: Zeitschrift des Hamburger Instituts, 105()57-101. ismail, rAH. mutanga, o. Bob, u. 2008. Determining the optimal spatial resolution of remotely sensed data for the detection of sirex noctilio infestations in pine plantations in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, South African geographical journal/ Suid-Afrikaanse geografiese tydskrif tydskrif, 90(1)22-30. ivanova, mv. Beckett, rP. 2008. An oxidative burst of superoxide in embryonic axes of recalcitrant sweet chestnut seeds as induced by excision and desiccation, Physiologia Plantarum, 133(1)131-139.

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Johnston, SA. gous, rm. 2008. Extent of variation within a laying flock: attainment of sexual maturity, double-yolked and soft-shelled eggs, sequence lengths and consistency of lay, British Poultry Science, 48(5)609-616. Johnston, SA. gous, rm. 2008. Modelling the changes in the proportions of the egg components during a laying cycle, British Poultry Science, 48(3)347 – 353. Jonnalagadda, SB. 2008. Kinetics and mechanism of Mn(II) catalyzed oxidation of acridine yellow by chloramine-T, Indian Journal of Chemistry Section A-Inorganic Bi, 47A()669-676. Jonnalagadda, SB. 2008. Visible light induced heterogeneous advanced oxidation process to degrade pararosanilin dye in aqueous suspension of ZnO, Indian Journal of Chemistry Section A-Inorganic Bi, 47(6)830-835. Jonnalagadda, SB. 2008. ZnO assisted photocatalytic degradation of acridine orange in aqueous solution using visible irradiation, Desalination, 232()271-280. Jonnalagadda, SB. Kindness, A. Cele, mn. Kubaye, S m. 2008. Macro, minor and toxic elemental uptake and distribution in Hypoxis hemerocallidea, “the African Potato” – an edible medicinal plant, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B, 43()271-280.

Konrad, t. 2008. A remark on Fuchs Bayesian interpretation of quantum mechanics, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 39()273-287. Konrad, t. 2008. Evolution equation for quantum entanglement, Nature Physics, 4()99-102. Konrad, t. nock, m. 2008. Announcing Single Photons from Imperfect Sources by means of “Interaction-Free” Measurements, European Journal of Physics, 159(1/June)93-99. Koorbanally, C. Crouch, nr. mulholland, dA. 2008. Vascular myorelaxing activity of isolates from South African Hyacinthaceae partly mediated by activation of soluble guanylyl cyclase in rat aortic ring preparations, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Pharmacology, 60()489-497. Kosch, m. 2008. Artificial optical emissions in the high-latitude thermosphere induces by powerful radio waves: An observational review, Advances in Space Research, 40()365-376.

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leach, Pg. 2008. Singularity analysis and integrability of a simplified multistain model for the transmisssion of tuberculosis and Dengue Fever, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 15(1)22-34.

lewis, Pd. danisman, r. gous, rm. 2008. Male broiler performance and nocturnal feeding under constant 8-h or 16-h photoperiods, and various increasing lighting regimens, South African Journal of Animal Science, 38(3)159-165.

leach, Pg. 2008. Symmetry and singularity properties of the generalised Kummer-Schwarz and related equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 348()487-493.

lewis, Pd. ghebremariam, wK. gous, rm. 2008. Effect of moving dawn, dusk, or both on oviposition time in domestic laying hens, British Poultry Science, 48(3)239-244.

leach, Pg. Andriopoulos, K. 2008. Algebraic properties of evolution partial differential equations modelling prices of commodities, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 31()679-694.

lewis, Pd. ghebremariam, wK. gous, rm. 2008. Illuminance and UV-A exposure during rearing affects egg production in broiler breeders transferred to open-sided adult housing, British Poultry Science, 48(4)424-429.

leach, Pg. Andriopoulos, K. 2008. An invariant for the doubly generalised classical Ermakov-Pinney system and its quantal equivalent, Physica Scripta, 77()015002 (7pages).

lewis, Pd. gous, rm. 2008. Broiler breeders should not be reared on long photoperiods, South African Journal of Animal Science, 37(4)215-220.

leach, Pg. Andriopoulos, K. 2008. Decomposing populations, South African Journal of Science, 104()27-35.

lewis, Pd. gous, rm. 2008. Broilers perform better on short or step-up photoperiods, South African Journal of Animal Science, 37(2)90-96. lewis, Pd. gous, rm. ghebremariam, wK. 2008. Broiler breeders do not respond positively to photoperiodic increments given during the laying period, British Poultry Science, 48(3)245-252.

Kosch, m. 2008. Coordinated optical and radar observations of ionospheric pumping for a frequency pass through the second electron gyroharmonic at HAARP, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 112().

leach, Pg. oHara, Jg. 2008. An optimal system and group-invariant solutions of the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross pricing equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 201(1-2)95-107.

Juergens, A. 2008. Chemical diversity of floral volatiles in Asclepiadoideae – Asclepiadeae (Apocynaceae), Biochemical Systematics and Ecology Ecology, 36()842-852.

Kosch, m. 2008. On the location and structure of the artificial 630-nm airglow patch over Sura facility, Annals of Geophysics, 25()689-700.

leach, Pg. oHara, Jg. 2008. Invariance properties of a general bond-pricing equation, Journal of Differential Equations, 244(11)2820--2835.

lewis, Pd. gous, rm. morris, tr. 2008. Model to predict age at sexual maturity in broiler breeders given a single increment in photoperiod, British Poultry Science, 48(5)625-634.

Juergens, A. 2008. Floral Odors of Silene otites: Their variability and Attractiveness to Mosquitoes, Journal of Chemical Ecology Ecology, 34()14-25.

Kotze, dJ. lawes, m. 2008. Environmental indicator potential of the dominant litter decomposer, Talitriatior africana (Curstacea, Amphipoda) in Afrotemperate forests, Austral Ecology Ecology, 33()737-746.

leach, Pg. oHara, Jg. 2008. Zero-coupon bond prices in the Vasicek and CIR models: their computation as group invariant solutions, Mathematical Methods In the Applied Sciences, 31(6)665--678.

lewis, Pd. morris, tr. 2008. Research note: an amendment to the model for predicting age at sexual maturity for growing pullets of layer strains given two opposing changes in photoperiod, Journal of Agricultural Science, 146()591-594.

Kulkarni, m. Ascough, gd. van Staden, J. 2008. Preliminary and Regional Reports Smoke-water and a smoke-isolated butenolide improved growth and yield of tomatoes under greenhouse conditions, Horttechnology Horttechnology, 18(3)449-454.

lessells, rJ. Cooke, JA. 2008. Effect of the HIV epidemic on liver cancer in Africa, Lancet Lancet, 371().

lewis, Pd. tyler, t nC. gous, rm. 2008. Photoperiodic response curves for plasma LH concentrations and age at first egg in female broiler breeders, Animal Reproduction Science, 109()274-286.

Kaliamoorthy, S. naidoo, g. Achar, P. 2008. Micropropagation of Harpagophytum procumbens, Biologia Plantarum, 52(2)191-194. Kazembe, lmn. Appleton, CC. 2008. Choice of treatment for fever at household level in Malawi: examining spatial patterns, Malaria Journal, 6(40)1-13. Kazembe, lmn. Appleton, CC. 2008. Modelling the effect of malaria endemicity on spatial variations in childhood fever, diarrhoea and pneumonia in Malawi, International Journal of Health Geographics, 6(33). Khan, f. edwards, tJ. t drewes, Se. 2008. Antiplasmodial activities of some abietane diterpenes from the leaves of five Plectranthus species, South African Journal of Science, 104(1)62-64. Kiepiela, P. ngumbela, KC. thobakgale, Cf. ramduth, d. moodley, eS. reddy, S. de Pierres, C. mncube, Ze. mkhwanazi, nP. Bishop, KS. van der Stok, me. nair, KS. Khan, n. Coovadia, Hm. walker, Bd. goulder, PJr. 2008. CD8(+) T-cell responses to different HIV proteins have discordant associations with viral load, Nature Medicine, ()888-890. Kirkman, KP. 2008. Optimisation or satiation, testing diet selection rules in goats, Small Ruminant Research, 73()160-168. Kirkman, KP. 2008. Patch density determines movement patterns and foraging efficiency of large herbivores, Behavioral Ecology Ecology, (). Knoesen, dm. Smithers, JC. 2008. The development and assessment of a regionalised daily rainfall disaggregation model for South Africa, Water SA, 34(3)323-330.


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laing, md. 2008. Rhizotron studies on Zea mays L. to evaluate biocontrol activity of Bacillus subtilis, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology Biotechnology, 24()269-274. lamb, Jm. ralph, tm. 2008. Phylogeography and predicted distribution of African-Arabian and Malagasy populations of giant mastiff bats, Otomops spp. (Chiroptera: Molossidae), Acta Chiropterologica, 10(1)21-40. lawes, m. griffiths, me. Boudreau, S. eeley, H. 2008. Tree spacing and area of competitive influence do not scale with tree size in an African rain forest, Journal of Vegetation Science, 19()729-738. lazarus, iJ. Hellberg, mA. 2008. Modified Korteweg-de Vries-ZakharovKusnetzov solitons in symmetric two-temperature electron-positron plasmas, Journal of Plasma Physics, 74()519-529. leach, Pg. 2008. A note on the integrability of a class of nonlinear ordinary differential equations, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 15(S-1)159-164. leach, Pg. 2008. Jacobis last multiplier and Lagrangians for multidimensional systems, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49()1-8. leach, Pg. 2008. Noetherian first integrals, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 15(1)9-21.

letcher, tm. 2008. Easy-To-Make Cryophoruses, Journal of Chemical Education, 85(4)561 – 564. letcher, tm. ramjugernath, d. laskowska, m. Krolikowski, m. naidoo, P. domamska, u. 2008. Determination of Activity Coefficients at Infinite Dilution of Solutes in the Ionic Liquid, Trihexyltetradecylphosphonium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) Imide, Using Gas/Liquid Chromatography at T = (303.15, 308.15, 313.15, and 318.15) K, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 53(9)2044-2049. letcher, tm. ramjugernath, d. naidoo, P. 2008. Activity coefficients at infinite dilution measurements for organic solutes in the ionic liquid trihexyltetradecylphosphonium bis (2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinate using g.l.c. at T = (303.15, 308.15, 313.15, and 318.15) K, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 40(1)1243-1247. lewis, Pd. Ciacciariello, m. Backhouse, d. gous, rm. 2008. Effect of age and body weight at photostimulation on the sexual maturation of broiler breeder pullets transferred from 8L:16D to 16L:8D, British Poultry Science, 48(5)601-608. lewis, Pd. danisman, r. gous, rm. 2008. Illuminance, sexual maturation, and early egg production in female broiler breeders, British Poultry Science, 49(6)649-653.

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lourens, ACu. van Heerden, fr. 2008. South African Helichrysum species: A review of the traditional uses, biological activity and phytochemistry, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 119()630-652. Ethnopharmacology

magadula, JJ. mulholland, dA. Crouch, nr. 2008. Triterpenoids from Anthocleista grandiflora (Gentianaceae), Natural Product Communications, 3(6)885-889.

modi, odi, A At. Asanzi, nm. 2008. Seed performance of maize in response to phosphorus application and growth temperature is related to phytate-phosphorus occurrence, Crop Science, 48()286-297.

love, Pv. maunder, emw. green, Jm. 2008. Are South African women willing and able to apply the new food-based dietary guidelines? Lessons for nutrition educators, South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 21(2)1-8.

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nevines, JA. letcher, tm. 2008. Densities, excess volumes, isobaric expansivities, and isothermal compressibilities of the (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethylsulfate + methanol) system at temperatures (283.15 to 333.15) K and pressures from (0.1 to 35) MPa, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 40(4)580-591. ng, SA. 2008. A nonstandard Levy-Khintchine formula and Levy processes, Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series, 24(2)241-252. ng, SA. 2008. Isometry games in Banach spaces, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon, 15(3)509-521. ngila, JC. 2008. Inhibition of growth of some phytopathogenic and mycotoxigenic fungi by aqueous extracts of Combretum imberbe (Wawra) wood, African Journal of Biotechnology Biotechnology, 7(16)2934-2939. ngila, JC. 2008. NMR, GC–MS and ESI-FTICR-MS Professoriling of Fatty Acids and Triacylglycerols in Some Botswana Seed Oils, Journal of the American Chemical Society Society, 85()1021-1032. ngila, JC. 2008. Solid-phase extraction of Zn(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Pb(II) on poly(vinyl chloride) modified with 3-ferrocenyl-3-hydroxydithioacrylic acid, and their subsequent determination by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry, Microchimica Acta, 160()211-218. ngila, JC. 2008. Studies of chromium removal from tannery wastewaters by algae biosorbents, Spirogyra condensata and Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 158()605-614. nieuwoudt, wl. 2008. Environmental offsets and other market approaches with specific reference to the Olifants River (East) and Berg River, Agrekon, 47(4)433-450.

nyamori, vo. Bala, md. 2008. 1-Ferrocenylmethyl-1H-imidazole, Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports, E64()m1451. nyamori, vo. Bala, md. 2008. 4-Ferrocenylphenol, Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports, E64()m1630. nzunda, ef. griffiths, me. lawes, m. 2008. Resprouting enhances seedling persistence in a subtropical coastal dune forest, African Journal of Ecology Ecology, 42()32-38. nzunda, ef. griffiths, me. lawes, m. 2008. Sprouting by remobilizaiton of above-ground resources ensures persistence after disturbance of coastal dune forest trees, Functional Ecology Ecology, 22()577-582. ochuodho, Jo. modi, odi, A At. 2008. Dormancy of wild mustard (Sissymbrium capense) seeds is related to seed coat colour, Seed Science and Technology Technology, 36()46-55. ogwagwa, eo. friedrich, HB. 2008. Synthesis, characterization and reactions of the transition metal halogenoalkyl carbocation complexes [Cp(CO)2M{I·2CH2CH(CH2)nX}]PF6 (n = 1 – 8, 10, M = Fe; n = 3, 4 M = Ru; X = Br, I) , Journal of Organometallic Chemistry Chemistry, 693()3351-3356. ogwagwa, eo. friedrich, HB. rademeyer, m. 2008. Synthesis and structure of the monometallic cationic complex [Cp(CO)2Fe{n2-(CH2CHCH2CH3)}]PF6 (Cp = n5-C5H5), Journal of Organometallic Chemistry Chemistry, 693()164-168. olaniran, Ao. Bhola, v K. Pillay, B. 2008. Aerobic biodegradation of a mixture of chlorinated organics in contaminated water, African Journal of Biotechnology Biotechnology, 7(13)2217-2220.

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Prakash, S. van Staden, J. 2008. Genetic variability and species identification within Encephalartos using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, South African Journal of Botany Botany, 74()735-739.

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Pillay, d. Perissinotto, r. 2008. The benthic macrofauna of the St Lucia Estuary during the 2005 drought year, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 77()35-46. Pillay, n. 2008. A Developmental Approach to the Uncapacitated Examination Timetabling Problem, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5199()276-285.

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Sommer, P. 2008. Novel therapeutic agents targeting the glucocorticoid receptor for inflammation and cancer, Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs, 9(10)1070-1077. Soobramoney, S. Perrin, mr. 2008. A comparison of giving-up densities of five species of indigenous birds, Ostrich, 79(1)79-82. Sookrajh, r. 2008. Nature-based Sport Events and the Physical Environment: A Case Study of the Halfway-Telkom Midmar Mile, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of southern African Literature and Languages, 15(1)66-86. Sparrow, gn. ortmann, gf. lyne, l mC. darroch, mAg. 2008. Determinants of the demand for regular farm labour in South Africa, 1960-2002, Agrekon, 47(1)52-75.

Shaik, S. dewir, y H e. Singh, n. nicholas, A. 2008. Influences of pre-sowing seed treatments on germination of the cancer bush (Sutherlandia frutescens), a reputed medicinal plant in arid environments, Seed Science and Technology Technology, 36(3)795-801.

Stewart, KA. 2008. Type II dehydroquinase: molecular replacement with many copies, Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crysta, 64()108-118. Steyn, e. Schleyer, mH. 2008. The artisanal fishery for East Coast rock lobsters Panulirus homarus along the Wild Coast, South Africa, African Journal of Marine Science, 30(3)497-506. Street, rA. Burnett (Stirk), wA. w van Staden, J. 2008. South African traditional medicinal plant trade – Challenges in regulating quality, safety and efficacy, Journal of Ethnopharmacology Ethnopharmacology, 119()705-710.

Shuttleworth, A. Johnson, Sd. 2008. Bimodal pollination by wasps and beetles in the African milkweed Xysmalobium undulatum, Biotropica, 40(5)568-574.

Street, rA. Kulkarni, m. Burnett (Stirk), w wA. Southway, C. van Staden, J. 2008. Variation in heavy metals and microelements in South African medicinal plants obtained from street markets, Food Additives and Contaminants, 25(8)953-960.

Sibanda, P. 2008. Magnetohydrodynamic mixed-convective flow and heat and mass transfer past a vertical plate in a porous medium with constant wall suction, Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the Asme, 130(11)112602-1-112602-8.

Sturdy, Jd. Jewitt, gPw. lorentz, SA. 2008. Building an understanding of water use innovation adoption processes through farmer-driven experimentation, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 33()859-872.


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

van Heerden, fr. 2008. Hoodia gordonii: a natural appetite suppressant, Journal of Ethnopharmacology Ethnopharmacology, 119()434-437.

Swart, HC. dankelmann, PA. van den Berg, P. 2008. Minimal claw-free graphs, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 58(133)787-798.

Stafford, gi. van Staden, J. Pedersen, me. 2008. The effect of extracts of Searsia species on epileptiform activity in slices of the mouse cerebral cortex, Journal of Ethnopharmacology Ethnopharmacology, 119()538-541.

Shannon, gw. Page, Br. mackey, rl. Slotow, rH. 2008. Activity budgets and sexual segregation in the African elephants (Loxodonta Africana), Journal of Mammalogy Mammalogy, 89(2)467-476.

Sutcliffe, Pr. 2008. Statistical analysis of Pi2 pulsations inside and outside the plasmasphere observed by the polar orbiting DE-1 satellite, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 113(A07203)1-14.

Singh, C. lin, J. 2008. Isolation and characterization of diesel oil degrading indigenous microrganisms in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, African Journal of Biotechnology, 7 (12)1927-1932. Biotechnology

Shaik, r. Pillay, B. 2008. Genetic sequences derived from suppression subtractive hybridization analysis provides insight into their possible roles in Xanthomonas albilineans, African Journal of Biotechnology Biotechnology, 7(12)1851-1858.

Shannon, gw. druce, dJ. Page, Br. Slotow, rH. 2008. The utilisation of large savanna trees by elephant in southern Kruger National Park, Journal of Tropical Ecology Ecology, 24()281-289.

dohet a ccRedI ted Pub l I c atIons 2008

t taylor, t. 2008. Sex ratios observed in 80 species of parrots, Journal of Zoology Zoology, 276()89-94. t taylor, t. 2008. Unbiased sex ratio among nestling Echo Parakeets Psittacula eques, Evolutionary Ecology Research, 10()907-912. t tennent, JK. downs, Ct. 2008. Abundance and home ranges of feral cats in an urban conservancy where there is supplemental feeding: a case study from South Africa, African Zoology Zoology, 43(2)218-229. thandar, AS. 2008. Additions to the holothuroid fauna of the southern African temperate faunisitic provinces, with descriptions of new species, Zootaxa, 1697()1-57.

van Kleunen, m. 2008. Selection on floral traits through male fertility in a natural plant population, Evolutionary Ecology Ecology, 22()39-54. van Kleunen, m. Pasqualetto, v. Johnson, Sd. 2008. Phylogenetically independent associations between autonomous self-fertilization and plant invasiveness, American Naturalist Naturalist, 171(2)195-201. van ryn, n. 2008. Fast Track Communication. A simple test of quantumness for a single system, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, 41(6)062001. van ryn, n. 2008. Quantumness witness, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, 41(49)495303. van Staden, J. 2008. An efficient system for the production of clonal plantlets of the medicinally important aromatic plant: Salvia africana-lutea L, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 92()63-72.

thirukkanesh, S. maharaj, Sd. 2008. Charged anisotropic matter with a linear equation of state, Classical and Quantum Gravity Gravity, 25()235001.

van Staden, J. 2008. Butenolide from plant-derived smoke functions as a strigolactone analogue: evidence from parasitic weed seed germination, South African Journal of Botany Botany, 74()116-120.

t res rodriguez, A. moodley, K. 2008. Covariance of dark energy parameters tor and sound speed constraints from large HI surveys, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Society, 388(2)669–676.

van Staden, J. 2008. Changes in photosynthetic capacity and polypeptide patterns during natural senescence and rejuvenation of Cucurbita pepo L. (zucchini) cotyledons, Plant Growth Regulation, 54()23-29.

traynor, CH. Hill, tr. 2008. Resource demand estimates for sustainable forest t management: Mngazana Mangrove Forest, South Africa, Bothalia, 38()103-110.

van Staden, J. 2008. Mutagenic and antimutagenic properties of extracts from South African traditional medicinal plants, Journal of Ethnopharmacology Ethnopharmacology, 119()575-587.

traynor, CH. Hill, tr. t tshabalala, P. 2008. What – ll We Do With Wattle? The Dualistic Nature of Acacia mearnsii as Both a Resource and an Alien Invasive Species, Swaziland, Alternation: International Journal for the Study of southern African Literature and Languages, 15(1)180-205.

van Staden, J. light, me. Stafford, gi. 2008. South Africa’s botanical gold mine: Threats and prospects, Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, 63()85-90.

trinkel, m. ferguson, n. reid, A. turelli, l. graf, JA. Slotow, rH. 2008. Translocating lions into an inbred population in the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park, South Africa, Animal Conservation, 11()138-143.

vatta, Af. rijkenberg, fHJ. worth, SH. 2008. Participation of Zulu Farmers in a Goat Health Research and Extension Project in South Africa, Journal of International Agricultural and Extensio, 15(3)81-94.

t tyler, nC. gous, rm. 2008. The effect of constant photoperiod on testis weight and the use of comb area to predict testis weights in broiler breeder males, South African Journal of Animal Science, 38(2)153-158.

verheest, f. 2008. Ion- and electron-acoustic solitons in two-electron temperature space plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 15(6)062903.

v Heerden, fr. 2008. An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in the van southeastern Karoo, South Africa, South African Journal of Botany Botany, 74()696-704.

verheest, f. 2008. Study of nonlinear ion- and electron-acoustic waves in multicomponent space plasmas, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 15()903-913.

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d o h et a ccRedI t ed PublI cat I ons 2008

verheest, f. Hellberg, mA. 2008. Acoustic solitary waves in dusty and/or multiion plasmas with cold, adiabatic and hot constituents, Physics of Plasmas, 15(11)112309.

watt, mPmd. 2008. Physiological responses of Eucalyptus in vitro axillary buds to cryopreparative desiccation and osmotic preculture: Effects of abscisic acid, South African Journal of Botany Botany, 74()639-646.

verheest, f. Pillay, Sr. 2008. Dust-acoustic solitary structures in plasmas with nonthermal electrons and positive dust, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 15()551-555.

wellmann, Ae. downs, Ct. 2008. A behavioural study of sleep patterns in the malachite sunbird, Cape white-eye and fan-tailed widowbird, Animal Behaviour Behaviour, 77()61-66.

verheest, f. Pillay, Sr. 2008. Large amplitude dust-acoustic solitary waves and double layers in nonthermal plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 15()013703-1-11.

whitaker, Cr. Berjak, P. Pammenter, nw. 2008. Abnormal morphology of the embryo and seedling of Welwitschia mirabilis, and some observations on seedassociated fungi, South African Journal of Botany Botany, 74()338-340.

vivian, J. lamb, Jm. 2008. Morphological and molecular assessment of the specific status of Mops midas (Chiroptera: Molossidae) from Madagascar and Africa, African Zoology Zoology, 42(2)237-253. vosloo, A. 2008. On the use of diatom-based biological monitoring Part 1: A comparison of the response of diversity and aut-ecological diatom indices to water quality variables in the Marico-Molopo River catchment, Water SA, 34(1)53-60. vosloo, A. 2008. On the use of diatom-based biological monitoring Part 2: A comparison of the response of SASS 5 and diatom indices to water quality and habitat variation, Water SA, 34(1)61-70. walker, nJ. Schulze, re. 2008. Climate change impacts on agro-ecosystem sustainability across three climate regions in the maize belt of South Africa, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment Environment, 124()114-124. ward, dm. 2008. Effects of habitat structure and shrub encroachment on bird species diversity in arid savanna in Northern Cape province, South Africa, Ostrich, 79(2)133-140. ward, dm. 2008. Leaf compensatory growth as a tolerance strategy to resist herbivory in Pancratium sickenbergeri, Plant Ecology Ecology, 198()19-26. ward, dm. 2008. Multi-proxy evidence for competition between savanna woody species, Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and System, 10()63-72. ward, dm. 2008. Notes and records Determining patch size, African Journal of Ecology, 46()440-442. Ecology ward, dm. 2008. Phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation in two extreme populations of Acacia karroo, African Journal of Range & Forage Science, 25(3)121-130. ward, dm. 2008. Spacing patterns of an Acacia tree in the Kalahari over a 61year period: How clumped becomes regular and vice versa, Acta OecologicaInternational Journal of Ecology Ecology, 33()355-364. ward, dm. 2008. The influence of sample size on the determination of population trends in the vulnerable Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni overwintering in South Africa, Ostrich, 79(2)199-204.

whitaker, Cr. Pammenter, nw. Berjak, P. 2008. Infection of cones and seeds of Welwitschia mirabilis by Aspergillus niger var. phoenicis in the Namib-Naukluft Park, South African Journal of Botany Botany, 74()41-50. woolley, lA. mackey, rl. Page, Br. Slotow, rH. 2008. Modelling the effect of age-specific mortality on elephant Loxodonta africana populations: can natural mortality provide regulation?, Oryx, 42(1)49-57. Zewotir, tt. 2008. A Unified Approach on Residuals, Leverages and Outliers in the Linear Mixed Model, Test, 16()58-75. Zewotir, tt. 2008. Costing National Road Accidents with Partially Complete National Data: The Case of Lesotho, African Safety Promotion, 5()57-65. Zewotir, tt. 2008. Infinitesimal Model Perturbation Influence in the Linear Mixed Model, South African Statistical Journal, 41()105-126. Zewotir, tt. 2008. Multiple Cases Deletion Diagnostics for Linear Mixed Models, Communications In Statistics-Theory and Methods, 37()1071-1084.

Student Services Singh-Pillay, nd. Collings, SJ. 2008. Racial attitudes among South African university students: A follow-up study after four years, Social Behavior and Personality, 36(8)1061-1062. Personality Sing, d. govender, v. 2008. Understanding the mentoring and coaching imperative for the senior management level of the South African public service, Journal of Public Administration, 43(3)313-329.

Sugar Milling Research Institute loubser, rC. davis, SB. 2008. Investigation into the use of the fractal concept for improving mixed juice clarifier performance, International Sugar Journal, 110(1313)292-297.

ward, dm. 2008. The role of size inequality in self-thinning: A pattern-oriented simulation model for arid savannas, Ecological Modelling, 210()431-445. watkeys, mK. 2008. The 40Ar/39Ar ages of the sill complex of the Karoo large igneous province: Implications for the Pliensbachian-Toarcian climate change, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 9()1-15.


