2 minute read

The rest of the world will say,
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

But some of us were born for more.
Some of us were born to engage.
To activate.

To power on.
Some brought us light.

Some brought us the miracle of flight.
Some brought us the very freedom we have to discover these things.
But they all had one thing in common: they would not be extinguished.
A light switched on in them that could never be turned off.

And the world benefitted.
So go ahead. Fix what isn’t broken.
Tinker, and alter, and update.
And if anyone has a problem with that, We’ll be here waiting.
University of New Haven Power On.

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Early Decision vs. Early Action
If the University of New Haven is your definite first choice, you should plan on applying for Early Decision. By applying for binding Early Decision, students are agreeing that they will enroll at the University of New Haven if they are offered admission.

Early Action means you will receive a decision on your application
If we are one of your top schools but you would like to keep your options open, you should plan on applying for Early Action. Early Action means you will receive a decision on your application much earlier in the process and have more time to make an informed decision about your college choice before the May 1 enrollment deadline.
Students who are admitted under Early Decision or Early Action will receive a guaranteed minimum $15,000 annual merit scholarship.
Test Optional

The University of New Haven does not require students interested in most of our academic programs to submit SAT/ACT scores. As a student-fi rst institution that aims to make education both personal and pragmatic, we want students to determine whether their SAT/ACT scores are an accurate representation of their academic ability.

If students feel their SAT/ACT scores are not relevant, they will not be penalized during admissions review if they do not submit
Students who are admitted under Early Decision or both test scores. for if SAT or ACT scores would negatively affect your chance
Additionally, for most majors and programs, we follow a “do no harm” approach to reviewing applications that includes SAT or ACT score results. When possible, we will only use your submitted SAT or ACT score results if the scores have a positive effect on your admissions decision and/or scholarship. If your SAT or ACT scores would negatively affect your chance of admission and/or scholarship, we will automatically exclude your scores during the review process.
For more details, visit newhaven.edu/testoptional

At the University of New Haven, learning happens at the intersection of hands-on experience and cross-departmental collaboration. Academic and professional success are deeply linked, so each of our fi ve academic colleges and schools blend classical disciplines with career-ready, cutting-edge programs.

Our faculty are active in their areas of professional expertise, and we are constantly transforming our facilities and learning curve, so you can excel at any role you choose. Our interdisciplinary approach will give you the knowledge and tools to pursue even your most audacious goals.