1 minute read
The other side of the product is integrating real-time and route tracking of the buses with a google maps plugin, to replace bus timetables and make it accessible to your phone. Creating reassurance and reliability to when and where the buses are, so you can catch them efficiently.

Behavioural Science Principles
1. Feeling safe on the bus with filling up your card Broken window theory - people are more likely to treat a place poorly if it is not cared for.
2. Increasing “me time”- wifi on buses and stops promotes using the bus without it selling your data as you can’t use wifi while driving. it would certainly make the buses a more attractive option. Whether that is enough to increase frequency of usage remains to be seen.
3. Predictability is very important to improve adoption. Predictability reduces uncertainty which improves the basic economic calculation (“I’d be more inclined to use a bus that’s on time 75% of the time rather than 50% of the time”).
Behavioural science has shown that “losses loom larger”. Losses are more acutely felt than gains/positives.