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


Department of Higher Education and Training (DoHET) Accredited Publications 2009

DoHET Accr EDi TED Pub l icAT ions 2009

Journals Articles 2009 Dvc (Teaching and Learning) Division Essack, SY. Barnes, GR. Jackson, LJ. Majozi, M.Mcinerney, PA. Mtshali, NG. Naidoo, I. Oosthuizen, F. Suleman, F. 2009, Maximizing income via the Higher Education Funding Framework in Health Sciences. South African Journal of Higher Education. 23(2):275-292

Faculty of Education Akoojee, S. 2009, Intermediate-level Public Sector Skills Provision and FET Colleges: Expanding the Agenda and Widening Impact. Journal of Public Administration. 44(1):30-43 Amin, N. 2009, “She doesn’t look like she is both mother and father”: Disrupting the child/parent binary. Agenda. 79():24-29 Amin, N. Ramrathan, P. 2009, Preparing students to teach in and for diverse contexts: a learning to teach approach. Perspectives in Education. 27(1):69-77 Andersen , I. De Gruchy, SM. 2009, Strangers in a Strange Land: Theological reflection on work with refugees in Pietermaritzburg. Theologia Viatorum: Journal of Theology and Religion in Africa. 33(2):355-373 Anderson, BM. 2009, “I’m not so into gangs anymore. I’ve started going to church now”: Coloured boys resisting gangster masculinity. Agenda. 80():55-68 Balfour, RJ. Lenta, MM. 2009, Research Capacity Development: A Case Study at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (2003-2007). South African Journal of Higher Education. 3(1):8-20 Bertram, CA. 2009, Learning and Teaching in Grade 10 History Classrooms at a Time of Curriculum Reform. Journal of Educational Studies. 8(3):111-134 Bertram, CA. 2009, Procedural and substantive knowledge: Some implications of an outcomes-based history curriculum in South Africa. Southern African Review of Education. 15(1):45-62 Bhana, D. 2009, “Boys will be Boys”: what do early childhood teachers have to do with it? Educational Review Review. 61(3):327-339 Bhana, D. 2009, “They’ve got all the knowledge” : HIV education, gender and sexuality in South African primary schools. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 30(2):165-177


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Bhana, D.De Lange, N. Mitchell, CA. 2009, Male teachers talk about gender violence: “Zulu men demand respect”. Educational Review Review. 61(1):49-62 Bhana, D. Pattman, RW. 2009, Researching South African youth, gender and sexuality within the context of HIV/AIDS. Development Development. 52(1):68-75 Brijlall, D. 2009, Collaborative Learning in a Multilingual Class. Pythagoras. 68():52-61 Buthelezi, MT. 2009, Exploring the role of conceptual blending in developing the extension of terminology in isiZulu language. Alternation:international Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 15(2):181-200 Chikoko, V. Aipinge, L. 2009, The school cluster as an educational reform: Evidence from Namibia and Zimbabwe. Southern African Review of Education. 15(1):25-43 De Villiers, MD. 2009, Generalizing the Nagel line to Circumscribed Polygons by Analogy & Constructive Defining. Pythagoras. 68():32-40 Deacon, RA. 2009, ‘A punishment more bitter than death’: Dirck Coornhert’s Boeven-tucht and the rise of discipline. Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory. (118):82-88 Theory Francis, DA.Hemson, CMC. 2009, Youth as research fieldworkers in a context of HIV/AIDS. African Journal of Aids Research (ajar). 8(2):223-230 Francis, DA. Ndou, L. Wassermann, JM. 2009, The teaching of controversial issues in Social Science Education. Journal of Educational Studies. 8(3 ):135-145 Govender, DW. Govender, IG. 2009, The Relationship between Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Integration and Teachers’ Self-efficacy beliefs about ICT. Education as Change. 13 (1):153-165 Govender, N. 2009, Rural Basotho preservice students’ cultural and indigenous experiences of astronomy (ethnoastronomy) and implications for science education. Education as Change. 12(1):111-128 Govinden, D. 2009, Healing the Wounds of History: South African Indian Writing. Current Writing. 21(1&2):286-302 Govinden, D. 2009, The Mahatma, the text and the critic – in South Africa. Scrutiny2. 13(2 ):47-62 Govinden, D. Hofmeyr, I. 2009, Africa/India: Culture and Circulation in the Indian Ocean. Scrutiny2. 13(2):5-15 Grant, C. 2009, Towards a conceptual understanding of education leadership: place, space and practices. Education as Change. 13(1):45-57

Bhana, D. 2009, AIDS is rape!” gender and sexuality in children’s responses to HIV and AIDS. Social Science and Medicine. 69(4):596-603

Grant, C. Singh, HD. 2009, Passing the buck: this is not teacher leadership!. Perspectives in Education. 27(3):289-301

Bhana, D. 2009, How much do young children know about HIV/AIDS? Early Child Development and Care. 175(2):99-111

Hamlall, V. Morrell, RG. 2009, “I know that I could have walked away but there were people around there.” Masculinities and fights between boys at a Durban high school. Agenda. 80():68-80

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D o H ET A ccrEDi T ED PublicAT ions 2009

Hugo, W. 2009, Spiralling reference: a case study of apprenticeship into an academic community of practice. South African Journal of Higher Education. 23(4):703-721 Jarvis, J. 2009, Teacher Identity in a Context of Religious Diversity. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature And Languages. 3(Special Edition):157-176 Jarvis, J. 2009, The Voice of the Religion Education Teacher in the Context of Religious Diversity. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 3(Special Edition):138-156 Jewkes, R. Christofides, N. Morrell, RG. 2009, Empowering teenagers to prevent pregnancy: Lessons from South Africa. Culture Health & Sexuality Sexuality. 11(7):675-688 Karlsson, JA. 2009, Understandings about the interrelationship of gender equality, poverty and education, and gender-based strategies to reduce poverty: Some findings from two case studies in the South African education sector. Agenda. 81():71-79 Karlsson, JA. Balfour, RJ. Moletsane, RT. Pillay, G. 2009, Researching postgraduate educational research in South Africa. South African Journal of Higher Education. 26(3):1086-1100 Likwambe, B. Christiansen, IM. 2009, A Case Study of the Development of Inservice Teachers’ Concept Images of the Derivative. Pythagoras. 68():22-31 Mackay, JR. Parkinson, J. 2009, “My very own mission impossible”: an APPRAISAL analysis of student teacher reflections on a design and technology project*. Text & Talk. 29(6):729-753 Mahlomaholo, S. Nkoane, MM. 2009, Academic Rigour Versus Social Relevance: Which Way Should the Pendulum Swing with Regard to Experiential Learning and Community Service Learning in the Social Sciences. Journal of Educational Studies. 8(3):30-44 Maistry, SM. 2009, Applying a partial problem-based learning environment to a non-major economics course: A case of cognitive dissonance. South African Journal of Higher Education. 23(2):329-339 Maistry, SM. 2009, Negotiating Access to Schools as Research Sites: A Process of Developing Positive Reciprocal Relationships between Researchers, Teachers and School Managers. Journal of Educational Studies. 8(4):47-58 Manik, S. 2009, Understanding the exit of Teachers from South Africa: Determinants of Trans-national Teacher Migration. Perspectives in Education. 27(3):267-277 McGrath, S. Akoojee, S. 2009, Vocational education and training for sustainability in South Africa: The role of public and private provision. International Journal of Educational Development. 29():149-156 Mcnamee, LS. O’Brien, FY. Botha, JH. 2009, Student perceptions of medicolegal autopsy demonstrations in a student-centred curriculum. Medical Education. 43():66-73 Mgqwashu, EM. 2009, Literate English for Epistemological Access: The Role of English Studies. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 15(2):301-328


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

DoHET Accr EDiTED Pub l icAT ions 2009

Mgqwashu, EM. 2009, Rethinking academic literacy for educators: towards a relevant pedagogy. Perspectives In Education. 27(3):215-227

Samuel, MA. 2009, Beyond the Garden of Eden: Deep Teacher Professoressional Development. South African Journal of Higher Education. 23(4):737-759

Bardossy, A. Pegram, GGS. 2009, Copula based multisite model for daily precipitation simulation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 13():2299-2314

Mgqwashu, EM. 2009, Re-visiting, re-thinking, and re-naming ‘educational disadvantage’ in higher education. South African Journal of Higher Education. 23(4):722-738

Singh, LP. 2009, The Arts and Culture Curriculum: A Site for Cultural Negotiation? Journal of Educational Studies. 8(3):45-57

Bemont, CP. 2009, The Development of Robust Structural Health Monitoring Sensors Utilizing TRIP Steel. Sensors Journal. 9(11):1449-1455

Sookrajh, R. Salanjira, MF. 2009, Contesting spaces for implementation: (im) possibilities of Religious Education curriculum policy for secondary schools in Malawi. Perspectives in Education. 27(1):19

Chakraborty, D. Krishna, S. Chakraborty, S. Meikap, BC. 2009, Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Sparged Gas-Liquid Contactor for Fine Bubble Generation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 48():11225-11229

Sookrajh, R. Salanjira, MF. 2009, Ideological Posturing and National curriulum Policy: Exploring Dual-Mode Religious Education for secondary Schools in Malawi. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. Special Edition (No 3, ):68-90

Chaplot, V. Bouahom, B. Valentin, C. 2009, Soil organic carbon stocks in Laos: Spatial variations and controlling factors. Global Change Biology Biology. 16(4):13801393

Mncube, VS. Harber, C. 2009, Learners’ involvement in democratic governance of schools: A Comparative Study between Britain and South Africa. Journal of Educational Studies. 8(1):33-56 Morojele, PJ. 2009, Gender violence: Narratives and experiences of girls in three rural primary schools in Lesotho. Agenda. 80():80-87 Morrell, RG. 2009, Reading Skelton and Francis from the African sub-continent – thoughts on Feminism and Schooling in South Africa. British Journal of Sociology Of Education. 30(5):635-640 Motalingoane-Khau, CSM. 2009, Exploring Sexual customs: Girls and the politics of elongating the inner labia. Agenda. 79():30-38 Msibi, TP. 2009, Not crossing the line: Masculinities and homophobic violence in South Africa. Agenda. 80():50-54 Mudaly, R. 2009, Theorising researcher self-effacement and youth deep-insiders in HIV/AIDS research: an awkward binary. Journal of Education. 46():159-182 Mudaly, V. 2009, Iterative processes in mathematics education. Perspectives in Education. 27(3):302-310 Muthukrishna, A. Sokoya, GO. Moodley, S. 2009, Gender and Disability: An intersectional analysis of experiences of ten disabled women in KwaZulu-Natal. Gender and Behaviour Behaviour. 7(1):2263-2280 Naidoo, R. Coopoo, Y. Lambert, EV. Draper, C. 2009, Impact of a Primary School-Based Nutrition and Physical Activity Intervention on Learners in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: A Pilot Study. The South African Journal of Sport Medicine. 21(1):7-12 Nair, KM. Muthukrishna, A. 2009, Psychological well-being and health related quality of life among a group of low-income women living with HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Journal of Psychology In Africa. 19(4): 517-529 Ntombela, S. Mashiya, JN. 2009, “In my time...”: Reflections of African adolescent girl identites and realitites acrosss two generations. Agenda. 79():94-106 O’Brien, FY. 2009, In pursuit of African scholarship: unpacking engagement. Higher Education. 58():29-39 Odendaal, MF. Deacon, RA. 2009, Equity and excellence: The emergence, consolidation and internalization of education development at the University of Natal. Studies in Higher Education. 34(1):101-114 Ramrathan, P. Ramrathan, S. 2009, Gender violence during workplace learning. Agenda. 80():47-49 Reddy, V. Moletsane, RT. 2009, Gender and poverty reduction in its African feminist Practice: An introduction. Agenda. 81():3-13 Samuel, MA. 2009, Accountability to Whom? For What? Teacher Identity and the Force Field Model of Teacher Development. Perspectives in Education. 26 (2):3-16

Stears, M. 2009, How social and critical constructivism can inform science curriculum design:a study from South Africa. Educational Research. 51(4):397-410 Stears, M. 2009, Incorporating service-learning in science education:The impact on students and teachers. South African Journal of Higher Education. 23(2):386-397 Stears, M. 2009, Science Education in a South African Township: What type of Science Education do children respond to?. Africa Insight. 38(4):27-43 Stuart, DJ. 2009, Yeterday, today....and tomorrow: the future of girlhood in the age of AIDS. Agenda. 79():70-77 Thomson, CI. 2009, ‘Living’ sacrifice and shame: Phenomenological insights into continuing ‘distanced’ education student experience. South African Journal of Higher Education. 23(4):795-808 Wassermann, JM. 2009, Die twis oor die aanwysing van Afrikanerparty-kandidate voor die 1948-verkiesing met spesifieke verwysing na die kandidature van John Vorster en Louis Bootha. Journal for Contemporary History History. 34(3 ):1-16

Faculty of Engineering Adali, S. 2009, Variational principles for multi-walled carbon nanotubes undergoing non-linear vibrations by semi-inverse method. Micro & Nano Letters. 4(4):198-203 Adali, S. 2009, Variational principles for transversely vibrating multi-walled carbon nanotubes based on nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli beam model. Nano Letters. 9(5):1737-1741 Adali, S. Cagdas, IU. 2009, Optimal design of simply supported columns subject to distributed axial load and stress constraint. Optimal Control Applications & Methods. 30():505-520 Afullo, T. Owolawi, PA. Malinga, SB. 2009, Effect of Rainfall on Millimeter Wavelength Radio in Gough and Marion Islands. Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier. 5(4):328-335 Research-Pier Andersson, JCM. Zehnder, AJB. Jewitt, GPW. Yang, H. 2009, Water availability, demand and reliability of in situ water harvesting in smallholder rainfed agriculture in the Thukela River Basin, South Africa. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 13(12):2329-2347

Chaplot, V. Podwojewski, P. Phachomphonh, K. Valentin, C. 2009, Soil Erosion Impact on Soil Organic Carbon Spatial Variability on Steep Tropical Slopes. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 73(3):769-779 Courtial, X. Soo, C.-B. Coquelet, C. Paricaud, P. Ramjugernath, D. Richon, D. 2009, Vapor–liquid equilibrium in the n-butane +methanol system, measurement and modeling from 323.2 to 443.2 K. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 277():152-161 Daniels, WMU. Pitout, ILP. Afullo, T. Mabandla, MV. 2009, The effect of electromagnetic radiation in the mobile phone range on the behaviour of the rat. Metabolic Brain Disease. 24():629-641 Deb, K. Chandra, S. Basudhar, P. 2009, Response of Multi Layer GeosyntheticReinforecd Bed Resting on Soft Soil with Stone Columns. Computers and Geotechnics. 35(May):323-330 Foxon, KM. Mkhize, SJ. Reddy, M. Buckley, CA. 2009, Laboratory protocols for testing the efficacy of commercial pit latrine additives. Water S SA. 35(2):228235 Friedrich, E. Pillay, SD. Buckley, CA. 2009, Carbon footprint analysis for increasing water supply and sanitation in South Africa: a case study. Journal of Cleaner Production. 17(1):1-12 Friedrich, E. Pillay, SD. Buckley, CA. 2009, Environmental life cycle assessments for water treatment processes – A South African case study of an urban water cycle. Water S SA. 35(1):73-84 Gandhi, DS. Chakrabarti, SK. Basu, PC. 2009, A study on the local bahaviour of steel-concrete interfaces at and around large openings in the PSC inner containment dome. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 239():442-454 Gao, Z. Habetler, TG. Harley, RG. 2009, A Complex Space Vector Approach to Rotor Temperature Estimation for Line-Connected Induction Machines with Impared Cooling. Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 56(1):239-247 Gao, Z. Habetler, TG. Harley, RG. Colby, RS. 2009, A Sensorless Rotor Temperature Estimator for Induction Machines Based on a Current Harmonic Spectral Estimation Scheme. Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 55(1):407-416 Ghile, YB. Schulze, RE. 2009, Use of an Ensemble Re-ordering method for disaggregation of seasonal categorical rainfall forecasts into conditioned ensembles of daily rainfall for hydrological forecasting. Journal of Hydrology Hydrology. 371():85-97

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o H ET A ccrEDi T ED PublicAT ions 2009

Govender, S. 2009, Linear Stability of Solutal Convection in Rotating Solidifying Mushy Layers: Permeable Mush-Melt Interface. Journal of Porous Media. 11(7):683-690 Hei, T. Raal, JD. 2009, Heat Capacity Measurement by Flow Calorimetry: An Exact Analysis. Aiche Journal. 55(1):206-216 Hernandez-Mejia, JC. Harley, RG. Hampton, RN. Hartlein, R. 2009, Characterization of Ageing for MV Power Cables using Low Frequency Tan δ Diagnostic Measurements. Transactions on Dielectrics And Electrical Insulation. 16(3):862-870 Hernandez-Mejia, JC. Perkel, J. Harley, RG. Begovic, M. Hampton, RN. Hartlein, R. 2009, Determining Routes for the Analysis of Partial Discharge Signals Derived from the Field. Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 15(6):1517-1525

Makurira, H. Savenije, HHG. Uhlenbrook, S. Rockstrom, J. Senzanje, A. 2009, Investigating the water balance of on-farm techniques for improved crop productivity in rainfed systems: A case study of Makanya catchment, Tanzania. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 34(34):93-98 Mather, AA. Garland, GG. Stretch, DD. 2009, Southern African sea levels: corrections, influences and trends. African Journal Of Marine Science. 31(2):145-156

DoHET Accr EDi TED Pub l icAT ions 2009

Moult, NG. Lecler, NL. Smithers, JC. Clark, DJ. 2009, A Catchment-Scale Irrigation Systems Model For Sugarcane Part I: Model Development. Water S SA. 35(1):21-27 Mufute, N. Senzanje, A. Kaseke, E. 2009, The development of a risk of failure evaluation tool for small dams in Mzingwane Catchment, Zimbabwe. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 33():926 – 933 Mulangu, TC. Afullo, T. 2009, Variability of the propagation coefficients due to rain for microwave links in southern Africa. Radio Science. 44():1-10

Mazumdar, J. Harley, RG. 2009, Recurrent Neural Networks Trained With Backpropagation Through Time Algorithm to Estimate Nonlinear Load Harmonic Currents. Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 55(9):3484-3491

Mwithiga, SG. Mwangi, SG. 2009, Analysis of Fish Fillet Drying Rates Under Three Solar Energy Drying Systems. Advanced Materials. 62-64():518-524

Mazumdar, J. Harley, RG. 2009, Utilization of Echo State Networks for Differentiating Source and Nonlinear Load Harmonics in the Utility Network. Transactions on Power Electronics. 23(6):2738-2745

Nannoolal, Y. Rarey, J. Ramjugernath, D. 2009, Estimation of pure component properties. Part 4: Estimation of the saturated liquid viscosity of non-electrolyte organic compounds via group contributions and group interactions. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 281():97-119

Mazumdar, J. Harley, RG. Lambert, FC. Venayagamoorthy, GK. Page, ML.

Hernandez-Mejia, JC. Perkel, J. Harley, RG.Hampton, RN. Hartlein, R. 2009, Correlation between Tan I Diagnostic Measurements and Breakdown Performance at VLF for MV XLPE Cables. Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 16(1):162-170

2009, Intelligent Tool for Determining the True Harmonic Current Contribution of a Customer in a Power Distribution Network. Transactions on Industry Applications. 44(5):1477-1485

Jena, H. Roy, G. Meikap, BC. 2009, Hydrodynamics of regular particles in a liquid-solid semi-fluidized bed. Powder Technology Technology. 196():246-256

Mhlanga, FT. Brouckaert, CJ. Foxon, KM. Fennemore, C. Mzulwini, ND. Buckley, CA. 2009, Simulation of a wastewater treatment plant receiving industrial effluents. Water S SA. 35(4):447-454

Ngatched Nkouatchah, TM. Bossert, A. Fahrner, A. Takawira, F. 2009, Two bit-flipping decoding algorithms for low-density parity-check codes. Transactions on Communications. 57(3):591-596

Mohagheghi, S. Harley, RG. Habetler, TG. Divan, D. 2009, Condition Monitoring of Power Electronic Circuits using Artificial Neural Networks. Transactions on Power Electronics. 24(10):2363-2367

Ngatched Nkouatchah, TM. Takawira, F.Bossert, A. 2009, An Improved Decoding Algorithm for Finite-Geometry LDPC codes. Transactions on Communications. 57(2):302-306

Mohagheghi, S. Venayagamoorthy, GK. Harley, RG. 2009, Fully Evolvable Optimal Neurofuzzy Controller Using Adaptive Critic Designs. Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 16(6):1450-1461

Othman, AAE. Harinarain, N. 2009, Managing risks associated with the JBCC (principal building agreement) from the South African contractor’s perspective. Acta Structilia. 16(1):83-119

Mohagheghi, S. Venayagamoorthy, GK. Rajagopalan, S. Harley, RG. 2009, Hardware Implementation of a Mamdani Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Static Compensator in a Multimachine Power System. Transactions on Industry Applications. 45(4):1535-1544

Padayachee, J.Bright, G. Masekamela, I. 2009, Modular Reconfigurable Machine Tools: Design, Control and Evaluation. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering. 20(2):127-143

Kayacik, O. Bruch Jr, J. Sloss, J. Adali, S. Sadek, I. 2009, Piezo control of free vibrations of damped beams with time delay in the sensor feedback. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 16(5):345-355 Knoesen, DM. Smithers, JC. 2009, The Development and Assessment of a Daily Rainfall Disaggregation Model for South Africa. Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques. 54(2):217-233 Kucuk, I. Adali, S. Sadek, I. 2009, Robust optimal design of beams subject to uncertain loads. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2009():1-17 Le Gal, P-Y. Le Masson, J. Bezuidenhout, CN. Lagrange, LF. 2009, Coupled modelling of sugarcane supply planning and logistics as a management tool. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 68():168-177 Letcher, TM. Ramjugernath, D. Krolikowski, M. Laskowska, M. Naidoo, P. Domanska, U. 2009, Activity coefficients at infinite dilution measurements for organic solutes in the ionic liquid N-butyl-4-methylpyridinium tosylate using GLC at T = (328.15, 333.15, 338.15, and 343.15)K. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 276():31-36 Lin, C-H. Bruch Jr, J. Sloss, J. Adali, S. Sadek, I. 2009, Optimal multi-interval control of a cantilever beam by a recursive control algorithm. Optimal Control Applications & Methods. 30():399-414 Lumsden, TG. Schulze, RE. Hewitson, BC. 2009, Evaluation of potential changes in hydrologically relevant statistics of rainfall in Southern Africa under conditions of climate change. Water S SA. 35(35):649-656 Mahalik, K. Sahu, N. Patwardhan, AVP. Meikap, BC. 2009, Kinetic studies on hydrolysis of urea in a semi-batch reactor at atmospheric pressure for safe use of ammonia in a power plant for flue gas conditioning. Journal Of Hazardous Materials. 175 ():629–637


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Mohanty, CR. Malavia, G. Meikap, BC. 2009, Development of a Countercurrent Multistage Fluidized-bed Reactor and Mathematical Modeling for Prediction of Removal Efficiency of Sulfur Dioxide from Flue Gases. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 48():1629-1637 Mohanty, CRM. Rajmohan, RB. Meikap, BC. 2009, Identification of Stable Operating Ranges of a Counter-Current Multistage Fluidized Bed Reactor with Downcomer. Chemical Engineering and Processing. 49():104-112 Morozov, EV. Pitot de la Beaujardiere, JP. 2009, Numerical Simulation of the Dynamic Thermostructural Response of a Composite Rocket Nozzle Throat. Composite Structures. 91(4):412-420 Mouatcho Moualeu, JM. Xu, H. Takawira, F. 2009, Cooperative Diversity using repeat-punctured turbo codes. Saiee Africa Research Journal. 100(2):34-39 Moult, NG. Lecler, NL. Smithers, JC. 2009, A catchment-scale irrigation systems model for sugarcane Part 2: Model Application. Water S SA. 35(1):29-36

Narasigadu, C.Raal, JD. Naidoo, P. Ramjugernath, D. 2009, Ternary LiquidLiquid Equilibria of Acetonitrile and Water with Heptanoic Acid and Nonanol at 323.15 K and 1 atm. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 54():735-738

Peel, M. McMahon, T. Pegram, GGS. 2009, Assessing the performance of rational spline-based Empirical Mode Decomposition using a global annual precipitation dataset. Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences. 465():1919-1937 Podwojewski, P. Janeau, J. Leroux, Y. 2009, Effects of agricultural practices on the hydrodynamics of a deep tilled hardened volcanic ash-soil (Cangahua) in Ecuador. Catena. 72():179-190 Podwojewski, P. Orange, D. Jouquet, P. Valentin, C. Nguyen, V. Janeau, J. Toan, T. 2009, Land-use impacts on surface runoff and soil detachment within agricultural sloping lands in Northern Vietnam. Catena. 74():109-118 Qiao, W. Harley, RG.Venayagamoorthy, GK. 2009, Coordinated Reactive Power Control of a Large Wind Farm and a STATCOM using Heuristic Dynamic Programming. Transactions on Energy Conversion. 24(2):493-503 Qiao, W. Harley, RG. Venayagamoorthy, GK. 2009, Fault-Tolerant Indirect Adaptive Neurococontrol for a Static Synchronous Series Compensator in a Power Network With Missing Sensor Measurements. Transactions on Neural Networks. 19(7):1179-1195

Qiao, W. Harley, RG. Venayagamoorthy, GK. 2009, Fault-Tolerant Optimal Neurocontrol for a Static Synchronous Series Compensator Connected to a Power Network. Transactions on Industry Applications. 44(1):74-84 Qiao, W. Qu, L. Harley, RG. 2009, Control of IPM Synchronous Generator for Maximum Wind Power Generation Considering Magnetic Saturation. Transactions on Industry Applications. 45(3):1095-1104 Qiao, W. Venayagamoorthy, GK. Harley, RG. 2009, Missing-Sensor-FaultTolerant Control for SSSC FACTS Device with Real-Time Implementation. Transactions on Power Delivery Delivery. 24(2):740-750 Qiao, W. Venayagamoorthy, GK. Harley, RG. 2009, Real-time Implementation of a STATCOM on a Wind Farm Equipped with Doubly Fed Induction Generators. ransactions on Industry Applications. 45(1):98-107 Qiao, W. Zhou, W. Aller , JM. Harley, RG. 2009, Wind Speed Estimation Based Sensorless Output Maximization Control for a Wind Turbine Driving a DFIG. Transactions on Power Electronics. 23(3):3 Quazi, TA.Xu, H. Takawira, F. 2009, Quality of Service for Multimedia traffic using Cross-Layer Design. Proceedings-Communications. 3(1):83-90 Rajagopalan, S. Restrepo, JA. Aller, JM. Habetler, TG. Harley, RG. 2009, Nonstationary Motor Fault Detection Using Recent Quadratic Time-Frequency Representations. Transactions on Industry Applications. 44(3):735-744 Ramjugernath, D. Valtz, A. Coquelet, C. Richon, D. 2009, Isothermal VaporLiquid Equilibrium Data for the Hexafluoroethane (R116) + Propane System at Temperatures from (263 to 323) K. Journal of Chemical And Engineering Data. 54():1292-1296 Rolando, CA. Little, KM. 2009, Regional vegetation management standards for commercial pine plantations in South Africa. Southern Forests. 71(3):187-199 Roy, S. Mohanty, CRM. Meikap, BC. 2009, Multistage fluidized bed reactor performance characterization for adsorption of carbon dioxide. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 48():10718-10727 Rumpel, C. Ba, A. Darboux, F. Chaplot, V. Planchon, F. 2009, Erosion Budget and process selectivity of black carbon at meter scale. Geoderma. 154():131-137 Sadek, I. Kucuk, I. Zeini, E. Adali, S. 2009, Optimal boundary control of dynamic responses of piezo actuating micro-beams. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 33():3343-3353 Sahu, JN. Gangadharan, P. Patwardhan, AV. Meikap, BC. 2009, Catalytic Hydrolysis of Urea with Fly Ash for Generation of Ammonia in a Batch Reactor for Flue Gas Conditioning and NOx Reduction. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 48():727-734 Sahu, JN. Patwardhan, AV. Meikap, BC. 2009, Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies of in Situ Generation of Ammonia from Urea in a Batch Reactor for Flue Gas Conditioning of Thermal Power Plants. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 48():2705-2712 Sahu, N. Acharya, J. Meikap BC. 2009, Optimization of production conditions for activated carbons from Tamarind wood by zinc chloride using response surface methodology. Bioresource Technology Technology. 101():1974-1982

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o H ET A ccrEDi T ED PublicAT ions 2009

Sahu, N. Acharya, J. Meikap, BC. 2009, Response surface modeling and optimization of chromium(VI) removal from aqueous solution using Tamarind wood activated carbon in batch process. Journal Of Hazardous Materials. 172 ():818–825 Sahu, N. Patawardhan, A V. Meikap, BC. 2009, In-situ catalytic synthesis of ammonia from urea in a semi-batch reactor for safe utilization in thermal power plant. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. 5():533-543 Soo, C.-B. El Ahmar, E. Coquelet, C. Ramjugernath, D. Richon, D. 2009, Vapor-liquid equilibrium measurements and modeling of the n-butane + ethanol system from 323 to 423 K. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 286():71-79 Spier, C. Bruch Jr, J. Sloss, J. Adali, S. Sadek, I. 2009, Placement of multiplie piezo patch sensors and actuators for a cantilever beam to maximize frequencies and frequency gaps. Journal of Vibration and Control. 15():643-670 Srikanthan, R. Pegram, GGS. 2009, A Nested Multisite Daily Rainfall Stochastic Generation Model. Journal of Hydrology Hydrology. 371():142–153 Stretch, DD. Rottman, J. Venayagamoorthy, SK. Nomura, K. Rehmann, C. 2009, Mixing efficiency in decaying stably stratified turbulence. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans. 49(1):25-36 Stutterheim, P. Bezuidenhout, CN. Lyne, P. 2009, A framework to simulate the sugarcane supply chain, from harvest to raw sugar. International Sugar Journal. 111(1324):250-255 Vadasz, P. 2009, Analytical prediction of the transition to chaos in Lorenz equations. Applied Mathematics Letters. 23(5):503-507 Vadasz, P. Vadasz, AS. 2009, On the Compertz Limit of the Monotonic Neoclassical Growth Model. Journal of Mechanics In Medicine And Biology Biology. 9(1):63-80 Vadasz, P. Vadasz, AS. 2009, On the distinction between lag and delay in population growth. Microbial Ecology Ecology. 59(2):233-245 Valentin, C. Agus, F. Alamban, R. Boosaner, A. Bricquet, J. Chaplot, V. de Guzman, T. de Rouw, A. Janeau, J. Orange, D. Phachomphonh, K. Phai, D. Podwojewski, P. Ribolzi, O. Silvera, N. Subagyono, K. Thiebaux, J. Toan, T. Vadari, T. 2009, Runoff and sediment losses from 27 upland catchments in Southeast Asia: Impact of rapid land use changes and conservation practices. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment Environment. 128():225-238 van der Laan, M. Annadale, JG. du Preez, CC. Lorentz, SA. 2009, Obtaining the parameters required to model labile phosphorus for South African soils. South African Journal of Plant And Soil. 26(4):213-220 Warburton, ML. Schulze, RE. 2009, Potential impacts of climate change on the climatically suitable growth areas of Pinus and Eucalyptus: Results from a sensitivity study in South Africa. Southern Forests. 70(1):27-36 Xu, H. 2009, Symbol error probability for generalized selection combining reception of M-QAM. SAIEE SAIEE Africa Research Journal. 100(3):68-71 Zhou, W. Habetler, TG. Harley, RG. 2009, Bearing Fault Detection Via Stator Current Noise Cancellation and Statistical Control. Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 55(12):4260-4269


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

DoHET Accr EDi TED Pub l icAT ions 2009

Zhou, W. Lu, B. Habetler, TG. Harley, RG. 2009, Incipient Bearing Fault Detection via Motor Stator Current Noise Cancellation using Wiener Filter. Transactions on Industry Applications. 45(4):1309-1317

Chopra, D. Choudhury, AR. Venugopala, KN. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM. Guru Row , R. 2009, 3-(2-Amino-1,3-thiazol-4-yl)-6-chloro-2Hchromen-2-one. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E65():03111

Faculty of Health Sciences

Chopra, D. Guru Row, R. Venugopala, KN. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM. Choudhury, AR. 2009, 3-(2-Amino-1,3-thiazol-4-yl)-6-bromo2H-chromen-2-one. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E65():o3047

Abdool, NNT. Brysiewicz, P. 2009, A description of the forensic nursing role in emergency departments in Durban, South Africa. Journal of Emergency Nursing. 35(1):16-21 Arvidsson, P. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM. Naicker, T. 2009, Application of (S,S)-pentacycloundecane bis(4-phenyloxazoline) as a novel chiral ligand for catalysis of the asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction of cyclopentadiene with 3-acryloyl-2-oxazolidinone. South African Journal of Chemistry-SuidAfrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Chemie. 62():60-66 Balram, S. Ariatti, M. Singh, M. Rambiritch, V. 2009, Cholesteryl cytofectinoligodeoxyribonucleotide lipoplexes: Protection against serum nuclease digestion and interaction with mammalian cells in vitro. African Journal of Biotechnology. 8(16):3904-3910 Biotechnology Boyle, GA. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM. 2009, NMR elucidation of novel ligands derived from (R)-(+)-camphor. Structural Chemistry Chemistry. 20(5):925-932 Boyle, GA. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM. 2009, Synthesis of novel 3-hydroxy-3-pyridylcamphor derivatives. South African Journal of ChemistrySuid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Chemie. 62():113 Boyle, GA. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM. 2009, The evaluation of novel camphor-derived ligands as catalysts in the asymmetric Henry reaction. South African Journal of Chemistry-Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Chemie. 62():124-128 Boyle, GA. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Naicker, T. Maguire, GEM. 2009, The evaluation of novel camphor-derived pyridyl ligands as catalysts in the asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction of cyclopentadiene with 3-acryloyl-2-oxazolidinone. South African Journal of Chemistry-Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Chemie. 62():129-133 Brysiewicz, P. Lee, MB. 2009, Nursing students evaluation of the introduction of nursing diagnosis focused tutorials in a university degree programme. Curationis. 32(1):20-24 Bux, S. Madaree, A. 2009, Keloids show regional distribution of proliferative and degenerate connective tissue elements. Cells Tissues Organs. 191(3):213-234 Cassimjee, M. Suleman, F. 2009, Adherence to hypertension treatment guidelines in state facilities in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 15(6):1077-1081 Cheneviere, X. Malatesta, D. Peters-Futre, E M. Borrani, F. 2009, A mathematical model to describe fat oxidation kinetics during graded exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 41(8):1615-1625 Chirwa, M. Greeff, M. Kohi, T. Naidoo, JR. Makoae, L. Dlamini, P. Kaszubski, C. Cuca, Y. Uys, LR. Holzemer, W. 2009, HIV Stigma and Nurse Job Satisfaction in Five African Countries. Janac-Journal of the Association of Nurses in Aids Care. 20(1):14-21

Corless, I. Wantland, D. Bhengu, BR. McInerney, P. Ncama, BP. Nicholas, P. McGibbon , C. Pinto-Wong, E. Davis, S. 2009, HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis in South Africa: Adherence to Two Medication Regimens. Aids Care. 21(9):1106 – 1113 Daniels, WMU. Fairbairn, LR. Van Tilburg, G. McEvoy, CRE. Zigmond, MJ. Russell, V. Stein, D. 2009, Maternal separation alters nerve growth factor and corticosterone levels but not the DNA methylation status of the exon 17 glucocorticoid receptor promoter region. Metabolic Brain Disease. 24():615-627 Daniels, WMU. Pitout, ILP. Afullo, T. Mabandla, MV. 2009, The effect of electromagnetic radiation in the mobile phone range on the behaviour of the rat. Metabolic Brain Disease. 24():629-641

Faure, J. Stein, D. Daniels, WMU. 2009, Maternal separation fails to render animals more susceptible to methamphetamine-induced conditioned place preference. Metabolic Brain Disease. 24():541-559 Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Boyle, GA. Onajole, OK. 2009, N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)N-(tricyclo[,7]dec-2-yl)benzamide. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E64():o1029 Govender, T. Onajole, OK. Makatini, MM. Kruger, HG. 2009, Synthesis and NMR elucidation of pentacyclo-undecane amine derivatives as potential antituberculosis agent. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry Chemistry. 46():1007-1014 Govender, T.Yang, D. Xiong, C. Wang, YZ. 2009, Preparation and drug delivery potential of metronidazole-loaded PELA tri-block co-polymeric electrospun membranes. Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition. 20():1321-1334 Govinden, U. Mocktar, C. Moodley, P. Sturm, AW. Essack, SY. 2009, Detection of mutations in the gyrA of clinical Salmonella spp. African Journal of Biotechnology. 8(16):3911-3914 Biotechnology Hansraj, R. 2009, The perspective of optometry students of the Phelophepa train regarding its role in developing experiential skills. The South African Optometrist. 68(1):38-48 Optometrist

Du Toit, K. Buthelezi, S. Bodenstein, J. 2009, Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial Professoriles of selected compounds found in South African propolis. South African Journal of Science. 105():470-472

Hiemstra, JC. Naidoo, N. 2009, Predisposing factors to lateral ankle injury in male comrades marathon runners. South African Journal of Physiotherapy Physiotherapy. 65(1):21-27

Ellapen, TJ. Abrahams, S. Desai, FA. Van Heerden, HJ. 2009, Impact of habitual cranial loading on the vertebral column of adolescent African females aged 12-15 years in the Deepdale region of KwaZulu-Natal. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (ajpherd). 15(4):690-700

Holden, BA. Fricke, TR. HO, SM. Wong, R. Schlenther, G. Cronje, S. Burnett, A. Papas, E. Naidoo, KS. Frick, KD. 2009, Global Vision Impairment Due To Uncorrected Presbyopia. Archives of Ophthalmology Ophthalmology. 126(12):1731-1739

Ellapen, TJ. Demartinis, RF. Hansen, C. Hughes, TR. Van Heerden, HJ. 2009, Incidence of hockey ankle injuries in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. African Journal For Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (ajpherd). 15(3):417-423 Engelbrecht, C. Nkosi, ZZ. Wentzel, DL. Govender, S. McInerney, P. 2009, Nursing students’ use of language in communicating with isiZulu speaking clients in clinical settings in KwaZulu-Natal. South African Journal of African Languages/Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Afrikatale. 28(2):145-155 Essa, Z I. Connolly, C. Essack, SY. 2009, Staphylococcus aureus from public hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa – infection detection and strain typing. Southern African Journal of Epidemiology and Infection, The. 24(1):4-7 Essack, SY. Barnes, GR. Jackson, LJ. Majozi, M. Mcinerney, PA. Mtshali, NG. Naidoo, I. Oosthuizen, F. Suleman, F. 2009, Maximizing income via the Higher Education Funding Framework in Health Sciences. South African Journal of Higher Education. 23(2):275-292 Essack, SY. Uys, LR. 2009, Health Research in South Africa- Are we meeting the needs? South African Journal of Higher Education. 23(2):264-274 Faure, J. Hattingh, S. Stein, D. Daniels, WMU. 2009, Proteomic analysis reveals differentially expressed proteins in the rat frontal cortex after methamphetamine treatment. Metabolic Brain Disease. 24():685-700

Hussey, NE. Cocks, DT. Dudley, SF. McCarthy, ID. Wintner, SP. 2009, The condition conundrum: application of multiple condition indices to the dusky shark, Carcharhinus obscurus. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 380():199-212 Hussey, NE. McCarthy, ID. Dudley, SF. Mann, BQ. 2009, Nursery grounds, movement patterns and growth rates of dusky sharks, Carcharhinus obscurus: a long-term tag and release study in South African waters. Marine and Freshwater Research. 60(6):571-583 Hussey, NE. Wintner, SP. Dudley, SF. Cliff, G. Cocks, DT. McNeil, AM. 2009, Maternal investement and size-specific reproductive output in carcharhinid sharks. Journal of Animal Ecology Ecology. 79():184-193 Jayaraman, P. Puckree, T. 2009, A pilot study on the test re-test and the interrater reliability of the Melbourne Assessment of Unilateral Upper Limb Function. South African Journal of Physiotherapy Physiotherapy. 64(2):17-20 Johnson, R. Bester, MN. Dudley, SF. Oosthuizen, WH. Meÿer, M. Hancke, L. Gennari, E. 2009, Coastal swimming patterns of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) at Mossel Bay, South Africa. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 85(3):189-200 Joubert, RWE. Hargreaves, AT. 2009, Reflective journals in service learning: A window into assessing learning and change in students’ attitude. Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa. 5(2):248-261

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DoHET Accr EDi TED Pub l icAT ions 2009

Kamadyaapa, DR. Gondwe, MM. Moodley, K. Ojewole, JAO. Musabayane, CT. 2009, Cardiovascular effects of Ekebergia capensis Sparrm (Meliaceae) ethanolic leaf extract in experimental animal paradigms. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa. 20(3):162-168

Naicker, T. Mckay, RJ. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM. 2009, (1R,3S)Methyl-2-benzyl-6,7-dimethoxy-1-phenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-3carboxylate. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E65():o3278

Ojewole, JAO. Mawoza, T. Chiwororo, WD. Owira, PM. 2009, Sclerocarya birrea (A.Rich) Hochst. [‘Marula’] (Anacardiaceae): A review of its Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology and its Ethnomedicinal uses. Phytotherapy Research. 24():633-639

Lachman, N. Vanker, EA. Christensen, KN. Satyapal, KS. Pitt Fennell, WM. 2009, Pericardiectomy: A functional anatomical perspective for the choice of left anterolateral thoractomy. Journal of Cardiac Surgery Surgery. 24(2):411-413

Naidoo, N. Buhler, LS. 2009, The perceptions, attitudes and knowledge of Physiotherapy and chiropractic students regarding each others’ Professional practice. South African Journal of Physiotherapy Physiotherapy. 65(2):32-38

Lee, MB. Brysiewicz, P. 2009, Enhancing problem solving and nursing diagnosis in Year III Bachelor of Nursing students. Nurse Education Today Today. 29(4):389-397

Naidoo, P. 2009, Factors influencing HAART adherence among private health care sector patients in a suburb of the eThekwini Metro. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine. 1(1):1-4

Onajole, OK. Govender, K. Govender, P. van Helden, P. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM. Muthusamy, K. Pillay, M. Ian, I. Govender, T. 2009, Pentacycloundecane derived cyclic tetra-amines: Synthesis and evaluation as potent antituberculosis agents. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Chemistry. 44():4297-4305

Mabandla, MV. Kellaway, L. Daniels, WMU. Russell, V. 2009, Effect of exercise on dopamine neuron survival in prenatally stressed rats. Metabolic Brain Disease. 24(4):525-539 Maharaj, SS. Jeena, PM. 2009, Cycle Ergometer and Rebound Exercises with Chest Physiotherapy – a Useful Adjunct for Sputum Expectoration in Mild to Moderately Symptomatic HIV Infected Children. South African Journal of Physiotherapy. 64(3):37-42 Physiotherapy Mapanga, RF. Tufts, MA. Shode, FO. Musabayane, CT. 2009, Renal Effects of Plant-Derived Oleanolic Acid in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Renal Failure. 31():481-491 Marais, L. Hattingh, S. Stein, D. Daniels, WMU. 2009, A proteomic analysis of the ventral hippocampus of rats subjected to maternal separation and excitalopram treatment. Metabolic Brain Disease. 24():569-586 Marais, L. Stein, D. Daniels, WMU. 2009, Exercise increases BDNF levels in the striatum and decreases depressive-like behavior in chronically stressed rats. Metabolic Brain Disease. 24():587-597 Mashige, KP. Naidoo, KS. 2009, Current practices of diagnostics techniques requiring the use of ophthalmic drugs among KwaZulu-Natal optometrists. The South African Optometrist Optometrist. 68(4):179-186 Mchunu, GG. Uys, LR. 2009, The state of workplace health promotion in South Africa: An exploratory study. Occupational Health Southern Africa. 14(6):26-32 Mckune, AJ. Semple, SJ. Smith, LL. Wadee, A. 2009, Complement, immunoglobulin and creatine kinase response in black and white males after muscle-damaging exercise. South African Journal of Sport Medicine. 21(2):47-52 Middleton, LE. Uys, LR. 2009, A social constructionist analysis of talk in episodes of psychiatric student nurses conversations with clients in community clinics. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 65(3):576-586 Mocktar, C. Govinden, U. Sturm, AW. Essack, SY. 2009, Complexity and diversity of beta-lactamase expression in inhibitor-resistant Escherichia coli from public hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Southern African Journal of Epidemiology and Infection. 24(4):29-33 Moodley, VR. 2009, A study of the suitability of disposable coloured contact lenses for a South African clinic based population. South African Optometrist Optometrist. 68(4):209-216 Muthukrishna, A. Sokoya, GO. Moodley, S. 2009, Gender and Disability: An intersectional analysis of experiences of ten disabled women in KwaZulu-Natal. Gender and Behaviour Behaviour. 7(1):2263-2280


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Naidoo, P. Harpham, AL. Bircher, SL. Kekana, MB. 2009, Visual-motor integration (VMI) – A Predictor for handwriting in Grade 0 children. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy Therapy. 39(2):18-21 Nayak, SK. Venugopala, KN. Chopra, D. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM. Guru Row, R. 2009, Ethyl 4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-6-methyl-2-oxo-1,2,3,4tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxylate monohydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E65():o2502 Nayak, SK. Venugopala, KN. Chopra, D. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM. Guru Row, R. 2009, Ethyl 4-(4-chlorophenyl)-6-methyl-2-thioxo-1,2,3,4tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxylate. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E65():o2518 Nayak, SK. Venugopala, KN. Chopra, D. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM. Guru Row, R. 2009, 2-(4-Chloro-3-nitrophenyl)-4-(4-chlorophenyl)1,3-thiazole. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E65():o2611 Nicholas, P. Adejumo, NO. Nokes, K. Ncama, BP. Bhengu, BR. Elston, E. Nicholas, T. 2009, Fulbright Scholar opportunities for global health and women’s health care in HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Applied Nursing Research. 22():73-77 Njobeh, PB. Dutton, F. Koch, SH. Chuturgoon, AA.Stoev, S. Seifert, K. 2009, Contamination with storage fungi of human food from Cameroon. International Journal of Food Microbiology Microbiology. 135():193-198 Nyondo, L. Mchunu, GG. 2009, Health care clients satisfaction with the accessibility of primary health care services in Lilongwe, Malawi. African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Midwifery. 10(2):100-110 Oduntan, OA. Carlson, A. Clarke Farr, P. Hansraj, R. 2009, South African university students knowledge of eye protection against sunlight. The South African Optometrist Optometrist. 68(1):25-31 Oduntan, OA. Mashige, KP. Raliavhegwa-Makhado, M. 2009, A comparison of two methods of logMAR visual acuity data scoring for statistical analysis. The South African Optometrist. 68(3):155-163 Ojewole, JAO. Awe, E O. Nyinawumuntu, A. 2009, Antidiarrhoeal activity of Hypoxis hemerocallidea Fisch. & C.A. Mey. (Hypoxidaceae) Corm (‘African potato’) Aqueous Extract in rodents. Phytotherapy Research. 23():965-971

Onajole, OK. Govender, P. Govender, T.Maguire, GEM. Kruger, HG. 2009, Synthesis and NMR elucidation of novel pentacyclo-undecane diamine ligands. Structural Chemistry Chemistry. 20(6):1067-1076 Owira, PMO. Ojewole, JAO. 2009, ‘African Potato’ (Hypoxis hemerocallidea corm): A Plant-Medicine for Modern and 21st Century Diseases of Mankind? – A Review. Phytotherapy Research. 23():147-152 Owira, PMO. Ojewole, JAO. 2009, Grapefruit juice improves glycemic control but exacerbates metformin-induced lactic acidosis in non-diabetic rats. Methods and Findings In Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology Pharmacology. 31(9):563-570

Uys, LR. 2009, Should researchers protect the good name and reputation of institutions in which research is done?. South African Journal of Higher Education. 22(2):457-465 Uys, LR. Holzemer, W. Chirwa, M. Dlamini, P. Greeff, M. Kohi, T. Makoae, L. Stewart, AL. Mullan, J. Phetlhu, R. Wantland, D. Durrheim, KL. Cuca, Y. Naidoo, JR. 2009, The development and validation of the HIV/AIDS Stigma Instrument – Nurse (HASI-N). Aids Care. 21(2):150-159

Faculty of Humanities, Development and Social Sciences Adams, LA. Govender, K. 2009, Making the perfect man: traditional masculine ideology and perfectionism among adolescent boys. South African Journal of Psychology. 38(3):551-562 Psychology Alant, JW. 2009, Du temps ou Derrida ‘tait “pour” Mandela, ou les limites de la litt’rature engag’e. French Studies in Southern Africa. 38():1-17

Panday, S. Kathard, H. Pillay, M. Govender, CD. 2009, The homogeneity of audibility and prosody of Zulu words for Speech reception Threshold (SRT) testing. South African Journal of Communication Disorders. 56():60-75

Amuwo, AS. 2009, Capitalist Globalisation and the Role of the International Community in Resource Conflicts in Africa. Africa Development/Afrique & Developpment. XXXIV(3&4):227-267 Developpment

Pienaar, I. Schallert, T. Hattingh, S. Daniels, WMU. 2009, Behavioral and quantitative mitochondrial proteome analyses of the effects of simvastatin: implications for models of neural degeneration. Journal of Neural Transmission. 116():791-806

Amuwo, AS. 2009, The people vote, but does the market rule? Global Dialogue. 37(1):37-42

Pillay, P. Mtshali, NG. 2009, Clinical Supervision and Support for Bridging Programme Students in the Greater Durban Area. Curationis. 31(4):46-56 Scholz, MN. Bobbert, MF. Soest, AJ. Clarke Farr, P. Van Heerden, HJ. 2009, Running biomechanics: shorter heels, better company. Journal of Experimental Botany. 211():3266-3271 Botany Simola, N. Di Chiara, G. Daniels, WMU. Schallert, T. Morelli, M. 2009, Priming of rotational behavior by a dopamine receptor agonist in hemiparkinsonian rats: movement-dependent induction. Neuroscience. 158():1625-1631 Sithole, HL. Oduntan, OA. Oriowo, MO. 2009, Eye protection practices and symptoms among welders in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The South African Optometrist Optometrist. 68(3):130-136 Sithole, HL. Oduntan, OA.Oriowo, MO. 2009, Oculo-visual status of the welders in the Capricon District of the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The South African Optometrist Optometrist. 68(1):32-37 Smith, TST. Frick, KD. Holden, BA. Fricke, TR. Naidoo, KS. 2009, Potential lost productivity resulting from the global burden of uncorrected refractive error. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 87(6):431-437 Tufts, MA. Higgins-Opitz, SB. 2009, What makes the learning of physiology in a PBL medical curriculum challenging? Student perceptions. Advances In Physiology Education. 33():187-195

Amuwo, AS. 2009, The Political Economy of Nigeria’s Post-Military Elections, 1999-2007. Review of African Political Economy Economy. 36(119):37-61 Amuwo, AS. 2009, Towards a New Political Economy of the Niger Delta Question in Nigeria. Politikon. 36(2):237-257 Andersen, I. De Gruchy, SM. 2009, Strangers in a Strange Land: Theological reflection on work with refugees in Pietermaritzburg. Theologia Viatorum: Journal of Theology and Religion in Africa. 33(2):355-373 Baker, DP. 2009, Dawkins – Moral Argument in The God Delusion: A Critical Assessment. Journal of Theology for Southern Africa. 135():76 – 84 Baker, DP. 2009, Sources of the Self as an Argument for Theism Re-Reading of Charles Taylor, Sources of the Self: The Making of Modern Identity, Cambridge University Press, 1989. Philosophical Papers. 38(3):401-416 Baker, DP. Maeresera, S. 2009, SADCBRIG intervention in SADC member states: Reasons to doubt. African Security Review Review. 18(1):106 – 110 Balcomb, AO. 2009, Reconciliation then and now – was Klaus Nurnberger right all along? Journal of Theology for Southern Africa. (134):160-168 Balcomb, AO. 2009, Re-enchanting a disenchanted universe- post modern projects in theologies of space. Religion & Theology: A Journal of Contemporary Religious Discourse. 16(1-2):77-89 Balcomb, AO. 2009, Xenophobia and idolatry – finding God in the Other. Theologia Viatorum: Journal of Theology and Religion in Africa. 33(2):265-280

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o H ET A ccrEDi T ED PublicAT ions 2009

DoHET Accr EDi TED Pub l icAT ions 2009

Balfour, RJ. Lenta, MM. 2009, Research Capacity Development: A Case Study at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (2003-2007). South African Journal of Higher Education. 3(1):8-20

Cebekhulu, E. Steyn, I. 2009, Community participation in social dialogue institutions. New Agenda: South African Journal of Economic and Social Policy Policy. First Quarter(33 ):30-33

Collins, AJL. Loots, LJ. Magwaza-Meyiwa, TSC Mistrey, D. 2009, Nobody’s business: Proposals for reducing gender-based violence at a South African university. Agenda. 80():33-41

Du Toit, M. Gordon, J. 2009, Photographic portraiture, neighbourhood activism and apartheid’s industrial legacy: Reflections on the Breathing Spaces exhibition. Kronos: Southern African Histories. 35():175-221

Ballantine, CJ. 2009, “Der Junge Lord”, Henze. Opera. 60(6):747-748

Chapman, MJF. 2009, “Sequestered from the winds of history”: Poetry and Politics beyond 2000. Current Writing. 21(1&2):173-199

Corbella, N. Wassenaar, DR. 2009, Ethics Review in a Developing Country: A Survey of South African Social Scientists’ Experiences. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics. 4(4):69-78

Durrheim, KL. Baillie, KLM. Johnstone, LB. 2009, The development and validation of a measure of Racial Justice Perceptions. South African Journal of Psychology. 38(4):615-632 Psychology

Coullie, JE. 2009, Celebrity Monkeys and other Notables: Recent Life Writing Publications Reviewed. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(2):293-316

Durrheim, KL. Dixon, J. Tredoux, C. Eaton, L. Quayle, MF. Clack, C. 2009, Predicting support for racial transformation policies: Intergroup threat, racial prejudice sense of group entitlement and strength of identification. European Journal of Social Psychology Psychology. ():1-25

Ballantine, CJ. 2009, “Die Walküre”, Wagner. Opera. 60(5):618-619 Ballantine, CJ. 2009, “The Minotaur”, Birtwistle. Opera. 60(9):1142-1143 Ballantine, CJ. 2009, “The Tempest”, Ad’s. Opera. 60(10):1276-1277 Barrett, L. 2009, A guide to practical babooning: Historical, social and cognitive contingency. Evolutionary Anthropology Anthropology. 18(3):91-102 Beck, SM. 2009, Martha Nussbaum and the Foundations of Ethics: Identity, Morality and Thought-Experiments. South African Journal of Philosophy Philosophy. 28(3):261-270 Bell, FR. 2009, The role of the Carnegie Corporation of New York in the provision of library services to South Africa’s ‘non-Europeans’. Innovation: A Journal for Appropriate Librarianship and Information Work in Southern Africa. 38():78-93 Berry, S. 2009, Gender, numbers and substance women parliamentarians and the ‘politics of presence’ in KwaZulu-Natal. Transformation. 70():119-141 Bhana, D. Pattman, RW. 2009, Researching South African youth, gender and sexuality within the context of HIV/AIDS. Development Development. 52(1):68-75 Bond, PM. 2009, Background tensions within volatile global capitalism. Capitalism, Nature, Socialism. 20(1):41-44 Bond, PM. 2009, In power in Pretoria? Reply to R W Johnson. New Left Review Review. 58():77-88 Bond, PM. 2009, Realistic postneoliberalism – A view from South Africa. Development Dialogue. 51():193-211 Bond, PM. 2009, Removing neocolonialism’s APRM mask: A critique of the African peer review mechanism. Review of African Political Economy Economy. 122():595-619 Bond, PM. Sharife, K. 2009, Apartheid reparations and the contestation of corporate power in Africa. Review of African Political Economy Economy. 119():115-137 Brown, L. Durrheim, KL. 2009, Different kinds of knowing Generating qualitative Data through mobile inter-viewing. Qualitative Inquiry Inquiry. 15():911-930

Chapman, MJF. 2009, Coetzee, Gordimer and the Nobel prize. Scrutiny2. 14(1):57-65 Chapman, MJF. 2009, Intoduction: Conjectures on South African Literature. Current Writing. 21(1&2):1-23 Chari, S. 2009, Photographing dispossession, forgetting solidarity: waiting for social justice in Wentworth, South Africa. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 34(4):521-540

Couper, SE. 2009, ‘An Embarrassment to the Congresses?’: The Silencing of Chief Albert Luthuli and the Production of ANC History. Journal of Southern African Studies. 35(2):332-348

Chari, S. 2009, Struggling with the ANC in South Africa. Journal of Peasant Studies. 36(2):443-448

Dangor, SE. 2009, Said Nursis’ Approach to Interfaith Dailogue. Alternation:international Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 3 (Special Issue):270-299

Chari, S. Verdery, K. 2009, Thinking between the posts: Postcolonialism, postsocialism, and ethnography after the cold war. Comparative Studies In Society snd History History. 51(1):6-34

Dansoh, WA. 2009, Reflections of a research-librarian-information. Innovation: A Journal for Appropriate Librarianship and Information Work in Southern Africa. 39():94-99

Essack, SY. Barnes, GR. Jackson, LJ. Majozi, M. Mcinerney, PA. Mtshali, NG. Naidoo, I. Oosthuizen, F. Suleman, F. 2009, Maximizing income via the Higher Education Funding Framework in Health Sciences. South African Journal of Higher Education. 23(2):275-292

Chirowodza, AC. Van Rooyen, HE. Joseph, P. Sikotoyi, SV. Richter, L M. Coates, T. 2009, Using participatory methods and geographic information systems (GIS) to prepare for an HIV community-based trial in Vulindlela, South Africa (Project Accept – HPTN 043). Journal of Community Psychology Psychology. 37():41-47

Daymond, MJ. 2009, ‘Letters... in the thick of affairs’: the place of fiction in Africa South, 1957-1961. Transformation. 70():31-53

Finlay, K. 2009, The Un/Changing Face of the =/Khomani: Representation through Promotional Media. Visual Anthropology Anthropology. 22(4):344-361

De Gruchy, SM. 2009, “Growing up and increasing and yielding thirtyfold...” Change and continuity in the Council for World Mission 1977- 2007. Missionalia: Journal of the Southern African Missiological Society Society. 36(2/3):208-225

Finlayson, AJ. 2009, Electronic mentoring and academic librarians: A case study. Innovation: A Journal for Appropriate Librarianship and Information Work in Southern Africa. 39():58 – 72

De Gruchy, SM. 2009, Dealing with our Own Sewage: Spirituality and Ethics in the Sustainability Agenda. Journal of Theology for Southern Africa. 134():53-65

Francis, MD. 2009, Contested Histories: A Critique of Rock Art in the Anthropology. 22():327-343 Drakensberg Mountains. Visual Anthropology

De Gruchy, SM. 2009, Kerina as both citizen and christian: Teaching pastors why the gospel needs the law in our public life. Journal of Constructive Theology Theology. 14,2 & 15,1():125-138

Freund, WM. 2009, The Significance of the Minerals-Energy Complex in the Light of South African Historiography. Transformation. 71():3-25

Clark, JG. 2009, Acting up and Speaking Out: Using Theatre of the Oppressed and Collective memory-work as alternative research methods and empowerment tools in work with girls. Agenda. 79():49-64 Clarke, PMR. Barrett, L. Henzi, P. 2009, What role do Olfactory cues play in Chacma baboon mating? American Journal of Primatology Primatology. 71():1-10 Clarke, PMR. Henzi, P. Barrett, L. 2009, Sexual conflict in chacma baboons, Papio hamadryas ursinus: absent males select for proactive females. Animal Behaviour. 77():1217-1225 Behaviour Coetzee, V. Greeff, J. Barrett, L. Henzi, P. 2009, Facial based ethnic recognition: Insights from two closely related but ethnically distinct groups. South African Journal of Science. 105():464-466

De Gruchy, SM. 2009, Reversing the Biblical Tide: What Kuruman teaches London in a post-colonial era. Acta Theologica. Suppl 12():48-62 Denis, PMBR. 2009, Introducing History of Christianity to postgraduate theological students. Journal of Constructive Theology Theology. 14(2 & 15 1):57-72

Collings, SJ. 2009, See no evil, hear no evil: The rise and fall of child sexual abuse in the 20th century. Pins: Psychology in Society Society. 38():61-73

Denis, PMBR. 2009, The Church’s Impact on HIV Prevention and Mitigation in South Africa. Reflections of a Historian. Journal of Theology for Southern Africa. 134(July):66-81

Collings, SJ. 2009, Understanding complex posttraumatic reactions to child sexual abuse: An essential requirement for competent impact assessments. Acta Criminologica. 22(3):88-97

Denis, PMBR. 2009, Unfinished business: The painful closure of the Federal Theological Seminary of Southern Africa. Missionalia: Journal of the Southern African Missiological Society Society. 37(1):5-19

Caldwell, MA. 2009, Charles Taylor and the pre-history of British cultural studies. Critical Arts: A Journal Of South North Cultural And Media Studies. 23(3):342-373

Collings, SJ. 2009, Where the streets have no names: Factors associated with the provision of counselling and social work services for child rape survivors in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 21(2):139-146

Dimitriu, I. 2009, Nadine Gordimer: Getting a Life after Apartheid. Current Writing. 21 (1&2):117-137

Campbell, C. Gibbs, AR. Maimane, AS. Nair, Y. Sibiya, BZ. 2009, Youth participation in the fight against AIDS in South Africa: from policy to practice. Journal of Youth Studies. 12(1):93-109

Collings, SJ. Lindblom, L. Madu, SN. Sook Park, M. 2009, The cross-cultural validity of the child sexual abuse myth scale: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Psychology in Africa. 19(1):9-18

Bruce, KA. 2009, A Woman-Made Language: Suzette Haden Elgin’s Laaden and the Native Tongue Trilogy as Thought Experiment in Feminist Linguistics. Extrapolation. 49(1):44-71 Bruce, PF. 2009, Biblical Studies: From Text to Context. Journal of Constructive Theology. 14(2&15)(1):91-108 Theology


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Erikssen, E. Lindmark, G. Axemo, P. Haddad, BG. Ahlberg, BM. 2009, Ambivalence, silence and gender differences in church leaders’ HIV-prevention messages to young people in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Culture Health & Sexuality. 12(1):103-114 Sexuality

Draper, JA. 2009, Imitating Jesus, Yes – But Which Jesus? A critical engagement with the ethics of Richard Burridge in Imitating Jesus: An inclusive approach to New Testament Ethics (2007). Htsteologiese Studies-Theological Studies. 65(1):DOI: 10.4102/hts.v65i1.164

Fulela, BSS. 2009, Checking the Post: Derrida and the Apartheid Debate. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 15(2):11-37 Furnham, A. Ndlovu, NPM. Mkhize, NJ. 2009, South African Zulus’ beliefs about their own and their children’s intelligence. South African Journal of Psychology. 39(2):157-168 Psychology Fynn, RW. Wragg, PD. Morris, CD. Kirkman, KP. Naiken, V. 2009, Vegetative traits predict grass species’ invasiveness and the invasibility of restored grassland. African Journal of Range & Forage Science. 26(2):59-68 Gathogo, JM. 2009, African theology of reconstruction as a practical theology for all. Practical Theology In South Africa. 24 (2):99 – 121 Gathogo, JM. 2009, Reading John Calvin in the African Context: any relevance for the social reconstruction of Africa? Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae: Journal of the Church History Society of Southern Africa. 35(2):219-235 Gathogo, JM. 2009, The birth of Protestant education in East Africa: sampling Johannes Ludwig Krapf (1810–1881). Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae: Journal of the Church History Society of Southern Africa. xxxv(December Supplement):1-26

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D o H ET A ccrEDi T ED PublicAT ions 2009

Gathogo, JM. Phiri, IA. 2009, Xenophobia/Afrophobia in Post-Apartheid (South) Africa: Strategies for Combat. Theologia Viatorum:journal of Theology and Religion in Africa. 33(2):216-241

Holscher, D. Kasiram, MI. Sathiparsad, R. 2009, “Deserving” children, “undeserving” mothers? Multiple perspectives of the chid support grant. Social Work: A Professional Journal for for. 45(1):11-27

Gentz, SG. Durrheim, KL. 2009, Psychological expertise and governmentality in democratic South Africa: A tracer study of masters graduates from UKZN. Pins: Psychology in Society Society. 37():18-38

IJ Sselmuiden, C. Matlin, S A. Maiga, AH. Hasler, J. Pannenborg, O. Evans, T. Pang, T. Gardner, CA. 2009, From Mexico to Mali: A new course for global health. Lancet Lancet. 371():91-93

Giddy, JP. 2009, Objectivity and Subjectivity: an Argument for Rethinking the Philosophy Syllabus. South African Journal of Philosophy Philosophy. 28(4):359-376

Jackson, FM. 2009, EAP Course Design Within A Context Of Institutional Change And Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration: Factors Shaping The Creating Of ‘Writing For Commerce’. Per Linguam: A Journal of Language Learning. 25(2):61-81

Ginsburg, C. Norris, SA. Richter, L M. Coplan, DB. 2009, Patterns of residential mobility amongst children in greater Johannesburg – Soweto, South Africa: Observations from the birth to Twenty Cohort. Urban Forum. 20():397-413 Gumede, NP. Bob, U. Okech, RN. 2009, Women and Technology in South Africa: A case of four communities in KwaZulu-Natal. Gender, Technology and Development. 13(1):103-125 Haddad, BG. 2009, Poverty, gendered cultural sexual practices and HIV: ethical and theological implications. Journal of Constructive Theology Theology. 15(2):5-22 Hargovan, H. 2009, Doing Justice Differently: A Community-Based Restorative Justice Initiative in KwaZulu-Natal. Acta Criminologica. 22(3):63-87 Haron, M. Buccus, I. 2009, Al-Qalam: An Alternative Muslim Voice in the South African Press. South African Historical Journal. 16(1):121-137 Hayes, GH. 2009, Some reflections on psychotherapy and morality. PsychoAnalytic Psychotherapy in South Africa. 17(2):117-124 Hemson, D. Buccus, I. 2009, The Citizen Voice Project: An Intervention in Water Services in Rural South Africa. IDS DS Bulletin-Institute of Development Studies. 40(6):60-69 Henzi, P. Lusseau, D. Weingrill, T. van Schaik, C. Barrett, L. 2009, Cyclicity in the structure of female baboon social networks. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 63():1015-1021 Sociobiology Hilton, JL. 2009, Adamastor, Gigantomachies, and the Literature of Exile in Camoes Lusiads. Aumla-Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association. 112():1-23

Jacobs, JU. 2009, Picturing the African Diaspora in Recent Fiction. Current Writing. 21(1 & 2):97-116 Jacobs, JU. 2009, Trading Places in Abdulrazak Gurnah’s Paradise. English Studies in Africa. 52(2):77-89 Joshua, SM. 2009, The Church and the 1929 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) contestation in Kenya, with special reference to the Scottish Presbyterian Church and the Kikuyu community. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae: Journal of the Church History Society of Southern Africa. 35(1):15-30 Kachoka, ND. Hoskins, RGM. 2009, Measuring the quality of service: a case of Chancellor College Library, University of Malawi. South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science. 75(2):170-178 Kalengyo, EM. 2009, “Cloud of Witnesses” in Hebrews 12:1 and Ganda Ancestors: An Incarnational Reflection. Neotestamentica: Journal of the New Testament Society of South Africa (ntssa). 43(1):49-67 Kasiram, MI. 2009, The emigration of South African social workers: using social work education to address gaps in provision. Social Work Education. 28(6):646-654 Kearney, JA. 2009, “Glimpses of Agency in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things”. Kunapipi: Journal of Post-Colonial Writing. XXX1(No 1):97-113 Khan, S. 2009, ‘Children of a Lesser God’: Contesting South Indian Muslim Identities in KwaZulu-Natal. South African Historical Journal. 61(1):86-102

Hilton, JL. 2009, Contemporary Elements in Achilles Tatius’s Leucippe and Clitophon. Acta Classica. 2009(52):101-112

Khan, S. Lootvoet, Benoit. Vermeulen, S. 2009, Privatisation of Durban Public Transport and Challenges for an Emerging Metropolitan Transport Authority. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences. XXIII(2):131-156

Hilton, JL. 2009, Furor, Dementia, Rabies: Social Displacement, Madness and Religion in the Metamorphoses of Apuleius. Acta Classica. Supplement III():84-105

Khumalo, L. 2009, Looking beyond meaning in the advanced Ndebele dictionary. Lexikos. 19(Supplement):102-111

Hilton, JL. 2009, Maria Mouton and Roman Law at the Cape of Good Hope in 1714. Fundamina: A Journal Of Legal History History. 15(1):120-138

Khumalo, L. 2009, The passive and stative constructions in Ndebele: A comparative analysis. Nordic Journal of African Studies. 18(2):154-174

Hiralal, K. 2009, Our Plucky sisters who have dared to fight: Indian women and the Satyagraha movement in South Africa. Oriental Anthropologist. 9(1):1-22

Khumalo, L. 2009, Users, User-Friendliness and Projected Uses of Isichazamazwi SesiNdebele: An analysis. Lexikos. 19(Supplement):16-25

Hiralal, K. 2009, The Gujarati Hindu Community in Kwazulu/Natal. Anthropologist: International Journal of Contemporary and Applied Studies of Man. 4():81-90

Kirschner, TM. 2009, Reading from this place: A German Student’s view of Kerina’s story. Journal of Constructive Theology Theology. 14 No. 2 & 15 (1):157-164

Hollmann, J. Msimanga, L. 2009, ‘An extreme case’: the removal of rock art from uMhwabane (eBusingatha) rock art shelter, Bergville, KwaZulu-Natal. Southern African Humanities. 20():285-315

Kleyn, ML. Clark, JG. 2009, Agency through bodily alterity: The case of “proanorexia” websites. Pins: Psychology in Society Society. 38():27-39


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

DoHET Accr EDi TED Pub l icAT ions 2009

Knight, LC. Maharaj, P. 2009, Use of public and private health services in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Development Southern Africa. 26(1):17-28

Lenta, MM. 2009, Expanding ‘South Africanness”: Debut Novels. Current Writing. 21(1&2):59-77

Koen, JL. Durrheim, KL. 2009, A naturalistic observational study of informal segregation: Seating patterns in lectures. Environment and Behavior Behavior. 42(4):448-468

Lenta, PJP. 2009, “Everyday Abnormality”: Crime and In/security in Ivan Vladislavic’s Portrait With Keys”. Journal of Commonwealth Literature. 44(1):117-133

Koopman, A. 2009, Introducing ‘My Old Dutch’: Onomastic Attrition in Cockney Rhyming Slang and Titles of Nobility. Nomina Africana: Journal Of The Names Society of Southern Africa/Tydskrif van die Naamkundevereniging van Suider Afrika. 23(1):1 – 30 Kruger, HAJ. 2009, The Book of Isaiah: Patchwork of literary fragments versus predetermined literary structure? Part I. Ngtt: Ned Geref Teologiese Tydskrif Tydskrif. 50(1):120-128 Kruger, HAJ. 2009, The Book of Isaiah: Patchwork of literary fragments versus predetermined literary structure? Part II. Ngtt: Ned Geref Teologiese Tydskrif Tydskrif. 50(3&4):427-432 Kuhn, RJ. 2009, Information literacy for law students: an approach to meeting the challenges of Professoressional training and practice. Innovation: A Journal for Appropriate Librarianship and Information Work in Southern Africa. 38():50-65 Kuhn, RJ. 2009, Subject knowledge and library support: insights from an experience in the United States. Innovation: A Journal for Appropriate Librarianship and Information Work in Southern Africa. 39():1-18 Kumalo, SR. 2009, Commemoration of Martyrs of the struggle as Contested Terrain in a Democratic South Africa: The Case of Inkosi Albert Luthuli. Journal of Theology for Southern Africa. 135():42-55 Kumalo, SR. 2009, Doing Prophetic Theology between God and the monarchy in Swaziland: The legacy of Joshua Bhekinkosi Mzizi. Missionalia: Journal of the Southern African Missiological Society Society. 36(2/3):280-299 Kumalo, SR. 2009, Faith and Politics in the context of struggle: the legacy of Inkosi Albert John Luthuli’s Christian-centred political leadership. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae: Journal of the Church History Society of Southern Africa. xxxv(1):199-221 Kumalo, SR. 2009, Teaching and Learning in Community with Others: A Transformation-centred Approach to Theological Education. Journal of Constructive Theology Theology. 14(2 & 15):139-156 Kumalo, SR. 2009, ‘The People shall govern’ The Role of the church in the Development of Participatory Democracy in South Africa. Scriptura. 101(2):246258 Kwanya, TJM. Stilwell, C. Underwood, PG. 2009, Library 2.0: revolution or evolution?. South African Journal Of Libraries And Information Science. 75(1):68-73 Laing, MJ. 2009, Gadolinium: central metal of the lanthanoids. Journal of Chemical Education. 86(2):188-189 Laing, MJ. 2009, The different periodic tables of Dmitrii Mendeleev. Journal of Chemical Education. 85(1):63-67 Lambert, M. 2009, The madness of women: the Zulu Amandiki and Euripides’ Bacchae. Acta Classica. 3():19-35

Lenta, PJP. 2009, Taking Diversity Seriously: Religious Associations and WorkRelated Discrimination. South African Law Journal. 126(4):827-860 Lenta, PJP. 2009, What Conditional Amnesty Is Not. Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory Theory. 120():44-64 Luboga, S. Macfarlane, SB. von Schreeb, J. Kruk, ME. Cherian, MN. Bergstrom, S. Bossyns, PBM. Denerville, E. Dovlo, D. Galukande, M. Hsia, RY. Jayaraman, SP. Lubbock, LA. Mock, C. Ozgediz, D. Sekimpi, P. Wladis, A. Zakariah, A. Dade, NB. Donkor, P. Gatumbu, JK. Hoekman, P. IJS Selmuiden, C. Jamison, DT. Jessani, N. Jiskot, P. Kakande, P. Mabweijano, JR. Mbembati, N. McCord, C. Mijumbi, C. Miranda, HD. Mkony, CA. Mocumbi, P. Ndihokubwayo, JB. Ngueumachi, P. Ogbaselassie, G. Okitombahe, EL. Toure, CT. Vaz, F. Zikusooka, CM. Debas, HT. 2009, Increasing access to surgical services in Sub-Saharan Africa: priorities for national and international agencies recommended by the Bellagio Essential Surgery group. Plos Medicine. 6(12):1-5 Lund, FJ. 2009, Social protection and the labour market: Towards a research agenda. IDS DS Bulletin. 39(2):87-92 Lund, FJ. Noble, M. Barnes, H. Wright, G. 2009, Is there a rationale for conditional cash transfers for children in South Africa? Transformation. 70():70-91 Lutchman, V. 2009, Kabirdas and Bhakti Panthis in South Africa. Nidan: Journal For the Study of Hinduism. 21():56-68 Machabeis, J. 2009, Exotisme et engagement r’volutionnaire dans La Condition humaine d’Andr’ Malraux. French Studies in Southern Africa. 39():117-141 Mafema, ED. Tshishonga, NS. Maphunye, KJ. 2009, Understanding Local Government operations: A case study of project consolidate. Journal of Public Administration. 44(3.2):107-121 Mamet, C. 2009, Re-constructing Grey Street in Imraan Coovadia’s The Wedding. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 15(2):71-90 Mapadimeng, SM. 2009, Indigenous African Cultures and Relevence to Socio-economic Progress and Development: A Critical Review. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 15(2):106-127 Marks, MM. Shearing, C. Wood, J. 2009, Who should the police be? Finding a new narrative for community policing in South Africa. Police Practice and Research. 10(2):145-155 Mathonsi, NN. 2009, Semantic variation and the notion of polysemy in Zulu. South African Journal of African Languages/Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Afrikatale. 29(1):87-95

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o H ET A ccrEDi T ED PublicAT ions 2009

Mathonsi, NN. Canonici, NN. 2009, Searching for the thematic element in a literary work. South African Journal of African Languages/Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Afrikatale. 29(2):109-120

Moolakkattu, JS. 2009, Some Problems in Measuring the Decentralisation of Political Power. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences. 23(1):39-53

Mathonsi, NN. Mazibuko, GB. 2009, New beginnings in Zulu Literature. Current Writing. 21(1 & 2):303-319

Moran, SK. 2009, Academic Postcolonial resistances and South Africa. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 15(2):128-157

Matlin, S A. Evans, T. Hasler, J. IJS Selmuiden, C. Pannenborg, O. Toure, O T. 2009, Signposts to research for health. Lancet Lancet. 372(Nov 1):1521-1522

Moran, SK. 2009, South Africa and the Colonial Intellectual. Research in African Literatures. 40(2):109-124

Matolino, B. 2009, A Response to Eze’s critique of Wiredu’s consensual democracy. South African Journal of Philosophy Philosophy. 28(1):34-42

More, MS. 2009, Black Solidarity: A Philosophical Defense. Theoria : A Journal of Social and Political Theory Theory. 120():20-43

Matolino, B. 2009, Radicals versus Moderates: A Critique of Gyekye’s Moderate Communitarianism. South African Journal of Philosophy Philosophy. 28(2):160-170

Mtapuri, O. 2009, Developing an asset threshold using the consensual approach: Results from Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe. Journal of Development Studies. DOI: 10.1002/jid.1605():DOI: 10.1002/jid.1605

Mavinga, NJ. 2009, Jeremiah’s book: a twofold aspect applied to the royal oracle (23:1-8; 33:14-26). Journal for Semitics/Tydskrif vir Semitistiek. 18(1):105-130 Mbaya, HH. 2009, The Anglican Church and the challenges related to the training of the African clergy in post-independent Malawi: The case of St John the Baptist College, Lusaka 1962-1972. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae: Journal of the Church History Society of Southern Africa. 35(1):49-67 Mbaya, HH. 2009, The Making of African Anglican Bishops in Central Africa: The Case of Josiah Mtekateka in Malawi 1950-1977. Journal of Theology for Southern Africa. 135():22-41 Meadon, HM. 2009, Evaluating the Veil. South African Journal of Philosophy Philosophy. 28(2):171-177 Meth, C. 2009, Why waste money on Quarterly Labour Force Surveys? Waste it on youth development instead! Transformation. 71():76-102 Meyer, WH. 2009, ‘When you just get a mark and a nasty comment, what’s that called?’ Summative assessment – Creating an enabling environment for formative assessment. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. 27(2):213–226 Mhlanga, B. 2009, The Community in Community Radio: A Case Study of XK FM, Interrogating Issues of Community Participation, Governance, and Control. Ecquid Novi – African Journalism Studies. 30(1):58-72 Misgun, BT. Bydawell, MM. Burton, SIR. 2009, Oribi Village Re-visited: A Case Study of Desegregation and Social Intergration in South Africa. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences. XXIII(2):195-214 Mitha, SB. 2009, New information seeking behaviours of academics in the Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Innovation: A Journal for Appropriate Librarianship and Information work in Southern Africa. 39():19-33 Mkhize, J. Sandwith, CL. Moran, SK. 2009, Introduction. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 15(2):1-10 Moodley, DL. 2009, Bilingualism Gridlocked at the University of Kwazulu-Natal. Nordic Journal of African Studies. 18(1):22–72 Moodley, S. 2009, Telling the Stories of South African Hindu Women: Participatory Video as a Tool for Feminist Research. Agenda. 77():116-125


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Mtata, K. 2009, Space and Place Conceptions in the AIC’s. Theologia Viatorum: Journal of Theology and Religion in Africa. 33(3):324-349 Mtshali, MNG. 2009, Privatisation in South Africa :A note. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences. xxiii(2):. Mulwo, AK.Tomaselli, KG. 2009, Sex, morality and AIDS: The perils of moralistic discourses in HIV prevention campaigns among university students. Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research. 35(2):295-314 Mulwo, AK. Tomaselli, KG. Dalrymple, LI. 2009, Condom brands, perceptions of condom efficacy and HIV prevention among university students in KwaZuluNatal, South Africa. African Journal of Aids Research. 8(3):311-320 Mulwo, AK. Tomaselli, KG. Dalrymple, LI. 2009, Social constructions of “being faithful” among university students and the implications for their reception of partner-fidelity messages. Communicare: Journal for Communication Science in Southern Africa. 28(2):1-22 Murray, JA. 2009, An African Thermopylae? The Battles of the Anglo-Zulu War, 1879. Akroterion: Journal for the Classics in South. 54():51-68

DoHET Accr EDi TED Pub l icAT ions 2009

Nadar, S. 2009, The Bible in and For Mission: A Case Study of the Council for World Mission. Missionalia: Journal of the Southern African Missiological Society. 37(2):210-228 Society

Nyika, A. Wassenaar, DR. Corbella, N. 2009, The effect of relationships on decision-making processes of women in Harare, Zimbabwe. Ethics & Behavior Behavior. 19(3):184-200

Nadar, S. 2009, The Feminist Teacher: Pedagogy Of The Oppressed Woman?. Journal of Constructive Theology Theology. 14 and 15(2 and 1):37-56

Nzimakwe, TI. Tshishonga, NS. 2009, Participatory democracy and development engagement in eThekwini Municipality. Journal of Public Administration. 44(3.2):181-194

Nadar, S. 2009, Toward a Feminist Missiological Agenda: Case Study of the Jacob Zuma Rape Trial. Missionalia: Journal of the Southern African Missiological Society Society. 37(1):85-102 Nadvi, SLB. 2009, Gender Approaches to Poverty Reduction in informal settlements in South Africa: Some perspectives from the Social Movements Indaba – KZN. Agenda. 81():80-89 Naidu, UM. 2009, Belief Across Borders: Religion as Networked Social Capital. Journal of Dharma. 33(4):380-395 Naidu, UM. 2009, Foreign Religious Bodies: Constructing the Religious ‘Other’. Nidan: Journal for the Study of Hinduism. 21(1):127-148 Naidu, UM. 2009, Glaring Invisibility: Dressing the Body of the Female Cleaner. Anthropology Southern Africa. 32(3&4):128-138 Naidu, UM. 2009, Re-constructing Identity in Global Culture Inscribing the Zulu Female Body in Tourism Consumption. Oriental Anthropologist Anthropologist. 9(2):219-232 Naidu, UM. 2009, Seeing (Through) the Gaze: Marking Religious and Cultural Differences onto Muslim Female Bodies. Journal for the Study of Religion. 22(2):23-42 Naidu, UM. 2009, ‘Topless’ tradition for Tourists: young Zulu Girls in Tourism. Agenda. 79():38-48 Narismulu, GP. 2009, Springing the cage: The role of Engaging the Shades of Robben Island in Constituting the Field of Postcolonial Ecofeminism. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(2):265-292

Nadar, S. 2009, “Sacred Stories” as Theological Pedagogy. Journal of Constructive Theology Theology. 14 and 15(2 and 1):9-24

Ndinda, C. 2009, ‘But Now I Dream About My House’: Women’s Empowerment in Housing Delivery in Urban KzwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Development Southern Africa. 26(2):317-333

Nadar, S. 2009, “The Bible Says!” Feminism, Hermeeuti and Neo-Pentecostal Challenges. Journal of Theology for Southern Africa. 134():131-146

Ngcobo, EN. Hoskins, RGM. 2009, Problem-based learning (PBL) and medical school libraries in South Africa. Mousaion. 28(2):110-131

Nadar, S. 2009, Beyond the “ordinary reader” and the “invisible intellectual”: Shifting Contextual Bible Study from Liberation Discourse to Liberation Pedagogy. Old Testament Essays (new Series). 22(2):384-403

Ngulube, P. Leach, AB. Shezi, MS. 2009, Exploring network literacy among students of St. Joseph’s Theological Institute in South Africa. South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science. 75(1):58-69

Nadar, S. 2009, Changing the World: The Task of Feminist Biblical Scholars. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. 25(2):137-143

Niven, PM. 2009, ‘Quit school and become a taxi driver’: reframing first-year students’ expectations of assessment in a university environment. Perspectives in Education. 27(3):278-288

Nadar, S. 2009, Her-Stories and her-theologies: charting feminist theologies in Africa. Studia Historiae Ecclesiastical Ecclesiastical. XXXV(December 2009, Supplement):135-150 Nadar, S. 2009, Palatable Patriarchy and Violence Against Wo/men in South Africa – Angus Buchan’s Mighty Men’s Conference as a Case Study of Masculinism. Scriptura. 102():549-559

Noble, V. 2009, A Medical Education with a Difference: A History of the Training of Black Student Doctors in Social, Preventative and Community-Oriented Primary Health Care at the University of Natal Medical School, 1940s-1960s. South African Historical Journal. 61(3):550-574

Okeke-Uzodike, NI. 2009, The Role of Regional Economic Communities in Africa’s Economic Integration Prospects and Constraints. Africa Insight Insight. 39(2):26-42 Okeke-Uzodike, NI. Isike, CA. 2009, Whose security? Understanding the Niger Delta Crisis as a Clash of two security Conceptions. African Security Review Review. 18(3):103-116 O’Neill, VC. Killian, BJ. Hough, AM. 2009, The Socio-Historical Context of InSchool Corporal Punishment in a KwaZulu-Natal Setting. Journal of Psychology in Africa. 19(1):123-126 Owusu-Sekyere, BN. 2009, Towards a sustainable peace and reconciliation in Cote d’ivoire. African Security Review Review. 18(2):16-27 Padayachee, M. 2009, Development issues for the future: A South African Perspective. European Journal of Development Research. 21(1):15-20 Paruk, Z. Petersen, I. Bhana, A. 2009, Facilitating health-enabling social contexts for youth: Qualitative evaluation of a family-based HIV-prevention pilot programme. Ajar-African Journal of Aids Research. 8(1):61-68 Patel, CJ. Johns, LT. 2009, Gender role attitudes and attitudes to abortion: Are there gender differences? Social Science Journal. 46():493-505 Patel, CJ. Kooverjee, T. 2009, Abortion and Contraception: Attitudes of South African University Students. Health Care for Women International. 30():550-568 Patel, CJ. Ramgoon, S. Paruk, Z. 2009, Exploring religion, race and gender as factors in the life satisfaction and religiosity of young South African Adults. South African Journal of Psychology Psychology. 39(3):266-274 Patel, RC. 2009, What does food sovereignty look like? Journal of Peasant Studies. 36(3):663-706 Pattundeen, G. 2009, Negotiated Identities: South African Indian Women Transnationals in Durban, KwaZulu -Natal. Anthropologist : International Journal of Contemporary and Applied Studies of Man. Special Volume(4):27-39 Penumala, PK. 2009, The Hare Krishnas in Durban: Transmitting Religious Ideas in a Modern City. Nidan: Journal For The Study Of Hinduism. 21():92-109 Perumal, N. Kasiram, MI. 2009, Living in Foster Care and in a Children’s Home: Voices of Children and their Caregivers. Social Work: A Professional Journal For For. 45(2):198-206 Petersen, I. Bhana, A. Campbell-Hall, VE. Mjadu, SN. Lund, C. Kleintjies, S. Hosegood, V. Flisher, A. 2009, Planning for district mental health services in South Africa. A situational analysis of a rural district site. Health Policy and Planning. 24(2):140-150 Phiri, IA. 2009, African Theological Pedagogy in the Light of a Case Study on Gendered Violence. Journal of Constructive Theology Theology. 14 No. 2 & 15(1):109-124

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o H ET A ccrEDi T ED PublicAT ions 2009

Phiri, IA. Nadar, S. 2009, Going through the Fire with Eyes Wide Open: African Womens Perspectives on Indigenous Knowledge, Patriarchy and Sexuality. Journal for the Study of Religion. 22(2):5-21 Pillay, AL. Kometsi, MJ. Siyothula, EB. 2009, A Professorile of patients seen by fly-in clinical psychologists at a non-urban facility and implications for training and future services. South African Journal of Psychology Psychology. 39(3):289-299

Rossouw, J. Padayachee, M. Bosch, A. 2009, Links or disconnect: a first consideration of inflation expectations and inflation credibility, with specific reference to South Africa. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences. 12(4):475-492 Rudwick, SI. 2009, Shifting Norms of Linguistic and Cultural Respect: Hybrid Sociolinguistic Zulu Identities. Nordic Journal of African Studies. 17(2):152-174

Posel, DR. Rogan, MJ. 2009, Women, income and poverty: Gendered access to resources in post-apartheid South Africa. Agenda. 81():25-34

Rudwick, SI. Shange, M. 2009, Hlonipha and the rural Zulu woman. Agenda. 82():66-75

Prince, RJ. Denis, PMBR. Van Dijk, R. 2009, Introduction to Special Issue: Engaging Christianity: Negotiating HIV/AIDS, Health, and Social Relations in East and Southern Africa. Africa Today Today. 56(1):v-xviii

Ryan, AJ. 2009, In the Museum. Akroterion: Journal for the Classics in South. 52():115-119

Prozesky, MH. 2009, Is the Secular State the Root of our Moral Problems in South Africa? Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 3():237-253 Prozesky, MH. 2009, The Scott/Harker Model of ethical business leadership in the light of an African understanding of human existence. African Journal of Business Ethics. 4(1):1-4 Rakoczy, SF. 2009, Hope-giving faith communities: Reflections on experience. Missionalia: Journal of the Southern African Missiological Society Society. 36(1):139-145 Ramchandani, PG. Richter, L M. Stein, A. Norris, SA. 2009, Predictors of post-natal depression in a socio-economically deprived urban cohort. Journal of Affective Disorders. 113():279-284 Ramgoon, S. Patel, CJ. Paruk, Z. 2009, Preliminary validation of the MultiAttitude Suicide Tendency (MAST) scale using a South African adolescent sample. Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 21(1):39-45 Raniga, T. 2009, Perspectives of Parents on the Implementation of the National Life-skills and HIV/AIDS Education Programme in Secondary Schools in EThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal. Social Work: A Professional Journal for for. 45(2):171-181 Reddy, V. 2009, Turning sugar and spice on its head: Recent research on the gendered meanings of girlhood. Agenda. 79():78-84 Reddy, V. Moletsane, RT. 2009, Gender and poverty reduction in its African feminist Practice: An introduction. Agenda. 81():3-13

Saayman, N. Morris, CD. Hardy, MB. Botha, JC. 2009, Can brush-cutting of Pteronia paniculata improve the composition and productivity of veld in the Succulent Karoo, South Africa? African Journal of Range & Forage Science. 26(3):181-190 Sabet, F. Richter, LM. Ramchandani, PG. Stein, A. Quigley, MA. Norris, SA. 2009, Low birthweight and subsequent emotional and behavioural outcomes in 12-year-old children in Soweto, South Africa: Findings from Birth to Twenty. International Journal of Epidemiology Epidemiology. 38():944-954 Sandwith, CL. 2009, ‘Entering the Territory of Incitement’: Oppositionality a Africa South. Social Dynamics. 35(1):123-136 Sandwith, CL. 2009, The Work of Cultural Criticism: re-visiting The South African Opinion. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature snd Languages. 15(2):38-70 Sanga, I. 2009, Teaching-learning processes in ‘musiki wa injili’ in Dar es Salaam. African Music: Journal of the International Library of African Music. 8(3):132-43 Scorgie, F. Kunene, B. Smit, J. Manzini, NI. Chersich, M. Preston-Whyte, EM. 2009, In search of sexual pleasure and fidelity: vaginal practices in KwaZuluNatal, South Africa. Culture, Health and Sexuality Sexuality. 11(3):267-283 Scott, C. 2009, Changing nation/changing self Textuality and transformation in Antjie Krog’s A Change of Tongue. Scrutiny2. 14(2):40-47

DoHET Accr EDi TED Pub l icAT ions 2009

Shepperson, A. Tomaselli, KG. 2009, MEDIA IN AFRICA : Political, Cultural and Theoretical Trajectories in the Global Environment. International Communication Gazette. 71(6):473-489

Smit, JA. Chetty, D. 2009, Advancing Religion Studies in Southern Africa. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. Special Edition 3():330 – 350

Shukla, UD. 2009, Issues in the Rama Story: Genesis, Impact and Resolution. Nidan: Journal for the Study of Hinduism. 21():69-91

Sooryamoorthy, R. 2009, Collaboration and Publication: How collaborative are scientists in South Africa?. Scientometrics. 80(2):421-441

Shum, MCN. 2009, The Prehistory of “The History of Mary Prince”: Thomas Pringle’s “The Bechuana Boy”. Nineteenth-Century Literature. 64(3):291-322

Sooryamoorthy, R. 2009, Do Types of Collaboration Change Citation? Collaboration and Citation Patterns of South African Science Publications. Scientometrics. 81(1):177-193

Singh, A. 2009, Contextualising Migration and Diasporic Studies in the 21st Century IUAES Commission on Migration. Anthropologist: International Journal of Contemporary and Applied Studies of Man. Special Issue (4):1-5 Singh, A. 2009, Language Policy and Communication in Post-Apartheid Education – Towards a Theory of ‘Lingocide’. Journal of Social Sciences. 18(2):127-136 Singh, A. 2009, Towards and Anthropology of Relevance in the 21st Century. Oriental Anthropologist Anthropologist. 9(2):143-157 Singh, S. 2009, Female prisoners’ perspective: Predictors of HIV and AIDS within a female prison in South Africa. Oriental Anthropologist. 9(2):159-177 Singh, S. 2009, Legislation: The implementation of health policies in a female prison in Durban, South Africa. Agenda. 82():98-110 Singh, S. Singh, A. 2009, Environmental Design, Crime and Re-racialisation of South African Society. Anthropologist: International Journal of Contemporary and Applied Studies of Man. Special Issue(4):71-80 Sitas, A. 2009, The road to Polokwane? Politics and populism in KwaZuluNatal. Transformation. 68():87-98 Sithole, B. Mbhele, L. van Rooyen, HE. Khumalo-Sakutukwa, G. Richter, LM. 2009, Only skin deep: Limitations of public health understanding on male circumsion in South Africa. SAMJ SAMJ South African Medical Journal. 99(9):647 Sithole, DJ. 2009, Contestations over knowledge production or ideological bullying?: A response to Legassick on the workers’ movement. Kronos: Southern African Histories. 35(1):222-241

Sooryamoorthy, R. 2009, Mobile phones: appropriation, uses and consequences. New Media and Society Society. 11(6):1061-1068 Soyizwapi, IL. Hoskins, RGM. 2009, Use of electronic databases by postgraduate students in a university based Faculty of Science and Agriculture. Innovation: A Journal for Appropriate Librarianship and Information Work in Southern Africa. 38():94-117 Spurrett, DJ. 2009, How to semanticize science, and sell it short. Language Sciences. 31(1):97-110 South African Spurrett, DJ. 2009, Philosophy enough – Inaugural Lecture. Sout Journal of Philosophy Philosophy. 28(1):47-68 Steinmeyer, EG. 2009, Post-Traumatic and Post-Modern: A South African “Electra”. Akroterion: Journal for the Classics in South. 54():111-124 Stilwell, C. 2009, Mapping the fit: library and information services and the national transformation agenda in South Africa, Part 11. South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science. 75(1):1-11 Stobie, C. 2009, Postcolonial Pomosexuality: Queer/Alternative Fiction after Disgrace. Current Writing. 21(1&2):320-341 Stobie, C. 2009, Ruth in Marlene van Niekerk’s Agaat*. Journal of Literary Studies. 25(3):57-71 Strode, AE. Slack, CM. 2009, Sex, Lies and Disclosures: Researchers and The Reporting of Under-Age Sex. Southern African Journal of HIV IV Medicine. 10(2):8-11

Sewankambo, N. IJS Selmuiden, C. 2009, Responsive research in developing countries. Lancet Lancet. 372(July 5):11-13

Sithole, DJ. 2009, Land disputes, social identities and the state in the Izimpi Zembibango in the Umzinto District, 1930-1935. Journal of Natal and Zulu History. 27(1):60-82 History

Suraj Narayan, G. 2009, Gender and poverty: Twin Oppressors of girlhood orphaned by AIDS. Agenda. 79():6-12

Sewpaul, V. 2009, On national identity, nationalism and Soccer 2010: should social work be concerned. International Social Work. 52(2):143-153

Sivil, RC. 2009, Understanding Philosophical Counselling. South African Journal of Philosophy Philosophy. 28(2):199-209

Tabosa-Vaz, C. 2009, Reconfiguring Home: Charlotte Bronte Meets Njabulo Ndebele. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 15(2):346-367

Sewpaul, V. 2009, Transforming gendered relationships: Rural women in Africa. Agenda. 78():43-54

Sivil, RC. Yurkivska, O. 2009, University on the market: commitments, discourse, values and discontent. Journal of Education. 46():99-126

Richter, LM.Sherr, L. Adato, M. Belsey, M. Chandan, U. Desmond, C. Drimie, S. Haour-Knipe, M. Hosegood, V. Kimou, J. Madhavan, S. Mathambo, V. Wakhweya, A. 2009, Strengthning families to support children affected by HIV and AIDS. Aids Care. 21(S1):3-12

Sewpaul, V. Sakaguchi, H. 2009, A comparison of social work education across South Africa and Japan in relation to the global standards for social work education and training. International Journal of Social Welfare. 18():000-000 online publication

Smit, JA. 2009, Editing Alternation: A Fifteen Year Retrospective. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(1):336-358

Rossouw, J. Padayachee, M. 2009, Measuring inflation credibility: results of a first representative South African sample. South African Journal of Economics. 77(2):314-331

Sharland, SJ. 2009, Soporific Satire: Horace, Damasippus and Professoressor Snore (Stertinius) in Satire 2.3*. Acta Classica. 52():113-131

Richter, L M. Chandan, U. 2009, Strengthning families through early intervention in high HIV prevalence countries. Aids Care. 21(S1):76-82 Richter, LM. Panday, S. Norris, SA. 2009, Factors influencing enrolment: A case study from Birth to Twenty, the 1990 cohort in Soweto-Johannesburg. Evaluation and Program Planning. 32():197-203


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Smit, JA. 2009, The ‘Dis-embodied Mind’ and Religion. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. Special Edition 3():354-388

Tancsik, PT. 2009, Tracing Joseph Trauneck: The Wanderungs of a Persecuted Man. Fontes Artis Musicae. 56(2):115 – 137 Taylor, M. Meyer-Weitz, A. Jinabhai, CC. Sathiparsad, R. 2009, Meeting the challenges of the Ottawa Charter: comparing South African responses to AIDS and tobacco control. Health Promotion International. 24(3):203-210 Tennant, PMW. 2009, Reading between the loins: a curious anomaly in the portrayal of the male physique in Greek sculpture. Akroterion: Journal for the Classics In South. 53(December 2008):31-41

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o H ET A ccrEDi T ED PublicAT ions 2009

Todes, A. Sim, V. Sutherland, CG. 2009, The Relationship between planning and environmental management in South Africa: The case of KwaZulu-Natal. Planning Practice and Research. 24(4):411-433

Van Loon, KvL. Lindegger, GC. 2009, Informed consent in clinical trials: Perceptions and experiences of a sample of South African researchers. Health S Gesondheid SA Gesondheid. 14(1):DOI: 10.4102/hsag.v14i1.463

Tomaselli, KG. 2009, (Afri)Ethnics, Communitarianism and Libertarianism. International Communication Gazette. 71(7):577-594

Vigar-Ellis, DA. Barrett, N. Chiweshe, NTF. 2009, Positioning of Luxury Vehicle Brands in the Pietermaritzburg Area. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(1):51-79

Tomaselli, KG. 2009, (Re)Mediatizing HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Cultural Studies – Critical Methodologies. 9(4):570-587 Tonsing, DL. 2009, Theology speaking to modernity both critically and creatively: JG Hamann. Journal of Theology for Southern Africa. 134():147-159 Tshishonga, NS. Mafema, ED. 2009, Towards engendering developmental local government: an imperative for multi-skilled, conscientised and empowered development workers. Journal of Public Administration. 43(3.1):360-372 Tshishonga, NS. Mafema, ED. 2009, Forging democracy from below: the challenges and imperatives of crafting community participation and engagement. Journal of Public Administration. 43(4.1):767-780 Turner, NS. 2009, Odonymic Warfare: The process of renaming streets in Durban, South Africa. Nomina Africana: Journal of the Names Society of Southern Africa/Tydskrif van die Naamkundevereniging van Suider Afrika. 23(1):113-133 Uys, LR. Holzemer, W. Chirwa, M. Dlamini, P. Greeff, M. Kohi, T. Makoae, L. Stewart, AL . Mullan , J. Phetlhu, R. Wantland , D. Durrheim, KL. Cuca, Y. Naidoo, JR. 2009, The development and validation of the HIV/AIDS Stigma Instrument – Nurse (HASI-N). Aids Care. 21(2):150-159 Vahed, GHM. 2009, Ahmed Deedat and Muslim-Christian Relations at the Cape, c. 1960-1980. Journal for Islamic Studies. 29():2-32 Vahed, GHM. 2009, Caste, Class and Identities among Surtee Muslims in Natal (South Africa), c. 1880-2009. Anthropologist: International Journal of Contemporary and Applied Studies of Man. Special Issue No. 4():91-104 Vahed, GHM. 2009, Monty/Meets Gandhi/Meets Mandela: The Dilemma of Non-Violent Resisters in South Africa, 1940-1960. Historia. 54(1):34-50 Valodia, IAK. 2009, Gender, poverty and taxation: An overview of a multicountry study of gender and taxation. Agenda. 81():137-147 Valodia, IAK. 2009, Speed Bumps, Speed Limits and Take-offs: An introductory comment on the Fine-Harvard debate. Transformation. 69():1-4 Van Der Hoven, A. Arnott, JM. 2009, The anxiety of affect: melodrama and South African film studies. Social Dynamics – A Journal of the Centre for African Studies University of Cape Town. 35(1):162-176 Van Der Riet, MB. Boettiger, M. 2009, Shifting research dynamics: addressing power and maximising participation through participatory research techniques in participatory research. South African Journal of Psychology Psychology. 39(1):1-18 Van der Westhuizen, C. 2009, Power and insecurity: The politics of globalisation. Htsteologiese Studies-Theological Studies. 65(1):617-623


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Waetjen, T. 2009, Kitchen Publics: Indian Delights, Gender and Culinary Diaspora. South African Historical Journal. 61(3):575-593 Waetjen, T. Mare, PG. 2009, Tradition’s Desire The Politics of Culture in the Rape Trial of Jacob Zuma. Theoria. March(118):63-81 Ward, ED. 2009, Pedagogy of the Case Study Approach. Journal of Constructive Theology. 14(2):25-36 Theology Wareham, C S. 2009, Deprivation and the See-saw of Death. South African Journal of Philosophy Philosophy. 28(2):246-256 Warmback, AE. 2009, The journey continues: Oikotheology and urban ministry. Missionalia: Journal of the Southern African Missiological Society Society. 36(2/3):166-180 Wessels, MA. 2009, Reading the Hartebeest: A Critical Appraisal of Roger Hewitt’s Interpretation of the /Xam Narratives. Research in African Literatures. 40(2):82-108 Wessels, MA. 2009, The Universal and the Local: The Trickster and the /Xam Narratives. English in Africa. 35(2):7-35 West, GO. 2009, Before the Missionaries: The Bible in North Africa. Missionalia: Journal of the Southern African Missiological Society Society. 36(2/3):242-258 West, GO. 2009, Community Reconstructing Biblical Studies Pedagogy: The Case of Tamar and Kerina. Journal of Constructive Theology Theology. 14/15(2/1):73-90 Wildsmith-Cromarty, R. 2009, AILA Africa Research Network Launch 2007: Research into the use of the African languages for academic purposes. Language Teaching Research. 42(1):131-134 Wittenberg, GH. 2009, Knowledge of God: The Relevance of Hosea 4:1-3 for a Theological Response to Climate Change. Old Testament Essays (new Series). 22(2):488-509 Wittenberg, GH. 2009, Plant and Animal rights – an absurd idea or ecological necessity. Perspectives from the Hebrew Torah. Journal of Theology gor Southern Africa. 131():72-83 Wittenberg, GH. 2009, The Tithe – An Obligation for Christians? Perspectives from Deuteronomy. Journal of Theology For Southern Africa. 134():82-101 Wong, LH. Van Rooyen, HE. Modiba, P. Richter, L M. Gray, G. McIntyre, JA. Schetter, CD. Coates, T. 2009, Test and tell: Correlates and consequences of testing and disclosure of HIV status in South Africa for Project Accept (HPTN 043). Jaids-Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 50(2):215-222 Zaihita, Z. 2009, When praising God is inappropriate: An analysis of Psalm 137 and its significance to the Malagasy context. Theologia Viatorum: Journal of Theology and Religion in Africa. 33(1):171-203

DoHET Accr EDi TED Pub l icAT ions 2009

Faculty of Law Bosch, SJ. 2009, Journalists: shielded from the dangers of war in their pursuit of the truth? South African Yearbook of International Law Law. 34():70-100

Devenish, GE. 2009, Delegatus delegare non potest – the law relating to delegation of authority in South Africa – an effective mechanism for ensuring constitutionalism and the protection of human rights. Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg/Journal of Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law Law. 73():556-574

Carnelley, M. Easthorpe, JA. 2009, Judicial Discretion in the Determination of Post-divorce Child Support: A Brief Overview of the Application of the South African Maintenance Act 99 of 1998 as Compared to the Canadian Federal Child Support Guidelines of 1997. Obiter Obiter. 30(1):370-380

Devenish, GE. 2009, The state is not presumed to be bound by statute – A constitutional and jurisprudential anachronism. Obiter Obiter. 30(1):17-29

Carnelley, M. Soni, S. 2009, A tale of two mummies. Providing a womb in South Africa: surrogacy and the legal rights of parents within the Children’s Act 38 of 2005. A brief comparative study with the United Kingdom. Speculum Juris. 22(2):36-52

Du Plessis, M. 2009, Recent cases and developments: South African and the International Criminal Court. South African Journal of Criminal Justice. 22(3):441-446

Christison, A. Williams, RC. 2009, The Harmony-Gold Fields Takeover Battle. South African Law Journal. 125(part 4):790-822

Du Plessis, M. Bosch, SJ. 2009, ‘Casting Lead’ and breaking rules: Some reflections on the legality of Israel’s recent attacks on Gaza. South African

Cohen, TJA. 2009, Implying fairness into the employment contract. Industrial Law Journal Including Industrial Law Reports. 30(October):2271-2295

Yearbook of International Law Law. 33():217-227

Cohen, TJA. Dancaster, LA. 2009, Family Responsibility Discrimination Litigation – a Non-starter? Stellenbosch Law Review Review. 20(2):221-240 Couzens, EWF. 2009, ‘Filling station Jurisprudence: Environmental law in South African courts and the judgment in Fuel Retailers Association of Southern Africa v Director-General Environmental Management, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment, Mpumalanga Pro. The South African Journal of Environmental Law and Law Policy Policy. 15(1):23-56 Couzens, MM. 2009, A very long engagement: The Children’s Act 38 of 2005 and the 1993 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption. Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad/ Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal. 12(1):54-93 Couzens, MM. Zaal, FN. 2009, Intercountry Adoption and the Subsidiarity Principle: A Proposal for a Via Media. Obiter Obiter. 30(2):286-306

Du Plessis, M. 2009, A Chinese Vessel in Durban with weapons destined for Zimbabwe. South African Yearbook of International Law Law. 33():267-278

Du Plessis, M. Ford, J. 2009, Transitional Justice: A Future Truth Commission for Zimbabwe? International and Comparative Law Quarterly Quarterly. 58(part 1):73-118 Du Plessis, M. Penfold, G. 2009, Bill of Rights Jurisprudence 2007. Annual Survey of South African Law Law. 2007(2007):67-130 Du Plessis, M. Penfold, G. 2009, Bill of Rights Jurisprudence 2008. Annual vey of South African Law Law. 2008(2008):62-111 Survey Forere, MA. Stone, L. 2009, The SADC Protocol on Gender and Development: Duplication or complementarity of the African Union Protocol on Women’s Rights? African Human Rights Law Journal. 9(2):434-458 Freedman, DW. 2009, Case Reviews Constitutional Application Right to a Fair Trial – Admissibility of Hearsay Evidence. South African Journal of Criminal Justice. 22(1):139-157 Freedman, DW. 2009, Recent Cases Constitutional Application Criminal Defamation. South African Journal of Criminal Justice. 22(3):471-483

Couzens, MM. Zaal, FN. 2009, Legal Recognition for Child-Headed Households: An Evaluation of the Emerging South African Framework. International Journal of Children’s Rights. 17():299-320

Freedman, DW. 2009, Recent cases Constitutional Application Right to Equality. South African Journal of Criminal Justice. 22(2):287-304

Cowling, MG. Bosch, SJ. 2009, Combatant status at Guantanamo Bay – international humanitarian law detained incommunicado. Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. XLII(1):1-35

Freedman, DW. 2009, recent Cases Hear No Evil: Noise pollution, the common law of nuisance and the noise control regulations – Laskey v Showzone CC 2007 (2) SA 48 (C). South African Journal of Environmental Law and Law Policy Policy. 16(1):79-91

Crocker, AD. Pete, SA. 2009, Cutting the Cane: A Comparative Analysis of the Struggle to Banish Corporal Punishment from Schools in Britain and South Africa – Part One. Obiter Obiter. 30(1):44-62

Govender, K. 2009, The Developing Equality Jurisprudence in South Africa. Michigan Law Review Review. 107(4):120-123

Crocker, AD. Pete, SA. 2009, Cutting the Cane: A Comparative Analysis of the Struggle to Banish Corporal Punishment from Schools in Britain and South Africa – Part 2. Obiter Obiter. 30(2):224-242 Denson, R. Carnelley, M. 2009, The awarding of post-divorce maintenance to a Muslim ex-wife and children in the South African courts: the interaction between divine and secular law. Obiter Obiter. 30(3):679-701

Govender, K. Bernard, RB. 2009, To exempt or not to exempt – Some lessons for educators and administrators. Obiter Obiter. 30 (1):1-16 Grant, B. 2009, Some comments on the appropriateness of dismissal as a sanction in misconduct relating to shrinkage. Obiter Obiter. 30(3):757-762 Hoctor, SV. 2009, Case reviews Specific Crimes. South African Journal of Criminal Justice. 22(1):88-94 Hoctor, SV. 2009, Cases: Ear print evidence R v Kempster (No 2) [2008] 2 Cr. App. R. 19 (CA). Obiter Obiter. 30(1):175-187

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Hoctor, SV. 2009, Criminal law: Legislation. Annual Survey Of South African Law. 2007():269-306 Law Hoctor, SV. 2009, Criminal Law: Legislation. Annual Survey Of South African Law. 2008():265-290 Law Hoctor, SV. 2009, Notes The influence of hypnosis on criminal liability. Obiter. Obiter 30(2):348-359 Hoctor, SV. 2009, Recent Cases General principles and Specific Crimes. South African Journal of Criminal Justice. 22(2):246-257 Hoctor, SV. Banoobhai, W. 2009, Cases The court’s power to compel DNA testing in paternity disputes – LB v YD 2009 (5) SA 463 (T). Obiter Obiter. 30(3):791-802 Holness, DR. Govinjee, A. 2009, The realisation of the constitutional right to food in South Africa. De Jure. 3(41):524-544 Kidd, MA. 2009, Environmental Law: Legislation. Annual Survey of South African Law Law. 2008():339-358 Kidd, MA. 2009, Removing the green-tinted spectacles: The three pillars of sustainable development in South African environmental law. The South African Journal of Environmental Law and Law Policy Policy. 15(1):85-102 Kidd, MA. 2009, Should Bad Law be Remediated? The Contaminated Land Provisions in the National Environmental Management: Waste Act. South African Journal of Environmental Law and Law Policy Policy. 16(1):1-22 Luiz, SM. 2009, Company Law (Including Close Corporations) – 2007. Annual Survey of South African Law Law. 2007():149-204

Mcquoid-Mason, DJ. 2009, Notes The Practice of ‘Ukuthwalwa’, the Constitution and the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act. Obiter. 30(3):716-723 Obiter Moyo, W. Reddi, M. 2009, Prosecuting gender-based international crimes: An appraisal of the ad hoc tribunals’ jurisprudence. Journal for Juridical Science. 33(1):128-142 Palmer, RW. Cowling, MG. 2009, Criminal Procedure: Case Reviews (2009-1). South African Journal of Criminal Justice. 22(1):94-123

Gareeb, S. Brijball Parumasur, S. 2009, Overcoming barriers to team effectiveness. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(1):120 – 154

Akande, A. 2009, The self-perception and cultural dimensions: cross-cultural

Govender, DW. Govender, IG. 2009, The Relationship between Information

comparison. Educational Studies. 35(1):55-66

and Communications Technology (ICT) Integration and Teachers’ Self-efficacy beliefs about ICT. Education as Change. 13 (1):153-165

Reddi, M. 2009, Case Reviews General Principles Mens rea and knowledge of unlawfulness. South African Journal Of Criminal Justice. 21(2):200-207 Reddi, M. 2009, Recent Cases Criminal Procedure Prosecuting authority – validity of authorisation given prior to plea. South African Journal of Criminal Justice. 22(3):453-463 Reddi, M. 2009, Recent Cases General principles Mens rea – dolus eventualis. South African Journal of Criminal Justice. 21(3):305-306 Sharrock, RD. 2009, The General Principles of the Law of Contract. Annual Survey of South African Law Law. 2008(2008):388-468

Singh, S. 2009, The impact of clawback clauses on human and people’s rights in Africa. African Security Review Review. 18(4):95-104 Strode, AE. Slack, CM. 2009, Sex, Lies and Disclosures: Researchers and the Reporting of Under-Age Sex. Southern African Journal Of Hiv Medicine. 10(2):8-11 Vawda, YA. 2009, Ensuring Access through the Medicines and Related Substances Amendment Act 72 of 2008 – Another Lost Opportunity? South African Law Journal. 126(4):667-677 Whitear-Nel, NJ. 2009, Evidence: Credibility of Witnesses, evaluation of accomplice’s evidence, admission of hearsay evidence. South African Journal of Criminal Justice. 22(1):123-126

Mcquoid-Mason, DJ. 2009, Assisting victims of sexual offences: Ensuring a Professoressional service by SAPS – how it affects medical practitioners. SAMJ S South African Medical Journal. 99(10):702-707

Whitear-Nel, NJ. 2009, Recent Cases Evidence Improper conduct by prosecutor

Mcquoid-Mason, DJ. 2009, Compulsory HIV testing of alleged sex offenders. SAMJ South African Medical Journal. 99(1):26-28 SAMJ

Whitear-Nel, NJ. 2009, South African Law of Evidence as it Applies to the Child Witness: A Critical Evaluation. Journal of Psychology in Africa. 19(1):71-74


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Gandhi, N. Moll, A. Lalloo, UG. Pawinski, R. Zeller, K. Moodley, P. Meyer, E. Friedland, G. 2009, Successful Integration of Tuberculosis and HIV Treatment in Rural South Africa: The Sizonq’oba Study. Jaids-Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 50(1):37-43

Akande, A. 2009, A possible role of stigma and fears in HIV infection. Journal Of International Development Development. 22(5):556-572

Singh, A. 2009, The Question of Interpretation in the Nicholson Judgment – Jacob Zuma v The National Director of Prosecutions (2009) 1 All SA 54 N. Obiter. 30(3):784-790 Obiter

McLennan, JS. 2009, Directors’ fiduciary duites and the 2008 Companies Bill. Journal of South African Law Law. 1():184-190

Ellis, LR. Vigar-Ellis, DA. 2009, A perception study of WebCT as a basis for facilitating and encouraging learning at Coventry University (Business School). Mousaion. 27(1):24-42

Pete, SA. 2009, Shuffling Deckchairs on the Titanic? A critique of the assumptions inherent in the South African Fuel Retailers case from the perspective of deep ecology. South African Journal of Environmental Law and Law Policy Policy. 15(1):103-126

Luiz, SM. 2009, When is An Accident and Health Policy Not an Accident and Health Policy? Guardrisk Insurance Co Ltd v Registrar of Medical Schemes and Registrar of Medical Schemes v Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited. SA Mercantile Law Law. 21(2):260-271

McLennan, JS. 2009, Contract and Agency Law and the 2008 Companies Bill. Obiter. 30(1):144-153 Obiter

Faculty of Management Studies

Drimie, S. Casale, MAJ. 2009, Multiple Stressors in Southern Africa: The link between HIV/AIDS, food security, poverty and children’s vulnerability Now and in the Future. Aids Care. 21(S1):28-33

Agwanda, TMO. Harris, GT. 2009, People-to-people peacemaking and peacebuilding: A review of the work of the New Sudan Council of Churches. African Security Review Review. 18(2):42-52

Singh, A. 2009, An Illustration of Teleological Interpretation Par Excellence Department of Land Affairs vs Goedgelegen Tropical Fruits (Pty) Ltd 2007 6 SA (CC). Journal of Contemporary Roman Dutch. 72(2):336-345

Luiz, SM. Wakefield-Taljaard, Z. 2009, Mass Resignation of the Board and Social Responsibility of the Company: Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry v Stilfontein Gold Mining Co Ltd. SA Mercantile Law Law. 21():420-425

Wood-Bodley, MC. 2009, Revival of wills – The Supreme Court of Appeal resolves long standing uncertainty: Wessels NO v Die Meester. South African Law Journal. 126(1):50-61

Palmer, RW. Cowling, MG. 2009, Criminal Procedure: Investigation Units – liability for unlawful acts. South African Journal of Criminal Justice. 22(2):257-268

Luiz, SM. 2009, Company Law (including Close Corporations) – 2008. Annual Survey of South African Law Law. 2008():144-166

Luiz, SM. Wakefield-Taljaard, Z. 2009, Case Comments Security for Costs in Corporate Litigation and the Right of Access to Courts: Giddey NO v JC Barnard and Partners. SA Mercantile Law Law. 21(1):102-109

DoHET Accr EDi TED Pub l icAT ions 2009

and defence attorney: withholding evidence. South African Journal of Criminal Justice. 22(3):463-471

Akande, A. Banai, M. 2009, Your next boss is American: Attitudes of South African managers towards prospective US-South African joint ventures. South African Journal of Business Management Management. 40(2):15-30

Govender, IG. 2009, The Learning context: Influence on learning to program. Computers & Education. 53(4):1218-1230

Averweg, UR. 2009, An Intranet to Facilitate Managing Knowledge and Knowledge Sharing. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(1):178-196

Gray, M. Mubangizi, BC. 2009, Caught in the Vortex: Can Local Government Community Development Workers in South Africa Succeed? Community Development Journal. 45(2):186-197

Brijball Parumasur, S. Govender, P. 2009, Managerial competencies as critical ingredients for a TQM initiative: Perceptions of managers in a KwaZulu-Natal public sector division. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology Psychology. 35(1):1-12

Hanass-Hancock, J. 2009, Interweaving conceptualizations of gender and disability in the context of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Sexuality and Disability Disability. 27(1):35-47

Brijball Parumasur, S. Zulu, P S. 2009, Employee perceptions of the management of cultural diversity and workplace transformation. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology Psychology. 35(1):1-9

Harris, GT. 2009, What drives military expenditure? A South African Study. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics. 21():197-209

Campbell, C.Gibbs, AR. Maimane, AS. Nair, Y. Sibiya, BZ. 2009, Youth participation in the fight against AIDS in South Africa: from policy to practice. Journal of Youth Studies. 12(1):93-109 Casale, MAJ. Drimie, S. Quinlan, TKC. Ziervogel, G. 2009, Understanding vulnerability in southern Africa: comparative findings using a multiple-stressor approach in South Africa and Malawi. Regional Environmental Change. 10(2):157-168 Chasomeris, MG. 2009, On the (Mis)Measurement of International Transport Costs. South African Journal of Economics. 77(1):148-161 Chasomeris, MG. 2009, On the (Mis)Measurement of Transport Costs in Econometric Modelling. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics. 21():449-463 Christison, A. Williams, RC. 2009, The Harmony-Gold Fields Takeover Battle. South African Law Journal. 125(part 4):790-822 Cohen, TJA. Dancaster, LA. 2009, Family Responsibility Discrimination Litigation – a Non-starter? Stellenbosch Law Review Review. 20(2):221-240 Coutsoudis, A. Coovadia, HM. King, JA. 2009, The breastmilk brand: promotion of child survival in the face of formula-milk marketing. Lancet. Lancet 374(9687):423-425

Hart, JS. 2009, Machlup’s misrepresentation of Hutchison’s methodology. Journal of Economic Methodology Methodology. 16(3):325-340 Klopper, R. 2009, The Case for Cyber Forensic Linguistics. Alternation: international Journal For The Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(1):261-294 Loewenson, R. Hadingham, J.Whiteside, AW. 2009, Household Impacts of AIDS: Using a life course approach to identify effective, poverty-reducing interventions for prevention, treatment and care. Aids Care. 21(8):1032-1041 Lubbe, S. Klopper, R. 2009, The Problems with Passwords. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(1):295-317 Mahadea, D. Rawat, T. 2009, Economic growth, Income and Happiness: An Exploratory Study. South African Journal Of Economics. 76(2):276-290 Mathambo, V. Gibbs, AR. 2009, Extended Family Childcare Arrangements in a context of AIDS: Collapse or adaptation. Aids Care. 21(S1):22-27 May, CJ. O’Neill, RC. 2009, An empirical study of the effects of firm size, export marketing strategies of firms and type of industry on the performance of firms in export markets. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(1):5-23

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D o H ET A ccrEDi T ED PublicAT ions 2009

DoHET Accr EDi TED Pub l icAT ions 2009


Mbonigaba, J. Holden, MG. 2009, Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rates for Southern African Development Community Countries Over the Period 1980-2004: Implications for the Expansion of the Common Monetary Area. Development Southern Africa. 26(2):241-254

Poovalingam, K. Pillay, P. 2009, Brand Equity Optimization of Fast Moving Consumer Goods among Retail Chain Stores in South Africa. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(1):24-50

Misselhorn, A. 2009, Is a focus on social capital useful in considering food security interventions? Insights from KwaZulu-Natal. Development Southern Africa. 26(2):189-208

Quilling, RD. Blewett, CN. 2009, Teaching 2.0: When the Student is Ready Will the Teacher Disappear? Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(1):197-222

Mubangizi, BC. 2009, Community Development And Service Delivery in South Africa: Work, Workers and Challenges. Journal of Public Administration. 44(3):435-450

Quinlan, TKC. O’Brien, K. Ziervogel, G. 2009, Vulnerability Interventions in the context of multiple stressors: Lessons from the Southern Africa Vulnerability Initiative (SAVI). Environmental Science and Policy Policy. 12():23-32

Naidoo, NR. Perumal, S. Moodley, S. 2009, Ethical Dilemmas in Business Practices of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(1):77-98

Qwabe, BR. Pillay, P. 2009, Skills Deficit and Development in the South African Public Sector: A Training and Development Perspective. Journal of Public Administration. 44(1):15 – 29

Naidoo, P. Reddy, PS. 2009, Total quality management and benchmarking in South African local government: towards improved service delivery. Politeia. 27(4):37-53

Rajaram, R. O’Neill, RC. 2009, Professorit or no Professorit – Does the SME Sector really know? Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(1):99-119

Naude, MJA. 2009, A proposed centralised distribution model for the South African automotive component industry. Acta Commercii. 9(1):128

Reddy, PS. 2009, Metropolitanisation: A tale of three cities in Canada and South Africa. Africanus. 38(1):81-94

NRM School of Medicine

Nzimakwe, TI. 2009, Information management and good governance: A focus oriented approach. Administratio Publica. 17(1):96-111

Sing, D. 2009, Enhancing the Communication Competency of Senior Managers in the South African Public Service. Journal of Public Administration. 44(4):1149-1157

Nzimakwe, TI. 2009, Water and sanitation provision through public-private partnerships: Challenges for municipalities. Africanus: Journal of Development Studies. 39(1):52-65

Sing, D. 2009, Theoretical perspectives on understanding ethics: A challenge for South African senior public service managers. Administratio Publica. 17(2):54-72

Abdool Karim, SS. Churchyard, G. Abdool Karim, Q. Lawn, SD. 2009, HIV infection and tuberculosis in South Africa: an urgent need to escalate the public health response. Lancet. 374 (9693):921-933

Nzimakwe, TI. Mpehle, Z. 2009, Sustainable governance and management: The Gauteng Department of Education experience. Journal of Public Administration. 44(3.2):122-134 Nzimakwe, TI. Tshishonga, NS. 2009, Participatory democracy and development engagement in eThekwini Municipality. Journal of Public Administration. 44(3.2):181-194 Padayatchi, N. Stiefvater, E. Naidoo, K. Naidoo, K. Ndung’U, PT. Abdool Karim, Q. 2009, Expanding HIV surveillance to include TB patients in resourcelimited settings with a generalized epidemic. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 13(12):1447-1449 Penceliah, Y. 2009, The spiritual dimension of individuals in the context of the workplace. Alternation: International Journal for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. Alternation Special Edition(3):199-217 Perumal, R. Padayatchi, N. Stiefvater, E. 2009, The whole is greater than the sum of the parts: Recognising missed opportunities for an optimal response to the rapidly maturing TB-HIV co-epidemic in South Africa. BMC MC Public Health. 16(9):9:243 Pillay, P. Subban, M. Vyas-Doorgapersad, S. 2009, The Media as a catalyst for Local Government: Challenges and Opportunities for Good Governance. Journal Of Public Administration. 44(3.2):216-227


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Singh, AM. 2009, Parental protection of children online. South African Journal of Information Management Management. 10 (2):Online

Chirowodza, AC. van Rooyen, HE. Joseph, P. Sikotoyi, SV. Richter, M. Coates, T. 2009, Using participatory methods and geographic information systems (GIS) to prepare for an HIV community-based trial in Vulindlela, South Africa (Project Accept – HPTN 043). Journal of Community Psychology Psychology. 37():41-47 Mthembu, SH. Malinga, SB. Walker, ADM. Magnus, LG. 2009, Characterization of ultra low frequency (ULF) pulsations and the investigation of their possible source. Annales Geophysicae. 27():3287-3296 Nkhata, AB. Breen, CM. Abacar, A. 2009, Social capital, community-based governance and resilience in an African artisanal river fishery. Water SA. 35(1):45-53 Sithole, B. Mbhele, L. van Rooyen, HE. Khumalo-Sakutukwa, G. Richter, LM. 2009, Only skin deep: Limitations of public health understanding on male circumsion in South Africa. SAMJ SAMJ South African Medical Journal. 99(9):647

Abdool Karim, SS.2009, Commentary:Spatial clustering of HIV infection: providing clues for effective HIV prevention. International Journal of Epidemiology Epidemiology. 38():1016-1017

Stainbank, LJ. 2009, The value added statement: does it add any value?Meditari: Accountancy Research. 17(2):137-149

Abdool Karim, SS.Churchyard, G. Abdool Karim, Q. Lawn, SD. 2009, HIV infection and tuberculosis in South Africa: an urgent need to escalate the public health response. Lancet. 374 (9693):921-933

Stainbank, LJ. 2009, Working in teams: improving the team experience. Meditari: Accountancy Research. 17(1):69-80

Abdool Karim, SS.Coovadia, HM. Makgoba, MW. 2009, Scientists stand by decision to join Mbeki – s AIDS panel. Nature. 457(22):379

Tewari, DD. 2009, A detailed analysis of evolution of water rights in South Africa: An account of three and a half centuries from 1652 AD to present. Water SA. 35(5):693-710

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Balme, GA. Hunter, LTB. Slotow, RH. 2009, Evaluating methods for counting cryptic carnivores. Journal of Wildlife Management Management. 73(3):433-441 Balme, GA. Slotow, RH. Hunter, LTB. 2009, Impact of conservation interventions on the dynamics and persistence of a persecuted leopard (Panthera pardus) population. Biological Conservation. 142():2681-2690

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Burger, A. Henning, MA. van Vuuren, J. 2009, On the ratios between packing and domination parameters of a graph. Discrete Mathematics. 309():2473-2478 Burke, TS. Page, BR. Van Dyk, G. Millspaugh, J. Slotow, RH. 2009, Risk and ethical concerns of hunting male elephant: behavioural and physiological assays of the remaining elephants. Plos One. 3(6):1-10 Burnett (Stirk), WA. Novak, O. Hradecka, V. Pencik, A. Rolcik, J. Strnad, M. Van Staden, J. 2009, Endogenous cytokinins, auxins and abscisic acid in Ulva fasciata (Chlorophyta) and Dicytota humifusa (Phaeophyta): towards understanding their biosynthesis and homeostasis. European Journal of Phycology. 44(2):231-240 Phycology Buthelezi, SP. Olaniran, AO. Pillay, B. 2009, Turbidity and microbial load removal from river water using bioflocculants from indigenous bacteria isolated from wastewater in South Africa. African Journal of Biotechnology Biotechnology. 8(14 ):3261-3266 Carinena, JF. Leach, PG. de Lucas, J. 2009, Quasi-Lie schemes and EmdenFowler equations. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 50():103515/1-21 Celliers, L. Schleyer, MH. 2009, Coral community structure and risk assessment of high-latitude reefs at Sodwana Bay, South Africa. Biodiversity and Conservation. 17():3097-3117 Chamane, SC. Downs, CT. 2009, Seasonal effects on metabolism and thermoregulation abilities of the Red-winged Starling (Onychognathus morio). Journal of Thermal Biology Biology. 34():337-341 Chanda, RR. Fincham, RJ. Venter, P. 2009, A review of the South African food control system: Challenges of fragmentation. Food Control. 21 ():816-824

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Crouch, NR. Smith, G. Condy, G. 2009, Kalanchoe crenata subsp. crenata: Crassulaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa. 61():62-68 Curry (Potgieter), CJ. Edwards, TJ. Van Staden, J. 2009, Pollination of Plectranthus spp. (Lamiceae) with sigmoid flowers in southern Africa. South African Journal of Botany Botany. 75():646-659 Czabarka, E. Dankelmann, PA. Szekely, L. 2009, Diameter of 4-colourable graphs. European Journal of Combinatorics. 30():10082-10089 Damiano, PA. Wright, AN. McKenzie, JF. 2009, Properties of Hall magnetohydrodynamic waves modified by electron inertia and finite Larmor radius effects. Physics of Plasmas. 16(062901):062901-1 – 062901-7 Daniels, SR. Picker, MD. Cowlin, RM. Hamer, ML. 2009, Unravelling evolutionary lineages among South African velvet worms (Onychophora: Peripatopsis) provides evidence for widespread cryptic speciation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society Society. 97():200–216 Dankelmann, PA. Day, D. Erwin, DJ. Mukwembi, S.Swart, HC. 2009, Domination with exponential decay. Discrete Mathematics. 309(19):5877-5883 Dankelmann, PA. Gutin, G. Kim, EJ. 2009, On the complexity of minimum leaf out-branching problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 157():3000-3004

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Derera, J. Tongoona, PB. Vivek, B. Laing, MD. 009, Gene action controlling grain yield and secondary traits in Southern African maize hybrids under drought and non-drought environments. Euphytica. 162():411-422

Du Toit, JCO. 2009, Early survival and growth of vegetatively propagated indigenous grasses in a clear-felled timber plantation in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. African Journal of Range & Forage Science. 26(2):97-101

Dimas, S. Andriopoulos, K. Tsoubelis, D. Leach, PG. 2009, Complete specification of some partial differential equations that arise in Financial Mathematics. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. 16():73-92

Du Toit, JP. Ortmann, GF. 2009, Impact of market deregulation on the competitiveness of commercial milk producers in East Griqualand : a unit cost ratio (UCR) analysis: 1983-2006. Agrekon. 48(2):146-170

Domanska, U. Krolikowski, M. Pobudkowska, A. Letcher, TM. 2009, Phase equilibria study of the binary systems (n-butyl-4-methylpyridinium tosylate ionic liquid + organic solvent or water). Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 54():1435-1441

Eardley, C. 2009, A revision of the Southern African species of Meliturgula Friese (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae: Panurginae). Zootaxa. 2261():39-51

Domanska, U. Nevines, JA. Laskowska, M. 2009, Temperature and composition dependence of the density and viscosity of binary mixtures of (1-decanol + fragrance material). Thermochimica Acta. 491(1-2):10-19

Eardley, C. Koch, F. Wood, AR. 2009, Polistes dominulus (Christ 1791) (Hymenoptera: Polistinae: vespidae) newly recorded from South Africa. African Entomology. 17(2):226-227 Entomology

Dorasamy, S. Singh, M. Ariatti, M. 2009, Rapid and sensitive fluorometric analysis of novel galactosylated cationic liposome interaction with siRNA. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Pharmacology. 3(12):632-635

Edelstein, RM. Govinder, KS. 2009, Conservation laws for the Black–Scholes equation. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications. 10(6):3372-3380

Dorchin, N. Hoffmann, JH. Burnett (Stirk), WA. Novak, O. Strnad, M. Van Staden, J. 2009, Sexually dimorphic gall structures correspond to differential phytohormone contents in male and female wasp larvae. Physiological Entomology. 34():359-369 Entomology

Eardley, C. 2009, First record of the tribe Biastini from the Afrotropical Region (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zootaxa. 2264():65-68

EL Bouchefry, K. 2009, The FIRST radio survey: Panchromatic properties of FIRST radio sources identified in the Boötes and Cetus fields. Astronomische Nachrichten. 330(1):107-114

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Eriksen, SEH. Watson, HK. 2009, The dynamic context of southern African savannas: Investigating emerging threats and opportunities to sustainability. Environmental Science & Policy Policy. 12(1):5-22

Fynn, RW. Wragg, PD. Morris, CD. Kirkman, KP. Naiken, V. 2009, 2009 Vegetative traits predict grass species’ invasiveness and the invasibility of restored grassland. African Journal of Range & Forage Science. 26(2):59-68

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Gairola, S. Naidoo, Y. Bhatt, A. Nicholas, A. 2009, An investigation of the foliar trichomes of Tetradenia riparia (Hoscht.) Codd [Lamiaceae]: An important medicinal plant of Southern Africa. Flora. 204():325-330

de Vega, C. Herrera, CM. Johnson, SD. 2009, Yeasts in floral nectar of some South African plants: Quantification and associations with pollinator type and sugar concentration. South African Journal of Botany Botany. 75():798-806

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Druce, DJ. Brown, JS. Kerley, G. Kotler, BP. Mackey, RL. Slotow, RH. 2009, Spatial and temporal scaling in habitat utilization by klipspringers (Oreotragus oreotragus) determined using giving-up densities. Austral Ecology Ecology. 34():577-587

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Dotterl, S. Juergens, A. Wolfe, LM. Biere, A. 2009, Disease status and population origin effects on floral scent: potential consequences for oviposition and fruit predation in a complex interaction between a plant, fungus, and Noctuid moth. Journal Of Chemical Ecology Ecology. 35():307–319 Dovey, S. 2009, Estimating biomass and macronutrientcontent of some commerciallyimportant plantation species in South Africa. Southern Forests. 71(3):245-251 Downs, CT. 2009, Academic performance and pass rates: Comparison of three first-year life science courses. South African Journal of Higher Education. 23(4):656-673

Everson, CS. Everson, TM. Van Niekerk, W. 2009, Soil water competition in a temperate hedgerow agroforestry system in South Africa. Agroforestry Systems. 75(3):211-221 Everson, TM. Yeaton, RI. Everson, CS. 2009, Seed dynamics of Themeda triandra in the montane grasslands of South Africa. African Journal of Range & Forage Science. 26(1):19-26 Fawole, OA. Finnie, JF. Van Staden, J. 2009, Antimicrobial activity and mutagenic effects of twelve traditional medicinal plants used to treat ailments related to the gastro-intestinal tract in South Africa. South African Journal of Botany. 75():356-362 Botany

Ganesh, A. Lin, J. 2009, Diesel Degradation and Biosurfactant Production by Gram-Positive Isolates. African Journal of Biotechnology Biotechnology. 8(11):5847-5854 Garcia-Ferreira, S. Gutev, VG. 2009, Baire property and web-adjacent spaces. Houston Journal of Mathematics. 35(3):857-875 Gareeb, AP. Setati, ME. 2009, Assessment of alkaliphilic haloarchaeal diversity in Sua pan evaporator ponds in Botswana. African Journal of Biotechnology Biotechnology. 8(2):259-267 Gatarayiha Mutimura, C. Laing, MD. Miller, RM. 2009, Effects of adjuvant and conidial concentration on the efficacy of Beauveria bassiana for the control of two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. Experimental and Applied Acarology. 49(3): on line Acarology

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Gebreslasie, MT. Ahmed, FB. van Aardt, J. 2009, Estimating plot-level forest structural attributes using high spectral resolution ASTER satellite data in evenaged Eucalyptus plantations in southern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Southern Forests. 70(3):227-236 Gebreslasie, MT. Ahmed, FB.van Aardt, J. 2009, Image-based reflectance conversion of ASTER and IKONOS imagery as precursor to structural assessment of plantation forests in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Southern Forests. 71(4):259-265 Ghebrehiwot, HM. Kulkarni, M. Kirkman, KP. Van Staden, J. 2009, Smoke solutions and temperature influence the germination and seedling growth of South African mesic grassland species. Rangeland Ecology & Management Management. 62(6):572-578 Gordon-Gray, KD. Baijnath, H. Ward, CJ. Wragg, PD. 2009, Studies in Cyperaceae in southern Africa 42: Pseudo-vivipary in South African Cyperaceae. South African Journal of Botany Botany. 75():165-171 Govender, A. Kindness, A. Jonnalagadda, SB. 2009, Impact of soil quality on elemental uptake by Zingiber officinal (ginger rhizome). International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Chemistry. 89(5):367-382 Govender, K. Michallet, H. Alport, MJ. Pillay, U M. Mocke, GP. Mory, M. 2009, Video DCIV measurements of mass and momentum fluxes and kinetic energies in laboratory waves breaking over a bar. Coastal Engineering. 56():876-885 Govender, L. Naidoo, L. Setati, ME. 2009, Isolation of hydrolase producing bacteria from Sua pan solar salterns and the production of endo-1,4-betaxylanase from a newly isolated haloalkaliphilic Nesterenkonia sp. African Journal of Biotechnology Biotechnology. 8(20):5458-5466 Govender, M. Thirukkanesh, S. 2009, Dissipative collapse in the presence of Λ. International Journal Of Theoretical Physics. 48():3558-3566 Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Boyle, GA. Onajole, OK. 2009, N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)N-(tricyclo[,7]dec-2-yl)benzamide. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E64():o1029 Govender, T. Onajole, OK. Makatini, MM. Kruger, HG. 2009, Synthesis and NMR elucidation of pentacyclo-undecane amine derivatives as potential antituberculosis agent. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry Chemistry. 46():1007-1014 Govinder, KS. Abraham-Shrauner, B. 2009, New origins of hidden symmetries for partial differential equations. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications. 10(6):3381-3386 Graf, JA. Somers, MJ. Szykman Gunther, M. Slotow, RH. 2009, Heterogeneity in the density of spotted hyaenas in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, South Africa. Acta Theriologica. 54(4):333-343 Gray, LR. Ferrer, SRD. Ortmann, GF. 2009, KwaZulu-Natal commercial farmers – perceptions of and management responses to HIV/AIDS. AJAR JAR – African Journal of Aids Research. 8(2):147-156 Green, A K. Ward, DM. Griffiths, ME. 2009, Directed dispersal of mistletoe (Plicosepalus acaciae) by Yellow-vented Bulbuls (Pycnonotus xanthopygos). Journal of Ornithology Ornithology. 150():167-173


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Hamdouni, Y. 2009, On the partial trace over collective spin degrees of freedom. Physics Letters A. 373(14):1233-1238

Henning, MA.Nielsen, Martin. Oellermann, O. 2009, Local Steiner convexity. European Journal of Combinatorics. 30():1186--1193 Henning, MA. Rad, N. 2009, On total domination vertex critical graphs of high connectivity. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 157():1969-1973

Hamer, ML. Taylor, PJ. 2009, Trends in zoological research in South Africa between 1980 and 2009. African Zoology Zoology. 44(2):232–240

Henning, MA. Southey, JG. 2009, A characterization of graphs with disjoint dominating and total dominating sets. Quaestiones Mathematicae. 32():119– 129

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Henning, MA. Van der Merwe, L. 2009, Properties of total domination edgecritical graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 158():147-153

Grey, RV. Downs, CT. Kirkman, KP. 2009, Is use of translocation for the conservation of subpopulations of oribi Ourebia ourebi (Zimmermann) effective? A case study. African Journal of Ecology Ecology. 47():409-415

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Grey, RV. Downs, CT. Kirkman, KP. 2009, Reintroduction failure of captive-bred oribi (Ourebia ourebi). South African Journal of Wildlife Research. 39(1):34-38

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Hadebe, SW. Robinson, RS. Kruger, HG. 2009, A Mechanistic Study of Hydroboration of 1-Octene with 1,3,2-Dithiaborolane and 1,3,2-Dithiaborinane. Part 2. A DFT Study of Disproportionation and Hydroboration. South African Journal of Chemistry-Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Chemie. 62():84-87

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Henning, MA. McCoy, JP. 2009, Total domination in planar graphs of diameter two. Discrete Mathematics. 309():6181-6189

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Islam, MS. Choi, H. 2009, Antidiabetic effect of Korean traditional Baechu (Chinese cabbage) kimchi in a type 2 diabetes model of rats. Journal of Medicinal Food Food. 12(2):292-297 Islam, MS. Loots, DT. 2009, Experimental rodent models of type 2 diabetes: a review. Methods and Findings In Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology Pharmacology. 31(4):249-261 Ivanova, MV. Van Staden, J. 2009, Nitrogen source, concentration, and NH4+:NO3- ratio influence shoot regeneration and hyperhydricity in tissue cultured Aloe polyphylla. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture. 99():167-174 Jacobs, A. Chenia, HY. 2009, Biofilm-forming capacity, surface hydrophobicity and aggregation characteristics of Myroides odoratus isolated from South African Oreochromis mossambicus fish. Journal of Applied Microbiology Microbiology. 107():1957-1966 Jain, N. Bairu, MW. Burnett (Stirk), WA. Van Staden, J. 2009, The effect of medium, carbon source and explant on regeneration and control of shoottip necrosis in Harphagophytum procumbens. South African Journal of Botany Botany. 75():117-121 James, N. Hall, N. Beckley, LE. Mann, BQ. Robertson, WD. 2009, Status of the estuarine-dependent riverbream Acanthopagrus berda (Sparidae) harvested by the multi-sectoral fishery in Kosi Bay, South Africa. African Journal of Marine Science. 30(1):45-53 Janse van Rensburg, CKA. Robinson, RS. 2009, Synthesis of oxo- and Thio-analogues of 2-Oxo-2H-chromen-7-yl Dimethylcarbamates. South African Journal of Chemistry-Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Chemie. 62():143-148 Jarvie, JA. 2009, A review of soybean rust from a South African perspective. South African Journal of Science. 105():103-108

Juergens, A. 2009, The hidden language of flowering plants: floral odours as a key for understanding angiosperm evolution? New Phytologist. 183():240-243 Juergens, A. Bosch, R. Webber, C. Witt, T. Frame, D. Gottsberger, G. 2009, Pollination biology of Eulophia alta (Orchidaceae) in Amazonia: Effects of pollinator composition on reproductive success in different populations. Annals of Botany Botany. 104():897-912 Juergens, A. El-Sayed, A. Suckling, M. 2009, Do carnivorous plants use volatiles for attracting prey insects? Functional Ecology Ecology. 23(5):875-887 Karasu, A. Leach, PG. 2009, Nonlocal symmetries and integrable ordinary differential equations: x+3xx+x3=0 and its generalizations. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 50():073509/1-17

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Kunene, NW. Nesamvuni, AE. Nsahlai, IV. 2009, Determination of prediction equations for estimating body weight of Zulu (Nguni) sheep. Small Ruminant Research. 84():41-46

Lindsay, CV. Downs, CT. Brown, M. 2009, Physiological variation in amethyst sunbirds (Chalcomitra amethystina) over an altitudinal gradient in winter. Journal of Experimental Biology Biology. 212():483-493

Lamb, JM. Ratrimomanarivo, F. Naidoo, T. Reddy, D. Taylor, PJ. Goodman, S. 2009, Cryptic lineages of little free-tailed bats, Chaerephon pumilus (Chiroptera: Molossidae) from southern Africa and the western Indian Ocean islands. African Zoology Zoology. 44(1):55-70.

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Lindsay, CV. Downs, CT. Brown, M. 2009, Physiological variation in Amethyst Sunbirds (Chalcomitra amethystina) over an altituinal gradient: A seasonal comparison. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology Physiology. 152():593-598 Lingam-Soliar, T. Bonser, RHC. Wesley-Smith, J. 2009, Selective biodegradation of keratin matrix in feather rachis reveals classic bioengineering. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 1():1-8 Litvin, IA. Forbes, A. 2009, Gaussian mode selection with intracavity diffractive optics. Optics Letters. 34(19):2991-2993 Litvin, IA. Forbes, A. 2009, Intra-cavity flat-top beam generation. Optics Express. 17(18):15891-15903 Litvin, IA. McLaren, MG. Forbes, A. 2009, A conical wave approach to calculating Bessel-Gauss beam reconstruction after complex obstacles. Optics Communications. 282():1078-1082 Lomp, C. Van Den Berg, JE. 2009, 2009 All hereditary torsion theories are differential. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 213():476-478 Londt, J. 2009, A reveiw of the Afrotropical genus Teratopomyia Oldroyd, 1980 (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae). African Entomology Entomology. 17(2):192-199 Londt, J. 2009, A review of Afrotropical Sisyrnodytes Loew, 1856 (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae). African Invertebrates. 50(1):137-183 Lovegrove, BG. 2009, Age at first reproduction and growth rate are independent of basal metabolic rate in mammals. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology Physiology. 179(4):391-401 Lovegrove, BG. 2009, Modification and miniaturization of Thermochron iButtons for surgical implantation into small animals. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology Physiology. 179(4):451-458 Lovell, SJ. Hamer, ML. Slotow, RH. Herbert, DG. 2009, An assessment of the use of volunteers for terrestrial invertebrate biodiversity surveys. Biodiversity and Conservation. 18():3295-3307

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UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


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Mace, RL. Hellberg, MA. 2009, A new formulation and simplified derivation of the dispersion function for a plasma with a kappa velocity distribution. Physics of Plasmas. 16():072113 Mackey, RL. Page, BR. Grobler, D. Slotow, RH. 2009, Modelling the effectiveness of contraception for controlling introduced populations of elephant in South Africa. African Journal of Ecology Ecology. 47():747-755 Maharaj, SD. Thirukkanesh, S. 2009, Generalised isothermal models with strange equation of state. Pramana-Journal of Physics. 72(3):481-494 Maharaj, SD. Thirukkanesh, S. 2009, Some new static charged spheres. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications. 10():3396-3403 Makanda, I. Tongoona, PB. Derera, J. 2009, Combining ability and heterosis of sorghum germplasm for stem sugar traits under off-season conditions in tropical lowland environments. Field Crops Research. 114():272-279 Makanda, I. Tongoona, PB. Derera, J. Sibiya, J. Fato, P. 2009, Combining ability and cultivar superiority of sorghum germplasm for grain yield across tropical low- and mid-altitude environments. Field Crops Research. 116():75-85 Malan, HL. Appleton, CC. Day, JA. Dini, J. 2009, Wetlands and invertebrate disease hosts: Are we asking for trouble? Water SA. 35(5):753-767 Mambanda, A.Jaganyi, D.Stewart, KA.2009, N,N-Bis(2-pyridylmethyl)tert-butyl-amine. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E65():0402 (sup1 – 8) Mann, BQ. Chopelet, J. Heliar, S. Mariani, S. 2009, Novel polymorphic microsatellite loci for the protogynous hermaphrodite slinger seabream (Chrysoblephus puniceus, Sparidae). Molecular Ecology Resources. 9(4):1223-1226 Manning, J. Styles, DGA. Crouch, NR. 2009, Hyacthinthaceae. A new subspecies of Pseudorospero firmifolium (Hyacinthoideae) from KwaZulu-Natal. Bothalia. 39(2):231-233 Manyala, N. Ngom, BD. Beye, AC. Bucher, R. Maaza, M. Strydom, A. Forbes, A. Johnson, Jr, ATC. DiTusa, JF. 2009, Structural and magnetic properties of e-Fe1-xCoxSi thin films deposited via pulsed laser deposition. Applied Physics Letters. 94(232503):232503,1-232503,3 Mapanga, RF. Tufts, MA. Shode, FO. Musabayane, CT. 2009, Renal Effects of Plant-Derived Oleanolic Acid in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Renal Failure. 31():481-491 Marimuthu, T. Bala, MD. Friedrich, HB. 2009, 2, 8-dimethyl-10-p-tolyl-10Hphenoxaphosphine. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E65():o808 Marimuthu, T. Bala, MD. Friedrich, HB. 2009, Synthesis and characterization of a large bite angle iridium nixantphos complex. Journal Of Coordination Chemistry. 62(9):1407-1414 Chemistry Masina, BN. Forbes, A. Ndwandwe, OM. Hearne, G. Mwakikunga, BW. Katumba, G. 2009, Thermally induced defects in a polycrystalline diamond layer on a tungsten carbide substrate. Physica B-Condensed Matter Matter. 404():44854488


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Mather, AA. Garland, GG. Stretch, DD. 2009, Southern African sea levels: corrections, influences and trends. African Journal of Marine Science. 31(2):145-156 Mc Kay, MG. Cwele, T. Friedrich, HB. Maguire, GEM. 2009, Microwaveassisted synthesis of a new series of resorcin[4]arene cavitand-capped porphyrin capsules. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry Chemistry. 7():3958-3968 McKay, MG. Friedrich, HB. Howie, R. Maguire, GEM. 2009, 7,11,15,28Tetrakis[(2-formylphenoxy)-methyl]-1,21,23,25-tetramethyl-resorcin[4]arene cavitand ethyl acetate clathrate at 173K. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E65():o692-0693 Mc Kay, MG. Friedrich, HB. Howie, R. Maguire, GEM. 2009, 7,11,15,28Tetrabromo-1,21,23,25-tetra-phenethylresorcin[4]arene cavitand-acetonechloroform (1/1.31/0.69) at 173 K. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E65():0631-0632 McCormick, AJ. Watt, DA. Cramer, M. 2009, Supply and demand: sink regulation of sugar accumulation in sugarcane. Journal Of Experimental Botany Botany. 60(2):357-364 McCoy, JP. Henning, MA. 2009, Locating and paired-dominating sets in graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 157():3268-3280 McKenzie, JF. 2009, Instability of coupled gravity-inertial-Rossby waves on a B-plane in solar system atmospheres. Annales Geophysicae. 27():4221-4227

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Minibayeva, FV. Kolesnikov, O. Chasov, A. Beckett, RP. Luthje, S. Vylegzhanina, N. Buck, F. Bottger, M. 2009, Wound-induced apoplastic peroxidase activities: their roles in the production and detoxification of reactive oxygen species. Plant Cell and Environment Environment. 32():497-508 Misra, SK. Arif, M. Basavaiah, N. Srivastava, PK. Dube, A. 2009, Structural and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) evidence for oblique impact on terrestrial basalt flows: Lonar crater, India. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 122():563-574 Misra, SK. Newsom, HE. Shyam Prasad, M. Geissman, JW. Dube, A. Sengupta, D. 2009, Geochemical identification of impactor for Lonar crater, India. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. 44(7):1001-1018

Moyo, S. Leach, PG. 2009, Some properties of Lagrangian sequences. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications. 10():3451-3456

Mitra, S. Sengupta, A. Ray, S. Saha, R. Souradeep, T. 2009, Cosmic microwave background power spectrum estimation with non-circular beam and incomplete sky coverage. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Society. 394(3):1419-1439

Msomi, J. Moyo, T. 2009, Synthesis and magnetic properties of Cu0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4 nanoparticles produced by glycothermal and hydrothermal processes. Hyperfine Interactions. 189():151-158

McMaster, MK. Downs, CT. 2009, Home Range and Daily Movement of Leopard Tortoises (Stigmochelys pardalis) in the Nama-Karoo, South Africa. Journal of Herpetology Herpetology. 43(4):561-569

Mokotedi, MEO. Watt, MPMD. Pammenter, NW. 2009, Analysis of differences in field performance of vegetatively and seed-propagated Eucalyptus varieties I: survival and leaf gas exchange. Southern Forests. 71(4):267-271

Meares, KF. Dawson, D. Horsburgh, GJ. Glenn, T. Jones, KL. Braun, MJ. Perrin, MR. Taylor, T. 2009, Microsatellite loci characterized in three African crane species (Gruidae, Aves). Molecular Ecology Resources. 9():308-311

Moodley, K. Warne, RR. Goheer, N. Trac, H. 2009, Detection of Hot Gas in Galaxy Groups Via the Thermal Sunyaev-Zel’Dovich Effect. Astrophysical Journal. 697(2):1392-1409

Mellem, JJ. Baijnath, H. Odhav, B. 2009, Translocation and accumulation of Cr, Hg, As, Pb, Cu and Ni by Amaranthus dubius (Amaranthaceae) from contaminated sites. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/ hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering. 44():568-575

Moodley, M. Petruccione, F. 2009, Stochastic Wave-Function Unraveling of the Generalized Lindblad Master Equation. Physical Review A. 79():042103

Melzer, SE. Knapp, AK. Kirkman, KP. Smith, MD. Blair, JM. Kelly, EF. 2009, Fire and grazing impacts on silica production and storage in grass dominated ecosystems. Biogeochemistry Biogeochemistry. 97(2-3):1-3

Mostovski, MB. 2009, Brachyceran assemblages (Insecta: Diptera) as indicators of terrestrial palaeoenvironments in the Late Mesozoic. Palaeontologia Africana. 44():121-125

Menanteau, F. Hughes, J P. Jimenez, R. Hernandez-Monteagudo, C A. Verde, L. Kosowsky, A. Moodley, K. Infante, L. Roche, N. 2009, Southern Cosmology Survey. I. Optical Cluster Detections and Predictions for the Southern Common-Area Millimeter-Wave Experiments. Astrophysical Journal. 698(2):1221-1231

Moult, NG. Lecler, NL. Smithers, JC. Clark, DJ. 2009, A Catchment-Scale Irrigation Systems Model For Sugarcane Part I: Model Development. Water S SA. 35(1):21-27

Micheneau, MF. Johnson, SD. Fay, MF. 2009, Orchid pollination: from Darwin to the present day. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society Society. 161():1-19

Moyo, M. Kulkarni, M. Finnie, JF. Van Staden, J. 2009, After-ripening, light conditions, and cold stratification influence germination of marula [Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst. subsp. caffra (Sond.) Kokwaro] seeds. Hortscience. 44(1):119-124

Msomi, J. Moyo, T. 2009, Effect of domain transformation on the magnetic properties of CuxNi1-xFe2O4 ferrites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic

McLellan, T. Crouch, NR. Condy, G. 2009, Begonia homonyma. Begoniaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa. 61():76-82

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Moyo, M. Finnie, JF. Van Staden, J. 2009, In vitro morphogenesis of organogenic nodules derived from Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra leaf explants. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture. 98():273-280

Mitei, C. Ngila, JC. Yeboah, S. Wessjohann, L. Schmidt, J. 2009, Professoriling of Phytosterols, Tocopherols and Tocotrienols in Selected Seed Oils from Botswana by GC–MS and HPLC. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society. 86(1):617–625 Society

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Moustakas, A. Sakkos, K. Wiegand, K. Ward, DM. Meyer, K. Eisinger, D. 2009, Are savannas patch-dynamic systems? A landscape model. Ecological Modelling. 220():3576-3588

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Moult, NG. Lecler, NL. Smithers, JC. 2009, A catchment-scale irrigation systems model for sugarcane Part 2: Model Application. Water S SA. 35(1):29-36 Moussalli, A. Herbert, DG. Stuart-Fox, D. 2009, A phylogeny of the cannibal snails of southern Africa, genus Natalina sensu lato (Pulmonata: Rhytididae): Assessing concordance between morphology and molecular data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 52():167-182

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Mthembu, SH. Malinga, SB. Walker, ADM. Magnus, LG. 2009, Characterization of ultra low frequency (ULF) pulsations and the investigation of their possible source. Annales Geophysicae. 27():3287-3296 Mthethwa, T. Pullabhotla, VSR R. Mdluli, PS. Wesley-Smith, J. Revaprasadu, N. 2009, Synthesis of hexadecylamine capped Cds nanoparticles using heterocyclic cadmium dithiocarbamates as single source precursors. Polyhedron. 28():2977-2982 Mukaratirwa, S. Hove, T. 2009, A survey of ectoparasite, cestodes and management of free-range indigenous chickens in rural Zimbabwe. Journal Jour of the South African Veterinary Association-Tydskrif van die Suid-Afrikaanse Veterinere Vereniging. 80(3):188-191 Mukwembi, S. 2009, On diameter and inverse degree of a graph. Discrete Mathematics. 310(4):940-946 Mulaudzi, RB. Kulkarni, M. Finnie, JF. Van Staden, J. 2009, Optimizing seed germination and seedling vigour of Alepidea amatymbica and Alepidea natalensis. Seed Science and Technology Technology. 37():527-533 Mulaudzi, RB. Ndhlala, AR. Finnie, JF. Van Staden, J. 2009, Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and genotoxicity activity of Alepedia amatymbica and Alepedia natalensis (Apiaceae). South African Journal of Botany Botany. 75():584-587 Mulaudzi, TV. Robbs, JV. Paruk, N. Pillay, B. Madiba, TE. Govindsamy, V. 2009, The influence of diabetes on short-term outcome following a prosthetic above-the-knee femoro-popliteal bypass. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa. 20(3):170-172 Munro, OQ. Akerman, MP. Gillham, KJ. 2009, A bis(amine-carboxylate) copper(II) coordination compound forms a two-dimensional metal-organic framework when crystallized from water and methanol. Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications. C65(9):m343-m346

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Munro, OQ. Camp, GL. Carlton, L. 2009, Structural, 103Rh NMR and DFT Studies of a Bis(phosphane)RhIII-Porphyrin Derivative. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry. 17():2512-2523

Naidoo, G.Kaliamoorthy, S. Naidoo, Y. 2009, The secretory apparatus of Xerophyta viscosa(Velloziaceae): Epidermis anatomy and chemical composition of the secretory product. Flora. 204():561-568

Ntuli, TM. Pammenter, NW. 2009, Dehydration kinetics of embryonic axes from Desiccation-sensitive Seeds: an assessment of descriptive models. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology Biology. 51(11):1002-1007

Munro, OQ. Gillham, KJ. Akerman, MP. 2009, A novel trinuclear zinc(II) cluster with a tetrahedral ZnO4 core. Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications. C65(8):m317m320

Naranjo-Garcia, E. Appleton, CC. 2009, The architecture of the physid musculature of Physa acuta Draparnaud, 1805 (Gastropoda: Physidae). African Invertebrates. 50(1):1-11

Nucci, M. Leach, PG. 2009, An old method of Jacobi to find Lagrangians. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. 16(4):431-441

Munyaneza, A. Bala, MD. Coville, N. 2009, Solventless Substitution Reaction of Solid Phosphine Ligands with Ru(C5H4R)(CO)2I (R = H, Me). South African Journal of Chemistry-Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Chemie. 62():14-19

Nayak, SK. Venugopala, KN. Chopra, D. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM. Guru Row, R. 2009, Ethyl 4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-6-methyl-2-oxo-1,2,3,4tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxylate monohydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E65():o2502

Mutanga, O. van Aardt, J. Kumar, L. 2009, Imaging spectroscopy (hyperspectral remote sensing) in Southern Africa: An overview. South African Journal of Science. 105():193-198 Mutegi, CK. Ngugi, H. Hendriks, SL. Jones, R. 2009, Prevalence and factors associated with aflatoxin contamination of peanuts from Western Kenya. International Journal of Food Microbiology Microbiology. 130():27 – 34 Mwabvu, T. Hamer, ML. Slotow, RH. Barraclough, D. 2009, A review of the taxonomy and distribution of Plagiotaphrus Attems 1914 (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Spirostreptidae). Zootaxa. 2304():51–60 Mwabvu, T. Hamer, ML. Slotow, RH. Barraclough, D. 2009, A revision of the taxonomy and distribution of Spirostreptus Brandt 1833 (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Spirostreptidae) with descriptions of a new species and a new genus of spirostreptid millipede. Zootaxa. 2211():36-56 Mwambi, HG. Ramroop, S. Shkedy, Z. Molenberghs, G. 2009, A frequentist approach to estimating the force of infection and the recovery rate for a respiratory disease among infants in coastal Kenya. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. ():1-18 Mwamburi, LA. Laing, MD. Miller, RM. 2009, Interaction between Beauvaria bassiana and Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis for the control of house fly larvae and adults in poultry houses. Poultry Science. 88(1):2307-2314 Myeni, SM. Leach, PG. 2009, Complete symmetry group and nonlocal symmetries for some two-dimensional evolution equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 357():225-231

Nayak, SK. Venugopala, KN. Chopra, D. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM.Guru Row, R. 2009, Ethyl 4-(4-chlorophenyl)-6-methyl-2-thioxo-1,2,3,4tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxylate. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E65():o2518 Nayak, SK. Venugopala, KN. Chopra, D. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM. Guru Row, R. 2009, 2-(4-Chloro-3-nitrophenyl)-4-(4-chlorophenyl)1,3-thiazole. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E65():o2611

Nunkumar, A. Caldwell, PM. Pretorius, Z. 2009, Development of Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean at controlled temperature, relative humidity and moisture periods. South African Journal of Plant and Soil. 26(4):225-230

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Nyamori, VO. Imrie, C. 2009, Hydrogenation reactions in ionic liquids. The efficient reduction of nitroarenes, including nitroferrocenyl derivatives, to the corresponding aminoarenes in [bmim][BF4]. South African Journal of ChemistrySuid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Chemie. 62():97-101

Ndhlala, AR. Stafford, GI. Finnie, JF. Van Staden, J. 2009, In vitro pharmacological effects of manufactured herbal concoctions used in KwaZuluNatal South Africa. Journalof Ethnopharmacology Ethnopharmacology. 122():117-122

Nyamori, VO. Nxumalo, EN. Coville, N. 2009, The effect of arylferrocene ring substituents on the synthesis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal Of Organometallic Chemistry Chemistry. 694():2222-2227

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Nyamori, VO. Onyancha, D. McCleland, CW. Imrie, C. Gerber, TIA. 2009, Synthesis and characterization of palladium(II) and platinum(II) complexes with Ferrocenylimidazole. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry Chemistry. 694():1407-1418

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Odhiambo, GO. Savage, MJ. 2009, Sensible Heat Flux by Surface Layer Scintillometry and Eddy Covariance over a Mixed Grassland Community as Affected by Bowen Ratio and MOST Formulations for Unstable Conditions. Journal of Hydrometeorology Hydrometeorology. 10(April):479-492

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Nunes De Carvalho, CS. Perivolaropoulos, L. 2009, Kink-antikink formation from an oscillation mode by sudden distortion of the evolution potential. Physical Review D. 79(6):065032-1: 065032-8

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Naicker, DD. Werner, L. Kormuth, E. Passmore, J. Mlisana, KP. Abdool Karim, SS. Ndung’U, PT. 2009, Interleukin-10 Promoter Polymorphisms Influence HIV-1 Susceptibility and Primary HIV-1 Pathogenesis. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 200(3):448-452


Nucci, M. Leach, PG. 2009, The method of Ostrogradsky, quantization and a move toward a ghost-free future. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 50():1135081-6

Olaniran, AO. Naicker, K.Pillay, B. 2009, Antibiotic resistance Professoriles of Escherichia coli isolates from river sources in Durban, South Africa. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology Biotechnology. 25(10):1743-1749

Nyabadza, F. Mukwembi, S. Rodrigues, BG. 2009, A tuberculosis model: The case of ‘reasonable’ and ‘unreasonable’ infectives. Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 388(10):1995-2000

Neergaard, JS. Andersen, J. Pedersen, ME. Stafford, GI. Van Staden, J. Jager, A. 2009, Alkaloids from Boophone disticha with affinity to the serotonin transporter. South African Journal of Botany Botany. 75():371-374

Naidoo, G. 2009, Differential effects of nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment on growth of dwarf Avicennia marina mangrove. Aquatic Botany Botany. 90():184-190

Nucci, M. Leach, PG. 2009, The Jacobi Last Multiplier and applications in Mechanics. Physica Scripta. 78():065011 (6 pages)

Olaniran, AO. Balgobind, A. Pillay, B. 2009, Impacts of heavy metals on 1,2dichloroethane biodegradation in co-contaminated soil. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 21(5 ):661-666

Ndangili, M. Waryo, T. Muchindu, M. Baker, G L. Ngila, JC. Iwuoha, I. 2009, Ferrocenium hexafluorophosphate-induced nanofibrillarity of polyaniline– polyvinyl sulfonate electropolymer and application in an amperometric enzyme biosensor. Electrochimica Acta. 55(14):4267-4273

Mzinyati, AB. Jaganyi, D. 2009, Thermal Dealkylation of Tri-n-octylborane: Effect of Lewis Bases on Extent and Regioselectivity. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 48():2770–2773

Naicker, T. Mckay, RJ. Govender, T. Kruger, HG. Maguire, GEM. 2009, (1R,3S)Methyl-2-benzyl-6,7-dimethoxy-1-phenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-3carboxylate. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. E65():o3278

Nucci, M. Leach, PG. 2009, Singularity and symmetry analyses of mathematical models of epidemics. South African Journal of Science. 105():136-146

Okon, KO. Basset, P. Uba, A. Lin, J. Oyawoye, B. Shittu, AO. Blanc, DS. 2009, Cooccurrence of Predominant Panton-Valentine Leukocidin-Positive Sequence Type (ST) 152 and Multidrug-Resistant ST 241 Staphylococcus aureus Clones in Nigerian Hospitals. Journal of Clinical Microbiology Microbiology. 47(9):3000-3003

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Odhiambo, GO. Savage, MJ. 2009, Surface layer scintillometry for estimating the sensible heat flux component of the surface energy balance. South African Journal of Science. 105(May/June):208-216 Ogwagwa, EO. Friedrich, HB. Fernandes, MA. 2009, A structural investigation of the heterobimetallic carbocation complex [Cp*(CO)2Fe{µ-CH2CH(CH2)3} W(CO)3Cp]BPh4. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 362():2947-2950

Onajole, OK. Govender, P. Govender, T. Maguire, GEM. Kruger, HG. 2009, Synthesis and NMR elucidation of novel pentacyclo-undecane diamine ligands. Structural Chemistry Chemistry. 20(6):1067-1076 Onyancha, D. Nyamori, VO. McCleland, CW. Imrie, C. Gerber, TIA. 2009, Solvent-free reactions of N,N’-thiocarbonyldiimidazole with ferrocenylcarbinols. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry Chemistry. 694():207-212

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Pare, B. Singh, P. Jonnalagadda, SB. 2009, Degradation and mineralization of victoria blue B dye in a slurry photoreactor using advanced oxidation process. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research. 68(8):724-729

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Ramdhani, S. Barker, P. Baijnath, H. 2009, Rampant non-monophyly of species in Kniphofia Moench (Asphodelaceae) suggests a recent Afromontane radiation. Taxon. 58(4):1141-1152

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Shuttleworth, A. Johnson, SD. 2009, A key role for floral scent in a wasppollination system in Eucomis (Hyacinthaceae). Annals of Botany Botany. 103():715-725 Shuttleworth, A. Johnson, SD. 2009, New records of insect pollinators for South African asclepiads (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae). South African Journal of Botany Botany. 75():689-698 Shuttleworth, A. Johnson, SD. 2009, Palp-Faction: An African Milkweed Dismembers Its Wasp Pollinators. Environmental Entomology Entomology. 38(3):741-747 Shuttleworth, A. Johnson, SD. 2009, Specialized pollination in the African milkweed Xysmalobium orbiculare: a key role for floral scent in the attraction of spider-hunting wasps. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 280():37-44 Shuttleworth, A. Johnson, SD. 2009, The importance of scent and nectar filters in a specialized wasp-pollination system. Functional Ecology Ecology. 23():931-940 Simoonga, C. Kazembe, L. Kristensen, T. Olsen, A. Appleton, CC.Mubita, P. Mubila, L. 2009, The epidemiology and small-scale spatial heterogeneity of urinary schistosomiasis in Lusaka province, Zambia. Geospatial Health. 3(1):57-67 Simoonga, C. Utzinger, J. Brooker, S. Vounatsou, P. Appleton, CC. Stensgaard, AS. Olsen, A. Kristensen, T. 2009, Remote sensing, geographical information system and spatial analysis for schistosomiasis epidemiology and ecology in Africa. Parasitology Parasitology. 136(5):1683-1693 Sinaysky, I. Ferraro, F. Napoli, A. Messina, A. Petruccione, F. 2009, NonMarkovian dynamics of an interacting qubit pair coupled to two independent bosonic baths. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical. 42(48):485301(12)

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Taylor, PJ. Hamer, ML. 2009, Standing on the shoulders of colourful giants: 50 years of zoological research in southern Africa. African Zoology Zoology. 44(2):217–231 Taylor, PJ. Hamer, ML. 2009, Evidence for individual vocal differences in Woodland kingfishers Halcyon senegalensis cyanoleuca. Ostrich. 79(2):215-218 Taylor, S. Perrin, MR. 2009, Parent-offspring recognition in the brown-headed parrot Poicephalus cryptoxanthus. Ostrich. 79(2):211-214 Taylor, T. Parkin, D. 2009, Preliminary evidence suggests extra-pair mating in the endangered Echo parakeet, Psittacula eques. African Zoology Zoology. 44(1):71-74 Teclu, DG. Tivchev, GN. Laing, MD. Wallis, FM. 2009, Bioremoval of Arsenic Species from contaminated waters by sulphate reducing bacteria. Water Research. 42(19):4885-4893

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Yaroshenko, V. Verheest, F. Thomas, M. Morfill, E. 2009, The Bohm sheath criterion in strongly coupled complex plasmas. New Journal of Physics. 11(07):073013 Yobo, KS. Laing, MD. Hunter, CH. 2009, Effects of Single and Dual Applications of Selected Trichoderma and Bacillus iIolates on Performance of Dry Bean Seedlings Grown in Composted Pine Bark Growth Medium under Shadehouse Conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 32():1271-1289 Yobo, KS. Laing, MD. Palmer, WA. Shivas, RG. 2009, Evaluation of Ustilago Sporobili-indici as a classical biological control agent for invasive Sporobolus grasses in Australia. Biological Control. 50():7-12 Zewotir, TT. Ramroop, S. 2009, Application of Negative Binomial Regression for Assessing Public Awareness of the Health Effects of Nicotine and Cigarettes. African Safety Promotion. 7(1):14-29 Zuma, FN. Lin, J. Jonnalagadda, SB. 2009, Kinetics of inactivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in aqueous solutions by ozone aeration. Journal Of Environmental Science And Health Part A-Toxic/hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering. 44(10):929-935 Zuma, FN. Lin, J. Jonnalagadda, SB. 2009, Ozone-initiated disinfection kinetics of Escherichia coli in water. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering. 44(1):48-56

Student Services Govender, V. 2009, Promoting a culture of learning and institutionalising a learning organisation in the South African Public Sector. Journal of Public Administration. 44(2):364-379 Govender, V. 2009, Valuing and retaining employees in South African public sector organisations. Administratio Publica. 17(2):104-123 Odendaal, MF. Deacon, RA. 2009, Equity and excellence: The emergence, consolidation and internalization of education development at the University of Natal. Studies in Higher Education. 34(1):101-114

UkzN Foundation Mugisa, M. 2009, The Kihema causative construction within Baker’s theory of incorporation. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. 27(1):25-37

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o H ET A ccrEDi T ED PublicAT ions 2009

Books 2009

Chapters in Books 2009

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Law

Morrell, RG. Epstein, E. Unterhalter, E. Bhana, D. Moletsane, RT. 2009, Towards Gender Equality: South African Schools During the HIV and AIDS Epidemic. Towards Gender Equality: South African Schools During The HIV and Aids Epidemic. 223

de Koker, A. Williams, RC. Silke, J. 2009, Silke Tax Yearbook 2008-2009. Silke Tax Yearbook 2008-2009. 0

Faculty of Humanities, Development and Social Sciences Hlongwa, NP. 2009, Ukuhlelwa Kolimi. Ukuhlelwa Kolimi. 1-181 McCracken, DP. 2009, Inspector Mallon: Buying Irish patriotism for a five-pound note. Inspector Mallon: Buying Irish Patriotism for a Five-Pound Note. 248

DoHET Accr EDi TED Pub l icAT ions 2009

Louw, AM. 2009, International Encyclopaedia of Law. International Encyclopaedia Of Law Law. 512 Williams, RC. 2009, Income Tax in South Africa Cases & Materials. Income Tax in South Africa Cases & Materials. 672 Williams, RC. 2009, LAWSA Revenue volume 22 part 1. Lawsa Revenue Volume 22 Part 1. 679 Williams, RC. 2009, LAWSA Revenue volume 22 part 2. Lawsa Revenue Volume 22 Part 2. 395

Dvc (Teaching and Learning) Division Vithal, R. 2009, A Quest for Democratic Partcipatory Validity in Mathematics Education Research. Life History Research: Epistemology, Methodology and Representation. 67-81

Dvc (Research) Division Daymond, MJ. 2009, Sindiwe Magona: Writing, Remembering, Selfhood, and Community in Living, Loving, and Lying Awake at Night. Twelve Best Books by African Women: Critical Readings. 219-244 Jacobs, JU. 2009, J M Coetzee and Cruciform Logic. J M Coetzee: Percorse Di Lettura Tra Storia E Narrazione. 13-61

Moolakkattu, JS. Khoshoo, TN. 2009, Gandhi and the Environment. Gandhi and the Environment Environment. 152

NRM School of Medicine

Jacobs, JU. 2009, Towards a South African Expressionism: The Madonna of Excelsior. Ways of Writing: Critical Essays on Zakes Mda. 277-297

Moran, SK. 2009, Representing Bushmen: South Africa and the origion of language. Representing Bushmen: South Africa and the Origin of Language. 206

Pillay, BJ. Duckert, F. 2009, Early Intervention of Alcohol Abuse Problems in South Africa. A Cognitive Behavioural Model. Early Intervention of Alcohol Abuse Problems in South Africa. A Cognitive Behavioural Model. 182

Jacobs, JU. Bell, DW. 2009, Ways of Writing: Zakes Mda – s Self-reflexive Art in Cion. Ways of Writing: Critical Essays on Zakes Mda. 355-370

Nurnberger, KB. 2009, Die Bybel: Verantwoordelik lees is krities lees. Die Bybel: Verantwoordelik Lees is Krities Lees. 320 Patel, RC. 2009, The Value of Nothing: How to reshape market society and redefine democracy. The Value of Nothing: How to Reshape Market Society and Redefine Democracy Democracy. 250

Reddy, V. Potgieter, C. 2009, Contesting the “Private” and “Public”: The Representation of Sex, Politics and Culture in the Event(s) of the Jacob Zuma versus Kwezi Rape Trial in South Africa. Betraying the Event: Constructions of Victimhood in Contemporary Cultures. 87-116

Faculty of Education

Hemson, CMC. 2009, Contestation and accountability: The IPET Curriculum at the University of zululand. Opportunities and Challenges for teacher Education Curriculum in South Africa. 81-101 Kunene, AF. 2009, Learner-centeredness in practice: Reflections from a curriculum education specialist. Making Conections: Self-Study and Social Action. 139-152 Manik, S. 2009, Perspectives and Perplexities regarding Transnational teacher Migration between South Africa and the United Kingdom. Education Across Borders. 149-161 Mitchell, CA. 2009, Geographies of Danger: School Toilets in Sub Saharan Africa. Ladies & Gents. 62-74 Mitchell, CA. Pithouse-Morgan, KJ. Moletsane, RT. 2009, The social self in self-study: Author conversations. Making Connections: Self-Study & Social Action. 12-23 Motalingoane-Khau, CSM. 2009, Journey into the hidden self: Reflections on a collaborative inquiry into women teachers’ memories of adolescent sexuality. Making Conections: Self-Study and Social Action. 59-75 Nkoane, MM. 2009, Critical and Radical Learning Discourse: Towards a Pedagogy for Empowerment. Educational Research and Transformation in South Africa. 21-30 Pattman, RW. Bhana, D. 2009, Colouring sexualities: how some black South African schoolgirls respond to ‘racial’ and gendered inequalities. The Prize and the Price Shapinh Sexualities in South Africa. 21-38

Bhana, D. 2009, Girls hit Constructing and negotiating violent African femininities in a working class primary school. Troubling Gender in Education. 96-111

Pillay, G. 2009, A Cubist Narrative: Producing Different Knowledges with Successful teachers. Life History Research: Epistemology, Methodology and Representation. 115-133

Bhana, D. Morrell, RG. Pattman, RW. 2009, Gender and Education in Developing Contexts: Postcolonial Reflections on Africa. International Handbook of Comparative Education. 703-715

Pithouse-Morgan, KJ. Mitchell, CA. Moletsane, RT. 2009, Going public with scholarly collaboration: Reflections on a collaborative self-study book process. Making Connections: Self-Study & Social Action. 26-29

De Lange, N. Grossi, ET. 2009, An arts-based thesis: Reflections on the how and the who and the why of the I. Making Connections: Self-Study & Social Action. 187-206

Ramrathan, P. 2009, The ethics and politics of data as agency. Life History Research: Epistemology, Methodology and Representation. 153-172

De Villiers, MD. Govender, R. Patterson, N. 2009, Defining in Geometry. Understanding Geometry for a Changing World World. 189-204

Samuel, MA. 2009, Music of Research: Dialogues in Research Production. Life History Research: Epistemology, Methodology and Representation. 137-152

Dhunpath, R. 2009, The ethics and politics of organisational ethnographies. Life History Research: Epistemology, Methodology and Representation. 173-197

Samuel, MA. 2009, On Becoming A Teacher: Lifehistory Research and the Force Field Model of Teacher Development. Life History Research: Epistemology, Methodology and Representation. 03-17

Francis, DA. Myeza, NP. 2009, ‘Openly positive’: Living and working with HIV/ AIDS. Working Women. Stories of Strife, Struggle and Survival. 111-122

Samuel, MA. 2009, Risking Ambiguity: Exploring Voice in Research. Life History Research: Epistemology, Methodology and Representation. 85-92

Gopal, ND. Sookrajh, R. 2009, Children left behind: Voices (Ukuhebeza) of HIV+ mothers. Working Women. Stories of Strife, Struggle and Survival. 123-140


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o H ET A ccrEDi T ED PublicAT ions 2009

Faculty of Health Sciences Deacon, H. Uys, LR. Mohlahlane, R. 2009, HIV and stigma in South Africa. HIV/ IV/AIDS IV/ /AIDS in South Africa 25 years on. 105-120

Faculty of Humanities, Development and Social Sciences Alant, JW. 2009, Ce que ça veut dire que d’crire en sa propre langue: Quelques perspectives historiques de la litt’rature romanesque de langue afrikaans. The Changing Face of African Literature Les Nouveaux Visages de la Litterature Africaine. 63-82 Armstrong, JY. 2009, Ceremonial beer pots and their uses. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present Present. 414-417 Bass, O. 2009, Aiming for Africa: Durban, 2010 and notions of African urban identity. Development and Dreams: The Urban Legacy of the 2010 Football World Cup. 246-265 Bhana, A. Petersen, I. 2009, HIV and youth: A behavioural perspective. HIV/ IV IV/ AIDS In South Africa 25 Years On: Psychosocial Perspectives. 55-68 Bhana, D. Morrell, RG. Pattman, RW. 2009, Gender and Education in Developing Contexts: Postcolonial Reflections on Africa. International Handbook of Comparative Education. 703-715

Courau, RP. Murray, SA. 2009, Of funeral rites and community memory: Ways of living in ways of dying. Ways of Writing: Critical Essays on Zakes Mda. 91113 Dangor, SE. 2009, Islamisation and Muslim Institutions/Organisations in South Africa. Religion and Spirituality in South Africa. 107-123 De Meyer, BA. 2009, L’afropolitanisme en litt’rature: le cas de Bessora. The Changing Face of African Literature/les Nouveaux Visages de la Littã©rature Africaine. 153-165 De Meyer, BA. Kabwe-Segatti, D. 2009, L’Africain scolarisé: Le Devoir de violence de Yambo Ouologuem. Du Nã¨gre Bambara au Nã©gropolitain. Les Litt’ratures Africaines en Contexte Transculturel. 331 Denis, PMBR. 2009, Are Zulu Children Allowed to Ask Questions? Silence, Death and Memory in Times of AIDS. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present. 583-590 Present Dimitriu, I. 2009, Translation and Shifting Identities: Rethinking Teaching Paradigms in Times of Transition. Translation Studies in Africa. 180-203 Draper, JA. 2009, The Holy Spirit in the Worship of Some Zulu Zionist Churches. The Spirit In Worship: Worship in the Spirit Spirit. 261-284 Draper, JA. 2009, What goes in and what comes out: Reading mark 7 and Zulu Culture in the Context of Communal Healing. Broken Bodies And Healing Communities: The Challenge of HIV IV and Aids in the South African Context. 61-81

Bond, PM. 2009, Conclusion: Leave the oil in the soil. Climate Change, Carbon Trading And Civil Society; Negative Returns on South African Investments. 179199

Durden, E. 2009, The Employment of HIV Positive Young People for Health Promotion in Higher Education: A Case Study of the DramAidE Health Promoters Project, South Africa. Health Communication In Southern Africa: Engaging with Social and Cultural Diversity Diversity. 261-278

Bond, PM. 2009, Dirty politics: South African energy. Climate Change, Carbon Trading and Civil Society; Negative Returns on South African Investments. 29-57

Durrington, M. 2009, The Hunters Redux: Participatory and Applied Visual Anthropology with the Botswana San. Visual Interventions. 191-207

Bond, PM. 2009, Oil companies and African wealth depletion. Climate Change, Carbon Trading and Civil Society; Negative Returns on South African Investments. 145-161

Dyll, LE. 2009, Community Development Strategies in the Kalahari: an Expression of Modernization – s Monologue? Tourism Strategies and Local Responses in Southern Africa. 41-60

Bond, PM. Erion, G. 2009, South African carbon trading: A counterproductive climate change strategy. Electric Capitalism: Recolonising Africa on the Power Grid. 338-358 Grid

Filatova, I. 2009, The enduring footprint: Soviet theory of national-liberation movement and South Africa. Imperial Question – National Answer Answer. 237-263

Buccus, I. Hicks, J. 2009, Building political will for refining public participation policy in South Africa. From Political Won’T To Political Will. 211-225 Carton, B. Draper, MP. 2009, Bulls in the boardroom: The Zulu warrior ethic and the spirit of South African capitalism. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present. 591-605 Present Chirkut, S. 2009, Cultural identities of South African hindu women. Working Women. Stories of Strife, Struggle and Survival. 141-154 Collier, JD. 2009, Information in Biological Systems. Philosophy of Information. 763-787


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Filatova, I. Davidson, A. 2009, Historical layers of Afro-centrism. Pax Africana: The Continent and the Diaspora in Search of Themselves. 6-40 Filatova, I. Davidson, A. 2009, South Africa: Power, dismantling of Apartheid and new political directions. Contemporary Africa: Metamorphosis of Political Power. 377-445 Power Filatova, I. Davidson, A. 2009, What colour is the South African miracle? National-Democratic revolution and nationality relations in South Africa in the 20th -early 21th century. Pax Africana: The Continent and the Diaspora in Search of Themselves. 141-214 Freund, WM. 2009, Zulu identity in the international context. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present Present. 606-613

DoHET Accr EDi TED Pub l icAT ions 2009

Frosh, S. Phoenix, A. Pattman, RW. 2009, Struggling towards manhood: Narratives of homophobia and fathering. Jungenforschung Empirisch. 175-190 Gopal, ND. Sookrajh, R. 2009, Children left behind: Voices (Ukuhebeza) of HIV+ mothers. Working Women. Stories of Strife, Struggle and Survival. 123-140 Green, MM. 2009, Exorcising the past: Voices for the present. Religion and Spirituality In South Africa: New Perspectives. 167-190 Guy, JJ. 2009, Imperial appropriations: Baden-Powell, the wood badge and the Zulu Iziqu. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present Present. 193-213 Helgesson, S. 2009, The changing history of African literature. The Changing Face of African Literature Les Nouveaux Visages de la Litterature Africaine. 27-41 Koopman, A. 2009, Zulu names. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present Present. 439-449 Kunda, JEL. Tomaselli, KG. 2009, Social Representations of HIV/AIDS in South Africa and Zambia: Lessons for Health Communication. Health Communication In Southern Africa: Engaging With Social and Cultural Diversity Diversity. 93-112 Lambert, M. 2009, Nomkhubulwane Reinventing a Zulu Goddess. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present Present. 545-553 Leclerc-Madlala, S. 2009, AIDS in Zulu idiom: Etiological configerations of women, pollution and modernity. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present. 554-566 Leclerc-Madlala, S. Simbayi, LC. Cloete, A. 2009, The sociocultural aspect of HIV/AIDS in South Africa. HIV/Aids IV/Aids in South Africa 25 Years on: Psychosocial IV Perspectives. 13-26 Lenta, PJP. 2009, 2009 The South African constitutional court’s reading of the right to freedom of religion. Religion And Spirituality In South Africa: New Perspectives. 27-53 Lindegger, GC. Quayle, MF. 2009, Masculinity and HIV/AIDS. HIV/ IV/A IV/ /Aids In South Africa 25 Years on: Psychosocial Perspectives. 41-54 Lund, FJ. 2009, Welfare, Development and Growth: Lessons from South Africa. Building Decent Societies. Rethinking the Role of Social Security in Development. 290-309 Development Lund, FJ.Vaux, T. 2009, Work-focused responses to disasters: India’s Self Employed Women’s Association. Women, Gender and Disaster: Global Issues And Initiatives. 212-223 Magwaza-Meyiwa, TSC. 2009, Experiences of a black South African Women. Working Women. Stories of Strife, Struggle and Survival. 3-16 Magwaza-Meyiwa, TSC. 2009, So that I will be a marriageable girl – Umemulo in contemporary Zulu society. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present Present. 482496 Marks, MM. Shearing , C. Wood, J. 2009, A thin or a thick Blue Line? Exploring alternative models for community policing and the police role in South Africa. Community Policing and Peace Keeping. 153-169

Marschall, S. 2009, Symbols of Reconciliation or Instruments of Division? A Critical Look at New Monuments in South Africa. Culture and Belonging in Divided Societies. 151-175 Matthias, CR. Zaal, FN. 2009, The Child in Need of Care and Protection. Child Law in South Africa. 163-184 Mchunu, MR. 2009, a modern coming of age: Zulu manhood, domestic work and the ‘kitchen suit’. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present Present. 573-583 Moodley, S. 2009, Eastern Mosaic: Shades of Hindu Women in South African Media. Religion And Spirituality in South Africa: New Perspectives. 191-204 Moolakkattu, JS. 2009, Some problematic areas in non-violent action. NonViolent Struggles of the 20th Century: Retrospect and Prospect Prospect. 34-52 Murove, MF. 2009, African Bioethics: An exploratory discourse. African Ethics: An Anthology of Comparative and Applied Ethics. 157-177 Murove, MF. 2009, An African environmental ethic based on the concept of Ukama and Ubuntu. African Ethics: An Anthology of Comparative and Applied Ethics. 315-332 Murove, MF. 2009, Beyond the Savage Evidence Ethics: A Vindication of African Ethics. African Ethics: An Anthology of Comparative and Applied Ethics. 14-32 Murove, MF. 2009, The incarnation of Max Weber’s Protestant ethic and the Spirit of capitalism in a post-colonial discourse: The quest for an African Economic Ethic. African Ethics: An Anthology of Comparative and Applied Ethics. 221-237 Mzamane, MV. 2009, Building a new society using the building blocks of Ubuntu/ Botho/Ubuthu. Religion and Spirituality in South Africa: New Perspectives. 236248 Nadar, S. 2009, Circles of Abundant Life: A Tribute to Denise Ackermann. Ragbag Theologies: Essays in Honour of Denise M Ackermann – A Feminist Theologian of Praxis. 147-156 Ojong, VBA. 2009, Gendered Spaces: Men in Women’s Places. Working Women. Stories of Strife, Struggle and Survival. 200-209 Parle, J. 2009, The Mad in their Midst: Accommodating Insanity and the Natal Government Asylum, 1880-1920. From Western Medicine to Global Medicine: the History of Hospitals Beyond the West West. 142-171 Parle, J. 2009, This Painful Subject: Citizens, Subjects and Suicide in Colonial Natal and Zululand. International Histories of Suicide: International Perspectives on Self-Destruction in the Modern World World. 156-177 Parle, J. Flint, K. 2009, Healing and Harming: Medicine, Madness, Witchcraft and Tradition. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present. 312-321 Pattman, RW. Bhana, D. 2009, Colouring sexualities: how some black South African schoolgirls respond to ‘racial’ and gendered inequalities. The Prize and the Price Shapinh Sexualities in South Africa. 21-38 Penumala, PK. 2009, Hindus. Religions in Focus: New Approaches to Tradition and Contemporary Practices. 257-271

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o H ET A ccrEDi T ED PublicAT ions 2009

DoHET Accr EDi TED Pub l icAT ions 2009

Penumala, PK. 2009, Studying Hindusm non-religiously. Introducing Religion: Essays in Honor of Jonathan Z Smith. 192-2017

Stiebel, EA. 2009, On the trail of Rider Haggard in South Africa. Literary Tourism and Nineteenth Century Culture. 210-219

Whitelaw, G. 2009, A brief archaelogy of precolonial farming in Kwazulu-Natal. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present. 47-61

Holness, DR. Vrancken, P. 2009, Non-judicial enforcement of human right. Introduction to Human Rights Law Law. 239-249

Phoenix, A. Pattman, RW. Crogan, J. Griffin, C. Hunter, J. 2009, Consuming Masculinities: intersections of gender and peer culture in everyday school practices. Jungenforschung Empirisch. 149-161

Stobie, C. 2009, “Speaking with Our Spirits’: The Representation of Religion in Marlene van Niekerk’s Agaat”. Religion and Spirituality in South Africa: New Perspectives. 219-235

Wildsmith-Cromarty, R. 2009, Incomplete Journeys: a quest for multilingualism. The Multiple Realities of Multilingualism: Personal Narratives and Researchers’ Perspectives. 93-114

Kidd, MA. 2009, Criminal Measures. Environmental Compliance and Enforcement in South Africa: Legal Perspectives. 240-265

Pillay, U. Bass, O. 2009, Mega-events as a response to poverty reduction: The 2010 World Cup and urban development. Development and Dreams: The Urban Legacy of the 2010 Football World Cup. 76-95

Stobie, C. 2009, Discourses of Alterity in Nadine Gordimer’s The House Gun. The Changing Face Of African Literature Les Nouveaux Visages de la Litterature Africaine. 167-176

Wildsmith-Cromarty, R. 2009, Multilingualism in South African Schools: Where to now? Global Perspectives on Multilingualism: Unity in Diversity Diversity. 36-53

Piper, LE. 2009, Divisions and realignments in post-apartheid Zulu local and national politics. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past And Present Present. 395-407

Sutherland, CG. Scott, D. Oelofse, G. Houghton, J. 2009, Shifts within ecological modernization in South Africa: Deliberation, innovation and institutional oppotunities. The Ecological Modernisation Reader. Environmental Reform in Theory and Practice. 482-497

Piper, LE. 2009, Faith-based organisations, local governance and citizenship in South Africa. Religion and Spirituality in South Africa: New Perspectives. 54-77 Prozesky, MH. 2009, Cinderella, Survivor and Saviour: African Ethics and the Quest for a Global Ethic. African Ethics: An Anthology of Comparative and Applied Ethics. 3-13 Prozesky, MH. 2009, Well-fed Animals and Starving Babies: Environmental and Developmental Challenges from Process and African Perspectives. African Ethics: An Anthology of Comparative and Applied Ethics. 298-307 Rakoczy, SF. 2009, Ecofeminist Spirituality: Of and For Life. Ragbag Theologies: Essays in Honour of Denise M Ackermann – A Feminist Theologian of Praxis. 113-132 Rankin-Smith, F. 2009, Beauty in the Hard Journey: Defining trends in twentiethcentury Zulu art. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past snd Present Present. 409-413 Reddy, V. Potgieter, C. 2009, Contesting the “Private” and “Public”: The Representation of Sex, Politics and Culture in the Event(s) of the Jacob Zuma versus Kwezi Rape Trial in South Africa. Betraying The Event: Constructions of Victimhood in Contemporary Cultures. 87-116 Richardson, RN. 2009, Can christian ethics find its way and itself in Africa?. African Ethics: An Anthology Of Comparative And Applied Ethics. 129-154 Richardson, RN. 2009, The church as broken body in a time of HIV and AIDS. Broken Bodies And Healing Communities: The Challenge of HIV IV and Aids in the South African Context Context. 134-154 Sithole, DJ. 2009, Chief Albert Luthuli and Bantustan Politics. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present Present. 331-340 Sithole, DJ. 2009, The changing meanings of the battle of Ncome and images of King Dingane in 20th century South Africa. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present Present. 322-330 Sithole, N. 2009, The mediation of public and private selves in the performance of sermons and narratives of near-death – Experience in the Nazareth Church. Religion and Spirituality in South Africa: New Perspectives. 249-265 Sitoto, FT. 2009, The decline of Islamlist discourse and the rise of a new spiritualities in South African Islam. Religion and Spirituality in South Africa: New Perspectives. 145-166


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Tappe, HME. 2009, My ways to Rome: Route to multilingualism. The Multiple Realities of Multilingualism: Personal Narratives and Researchers’ Perspectives. 75-92 Thompson, PS. Laband, PC. 2009, African Levies in Natal and Zululand, 1836 – 1906. Soldiers and Settlers in Africa, 1850 -1918. 49-84 Tomaselli, KG. Shepperson, A. 2009, The Absent Signifier: The Morphing of Nelson Mandela. Cultural Icons. 25-42 Tomaselli, KG. Teer-Tomaselli, RE. 2009, New Public Spheres: The Digital Age and Big Brother. African Media and the Digital Public Sphere. 183-202 Vahed, GHM. 2009, Contesting Indian Islam in KwaZulu-Natal: The Muharram Festival in Durban 2002. The Popular And The Public. Cultural Debates and Struggles Over Space in Moderni India. Africa And Europe. 107-140 Waetjen, T. Mare, PG. 2009, Shaka’s Aeroplane: The Take-Off and Landing of Inkatha, Modern Zulu Nationalism and Royal Politics. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present Present. 352-362 Wallace, DL. 2009, the modern Pagan witch: Negotiating a contested religious identity in post-apartheid South Africa. Religion and Spirituality in South Africa: New Perspectives. 124-144 Ward, ED. 2009, The Ministry of Presence in Response to shame and Judgement: Learning to be Caregivers to People Living with HIV and AIDS. Broken Bodies and Healing Communities: The Challenge of HIV IV and Aids in the South African Context Context. 157-189

Winters, YE. 2009, The Secret of Zulu bead language and proportion and balance of the Zulu headrest (Isigqiki). Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present. 418-423 Present Wright, J. 2009, Revisiting the stereotype of Shaka’s ‘devastations’. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present Present. 69-81

Kidd, MA. 2009, International fisheries: An overview of the international legal response. International Environmental Law-Making and Diplomacy Review 2008. 31-38 Kidd, MA. Bosman, C. 2009, Water Pollution. Environmental Management in South Africa. 630-698 Kidd, MA. Burns, Y. 2009, Administrative Law & Implementation of Environmental Law. Environmental Management in South Africa. 222-268 Kidd, MA. Retief, F. 2009, Environmental Assessment. Environmental Management in South Africa. 971-1047

Faculty of Law

Matthias, CR. Zaal, FN. 2009, The Child in Need of Care and Protection. Child Law In South Africa. 163-184

Couzens, EWF. 2009, Expropriation: A concise update. The Law of South Africa 2009 Cumulative Supplement Part 2. 1-34

Stone, L.Vrancken, P. 2009, Assembly, demonstration, picket and petition. Introduction to Human Rights Law Law. 127-129

Couzens, EWF. 2009, 2009 How the Whale Got its Impasse. International Environmental Law-Making and Diplomacy Review 2008. 81-88

Stone, L. Vrancken, P. 2009, Citizenship and political rights. Introduction to Human Rights Law Law. 133-140

Couzens, EWF. 2009, Negotiating an Impasse: A Multialteral Simulation Exercise Based on the International Whaling Commission. International Environmental Law-Making and Diplomacy Review 2008. 257-267

Stone, L. Vrancken, P. 2009, Freedom of Association. Introduction To Human Rights Law Law. 131-132

Dancaster, LA. Cohen, TJ. 2009, Flexible working arrangments for employees with family responsibilities – the failings of the Employment Equity Act. Equality in the Workplace. 319 Freedman, DW. 2009, Integrated Coastal Management Boundaries and South Africa’s New Integrated Coastal Management Act. International Environmental Law-Making and Diplomacy Review 2008. 167-185 Hoctor, SV. 2009, Administrative adjudication of road traffic offences. Cooper’s Motor Law – Criminal Liability, Administrative Adjudication & Medico-Legal Aspects. C4-1-C4-38

Stone, L. Vrancken, P. 2009, Human Dignity. Introduction to Human Rights Law. 67-69 Law Vrancken, P. Stone, L. 2009, Equality. Introduction to Human Rights Law Law. 71-82 Williams, RC. 2009, Case Digest. Sait Compendium of Tax Legislation 2009. 985-991 Williams, RC. 2009, Companies (2009 service 40). Silke on South African Income Tax Vol 2 (2009 Service 40). 13.2-13.99 Williams, RC. 2009, Constitutional Aspects of Tax Administration. Silke en Tax Administration. 3.1-3.73

Hoctor, SV. 2009, Mining and minerals. South African Criminal Law and Procedure Vol Iii Statutory Offences. L2:1-18

Williams, RC. 2009, Dividends (2009 service 40). Silke on South African Income Tax Vol 2 (2009 Service 40). 9.2-9.77

Ward, ED. 2009, Women and the Choices They Hold: Hope in the HIV Epidemic. Vulnerability, Churches, and HIV. IV. 52-67 IV

Hoctor, SV. 2009, Provincial legislation. Cooper’s Motor Law – Criminal Liability, Administrative Adjudication & Medico-Legal Aspects. E1-E36

Williams, RC. 2009, Employees’ Tax (2009 service 39). Silke: on South African Income Tax Issue 39. 20.1-20.82

West, GO. 2009, Liberation Hermeneutics after Liberation in South Africa. The Bible and the Hermeneutics of Liberation. 13-38

Hoctor, SV. 2009, Unlawful dealings in precious stones and metals. South African Criminal Law And Procedure Vol III II Statutory Offences. L3:1-21

Williams, RC. 2009, Estates and Trust (2009 service 40). Silke on South African Income Tax Vol 2 (2009 Service 40). 12.2-12.49

West, GO. 2009, Male and Female Bodies in the Teaching of Isaiah Shembe: Possible Implications for HIV and AIDS. Broken Bodies And Healing Communities: The Challenge of HIV IV and Aids in the South African Context. 39-60

Hoctor, SV. Carnelley, M. 2009, Media. The Law of South Africa Volume 17 Part 1 – Mandate and Negotiorum Gestio to Medical Schemes. 107-205

Williams, RC. 2009, Exempt income (2009 service 39). Silke: on South African Income Tax Issue 39. 6.1-6.86

Holness, DR. 2009, The right to access to information. Introduction To Human Rights Law Law. 191-196

Williams, RC. 2009, Farming Operations (2009 service 39). Silke: on South African Income Tax Issue 39. 15.2.1-15.108

Holness, DR. 2009, The right to just administrative action. Introduction to Human Rights Law Law. 197-201

Williams, RC. 2009, General Deductions (2009 service 39). Silke: on South African Income Tax Issue 39. 7.2-7.131

West, GO. 2009, Thabo Mbeki’s Bible: the Role of Religion in the South African Public Realm after Liberation. Religion and Spirituality in South Africa: New Perspectives. 78-106

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


D o H ET A ccrEDi T ED PublicAT ions 2009

Williams, RC. 2009, Income and capital (2009 service 39). Silke South African Income Tax Issue 39. 3.1-3.105 Williams, RC. 2009, Introduction to tax administration in South Africa. Silke en Tax Administration. 1-8 Williams, RC. 2009, Mining (2009 service 40). Silke on South African Income Tax Vol 2 (2009 Service 40). 16.1-16.27 Williams, RC. 2009, Residence & Source (2009 service 39). Silke: on South African Income Tax Issue 39. 5.2-5.70 Williams, RC. 2009, Special Deductions (2009 service 40). Silke on South African Income Tax Vol 2 (2009 Service 40). 8.2-8.351

NRM School of Medicine Mars, M. 2009, Telemedicine in South Africa. Telehealth in the Developing World. 222-231 World Mars, M. 2009, Telemedicine in sub-Saharan Africa. Telehealth in the Developing World 232-241 World.

Faculty of Science and Agriculture

Williams, RC. 2009, Special Inclusions (2009 service 39). Silke: on South African Income Tax Issue 39. 4.1-4.209

Bawa, A. 2009, Embedded knowledges and the challenges of the postcolonial project. Religion and Spirituality in South Africa: New Perspectives. 266-280

Williams, RC. 2009, Special Provisions (2009 service 40). Silke on South African Income Tax Vol 2 (2009 Service 40). 17.4-17.157

Brooks, SJ. 2009, Royal precedents and landscape midwives: Claiming the Zululand wilderness. Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present Present. 293-303

Williams, RC. 2009, The South African Revenue Service Act and the SARS Service Charter and Service Standards. Silke en Tax Administration. 1-8

Maharaj, B. Chanderjith, R. 2009, Spatial Mobility Patterns of the Aged: A Case Study in Chatsworth, South Africa. Sociology of Ageing. 413-427

Faculty of Management Studies Averweg, UR. Greyling, E. 2009, A Survey of Information and Communication: Technologies and Information Needs in the eThekwini Municipality in South Africa. Issues In Information And Media Literacy: Education, Practice And Pedagogy. 227-256 Pedagogy Campbell, C. Nair, Y. Maimane, S. Gibbs, AR. 2009, Strengthening community responses to AIDS: possibilities and challenges. HIV/ IV/A IV/ /Aids in South Africa 25 Years on: Psychosocial Perspectives. 221-236 Dancaster, LA. Cohen, TJ. 2009, Flexible working arrangments for employees with family responsibilities – the failings of the Employment Equity Act. Equality in the Workplace. 319 Geach, WD. 2009, Auditors and the Company Secretary. Companies and Other Business Structures in South Africa. 289 Geach, WD. 2009, Business Trusts. Companies and Other Business Structures in South Africa. 249-259 Geach, WD. 2009, Directors and Board Committees. Companies and Other Business Structures in South Africa. 77-113 Geach, WD. 2009, Financial records and reporting. Companies and Other Business Structures in South Africa. 115-137 Pillay, K. 2009, From Self-Study to Self-Inquiry: Fictional History and the Field of Discovery. Making Connections: Self-Study and Social Action. 223-234


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Olckers, T. 2009, Solanum mauritianum Scopoli (Solanaceae). Biological Control of Tropical Weeds Using Arthropods. 408-422 Poulton, C. Lyne, MC. 2009, Co-ordination for market development. Institutional Economics Perspectives on African Agricultural Development. 143-183 Slotow, RH. Hunter, LTB. 2009, Reintroduction Decisions Taken at the Incorrect Social Scale Devalue their Conservation Contribution: The African Lion in South Africa. The Reintroduction of Top-Order Predators. 43-71 Swart, K. Bob, U. 2009, Venue selection and the 2010 World Cup: A case study of Cape Town. Development and Dreams: The Urban Legacy of the 2010 Football World Cup. 114-130 Van der Elst, R. 2009, The Oceanographic Research Institute: Half a century of marine research towards meeting challenges in the West Indian Ocean. International Environmental Law-Making and Diplomacy Review 2008. 91-106

books PublisHED DoHET Accr by THE EDi ukzn TED PrEss: Pub l icAT 2008 ions AnD 2009 2009

Books Published by the Ukzn Press: 2008 and 2009 2008 BOOK TITLE


JANUARY TO JUNE 2008 Shameless

Ntshingila, Futhi

Brooding Clouds

Mpe, Phaswane

Labour and the Challenges of Globalization: What Prospects for Transnational Solidarity?

Bieler, Andreas Lindberg, Ingemar & Pillay, Devan

To the Brink: The State of Democracy in SA

Mangcu, Xolela

Tongues of their Mothers (Poetry)

Xaba, Makhosazana,

HIV/AIDS and Society in South Africa

Ndinga-Muvumba, A JULY TO DECEMBER 2008

Britain in Africa

Porteous, Tom

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? China and Africa

Naidu, S. & Ampiah, K.

Myth of Iron: Shaka in History (Soft cover)

Wylie, Dan

Persons in Community: African Ethics in a Global Culture

Nicolson, Ron

UKZN author

Zulu Identities: Being Zulu, Past and Present

Carton, Laband & Sithole

UKZN author

Gulliver’s Troubles: Nigeria’s Foreign Policy After the Cold War

Adebajo, A. & Mustapha, R.

Oral History in a Wounded Country: Interactive Interviewing in South Africa

Denis, Philippe & Ntsimane, Radikobo

Heterosexual Africa: The History of an Idea from the Age of Exploration to the Age of AIDS

Epprecht, Marc

The Hot ‘Cold War’: The USSR in Southern Africa

Shubin, Valdimir

Magenta (A novel)

Beckett, Denis

New Country (Poetry)

Nyezwa, Mxolisi

Women’s Activism in South Africa: Working Across Divides

Britton, Hannah Fish, Jennifer & Meintjes, Sheila

A New Generation of African Writers: Migration, Material Culture and Language

Cooper, Brenda

Healing Traditions: African Medicine, Cultural Exchange, and Competition in South Africa, 1820-1948

Flint, Karen

UKZN authors

UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009


books PublisHED by THE ukzn PrEss: 2008 AnD 2009


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JANUARY TO JUNE 2009 Sport, Space and Segregation: Politics and Society in Pietermaritzburg

Merrett, Christopher

UKZN author

A Man Who is not a Man (A novel)

Mgqolozana, Thando

Peace versus Justice? The Dilemma of Transitional Justice in Africa

Sriram, Chandra Lekha & Pillay, Suren

A New Scramble for Africa? Imperialism, Investment and Development in Africa

Southall, Roger & Melber, Henning

Africa: The Politics of Suffering and Smiling

Chabal, Patrick

From Global Apartheid to Global Village: Africa and the United Nations

Adebajo, Adekeye

Religion and Spirituality in South Africa: New Perspectives

Brown, Duncan

There was this Goat: Investigating the Truth Commission Testimony of Notrose Nobomvu Konile

Krog, Antjie, Mpolweni, Nosisi & Ratele, Kopano

Towards Gender Equality: South African Schools during the HIV and AIDS Epidemic

Morrell, Robert, et al

UKZN authors

Ways of Writing: Critical Essays on Zakes Mda

Bell & Jacobs

UKZN authors

From Revolution to Rights in South Africa: Social Movements, NGOs and Popular Politics after Apartheid

Robins, Steven L.

Design and Layout: ARTWORKS Communications UKZN authors

Kearney, Paddy

African Ethics: An Anthology of Comparative and Applied Ethics

Murove, Felix

Bulletproof: Afterlives of Anticolonial Prophecy in South Africa and Beyond

Wenzel, Jennifer

Ethnicity, Inc.

Comaroff, John L. & Comaroff, Jean

Johnny Boskak is Feeling Funny and Other Plays

Coetzee, Greig

Re-imagining the Social in South Africa: Critique and Postapartheid Knowledge

Jacklin, Heather & Vale, Peter

Iron Cages: Paradigms, Ideologies and the Crisis of the Postcolonial State

Jones, Alison


UKZN Research Report // 2008/2009

Photography: Patrick Royal, Rod MacLeod and Independent Newspapers KZN Printed by: Atlas Printers Cover: An architect’s impression of the new KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS (K-RITH) building.

UKZN author

JULY TO DECEMBER 2009 Guardian of the Light, Denis Hurley: Renewing the Church, Opposing Apartheid

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UKZN author

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